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ectrical Machine

Design EMD.1




PART-A Q.5 What is meant by radiation?

is transferred from one

Ans. Radiation If the heat energy
01 What are the types of electrical engineering place to other with air of gas it is called
materials ?
Q.6 What are the electrical properties of insulating
Ans. Basically there are three types of materials used in materials?
Magnetic materials Ans. Electrical Properties of Insulating
Conducting materials
) High dielectric strength
Gi) Insulating materials G) High resistivity
Cii) Low dielectric hysteresis
02 What is meant by critical magnetic field? (iv) Good thermal conductivity
Ans.Critical Magnetic Field : If the temperature of a (v) High thermal stability
material is raised above its critical temperature its
superconductivity disappears. The field at which
superconductivity vanishes is called critical magnetic field. PART-B

Q.3 What is meant by heating?

Q.7 Give the classification of insulating material based
Ans. Heating: The temperature of a machine rises when
on thermal consideration.
Funsunder load condition starting from cold condition.
The temperature raises is directly proportional to the power
Ans. The insulation system (also called insulation class) for
wasted. The heat dissipation may be due to conduction,
wires used in generators, motors transformers and other wire-
convection or radiation.
wound electrical components is divided into different classes
according the temperature that they can safely withstand.
Q4 What is meant by cooling?
As per Indian Standard (Thermal evaluation and
Ans. Cooling: The cooling medium like air, water or gas
is classification of Electrical Insulation,IS.No.1271,1985,first
provided to absorb the heat energy to save the machine. The revision) and other international standard insulation is classified
cooling medium is also called coolent. The cooling is of two by letter grades A,E,B,F,H (previous Y,A,E,B,FH,C).
ypes like, direct and indirect cooling.
EMD.2- B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved
Table: Classification of insulating materials based on thermal Insulation is the weakest element
against heat and
the life of electrical
consideration critical factor in deciding
Insúlation class Maximum Typical materials maximum operating temperatures
PreviousPresent operating prescribed for differen
class of insulation are for a healthy lifetime rent
temperature of 20,000 houn
The height temperature permitted for the
in °C usually about 2000C at the maximum. Exceeding
machine parts
90 Cotton, silk, paper, the
wood, cellulose, fiber maximum operating temperature will affect the life of
etc. without insulation. As a rule of thumb, the lifetime of the windin
impregnation or oil insulation will be reduced by half for every 10°C ding
immersed temperature. The present day trend is to design the machinn
105 The material of classY using class F insulation for class B temperature rise.
impregnated with
natural resins, cellulose
esters, insulating oils Q.8 What are the Major considerations in Electrical
etc. and also laminated Machine Design?
wood, varnished paper
etc. Ans. Major considerations in Electrical Machine Desion
120 |Synthetic resin enamels The basic components of all electromagnetic apparatus
of vinyl acetate or the field and armature windings supported by dielectric
nylon tapes, cotton and insulation, cooling system and mechanical parts. Therefore
paper laminates with the factors for consideration in the design are
formaldehyde bonding Magnetic circuit or the flux path : Should establish required
etc. amount of flux using minimum MMF. The core losses should
B 130 Mica, glass fiber, be less.
asbestos etc., with
suitable bonding Electric circuit or windings: Should ensure required EMF
is induced with no complexity in winding arrangement.
substances, built up The
mica, glass fiber and copper losses should be less.
asbestos laminates. Insulation: Should ensure trouble free separation ofmachine
F 155 The materials of Class parts operating at different potential and confine the
B with more thermal current
in the prescribed paths.
resistance bonding
Cooling system or ventilation Should ensure
materials. that the
H H 180 Glass fiber and machine operates at the specified temperature.
asbestos materials and Machine parts: Should be robust.
built up mica with The art of successful design lies not only
appropriate silicone in resolving the
conflict for space between iron, copper,
resins. insulation and coolant
C >180 Mica, ceramics, glass, but also in optimization of cost of manufacturing, operating
quartz and asbestos and maintenance charges.
with binders or resins The factors, apart from the above,
that requires
of super thermal consideration are:
stability. (a) Limitation in design (saturation, current density,
The maximum operating temperature is the temperature insulation, temperature rise etc.)
the insulation can reach during operation
and is the sum of (b) Customer's needs
standardized ambient temperature
i.e. 40 degree centigrade,
permissible temperature rise and allowance (c) National and international standards
tolerance for
spot in winding. For example, the maximum temperaturehot (d) Convenience in production line and transportation
of lineand tra
class B insuiation is (ambient temperature (e) Maintenance and repairs
40 + allowable
temperature rise 80 + hot spot tolerance
10) = 130°C. ( Environmental conditions etc.
trical Machine Design
what are the EMD.3
Q.9 different limitations
design? in machine Some of the properties of copper and aluminium are
shown in the table
Timitations in
s. design
and others such as : The materials used Table Properties of Good Conductiag Materials
macion. The cooling etc. imposes for the
limitations stem a limitation
from S.No. Particulars
density in conductors, temperature,saturation of iron, current Copper Aluminium
properties, efficiency, power insulation, mechanical
factor etc. 1. Resistivity at 0.0172ohm/m/ 0.0269ohm/m/mm
Saturation: Higher
Hi flux density 20°C mm
hut drives the iron to
Tetization curve or in operate
reduces the volume
beyond knee
the of the 2. Density at 8933kg/.a 2689.9m
iron poses a limitation on region of saturation. Saturation
account of increased
and excessive excitation core loss
required to establish Temperature 0.393% per °C 0.4% per °C
of flux. It also introduces a desired value
harmonics. coefficient
) Current density: Higher current (0-100°C)
of copper but increases density reduces the
the losses and temperature. Explanation: Ifthe temperature
e Temperature: poses a limitation increases by 1°C, the resistance
damage to insulation on account of possible
and other materials. increases by 0.4% in case of
) Insulation(which is both mechanically aluminium
weak): poses a limitation and electrically
on account of breakdown 4. Coefficient 16.8x10 per 23.5x 10 per °C
excessive voltage gradient, by
mechanical forces or heat. of linear C
(e)Mechanical strength expansion
ofthe materials poses a limitation 0-100 C)
particularly in case of large
and high speed machines.
( High eficiency and high power factor poses limitation 5. Tensile 25 to 40 10 to 18 kg/mm*
a kg/mm
on account of higher capital strength
(A low value of efficiency
and power factor on the other 6. Mechanical highly not highly
hand results in a high property
maintenance cost). malleable and malleable and
(g) Mechanical
Commutation in dc motors or generators ductile ductile
leadsto poor commutation.
7. Melting 1083°C 660°C
Q.10 Discuss the properties of good conducting material
used for designing of Electrical Machine.
3. Thermal 599 W/m °C 238 W/m °C
Ans. Conducting materials: Commonly used conducting
materials are copper and aluminum. Some of the desirable 9 Jointing can be easily cannot be soldered
properties a good conductor should possess are listed below. soldered easily
Low value ofresistivity or high conductivity
2 Low value of temperature coefficient of resistance For the same resistance and length, cross-sectional
3. High area of aluminium is 61% larger than that of the copper
tensile strength
conductor and almost 50% lighter than copper. 1Though
4 High melting point the
inium reduces the cost of small capacity transformers, it
5. High
resistance to corrosion increases the size and cost of large capacity transformers.
66. Allow brazing, soldering or welding so that thejoints Aluminium is being much used now a day's only because
are reliable copper is expensive and not easily available. Aluminium
Highly malleableand ductile almost 50% cheaper than copper and not much superior
8 Durable and cheap by cost copper.
B.Tech. (V Sem) E.E. Solved Papers
EMD.4 Ts
the device operated by the motor. The proportion ofi heat
Q.11 What are the standard transfer by radiation is usually moderate, yet not completa
specifications for a
insignificant. A black surtace of the machine in particul
promotes heat transfer by radiation.
Ans. Standard specifications fora Machine Conduction There are two mechanisms of heat sfer
1. Output: kW (for generators), kW or Hp (for motors) by conduction first, heat can be transferred by molecular
interaction, in which molecules at ahigher energy level (ata
2. Voltage: V volt
higher temperature) release energy for adjacent mecules
3. Speed: N rpm
at a lower energy level via lattice vibration. Heat transfer of
4. Rating: Continuous or Shorttime this kind is possible between solids, liquids and gases. The
5. Temperature rise : 0°C for an ambient temperature second means of conduction is heat transtfer between free
of 400°C electrons.
6. Cooling: Natural orforced cooling This is typical of liquids and pure metals in particular
7. Type:Generatoror motor, separately excited or self The number of free electrons in alloys varies considerably,
excited-shunt, series, or compound, if compound type where as in materials other than metals, the number of free
of connection long or short shunt, type of electrons is small. The thermal conductivity of solids depends
are the
compounding-cumulative or diferential, degree of directly on the number of free electrons. Pure metals
compounding over, under or level. With or without
best heat conductors. Fourier's law gives the heat flow
inter poles, with or without compensating windings, with transferred by conduction.

