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Carbonate ramp-to-deeper shale shelf transitions of an Upper

Cambrian intrashelf basin, Nolichucky Formation, Southwest
Virginia Appalachians

Article in Sedimentology · August 1981

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.1981.tb01702.x


181 670

2 authors:

Jim Markello James Frederick Read

Texas A&M University Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)


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Sedirnentology (1981) 28, 573-597

Carbonate ramp-to-deeper shale shelf transitions of an Upper Cambrian intrashelf

basin, Nolichucky Formation, Southwest Virginia Appalachians

J. R. M A R K E L L O * and J. F. R E A D ?
* Chevron U S .A., Inc. and t Department of Geological Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institiitc
and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24601, U.S.A.


The Nolichucky Formation (0-300 m thick) formed on the Cambrian pericratonic shelf i n a shallow
intrashelf basin bordered along strike and toward the regional shelf edge by shallow water carbonates
and by nearshore clastics toward the craton. Lateral facies changes from shallow basinal rocks to
peritidal carbonates suggest that the intrashelf basin was bordered by a gently sloping carbonate ramp.
Peritidal facies of the regional shelf are cyclic, upward-shallowing stromatolitic carbonates. These
grade toward the intrashelf basin into shallow ramp, cross-bedded, ooid and oncolitic, intraclast grain-
stones that pass downslope i n t o deeper ramp, subwave base, ribbon carbonates and thin limestone
conglomerate. Ribbon limestones are layers and lenses of trilobite packstone, parallel and wave-ripple-
laminated, quartzose calcisiltite, and lime mudstone arranged in storm-generated, fining upward
sequences (1-5 cm thick) that may be burrowed. Shallow basin facies are storm generated, upward
coarsening and upward fining sequences of green, calcareous shale with open marine biota; parallel to
hummocky laminated calcareous siltstone; and intraformational flat pebble conglomerate. There are
also rare debris-flow paraconglomerate (10-60 cm thick) and shaly packstone/wackestone with trace
fossils, glauconite horizons and erosional surfaces/hardgrounds. A 15-m thick tongue of cyclic car-
bonates within the shale package contains subtidal digitate algal bioherins which devcloped during
a period of shoaling in the basin.
Understanding the Nolichucky facies within a ramp to intrashelf basin model provides a framework
for understanding similar facies which are widely distributed in the Lower Palaeozoic elsewhere. The
study demonstrates the widespread effects of storm processes on pericratonic shelf sedimentation.
Finally, recognition of shallow basins located on pericratonic shelves is important because such basins
influence the distribution of facies and reservoir rocks, whose trends may be unrelated to rcgional
shelf-edge trends.


The major aim of this paper is to describe a car- carbonate shelf passed south-east into deep water
bonate r a m p t o shallow basin transition associated pelitic sediments of the Piedmont (Fig. 1) (Rodgers,
with a n intrashelf depression on a pericratonic plat- 1968; Reinhardt, 1974; Keith s( Friedinan, 1977).
form. Particular emphasis is placed on the description The regional shelf has been compared to an Atlantic-
o f the facies and possible processes (especially storin- type continental shelf (Bird & Dewey, 1970), peri-
related types) involved in their formation. pheral to a marginal or back-arc basin. This inarginal
The Late Cambrian Nolichucky Formation and basin may have been ensialic and located behind
time-equivalent rocks in the Appalachian Valley and a n Andean-type magmatic arc (Glover ct a/., 1978).
Ridge Province of Virginia developed o n the regional The intrashelf basin was the site of fine clastic and
carbonate shelf o r Appalachian miogeocline (Palmer, carbonate deposition and was bordered to the north-
1971a; Williams, 1978) within and peripheral to a east (along regional depositional strike) and to the
shallow basin upon the shelf (Fig. I).The regional south-east (toward the regional shelf edge) by shallow
0037-0746/8 1/OSOO-0573 $02.00 water carbonates, and to the north-west by nearshore
ic) 1981 International Association of Sedinientologists clastics of the craton (Fig. I ) . This intrashelf basin
5 74 J. R. Markello arid J . F. Read

transition include oolitic and oncolitic grainstones

(seaward of tidal flats), ribbon carbonates of the
deep ramp, and shale, siltstone and limestone con-
glomerates of the shallow basin.
Ribbon carbonates are widespread in Lower
Palaeozoic sequences (Reinhardt & Hardie, 1976;
Cook & Taylor, 1977). Some are developed within
C L A S T I C S OF cyclic, upward shallowing units and are interpreted
as shallow subtidal t o intertidal facies on the basis
of sedimentary structures and position in cycles
(Reinhardt & Hardie, 1976). However, others that
occur in non-cyclic units seaward of peritidal facies,
and grade downslope into deep water facies, may be
PRECAMBRIAN/ deep ramp/slope facies (Cook & Taylor, 1977).
Evidence is presented indicating that Nolichucky
F A C I E S OF ribbon rocks have characteristics of the deeper water
BASIN 1 types.
Deeper water shale and limestone conglomerate
sequences adjacent to Cambro-Ordovician shelves
are described from New York-Vermont (Keith &
Friedman, 1977), and Quebec (Hubert, Lajoie &
Leonard, 1970; Hubert, Suchecki & Callahan, 1977;
St Julien & Hubert, 1975), and are off-shelf slope
Fig. 1. Late Cambrian regional palaeogeography of the and basin deposits that contain sediment gravity flow
southern Appalachian miogcocline showing Nolichucky units. However, thin conglomerate, siltstone and
intrashclf basin as a depression upon the regional car- shale sequences in the Nolichucky Formation largely
bonate shelf. Inset maps locate study area. appear to be storm-generated sequences (cf. Sepkoski,
1978) that formed in relatively shallow, subwave base
appears to be located over a persistent Cambro- settings on a gently sloping ramp and on the shallow
Ordovician depocentre (characterized by thickening basin plain of the intrashelf basin. These and other
of the Cambro-Ordovician carbonates; Colton, 1970). features in Nolichucky sediments are common in
This depocentre later evolved into a deep foreland other Canibro-Ordovician rocks including those from
basin in the Middle Ordovician (Read, 1980). The Alberta (Aitken, 1966, 1967, 1978), Montana (Sep-
Nolichucky intraself basin appears to have many koski, 1975, 1978), Nevada-Utah (Lohmann, 1976),
similarities to the ‘inshore basins’ described from and Texas (Ahr, 1971). Although these fdcies may
the Cambrian of Westcrn Canada (Aitken, 1978), the on superficial examination appear to be similar to
Grcat Basin of the western United States (Palmer, tidal-flat deposits, they lack features typical of
1971b) Lohmann, 1976), the Mesozoic of eastern emergence and show abundant evidence of deposition
Canada (Eliuk, 1978) and intrashelf basins and de- below fair weather wave base.
pressions of Holocene continental shelves (Ginsburg The sequence illustrates the strong influence that
& James, 19741, niany of which are sites of fine clastic the intrashelf basin had on facies distribution on the
deposition and are bounded to seaward by shallow regional shelf and the effects of storm processes on
water carbonates. sedimentation. It also illustrates how the intrashelf
The transition from per-itidal shelf carbonates into basin may control distribution of potential reservoir
Nolichucky intrashelf basin facies appears to have facies, resulting in facies distributions that locally
many of the characteristics of a carbonate ramp (after are unrelated to regional shelf trends.
Ahr, 1973). That is, slopcs were extremely low, which
inhibited devclopnicnt of sediment gravity flows, but
apparently favoured storm-generated sequences over STRATIGRAPHIC SETTING
wide areas. Secondly, grainstones developed in up-dip
positions peripheral to peritidal facies, and linear Upper Cambrian rocks in Virginia are exposed in
build-up trends are absent. Facies comprising the imbricate thrust sheets that moved from south-east
to north-west. Regional biostratigrapliic irelatioris of Copper l i i d g e ~ ~ o n o c o c l i c a g u Formations,
e 330-
the Cambrian units were establishcd by Kesscr ( 1938), 520 m thick (Rodgcrs, 1953; Harris, 1964) (Fig. 2).
Lochman-Balk & Wilson (1958) and Derby (1965) The Honaker Dolomite (300-350 ni thick) con-
who defined the stratigraphic position of several tains stromatolitic dolomites and a massive upper
Dresbachiari trilobite zones and used thtse to cor- unit of oolitic dolomite 20-30 in thick (Fig. 2). The
relate the Cambrian units. Elbrook Formation is up to 520 ni thick, and consists
The Nolichucky Forination (Late Cambrian, of cyclic stromatolitic limestone and dolomite units
Dresbachian) in Virginia, is a shale and limestone overlain by oolitic dolomite (30-40 m thick), and a n
unit (0-285 m thick) that interfingers with Elbrook- upper member, the Widener Limestone (46 m thick)
Honaker carbonates to the north-east (along strike) composed of ribbon rock and ooid and intraclast
and to the south-east (toward the regional shelf edge) limestones (Fig. 2).
(Fig. 2). These units rest on the Cambrian Rome The Upper Cambrian (Franconian and Trempe-
Formation and a r e overlain by Late Cambrian aleauan) Conococheague and Copper Ridge Forma-




