Lettura 3 - Olgyay

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environmental design

arq (2014), 18.2, 167–176. © Cambridge University Press 2014

This article argues that the historical origins of Victor Olgyay’s Design
with Climate are richer than previously reported, as are the prospects
for an ecological approach that embraces cultural concerns.

Performance and style in the work

of Olgyay and Olgyay
David Leatherbarrow and Richard Wesley

The sun control device has to be on the outside of collaboration with Aladár. Together with Farkas
the building, an element of the facade, an element Molnár (1897–1945) and József Fischer (1901–1995),
of architecture. And because this device is so important the twins were members of Hungary’s architectural
a part of our open architecture, it may develop into as avant-garde. Called ‘functionalist architecture’
characteristic a form as the Doric column. at the time, the works of the Hungarian group
represent one of several regional branches of
Background: A House Reversed European Modernism. The ideas that guided the
Victor Olgyay (1910–1970), a Hungarian architect Hungarian approach were set out in the periodical
who came to the United States in 1947 with his twin Tér és Forma (Space and Form), a journal much
brother and collaborator, Aladár (1910–1963), is best like other avant-garde publications in France,
known today as the author of Design with Climate: Germany and Holland. The influence of Bauhaus
Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism teaching is evident in the work, particularly
(1963), an important book often referenced in the Molnár’s, who was educated there. The impact of
environmental building design field [1]. As leaders De Stijl, known in Budapest through the graphic
in research in bioclimatic architecture from the designs of Vilmos Huszár, is obvious as well. The
early 1950s to the late 1960s, the Olgyay brothers Hungarian Modernists were also active in the
could be considered the ‘fathers’ of contemporary early meetings of the International Congresses of
environmental building design. Their research and Modern Architecture (CIAM). A CIAM-Ost meeting
publications laid the foundation for much of the was held in Budapest in 1937, but by 1938 Molnár
building simulation software in use today. Other recommended that the Hungarian contingent
than the difference between working on graph disband because of what he saw as CIAM’s failure
paper and using computer-generated graphics, to achieve real results in the social sphere. That
there is little difference between Autodesk’s Ecotect was the same year that the Olgyay brothers opened
Analysis (simulation and building energy analysis their professional office in Budapest. They had
software) and the Olgyays’ techniques for the just returned from four years of study and travel
analysis of environmental factors and graphical
representation of climate. The manner in which
the Olgyays established connections between
building design and the science of climate laid the
foundation for the development of environmental
simulation, one of contemporary architecture’s
leading methods of form generation. Victor Olgyay’s
teaching, however, represents another kind of
thinking, a broader concern for architecture,
beyond energy performance. ‘The primary task of
architecture,’ Olgyay announced to his students, ‘is
to act in man’s favour; to interpose itself between
man and his natural surroundings in order to
remove the environmental load from his shoulders.
The fundamental task of architecture is thus to
lighten the very stress of life, to maximise man’s
1 Victor and Aladár
energies and permit him to focus on spiritual tasks Olgyay, c. 1951.
and aims.’ From the personal
collection of Ilona
Prior to his role as a teacher in the United Olgyay, Victor’s
States, Victor practised architecture in Hungary in 1 widow

doi: 10.1017/S1359135514000475 theory arq . vol 18 . no 2 . 2014 167

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including a Prix de Rome (1934–35), followed Painters Society, and president of the Hungarian
by visits to Paris, where they met Le Corbusier; Graphic Designers Association. He was dedicated
London, where they met the Hungarian-born to plein-air methods and had regular contacts with
Modernist Marcel Breuer; and New York, as Kendal European painters who followed this path, partly
Fellows at Columbia University (1936–37). as a result of his involvements with members of
Yet, still another dimension of modern culture the several artist colonies around Budapest. He
played a role in the Olgyays’ understanding of frequently depicted forest scenes, particularly in
‘spiritual tasks and aims’: modern painting. winter, when contrasts were especially strong and
Their father, Viktor Olgyay (1870–1929), was a the shadows of trees striking in their patterns
prominent early-twentieth century Hungarian and rhythms. His influence was felt among his
artist, famous for his etchings and landscape students and fellow artists, but also among his sons,
paintings, but also well-known as a teacher at whom he frequently took on his artistic trips into
the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, one of the the countryside. ‘Much of their early education
founders of the Hungarian Watercolor and Pastel took place in their father’s studio,’ wrote Peter

