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The last week of the year always makes me reflect deeply. 2023 was big.

It was a
year of silent growth. It was hard. It was new. It was emotional but joyful. It was
existential and exciting at once. Part painful, part beautiful. It was so many
This year I found acceptance that happiness comes in pockets; it is fleeting; so is
sadness; and I believe life happens somewhere in between. Finding some semblance of
peace and purpose is what keeps you afloat.
I've made choices this year that I never thought I had the courage to. I've
accomplished things I didn't believe I could. I calmed in places that were filled
with anxiety. I learned to be more present with people and things that bring me the
utmost joy. I no longer water myself down to be palatable to others.
I dealt with challenges I wasn't prepared for and got to the other side time and
time again. I finally learned to be proud of my resilience and patience for finding
the courage to save myself. Self-compassion has been magic for my soul.

2023 felt a lot like that it was life altering in many ways; maybe not in ways the
world could see just yet, but it was big in ways that mattered.
For the longest time, I felt as though I was climbing this steep, snow-covered
mountain barefoot, without enough supplies, dragging my cold, trembling body and
heavy feet filled with blisters, doing my best to take one step forward—just
I'm not at the peak of the mountain just yet, but I have now found some comfortable
boots along the way, tons of supplies, warmth, and most of all, a lot of
forgiveness and acceptance for my journey so far.
My feet no longer hurt, and my body no longer feels numb from the cold. Some wounds
have completely healed, and others have turned into battle scars. Each step is
conscious, consistent, and steady. Each day feels like a huge leap of faith while I
learn to enjoy the weather and the view from wherever I am.
I hope the coming year will be the year we all begin to outrun. I hope we continue
to fight for what is important in the world and find joy, love, and the courage to
heal. Here's to progress over perfection.
May the view get better in 2024.

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