B B'
r T


~ I


100 KM - A'
Fig. 2. Nolichucky Formation stratigraphy, regional cross-sections. A palinspastic base map modified from Dennison
RC Woodward (1963) and Dennison (1970) was used to construct stratigraphic cross-sections, and palaeogeographic
maps. Inset map of south-west Virginia (palinspastic base) shows locations of cross-sections. AA' is normal to the
regional shelf trend, BB' is parallel to the shelf trend. Vertical arrows represent measured sections. Dotted lines on cross-
sections are trilobite zonal boundaries (Derby, 1965); from base to top, zones are Bolaspidellu, Ceduriu, Crepicephalus
and Aphelurpis.
576 J. R. Markello and J. F. Read


Fig. 3. Geographicdistribution of Upper Cambrian lithofacies in Virginia during three phases of Nolichucky deposition.

to the south-east (Fig. 2) and consists of cyclic, flat- LLOW SUBTIDAL

pebble conglomerate, oolitic and stromatolitic lime-

stone and dolomite, and minor quartz sandstone. FAIR W E A T H E R WAVE B A S

The Copper Ridge Formation (up to 330 m thick) is

the north-western equivalent of the Conococheague
Formation (Fig. 2 ) and consists of stromatolitic and
\ - ,

oolitic dolomite with minor quartz sandstone. Fig. 4. Schematic profile of peritidal platform-carbonate
The Nolichucky Formation contains five members ramp to intrashelf shale basin transition. Characteristics
of lithofacies shown in Table 1.
(Fig. 2):

TOP Limestone Member, and the Maynardville Lime-

MaynardviffeLimestone4 > 50 m thick; lime- stone) and; (4) shale facies of the intrashelf basin
stone-dolomite ribbon rock, and minor oolitic, (Nolichucky Lower and Upper Shale). The geo-
intraclast and stromatolitic carbonates. graphic distribution of facies during several phases
Upper Shale Member--0-56 m thick, shale, silt- of NoIichucky deposition are illustrated in Fig. 3.
stone, interbedded skeletal and pellet limestone Inferred lateral facies relations are shown in Fig. 4
and limestone conglomerate. and lithofacies are summarized in Table 1.
Middle Limestone M e m b e r 4 - 2 0 m thick, cyclic
shaly limestone and algal bioherms. CYCLIC CARBONATE FACIES
Lower Shale M e m b e r 4 1 2 5 m thick; litho-
logically similar to Upper Shale Member. These include the cyclic stromatolitic facies of the
Lower Limestone Member (or Maryville Lime- peritidal carbonate platform and the cyclic algal
stone, usually mapped separately from the bioherm facies of the intrashelf basin (Fig. 2).
Nolichucky Formation)4-77 m thick; lime- Because the focus of this paper is on the facies com-
stone-dolomite ribbon rock, ooid, intraclast prising the ramp-to-intrashelf basin transition, these
and pellet limestones that pass up into shaly cyclic carbonates are not described in detail.
pellet, skeletal and conglomerate limestone.
Base Cyclic stromatolitic facies of the peritidal carbonate
The Nolichucky and adjacent formations (Fig. 2)
contain four lithofacies suites which make up the Cyclic platform carbonates (Table I ) of the Elbrook-
ramp-to-basin transition. These are: ( 1 ) cyclic car- Honaker and Copper Ridge-Conococheague Forma-
bonates (Elbrook-Honaker, Conococheague-Copper tions occur adjacent to Maryville and Maynardville
Ridge Formations and Nolichucky Middle Lime- oolitic and ribbon carbonates (Fig. 2). The Elbrook-
stone); (2) ooid and oncolitic carbonates of the Honaker beds are partly time equivalent to Noli-
shallow ramp (Upper Honaker-Elbrook, and part chucky strata (Figs 2 and 3). Copper Ridge-Cono-
of the Maryville and Nolichucky Lower and Middle cocheague rocks that overlie Nolichucky beds have
Limestones); (3) ribbon carbonates of the deeper grossly similar cycles to those of the Elbrook-
ramp (Maryville Limestone, Nolichucky Lower Honaker Formations, with occasional quartz-rich
Limestone and Lower Shale, the Elbrook Widener units at tops of cycles. The cycles are generally 1-5 m
Table 1. Summary of lithofacies

Shoal water phase of Intrashelf basin Shallow-ramp sand Peritidal carbonate

Environment intrashelf basin Deep ramp shoals platform
Ooid and skeletal Thin ooid/oncolite Thick units of Cyclic stromatolitic
facies Algal bioherm cycles Shale facies 1st. of shale facies Ribbon carbonate facies grainstone ooid grainstone facies

Occurrence Midde 1st. member Nolichucky, lower Lower and upper Maryville, Nolichucky Ribbon rocks of Elbrook-Honaker Elbrook-Honaker, Cono-
and upper shale shale members and lower Ist., middle 1st. and Maynardville, Mary- cocheague and Copper
members middle 1st. member Maynardville 1st ville, Nolichurchy Ridge fms
lower 1st
Lithologies Cyclic units (1-7 m thick) Shale, calcareous Ooid pkst. and Ribbon carbonates: con- Thin ooid grst. and Thick ooid grst., 1-5 m cyclic upward-
of: (top) ( 5 ) ooid pkst, quartz siltstone, 1st. skeletal grst/pkst., tain skeletal 1st: fining- oncolite intraclast dolomitized. Rare shallowing sequences of:
(4) shaly ribbon carbon- conglomerate and coarse-grained upward storm-generated grst/wkst interbeds of laminite (top) thick laminites and
ates/conglomerate, (3) skeletal 1st.. arranged glauconitic layers (few centimetres and ribbon carbonate cryptalgal laminites; Ilh
digitate algal bioherms, in upward-coarsening thick) composed of skeletal stromatolites, columnar
(2) shaly ribbon carbon- and upward-fining Ist., calcisiltite, and argilla- stromatolites and throni-
ates/conglomerate, (1) sequences (up to 4 m ceous lime mudstone caps; bolites; ribbon carbonates,
basal shale thick) and burrow-mixed layers intraclast lags and cal-
carenites. Dolamiti/ation
of cycles partial (upper
parts) to complete
Geometry and Regionally extensive Tens to over 150 km Sheets, 0.3-8 m thick, Sheets up to 40 m thick, Thin sheets, 1-10 m Elor.gate sheets 10 to Extensive sheets. few
thickness cycles; mainly sheet-like wide, 0-150 m thick, some small lenses 10 to 100 km wide, peri- thick and lenses over 50 km wide, 10 hundred metres thick, tens
units; bioherms range most sediment types and thin sheets, 10- pheral t o embayment several metres wide to 50 m thick, peri- to few hundreds of kilo-
from discrete columns to are in sheets; some 30 cm thick pheral to embayment metres wide
coalescent structures; conglomerates in lenses
conglomerates. Form thin and some skeletal 1st.
sheets and lenses in megaripple and
ripple lenses
Bedding and Shales fissile. Nodular Shales fissile, local Tabular t o ripple Nodular to thin-bedded. Massive to faintly Cross-bedded, some Shallow mudcracks. scours.
structures thin layering. Small-scale sedimentary dikes. cross-bedded. Mega- Many fining-upward layers layered. Some scoured gravel lags starved ripples and silt-mud
parallel, hummocky and Siltstones have par- rippled tops ( a 5-15 (few centimetres thick). basal contacts couplets in thick laminites.
wave-ripple lamination in allel hummocky and cm; up to 2 m). Some highly burrowed Cryptalgalaminites have
ribbon 1st. Bioherms have wave-ripple lamina- Bases commonly layers. Some cross-bedding planar to crinkly lamina-
delicate digitate, faintly tion (1-2 cm ampli- scoured and rare grading in skeletal tion, deep prism-cracks,
laminated sh-fingers. Ooid tude, up to 30 cm 1st intraclastic layers. palisade
pksts. have tabular cross- wavelength). Erosion structure. Thrombolites
lamination surfaces common. have faint sh-lamination:
Some parting digitate structures have sh
casts. Common trace branching fingers. Burrows
fossils (Cruriana facies). present i n ribbon rocks.
Conglomerates are Cycles have erosional bases
non-graded to poorly
graded; mainly clait-
support. Megaripples
and ripples on skeletal
Biota Open marine: trilobites, Open marine: trilo- Open marine: echino- Open marine: trilobites, Mainly transported Mainly transported Restricted: blue green algal
echinoderms, sponges, bites, echinoderms. derms, trilobites, echinoderms, sponges, echinoderm and trilo- skeletal debris mats. Some burrowers
calcareous algae sponges, phosphatic sponges rare Renalcis. Common bite debris. Girvanclla
(Renalris, Girvanella) brachiopods burrowers encrusts Renalcis
Diagenesis Hardgrounds, glauconite Glauconite and hard- Variable late dolomi- Glauconite and hard- Variable dolomitiza- Widespread late (?) Early dolomitization Of
minor dolomitization ground formation. timion. Abundant ground formation. Abun- tion. Hardgrounds dolomitization upper parts of cycles. Late
Much compaction in hardground and dant compaction, pressure- common. Micritiza- dolomitization of basal
shales glauconite formation solution and associated tion of grains common parts of cycles
578 J. R. Markello and J. F. Read