2 A House Reversed.
Garden facade. From
‘Una casa a rovescio’,
Domus, 20:169
(January 1942), p. 7

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environmental design arq . vol 18 . no 2 . 2014 169

Blake, ‘and it was not entirely unexpected that he aspects of the facade place it among buildings
should ask them to follow in his footsteps. The in the heroic period of Modernism: unadorned
temper of the times, however, was enthusiastically surfaces, prismatic rectangular volumes, white
technocratic […] the Bauhaus was dedicated to walls, a roof terrace, and an external sun screen.
the education of a new type of specialist – the Apropos style in architecture, Joseph Rykwert
industrial artist. The Olgyays were not immune to suggests three characteristics are decisive: that
this infectious new spirit.’ Against their father’s its forms are visibly evident, that those forms can
wishes, the twins enrolled in the Royal Hungarian be catalogued, and that they can be ‘summed up,
Polytechnic, earning diplomas in 1934. imitated, and even applied.’ The description of ‘A
But while the prime emphasis in their training thus House Reversed’ as expressive and rhythmic points
became scientific and technological, they continued – in the direction of the visibly evident stops short
on the side – to pursue various activities closer to the of explicitly identifying elements of architectural
spirit of their early upbringing. Among these activities form that could be catalogued or imitated. Yet,
was the design of stage sets for the Royal Hungarian these forms are obvious. Chief among them is the
Opera house, mural painting, and so forth. ‘egg-crate’ sun screen. Designed to provide some
This background and cultural context set the stage shade, along with adjustable external shades, the
for a productive architectural practice in Hungary nine-bay sun screen is the facade’s most prominent
in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The Olgyays’ built figure, legible in its simple regularity and relative
work during this time included apartment houses, autonomy with respect to the body of the building.
hotels, housing projects, exhibition buildings, Its non-singularity or typicality within the modern
and factories. One project from this period can be tradition is also plain when you look at precedents
taken as indicative of their approach, an apartment from Germany, Holland, France and Italy. That
building constructed in 1939 in the centre of examples of sun screens, such as this one, could be
Budapest [2]. ‘A House Reversed’ was the name given collected, catalogued, summed up, imitated, and
to this building in The Work of Architects Olgyay + even applied, becomes clear when we turn to the
Olgyay, published in Hungary in 1946 and ‘printed books published by the Olgyays following their
both in Hungarian and English as part of a strongly emigration to the United States in 1947.
pro-Western tendency in post-war Hungarian
thought.’ Why ‘reversed?’ Because the main living Environmentalisation of architecture
spaces faced the garden, not the street, reversing The Olgyay brothers published three books on
the typical orientation of the city’s buildings. The bioclimatic architecture: Application of Climatic Data
re-orientation was not the only divergence from to House Design (1954); Solar Control and Shading Devices
typical local building solutions. Unlike most of (1957); and in 1963, by Victor only, the well-known
the other buildings in its immediate context, this Design with Climate: Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural
building was modern. Giancarlo Palanti described Regionalism. Although the three books share
the house as an alternative to the ‘fashionable front some text and illustrations, there are significant
architecture’, and the ‘eloquence of extravagant differences between them relative to the trajectory
palaces’ that stood nearby and had become the of environmental building design. The Olgyays’
norm. The Olgyays’ building was by contrast little-known first book, Application of Climatic Data
‘practical’, ‘rational’ and ‘healthier and brighter’. A to House Design, was a report prepared for the US
brief explanation offered by the Olgyays themselves Housing and Home Finance Agency. The title and
(much later, in 1957) suggests that functionality was the funding agency suggest an approach to house
also important. Because the house faced south- design based exclusively on environmental factors.
east, protection was needed against the sun; more Yet, the images on the cover suggest otherwise [3].
specifically, protection from the overheating that The caption reads:
would result from the exposure of large expanses The cover of this report shows T. F. Blondell’s [sic]
of glazing. Their solution, and the building’s subjective evaluation of a Tuscan overhang, which
most prominent element, was a shading device he compares with a profile of a youth in his Cours
attached to the exterior of the wall that extended d’Architecture (1750). The present day multistory
the geometry of its floor levels and apartment wall with its pattern of light and shade, and
divisions with thin slabs and fins approximately one proportion, likewise serves well to compare the old
metre deep. The general aim, Palanti observed, was with the new.
‘perfecting the use of the flats for the inhabitants. The ‘present day multistory building’ on the cover
By the use of balconies and large windows along the was a photograph of the sun screen on the Ministry
whole length of the building, every flat can enjoy of Education (1937–43) in Rio de Janeiro by Oscar
the garden air.’ Niemeyer, Le Corbusier, and others. There is a third
Does this mean the building’s design was image on the cover, not mentioned in the caption:
based on programmatic and environmental a shading protractor. A technical graphic device,
functionalism? In part, yes, but that is not all; for long since replaced by computer simulation, the
the Olgyays also saw the building as revealing new shading protractor consists of segmental lines on
forms of expression: ‘a pulsating lively rhythm the top half used to plot lines parallel and normal
born from the architecture itself’, a ‘constructive to an observed wall, while the bearing and altitude
rhythm’, in which ‘new expressions’ made evident lines on the bottom half of the protractor are used
the ‘creative power of architecture.’ The stylistic to plot the mask of any shading device. That the

