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PHYSICS CLASS : XI Code : 11P-02

Chapter : Units and Measurements

Time : 1 Hr. MM : 25
INSTRUCTIONS : I. All questions are compulsory.
II. Question number 1 to 5 are very short-answer questions of 1 mark each; question number 6 to 9 are short
answer questions of 2 marks each and question number 10 to 13 are short answer questions of 3 marks each.
III. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in 01 question of 2 marks and 01
question of 3 marks
IV. Although space has been provided after each question, the student may ask for additional sheet if required.

1. Distinguish between fundamental and derived units.

2. Define significant figures.

3. What do you understand by the dimensions of a physical quantity?

4. Can a body have zero mass and zero weight?

5. Write the full form of (i) RADAR (ii) SONAR.

2 CPT — Units & Measurements
6. Derive the SI unit of joule (J) in terms of fundamental units.

7. If x = a + bt + ct2, where ‘x’ is in metre and ‘t’ in second, what is the unit of ‘c’?

8. What do you understand by absolute error?

9. Describe the parallax method for the determination of the distance of a nearby star from the earth.
The frequency (n) of an oscillating drop depends upon radius (r) of the drop, density (r) of liquid and surface tension (S) of the
liquid. Deduce the formula dimensionally.
10. Write the dimensions of
(i) Linear density (ii) Power
(iii) Impulse (iv) Velocity Gradient
(v) Mass per unit area (vi) Kinetic energy

11. Mention the limitations of the method of dimensional analysis.

4 CPT — Units & Measurements
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12. Using dimensions, derive a formula for rate of flow (v) of a liquid through a pipe of radius (r) under a pressure gradient ç ÷
across its length. v depends on coefficient of viscosity (h) of the liquid.

13. Calorie is a unit of heat or energy and it equals about 4.2 J where 1 J = 1 kg m 2 s–2. Suppose we employ a system of units in which
the unit of mass equal a kg, the unit of length equal b m, the unit of time is g s. Show that calorie has a magnitude 4.2 a–1 b–2 g+2
in terms of the new units.
A physical quantity P is related to four observations a, b, c and d as follows : p =
The percentage errors of measurement in a, b, c and d are 1%, 3%, 4% and 2% respectively. What is the percentage error in the
quantity p? If the value of p calculated using the above relation turns out to be 3.763, to what value should you round off the

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