thick and commonly contain, from top to base: (4) O O I D AND ONCOLITIC CARBONATES
thick laminated and cryptalgal laminated dolomite; OF TH E SHALLOW RAMP
(3) cryptalgal thrombolite and digitate stromatolite
heads, and LLH structures; (2) ribbon carbonates Ooid and oncolitic carbonates comprise the upper
(wave-rippled pellet silts with mud drapes); and (1) Honaker Dolomite, the Upper Elbrook Formation
ooid and pellet/intraclast grainstone/intraclast con- just beneath the Widener Limestone Member, and
glomerate. part of the Maryville Limestone, Nolichucky Lower
Elbrook-Honaker carbonates are cyclic, shallow- and Middle Limestone Members and Widener Lime-
ing-upward sequences that developed on the regional stone (Fig. 2 ) . They overlie Elbrook-Honaker cyclic
carbonate shelf north-east (along strike) and south- stromatolite sequences and interfinger with and
east (towards the regional shelf edge) of the Noli- underlie ribbon rocks (Fig. 2).
chucky ramp and intrashelf basin (Figs 1 and 3).
They are similar to Recent and other ancient tidal
Thick ooid grainstone
flat sequences described by Mazzullo & Friedman
(1975), Reinhardt & Hardie (1976) and James (1977) Thick (2040 ni) oolitic dolomites (Table 1) occur in
and result from repeated rapid submergence and sub- the Upper Elbrook and Honaker Formations peri-
sequent progradation of shallow subtidal and tidal pheral to the intrashelf shale basin; they overlie
facies. Elbrook-Honaker cyclic stromatolitic carbonates and
underlie (or grade seaward into) ribbon rocks (Figs
2 and 3). They have rare thin interbeds of flat pebble
conglomerate, cryptalgalaminite or thick laminite.
Cyclic algal bioherrn facies of the intrashelf basin
The oolitic dolomites are dark grey, massive, fine to
Cyclic carbonates that are markedly different from coarse, crystalline dolomite, in which faint large-
the above make up the Middle Limestone tongue scale cross-stratification is evident on weathered out-
of the Nolichucky Formation (Fig. 2). These cycles crops. The oolitic dolomites have relict grainstone
are 1-7 m thick and consist of, from top to base: (5) texture in which the ooids (0.3-0.6 mm diameter)
glauconitic ooid packstone; (4) shaly, ripple-lamin- consist of fine to medium crystalline dolomite in
ated pellet limestone and flat pebble conglomerate; medium-grained dolomite mosaic, or have faint
(3) digitate algal bioherms (Renalcis, Girvanella) up circular outlines in medium crystalline dolomite.
to 1.5 m high and 10 m wide-these rest on flat
pebble conglomerate or skeletal intraclast packstone,
which also forms thin sheets between heads; (2) shaly
pellet limestone and conglomerate similar to (4); and Thick ooid grainstones (and oncolite intraclast grain-
(1 ) basal shale-overlies ooid packstone of previous stones) are interpreted as transgressive lime sand
cycle. sheets, bars or beach ridges that form on the shallow
These cyclic Middle Limestone beds are a shallow- ramp between tidal-flat, cyclic carbonates and sub-
water phase of the intrashelf basin (Figs 2 and 3). tidal fine-grained ribbon limestone and shales (des-
They show a n upward transition from quiet water cribed later). Similar up-dip lime sands have been
shale to rippled pellet silts and high-energy con- described from the Holocene of the Persian Gulf
glomerate channel and storm lags (cf. Reinhardt & (Loreau & Purser, 1973), the Yucatan Shelf (Logan
Hardie, 1976; James, 1977; Friedman & Sanders, eta/., 1969), and Shark Bay (Hagan & Logan, 1974),
1978). The bioherms are high-energy deposits related and the Jurassic ramp of Texas and Alabama (Ahr,
to shallowing, although the biotas of the mounds 1973). The 20-40 m thick Elbrook-Honaker dolo-
still indicate normal marine salinities and open, mitized ooid grainstone resembles facies of modern
subtidal settings. Widespread development of the ooid shoals (to 5 n i depth) which contain rippled and
mounds created low-energy settings which favoured megarippled sediments, are commonly unburrowed,
subsequent deposition of rippled silts and thin storm- and composed of small ooids (less than 0.5 mm),
related conglomerates. Capping ooid packstones may minor skeletal debris, pellets and fibrous cements
reflect shallowing to tide level or they may indicate (Ball, 1967: Loreau &Purser, 1973; Hine, 1977).The
initial deepening (and more frequent agitation) prior thick ooid units formed where the ooid lithotope
to deeper submergence and shale deposition of the occupied the same geographic position for a long
next cycle (cf. Lohmann, 1976). period of time (i.e. rate of sedimentation equalled
Shale shelf transitioris iri the Appalachiaris 579

subsidence/sea-level rise). This stillstand appears t o The ooid grainstones (Fig. 6A) are composed
mark the transition from transgressive t o regressive mainly of ooids (0.3-0.6 m m diameter), intraclasts
conditions (Fig. 2). Thick ooid sands did not develop (up t o 1 cni rounded clasts of ooid grainstone, algal
platformward of the Middle Limestone cyclic car- boundstone and lime mudstone), oncolites, and small
bonates, o r in the offlap (Maynardville-Copper amounts of abraded pelmatozoan debris. Some re-
Ridge) sequence (Fig. 2) because of low-energy worked ooid and skeletal grains have adhering mud/
conditions that reflect the very low gradients on the cement and most grains have micritic rims. Inter-
ramp at these times. granular cements are fine, equant and bladed calcite
and sediments are commonly partly dolomitized.
Thin ooid grainstone and oncolite intraclast limestone Oncolite intraclast limestones are 1-10 m thick
sheets and rare thin (5-30cm) layers and lenses
These are 1-10 ni thick, massive to faintly layered (several metres across with scoured bases). They have
and are interbedded with ribbon rocks and skeletal alternating fine- and coarse-grained laminae (Fig.
limestone of the Maryville, Nolichucky Lower Lime- 6B), and rare tabular cross-stratification. Sediments
stone and Widener Limestone (Figs 2 and 5, Table I ) . are mainly grainstones (partially dolomitized) com-
Hardgrounds are common. posed of granule to pebble size, spherical to discoidal



THRUST '1 2 3.

' 9. ,




Fig. 5. Columnar sections: ribbon rock and grainstone sequences. Sections I , 2, Maryville Limestone; Section 3,
Nolichucky Lower Limestone Member; Section 4, Widener Limestone; Section 5 , Maynardville Limcslonc. Sections
are located on stratigraphic cross-section (insel).
37 $ I I ) 2s
580 J. R. Markello and J. F. Read

Fig. 6. Ooid and oncolite carbonate rocks of the shallow ramp. (A) Photomicrograph of ooid grainstone, Maryville
Limestone. (B) Photomicrograph of cross-laminated oncolite intraclast grainstone. Note oncolites (arrows) with dark
Renulris in cores and lighter outer coats of Girvnnelh. (C) Photomicrograph of oncolite packstone/wackestone. Note
erosion surfaces (arrows) and doloniitiLed oncolite (D).