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3 Book cover from

Application of Climatic
Data to House Design
(Washington DC: US
Housing and Home
Finance Agency,

Olgyays chose a Classical drawing of the profile of The process for the creation of an
a human face and positioned it so that it appears environmentalised architecture depicted by
to be gazing at the sun screen of a modern facade the Olgyays follows from their understanding
through the lens of a shading protractor represents of an environmentalised human body. In this
a provocative proposition: building elements process, they understood that architects play an
designed in precise reaction to environmental essential role in the production of shelter, which
factors could become the ‘visibly evident’ elements is necessary to control the interior environment
of a new architectural style equivalent to the and bring it as close as possible to the balance
Classical. Such a proposition moves far beyond point of metabolism, or the human comfort
programmatic and environmental functionalism. zone. The process, as described by the Olgyays in a
It incorporates and transcends the more narrow diagram published in all three of their books on
and exclusive approach to architecture promoted bioclimatic architecture, consists of two steps [4].
through the techniques and theories of those First (top): conceive of an ideal mode of reaction
contemporary environmental building designers through an analysis of ‘all of the environmental
who only see the Olgyays’ approach as the first elements’ based upon an understanding of man as
step in an inevitable environmentalisation a biological organism reacting to environmental
of architecture, i.e. the analysis, simulation elements in order to achieve and maintain thermal
and generation of architecture on the basis of comfort, that is, the balance point of metabolism.
environmental factors – often to the exclusion of This idealised mode of reaction is depicted here
other considerations. as a hovering, dome-like enclosure surrounding

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the human body. Second (bottom): translate these

idealised reactions into architectural form. The
hovering, idealised object has landed and been
transformed into an orthogonal, free-plan house –
Barcelona Pavilion-like in its composition – roofless,
and surrounded by trees. The text at the bottom
right of the image is a telling description of the
environmentalisation of architecture:
[…] in reality the projection of man’s needs should be
the shelter with calculated surfaces of transmitting,
absorbing, filtering or repelling characteristics of the
environmental factors.
This notion of a ‘shelter with calculated surfaces’ is
perhaps the most accurate and earliest indication of
the environmentalisation of modern architecture,
a process that continued for decades, and has
been substantially fortified today with advanced
computer simulation.
The first premise of a bioclimatic approach to
architectural design is that the human body is
architecture’s ‘physiological measure’. The idea
that design thinking begins with study of the
human body is not, of course, exclusive to the
bioclimatic or environmentalist approach; it is
a commonplace of architectural theory, central
5 in writings from Vitruvius to Le Corbusier. The
key issue is how the body is understood. The
particularity of the Olgyays’ approach can be seen
4 Environmental 5 Le Corbusier’s La Maison des
Building Design Sketches of the Hommes, Clive when two depictions of the body are compared:
Process. From Human Body. From Entwistle and theirs and one by Le Corbusier. The inner workings
Application of Climatic Le Corbusier and Gordon Holt
Data to House Design François de (London: The
of the body interested Le Corbusier no less than the
(Washington DC: US Pierrefeu, The Home Architectural Press, Olgyays. His drawing shows a series of specialised
Housing and Home of Man, trans. from 1948), p. 124
systems – skeletal, digestive and circulatory – hidden
Finance Agency,
1954), p. 10 beneath a visible skin [5]. The surface of the skin is

