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Amna Owais (02-111221-019)
Saim Abdul Rehman (02-111221-264)
Hira Wahid (02-111221-083)
Raza Hussain (02-111212-038)


DATE OF SUBMISSION: 10th June 2023
Table of Contents

THEORETICAL EXPLANATION....................................................................................................3
THEORIES OF MOTIVATION.........................................................................................................3
1. MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS THEORY.............................................................3
2. MCGREGOR’S THEORY X AND THEORY Y...................................................................4
3. HERZBERG’S TWO-FACTOR THEORY...........................................................................4
4. MCCLELLAND’S THEORY OF NEEDS.............................................................................5
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................5
THEORY # 1:....................................................................................................................................6
McGregor’s Theory X And Theory Y:...............................................................................................6
THEORY # 2:....................................................................................................................................7
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory:.......................................................................................................7
LINK OF THE ROLEPLAY...............................................................................................................9

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Motivation refers to the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

Motivation in the context of an organization refers to the driving force or reason behind an
individual's or a group's behaviour, actions, and level of commitment towards achieving
organizational goals. It is a critical factor that influences employee performance, productivity,
and overall success of the organization. Motivated employees are more likely to be engaged,
proactive, and willing to exert extra effort to accomplish their tasks and contribute to the
organization's success. Motivation has three key elements:
1. Intensity- how hard a person tries.
2. Direction- effort that is channeled towards and consistent with organizational goals.
3. Persistence- how long a person can maintain effort.


Early theories of motivation may not be valid, but they are important as they represent a
foundation from which contemporary theories have grown and are still used by practicing


There are four early theories of motivation:

1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
2. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
3. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
4. McClelland’s Theory of Needs
These content theories addressed elements like personal needs and goals and focused on what
motivates people.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943, is a

well-known framework that describes the different levels of human needs and their influence
on motivation and behaviour.
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It suggests that individuals progress through the levels of the hierarchy, with lower-level
needs serving as a foundation for higher-level needs. The hierarchy is typically depicted as a
pyramid with five levels, with each level building upon the previous one. As each need is met
or satisfied, the next need becomes dominant. His theory posits that individuals are stuck in
their existing need level until it is satisfied and then they can move on to the next level.
There are lower order extrinsic needs and higher order intrinsic needs. The lower order needs
include physiological needs like food, water, shelter, and safety needs which is the need for
The higher order needs include social needs (need for affection, belonging, friendship),
esteem needs (include external factors like status, recognition, attention and internal factors
like autonomy, self-respect, and achievement) and self-actualization needs (need to become
what he or she can become)
However, the theory has been critiqued for its cultural and individual variations as well as the
possibility of simultaneous satisfaction of needs.


Two theories, Theory X and Theory Y, were put forth by Douglas McGregor to explain
employee motivation and its management implications. He categorizes workers into two
groups: Theory X workers who avoid responsibility and hard work, and Theory Y workers
who put forth effort when in charge.
He proposed that the business should enforce rules and impose penalties to motivate Theory
X employees. Management must create opportunities for Theory Y employees to demonstrate
responsibility and exercise creativity as a means of motivating them.


Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, also known as the Motivation-Hygiene Theory, was proposed
by psychologist Frederick Herzberg in the 1950s. This theory focuses on understanding the
factors that contribute to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. According to Herzberg, these
factors can be divided into two distinct categories:
 Hygiene factors which are extrinsic or external factors in the work environment that,
when absent or inadequate, can lead to job dissatisfaction. However, their presence
does not necessarily result in high levels of motivation or job satisfaction. These
include working conditions, company policies, salary etc.

 Motivators which are intrinsic or internal factors that contribute to job satisfaction
and intrinsic motivation. These factors are directly related to the nature of the work
itself and the individual's psychological needs. These include growth, responsibility,
achievement etc.

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McClelland's Theory of Needs, developed by psychologist David McClelland, focuses on

three primary needs that drive human behaviour and motivation.

 The need for achievement (nAch) which is the drive to succeed and excel in relation
to a set of standards.

 the need for affiliation (nAff) which is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal

 The need for power (nPow) which is the need to make others behave in a way that
they would not have behaved otherwise.
According to McClelland, these needs vary among individuals and can significantly
influence their actions and aspirations.


We have selected two theories to present roleplay on, which are McGregor’s theory X and
theory Y and Herzberg’s Two-factor theory.

McGregor’s Theory X And Theory Y:

The Theory X view is basically negative and represents the idea that workers have little
ambition, dislike work, avoid taking responsibilities and are less motivated to perform their
work so managers must put extra effort to push them for work and look after their
performance. They must adopt the autocratic style.
The Theory Y contrasts with the Theory X and is a positive view which believes that
workers tend to be self-directed, enjoy work, accept responsibility, and are motivated to work
hard to achieve organizational goals.
Managers will modify their behavior toward employees based on what view they hold about

Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory:

Herzberg’s two factor theory sets forth that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not opposites
but two separate ideas.

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This theory identifies characteristics of jobs that are related to job satisfaction while a
different set of job factors lead to dissatisfaction. Thus, eliminating dissatisfaction will not
necessarily create satisfaction and vice versa.
 There are a set of factors that when present will help to avoid dissatisfaction in
workers. This group is called the hygiene factors and includes such things as salary,
working conditions, and company policies.