oncolites and intraclasts (composed of admixtures of Some asymmetric oncolites are in place, with thicker
ooids, skeletal grains, pellets and intraclasts), platy coats o n upper sides of oncolites, but most have been
clasts of G i r ~ * a m l land
u Rc/iulcis limestone, and small rotated.
amounts of ooids, pellets, and abraded and reworked Oncolitic packstones and wackestones (Fig. 6 C )
echinoderm and trilobite fragments (Fig. 6B). Cores occur as rare thin layers and lenses (1-5 cni thick) in
of oncolites contain branching Rr/io/ci.\ clusters ribbon rocks. Packstones commonly have scoured
(locally encrusted on shell fragments) and have and erhsional bases with basal, coarse, oncolitic and
asyninietric and less concentric coats of Girrtnrrlltr. skeleta'l lags that grade up into wackestone. They are
Shale shelftransitions in the Appalachiaiis 58 1

composed of large (up to 7 mm) concentrically coated and 5). They also overlie Nolichucky shales and inter-
Girvanella oncolites (cores of lime mudstone intra- finger with and underlie Conococheague and Copper
clasts or trilobites), together with intraclasts (lime Ridge Formation stromatolitic carbonates (Fig. 2).
mudstone), trilobites, echinoderms, pellets and lime The ribbon carbonates occur in sequences u p to
mud. Many grains have micritized rims, and are 40 ni thick, interbedded with ooid and oncolite grain-
partially to completely dolomitized. Cements are stone, carbonate conglomerate and shale (Fig. 5).
fine equant and fine columnar calcite. Stromatolitic carbonates are locally associated with
Maynardville ribbon facies (Fig. 5). The ribbon car-
bonates (Fig. 8A) consist of nodular skeletal lime-
stones, fining-upward layers (skeletal limestone-
Thin ooid grainstone and interbedded oncolite- pellet limestone-lime mudstone) and dolomottled
intraclast grainstones are similar to modern ooid and layers, that form a gradational sequence from undis-
intraclastic sand ribbons and shoals (0-3 m deep) turbed primary sedimentation units to burrow-
on high-energy sublittoral platforms (Hagan & homogenized units. Regionally correlative glaucon-
Logan, 1974), in that sediments have well-defined itic beds and hardgrounds (Fig. 2) occur in the
layering, hardgrounds, small ooids (average 0.3 niin ribbon rocks, and parallel regional ooid packstone
diameter), reworked ooid and skeletal grains, intra- sheets and biostratigraphic zonal boundaries of
clasts of ooid grainstone and skeletal limestone, and Derby (1965).
calcareous algae attached to clasts.
Some oncolite intraclast sands interbedded with
Skeletal limestones of ribbon carbonates
fine-grained ribbon limestones, and which contain
marine fibrous cement, interstitial mud/micrite Skeletal wackestone, packstone and grainstone that
cement and asymmetric oncolite coats of algal intra- are locally glauconitic, are common lithologies in
clasts, may have formed in slightly deeper parts of, shaly ribbon carbonates of the Nolichucky Lower
or peripheral to active shoals (cf. Hine, 1977). Alter- Limestone; similar skeletal beds also occur in shale
nating coarse and fine layers, basal erosional surfaces facies cf the Nolichucky Formation. The skeletal
with oncolitic and intraclastic lags and rotated beds are layers and lenses of liniestone (4-30cm
asynimetric oncolites mixed with concentrically thick) separated by shale partings, stylolitic dolomite
coated oncolites, suggest that these sediments were seams and hardgrounds. Internally, the limestones
intermittently reworked during storms. Cornnion are burrowed, massive to well-layered and, locally
fibrous cements in the Cambrian lime sands indicate tabular cross-bedded. Well-lsyered units contain
submarine lithification of sands that were immobile centimetre-thick horizontal and inclined layers out-
for long periods (Ball, 1967; Shim, 1969; Hagan & lined by hardground surfaces and glauconite-silt
Logan, 1974). Periodic reworking of these formed concentrations. The hardgrounds are planar to
intraclasts. Some Reriulcis algal clasts formed in place irregular surfaces impregnated. with black opaque
by encrustation of skeletal grains, but others may be material, and generally truncate fabrics of under-
boundstone fragments transported from shallow lying sediments (Fig. 7A and B), although some hard-
water biohernis. grounds developed on wackestone/miidstone lack
truncated fabrics (Fig. 7A). Layers above hard-
grounds are generally graded with coarse, grain-
R I B B O N C A R B O N A T E FACIES O F T H E supported basal sediments passing up into fine
DEEPER RAMP wackestone/m udst one.
The skeletal limestones are fine- to coarse-grained
Ribbon carbonate facies make up parts of the Mary- grainstone, packstone and wackestone that are inter-
ville Limestone, Nolichucky Lower Limestone and layered and locally burrow-mixed. They include
Widener Limestone, are common in the Nolichucky trilobite-dominated to echinoderm-dominated sedi-
Lower Shale and Middle Limestone Meiiibel-s, and ments that also contain spicules, intraclasts (lamin-
comprise the Maynardville Limestone (Figs 2 and 5 ) . ated pellet limestone, lime mudstone, skeletal and
They onlap Elbrook -Honaker grainstone and stroma- ooid limestone and Rcmlris boundstone), variable
tolitic carbonates to the south-east and north-east, amounts of pellets, quartz silt and clay/mica niin-
and interfinger with and underlie Nolichucky shale erals, and locally abundant lime mud. Glauconite is
facies to the north-west and south-west (Figs 2 abundant in soaie packstones. Intraclasts (sand-size
582 J. R. Markello and J. F. Read

Fig. 7. Skeletal limestone lithofacies of the deeper ramp. (A) Photomicrograph of close-spaced, micrite-cemented
hardgrounds in packstone. (B) Photomicrograph of hardground that truncates grains and cement in grainstone. Dark
grains are glauconite. (C) Photomicrograph of multigeneration cl st (arrow) with four erosion sufaces. (D) Photo-
micrograph of in-place, upward branching Renulcis colonies (arrow ) encrusting intracIast. Note hardground near top
of picture (H).

to 4 cm diameter) are dominantly single-generation primary sedimentary fabrics are sufficientlypreserved

clasts but some are ,multigeneration clasts which as to allow environmental analysis.
show evidence of successive cementation, erosion and The skeletal limestone ribbon carbonates are inter-
abrasion (Fig. 7C). Rare, in place, upward-branching preted as subtidal deeper ramp facies because they
algal (Renalcis) colonies encrust some intraclasts lack fqatures indicative of tidal flat deposition, occur
(Fig. 7D). Cements include fine columnar, fine downhlope froni cyclic stromatolitic facies and
equanl, coarse blocky and syntaxial calcite cements. oolitic sands, pass seaward into basinal shale facies
(Figs 2 and 3), and contain open marine biotas
(including calcareous algae) and glauconite.
Wackestones/packstones are low energy, subwave
Compaction and pressure solution have played a n base deposits, in which some of the fine carbonate
important role in the development of ribbon rock may have been carried from adjacent shallow water
fabrics in which argillaceous dolomite seams contain areas to accumulate together with inplace skeletal
close-packed stylolites. Burrows, argillaceous lam- carbonate. Cross-stratified packstone/grainstones
inae, and lime mudstone layers are common loci for are higher energy winnowed ramp sediments that
pressure solution and dolomitization. Similar fabrics may have formed above fair weather wave base, or
interpreted as the products of pressure solution and in subwave base settings subject to periodic reworking
dolomitization have been described by Logan & of bottom sediments.
Semeniuk (1976) and Wanless (1979). However, Abundant hardgrounds, intraclasts and multi-
Shale shelftransitions in the Appalachians 583