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critical because it unifies the systems into a single into equilibrium with the environment. First
mass – the body’s familiar form. Le Corbusier’s there were the different fenestration patterns Le
caption supports his appreciation of a body whose Corbusier had developed in his early houses and
continuous surface allows it a particular interaction villas: Cook, Savoye and Garches. Next came the
with light: different treatments of the glazing, alternating
Final harmony crowning a complex work, an bands of transparent and translucent windows, as
arrangement of perfection. The intelligent, correct and in the Swiss Pavilion and the Clarté Apartments. A
magnificent play of forms in light. key development in this history is the separation
In Towards an Architecture (1923), he used a similar of structure from shading devices, as in the Villa
phrase to describe architecture as ‘the masterful, at Carthage. After this followed new combinations
correct, and magnificent play of volumes brought of deep spaces and shutters, as in the Barcelona
together in light.’ The Olgyay brothers, by contrast, housing project. Subsequently, facades were
show the body to be a dense circulation system differentiated according to orientation. The
used for heating and cooling, the task of which is amount of glazing was varied from side to side,
to maintain the ‘operative temperature’ or balance as was the depth of the sun-breakers. Vertical or
point of metabolism [6]. There is, however, no horizontal elements were deployed individually
skin in the Olgyays’ drawing; the body’s profile, or in combination. The best example of this
such as it exists, is the outer edge of masses of treatment is the Maison Curutchet. The Olgyays
veins and capillaries. The absence of an envelope viewed the Ministry of Education in Rio as the
in the drawing appears to more easily connect summation of all of Le Corbusier’s research. We
the organism with ambient conditions, but at a have already seen that this is the modern building
substantial cost to the visibility of the body’s form. they juxtaposed with Blondel’s profile of the
Vectors extending downward join it to the Main Classical cornice. In Le Corbusier’s designs for
Climatic Elements – air temperature, radiation, air Algeria they felt that, ‘the arrangement of solar
movement and relative humidity – while those that control and construction had been “organically
extend upward pinpoint its reactions – evaporation, coupled”,’ for there the brise-soleil (sun breaker) was
conduction, convection and radiation. In the centre united with a system of construction, ‘moulded
of the body, which the Olgyays called the navel of into unity’. They did not note, however, that
convergence, are found the ‘Indices of Comfort,’ this coupling, which made the sun-breaker an
represented in a mathematical formula. Developed extension of the building’s load-bearing structure
by Winslow, Herrington, and Gagge in 1941, the – of similar mass and non-adjustable – created its
formula is a mathematical model of the complex own problems: heat absorption and transfer, and
relationship of climatic elements expressed in inflexibility. The shading elements the Olgyays
a calorimetric scale, where To is the Operative described – not sun-breakers, but masking devices
Temperature (balance point of metabolism); ts = – avoided these problems, without sacrificing the
mean skin temperature; M = metabolic rate; E = freedom of expression Le Corbusier’s solutions
evaporative rate; and S = body heat loss or gain. also revealed.
Here is a depiction of an environmentalised
human body, the organism as a ‘machine for
thermal comfort’, an instrument of reaction to
environmental factors. Thinking analogically: when
the body is viewed as a machine for thermal comfort
the building will be seen as a device that maintains
‘operative temperature’. Instruments designed for
this purpose were explained and catalogued in the
Olgyays’ Solar Control and Shading Devices.
Their text begins not with analysis and data but
rather with quotations from Le Corbusier, the
modern architect whom they thought was acutely
sensitive to the ‘vulnerability’ of modern buildings
to the problems of thermal comfort. They cited
him saying:
It becomes necessary [in the modern way of
building] to stop up the windows, to ‘diaphragm’
the glass pane. What aids are available to accomplish
this end?
While this question may have been challenging in
Modernism’s early years, decades of innovation in
Europe and North and South America provided
numerous answers in the post-war years. Le
Corbusier ’s architecture in particular – even
the buildings before his so-called organic or
regionalist turn – provided the Olgyays with a
catalogue of elements that could bring the body 6

