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The Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22)

Achieving Zero Constraint Violation for Constrained Reinforcement Learning via

Primal-Dual Approach
Qinbo Bai,1 Amrit Singh Bedi,2 Mridul Agarwal,1 Alec Koppel,3 Vaneet Aggarwal,1
Purdue University
US Army Research Laboratory
Supply Chain Optimization Technologies, Amazon
bai113@purdue.edu, amrit0714@gmail.com, agarw180@purdue.edu, alec.e.koppel.civ@mail.mil, vaneet@purdue.edu

Abstract 2012), etc.). The standard MDP equipped with the cost func-
tion for the constraints is called constrained Markov Deci-
Reinforcement learning is widely used in applications where
sion process (CMDP) framework (Altman 1999). It is well
one needs to perform sequential decisions while interacting
with the environment. The problem becomes more challeng- known by (Altman 1999) that the resulting CMDP problem
ing when the decision requirement includes satisfying some can be equivalently written as a linear program (LP) and
safety constraints. The problem is mathematically formulated hence efficient algorithms are available in the literature. But
as constrained Markov decision process (CMDP). In the liter- to solve the LP, one needs access to the transition proba-
ature, various algorithms are available to solve CMDP prob- bilities of the environment, which is not available in real-
lems in a model-free manner to achieve -optimal cumulative istic environment, and thus efficient approaches to develop
reward with  feasible policies. An -feasible policy implies model-free algorithms for CMDP are required.
that it suffers from constraint violation. An important ques- Various algorithms are proposed in the literature to solve
tion here is whether we can achieve -optimal cumulative re- the CMDP problem without apriori knowledge of the tran-
ward with zero constraint violations or not. To achieve that,
sition probability (See Table 1 for comparisons). The per-
we advocate the use of randomized primal-dual approach
to solve the CMDP problems and propose a conservative formance of these algorithms is measured by the number of
stochastic primal-dual algorithm (CSPDA) which is shown to samples (number of state-action-state transitions) required
exhibit Õ 1/2 sample complexity to achieve -optimal cu-
 to achieve -optimal (objective sub-optimality) -feasible
mulative reward with zero constraint violations . In the prior (constraint violations) policies. An -feasible policy means
works, the best available sample complexity for the -optimal that the constraints are not completely satisfied by the ob-
policy with zero constraint violation is Õ 1/5 . Hence, the tained policy. However, in many applications, such as in
proposed algorithm provides a significant improvement as power systems (Vu et al. 2020) or autonomous vehicle con-
compared to the state of the art. trol (Wen et al. 2020), violations of constraint could be catas-
trophic in practice. Hence, achieving optimal objective guar-
antees without constraint violation is an important problem
Introduction and is the focus of the paper. More precisely, we ask the
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a machine learning frame- question, “Is it possible to achieve the optimal sublinear
work which learns to perform a task by repeatedly interact- convergence rate for the objective while achieving zero con-
ing with the environment. This framework is widely utilized straint violations for CMDP problem without apriori knowl-
in a wide range of applications such as robotics, communi- edge of the transition probability?”
cations, computer vision, autonomous driving, etc. (Arulku- We answer the above question in affirmative in this work.
maran et al. 2017; Kiran et al. 2021). The problem is mathe- We remark that the sample complexity result in this work
matically formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) exhibit tight dependencies on the cardinality of state and ac-
which constitute of a state, action, and transition probabili- tion spaces (cf. Table 1 in Appendix). The key contributions
ties of going from one state to the other after taking a partic- can be summarized as follows:
ular action. On taking an action, a reward is achieved and the • To best of our knowledge, this work is the first attempt
overall objective is to maximize the sum of discounted re- to solve CMDPs to achieve optimal sample complexity
wards. However, in various realistic environments, the agent with zero constraint violation. There exist one exception
needs to decide action where certain constraints need to be in the literature which achieves the zero constraint vio-
satisfied (e.g., average power constraint in wireless sensor lation but at the cost of Õ 1/5 sample complexity to
networks (Buratti et al. 2009), queue stability constraints achieve  optimal policy (Wei, Liu, and Ying 2021). In
(Xiang et al. 2015), safe exploration (Moldovan and Abbeel contrast, we are
 able to achieve zero constraint violation
Copyright c 2022, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
with Õ 1/2 sample complexity1 .
Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. • We utilized the idea of conservative constraints in the dual
1 domain to derive the zero constraint violations. Conserva-
The detailed proof can be found in Appendix in (Bai et al.
2021) tive constrains were used recently for showing zero con-