or without equalizer rings in case of lap winding
Voltage regulation (in case of generators): Range
and method
is the heat flow rate, .
the thermal
conductivity, S the heat transfer area and VT the temperature
9. Speed control (in case of motors): Range and gradient.
method of control
Temperature rise : The temperature rise of, machine
10. Efficiency: Must be as for as possible high (As the depends on the power loss per cooling area S In electrical
efficiency increases, cot of the machine also machines, the design of heat transfer is of equal importance
as the electromagnetic design of the machine, because the
11. Type of enclosure: Based on the field of application temperature rise of the machine eventually determines the
-totally enclosed, screen protected, drip proof, flame maximum output power with which the machine is allowed
proof etc. to be constantly loaded. As a matter of fact, accurate
12. Size ofthe machine etc. management of heat and fluid transfer in an electrical machine
is a more difficult and complicated issue than the conventional
Q.12 Define the different method for the transfer of heat. electromagnetic design of an electrical machine. However,
What are the main factors in thermal design? as shown previously in this material, problems related to heat
transfer can to some degree be avoided by utilizing empirical
Ans. Heat flow: The heat is removed by convection, knowledge of the machine constants available. When creating
conduction and radiation. Usually, the convection through air, completely new constructions, empirical knowledge is not
liquid or steam is the most significant method of heat transfer. enough and thorough modeling ofthe heat transfer is required.
Forced convection is, inevitably, the most efficient cooling Finally, prototyping and measurements verify the
method if we do not take direct water cooling into account. successfulness of the design. The problem of temperature
The cooling design for forced convective cooling is also rise is two fold: first, in most motors, adequate heat removal
forward: the designer has to ensure that large enough is ensured by convection in air, conduction through the
a amount
of coolant.flows through the machine. This means that the fastening surfaces of the machine and radiation to ambient.
cooling channels have to be large enough. If machine In machines with a high power density, direct cooling methods
a with
open circuit cooling is of IP class higher than IP 20, can also be applied. Sometimes even the winding of the
heat exchangers to cool the coolant may close machine is made of copper pipe, through which the coolant
the coolant
low. flows during operation of the machine. The heat transfer of
If the motor is flange mounted, a notable amount of electrical machines can be analyzed adequately with a farly
eat can be transferred through
the flange of the machine tosimple equation for heat and fluid transfer
Clectrical Machine Design
The most important factor in thermal EMD.5)
temperature of ambient fluid, design is, however, (i) Transient short circuit current: A high value of gap
as it determines the maximum
erature rise with the heat tolerance
of the insulation.
density results in decrease in leakage reactance and
Second, in addition to the hence incrèased value of armature current under short
question of heat removal, the
distribution oflheat in different circuit conditions.
e Considered. This is a problem ofthe machinealso has
complicated three-dimensional problem
of heat diffusion, which is iv) Stability: The maximum power output of a machine
under steady state condition is indirectly proportional
involving numerous
lements such as the question of to synchronous reactance. If higher value of flux
heat transfer from the
conductors over the insulation
to the stator frame. It should density is used it leads to smaller number of turns per
he borne in mind that the various phase in armature winding. This results in reduced
empirical equations are to
he employed with caution. The distribution of heat in value of leakage reactance and hence increased value
machine can be calculated when the distribution the of power and hence increased steady state stability.
different parts of the machine of losses in
and the heat removal () Parallel operation: The satisfactory parallel operation
are exactly known. power
In transients, the heat is
distributed of synchronous generators depends on the
completely differently than synchronizing power. Higher the synchronizing power
in the stationary state. For
instance, it is possible to overload the motor considerably higher will be the ability of the machine to operate in
a short period of time by storing the excess heat in the heat synchronism. The synchronizing power is inversely
capacity of the machine. proportional to the synchronous reactance and hence
the machines designed with higher value air gap flux
density will have better ability to operate in parallel
PART-C with other machines.
Specific Electric Loading: Following are the some ofthe
factors which influence the choice of specific electric
Q.13 (a) Define specific electrical loading and specific loadings.
magnetic loading? What are the different ) Copper loss: Higher the value of q larger will be the
factors on which choice of specific electrical number of armature of conductors which results in
and magnetic loading depends? higher copper loss. This will result in higher temperature
(b) Write short note on: rise and reduction in efficiency.
Space factor (i) Voltage: A higher value of q can be used for low
(it) Rating of the machine voltage machines since the space required for the
insulation will be smaller.
Ans.(a) Specific electrical loading: The number of
armature conductors per meter of armature periphery at the
Synchronous reactance: High value of q leads to
higher value of leakage reactance and armature
air gap
reaction and hence higher value of synchronous
Specific electric loading = total number ampere reactance. Such machines will have poor voltage
conductors/armature periphery at air gap regulation, lower value of current under short-circuit
Specific magnetic loading: The average flux density that
condition and low value of steady state stability limit
is, the total magnetic loading divided by the peripheral area in
and small value of synchronizing power.
the armature of a machine.
Choice of Specific Electrícal and Magnetic loadings (iv) Stray load losses: With increase of q stray load losses
Specific magnetic loading: Following are the factors which will increase. Values of specific magnetic and specific
electric loading can be selected from Design Data
influences the performance of the machine.
Handbook for salient and non-salient pole machines.
) Iron loss: A high value of flux density in the air gap
leads to higher value offlux in the iron parts of the Ans.(b)) Space factor: Window space factor is defined
as the ratio of copper area in the window to the area of the
machine which results in increased iron losses and
reduced efficiency.
i) Voltage: When the machine is designed for higher For a given window area, as the voltage rating of the
voltage space occupied by the insulation becomes more transformer increases, quantity of insulation in the window
increases, area of copper reduces. Thus the window space
thus making the teeth smaller and hence higher flux
density in teeth and core. factor reduces as the voltage increases.
B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Paper
EMD.6 well suitable for electrical machi
i) Rating of machines : Rating of a motor is the power have properties that are
properties are confined almost entirely to ire
output or the designated operating power limit based upon Ferromagnetic
cobalt and their alloys. The only exceptions are
certin definite conditions assigned to it by the manufacturer. nickel and ea
alloys of manganese and some of the rare earth
The rating of machine refer to the whole of thesome
numerical values ofelectrical and mechanical quantities with elements.
The relative permeability ur of ferromagnetic material
their duration and sequence assigned to the machines by the
is far greater than 1.0. When ferromagnetic materials are
manufacturer and stated on the rating plate, the machine
subjected to the magnetic field, the dipoles align ther.elves
complying with the specified conditions.
in the direction of the applied field and get strongly magnetized
Rating of a single phase and three phase transformer
in KVA is given as
Further the Ferromagnetic materials can be classified
as Hard or Permanent Magnetic materials and Soft Magnetic
Q2.22 fB 8 K A A, x 103
A x 103 materials.
Q = 3.33 fB S K
(a) Hard or permanent magnetic materials have larRe
size hysteresis loop (obviously hysteresis loss is more) and
f= Frequency, Hz
gradually rising magnetization curve
B Maxim m flux density, Wb/m?
8 Current density, A/mm? Example: carbon steel, tungsten steel, cobalt steel,
alnico, hard ferrite etc.
K Window space factor
= Window area, m
(b) Soft magnetic materials have small size hysteresis loop
A = and a steep magnetization curve.
A Net core area, m
) cast iron, cast steel, rolled steel, forged steel etc. (in
Q.14 What are the properties of good magnetic material? the solid form).
Give the classification of magnetic material. Also Generally used for yokes poles of dc machines, rotors
tabulate the properties of different alloys used for of turbo alternator ete., where steady or dc flux is
designing of electrical machines. involved.
) Silicon steel (Iron +0.3 to 4.5% silicon) in the laminated
Ans. Magnetic materials: The magnetic properties of a form. Addition of silicon in proper percentage eliminates
magnetic material depend on the orientation of the crystals ageing & reduce core loss. Low silicon content steel
of the material and decide the size of the machine or equipment or dynamo gradesteel is used in rotating electrical
for a given rating, excitation required, efficiency of operation machines and are operated at high flux density. High
etc. content silicon steel (4 to 5% silicon) or transformer
The some of the properties that a good magnetic grade steel (or high resistance steel) is used in
material should possess arelisted below: transformers. Further sheet steel may be hot or cold
1. Low reluctance or should be highly pemeable or should rolled. Cold rolled grain oriented steel (CRGOS) is
have a high value of relative permeability ur. costlier and superior to hot rolled. CRGO steel is
2. High saturation induction (to minimize weight and generally used in transformers.
volume of iron parts). () Special purpose alloys: Nickel iron alloys have high
3 High electrical resistivity so that the eddy EMF and permeability and addition ofmolybdenum or chromium leads
the hence eddy current loss is less. to jmproved magnetic material. Nickel with iron in different
4. Narrow hysteresis loop or low coercivity so that proportion leads to
loss is less and efficiency of operation High nickel permalloy (iron + molybdenum+ copper
high. or chromium), used in current transformers, magnetic
5. A high curie point. (Above curie point or temperature amplifiers etc.,
the material loes the magnetic property or becomes i) Low nickel permalloy (iron + silicon + chromium or
paramagnetic, that is effectively non-magnetic) manganese), used in transformers, induction coils,
6. Should have a high value ofenergy product (expressed chokes etc.
injoules/m'). (i) Perminvor (iron + nickel+cobalt)
Civ) Pemendur (iron + cobalt + vanadium), used for
Magnetic materials can broadly be classified as
diamagnetic, paramagnetic,ferromagnetic,antiferromagnetic microphones, oscilloscopes etc.
and ferromagnetic materials. Only ferromagnetic materials (v) Mumetal (copper+ iron)
cMectrical Machine
Amorphous alloys (often called
)hOus alloys are produced by rapid metallic
d) glasses)
cooling is achieved by causing the molten alloy to flow through
of the
cooling rates of about a million degrees centigrade an orifice onto a rapidly rotating water cooled drum. This
loyond. The alloys solidify with a glass-like can produce sheets as thin as 10um and a meter or more
per ure which is
atomic wide. These alloys can be classified as iron rich based group
struct non-crystalline frozen liquid.
The rapid and cobalt based group.
Material Resistivity
Maximum Saturation Coercivity Curie
permeability magnetization in A/m temperature Qmx 10
X 103 tesla
39% Si grain oriented
non-oriented 90 2.0 6-7 745
Si grain
2.0 40 745
0.5% Si grain non-oriented
Low carbon iron
2.1 50-100 770
3-10 2.1 50-120 770 12
78%Ni and iron 250-400 350 40
309% Ni and iron
0.8 1.0 60
Tron based amorphous
1.5-1.6 10 530
35-600 1.3-1.8 1.0-1.6 310-415 120-140

ai What are the properties of good 2. Plastic or resins: Natural resins-lac, amber, shellac etc.
Material? Give the classification Insulating Synthetic resins-phenol formaldehyde, melamine,
Insulating polyesters, epoxy, silicon resins, bakelite, teflon, PVC
n,Insulating materials: To avoid any electrical activity 3. Rubber: Natural rubber, synthetic rubber-butadiene,
hetween parts at different potentials, insulation is used. An silicone rubber, hypalon, etc.
ideal insulating material should possess the following Mineral: Mica, marble, slate, talc chloride etc.
Ceramic: Porcelain, steatite, alumina etc.
Shouldhave high dielectric strength. 6. Glass: Soda lime glass, silica glass, lead glass,
2. Should with stand high temperature. borosilicate glass.
3. Should have good thermal conductivity.
7. Non-resinous: Mineral waxes, asphalt, bitumen,
chlorinated naphthalene, enamel etc.
Should not undergo thermal oxidation.
Liquid: Used in transformers, circuit breakers, reactors,
5 Should not deteriorate due to higher temperature and
rheostats, cables, capacitors etc. for impregnation. The
repeated heat cycle. examples are:
6. Should have high value ofresistivity (like 1018 Qcm). 1. Mineral oil (petroleum by product)

dielectric loss angle .

Should not consume any power or should have a low 2. Synthetic oil askarels, pyranols etc.
3. Varnish, french polish, lacquer epoxy resin etc.
are POxy ete.
8. Should withstand stresses due to centrifugal forces Gaseous: The examples
(as in rotating machines), electro dynamic
or SThe
examples are:
Air used in switches, air condensers, transmission and
mechanical forces (as in transformers). distribution lines etc.
Should withstand vibration, abrasion, bending. 2 Nitrogen use in capacitors, HV gas pressure cables
Should not absorb moisture. etc.
1. Should be flexible and cheap. 3. Hydrogen though not used as a dielectric, generally
2. Liquid insulators should not evaporate or volatilize. used as a coolant.
Insulating materials can be classified as solid, liquid 4. Inert gases neon, argon, mercury and sodium vapors
nd gas and vacuum. generally used for neon sign lamps.
The term insulting material is sometimes
5. Halogens like fluorine, used under high pressure in
ed a broader sense to designate also insulating liquids,
gas and cables.
No insulating material in practice satisfies all the
nd:Used with field, armature and transformer windings
etc. desirable properties. Therefore a material which satisfies
The examples are: most
Fibrous or inorganic animal or plant origin,natural or of the desirable properties must be selected.
Synthetic paper, wood, card board, cotton, jute, silk etc. O00
Ans. The properties of transformer oil are :

PART-AA )High dielectric strength

(i) High resistivity and density
(ii) Low viscosity
(iv) Low impurity
Q.1 Comment on the use of CRGOS Sstrip wound
transformer core. (v) Reasonable cost and flash point.

Ans. Use of CRGOS strip wound transformer core: Q.5 Why is transformer oil used as cooling medium?
CRGOS means cold rolled grain oriented steel. This steel is
manufactured by series of cold reductions and intermediate Ans. When transformer oil is used as coolant, the heat
annealings. This could reduce the material has strong dissipation by convection is 10 times more than the convection
directional ofhighest permeability which results less hysteresis due to air specific heat dissipation by convection due to
loss. This type of material is suitable for use in transformers. air 8W/m-C.
Specific heat dissipation by convection due to
Q.2 Define transformation ratio. oil = 80 to 100W/m-C.
Ans. It is defined the ratio of secondary terminal voltage Why plain walled tanks are not used for large output
to primary terminal voltage. It is denoted by K.
K V,,T,/T,=1,/1
Ans. The plain walled tanks are not used for large output
Q.3 What are the functions of a transformer? transformers as they are not sufficient to dissipate losses.
This is because volume and hence losses increase as cube of
Ans. Some of the functions ofa transformer are linear dimensions while the dissipating surface increases as
O It increases or decreases the voltage at same the square oflinear dimensions. Thus an increase in rating
equency results in an increase in loss to be dissipated per unit area
giving a higher temperature rise.
i) It transforms energy from one winding toother winding
at constant frequency.
Q.7 In mines applications transformers with oil cooling
(ii) It is used in electronic circuits with rectifying units to should not be used, why?
convert ac to dc.
(iv) It provides isolation between to electrical circuits. Ans. The oil used for transformer cooling is inflammablein
Hence leakage of cooling oil may create fire accidents m
mines. Therefore oil cooled transformers are not
Q.4 What ure the properties of transformer oil? mines.
ectrical Machine Design

though =, I, =lo3. So I3 <lo2 though flux
maximum ømax, the current
is .
is also at its
When flux is
maximum lomax.
The current again becomes
zero atp =h

The negative halfwill be symmetrical to positive half

Write a note on
excitation phenomenon of
of , as hysteresis loop is also symmetrical. It can be

R.TU. 2015 that the I, waveform is nonsinusoidal and having some peaks.
But it is odd symmetrical i.e. current and flux achieve their
Ans.(a Excitati
ation Phenomenon of Transformers maxima simultaneously, but current zeros are advanced with
respect to flux.
It is known that though secondary is open, the
nsformer draws current from supply, when primary is
transt Hence no load current has fundamental and odd
oited by rated voltage. This current is
excite not load current and harmonics. The strongest in the third harmonic which is about
e hasically required to produce core flux, but due to non- o
40% of fundamental. And I, leads flux by a small angle
finearities ofcore material such as hysteresis and saturation,the Im
load current is not sinusoidal in nature. Let us study ag. Dueto ag,1, has two components I and this phase
fect of hysteresis and saturation on the waveform of no shift of a is caused due to hysteresis nature of -1, curve.
load current which is also called exciting current.
Let V be the rated voltage applied to primary. The
resistance drop 1, R is negligible. The applied voltage and Q.9 Discuss the different methods of cooling of
induced e.m.f. are sinusoidal in nature. Hence flux in the transformers. What is the function of oil is the
corealso must be sinusoidal. The flux must lag the applied transformer?
voltage by 90°.