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Shading devices: types and patterns location and they propose a range of solutions
What did the Olgyays understand as a ‘shading for the device itself. Yet, the graphic mask never
device?’ Essentially, it was a shadow caster. In the determines a solution because ‘there will be many
human body its equivalents would be eyelashes and technically correct solutions for each situation.’
eyebrows. A hand raised to the forehead serves the Accordingly, the shading devices installed onto
same purpose: reducing sun glare, shading the face a building both solve environmental problems of
and therefore cooling. In clothing, a comparable comfort and represent a selection made from many
element is the brim or visor of a hat. When the possible impressions. Once again, reference to the
term ‘shading device’ was introduced in Solar human body will be helpful, as will the parallels
Control and Shading Devices it was described as an between the shading device and the facial mask.
‘obstruction,’ its task was to ‘interfere’ or ‘interrupt’ Anthropologically, masks both conceal and express.
solar radiation. In Design with Climate a synonym for What do they conceal? In a word, an identity; which
shading device was ‘obstruction pattern’. Clouds is why criminals wear them and why children find
in the sky serve a similar function; they interrupt some of them frightening. In all cases, what the
sunshine and obstruct parts of the total view. Below body is by nature is hidden by the mask. Signs of
the vault of the sky, on the street, buildings and age, gender, colour and individuality are veiled so
sometimes trees are equivalent shadow casters, that a person can become someone else, at least
allowing one’s eyes, the ‘point of observation’, to for a while. Concealment, then, is not the only
receive solar rays from ‘only those parts of the sky aim of masking; the mask also transforms the
vault where the sun’s path is visible.’ The other person into a persona, ‘larger than life’, capable of
consequence of ‘interference’ – the most important expressing a strong impression. When a person
one for the Olgyays – is the projection of a shadow wears a mask the ‘limitations’ felt from birth are
on surfaces the sun’s light would have reached. temporarily overcome. For this to occur, negation
The Olgyays defined the configuration of these is necessary (like the ‘obstruction’ caused by the
shadows as ‘the shading mask’. The distinction is shading device). Two final points are important:
significant, for many devices can accomplish the masks intend communication and they fix a certain
shadow-casting outlined by the mask: type of expression. No one would wear a mask that
Since various devices might have the same mask and was not recognisable, and because they are fully
therefore the same shading characteristic [...] To choose frontal, masks concentrate the gaze and express and
between them is the designer’s task. Here the domain stabilise an impression, a character, or idea.
of creative design starts. Do shading devices on buildings perform
Nature provides a model, for its ‘infinite variations’ similarly? By negating what exists according to
show how a ‘multitude of organisms – subordinated nature (or by necessity) can they both conceal and
to a complicated hierarchy of rules – produces reveal? The answer for the Olgyays was clear: solving
abundant creations.’ Shading masks or diagrams problems of glare and solar gain was necessary in
are thus both descriptive and projective, they plot the type of construction that allowed window walls,
the shadow pattern a device will produce in a given but was not sufficient – ‘the practical and direct

6 Environmentalised
Human Body. From
Application of Climatic
Data to House Design
(Washington DC: US
Housing and Home
Finance Agency,
1954), p. 11

7 Screen patterns.
From Victor Olgyay,
Design With Climate:
Bioclimatic Approach
to Architectural
(Princeton: Princeton
University Press,
1963), p. 64