straint violations in online constrained convex optimiza- principle and provided a PAC analysis for their algorithm.
tion in (Akhtar, Bedi, and Rajawat 2021), while the prob- (Ding et al. 2021) considered a linear MDP with constraints
lem of CMDP is much more challenging than online con- setting and proposed the OPDOP algorithm and extended it
strained optimization. The dual constraint violations are to the tabular setting as well.
then used to derive the primal domain results utilizing the Model-free CRL. As compared to the model-based algo-
novel analysis unique to this work (cf. Sec. ). We remark rithms, existing results for the model-free algorithms are
that directly applying the conservative constraint idea in fewer. The authors of (Achiam et al. 2017) proposed a con-
the primal domain does not result in the optimal depen- strained policy optimization (CPO) algorithm and authors of
dence on the discount factor. (Tessler, Mankowitz, and Mannor 2018) proposed a reward
• The proposed algorithm utilizes adaptive state-action pair constrained policy optimization (RCPO) algorithm. The au-
sampling (cf. Eq. (12)), due to which the stochastic gradi- thors of (Gattami, Bai, and Aggarwal 2021) related CMDP
ent estimates exhibit unbounded second order moments. to zero-sum Markov-Bandit games, and provided efficient
This makes the analysis challenging, and standard saddle solutions for CMDP. However, these works did not provide
point algorithms cannot be used. This difficulty is handled any convergence rates for their algorithms. Furthermore, the
by using KL divergence as the performance metric for the authors in (Ding et al. 2020) proposed a primal-dual natural
dual update similar to (Zhang et al. 2021). policy gradient algorithm both in tabular and general settings
• We have performed proof of concept experiments to sup- and have provided a regret and constraint violation analy-
port the theoretical findings. sis. A primal only constraint rectified policy optimization
(CRPO) algorithm is proposed in (Xu, Liang, and Lan 2021)
to achieve sublinear convergence rate to the global optimal
Related Work policy and sublinear convergence rate for the constraint vio-
Unconstrained RL. In the recent years, reinforcement lations as well. Most of the existing approaches with specific
learning has been well studied for unconstrained tabular set- sample complexity and constraint violation error bound are
tings. Different algorithms are compared based upon the summarized in Appendix. Recently, (Chen, Dong, and Wang
sample complexity of the algorithm which describes the 2021) translated the constrained RL problem into a saddle
number of samples T required to achieve an  optimal pol- point problem and proposed a primal-dual algorithm which
icy. For the infinite horizon discounted reward setting, (Lat- achieved Õ(1/2 ) sample complexity to obtain -optimal -
timore and Hutter 2012) modified the famous model-based feasible solution. However, the policy is considered as the
UCRL algorithm (Jaksch, Ortner,
Auer 2010) to achieve primal variable in the algorithm and an estimation of Q-table