The no load current waveform can be obtained Ans. Methods of Cooling : Since there is no rotating part
graphically from the hysteresis curve
e(9-1, curve) as shown in the transformer which could produce a draught, therefore,
in the fig
cooling of transformers is more difficult than that of other
electric machines with rotating parts. For small out-put (5 to
10 kva) the external surface is sufficient to dissipate the heat
produced by losses but for machines of larger output additional
means of carrying away the heat are to be provided. The
former is known as dry type or air cooled transformer and is
I0 cooled by the circulation of air and is not immersed in oil and
the latter types are further classified according to the cooling
arrangement employed.

Fig.: Excitation phenomenon CYLINDRICAL

In the steady state, the flux undergoes a cycle of
magnetisation and demagnetisation due to sinusoidal voltage

and traces a hysteresis loop as shown in the fig. Consider

tnevarious instants. At t= to,o=- and no load current

o1S Zero.At t=t, flux is zero and 1, =1o1. When o=o
atts21, =l2. Now value occurs twice while MAGNETIC cORE
ncreasing and decreasing. But due to hysteresis at t= tg, Fig. Berry Type Transformer
B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solued Pape
EMD.10- Papers
(a) Oil Immersed Natural Cooled Transformers (ON
is tertiary winding?
ype):in the transformer of this type, the assembly of coreQ.10 What
and coils is immersed in insulating oil contained in an iron
Some three phase transformers may have a third wind
tank. The heat produced in the core and windings is conducted Ans. winding apart from primary
called tertiary and
by the circulation of oil to the surface which dissipated it to
is also called auxiliary winding or stabilizing winding T
surroundings. In transformers of larger output,thedissipating tertiary winding is providedin atransformerforany onhe
surface is increased by providing large number of tubes on the following reasons:
its sides. A conservator tank is provided to take the expansion supply small additional load at a different voltage
inlet to draw air free To
of oil anda breather is provided at the (i) To give supply to phase compensating devices suchas
from moisture from the atmosphere.
capacitors which work at different voltage
The oil not only keeps the windings reasonably cool,
(ii) To limit short circuit current
but also provides the transformer with additional insulation,
which is not obtainable in the transformer without oil. Such iv) To indicate voltage in high voltage testing transformer
transformers are sued for distribution purposes.
(b) Oil Immersed Forced Air Cooled Transformers (OB Q.11 Name the types of transformer
Type): In the transformers of this type, the core and windings
are immersed in oil and cooling is increased by forced air Ans. Based upon construction, the types are
over the cooling surfaces. The air is forced over external Core type and
surfaces such as case, tubes and radiators usually by mean (i) Shell type transformer.
of fan mounted external to the transformer.
Based on applications, the types are
(c) Oil Immersed Water Cooled Transformers (OW Distribution transformers
Type): In the transformers ofthis type, the core and windings () Power transformers
are immersed in oil and cooling is increased by circulation of
cold water through the worm tubes immersed in oil. The coil ii) Special transformers
is located near the top of tank, where the temperature of oil iv) Instrument transformers
is highest. (v)Electronicstransformers.
(d) Oil Immersed Forced Oil Cooled Transformers Based on the type of connection, the types are
(OWF Type): In this type of transformers, the core and Single phase transformer
windings are immersed in oil and are cooled by forced oil
(i) Three phase transformer.
circulation through some external cooling means.
Based on the frequency range, the types are
In this method of cooling forced oil circulation is
obtained by use of centrifugal pump which is located at either ) Power frequency transformer
the oil inlet or outlet. The pump motor used for the purpose is ) Audio frequency transformer
designed to operate totally immersed in the cooling liquid being (ii) UHF transformers
circulated. (iv) Wide band transformers
()Air Blast Transformer (AB Type) : It is dry type (V) Narrow band transformer
transformer cooled by a forced circulation of air through core (vi) Pulse transformer.
and windings. This type oftransformer is limited to voltages
not exceeding 25,000 volts. It is used in substation located in Based on the number of windings, the types are
thickly populated places where oil is considered a fire hazard. ) Auto transformer
Usually transformers are placed over an air chamber (i) Two winding transformer.
in which the air is maintained under pressure by blowers.
The air is forced through core and windings and is dischargedQ.12 Differentiate between:
through the top of case. The main disadvantages of this Core type and shell type transformer
process is that increase in insulation strength, due tó immersion (i) Distribution and power transformer
in oil, is not obtained.
lectrical Machine Design
Difference between EMD.11
Ans-fi) core type and shell
ransformer type of flux density. In other words, distribution transformers
Core Type are generally designed for a lesser value of flux density.
SNo. Shell Type Since the distributed transformers are located in the
Core is surrounded by Winding is surrounded
the winding. by the core. vicinity of the load, voltage reguiation is an important
Construction is simple. Construction factor.
Repair is easy. is difficult. Generally the distribution transformers are not equipped
THigh capacity
|Repair is difficult.
machine.Lowcapacity machine. with tap changers to maintain a constant voltage as it
increases the cost, maintenance charges etc. Thus the
(ii) Difference etween distribution and power distribution transformers are designed to have a low
transformer value of inherent regulation by keeping down the value
S.No. Distribution Power transformer of leakage reactance.

. KVA.
Power rating=200 |Power rating>200 KVA. Q.14 Determine the main dimensions of the core and
window for a 500k VA, 600/400V, 50H, Single
2 Used for distribution Used for transmission phase core type, oil immersed, self cooled
purposes. purposes. transformer. Assume: Flux density = 1.2 7, Current
Energy efficiency is Power efficiency is good. density 2.75 A/mm, Window space factor 0.32,
good. Volt/turn = 16.8, type of core: Cruciform, height of
Regulation is low. Regulation is high. the window = 3 times window width. Also calculate
4 the number of turns and cross-sectional area of the
conductors used for the primary and secondary
0.13 Write the design features of power and distribution windings.
type transformers.
Ans. Since volt/turn E=4.44 m f,
Ans. Power transformer: Main or Mutual flux
1, Load on the transformer will be at or near the full load

throughout the period of operation. When the load is m E 16.8 = 0.076Wb

less, the transformer, which is in parallel with other

transformers, may be put out of service. Net iron area of the leg or limb

2 Generally designed to achieve maximum efficiency at m0.076 0.0633m

or near the full load. Therefore iron loss is made equal AiBm 1.2
to full load copper loss by using a higher value of flux
density, In other words, power transformers are Since fora cruciform core
generally designed for a higher value of flux density. A0.56
3 Necessity of voltage regulation does not arise. The Diameter of the circumscribing circle
voltage variation is obtained by the help of tap changers
A 0.0633
provided generally on the high voltage side. Generally d 0.34m
power transformers are deliberately designed for a
V0.56 V
higher value of leakage reactance, so that the short width of the largest stamping
circuit current, effect of mechanical force and hence
the damage is less.
a 0.85d 0.85 x 0.34 0.29 m
width of the transformer
Distribution transformer:
a 0.29 m
Load on the transformer does not remain constant but
width ofthe smallest stamping
varies instant to instant over 24 hours a day.
2. Generally b 0.53d 0.53 x 0.34 0.18 m
designed for maximum efficiency at about
halffull load. In order that the all day efficiency is Height of the yoke,
high, iron loss is made less by selecting a lesser value H, = (1.0 to 1.5) a =a (say) = 0.29 m
EMD.12- B.Tech. v Sem) E.E. Solvedconductor

kVA 2.22 Bm Aw
Kyx 10 Cross-sectional area of the primary winding or
500 2.22x 50 x 2.75 x 10°x 0.0633 x 1.2
xAX0.32 x 103
a 2.75
Area of the window Secondary current
A0.067m V2
Since Hy3WwAH, W=3W=0.067
Therefore, width of the window 500x10-1250A
0.067 400
W =0.15m
0.15m Cross-sectional area of the secondary windino
and height of the window
1250 454.5mm
H 3x0.15 0.45m 275

Q.15 In what way a practical transformer differ from an
Detnils of the core
Leg and yoke section (with the assumption ideal transformer? Develop an equivalent circuit
Yoke is also of cruciform type) for the practical transformer
(All dimensions are in cm) IR.T.U. Jan. 2016, 2013, 2007
Overall length of the transformer Equivalent Circuits For Practical Transformers
W+dta 0.15 +0.34 +0.29 0.78 m Figure 1 shows an equivalent circuit for a practical
Overall height of the transformer transformer, which differs from the ideal transformer as
Hy+2H, or 2a 0.45 +2 x0.29 = 1.03 m follows:
Width or depth of the transformer=a= 0.29 m
The windings have resistance.
Number of primary turns The core permeability He is finite.
The magnetic flux is not entirely confined to the core
TE, 16.8 4 There are real and reactive power losses in the core.
The resistance R is included in series with winding 1 of the
Number of secondary turns figute to account for I'R losses in this winding. A reactance

T - 40024
X1, called the leakage reactance of winding 1, is also included
in series with winding 1 to account for the leakage flux of
E 16.8 winding 1.
Primary current R
X, (
m-wR -
500x1075.75A N N
Fig. 1: Equivalent circuit of apractical transformer
Electri Machine Design
This leakage flux is the component EMD.13
vinding I but does not link of the flux that core perpendicular to the flux. As such, eddy current loss
nks winding 2; it causes a voltage
can be reduced by constructing the core with laminated sheets
drop h(X1).
which is proportional
to I and leads hby
90. of alloy steel. Associated with Im is a reactive power loss
Iso a reactive power loss
IX associated withtthis 1B =E B, VAR. This reactive power is required to
cage reactance.
Jeakage Similarly, there is a resistance
R2 and a magnetize the core. The phasor sum (e +Im) is called the
Ieakage reactance X2 in series with winding 2.
exciting curent e
For finite core equation =
l-N2l2 Reeshows Figure (2) shows three alternative equivalent circuits
that He, the total mmf is not 0. Dividingthis for a practical single-phase two-winding transformer. In
b N1and using equation
uationby Figure 2(a), the resistacne Rz and leakage reactance X2 of
E= Ni (jo)¢e, we get
winding 2 are referred to winding 1.

(1) R X
m m w-
Defining the tem on the right-hand side of equation (1) to be W
.called magnetizing current, it is evidentthat Im lags by V Va
q0, and can be represented by a shunt inductor with

= N N
B mhos. However, in reality there is
are referred to winding 1
oNf la) R2 and Xz

an additionalshunt branch, represented by a resistor with

conductance G mhos, which carries a current Iç, called the
coreloss current. e is in phase with When the core loss
current I, is included, equation (1) becomes N N
bi Neglecting exciting current