generation clasts indicate periods of marine cementa- Laminated calcisiltites fine up into 1 cm thick
tion and dissolution on the sea-floor, possibly during caps of lime mud, that commonly grade up into
times of decreased sedimentation, as in subwave base argillaceous carbonate containing short (1-2 mm)
ramp settings in the Persian Gulf (Shinn, 1969) and wispy stylolites (Fig. 8C, D and E). Caps have sharp
Shark Bay (Hagan & Logan, 1974). Locally abun- erosional tops, rare flame structures, and abundant
dant glauconite in Nolichucky sediments may also horizontal and vertical burrows. Lime mudstones
indicate periods of relatively slow sedimentation, (Fig. 8E) consist of 2-20 ym lime mud/microspar,
when clay-rich fecal pellets were diagenetically pellets, silt-size quartz and glauconite, micas, and
altered on the sea-floor (Degens, 1965). Locally, locally common trilobite detritus. The argillaceous
hardened sediments were subjected to one or more carbonates consist of fine dolomite and clay minerals
periods of cementation and reworking and some with numerous wispy, anastomosing stylolites.
hardgrounds were overlain by storm-reworked
graded sands.
Fining-upward sequences
Fining-upward layers in the ribbon rocks are inter-
Repetitive fining-upward layers (1-5 cm thick) in preted as storm-reworked, deeper-ramp carbonates
ribbon rocks consist of basal skeletal lags, laminated that formed below normal wave base. This is indi-
quartzose calcisiltites, lime mudstone and argilla- cated by the strafigraphic position of the ribbon rocks
ceous stylolitic dolomite caps arranged in thin beds between shallow-ramp ooid grainstones and intra-
(Fig. 8B). Fining-upwards layers may contain all shelf basin shales, by the lack of features indicative
four lithologies or lack one or more units. of exposure, and by the similarity of the fining-
Basal units have planar to irregular micro-scoured upward sequences to ancient storm deposits described
bases (1-5 mm relief) and are mainly trilobite- or by Brenner & Davies (1973), Bowen, Rhoads &
echinoderm-dominated packstone/grainstone or McAlester (1974, p. 96, fig. 4), Ager (1974), Kelling
wackestone. They contain abundant, subhorizontally & Mullin (1975), DeRaaf, Boersma & van Gelder
aligned, convex-up trilobite and lesser echinoderm (1977) and Kreisa (1979). All these occur in sub-
fragments, pellets and lime mud; interparticle and tidal settings adjacent to or interbedded with shales
shelter voids beneath fossils are filled with columnar and other fine sediments, have basal erosion/scour
and equant calcite (Fig. 8C). surfaces, skeletal concentrations, parallel and small-
Laminated calcisiltites (1-2 cm thick) overlie scale hummocky lamination and mud caps.
basal skeletal packstones or rest with sharp contact Such fining-upward layers are generated by erosion
on underlying fine argillaceous caps of the underlying and redeposition of sediments during and following
sequences (Fig. 8B and D). They consist of single or storms. Basal erosion surfaces form as high-energy
multiple sets of laminae(Fig. 8D) arranged in parallel, storm waves scour and suspend bottom sediments,
horizontal, small-scale hummocky (Harms et a/., and redeposit winnowed material as storm lags
1975) (up to 1 cm amplitude, 5-10 cni wavelength) (Brenner & Davies, 1973; Bowen et al., 1974; Kreisa,
and wave-ripple ( I cm amplitude, 1-5 cm wave- 1979), whereas the calcisiltites and their lamination
length) sets. Horizontally laminated sediments com- types form under waning storm-energy conditions as
monly occur in lower parts of laminated units and suspended fines settle from suspension (Reineck &
are overlain by hummocky laminated and wave- Singh, 1972; Harms eta/., 1975; Hamblin &Walker,
ripple-laminated sets. Bases of sets are conformable 1979; Kreisa, 1979).
or are erosional, and laminae generally parallel basal The transition from parallel t o hummocky and
set boundaries (Fig. 8D). Within sets, laminae both wave-ripple cross-lamination within the calcisiltites
thin and fine upward. Laminated units are locallydis- may relate to waning energy conditions. The parallel-
rupted by burrows (Fig. 8D). The calcisiltites consist laminated calcisiltites may form above basal scours/
of pellets, variable amounts of silt-size quartz/ shell lags by deposition from storm-generated density
feldspar, opaques (including pyrite), glauconite and currenls while storm water levels are still high
scattered flat-lying platy fossils (trilobite and phos- (Hamblin &Walker, 1979); by suspension deposition
phatic brachiopod fragments); mica plates are con- of storm-suspended sediment under the influence of
centrated in thin laminae that alternate with mica- wave-, tide- or wind-driven currents (Reineck &
poor layers which outline the layering. Singh, 1972); and/or by deposition of sediment under
584 J . R. Markello arid J . F. Rcad

Fig. 8. For legend see opposite.

Shale shelf transitions in the Appalachians 585







Fig. 9. Columnar sections : shale-siltstone-conglomerate sequences, Nolichucky Lower and Upper Shale Members.
Positions and widths of arrow stems at index column represent stratigraphic locations and thickness of shale intervals
magnified in adjacent columns.

the influence of high, wave-induced, oscillatory decreased during storm dissipation. Finally, wave-
bottom-current velocities (Allen, 1970, p. 170). ripple cross-lamination forms as a traction lamina-
Hummockycross-stratification (Harmset a/., 1975; tion, commonly produced by oscillatory waves asso-
Kreisa, 1979) has features that are intermediate ciated with tidal currents (Harms et a/., 1975) and
between horizontal parallel lamination and wave- probably reflects lower suspended load in the water
current ripple lamination (e.g. laminae are gently column, lower currents (Allen, 1970, p. 170) and
undulating, laminae thicken over crests, crests of possibly decreased water depths, than the planar and
laminae are in-phase, and sets locally truncate under- hummocky types.
lying sets), and may be a transitional bedform Lime mudstone and argillaceous dolomite caps of
between the two end members. The in-phase char- fining-up sequences are low-energy suspension
acter of hummocks in part reflects high suspended deposits formed by deposition of storm-suspended
sediment supply. Hummocky cross-stratification may fine sediment (Bowen et a/., 1974; DeRaaf et al.,
be caused by strong wave action, with surges of 1977; and Kreisa, 1979), and accumulation of fines
greater displacement and velocity than those required either generated in situ o r carried on to the deeper
to form ripples (Harms et al., 1975) but lower than ramp between storms. The common occurrence of
those required to form plane lamination (Allen, 1970, lime mud layers overlain by argillaceous dolomite
p. 170). Alternatively, hummocky lamination may caps may result from settling of lime mud before
be produced in sediments that are transported by platy, lower density clay minerals. It may also be
storm-generated density currents, and reworked and caused by influx of terrigenous fines on to the deeper
deposited under the influence of storm waves ramp during and following storms, when rivers in
(Hamblin & Walker, 1979), possibly as water levels flood debouched into the basin.

Fig. 8. Ribbon rock lithofacies. (A) Outcrop photograph of ribbon rock (light layers are limestones; dark layers are
dolomitic). (B) Polished slab of fining-upward sequences. Scale in millimetres. (C) Photomicrograph of fining-upward
sequences showing basal scours (arrows), skeletel packstones and dolomitized mud caps (dark). 1 cm bar scale on left.
(D) Photomicrograph of lamination in pellet limestones of fining-upward sequences. Note erosional boundary at base
of upper set (arrow). (E) Photomicrograph of burrowed lime mudstone. Note geopetal filling of burrows with sediment
and cement. (F) Polished slab of dolomottled ribbon rock.
586 J . R . Markcllo a i d J . F. Rcad

50 cni thick) of liniestone conglonierate (or skeletal

Dolomottled ribbon rocks
1i niest one)-si It st one-shale.
Doloniottled ribbon rocks range from slightly bur-
rowed, fining-upward layers t o burrow-disrupted
Shale units
irregular layers and mottles of lime mudstone, cal-
cisiltite, and skeletal packstone to wackestone. Shale units (Fig. 10A) are u p to 4 m thick in the
Anastomosing thick stylolites and stylolitic seams Lower and Upper Shale members, and extend as
are common. tongues into ribbon carbonate facies (Fig. 2). The
Within slightly burrower'. fining-upward layers shale is green to dark grey, fissile, calcareous, and
(Fig. 8F), basal skeletal packstone, laminated cal- contains scattered layers of trilobite, phosphatic
cisiltite and mudstone caps are present, but scoured brachiopod and rare pelmatozoan debris. The shales
bases are burrowed, skeletal fragments lack preferred consist of elongate flakes of biotite, rare muscovite,
orientation, lamination is burrow-disrupted and chlorite and other clay minerals, fine quartz/feldspar
lithologies are mixed. Large burrows traverse entire silt, lime mud and euhedral dolomite (20-200 uni
sequences and are filled with host sediment, cement rhombs).
o r stylolitic dolomite. Compacted sedimentary dikes occur in two region-
Highly burrow-disrupted ribbon rocks consist of ally extensive shale layers (3.3 and 1 in thick), which
splierical, elliptical to irregular limestone nodules occur 3-10 ni above the Middle Limestone Member
(0.5-2 cni thick, 1-5 cm long) enclosed by horizontal (Fig. 10B). The dikes can be traced upward into para-
to vertical anastomosing stylolitic argillaceous dolo- conglorrerate and siltstone beds which overlie shale
mite seams. Burrows preserved within nodules are units. They taper downward, and are highly com-
filled with host sediment and cement, and disrupt pacted to 40';; of original length. Dike fills, which
primary layering. are similar to overlying paracongloinerates to which
dikes connect, contain clast-supported quartzose
Iiiterpretation limestone conglomerate with subrounded intraclasts
(up to 2.5 cm across) of laminated calcisiltite, skeletal
Dolomottled ribbon rocks, that contain slightly limestone and lime mudstone and inter-clast quart-
burrowed, fining-upward sequences to burrow zose skeletal wackestone.
homogenized units, may have formed by burrowing
of storm deposits. Burrowers may have been unable
to mix sedimentswhere intervals between storrnswere
short. Highly burrowed layers mayreflect longer times Shale facies of the Nolichucky Formation are inter-
between storms o r periods when numbers of infaunal preted as shallow basin facies formed below normal
organisms were high. Consequently, all gradations wave base because they are stratigraphically furthest
from little-burrowed, fining-upward sequences to from peritidal facies, are enclosed by subtidal ribbon
burrow-homogenized limestones are present. rocks, are fine grained, and lack features suggestive
of shallow-water deposition or emergence. These
facies are similar to shale sequences from intrashelf
SHALE FACIES OF THE INTRASHELF basins in the Cambrian (Aitken, 1978) and Mesozoic
BASIN (Eliuk, 1978). Depositional slopes were very low,
indicated by horizontal regional time markers (zonal
Intrashelf basin shale facies comprise the Nolichucky boundaries, glauconite and hardground horizonr,
Upper and Lower Shale Members, and are enclosed ooid packstone sheets, sedimentary dike layers and
by r i b b m rock and grainstone ramp facies to the Middle Limestone Member; Fig. 2), and by the
nirth-ea5t and south-east (Fig. 2). They consist of general lack of turbidites, slump structures and intra-
shale, calcareous quartz siltstone, limestone con- formational truncation surfaces which are associated
glonieratc, and lesser glauconitic skeletal and ooid with steeper platform margins. Estimates of water
packstone/gr-dinstone. The units are comnionly depths during deposition of shale lithofacies range
arranged in upward-coarsening sequences, 30 t o from a few metres (estimated from Middle Limestone
40 cm thick (Fig. 9) that consist of shale-siltstone- upward-shallowing cycles containing basal shales)
conglomerate (or skeletal limestone). Less commonly, to a few tens of metres (estimated from thickness
they form fining-upwards sequences (typically u p t o of the Upper Shale/Maynardville Limestone