the PAC upper bound of Õ (1−γ)3 2 on the sample com- is required in the primal update, which introduces extra sam-
ple complexity and computation complexity.
plexity. (Li et al. 2021) improved the model-free vanilla Online Constrained Convex Optimization. In the field of
 to achieve the sample Complexity standard online convex optimization with constraints, the
|S||A| problem of reducing the regret and constraint violation is
Õ (1−γ) 4 2 . For the episodic setting with episode length
well investigated in the recent years (Mahdavi, Jin, and Yang
of H, (Azar, Osband, and Munos 2017) proposed the model- 2012; Akhtar, Bedi, and Rajawat 2021). Recently, the au-
basedUCBVI algorithm
 and achieved a sample complexity thors of (Akhtar, Bedi, and Rajawat 2021) utilized the idea
H 3 |S||A| of conservative constraints to achieve -optimal solution
of Õ 2 which is equivalent to the lower bound pro-
with Õ(1/2 ) sample complexity and zero constraint vio-
vided in the paper. Along the similar lines, (Jin et al. 2018) lations. We utilize the conservative idea in this work to more
proposed a model-free UCB Q-learning and achieved the complex setting of constrained RL problems to achieve zero
sample complexity of Õ( H |S||A|2 ). Above all, there exists constraint violations.
a number of near-optimal algorithms (either model-based or
model-free) in the unconstrained tabular settings for RL. Problem Formulation
Model-based Constrained RL. Once the estimated transi-
tion model is either given or estimated accurately enough, Consider an infinite horizon discounted reward constrained
it makes intuitive sense to utilize a model-based algorithm Markov Decision Process (CMDP) which is defined by tuple
to solve the constrained RL (CRL) problem because the (S, A, P, r, gi , I, γ, ρ). In this model, S denotes the finite
problem boils down to solving only a linear program (Alt- state space (with |S| number of states), A is the finite action
man 1999). Under the model-based framework, the authors space (with |A| number of actions), and P : S × A → ∆|S|
(Efroni, Mannor, and Pirotta 2020) proposed 4 algorithms gives the transition dynamics of the CMDP (where ∆d de-
namely OptCMDP & OptCMDP-bonus, OptDual, and Opt- notes the probability simplex in d dimension). More specifi-
PrimalDual which solve the problem in the primal, dual, cally, P(·|s, a) describes the probability distribution of next
and primal-dual domains, respectively. (Brantley et al. 2020) state conditioned on the current state s and action a. We de-
proposed a modular algorithm, CONRL, which utilizes the note P(s0 |s, a) as Pa (s, s0 ) for simplicity. In the CMDP tu-
principle of optimism and can be applied to standard CRL ple, r : S × A → [0, 1] is the reward function, gi : S × A →
setting and also extended to the concave-convex and knap- [−1, 1] is the ith constraint cost function, and I denotes the
sack setting. (Kalagarla, Jain, and Nuzzo 2021) proposed the number of constraints. Further, γ is the discounted factor and
UC-CFH algorithm which also works using the optimism ρ is the initial distribution of the states.