 There is another set of factors that when present will help to cause satisfaction in
workers. This group is called motivators and includes things such as growth,
responsibility, and achievement. These sets are distinct, and the presence of hygiene
factors does not cause satisfaction, it just helps avoid dissatisfaction.


McGregor’s Theory X And Theory Y:

There are two types of employees in the office. One employee named Amna represents
Theory Y behavior whereas another employee Hira represents theory X.

Scene 1:
The manager has called the employees to assign them a project. The company is relaunching
new biscuits, so the manager has asked Amna and Hira to write a Marketing plan covering all
important points like segmentation, target market, the 4 marketing P’s and so on. He also
gave the deadline for the submission which is one week ahead.

Scene 2:
Both the employees are sitting in the office in their respective places where they work. Amna
who is a responsible and motivated employee is busy so she can complete her report in the
assigned time whereas Hira who always demonstrates irresponsible behavior and isn’t
motivated to do work is busy using her phone.
Amna asks her if she has started working on the project to which Hira shows very casual and
unbothered behavior and even tells Amna to chill and don’t take it on head. She seems to be
least bothered and concerned about her job. Then Hira receives a call so she decides to go for
shopping even during office hours and asks Amna if she would also join but Amna denies
with a smile on her face because she is busy and motivated to put her best efforts in the

Scene 3:
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Finally, the day for the submission of the report arrives and the employees are to report to the
manager’s office. Amna reaches on time and shows her work whereas Hira is late and rushes
to the office.
When Amna shows her work to the manager he is really impressed with her work but when
he asks Hira, so she has not completed it even after one week. The manager gets disappointed
and decides to fire Hira from the office because of her extreme irresponsible attitude from the
time she has joined the office.

This roleplay shows two employees among which one is really motivated and responsible
while the other is not. The one who is motivated does all her work on time and up to the mark
putting extra efforts for the success of the organization. The other who is not motivated
doesn’t care about work and is interested and motivated about everything else other than
work. That employee is demonstrating careless behavior and uses phone all the time.

Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory:

This roleplay shows two different offices. In the first office, the working conditions are not
good neither the air conditioners nor the computers work properly. The manager over there
has zero tolerance and always scolds and insults the employees, so they have gotten really
frustrated with the office. They show careless attitude not meeting their deadlines, some sleep
in the office while some have started to steal.
The other office has good working conditions. The employees over there have good
relationships with each other and are satisfied. They also have a good image of the office and
the manager as the manager is very cooperative and understanding towards the employees
and their problems. He puts extra efforts to motivate them to work better and harder. He also
appreciates them by his words and introduces bonuses and promotions to keep them
motivated and satisfied so they stay a loyal member of the organization and work for its

Office # 1:
Scene 1:
Amna who is an employee enters the office, but the air conditioner is not working so she feels
hot as summers are at the peak. She sits down at her place and remembers that the manager
sent her an assignment this morning which needs to be completed today so she opens the
computer, but it is not working so she gets irritated and exhausted and starts to curse the

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Scene 2:
Since nothing was working properly so she lost interest in the work and got unbothered. She
started to take selfies in the office and just at that time, the manager entered and caught her
taking selfies.
The manager started to scold her and asked about the progress of the assignment assigned
today to which Amna replied that her computer was not working. The manager said that she
was giving lame excuses and it was very irresponsible behavior from her side and ordered her
to submit the assignment within 3 hours.

Scene 3:
The manager then went ahead to check up on other employees while mumbling in anger
about what is wrong with everyone in the office. As soon as one of the employees (Hira) see
the manager coming, she quickly hides the register and show piece in her bag as she was
stealing it from the office. The employee next to her (Saba) was sleeping and gets caught by
the manager. The manager starts to scream on Saba, so she replies that she didn’t sleep last
night that’s why she fell asleep.

Office # 2:

Scene 4:
This is an office with good working conditions like all the air conditioners work well and all
the facilities are provided to the employees. Wajiha who is one of the employees is sitting
when Ibrahim who is another employee enters and they greet each other and ask how both are
doing. Ibrahim seems to be stressed so Wajiha asks him if everything is ok, so Ibrahim says
that he was not able to complete his work. Wajiha assures him that the boss is nice so he
should not feel stressed.
She tells him that few days back Ayesha didn’t complete her assigned work as she was not
able to understand so sir was cooperative with her and explained her everything again
properly and gave her more time to work to which Ibrahim says that let’s see what happens.

Scene 5:
Then boss enters the office and greets the employees. He asks Ibrahim if he has completed his
work so he tells that he is going through some personal problems so he couldn’t do it to
which the boss replies that he hopes that it gets better, and he gave him more time. He was
very understanding towards Ibrahim’s problem.
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He then asked Wajiha about the work, so she showed him. She had done everything up to the
mark so the boss appreciated her and told her that she would get a bonus for her outstanding

This storyline highlights the importance of hygiene factors and motivators. In the office with
poor working conditions, both the hygiene factors and motivators were absent, so the
employees had gotten really frustrated and their performance was declining. The office with
good working conditions was a center of productivity which would increase the overall
success of that organization.



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