Fig. 10. Shale and siltstone lithofacies. (A) Cutcrop photograph of Nolichucky shale and interbedded siltstone. Staff
(bottom centre) is 1.5 m long. (B) Outcrop photograph of small compacted sedimentary dyke in shale. (C) Polished slab
photograph of planar to hummocky laminated siltstone. Scale in cenlimetres. 1.
interval from maximum transgression to Copper rare in the siltstones, occurring at tops of units whcre
Ridge peritidal facies). Aitken (1978) suggested water rippled bedforms are preserved by clay drapes. Many
depths greater than 8-1 2 ni for similar shale sequences parallel sets have laminae which thin upward, but
in Canada. some have laminae which are thickest in the middle
Studies of mud deposition on modern continental of sets.
shelves suggest that most fine-grained sediments, once Some siltstone layers have parting casts (Ksiazkie-
introduced into the marine realm by river jets at wicz, 1958; Dzulynski & Walton, 1965) which create
deltas, are transported to shelf environments in polygonal patterns on bedding planes. They are
turbid nepheloid o r bottom boundary layers by wind confined to siltstones and appear to be absent from
and tidal currents, and accumulate by settling from shales. In vertical section, the partings are a few
suspension (Howard & Reineck, 1972; McCave, millimetres wide and up to 1.5 cm deep. They widen
1972; Drake, 1976; Swift, 1976). Storms maintain then thin upward, typically have non-matching walls,
suspension of, or cause resuspension of, muds and and some are highly compacted (to 5Oo0 original
assist in further transport (Drake, 1976). length). They have fills of fine mud or silt, with a
Sedimentary dikes in Nolichucky shales are similar crude vertical flow layering outlined by silt stringers
to those described by Waterson (l950), Peterson o r vertical, platy fossils. Fills appear to have been
(1968), Truswell (1972) and Williams (1976) in that injected both from above and below.
they are stratigraphically (vertically) restricted, re- Siltstones also have abundant trace fossils which
gionally extensive, composed of coarser silts, sands include curvilinear crawling and resting traces, rare
and gravels, and occur in shales. The major suggested tracks, meandering trails and shallow oblique and
mechanism of emplacement is remobilization of vertical burrows similar to the Critziurra facies of
water-charged sediments (both shales and sands) by Seilacher (1967) and Crimes (1975).
liquefaction, triggered by seismic shock (Sims, 1974, Siltstone laminae are outlined by aligned mica/
1975; and Rymer & Sims, 1976) o r slope failure and clay minerals, ca!cite cement-rich layers, and stylo-
slumping. Other ancient sedimentary dikes (Hoffman, litic concentrations of densely packed quartz silt.
1975) are interpreted as injected fills of subaqueous They are composed dominantly of angular quartz/
syneresis cracks. Friedman & Sanders (1978, pp. feldspar silt, minor mica/clay minerals, rare glau-
408-409) suggest that dikes are emplaced along conite, pyrite, detrital heavy minerals, rare skeletal
parallel syneresis joint systems in slightly compacted grains (trilobite, echinoderms and phosphatic brach-
shales, and are later contorted as shales compact iopod fragments), and calcite, lesser dolomite and
further. quartz cement.

Calcareous quartz siltstone Iiiterpretatioii

These occur as 1-10 cm thick beds (Fig. IOC) in 0.3- The siltstones of the Nolichucky shale-siltstone-con-
2 m thick siltstone intervals of coarsening-upward glomerate sequences might be considered to be tidal
sequences (Figs 9 and 10A). Siltstones are sharp flat deposits, o n the basis of the association of flat
based, thinly laminated with shale partings and, in pebble conglomerates and parting casts that super-
coarsening-upward sequences, siltstone beds thicken ficially resemble mudcracks. However, a tidal flat
and shale partings thin upward. Locally, siltstones origin is not likely because:
have thin conglomerate interbeds. ( I ) The ‘mudcracks’ o r parting casts differ from
Siltstone beds (Fig. 1OC) contain parallel, hum- desiccation cracks, because in tidal flat silts and
mocky and rare wave-ripple lamination (1-2 cm mud it is typically the mud layers that are cracked
amplitude, 10-30 cm wavelength). Single beds may (cf. Hardie & Ginsburg, 1977). In the Noli-
consist of one lamination set or of several sets separ- chucky beds, the siltstones are ‘cracked’ and the
ated by basal erosion surfaces. Laminae are 1-3 mni fine muddy layers o r shales lack cracks. Similar
thick, continuous, parallel, basal erosion surfaces features have been described by Ksiazkiewicz
thicken over crests of hummocks and thin into (1958) and Dzulynski & Walton (1965) from
troughs. Parallel lamination, the most abundant flysch sequences, and by Pfeil & Read (1980)
lamination type, comprises complete siltstone beds from carbonate slope facies. These structures
o r occurs in lower parts of beds and grades u p into may be due to creep o r slumping on a slope
hummocky lamination. Wave-ripple lamination is (Dzulynski & Walton, 1965; Pfeil &Read, 1980).
Shale shelf transitions in the Appalachians 589

They might also reflect compaction and volume similar manner, Nolichucky siltstones have more
reduction due to dewatering; this hypothesis is abundant parallel lamination, lower amplitude and
supported by the highly compacted nature of longer wavelength hummocky lamination, and less
some of the filled cracks. wave-ripple lamination than laminated calcisiltites
(2) The sediments have open marine biotas. of deep-ramp ribbon rocks. This may reflect the
(3) The stratigraphic relations and lithofacies pre- action of large storm waves in the basin compared
clude a tidal flat setting. The siltstones of the shale to that of damped waves in shallower, ramp settings
facies are separated from peritidal carbonates of (cf. Allen, 1970, pp. 171-172). A basin setting also is
the Elbrook-Honaker Formations by the sub- supported by the presence of Cruziana trace fossils
tidal ooid sands and ribbon carbonates of the on siltstone beds.
shallow ramp. There is no evidence of cryptalgal
sediments in limestone beds associated with the Carbonate conglomerates
siltstones, neither do the siltstones contain char- Conglomerates occur throughout the Nolichucky
acteristics of clastic tidal flat deposition such as Formation, but are best developed in the Lower and
herringbone cross-stratification, flaser bedding Upper Shales (Fig. 9) where they are interbedded with
and reactivation surfaces. shales and shaly ribbon rocks, cap coarsening-up
The shales and siltstones do not resemble tur- cycles or, less commonly, occur at bases of upward-
bidite sediments because they lack graded bedding, fining sequences. Conglomerates are 2-30 cm thick
Bouma sequences, flutes, tool marks and slumps. and rarely up to 60 cm thick. They are single and
They are interpreted on the basis of regional relations rare composite thin sheets and broad lenses (tens of
and sedimentary features, as intrashelf basin sedi- metres across). Some units thicken and thin or form
ments, deposited below subwave base by storm discontinuous boudin-like layers, and others pinch
processes. out into shales or fine laterally into calcisiltites or
Parallel, hummocky and wave-ripple laminated siltstones. Systematic regional variation in bedding
siltstones of the Nolichucky Formation resemble silt- thickness is not apparent. Bases of conglomerate units
stones interbedded with shales in the Holocene are planar to irregular and scoured, and tops are
(Reineck & Singh, 1972), Cretaceous (Masters, 1967; draped by finely laminated lime mud or rippled pellet
Harms et al., 1975) and Ordovician (Kreisa, 1979), limestone. Rare units are capped by hardgrounds.
and storm-deposited laminated calcisiltites in the Most conglomerates are clast-supported, unsorted
Nolichucky deep-ramp ribbon rock facies. Holocene and non-graded to poorly graded. Rare paracon-
parallel-laminated silts occur in shales of the Gulf of glomerates occur in some thick shales. Clasts are
Mexico and North Sea shelves at depths up to 40 m spherical to platy and discoidal, are well rounded to
and as far as 45 km from shore (Reineck & Singh, angular, and have random, subhorizontal, imbricate,
1975). Calcareous silts in the Nolichucky intrashelf edgewise, and fanned orientations (Fig. 1IA).
basin and deep ramp may have been generated in-place Clasts in conglomerates within shale units lack edge-
by winnowing of skeletal sediments, and may have wise arrangements and are generally smaller, less
been carried into the basinfromsurroundingshallower platy and better rounded than those of conglomerates
water carbonate areas. Quartz silts in the basin must that rest on limestone beds.
have been transported considerable distances, over In most conglomerates, clasts are dominantly
300 km, from the north-western clastic belt (Fig. 1). laminated pellet limestone, lime mudstone, lesser
Hayes (1967) considered that sediments of hurri- skeletal wackestone, and some multigeneration clasts
cane-generated storm sequences in water depths of of laminated pellet limestone/skeletal packstone
20-30 m were transported seaward by turbidity flow. (Fig. 1 I B) and limestone conglomerate (Fig. 1 1 0
Hamblin & Walker (1979) also propose storm- Rare multigeneration clasts contain first-generation
generated turbidity currents as the mechanism for pebbles, accretionary sediment and erosion surfaces,
transporting shelf sediments in the Mesozoic of all of which indicate multiple depositional, cementa-
Western Canada. However, Howard & Reineck tion and erosional events. In many conglomerates,
(1972) favour transport of storm-suspendedsediments clast lithologies are similar to immediately underlying
by tide- or wind-driven turbid water masses. or laterally equivalent limestones. Many clasts have
Reineck & Singh (1975) note that deeper offshore red-stained borders, and are cut by burrows and
storm-generated laminated sequences pass shoreward borings (?) filled with mud or interclast sediment
into shallow, wave-ripple-laminated sediments. In a (Fig. 1 1 B). Some clasts have been bent and cracked
590 J. R. Markcllo and J. F. Rcad