It is well known that there always exists a deterministic up to 1, which meansP λ is a valid probability measure and
optimal policy for unconstrained MDP problem. However, we define Λ := {λ| s,a λ(s, a) = 1} as a probability sim-
the optimal policy for CMDP could be stochastic. Further- plex. For a given occupancy measure λ, we can recover the
more, (Altman 1999, Theorem 3.1) shows that it is enough policy πλ as
to consider stationary stochastic policies. Thus, let us define
λ(s, a)
the stationary stochastic policy as π : S → ∆|A| , which πλ (a|s) = P . (7)
maps a state to a distribution in the action space. The value a0 λ(s, a )
functions for both reward and constraint’s cost following By (Altman 1999, Theorem 3.3(c)), it is known that if λ∗ is
such policy π are given by (Chen, Dong, and Wang 2021) the optimal solution for problem in Eq. (6), then πλ∗ will be
an optimal policy for problem in Eq. (3).

Vrπ (s) = (1 − γ)E γ t r(st , at ) ,

 Algorithm Development
Vgπi (s) = (1 − γ)E γ t gi (st , at ) , (1) The problem in (3) is well studied in the literature and vari-
ous model-based algorithms are proposed (Ding et al. 2020;
for all s ∈ S. At each instant t, for given state st and Xu, Liang, and Lan 2021). All of the existing approaches are
action at ∼ π(·|st ), the next state st+1 is distributed as able to achieve an objective optimality gap of Õ(1/2 ) with
st+1 ∼ P(·|st , at ). The expectation in (1) is with respect to constraint violations of Õ() where  is the accuracy pa-
the transition dynamics of the environment and the stochas- rameter. Recently, the authors in (Wei, Liu, and Ying 2021)
tic policy π. Let us denote Jrπ and Jgπi as the expected value proposed a triple-Q algorithm to achieve zero constraint vi-
function w.r.t. the initial distribution such as olations at the cost of achieving objective optimality gap of
Jr,ρ (π) =Es0 ∼ρ [Vrπ (s0 )] , Õ(1/5 ). The goal here is to develop an algorithm to achieve
Jgi ,ρ (π) =Es0 ∼ρ [Vgπi (s0 )], ∀i. (2) zero constraint violation without suffering for the objec-
tive optimality gap. To do so, we consider the conserva-
The goal here is to maximize the expected value function for tive stochastic optimization framework presented in (Akhtar,
reward Jr,ρ (π) with respect to policy π subject to satisfying Bedi, and Rajawat 2021) and utilize it to propose a conser-
the constraints value function, formulated as vative version of the constrained MDPs problem in (6) as
max Jr,ρ (π) max hλ, ri (8a)
(3) λ≥0
s.t. Jgi ,ρ (π) ≥ 0 ∀i ∈ [I],
s.t. λ, gi ≥ κ ∀i ∈ [I], (8b)
where [I] denoted the index of constraints. We note that the X
problem in Eq. (3) optimizes in the policy space. However, (I − γPTa )λa = (1 − γ)ρ, (8c)
the value function is a non-linear function with respect to a∈A

policy. It is well known that the problem in (3) can be equiv- where κ > 0 is tuning parameter which controls the con-
alently written in terms of a linear program in the occupancy servative nature for the constraints. The idea is to consider
measure space (Altman 1999). Thus, we introduce the con- a tighter version (controlled by κ) of the original inequality
cept of occupancy measure as follows. For a given policy π, constraint in (6) which allows us to achieve zero constraint
the occupancy measure is defined as violation for CMDPs which does not hold for any existing
 X∞  algorithm. We will specify the specific value of the param-
λ(s, a) = (1 − γ) γ t P(st = s, at = a) , (4) eter κ later in the convergence analysis section (cf. Sec. ).
Note that the conservative version of the problem in Eq. (8)
where s0 ∼ ρ, at ∼ π(·|sT ), P(st = s, at = a) is the is still a LP and hence the strong duality holds, which moti-
probability of visiting state s and taking action a in step t. vates us to develop the primal-dual based algorithms to solve
By the definition in (4), the value functions in Eq. (3) can be the problem in (8). By the KKT theorem, the problem in
expressed as Eq. (8) is equivalent to the following a saddle point problem
Es∼ρ [Vrπ (s)] = hλ, ri , Es∼ρ [Vgπi (s)] = λ, gi . (5) which we obtain by writing the Lagrangian of (8) as
Following the equivalence in (5), the original problem of (3)
ui hgi , λi − κ

L(λ, u, v) = hλ, ri +
in policy space is equivalent to the following Linear pro- i∈[I]
gram (LP) in the occupancy measure space given by (Alt-
+ (1 − γ) hρ, vi + λTa (γPa − I)v (9)
man 1999, Theorem 3.3(a)(b)) a∈A
max hλ, ri T
= hλ, ri + u, G λ − κ1 + (1 − γ) hρ, vi
s.t. λ, g ≥ 0 ∀i ∈ [I], (6) + hλa , (γPa − I)vi , (10)
X a∈A
(I − γPTa )λa = (1 − γ)ρ,
where u := [u1 , u2 , · · · , ui ]T is a column vector of the
where λa = [λ(1, a), · · · , λ(|S|, a)] ∈ R|S| is the ath col- dual variable corresponding to constraints in (8b), v is the
umn of λ. Notice that the equality constant in Eq. (6) sums dual variable corresponding to equality constraint in (8c),