h le+Im(G-jBm)E ..(2)
The equivalent circuit of Figure (1), which includes the shunt
branchwith admittance (G-jB) mhos, satisfies the KCL
equation(2).Note that, when winding 2 is open (2 =0)and ci Neglectng axciting current and 1?R windng loss
when a sinusoidal voltage y is applied to winding 1, then Fig.2: Equivalent circuits for a practical transformer
equation (2) indicates that the current 1 will have two In Figure 2(6), the shunt branch is omitted, which corresponds
components; the core loss current 1, and the magnetizing negiecting the exciting current. Since the exciting current
is usually less than 5% of rated current, neglecting it in power
current Associated with Ieis a real power loss system studies is often valid unless transformer efficiency or
exciting current phenomena are of particular concern. For
1G= EG, W. This real power loss accounts for both large power transformers rated more than 500kVA, the
hysteresis and eddy current losses within the core. Hysteresis
winding resistances, which are small compared to the leakage
loss occurs because a cyclic variation of flux within the core
reactances, can often be neglected, as shown in Figure 2(c).
requires energy dissipated as heat. As such, hysteresis loss
can be reduced by Thus, a practical transfornmer operating in sinusoidal
the use of special high grades of alloy
Steel as core material. Eddy current loss occurs because steady state is equivalent to an ideal transformer with external
nduced currents called eddy currents flow within the magnetic impedance and admittance branches, as shown in Figure 2.
EMD.14- B.Tech. (V Sem.)E.E. Solved Papers
The primary circuit receives the 60Hz line pDO ower
and boosts this power, which sets up a perpendicular magnetio
Q.16 Hhat is welding transformer? IR.TU.Jan. 2016, 2014
field around the primary coil. Taese lines of force then indduce
a like force in the secondary windings, thus causing a furthe
Draw and explain the idea ofa welding transformer. boot in the amperage. The secondary winding is connected
R.T:U. 20151
to the electrode holder and ground and it is through the
secondary winding that the welding arc current flows. The
Ans. Welding Transformer: A welding transformer secondary circuit has a lower voltage and a higher amperage
changes high voltage, low amperage power to low voltage, as compared to that of the primary circuit.
high amperage welding power. 01L FIL
An AC transformer is the least expensive, lightest A NK WELDIN
and smallest welding machine.It takes power, directly from
the mains and transforms it to the voltage/current required CURRENNT
for welding. A transformer is a normal frequency (50/60 Hz) SUPPLY FUSE 8EGULATOR ELECTROoEARC
Since AC passes through zero twice every cycle, it EAR TH JO8
means that there are two periods in every cycle when the WELDING
welding current is zero, during which the arc would extinguish
Fig. 1:A welding transformer
and make continuous welding difficult.
Electrical Characteristics of Welding Transformer
This difficulty is removed by
Transformersforshielded metal arc welding (with
()Building in automatic arc stabilization in the welder AC) generally have constant current (drooping) volt-ampere
windings. characteristics shown in fig. 2.
(ii) Development of electrode coatings that produce
a more complete ionization in the arc stream and keep the
arc igniting as the current passes through zero. 80
A transformerhas the following parts shown in fig.1. 60
(1) The frame structure 40
(ii) The cooling system
(ii) The primary circuit
(iv) The transformer core 0100 200 300 400500 600
(v)The secondary circuit
Fig. 2: V-I characteristics of a 300 Amp welding transformer
(vi) The current control mechanism
Advantages of welding Transformers (AC)
The transformer is housed in a steel tank which has
external tubes. The tank is filled with transformer oil to cool ) A transformer is considered to be the least
the transformer core by convection, thereby preventing its expensive, lightest and smallest welding machine.
overheating when working under heavy load conditions. ()There is freedom from magnetic arc blowthat often
Instead of being oil-cooled, some transformers employ electric occurs when welding a DC machine.
fans and are thus air-cooled. (i) Work-pieces do not get magnetized as they do in
Thetransfomer laminated core is made up ofhigh quality DC because of current flow in one direction.
silicon steel. Primary and secondary circuits are wire wound (iv) An AC transformer involves low operating and
tightly around the core. The two circuits are throughly insulated maintenance costs.
from one another. If, by chance, they come in contactwith one. (v) Since there is nomoving part in a transfrormer,tne
another, the results can be highly dangerous for the worker. operation is noiseless and there is hardly any wear
The primary winding is connected to the power (vi) Overall electrical effeciency is high.
ource, i.e., the mains. (vii) AC provides a good forceful Arc.
gleccrical Machine Desio EMD.15)
Disadvanta of Welding Transformers (AC)
Va+V+V=0 (1)
) Polarity cannot be changed. N .(2)
Because of alternating nature
starting the arc is more difficult
of current flow, Let VABV,10
than with DC.
Ci) Poor power factor is inherent in the use of VBC V,-120
transformers of the constant-current
Applications of Welding Transformers and VCA Vt120
Transformers with ratings of 200 to 500
Amp are where V is the magnitude of the line voltage on the
most often used in industrial welding operations. primary side.
Transformers are used maximum forflux shielded If the leakage impedances of the transformers
metal are welding. negligible, then
ii) A very popular application of transformer is Vab V,109
production welding on heavy gauge steel.
where V, is the magnitude of the secondary voltage.
0.17 Discuss following with respect to three-phase
transformers: Substituting the values of Va and Vbe in eq.(2)

( Open delta connection Vea-V,0-V,-120

i) Scott connection R.T.U. 2015] = -V, -(-0.5V, -j0.866V,)
=-0.5V, +j0.866V,
Explain with the help of connection and phas
diagrams, how Scott connections are used to obtain V,+120
two-phase supply from 3-phase supply mains.
Explain Scott connection for 3 phase to 2 phase
conversion and show that the primary neutral divides
the teaser primary winding in the ratio 2:1. B
IR.T U. 2013, 2008, 2007; R.U. 2005, 2003, 2002, 20011 VBC

Ans.0) Open Delta Connection: If one transformer of a (a)

A-A system is damaged or accidently opened, the system
will continue to supply 3-phase power. If this defective
transformer is disconnected and removed, as shown in fig
the remaining two transformers continue to function as a Vca B
3-phase bank with rating reduced to about 58 percent of that
VBc Va
ofthe original A- A bank. This is known as open-delta or
V-V system. Thus, in the open-delta system, two instead of
three single-phase transformers are used for 3-phase (b)

operation. Let VAVpC and Vca be the applied voltageof Fig:Opendelta (or V-V connection) (a) Commonphysical
primary winding. The voltage induced in transformer arrangement (b) Schematic diagram
secondary orlv winding I is V The voltage induced in the lv It is seen that V is equal in magnitude to the secondary
winding Ilis VThere is no winding between points a and c, transformer voltage and 120° apart in time from both of them.
butthere is a potential difference between a and c. This voltage Thus balanced 3-phase line voltages applied to the V-V
may be found by applying KVL around closed path made up primaries produce balanced 3-phase voltages on the secondary
of points a, b and c. Thus, side if leakage impedance are negligible.
EMD.16 (B. Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Pan
It appears that removal of one transformer would permit actually 86.6% of the balanced load power factor. Anot
the remaining two transformers to carry two-thirds (66.170) significant point to note is that, except for a balanced unity
ofthe load kVA. This, however, is not the case. If V,28 and power factor load, the two transformers in the V-V bank ha
2B are the rated secondary voltage and rated secondary operate at different power factors.
current of the transformers, the line current to the load of a 2. Secondary terminal voltages tend to becom
closed delta system is 3l2B unbalanced to a great extent when the load is increased, this
Closed delta load VA happens even when the load is perfectly balanced.
Sa-A3 x line voltage x line current It may, however, be noted that if two transformers are

When one transformer is removed, the A-A transformer

Decomes open-delta (V-V) connected transformer. The line
operating in V-V and loaded to rated capacity, the addition
a third transformer increases the total capacity by
means that for an increase in cost of 50% for the thi hird
. f

is in series with the windings of the transformers and therefore transformer, the increase in capacity is 73.2% when convertine
Secondary line current from a V- Vsystem to aA-A system.
B is equal to the rated secondary
current Lg ofthe transformer. The VA load that can be caried| Gi) Scott Connection: The Scott connection is the most
by the open-delta bank without exceeding the rating of the common method of connecting 2 single phase transtormers
transformers is to perform the 3-phase to 2-phase conversion and vice-versa
The two transformers are connected electrically but not
Sy-v3 V28 28 magnetically. One transformer is called main transformer and
Syv 3VaBlae the other is known as auxiliary or teaser transformer. Fig1
= 0.577
Sa-A 3V2Bl2B 3 shows the Scott transformer connection. The main transformer
is centre-tapped at D and is connected across the lines B and
Thus, it is seen that the load that can be carried by the Cof the 3-phase side. It has primary BC
and secondary a,a
open-delta bank without exceeding the ratings of the The teaser transformer is connected between the line terminal
transformers is 57.7 per cent of the original load carried by A and the centre tapping D. It
has primary AD and secondary
the A-A bank.
Sy-vSa-a =57.7%ofS Ao
Also in open-delta system Phase I
VApertransformer V2Bl2B
=0.577 phasc B
total 36VA V3V28I2B
037 side
Thus, the VA supplied by each transformer in a V-V T, 0.51
system is not half (50%) of the total VA but it is 57.7 percent. 000000 D
Main Transformer
Ifthree transformers in A-A are supplying rated load
and as soon as it becomes a V-Vtransformer, the current in Ts
each phase winding is increased by 3 times. That is, full
Phase II
line current flows in each ofthe two phase windings of the
transformers, Thus each transformer in the V-V system is
Fig.1: Scott connection oftransformers
overloaded by 73.2 percent.
Frequently identical interchangeable transformers are
Therefore an important precaution is that the load should
used for the Scott connection, in which each transformer has
be reduced by 3 times in case of an open-delta connected
a primary winding ofT, turns and is provided with tappings at
transformer Otherwise, serious over-heating and further 0.289 T,0.5 T, and 0.866 T
breakdown of the remaining two transformers may take place.
Phasor Diagram: The line voltages ofthe 3-phase system
The disadvantages of this connection are VAB VBC and VcA which are balanced, are shown in Fig20
1. The average power factor at which
the V-V bank The same voltages are shown as a closed equilateral triangle m
operates less than that of the load. This power factor is Fig 206).
glectrical Machine Design-
IVa-Vac=|Veal=V (say) For the same flux in each transformer, the voltage per
Let Vac be taken as reference voltage so turn should be the same. In order to keep voltage per turn
that same in the primary of the main transformer and primary of
V.0 the teaser transformer, the number of turns in the primary of
VcA VLE120 the teaser transformer, that is, in portion AD, should be equal

VAB VL+120 to
Fig,2(b) shows the voltages on the primary
windings of
the main and teaser transformers.
Since D divides the primary BC of the main transformer
in two equal
number ofturms in portion BD -number ofturns in portion

The voltages VBD and Vpc are equal. They are in phase
with VBC TAD

Thus, the secondaries of both transformers have equal
voltage ratings. Since Vz, and V2 are equal in niagnitude
V and 90 apart in time, they result in a balanced2-phase system.
Position of Neutral Point N : The primary or the two
D transformers may have a four-wire connection to a 3-phase
VeD VDC supply if a tapping point N is provided on the primary of the
Fig.2:(a) Three-phase input voltages (b) Voltages on transformer teaser transformer such that
primary windings
voltage across AyVAN phase voltage
Vap Voc-VacV,0 Since the voltage across the portion AD
The voltage between A and D is
VAD VAB + VBD Voltage across the portion ND

'n order to keep the same voltage per turn,

v=0.866 V,|90

turns in portion AN, TAN= 0.577Tp

Thus, the voltage VAD in the primary of the teaser
transformer is 0.866 of that in main transformer and is 90
from it in time. In other words, the teaser transformer has a

0.866 (or 86.6 percent)

turns in portion ND, To50288T
primary voltage rating that
of the voltage rating of the main transformer
turns in portion AD, TAD 086T,
Voltage VAD isapplied to the primary of the teaser
transformer and therefore, the secondary voltageV2 of the
teaser transformer will lead the secondary terminal yoltage
2m of the main transformer by 90° as shown in Fig.3.
EMD.18 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Pape
Thus, it is observed that the neutral point N divides the electrical clearance to be provided between the transfor
primary of the teaser transformer in a ratio and tank, clearance to accommodate the connections
AN:ND 2:1 taps, clearance for base and oil above the transformerd
er etc
In other words, the three-phase neutral pointNis located
These clearances can assumed to be between
on the teaser primary at one third of the winding distance (30 and 60) cm in respect oftank height
(10 and 20) cm in respect of tank length and
from D where the voltage is =0.577) in AN and 0.289 (10 and 20) cm in respect of tank width or
V in ND. 1 23
Q.18 Explain the design of tank and tubes fora