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8 Catalogue of
Shading Devices.
From Victor Olgyay,
Design With Climate:
Bioclimatic Approach
to Architectural
Princeton University
Press, 1963), p. 83

expression of rational necessities no longer gives and leave only geometrical relationships to the
complete satisfaction’. Even though ‘the battle for masters’. But again, this proposal for composition
functional solutions had been won’ in the heroic and expression should not suggest formalism or
period of Modernism, the fight on behalf of the capricious play. All the motifs were understood to
shading device had to continue into Modernism’s be ‘subordinate to the sun, whose strength and
second critical period, for there was still the struggle angles, according to orientation and location,
31 33
for ‘the lyrical heart and its emotional needs.’ A prescribe the regional patterns.’
formalist approach was the farthest thing from Because typical problems lead to typical solutions,
their minds, for it was only after ‘the more abstract shading devices can be categorised or catalogued
ground work’ had been completed that the ‘luxury typologically [8]. There are three types: horizontal,
of emotional variation [could] flourish’. Shading vertical and egg-crate; the third combines the
devices are expressive because they ‘invite a rich play first two. As with masks in general, these types
of light and shadow’, and to their ‘plastic appearance can be embodied physically and represented
they add rhythm, light, color, and texture’. ‘Patterns graphically. For horizontal overhangs the typical
might be geometrical or use the fluid play of the graphic characteristics of the shading diagram
claire-obscure [sic] of the light.’ are segmental lines. The shading masks created
The play of shadows they had in mind can be by vertical louvres appear on the drawings as
seen in a series of carefully cropped photographs radial lines. Insofar as the egg-crate types combine
published in both their Solar Control and Shading the attributes of horizontal and vertical devices,
Devices book and Design with Climate [7]. Trimmed their ‘mask characteristics’ are a combination of
and sized as they are, these photographs deprive the segmental and radial lines. The Olgyays broadened
devices of specific relationships to the climates they this last observation with a summary statement:
modify and the interiors they protect. They are, ‘it would be an endless task to show all types [...]
the Olgyays observe, ‘independent of direct scale, many further combinations of shading devices are

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possible, resulting in combinative masks.’ Types appearance they add visual ties or rhythm, light,
such as these are schematic; more like ideas than color, and texture.
facts, regulative principles rather than specific Practicalities were important, but not more
solutions. It was perhaps for this reason that the important than patterns.
term ‘vocabulary’ was used interchangeably with
type. Grammar might have been a better word, Conclusion
or syntax, for the shading masks schematise No arguments are necessary to defend the statement
and structure solutions prior to their detailed that the work of the Olgyay brothers prefigured
articulation and concrete resolution. Nevertheless, environmentalisation in architecture. The seeds of
the use of the term ‘vocabulary’ allowed the this movement can be found in their books and
Olgyays to stress the expressive character of buildings; but that is not all that can be found there,
the shading device, once the diagram had been nor is this legacy adequate to fully explain their
transformed into a specific solution. work. In the Olgyays’ work, the study of climate
One further categorisation is necessary: the unfolds in the cultural arena. The design of shading
elements that make up built masks can be fixed devices intends solar control and formal expression.
or movable in any of the three types. This was The shadows these elements produce create physical
the case in ‘A House Reversed’ where the egg-crate comfort and a play of light and dark. Yes, the body
was fixed while the awnings were adjustable. and buildings are seen as instruments capable of
An important presupposition of this second modulating temperature; but the ‘interpositions’
tabulation is that the device is conceptually that perform in the latter sense also create expressive
distinct from the rest of the building to which patterns. The Olgyays’ use of data, calculations
it is attached. This, too, appears in ‘A House and analytical diagrams suggests a design method
Reversed’. Movable elements not only enhanced unconcerned with aesthetic issues; yet, when the
performance, by allowing seasonal and daily book-cover images, cropped photographs, and
adjustments, they also multiplied light and references to history and experience are kept in
shadow. Two scales of elements and types of mind, the inadequacy of a strictly environmentalist
movement – of the sun and of the louvres – cast interpretation is obvious. Their architecture – built
a potentially infinite number of shadows and and unbuilt – belonged to a style that emerged in
patterns. Furthermore, even though they indicate the cultural context of Hungarian Modernism. They
responsiveness to environmental conditions, the did not, however, accept the modern inheritance
elements, fixed or movable, were not precisely uncritically; for they realised it needed correction
determined by the climate – many combinations and could be enriched, enhancing performance
were seen to be possible, creativity was not only while developing expressive possibilities. Somewhat
allowed but required. Despite what is often said or like a solar eclipse, the work of the Olgyays cast a
assumed about the ‘environmentalist’ approach shadow on international Modernism all the while
outlined by the Olgyays, their concern was no less being held in orbit by its gravitational pull. The
artistic than functional: shadow was not homogeneous, however; it consisted
[…] the elements shown are independent of direct of levels of darkness. Surrounding a fully shaded
scale […] many materials only elaborate the surface, inner region of environmental performance, we
others invite a rich play of light and shadow or found a partially shaded outer region of patterns,
add to the spatial composition [...] to their plastic combinative masks and style.