G := [g1 , · · · , gI ] ∈ RS×A×I collects all the gi ’s corre- Algorithm 1: Conservative Stochastic Primal-Dual
sponding to I constraints in (8b), and 1 is the all one column Algorithm (CSPDA) for constrained RL
vector. From the Lagrangian in (10), the equivalent saddle Input: Sample size T. Initial distribution ρ. Discounted fac-
point problem is given by tor γ.
Parameter: Step-size α, β. Slater variable ϕ, Shift-
max min L(λ, u, v). (11)
λ≥0 u≥0,v parameter M , Conservative variable κ and Constant δ ∈
(0, 12 )
Since the Lagrange function is linear w.r.t. both primal and PT PT
dual variable, it is known that the saddle point can be solved Output: λ̄ = T1 t=1 λt , ū = T1 t=1 ut and v̄ =
PT t
by the primal-dual gradient descent (Nedić and Ozdaglar T t=1 v
2009). However, since we assume that the transition dynam- 1: Initialize u1 ∈ U , v1 ∈ V and λ1 = 1
ics Pa is unknown, then directly evaluating gradients of La-
2: for t = 1, 2, ..., T do
grangian in (11) with respect to primal and dual variables
3: ζ t := (1 − δ)λt + |S||A|
is not possible. To circumvent this issue, we resort to a ran-
domized primal dual approach proposed in (Wang 2020) to 4: Sample (st , at ) ∼ ζ t and s0 ∼ ρ
solve the problem in a model-free stochastic manner. We as- 5: Sample s0t ∼ P(·|at , st ) from the generative model
sume the presence of a generative model which is a com- and observe reward rsa
mon assumption in control/RL applications. The generative 6: Update value functions as u and v as
model results the next state s0 for a given state s and action a ˆ u L(λt , ut , vt ))
in the model and provides a reward r(s, a) to train the policy. ut+1 = ΠU (ut − α∇ (17)
To this end, we consider a distribution ζ over S × A to write vt+1 = ΠV (vt − α∇ ˆ v L(λt , ut , vt )) (18)
a stochastic approximation for the Lagrangian L(λ, u, v) in
(11) as 7: Update occupancy measure as
Lζ(s,a,s0 ),s0 (λ, u, v) = (1 − γ)v(s0 )+ (12) λt+ 2 = arg max ∇ ˆ λ L(λt , ut , vt ), λ − λt
λ(s, a)(Zsa − M ) X 1
1ζ(s,a)>0 · − κui , − KL(λkλt ) (19)
ζ(s, a) i∈[I] β
1 1
where λt+1 =λt+ 2 /kλt+ 2 k1 (20)
Zsa := r(s, a) + γv(s0 ) − v(s) + ui gi (s, a), (13) 8: end for

and s0 ∼ ρ, the current state action pair (s, a) ∼ ζ, and the With all the stochastic gradient definitions in place, we are
next state s0 ∼ P(·|s, a). We remark that M in (14) is a shift now ready to present the proposed novel algorithm called
parameter which is used in the convergence analysis. We no- Conservative Stochastic Primal-Dual Algorithm (CSPDA)
tice that the stochastic approximation Lζ(s,a,s0 ),s0 (λ, u, v) in summarized in Algorithm 1. First, we initialize the primal
(12) is an unbiased estimator for the Lagrangian function and dual variables in step 1. In step 4 and 5, we sample
in Eq. (10) which implies that Eζ×P(·|s,a),ρ [Lζ(s,a,s0 ),s0 ] = (st , at , s0 ) and then obtain s0t from the generative model.
In step 6, we update the dual variables by the gradient de-
L(λ, u, v) with supp(ζ) ⊂ supp(λ). We could see ζ as a scent step and a projection opration (See Lemma 1 for the
adaptive state-action pair distribution which helps to con- definition of U and V). In step 7, we utilize the mirror ascent
trol the variance of the stochastic gradient estimator. The update and utilize the KL divergence as the Bregman diver-
stochastic gradients of the Lagrangian with respect to pri- gence to obtain tight dependencies on the convergence rate
mal and dual variables are given by analysis similar to (Wang 2020). Then, the occupancy mea-
sure is normalized so that it remains a valid distribution.
ˆ λ L(λ, u, v) = 1ζ(s,a)>0 · Zsa − M · Esa ,
∇ (14)
ζ(s, a)
Convergence Analysis
ˆ u L(λ, u, v) = 1ζ(s,a)>0 · λ(s, a)g(s, a) − κ1,
∇ (15) In this section, we study the convergence rate of the pro-
ζ(s, a)
posed Algorithm 1 in detail. We start by analyzing the dual-
ˆ v L(λ, u, v) = e(s0 0 )+1ζ(s,a)>0 · λ(s, a)(γe(s ) − e(s)) ,
∇ ity gap for the saddle point problem in (11). Then we show
ζ(s, a) that the output of Algorithm 1 given by λ̄ is -optimal for the
(16) conservative version of the dual domain optimization prob-
lem in (8) of CMDPs. Finally, we perform the analysis in the
where we define e(s0 0 ) = (1 − γ)e(s0 ) with e(s0 ) ∈ R|S| policy space and present the main results of this work. We
being a column vector with all entries equal to 0 except only prove that the induced policy π̄ by the optimal occupancy
the sth entry equal to 1, Esa ∈ R|S|×|A| is a matrix with measure λ̄ is also -optimal and achieves zero constraint vi-
only the (s, a) entry equaling to 1 and all other entries being olation at the same time. Before discussing the convergence
0, and g(s, a) = [g1 (s, a), · · · , gi (s, a)]T . analysis, we provide a detailed description of the assump-