Fig. 1I . Limestone conglomerate lithofacies. All photographs are of polished slabs and all scales in centimetres.
(A) Slab of conglomerate that overlies limestone. Note edgewise and fanned orientation of some clasts, and platy clast
shapes. (€3) Conglomerate with multigeneration clasts of pellet liniestone/skeletal packstone (M). Note burrows preserved
in clasts (B). (C) Slab ofconglomerate (20 cm thick) that is enclosed i n shale and occurs north-west (basinward) ofshallow-
ramp, thick, ooid grainstones. It contains large multigeneration conglomerate clasts(M), and sediments of oolitic skeletal
sand. (D) Slab of paraconglomerate with lime mudstone clasts i n shaly lime mud matrix.

by compaction, and V-shaped brittle fractures are rowed lime mudstone, lesser laminated pellet lime-
filled by inter-clast sediment o r cement. stone, and skeletal wackestone in lime mud matrix
Inter-clast sediment ranges from lime mudstone to (Fig. 1 1 D).
grainstone, but in most conglomerates is skeletal
intraclast packstone composed of poorly sorted,
rounded to angular, skeletal material (trilobites,
echinoderms, phosphatic brachiopods, and rare Most Nolichucky conglomerates interlayered with
sponge spicules), intraclasts, lime mud, rare ooids, basin shale and siltstone facies are not earthquake-
glauconite, quartz silt, and columnar and equant triggered sediment gravity flow deposits (Cook et al.,
calcite cement. Inter-clast lime mud is commonly 1972) because units are thin (a few tens ofcentimetres),
dolomitized and locally is iron oxide stained. clasts are small and locally derived, and depositional
Rare mud-supported paraconglomerates (up to slopes are low.
45 c m thick) occur in the Upper Shale Member Nolichucky conglomerates are very similar to
5-10 m above the Middle Limestone Member, where ancient subtidal shallow-shelf conglomerates de-
they are enclosed in thick shales and are associated scribed by Sepkoskr (1975, 1978), Chudzikiewicz
with compacted sedimentary dikes. These conglom- (1975), Jones & Dixon (1976) and Kazmierczak &
erates have planar scoured bases overlain by thin Goldriiig ( 1978), and which are believed to have
basal laycrs of coarse skeletal packstone, and grade formed by storm processes. These conglomerates
into overlying shales. They consist of unoriented, occur in limestone-shale sequences in beds 30-60 cm
unsorted, poorly rounded t o angular clasts of bur- thick, are dominantly clast-supported with inter-
Skakc shelf trawsitioirs iir the Appuluchiaiw 59 I

particle skeletal-intraclast packstone to mudstone, lobes that fine seaward, and prograde during storms
and contain clasts that are platy to discoidal, up to when sediments are transported and deposited in
10 em long, in subhorizontal and imbricate to edge- deeper water environments. In a similar manner, the
wise arrangements. Nolichucky coarsening-upwards sequences may have
Clasts in the conglomerates have similar litho- formed by progradation of siltstone sheets and lobes
logics to underlying units (Chudzikiewicz, 1975 and over basin shales. Capping conglomerates may have
Kazinierczak & Goldring, 1978). They form during been deposited as the prograding lobes, with surficial
high-energy storms when semi-lithilied bottom sedi- conglomerate-filled channels, migrated out over silt-
ments areeroded; currentsarereinforced by thestorni stones that formed fans in front of the channels. The
and eroded sediments are transported and later conglomerates may be analogous to the storm-surge,
redeposited under waning encrgy conditions (Kelling subtidal, coquinoid sandstones in shelf sequences
& Mullin, 1975). Many Nolichucky clasts are bored, described by Brenner & Davies (1973). Some con-
and have grains and cement truncated at borders, glomerate caps might also have formed during subse-
which indicates that some sediments were highly quent storms by erosion of previous storm-deposited
lithified when reworked, a conclusion supported by siltstones that had become cemented at or near to
the abundance of hardgrounds and marine fibrous the sediment-water interface.
cements in Nolichucky sedinicnts. Other clasts may Rare paraconglomerates interbedded with thick
have been fragments of fine lime sediment that was shales and composed of subangular, poorly graded
sufficiently coherent to be reworked as pebbles. clasts of lime mudstone, and lesser laminated pellet
Rounded to angular shapes of clasts indicate limestone in mud matrix, contain allochthonous
variable lateral transport during resedimentation. debris. They resemble debris flow deposits (Cook c’t
Transport is neither unidirectional nor from a point a/., 1972) in that they are laterally extensive, enclosed
or linear source because a systematic gradient in in shales, massive to poorly graded, and have mud
conglomerate bedding thickness and clast size is support fabrics, planar bases, locally irregular tops
absent. Oligomictic conglomerates which rest on and subangular clasts. It is possible that slopes in the
limestones and contain large, angular to subrounded Nolichucky basin were locally sufficient to sustain
platy clasts, may have undergone little lateral trans- debris flow. Perhaps storin-induced sediment trans-
port as evidenced by proximity to source sediments port from limestone lithotopes may have initiated
(stibjacent limestones) and angular shapes of many debris flow following rapid deposition upon water-
clasts. However, wave reworking of sediments was saturated, uncompacted shales.
capable of round iiig highly I i t hified 1imestone frag-
ments such as iiiultigeneration clasts (Fig. 11C).
Skeletal limestone
Clasts in grain-supported conglonierates that overlie
shale beds may have undergone greater lateral Skeletal limestones (up to 30 cm thick) interbedded
transport, because clasts were eroded from limestone/ with shale Iithofacies occur as thin beds and starved
siltstone lithotopes and deposited on shales; these ripple/megaripple lenses within shale, as basal
clasts tend to be smaller and better rounded than skeletal lags in upward-fining sequences, as skeletal
clasts in conglomerates that overlie limestone. caps in upward-coaisening shale-siltstone-skeletal
Kandomly developed conglomerates and locally limestone sequences, and as beds interlayered with
developed upward-fi ni ng sequences wit I1 congl omer- conglomerates. Caps of skeletal limestones may be
atic basal lags probably developed as a result of rippled or niegarippled. Some have scoured and load-
recurrent storms (Jones & Dixon, 1976; Kreisa, casted bases. Units are massive to thin-layered, to
1979). Although also probably storm generated, the ripple-cross-laminated, and some contain hard-
more common upward-coarsening sequences of grounds. They are mainly glauconitic skeletal grain-
shale-siltstone-conglomerate have some similarities stonelpackstone that resemble skeletal sands in
to basal portions of progradational sandy shoreline ribbon carbonates, and lime sand matrix of con-
sequences i i the North Sea and Gulf of Gaeta glomerates in shale sequences. They mainly consist
(Keincck & Singh, 1975, pp. 314 and 330). These of trilobite and echinoderm fragments, intraclasts,
modern sequences which consist of interlayered silty pellets, interstitial lime mud and variable amounts of
muds, storm-reworked parallel and hummocky glauconite. These are similar to skeletal beds of the
laminated silts, and thick beds of shoreface cross- ribbon carbonates (Fig. 7).
bedded sands, occur as progradational sheets and
592 J. R. Markello and J. F. Read