Ans. Design of Tank and Tubes: Because of the losses in

the transformer core and coil, the temperature of the core
and coil increases. In small capacity transformers the 185
surrounding air will be in a position to cool the transformer
effectively and keeps the temperature rise well within the
permissible limits. As the capacity of the transformer
increases, the losses and the temperature raise increases. In Header
order to keep the temperature rise within limits, air may have
to be blown overthe transformer. This is not advisable as the
Tubes spaced at 5 cm apart
atmospheric air containing moisture, oil particles etc., may
affect the insulation. To overcome the problem of atmospheric Fig.
hazards, the transformer is placed in a steel tank filled with Tank height H, = [H+2H, or 2a + clearance (30to
oil. The oil conducts the heat from core and coil to the tank| 60) cm]
for single and three phase core and single phase
walls. From the tank walls the heat goes dissipated to|
shell type transformers.
surrounding atmosphere due to radiation and convection.
Further as the capacity of the transformer increases, the [3(H+2H, or 2a) + clearance (30 to 60) cm]
increased loss demands a higher dissipating area of the tank for a three phase shell type transformer.
or a bigger sized tank. These calls for more space, more Tank length
volume of oil and increases the cost and transportation
problems. To overcome these difficulties, the dissipating area t
L[D+Dext clearance (10 to 20) cm] for single
phase core type transformer
is to be increased by artificial means without increasing the
size of the tank. The dissipating area can be increased by [2D +Dext tclearance (10 to 20) cm] forthree
1. fitting fins to the tank walls phase core type transformer
2. fitting tubes to the tank and [4a+2W+clearance (10to 20) cm]for single
and three phase shell type transformer.
3 using corrugated tank
Width or breadth of tank
4 using auxiliary radiator tanks.
W, = [Dext t+ clearance (10 to 20) cm ] for all types of
Since the fins are not effective in dissipating heat and
transformers with a circular coil
corrugated tank'involves constructional difficulties, they are
= [b +
not much used now a days. The tanks with tubes are much W+clearance (10 to 20) cm] for single
used in practice. Tubes in more number of rows are to be and three phase core type transformers having
avoided as the screening of the tank and tube surfaces rectangular coils
decreases the dissipation. Hence, when more number oftubes [b +2W+clearance (10 to 20) cm] for singe
are to be provided, 'a radiator attached and three phase shell type transformers.
with the tank is
onsidered. For muchlarger sizes forced cooling is adopted. When the tank is placed on the ground, there will not be
imensions of the Tank: The dimensions oftank depends any heat dissipation from the bottom surface ofthe tank. Since
the type and capacity of transformer, voltage rating and the oil is not filled up to the brim of the tank, heat transfer from
ectricalMachine Design-
1to the top of the tank is less and heat EMD.19
the rface of the tank is almost dissipation from Now a days rectangular tube of different size spaced
top s negligible.
effective surfaceaarea of the tank S, from which
Hence the t convenient distances are being much used, as it provides a
sipated can assume to be 2H,(L,
heat is getting greater cooling surface for a smaller volume of oil. This is
+W) m. true in case of elliptical tubes also.
Heat goes dissi
dissipated to the atmosphere
from tank by
and convection. I: has been
ra 6.0W goes radiated per m found by experiment Q.19 Design a suitable cooling tank with cooling tubes
of plain surface per degree VK
50Hz, 3 phase
tha for a 500k VA, 6600/440
centigr difference between tank
and ambient air transformer with the following data. Dimensions of
temperat and 6.5W goes dissipated
by convection/m of the transformer are 100 cm height, 96 cm length
plain surface/ degree centigrade difference in temperature and 47 cm breadth. Total looses 7 kw. Allowable
between tank wall and ambient air. Thus a total 12.5W temperature rise for the tank walls is 35°C. Tubes
/C goes dissipated to the surrounding. is
If the temperature of 5 cm diameter are to be used. Determine the
rise, then at final steady temperature condition, losses number of tubes required and their possible
cnonsible for temperature rise is
resp arrangement.
losses dissipated or
ransformer losses = 12.5 S,.
Numl and Dimensions of Tubes Ans. Tank height
: If the temperature
ise of the tank wall is beyond a permissible value
of about H= transformer height + clearance of 30 to 60 cm
0PC, then cooling tubes are to be added = 100 + 50 150 cmn
to reduce the
temperature rise. Tubes can be arranged on all Tank length
the sides in
ane or more number of rows. As number of rows increases, transformer length + clearance of 10 to 20 cm
L =
the dissipation will
not proportionally increase. Hence the
=96+ 14= 110 cm
number of rows of tubes is to be limited. Generally the number
Width or breadth of the tank
ofrows in practice will be less than four.
With the tubes connected to the tank, dissipation due W, transfomer width or breadth+clearance of 10to 20 cm
radiation from a part of the tank surface screened by the clearance of 47 + 13 60 cmn

tubes is zero. However, if the radiating surface ofthe tube, Losses 12.5 S,0+8.78 A,0
dissipating the heat is assumed to be equal to the screened Dissipating surface of the tank (neglecting the top and
surface of the tank, then tubes can assumed to be radiating bottom surfaces)
no heat. Thus the full. tank surface can assumed to be S,-2H,(L+ W)
dissipating the heat due to both radiation and conyection &
2x 1.5 (1.1+0.6)- 5.1 m
can be taken as 12.5 S, 0 watts.
7000 12.5 x 5.1 x 35 +8.78A x 35
Because the oil when get heated up moves up and
Area of all the tubes
cold oil down, circulation of oil in the tubes will be more.
Obviously, this circulation of oil increases the heat dissipation.
A =15.6m2
Because of this siphoning action, it has been found that the Dissipating area of each tube
convection from the tubes increase by about 35 to 40%. Thus a T x diameter of the tube x average height or
ifthe improvement is by 35%, then the dissipation in watts length of the tube
from all the tubes of area A, = 1.35 x 6.5A,0 =8.78 A,0. =Tx 0.05 x 0.9 x 1.3 =0.212
Thus in case of a tank with tubes, at final steady
temperature rise condition, Losses =12.5 S0 +8.78 A,6. Number of tubes n, 15.673.6 and is not
Round, rectangular or elliptical shaped tubes can be possible. Let it be 74.
used. The mean length or height of the tubes is generally
If the tubes are placed at 7.5 cm apart from centre to
taken as about 90% of tank height.
centre, then the number of tubes that can be provided along
In case of round tubes, 5 cm diameter tubes
spaced at
about 7.5cm (from centre to centre) are used. If dt
ulameter of the tube, then dissipating area of each
is the
110 cm and 60 cm sides are 15
4Ta,x 0.9H,. if n, is the number of tubes, then A an respectively.
(EMD.20D- B.Tech. (v Sem.) E.E. Solved Pae
: Ihe phasor sum
nerefore number of tubes that can be provided in (ii) No load current of a transformer
one row all-round=2(15+8)= Cur of
46. Since there are 74 tubes the magnetizing current (,m) and the loss component of irrent
ubes are to be arranged in 2nd row also. If 46 more tubes are (: is calculated using the MMF/m required for thecore
provided in second row, then total number oftubes provided and yoke and their respective length ot flux path. I, is
will be 92 and is much more than 74. With 13 and 6 tubes determined using the iron loss curve ofthe material usedfo
along 100 cm and 60 cm sides as shown, total number of the core and yoke and the flux density employed and theieir
tubes provided will be 2(13 +6) 76 though 74 are only weight.
The no-load current 1, is the vectorial sum of the

2x 13
OO00O 00OO 000 0
tubes in 2 rOw

O 0000 0000 000 0O current I Function of m is to produce flux ,

magnetizing current Im and core loss or working componens
in the magnetic
circuit and the function ofI, is to satisfy the no load losses of
110 cm
o 20 tubes the transformer.] Thus,
60 cm in 2 row
1+1 ampere

pooO 00OO 000 0

O OOO 0000000 0

Q.20 Write short notes on:

)Temperature rise in transformers
i) No load current ofa transformer.
Transformer under no-load condition
Ans.(i) Temperature rise in transformers : Losses
dissipated in transformers in the core and windings get
converted into thermal energy and cause heating of the
corresponding transformer parts. The heat dissipation occurs
as follows:
from the internal heated parts to the outer surface in
contact with oil by conduction
) from oil to the tank walls by convection and
(ii) from the walls of the tank to the atmosphere by
radiation and convection.
Q Power loss (heat produced), J/s or W Vector diagram of transformer under no-load condition

G Weight of the active material ofthe Machine, kg Fig.

h Specific heat, J/kg-C No load inputto the transformer=VLcos¢,
S Cooling surfacearea, m
No load losses as the output is zero and input output+
Z= Specific heat dissipation, W/ m-°C losses.
c 1/Z=coolingcoefficient, m2-°C/W Since the copper loss under no load condition is almost
e Final steady temperature rise, °C negligible, the no load losses can entirely be taken as due to
The temperature of the machine rises when it is core loss only. Thus the core loss component of the no load
supplying load. As the temperature rises, the heat is dissipated
partly by conduction, partly by radiation and in most cases
largely by air cooling. The temperature rise curve is
exponential in nature. Assuming the theory of heating of 1COreIOSS for single phase transformers
homogeneous bodies,
Heat developed = heat stored + heat dissipated. O00
Ans. High value of specific electric loading will mean more
PART-A number of turns per phase. This will cause high value of
leakage reactance and poor voltage regulation.

0.1 Define slot space factor. PART-B

Ans. The slot space factor is the ratio of conductor
area per
slot and slot area. It gives an indication of the space occupied
by the conductors and the space available for insulation. The
Q.6 How slip ring motor is started?
slot space factor for induction motor varies from 0.25 to 0.4.
Ans. The slip ring motor is started by using rotor resistance
starter. The starter consists of star connected variable
02 Define distribution factor or breadth factor
resistances and protection circuits. The resistances are
connected to slip rings. While starting, full resistance is
Ans. It is defined as the ratio of resultant emf when the
winding is uniformly distributed to the resultant emf when
included in the rotor circuit to get high starting torque. Once
the rotor starts rotating, the resistances are gradually reduced
the winding is bunched in the slot.
in steps. At running condition, the slip rings are shorted and
so it is equivalent to squirrel cage rotor.
03 Define winding factor

Ans. It is defined as the product of the pitch factor and the Q.7 (a) What are the special features of the cage rotor
distribution factor. of induction machine?
(b) Write the rules for selecting rotor slots of
squirrel cage machines.
Q4 Why rotating machines with aluminum armature
coils have increased leakage reactance? Ans.(a) Special features of the cage rotor of induction
Ans, Aluminum coils in armature require more space for 1. The cage rotor can adopt itself for any number of phases
accommodation of conductors. Large size slots are designed. and poles.
Hence with large size slots the value of leakage reactance 2. It is suitable for any type of starting method except
increases. using rotor resistance starter.
3. It is cheaper and rugged.
Q5 specific loading in the design of
Why choice of high
4. Rotor over hang leakage reactance is lesser which
synchronous generators loads to poor voltage
results in better power factor, greater pull out torque
and over load capacity.
(EMD.22 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Pana
Ans.(b) We have
() Number of stator slots should not be equal to rotor B q K n cosh x 10
slots satisfactory results are obtained when S, is 15 to
= 11 x Byx 23000 x 0.955 x 0.84 x0.82 x
30% larger or smaller than S loa
- 166.42 B
i) The difference (S S,) should not be equal to + or

Ptor-2p or +or -5p to avoid synchronous cups. 60

Hence Ba 166.42 0.36 Tesla
i) The difference (S, -S,) should not be equal to + or
-1, +or -2, + or (p + 1) or + or (p + 2) to avoid

noise and vibrations.

Pole pitch tp
TtD T0.2-0.196m
P 4
Q.8 Distinguish between cylindrical pole and salient pole
Ans. In cylindrical pole construction the rotor is made of
solid cylinder and slots are cut on the outer periphery of the For 11 kWmotor, the design data from 15 kW machine
cylinder to accommodate field conductors. has to be taken
In salient pole construction, the circular or rectangular So Bay0.36 Tesla;
poles are mounted on the outer surface of a cylinder. The q 23000 ac/m;
field coils are fixed on the pole.
L/t, 0.815;
The cylindrical pole construction is suitable for high
speed operations, whereas the salient pole construction is
and Co60
suitable for slow speed operations.
Synchronous speed
50=16.67 rps,
(6 x 60)
Q.9 A 15 kW440m volts 4 pole, 50 Hz, 3 phase induction
motor is built with a stator bore of 0.25 m and a Q
core length of 0.16 m. The specific electric loading DL=
Cn, m
is 23000 ac/m. Using data of this machine determine
the core dimensions, number of slots and number 11
of stator conductors for a 11kW%, 460 volts,6 pole, = 0.01099 m
50 Hz motor. Assume full load eficiency of 84 % (60x 16.667)
and power factor of 0.82. The winding factor is
0.955. = 0.815,
Ans. For 15 kW motor.
0.815 *T
So =0427 orL = 0.427 D
Motor Input 17.857 kW;
D 6
Substituting this value in D'L product and solving for
120x 50 D and L.
Synchronous speed n, 25 rps;
(4 x 60) 0.427 D= 0.01099
We have output Coefficient hence D =0.30 m and L 0.125 m
Number of slots: Considering the slot pitch at the air
Co = between 1.5 cm and 2.5 cm.
Number of slots =XD
(0.25) 0.16 x 25
For slot pitch 1.5 cm,
Blectrical Machine Design EMD.23)
Input to motor = 3Vph Iph COs * 10 kW Assuming
S,1.5 VphEph
For slot pitch 2.5 cm VphEph4.44 fo Tph K
2.22 fo Zph Kw
s,- 2.5
120 2
Hence number of slots must be between 37 and 63
Assuming no. of stator slots/pole/phase 3,
3x2.22xPns Z K Iph7 cosx10 kW
S =6x 3x3 54 2
Output =
1.11 x P o x 31ph Zph X n, Kw 7 cos x 10 kW
Bav X DxL
Flux per pole d - Po BaTDL, and 3 Iph Zph tDq
P =
Output to motor 1.11 x Bay TtDL X TDqx n, Kw n cos
x 10 kWN
0.36xTx0.3x 0.125
6 Q (1.11n BagKwn cos x10)D Ln, kW
= 7.07x10 wb Q =(11 B,v9 K n cosox10 )D Ln, kw
Assuming star delta connection for the machine, under
Therefore Output Q=CD Ln, kW
running condition using Delta connection
Stator turns per phase Where Co=(11 B,q Kw n cosx10)
Eph Vphphase voltage
Tph phphase current
(4.44 f oK
Zph no. of conductors/phase