tions required for the work in this paper. Algorithm 1, the duality gap can be bounded as
L(ū, v̄, λ∗κ ) − L(u, v, λ̄)
Assumption 1. (Strict feasibility) There exists a strictly fea-
sible occupancy measure λ̂ ≥ 0 to problem in (8) such that 1X
≤ ∇λ L(wt , λt ), λ∗κ − λt
D E T t=1 | {z }
λ̂, gi − ϕ ≥ 0 ∀i ∈ [I] (I)
X (21) 
t t t
and (I − γPTa )λ̂a = (1 − γ)ρ + ∇w L(w , λ ), w − w . (23)
a | {z }
for some ϕ > 0.
The bound on terms I and II in the statement of Lemma
Assumption 1 is the stronger version of the popular 2 are provided in the Appendix. This helps to prove the main
Slater’s condition which is often required in the analysis result in Theorem 1, which establishes the final bound on the
of convex optimization problems. A similar assumption is duality gap as follows.
considered in the literature as well (Mahdavi, Jin, and Yang Theorem 1. Define (u† , v† ) := arg minu,v L(u, v, λ̄). Re-
2012; Akhtar, Bedi, and Rajawat 2021) and also helps to en- call λ∗κ is the best solution for the conservative Lagrange
sure the boundedness of dual variables (see Lemma 1). We problem. The duality gap of the Algorithm 1 is bounded as
remark that Assumption 1 is unique to utilize the idea of E[L(ū, v̄, λ∗κ ) − L(u† , v† , λ̄)]
conservative constraints to obtain zero constraint violations r 
in the long term. To be specific, Assumption 1 plays a cru- I|S||A| log(|S||A|) 1
cial rule in proving that the optimal objective values of the ≤O · . (24)
T (1 − γ)ϕ
original problem in (6) and it’s conservative version in (8) The proof of Theorem 1 is provided in Appendix. The
are O(κ) apart as mentioned in Lemma 3. result in Theorem 1 describes a sublinear dependence of the
duality gap onto the state-action space cardinality upto a log-
Convergence Analysis for Duality Gap arithmic factor. In the next subsection we utilize the duality
gap upper bound to derive a bound on the objective subopti-
In order to bound the duality gap, we note that the standard mality and the constraint violation separately.
analysis of saddle point algorithms (Nedić and Ozdaglar
2009; Akhtar, Bedi, and Rajawat 2021) is not applicable be- Dual Objective and Constraint Violation
cause of the unbounded noise introduced into the updates Recall that the saddle point problem in Eq. (22) is an equiva-
due to the use of adaptive sampling of the state-action pairs lent problem to Eq. (6) where the main difference arises due
(Wang 2020; Zhang et al. 2021). Therefore, it becomes nec- to the newly introduced conservativeness parameter κ. Thus,
essary to obtain explicit bounds on the gradient as well as a convergence analysis for duality gap should imply the con-
the variance of the stochastic estimates of the gradients. We vergence in occupancy measure in Eq. (8). But before that,
start the analysis by consider the form of Slater’s condition we need to characterize the gap between the original prob-
in Assumption 1, and show that the dual variables u and v lem (6) and its conservative version in (8). The following
are bounded (Note that the optimal dual variables now will Lemma 3 shows that the gap is of the order of parameter κ.
be function of conservative variable κ as well). Lemma 3. Under Assumption 1, and condition κ ≤
Lemma 1 (Bounded dual variable u and v). Under the min{ ϕ2 , 1}, it holds that the difference of optimal values be-
Assumption 1, the optimal dual variables u∗κ and vκ∗ are tween original problem and conservative problem is O(κ).
bounded. Formally, it holds that ku∗κ k1 ≤ ϕ2 and kvκ∗ k∞ ≤ Mathematically, it holds that hλ∗ , ri − hλ∗κ , ri ≤ ϕκ .
1 2 The proof of Lemma 3 is provided in Appendix. Using
1−γ + (1−γ)ϕ .
the statement of Lemma 3 and Theorem 1, we obtain the
The proof of Lemma 1 is provided in Appendix. As a convergence result in terms of output occupancy measure in
result, we define U := u | kuk1 ≤ ϕ4 and V := following Theorem 2.
v | kvk∞ ≤ 2[ 1−γ 2
+ (1−γ)ϕ ] . Since we have mathemat- Theorem 2. For any 0 <  < 1, there exists a constant c̃1
such that if
ically defined the set U and V, now we rewrite the saddle  
point formulation in (11) as 1 I|S||A| log(|S||A|)
T ≥ max 16, 4ϕ2 , 2 · c̃21 (25)
 (1 − γ)2 ϕ2
max min L(λ, u, v). (22) 2c̃1
I|S||A| log(|S||A|)
λ∈Λ (u∈U ,v∈V) set κ = 1−γ T and M = 4[ ϕ1 + 1−γ 1
(1−γ)ϕ ], then the constraints of the original problem in (6)
In the analysis presented next, we will work with the prob-
lem in (22). First, we decompose the duality gap in Lemma satisfy:
2 as follows. E λ̄, gi ≥ ϕ ∀i ∈ [I], (26a)
Lemma 2 (Duality gap). For any dual variables u, v, let us E (γPTa − I)λ̄a + (1 − γ)ρ ≤ (1 − γ)ϕ. (26b)
define w = [uT , vT ]T , and consider ū, v̄, λ̄ as defined in a