Interpret ation Ooid packstone

Probably all of the skeletal sands are storm-reworked Ooid packstone sheets (0.3-8 m thick) occur between
deposits, indicated by association with upward- shaly ribbon limestones and the overlying shales in
fining and upward-coarsening sequences, interlayer- the Nolichucky Lower Limestone/Lower Shale Mem-
ing with conglomerates, presence of abundant intra- bers and in thin layers and lenses in shaly limestones
clasts, starved ripples and megaripples. Some sands and shales beneath the cyclic Middle Limestone
may have undergone considerable lateral transport (Fig. 2). They also cap cycles in the Middle Limestone
during storms, especially those that rest with sharp (Fig. 2). Basal contacts of ooid beds are commonly
basal contacts o n shales, and some may even have erosional, and upper contacts are sharp with preserved
been transported from ribbon carbonate lithotopes. symmetrical megaripples (5-15 c m ampIitudes, 0.5-
Others may have resulted from storm reworking of 2 m wavelength; Fig. 12A). Thick oolitic units have
locally produced skeletal sediment. thin tabular cross-stratified sets. Hardgrounds and

Fig. 12. Ooid packstone facies of the intrashelf basin. (A)Ooid packstone, Middle Limestone Member. Note megarippled
top overlain by shale and the centimetre scale (arrow). (3)Photomicrograph of ooid packstone with sediment-filled
bedding plane parting (arrows) that separates cemented ooid packstone beds. Coarse crystalline ooids are dolomitized.
( C ) Photomicrograph of ooid packstone; platy ooid nuclei are mainly trilobite fragments.
Shale shelf transitions in the Appalachians 593

marine-cemented layers are common and include C O M P A R I S O N WITH OTHER

cryptocrystalline calcite-cemented layers separated INTRASHELF B A S I N SEQUENCES
by bedding-plane partings filled with infiltrated ooid
sediment (Fig. 12B). The Nolichucky intrashelf basin has facies that are
The ooid packstone (Fig. 12C) consists of mod- similar to those in intrashelf basins in the Cambrian
erate- to well-sorted, medium sand- to granule-size of the United States and Canada (Palmer, 1971b;
ooids, intraclasts (lime mudstone, quartzxe calcisil- Aitken, 1978) and the Mesozoic of Canada (Eliuk,
tite, and skeletal limestone), locally abundant 1978). They are bordered toward the regional shelf
echinoderm and trilobite fragments, spicules, glau- edge by shallow-water carbonate platforms that
conite, and abundant interstitial lime mud/pelletal periodically shoaled to tidal levels. Consequently
mud. Ooids have well-developed radial fabric and these ‘rimming platforms’ commonly have interbeds
nuclei that include pellets and skeletal grains (Fig. of carbonate tidal flat facies. Width of the rimming
12C). Thin, fine-columnar cement partially to corn- platform for the Appalachians is not known. How-
pletely fringes ooids, but most interparticle void ever, rimming platforms may have ranged from 20
space is filled with lime mud/pellet mud and minor to 400 km wide in the Cambrian of Western Canada
equant cement. Dolomitization of ooids is partial (Aitken, 1978), and up to 30 km wide in the Mesozoic
(only nuclei replaced) to complete, and commonly is of eastern Canada (Eliuk, 1978).
localized within layers. Inshore basins may be extremely large. Aitken
(1978) suggests the Cambrian basin of Western
Canada was 1900 km long by 700-1 10 km wide. In
the Appalachians, the basin may have been 800 km
Ooid packstones are interpreted on the basis of long by 300-400 km wide. The Mesozoic intrashelf
stratigraphic setting as subtidal sand sheets that basin in eastern Canada appears to be smaller
accumulated in shallow basin settings, s-award of (500 km long by 70 km wide; Eliuk, 1978).
nearshore grainstone shoals and deeper-ramp, ribbon Slopes into the intrashelf basins appear to be low,
carbonate environments. The ooid packstones differ probably of the order of a few metres per kilometre.
from the other ooid sediments in that they occur in Consequently, facies transitions from the platform
extensive thin sheets overlain by shales, have pre- into the basin are typically ramp-like and lack the
served megarippled bedding surfaces, and are pack- turbidites and megabreccias that seem to characterize
stones with large ooids (1-4 mm) with pronounced steep shelf edges. Instead, the facies grade from lime
radial fabrics, open marine fossil asemblages and sands into muddy carbonates and then into shale
glauconite. sequences. An important feature associated with the
Holocene oolitic sediments similar to Nolichucky transition is that thick ooid grainstone bodies may
ooid packstones are forming in protected Persian be located irnmediately.behind the rimming platform.
Gulf lagoons where ooids are moved only during lntrashelf basins appear to be bordered toward the
storms, and sustained low-energy periods allow for craton by nearshore clastics which are locally intro-
precipitation of thick radial oolitic cortexes (Loreau duced via delta-systems and redistributed by marine
& Purser, 1973). Similar ooid packstones occur in currents. Intrashelf basin fills common:y are olive-
intrashelf basin shale facies of the Mesozoic shelf, green shale, calcisiltite, quartz siltstone, open marine
Canada, where they also have pronounced radial skeletal limestone and locally, radial-ooid packstone.
fabrics (Eliuk, 1978) and in the Cambrian inshore Flat pebble conglomerates, glauconite and hard-
basin facies of Canada (Aitken, 1978). The radial grounds are common, particularly in the Cambrian
fabrics may be partly diagenetic, although they examples. Finally, and of great importance, is that
probably reflect primary radial fabrics that were basin fills appear to be dominantly subtidal facies
either aragonitic or high Mg calcite. Megaripple that may have formed below fair weather wave base.
bedforms on subwave base oolitic sediments are
generated during periodic high tides and large storms,
and are preserved because of the subwave base setting CONCLUSIONS
and possible stabilization of sediments by subtidal
algal films (Bathurst, 1975). ( I ) Upper Cambrian (Dresbachian) facies of the
Nolichucky and adjacent formations accumulated
within and peripheral to a shallow intrashelf basin on
594 J. R. Markello andJ. F. Read

the Appalachian pericratonic carbonate shelf. The gravity flows may have been involved in deposition
intrashelf basin was bordered to the west by the of rare paraconglomerates interbedded with shales.
North American craton. It was bordered by a ( 5 ) Recogition of intrashelf basins o n continental
shallow ramp-tidal flat complex to the north-east shelves is important because such basins strongly
(along strike) and to the south-east (toward the influence distribution of associated facies (including
regional shelf edge). The location of the shelf basin potential reservoir rocks), whose trends may largely
above a pet sistent Lower Palaeozoic depocentre be unrelated to regional shelf-edge trends.
suggests a genetic relationship. Similar basins occur
in the Cambrian of western Canada (Aitken, 1978)
and the Mesozoic of eastern Canada (Eliuk, 1978). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(2) Lithofacies occur in broad bands which inter-
grade laterally and vertically. Four lithofacies suites This paper is based on an M.S. Thesis by J. R.
that make u p the ramp-intrashelf basin transition Markello, under the supervision of J. F. Read.
are: (I)cyclic carbonate peritidal facies; (2) shallow- Thanks are given to W. D. Lowry, C. G . Tillman,
ramp, high-energy ooid and oncolitic grainstones; George A. Grover, Jr, Ronald D. Kreisa and J. D.
( 3 ) deeper-ramp ribbon carbonates (skeletal lime- Aitken for helpful discussion and for ci-itical review
stones, storm-generated fining-up sequences, and of the manuscript. Technical assistance was provided
burrow-mixed sequences); (4) shallow-basin shale- by Bryan Roberts and Greg Lumpkin (field work),
siltstone-carbonate-conglomerate sequences and by Sharon Chiang, Martin Eiss and Carol Markello
open marine skeletal limestone and ooid packstone, (drafting), by Sue Bruce and Gordon Love (photo-
believed to have formed below fair weather wave graphy), and by Susan Roth and Donna Williams
base, but above storm wave base. Shale lithofacies (typing). Financial assistance was provided by Earth
appear to be on-shelf deposits and differ from Sciencss Section, Nat ional Science Foundation grants
typical deeper water facies (Wilson, 1969) in lack of DES 75-15015 andEAR75-15015 to J. F. Read,and
pelagic sed inient s, abundance of Cruzium-type fossils, by grants from the Department of Geological Sciences,
presence of storm sequences and interbedded shallow Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University;
water and oolitic facies, and by proximity of tidal a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi, the
flat carbonates. Scientific Research Society of North America; and a
( 3 ) Slopes oil the ramp were very low. This is indi- Grant-in-Aid from the American Association of
cated by horirontal time lines that parallel litho- Petroleum Geologists. The senior writer wishes to ex-
stratigraphic markers (regionally extensive hard- press much appreciation to his wife, Carol, who
grounds, glauconite and sedimentary dike horizons, aided in preparation of illustrations and provided
ooid packstone sheets, and the Middle Limestone abundant emotional support throughout the project.
Member) and by general lack of turbidites, slumps
and intraformational truncation surfaces. Further,
limestone conglomerates in basin shales, which con-
sist of basin facies clasts, lack clasts of shallow plat- REFERENCES
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