Notes conference held at the University beginning transcended national

1. Peter Blake, ed., Marcel Breuer: of Pennsylvania on 27 January boundaries.’ Jürgen Habermas,
Sun and Shadow: The Philosophy 2012. ‘Modern and Postmodern
of an Architect (New York: Dodd, 2. Victor Olgyay, Bioclimatic Factors Architecture’, in The New
Mead & Company, 1955), p. 117. in Architecture, course syllabus, Conservatism: Cultural Criticism and
Marcel Breuer was one of several Princeton University, spring the Historians’ Debate (Cambridge:
Hungarians who remained in term, 1969–70, typescript, p. 1. MIT Press, 1989),
close contact with one another Syllabus held in Victor Olgyay pp. 7–8.
after emigrating to the United Drawings and Papers, 1952–1970, 4. ‘Viktor Olgyay studied under
States. In addition to Victor and Arizona State University Library William Unger in Vienna and
Aladár Olgyay there was György Collections, Tempe, Arizona. under Theodore Alphonse in
Kepes, for example. Breuer wrote 3. Here, we agree with Jürgen Paris. As he originally intended
the Introduction to the 1952 Habermas’s account of modern to devote himself entirely to
book, The Work of Architects Olgyay architecture as ‘the first and only the graphic arts, and only
+ Olgyay, cited below, and Kepes binding style … to have shaped later took up oil-painting, his
designed its cover. A preliminary even everyday life, since the days technical knowledge of etching is
version of this paper, ‘Eclipsing of classicism …. It continued remarkable. He is pre-eminently
Modernism: The Olgyay Brothers the line of tradition of Western a draughtsman, and though his
and the Environmentalization of rationalism and was powerful plates are finely toned, the most
Architecture’, was presented in enough to create models, that is, notable thing about them is their
Architecture and Energy: Questions to become classical itself and to sense of line. Some of his best
About Performance and Style, a establish a tradition that from the works are contained in an album

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176 arq . vol 18 . no 2 . 2014 environmental design