Additionally, the objective sub-optimality of (6) is given by
E[hλ∗ , ri − λ̄, r ] ≤ 3. (27)
The proof of Theorem 2 is provided in Appendix. Next,
we present the special case of Theorem 2 in the form of
Corollary 1 (see proof in Appendix), which shows the equiv-
alent results for the case without conservation parameter,
κ = 0.
Corollary 1 (Non Zero-Violation Case). Set κ = 0. For
any  > 0, there exists a constant c̃1 such that if T ≥ c̃21 ·
I|S||A| log(|S||A|)
(1−γ)2 ϕ2 2 then λ̄ satisfies the constraint violation as
E λ̄, gi ≥ − ∀i ∈ [I] (28a)
E (γPTa − I)λ̄a + (1 − γ)ρ ≤ (1 − γ)ϕ, (28b)

and the sub-optimality is given by E[hλ∗ , ri − λ̄, r ] ≤ . Figure 1: Learning Process of the proposed algorithm for
objective with κ = 0 and κ > 0. The total reward is the
The positive lower bound of ϕ in (26a) hints that λ̄ is objective in (31).
feasible (hence zero constraint violation). On the other hand,
the lower bound in (28a) is negative − which states that the
constraints in the dual space may not be satisfied for λ̄. Next, Evaluations on a Queuing System
we show that how the result in Theorem 2 helps to achieve
the zero constraint violation in the policy space. In this section, we evaluate the proposed Algorithm 1 on a
queuing system with a single server in discrete time (Alt-
Convergence Analysis in Policy Space man 1999)[Chapter 5]. In this model, we assume a buffer
of finite size L. A possible arrival is assumed to occur at
We have established the convergence in the occupancy mea-
the beginning of the time slot. The state of the system is
sure space in Sec. and shown that λ̄ achieves an -optimal
the number of customers waiting in the queue at the be-
-feasible solution but the claim of zero constraint violation
ginning of time slot such that the size of state space is
is still not clear. But a small violation in Eq. (26b) makes λ̄
|S| = L + 1. We assume that there are two kinds of ac-
to loose its physical meaning as discussed in (Zhang et al.
tions: service action and flow action. The service action is
2021, Proposition 1). Thus, to make the idea clearer and ex-
selected from a finite finite subset A of [amin , amax ] such
plicitly show the benefit of the conservative idea utilized in
that 0 < amin ≤ amax < 1. With a service action a, we as-
this work, we further present the results in the policy space.
sume that a service of a customer is successfully completed
The bound in Eq. (26b) provides an intuition that the output
with probability a. If the service succeeds, the length of the
occupancy measure is close to the optimal one and therefore,
queue will reduce by one, otherwise queue length remains
the induced policy should also be close to the optimal policy.
the same. The flow action is a finite subset B of [bmin , bmax ]