460 Tph no. of turns/phase

(4.44x50x7.07x10x0.955) N, Synchronous speed in rpm
nsynchronous speed in rps
pno. of poles
Number conductors/phase = 307 x2
9 specific electric loading
Total number of stator conductors = 307 x 2 x3 gap flux/pole
= 1842 air
Byaverage flux density
Number of conductors per slot = 34.1 34 Kwindingfactor
54 n efficiency
Hence total number of conductor = 34x 54 1836. coso power factor
D- diameter of the stator
Q.10 Write output equation of Induction motor. L gross core length
Coutput coefficient
Ans. Output equation is the mathematical expression which
gives the relation between the various physical and electrical
parameters of the electrical machine. PART-C
In an induction motor the output equation can be
obtained as follows
Consider an 'm' phase machine, with usual notations
Q.11 Following design data have been obtained during
Output Qin kW = Input x efficiency the preliminary design of a 3 phase, 850 kW, 6.6
Input to motor = mVph Iph Cos x 10 kW. kK 50 Hz, 12 pole slip ring induction motor. Gross
Fora 30 machine m=3. length of stator core 45 cm, internal diameter of
B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Pane
EMD.24- slots= Rotor conductors per phase = 44
the stator core = 122 cm, number of=stator10. For the
144, Number of conduc rs per slot
above stator data design a wound rotor for the motor.
Number of slots per phase 26 42

Ans.i) Diameter of the rotor Therefore number of conductors per slot = 1.

Length of the air gap
Final rotor turns per phase
0.2+2 VDL mm
number of conductor per phase
= 0.2 +21.22x0.45 mm
= 1.68 mm
Outer diameter of rotor -2-21
Dr D-21
1.22-2x 1.68 x 103 (iv) Rotor Current: As the motor is of 850 kW, efficiency
= 1.217 m will be high, assuming an efficiency of 92% and coso= 0,91
(ii) Number of rotor slots: Considering all the factors for
election of number of rotor slots, and selecting fractional Inputto the motor 850924 kW
slot winding, assuming number of rotor slots per pole per
phase as 3% Full load stator current per phase
Total number of rotor 3.5 x 12 x3 126 x0.91
Kotor slotpitch TD/S,
TX1.217 = 88.8 amps
126 Equivalent rotor current
=0.0303 m (quite satisfactory) I 0.85 IL =0.85x 88.8=75.5 amps
(ii) Number of rotor turns: For this motor the voltage
between slip rings must be less than 1000 volts. Assume the
voltage between slip rings as 600 volts.
1-S, (KwXS,xZ,)xI,
x Z',)
Assuming star connection for stator winding
-(144x10x 75.5)
E. 66003810 volts,
E, 126x1
863 amps
Rotor winding will always be star connected
v) Size of rotor conductors : Assuming a current density
of 5 Amp/mm* for the rotor conductors
Total number of statorconductors= 144 Cross sectional area of the rotor conductor
Total number of stator tuns per phase

863 172.6mm
Size of the rotor conductors is too large and this
Rotor tunrs per phase conductor can not be used as it is and hence has to be stranded.
Stranding the conductors into 4 rectangular strips of e
area 43.1 mm, in parallel.
Standard size of the rectangular strip selected

600 1x240 =11 mm x 4mm

V3 3810 Thus sectional area of the rectangular conductor
43.1 x 4 172.4 mm
22 turns.
Electrical Machine Design EMD.25)
Size oftherectangular conductor with insulation
comparatively cheaper. However they have the disadvantage
= 11.5 mmx 4.5 mm of lower starting torque. In this type, the rotor consists of
n Size of the rotor slot: Four strips of the rectangular bars of copper or aluminum accommodated in rotor slots. In
eonductor are arranged as 2 strips widthwise and case slip ring induction motors the rotor complex in
2 strips construction and costlier with the advantage that they have
depthwise, with this arrangemtn the size
of the slot can be the better starting torque. This type of rotor consists of star
estimated as follows:
connected distributed three phase windings. Between stator
(a) Width of the slot and rotor is the air gap which is a very critical part. The
Space occupied by the conductor performance parameters of the motor like magnetizing
Slot liner
2x 4.5 9.0 mm current, power factor, over load capacity, cooling and noise
2x 1.5 3.0 mm
are affected by length of the air gap. Hence length of the air
Total width ofthe slot
1.0mm gap is selected considering the advantages and disadvantages
13.0 mn of larger air gap length.
(b) Depth of slot Advantages:
Increased overload capacity
Space occupied by the conductor |2 x 11.5| 23.0 mm i) Increased cooling
Slot liner 3 x 1.5 4.5 mm
Wedge 3.5 mm (ii) Reduced unbalanced magnetic pull
Lip 1.0 mm iv) Reduced in tooth pulsation
Clearance | 1.0 mm (v) Reduced noise
Total width of the slot 34.0 mm Disadvantages:
) Increased magnetising current
Thus size ofthe rotor slot 13 mm x 34 mm
i) Reduced power factor
(vii) Resistance and copper losses Number of slots: Proper numbers of rotor slots are to be
Length of the mean Turn selected in relation to number of stator slots otherwise
undesirable effects will be found at the starting ofthe motor.
mt2L+2.3T +0.08m
Cogging and Crawling are the two phenomena which are
mt2x0.45 +2.3(TXx1.22/12)+ 0.08m bserved due to wrong combination of number of rotor and
stator slots. In addition, induction motor may develop
=1.72 m unpredictable hooks and cusps in torque speed characteristics
Resistance of rotor winding is given by or the motor may run with lot of noise.
(0.021xmt xT) Crawling: The rotating magnetic field produced in the air
R gap of the will be usually non-sinusoidal and generally contains
A odd harmonics ofthe order 3rd, Sth and 7th. The third harmonic
flux will produce the three times the magnetic poles compared
-(0.021x1.72 x21)
to that ofthe fundamental. Similarly the 5th and 7th harmonics
will produce the poles five and seven times the fundamental
= 0.0044 ohm respectively. The presence of harmonics in the flux wave
affects the torque speed characteristics. The motor with
Total copper loss 3 If R, Watts presence of 7th harmonics is to have a tendency to run the
-3 x 8632 x 0.0044 motor at one seventh of its normal speed. The 7th harmonics
will produce a dip in torque speed characteristics at one
9831 watts
seventh of its normal speed.
Q.12 Explain Design & slots. Cogging: In some cases where in the number of rotor slots
of rotor bars
are not proper in relation to number of stator slots the machine
Ans. There are two types of rotor construction. One is the refuses to run and remains stationary. Under such conditions
squirrel cage rotor and the other is the slip ring rotor. Most of there will be a locking tendency between the rotor and stator.
the induction motor are squirrel cage type. These are having Such a phenomenon is called cogging. Hence in order to avoid
the advantage of rugged and simple in construction and such bad effects a proper number of rotor slots are to be
EMD.26 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
Such bad effects a proper number of rotor slots are to be Squirrel cage rotor consists of a set of copper or
selected in relation to number of stator slots. In addition rotor aluminum bars installed into the slots, which are connected
slots will be skewed by one slot pitch to minimize the tendency to an end-ring at each end of the rotor. 1The construction of
of cogging. torque defects like synchronous hooks and cusps this type of rotor along with windings resembles a 'squirrel
and noisy operation while running. Effect of skewing will cage'.Aluminum rotor bars are usually die-cast into the rotor
slightly increase the rotor resistance and increases the starting slots, which results in a very rugged construction. Even though
torque. However this will increase the leakage reactance and the aluminum rotor bars are in direct contact with the
hence reduces the starting current and power factor. laminations, practically all the rotor current flows through the
aluminum bars and not in the lamination
Q.13 Define the stator and rotor. Wound rotor consists ofthree sets of insulated windings
with connections brought out to three slip rings mounted on
one end of the shaft. The external connections to the rotor
Ans. The stator: The stator is the outer stationary part of
are made through brushes onto the slip rings. Due to the
the motor, which consists of
presence of slip rings such type of motors are called slip ring
The outer cylindrical frame ofthe motor or yoke, which motors.
is made either of welded sheet steel, cast iron or cast Some more parts, which are required to complete the
aluminum alloy. constructional details of an induction motor, are:
(1) The magnetic path, which comprises a set of slotted ) Two end-flanges to support the two bearings, one at
steel laminations called stator core pressed into the the driving-end and the other at the non driving-end,
cylindrical space inside the outer frame. The magnetic where the driving end will have the shaft extension.
path is laminated to reduce eddy currents, reducing (i) Two sets of bearings to support the rotating shaft,
losses and heating.
(ii) Steel shaft for transmitting the mechanical power to
ii) A set of insulated electrical windings, which are placed the load
inside the slots of the laminated stator. The cross- Giv) Cooling fan located at the non driving end to provide
sectional area ofthese windings must be large enough forced cooling for the stator and rotor
for the power rating ofthe motor. For a 3-phase motor, (v) Terminal box on top of the yoke or on side to receive
3 sets of windings are required, one for each phase
the external electrical connections
connected in either star or delta. Fig 1 shows the cross
Fig.2to show the constructional details ofthe different
sectional view of an induction motor.
parts of induction motor.

Stator Slot

Stator Laminatlons
Alr Gap

Rotor Laminations
Rotor Slot
Fig. 2: Stator laminations Fig. 3:Stator core with smooth yoke

Fig. 1: Stator and rotor laminations

The rotor: Rotor is the rotating part of the induction motor.
The rotor also consists of a set of slotted silicon steel
laminations pressed together to form ofa cylindrical magnetic
circuit and the electrical circuit. The electrical circuit ofthe
rotor is of the following nature Fig. 4:Stator with ribbed yoke
Blectrical Machine Design -EMD.27
Ans.i) Flux per pole
Number of slots per phase=32

Tph 32 12 192
Number of turns per phase 2

32x12 192
Fig. 5: Squirrel cage rotor Fig. 6:Slip ring rotor
Assuming full pitched coils,
and star connected stator winding,
Slip We have Eph4.44 fo Tph k
(4.44f Tak)
Rheostart 2078
Rotor Winding
Fig. 7: Connection to slip rings
= 0.051 wb
(i) Gap flux density
A p
0.1 m

BA0.1TF0.51 Tesla

(ii) Conductor size: Assuming an efficiency of 91% and a

full load power factor of 0.89.
Fig. 8: Cut sectional view of the induction motor Input power to the motor
Q.14 During the preliminary design of a 270 kW, 3600 270 x 10
volts, 3 phase, 8 pole 50 Hz slip ring induction motor 296703 w
the following design data have been obtained.
Gross lengtlh of the stator core = 0.38 m, Interna Full load current per phase
diameter of the stator = 0.67 m, outer diameter of
the stator 0.86 m, no. of stator slots = 96, no. of = 53.47 amps
conductors /slot 12, Based on the above
information determine the following design data for Assuming a current density of 4.1 amp/mm, area of
the motor () Flux per pole (i) Gap density (ii) cross section ofthe conductor=53.47/4.1 s= 13.04 m as the
Conductor size (iv) Size of the slot () Copper losses conductor section is >5 mm rectangular conductor is
vi) Flux density in stator teeth (vi) Flux density in selected. Standard size fo the conductor selected satisfying
stator core. therequirement is 2.5 mm 5.5 mm.
B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Pom
Thus sectional area ofthe conductor 13.2 mm
- 0.67+x0.035x2 = 0.693m
Size ofthe conductor with insulation thickness of 0.2
mm is 2.9 mm x 5.9 mm.
Slot pitch at 1/3T height
iv) Size of the slot: 12 conductors per slot are arranged in
two layers with 6 conductors in each layer. Six conductor in
each layer are arranged 2 conductors depth wise and 3 t,STxD
conductors width wise. With this arrangement the width and
depth of the slot can be estimated as follows. Tx0.6930.02268m
(a) Width of the slot
Space occupied by insulated.conductor 3x 2.9 8.7 mm Tooth width at this section
Coil insulation 2x 1.0 2.0 mm
Slot liner 2x 0.2 0.4 mm =bT-b
Clearance 0.9 =0.02268-0.012 0.0168m
Total width ofthe slot 12.0 mm
Assuming 3 ventilating ducts with cm width and iron
space factor of 0.95
(b) Depth of the slot = m
23.6 mm Iron lengthl= (0.38-3 x0.01) 0.95 0.3325
Space occupied by insulated conductor 4 x 5.9
Coil insulation 4x 4.0
Area of the stator tooth per pole
Slot liner 3x0.2 0.6 mm A
Coil separator 1x 0.5 mm
1.0 =bx xnumber ofteeth per pole
Top liner 1x 1.0 0.5
Wedge 3.0 mm bxxS
Lip 1.5 mm P
Clearance 1.3mm
Total width oftheslot 35.0 mm 0.01068x0.3325x96
Thus the dimension of slot 12.0 mm x 35.0 mm =0.04261 m
)Copper losses in stator winding
Mean flux density in stator teeth
Length of the mean turn,
mt2L+2.3t, +0.24 A 0.04261
=1.10 Tesla