of ten plates entitled Winter, and epigraph by Marcel Breuer we Acknowledgements

other notable ones are The Oak, have used to open this study The authors gratefully acknowledge
The Mill, and Way of Cypresses.’ expresses the same point. Cora Olgyay, daughter of Victor
Anthony Tahi, ‘Modern Etching 15. The concept of Olgyay, who lent us her personal
and Engraving in Hungary’, ‘environmentalisation’ was collection of her father’s papers and
Modern Etching and Engraving defined by Frederick H. Buttel in provided important background
(London: The Studio, 1902), p. 2. ‘Environmentalization: Origins, information on the Olgyay family.
5. Victor Olgyay and Aladár Olgyay, Processes, and Implications Her brother, Victor, searched the
The Work of Architects Olgyay + for Rural Change’, in Rural personal collection of photographs
Olgyay (New York: Reinhold, 1952), Sociology 57:1 (1992), p. 2, as in the possession of their mother,
p. 8. ‘the concrete expression of the Ilona Olgyay, in order to provide
6. Ibid. broad force of greening in the photograph of the twins in
7. Ibid. Comment by Peter Blake. institutional practices’. Our [1]. James Robert Allen, Library
The project was first published use of the term refers to the Supervisor, Arizona State University,
in an article written by Virgil adoption of an exclusive provided invaluable support in
Bierbauer, the editor of Tér és discourse in architecture based our research of the Victor Olgyay
forma, ‘Városmajor-utca 50/a on environmental factors and the Collection, 1852-1970 in the
számú bérház’, Tér és forma, vol. generation of architectural form Architectural and Environmental
14, no. 9, 1941, pp. 156–61. using environmental simulation. Design Library, Arizona State
8. The Work of Architects Olgyay 16. Application of Climatic Data to House University. We thank Gabrielle
+ Olgyay, p. 16. An English Design, p. 10. Ruddick, a Ph.D. candidate at the
translation of ‘Una casa a 17. The title of Olgyays’ Report University of Pennsylvania, for
rovescio’, in Domus, 20:169 Number 1 in Application of Climatic carefully proofreading this paper
(January 1942), pp. 7–11, Data to House Design is ‘Man and for her assistance in obtaining
attributed by the Olgyays to as a Physiological Measure in copyright permissions.
Giancarlo Palanti. Architecture’.
9. Olgyay and Olgyay, Solar Control 18. Le Corbusier and François de Illustration credits
and Shading Devices (Princeton: Pierrefeu, The Home of Man, trans. arq gratefully acknowledges:
Princeton University Press, 1957), from La Maison des Hommes, Domus, 2
p. 165. Clive Entwistle and Gordon Holt Fondation Le Corbusier, 5
10. The Work of Architects Olgyay + (London: The Architectural Press, Cora and Victor Olgyay, 1
Olgyay, p. 16. 1948), p. 124. Princeton University Press, 7, 8
11. Ibid. 19. Le Corbusier, Towards an US Government Printing Office, 3,
12. Joseph Rykwert, ‘On the High- Architecture, trans. from Vers une 4, 6
Tech Style’, in Heaven and Earth: An architecture, John Goodman (Los
Anniversary Issue to Honor Karsten Angeles: Getty Publications, 2007), Authors’ biographies
Harries, Wolkenkuckucksheim, p. 109. David Leatherbarrow is Professor
vol. 12, no. 1 (August 2007), p. 3. 20. Application of Climatic Data to House of Architecture at the University
Our italics. Design, p. 3. of Pennsylvania where he teaches
13. Victor Olgyay and Aladár Olgyay, 21. C. E. A. Winslow and L. P. design, history and theory. He is
Application of Climatic Data to Herrington, Temperature and chair of Penn’s Graduate Group in
House Design (Washington DC: Human Life (Princeton: Princeton Architecture and supervises Ph.D.
US Housing and Home Finance University Press, 1949). research. He is author of Architecture
Agency, 1954). Jacques-François 22. Olgyay and Olgyay, Solar Control Oriented Otherwise, Surface Architecture
Blondel’s first initial and and Shading Devices (Princeton: (with Mohsen Mostafavi) and
surname are incorrect in the Princeton University Press, 1957). Topographical Stories.
caption. 23. Ibid., p. 10.
14. The idea that a technical 24. Ibid., p. 11. Richard Wesley is adjunct Professor
solution, such as the ‘brise- 25. Ibid., p. 7 and pp. 44–5. of Architecture and undergraduate
soleil’, could have expressive 26. Victor Olgyay, Design with Climate: chair at the University of
purposes was discussed by Alan Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Pennsylvania where he teaches
Colquhoun in ‘The Significance Regionalism, (Princeton: Princeton undergraduate design and theory.
of Le Corbusier’, in Modernity and University Press, 1963), p. 78. He has taught at the University
the Classical Tradition (Cambridge, 27. Solar Control and Shading Devices, of Illinois, University of Notre
MA: MIT Press, 1989), p. 187, where p. 45. Dame, and Harvard University and
he wrote: ‘But the brise-soleil was 28.Ibid., p. 49. has published essays in Harvard
more than a technical device; it 29. Ibid., p. 13. Architecture Review, Rassegna, Res and
introduced a new architectural 30. Design With Climate, p. 13 and p. VIA.
element in the form of a thick, 83.
permeable wall, whose depth 31. Solar Control and Shading Devices, Authors’ addresses
and subdivisions gave the facade p. 12. David Leatherbarrow
the modeling and aedicular 32. Ibid., p. 15. leatherb@design.upenn.edu
expression that has been lost 33. Ibid., p. 15.
with the suppression of the 34. Ibid., pp. 48–9. Richard Wesley
window and the pilaster.’ The 35. Ibid., p. 15. rwesley@design.upenn.edu

Leatherbarrow & Wesley  Performance and style in the work of Olgyay and Olgyay

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