Such a result is mathematically presented next in Theorem
such that 0 ≤ bmin ≤ bmax < 1. Given a flow action b, a
customer arrives with probability b. Let the state at time t
Theorem 3 (Zero-Violation). Under the condition in Theo- be xt , and we assume that no customer arrives when state
rem 2 the induced policy π̄ by the output occupancy measure xt = L. Finally, the overall action space is the product of
λ̄ is an -optimal policy and achieves 0 constraint violation. service action space and flow action space, i.e., A×B. Given
Mathematically, this implies that an action pair (a, b) and current state xt , the transition of this
Jr,ρ (π ∗ ) − E[Jr,ρ (π̄)] ≤  (29a) system P (xt+1 |xt , at = a, bt = b) is shown in Table 1.
E[Jgi ,ρ (π̄)] ≥ 0 ∀i ∈ [I]. (29b) Assuming γ = 0.5, we want to maximize the total dis-
counted cumulative reward while satisfying two constraints
The proof of Theorem 3 is provided in Appendix. To get with respect to service and flow, simultaneously. Thus, the
better idea about the importance of result in Theorem 3, we overall optimization problem is given as
next present a Corollary 2 which is a special case of Theo- X∞ 
rem 3 for κ = 0.
min E γ t c(st , π a (st ), π b (st )) (31)
Corollary 2 (Non Zero-Violation Case). Under the condi- π a ,π b
tion in Corollary 1, the induced policy π̄ by the output occu- ∞
pancy measure λ̄ is an -optimal policy w.r.t both objective s.t. E t i a b
γ c (st , π (st ), π (st )) ≥ 0 i = 1, 2
and constraints. More formally, t=0
Jr,ρ (π ∗ ) − E[Jr,ρ (π̄)] ≤  (30a)
where s0 ∼ ρ, π a and π b are the policies for the ser-
E[Jgi ,ρ (π̄)] ≥ − ∀i ∈ [I]. (30b) vice and flow, respectively. We note that the expectation in
The benefit of utilizing the conservation parameter κ be- (31) is with respect to both the stochastic policies and the
comes clear after comparing the results in (29b) and (30b). transition probability. For simulations, we choose L = 5,

Current State P (xt+1 = xt − 1) P (xt+1 = xt ) P (xt+1 = xt + 1)
1 ≤ xt ≤ L − 1 a(1 − b) ab + (1 − a)(1 − b) (1 − a)b
xt = L a 1−a 0
xt = 0 0 1 − b(1 − a) b(1 − a)

Table 1: Transition probability of the queue system

that to achieve an -optimal policy, it is sufficient to run the

proposed Algorithm 1 for Ω( I|S||A| log(|S||A|)
(1−γ)2 ϕ2 2 ) steps. Addi-
tionally, we proved that the proposed Algorithm 1 does not
violate any of the I constraints which is unique to this work
in the CRL literature. The idea is to consider a conserva-
tive version (controlled by parameter κ) of the original con-
straints and then a suitable choice of κ enables us to make
the constraint violation zero while still achieving the best
sample complexity for the objective suboptimality.

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