2x0.38+2.3x TX0.60.24=1.6 m Maximum flux density in stator tooth


Resistance per phase = 1.5x1.10 =1.65 Tesla

(0.021xmtxTph) (vii) Flux density in stator core
Depth of the stator core

=0.49 ohm d-D,-D-2h)
Total copper losses
3 =3x(53.47) x0.49-4203 watts
= 0.06 m
(vi) Flux density is stator tooth
Diameter at 1/3 height, Area of stator core
.A. =L, xd
D' =D+xh, x2
0.3325x 0.06 0.01995m
Blectrical Machine Design- EMD.299
Flux in stator core
the armature,core area ep06 A16 decreases as
x0.051 0.0255 wb
the number of poles increases for a given hysteresis loss.
Flux density in stator core, Thus the weight of iron used for the armature core reduces
as the number of poles increases.
BAAc 0.01995
=1.28 Tesla 4. Weight of overhang copper: Fora given active length
of the coil, overhang oc pole pitch t D/P goes on reducing as
the number of poles increases. As the overhand length reduces,
o.15 What is the different factors affecting the choice
of the weight of the inactive copper used at the overhang also
number of poles? reduces.
: As the number of poles increases,
Ans. 1. Frequeney

frequency ofthe induced emf f =N

120 Increases, core loss in

the armature increases and therefore efficiency of the

E AF: Active length of the coil
machine decreases. k-T6 ABC or ADE: Overhaug or active pat of the coil

2. Weight of the iron used for the yoke : Since the flux
T4: Polepitch in case of 4 pole macline
carried by the yoke is approximately o/2 and the total flux :Pole pitch in case of 6pole machine
po is aconstant for a given machine, flux density in the D

yoke, Fig

By cross sectional area of the yoek Ay 5. Armature reaction: Since the flux produced by the
AL/pole and armature ampere turns
Py 1
2PA, PA,


A, is oc 1/P
It is clear that pole 2 1S proportional to 1/P, O, reduces as the number
As B, is also almost constant for a given iron. Thus, as of poles increases. This in turn reduces the effect of armature
the number of poles increases, A, and hence the weight of reaction.
iron used forthe yoke reduces. 6. Overall diameter: When the number of poles is less,
3. Weight of iron used for the armature core (from the AT/pole and hence the flux, produced by the armature is
core loss point of view) : Since the flux carried by the more. This reduces the useful flux in the air gap. In order to
armature core is /2, eddy current loss in the armature core maintain a constant value of air gap flux, flux produces by
the field or the field ampere turns must be increased. This
B calls for more field coil turns and size of the coil defined by
the depth of the coil d, and height of the coil h, increases. In
PN order that the temperature rise of the coil is not more, depth
of the field coil is generally restricted. Therefore height of
the field coil increases as the size of the field coil or the
number of turns of the coil increases. As the pole height, is
A2 is independent of the number of poles. proportional to the field coil height, height of the pole and
One the other hand, since the hysteresis loss in the
hence the overall diameter ofthe machine increases with the
armature core is increase in height of the field coil.
Obviously as the number of poles increases, height of
PN 1 the pole and hence the overall diameter of the machine
Bf 120p*A decrease.
EMD.30 B. Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
Hence the length of the commutator.
L (w,n, + clearances) reduces as A, reduces or
the number of poles increases.
Overall W width of bruth,
Thickness ofthe brush,
nNumber of brushes per spindle
8. Flash over: As the number of pales increases, voltage
Diameter in case of 2 pole machine between the segments,
Dineter in case of 4 pole machine
voltage between positive and negative brushes
Fig E number of segments per pole
Length of the commutator Since each brush armn
collects the current from every two parallel paths, current increases. Because of the increased value of E and
brush arm =21/A and the cross sectional area of the brush carbon duest collected in the space where the mica is
/arm. undercut, chances of acting between commutator segments
increases. The arc between the segments in turn may bridge
BIushes the positive and negative brushes leading to a dead short circuit
per spindlearm-
of the armature of flash over.
or holder
9. Labour Charges: As the number of poles increases cost
Commutator of labour increases as more number of poles are to be
segnent assembled, more field coils are to be wound, placed on to the
pole, insulate, interconnect etc.
It is clear that, when the number of poles is more,
weight of iron used for yoke and armature core, weight of
inactive copper, overall diameter, length of commutator and
Fig. A portion ofthe commutator effect of armature reaction reduces. On the other hand
efficiency reduces chances of flus over increases and cost
A of machine increases.
Since the advantages outnumber the disadvantages,
more number of poles is preferable.
Thus, though more number of poles is preferable, it is
c 1/P not advisable from the cost point of view. In general the
Reduces as the number of poles increases. number of poles should be so selected that good operating
characteristics are obtained with minimum weight of active
As Ab=t,w.n, and t, is generally held constant from
material and minimum cost of construction.
the commutations point of view, w,n, reduces as A, reduces.

Ans. The runway speed is defined as the speed which the

prime mover would have, if it is suddenly unloaded, when
PART-A working at its rated load.

o.1 Define critical speed?

Ans. The rotor of an alternator rotates with prime mover

speed. The rotor structure which has certain mass Q.6 What is armature reaction?.Describe the effect of
and property of elasticity he rotor core is designed armature reaction on the operation of de machines.
corresponding to natural frequency is called critical speed. How the armature reaction is minimized
IR.T.U. 2018]
0.2 What is varnish impregnation?

Ans. Thedipping of insulating material into varnish to improve

Ans. Armature Reaction Armature reaction is the reaction
or interaction between the magnetic field produced by the
the resistance to moisture and creeping discharge is called
varnish impregnation. flowing of current in the rectangular coil wound on the
armature and the main magnetic field of d.c. generator or
the motor.
03 is it necessary to eliminate voids or airpackets
in high voltage multi lunch coils? The converse of mechanical energy to the electrical
energy in the electric d.c. motor or generator is due to this
ns. Since the voids carry air and air has poor thermal interaction.
conductivity heat transfer will be poor. Hence voids should Armature reaction causes the neutral plane, a plane
be eliminated. parallel to armature windings with the magnetic flux, to shift
in the direction ofrotation. Thus armature reaction disort the
04 How is the efficiency of an alternator affected by magnetic flux and load the applied field not radial which
load power factor? changes the efficiency of the output of the d.c. generator or
d.c. motor.
Ans. The efficiency of an alternator depends not only on In order to minimize the armature reaction, two simple
KVA output but also
on power factor of the load. For a given method can be taken as:
load,efficiency is maximum at unity power factor and
decreases as the power factor falls. (a) Shifting of the position ofthe brushes such that its p'ane
are in the neutral plane.
Q.5 What is runway (b) Installation of interpoles in the generator or motor to
nullify the effect of armature reaction.
EMD.32 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
Ans. Parallel Operations of Two Alternators
The electricity demand of a country is fed by man
alternators operating in parallel. These are variOus advantages
2 of operating the alternator in parallel.
) For a given capacity of a generating station, either a
single large unit or many small units may be installed
Ifthese are many small units operating parallel instead
of single large unit then number of alternators operatino
Main Field Flux Armature at a time can be changed depending upon electricity
Flux requirement or load demands. This will help in
GNA MNA alternators near its full load capacity so that efficiency
will also be better.
i) The operating cost will be significantly reduced compare
to single large unit.
(ii) A particular unit may be shut down for certain period
during the maintance and inspection at the power
stations. For that period the load can be transferred to
Fig.: Distortion ofmain field fux due to armature flux-Armature other units if number ofunits are operating in parallel
Reaction (iv) Several power stations are interconnected by a grid
Effect of Armature Reaction: which is economical & advantageous. This will make
sure the optimum utility of the alternators.
1. The armature reaction will reduce the generated EMF
due to "decrease in value of flux per pole". (V)The continuity & reliability of the supply can be
maintained at better level due to interconnection.
2. The iron 1losses in the teeth and pole shoes are
(vi) The future load demand can be satisfied by adding
determined by the maximum value of flux density at
more alternators in parallel without disturbing the
which they work. Due to distortion in main field flux
origional setup.
the maximum density at load increases above no load.
Thus "more iron losses" are observed on load than no
Q.8 (a) Distinguish between cylindrical pole and salient
pole construction.
3 Due to this process the maximum value of gap flux (b) Write the following factors to be consideredfor
density increases. This will increases the maximum the design of field system in alternator.
voltage between adjacent commutator segments at
load. Ifthis voltage exceeds beyond 30V the "sparking Ans.(a)
may take place" between adjacent commutator 1. In cylindrical pole construction the rotor is made of
segment. solid cylinder and slots are cut on the outer periphery
4. The armature reaction "shift brush axis from GNA". of the cylinder to accommodate field conductors.
Thus flux density in the interpole axis is not zero but 2. In salient pole construction, the circular or rectangular
having some value. Thus there will be an induced emf poles are mounted on the outer surface of a cylinder.
in the coil undergoing commutation which will try to The field coils are fixed on the pole.
maintain the current in original direction. This willmake3. The cylindrical pole construction is suitable for high
commutation difficult and will cause delayed speed operations, whereas the salient pole construction
commutation. is suitable for the slow speed operations.
1. Number of poles and voltage across each field coil
Q.7 Explain the parallel operations of two alternators
2. Amp-turn per pole
Describe any one method by which two alternators
3 Copper loss in fieldcoil
could be put in parallel IR.TU. 2014
4. Dissipating surface of field coil
5. Specific loss dissipation and allowabletemperaturers
Electrica Machine Design EMD.333
o(a) What are the disadvantages of synth esis
method? -bo-6,)
(b) Mention the advantages of fractional slot
winding. correspondsto ducts, opening/
Since -2.0,
Ans.(a) The disadvantages are:
1.0, must correspond to slots. Therefore, opening
The synthesis method involves too much of logic since gap-length
1.0 0.5 x 1.0 0.5 cm.
the logical decisions are taken by the computer. Now, ofthe slot b=1,x
the logical decisions have to be incorporated in the
program and before they are incorporated in the At
os =
=1.0,8, 0.82
program, the teams of engineers have to agree upon 0.5
them. Firstly the logical decisions to arrive at a optimum 6.5
design are too many and then there are too many people =1.014
with too many ways to suggest to produce an optimum
design and it becomes really hard to formulate a logic KyCarter's gap expansion coefficient for the ducts
that really produces an optimum design.
The formulation of a synthesis program taking into L
account the factor listed above would make it too L-n,b,1-8,)
complex. The complex program formulated at high cost
would require the use of a large computer and also -2.0,8, 0.72
large running time involving huge expenditure.
In low speed machines with large number of poles, the 40
g 1.04
fractional slot winding will reduce tooth harmonics. 40-5x1(1-0.72)
2. A range of machines with different speeds can be K 1.014x 1.04 1.054
designed with a single lamination.
Maximum value of flux density in the air gap
3. The fractional slot winding reduces the harmonics in
mf and the leakage reactance of the windings. B 0.63 =
4 The fractional slot winding allows only short chorded BK 0.7
winding. Therefore the length of mean turn of a coil 800000 x 0.5x 10 x 1.054x 0.9
reduces which results in shorter end connections and
so saving in copper.

Q.10 Calculate the ampere turns required for the air gap Q.11 Explain the choice of specific magnetic and electric
loadings of synchronous machines.
ofa DC machine given the following data. Gross
core length = 40 cm, air gap length = 0.5 cm,
number of ducts = 5, width of each duct = 1.0 cm, Ans. Specific magnetic loading: Following are the factors
slot pitch = 6.5 cm, average value of flux density in which influences the performance of the machine:
the air gap = 0.63 T Field form factor = 0.7, 1. Iron loss: A high value of flux density in the air gap
Carter's coefficient = 0.82 for opening/gap length leads to higher value of flux in the iron parts of the
= 1.0 and Carter's coefficient = 0.82 for opening/
machine which results in increased iron losses and
8p length = 1.0, and Carter 's coefficient = 0.71
for opening/gap length = 2.0. reduced eficiency
2. Voltage: When the machine is designed for higher
Ans. AT 800000 1K B voltage space occupied by the insulation becomes more
K, = Carter's gap expansion coefficient K *
K thus making the teeth smaller and hence higher flux
KCarter's gap expansion coefficient forthe slots density in teeth and core
B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Paper
3. Transient short circuit current:
Ahigh value of gap wet ) Lagging power factor
density results in decrease in
leakage reactance and (i) Leading power factor and
hence increased value of
armature current under short
circuit conditions. (ii) Unity power factor
Stability: The maximum power output (b) Sketch and explain the open-circuit and short
of a machine
under steady state condition is indirectly circuit characteristics of a synchrono us
to synchronous reactance. generator. Briefly explain, how the volage
If higher value of flux
density is used it leads to smaller number regulation of an alternator is found by
of turns per synchronous impedance method. [R. T.U. 20171
phase in armature winding. This
results in reduced
value of leakage reactance and hence increased
of power and hence increased
steady state stability. Ans.(a) Given below are the phasor diagrams for all the
5. Parallel operation: The satisfactory parallel operation operations.
of synchronous
generators depends on the
synchronizing power. Higher the synchronizing power
higher will be the ability of the machine to operate in
synchronism. The synchronizing power is inversely
proportional to the synchronous reactance and hence
the machines designed with higher value air gap flux
density will have better ability to operate in parallel
with other machines.
Specific Electric Loading: Following are the some of the
factors which influence the choice ofspecificelectric loadings: (a) (b) (c)
1. Copper loss: Higher the value of q larger will be the Fig. 1
number of armature of conductors which results in ) Generating operation at lagging power factor: We
higher copper loss. This will result in higher temperature can derive the expression for the E, by first taking the
rise and reduction in efficiency.
component of the V, in the direction of I. Component of
2. Voltage: A higher value of q can be used for low V, in the direction of I, is V,cos hence the total voltage drop
voltage machines since the space required for the is (V.cose + ) along the I. Similarly we can calculate
insulation will be smaller. the voltage drop along the direction perpendicular to I,. The
3. Synchronous reactance: High value of q leads to total voltage drop perpendicular to I, is .With the help ofturbo
higher value of leakage reactance and armature in the first phasor diagram we can write the expression
reaction and hence higher value of synchronous
reactance. Such machines will have poor voltage Ef = (V, cos0+ 1, xr,+(V, sin 0+ xX, ,
regulation, lowervalue of current under short circuitii) Generating operation at
leading power factor
condition and low value of steady state stability 1imit Component in the direction of is
I, V,cos 6. As the direction
and small value ofsynchronizing power of I, same to that of the V, thus the total voltage drop is
Stray load losses: With increase of q stray load losses (V, cose+L r). Similarly we can write expression for the
will increase. Values of specific magnetic and specific voltage drop along the direction perpendicular to I. The total
electric loading can be selected from Design Data Hand voltage drop comes
out to be. With the help of triangle BOD
Book for salient and non salient pole machines. in the first phasor diagram we can write the expression for
E as

PART-C E =(V,cos0 +1, xr+(V, sin0-1, xX,

(iii) Generating operation at unity power factor: Here
also we can derive the expression for the E by first taking
Q.12(a) Draw phasor diagrams ofa loaded alternator e component of the V, in the direction of 1, But in this case
(cylindrical type) for following conditions: the value of theta is zero and hence we have y = ö.
oectrical Machine Design
With the help of triangle BOD EMD.35
in the second phasor
daaram we can directly write the expression for E as

E-(V,+1 x,+0,*X D.C. Field

Ans.(b) Open-circuit Test Supply

The alternator is run at rated synchronous speed and

Rotor Stator
he load terminals are open (Fig.1). That is, all the loads are
isconnected. The field current is set to zero.
Fig.3:Short-circuit test on an alternator.
Then the field current is gradually increased in steps,
Field and the armature current is measured at each step. The field
Supply current may be increased to get armature currents upto 150%
of the rated value. The field current Ir and the average of
three ammeter readings at each step is taken. A graph is
plotted between the armature current I, and the field current
The characteristic so obtained is called short-circuit
Fig.1: Open-circuittest on an alternator characteristic (SCC). This characteristic is a straight line as
Then the field current is gradually increased in steps, shown in Fig.(4).
and the terminal voltage E, is measured at each step. The
excitation current may be increased to get 25% more than
rated voltage of the alternator. A graph is plotted between

theopen-circuitphase voltage E, and field current

The characteristic curve so obtained is called open-circuit
characteristic (O.C.C.). It takes the shape of a normal
Field current
magnetization curve. The extension of the linear portion of
an O.C.C. is called the air-gap line of the characteristic. The Fig.4: The S.C.C. of an alternator

0.c.C. and the air-gap line are shown in Fig.2. EMF Method: This method yields results most likely
Airgapline to be inexact. The regulation obtained by this method is always
higher than actual value and therefore this is called the
O.C.C. pessimistic method .The results are however, more likely to
be on safe side. However, this method is theoretically accurate
for non- salient pole machines with distributed field windings
when saturation is not considered. The reason of error is
that in this method synchronous impedance or reactance is
assumed to remain constant while actually it is not. The value
of synchronous impedance (or reactance) varies with the
saturation. At low saturation its value is larger because the
Field current I, effect of armature reaction is greater then that at high
an alternator saturation.
Fig. 2: The 0.C.C. of
Short-circuit Test: The armatureterminals are shorted
through three ammeters (Fig.3). Care should be taken in Q.13 (a) Whatis two reaction theory applicable to salient
performingthis test, and the field current should first be pole synchronous machines? Draw and explain
decreased to zero before starting the alternator. Each the phasor diagram of salientpole synchronous
ammeter should have a range greater than the rated full-load machine based upon two reaction theory
value. The alternator is then run at synchronous speed. IR.T.U.2016
EMD.36 B.Tech. (v Sem) E.E. Solved Pape apers
OR sinusoidal because of the shaping of the pole-shoes (air-gap
Explain the two reaction theory applicable to sively increas
is least in the center of the poles and progressi
salient pole synchronous machines and draw on moving away from centre). The Frwave can be imaoi
its phasor diagram. IR.T.U 20171 to be sinusoidally distributed and acting on a uniform o
(b) Show that the power developed by the salient can, therefore, be represented as space vector F,. As
pole synchronous machine is given by rotor rotates, F, is always oriented along the d-axis and
represented with the d-axis permeance. is
Xd +X xd Axis
of field
Current (Generator)
Maximun Positive
Where Xd & Xq are direct axis and quadrature
axis reactance, 8 is load angle, V terminal
voltage and E = emf induced, P power per
phase. IR.TU 2016
Derive the equation for power developed by the Axia of
coil a

power-angle characterie
power-angle characteristics. e
salient pole synchronous machine and draw
draw its
R.T.U. 2017 s

Ans.(a) Salient Pole Synchronous Machine-Two

Reaction Model
Two-reaction Theory Fig. 1: Salient Pole Synchronous Machine

Two-reaction theory was proposed by Andre Blondel. The figure 1 shows the relative spatial location of .
The theory proposes to resolve the given armature mmfs into and F at the time instant when current (generating) in phase
two mutually perpendicular components, with one located a' is maximum positive and is lagging E, (excitation emfdue
along the axis ofthe rotor salient pole. It is known as the to F) by an angle y varies, the permeance offered to F,the
direct-axis (or d-axis) component. The other component is armature reaction, mmf, varies because of a change in its
located perpendicular to the axis of the rotor salient pole. It is spatial position relative to d-axis. Consequently F,
known as the quadrature-axis (or q-axis) component. The (armature reaction flux/pole) whose magnitude varies with
d-axis component of the armature mmf F is denoted by Fa
angle y (which is related to load power factor). F, can be
and the q-axis component by Fq. The component Fa is either
magnetizing or demagnetizing. The component F results in adivided into F, along d-axis and F, along q-axis.
cross-magnetizing effect. The figure 2 shows the phasor diagram.
If y is the angle between the armature current Iq and
the excitation voltage E, and F, is the amplitude of the armature
mmf, then Fr
FaF sinby

FF cos y F
In a cylindrical motot synchronous machine, the flux
established by an mmf wave is independent of the spatial q-axis
position of the wave axis with respect to field pole axis. In a
salient pole machine, the permeance offered to an mmf wave
is highest when it is aligned with the field pole axis (direct
axis or d-axis) and is lowest when it is oriented at 90° to the
field pole axis (quadrature axis or q-axis). The B-wave
produced by the field winding in a salient pole is nearly Fig. 2: Phasor Diagram ofa Salient Pole Machine
Electrical Machine Design) EMD.37)
Here the d-axis is along F, and 90° behind, it is the x +X, =X d-axis synchronous reactance
q-axis along E,. The components of T. F, along d-axis and
q-axis are shown, from which it is clear that Fa is produced
and +X, =X 9-axis synchronous reactance.
by I, the d-axis component of I, at 90° behind to E, Similarly It is observed that xg>X
F. is produced by 4, the q-axis component of I, in phase Then, E,=V,++ix, l4 +ix, (3)
with E The phasor diagram depicting the currents and voltages
The flux components/pole produced by the d and as per equation (3) in which is the angle between the
q-axis components of armature reaction mmf are, excitation emf E and the terminal voltage V
aT Fa tKala (in phase with I)
Fp.Karg (in phase with I)
where ta and tg are permeance of pole-arc, oriented
alongthe d-axis/q-axis. Here tTq and Ka =constant of
armature winding.
Theresultant armature reaction flux is not in phase

with F, or I because t the lag behind I depends

uponthe relative magnitudes of ta> T the lag behindI,
depends upon the relative magnitudes of Ty and Tp.
Fig. 3
The emfs produced by da and d are given by,
E,-iK V and .
In figure,the angle y 0 +ô is not known for given

The location of E, beingg unknown, Iy and I

cannot be found which are needed to draw the phasor
and E,--iK, diagram. This difficulty is overcome by establishing certain
where K =emf constant of armature winding. goemetric relationships for the phasor diagrams, shown for
The resultant emf induced in the machine is, generating machine figure.
E,-E,+E,+E V cos


Substituting for 6, and

=E,-jK,K,-jK,K, 1
Let x=K, T,K = reactance equivalent ofthe d-axis
component of armature reaction

andx=K,,K, = reactance equivalent ofthe q-axis 1aD

Fig. 4:Generating, Lagging Power Factor
component of armature reaction.
4- sin V

E,-E,+i +ix .(1

L 1cos y

For a realistic machine,
E,=V,+1 +jx,,
Combining equations
cos y=-
E, =V, +1 +i« +»,)L+jx +x,) (2)
AC= cos -IX
EMD.38 B.Tech. Solved
Sem.) E.E.
(V Solved Po
When the point C is located, we can draw E, along OC Substituting eq.(6) and (7) in eq.5)
V, sin+ 8+V2 X
tan v,cos
(generatingmou Pe
Xasin 2xX in 26
From the above, angle y can be determined.
Then 8=y-¢ (generating)
The magnitude of excitation emf obtained from the
E sin8 V x sin 28
phasor diagram is given by- 8
E=V, cos 8+I,r +lxa(generating) The equation (8) gives the expression for the electrioa
The magnitude of excitation emf obtained from the power output of a salient pole generator. The same expressio
phasor diagram is given by, would give the electrical power input of a motoring machine
E= V, cos 8+ Ira t+ IXa (generating) wherein Er lags V by angle ð.
Note: Since is taken positive for lagging power facto, The second term in (8) compared to a cylindrical motor
it will be negative for leading power factor.
arises on account of saliency and is known as "reluctance
Ans.(b) Power Angle Characteristic: Figure shows a 1

power" (torque). This reluctance power varies as sin28 with

single line diagram of a salient pole synchronous machine a maximum value at 8 = 45°
connected to infinite bus-bars of voltage V through a line of
series reactance xext (per phase). The total d- and q-axis The power-angle plots of both the terms of equation (8
along with the form of the resultant power-angle curve are
reactances are then,
XaXt Xext Xq XqtXext
..4) shown in figure.

Infini te e maX
bus-bars sin 6
P6 plot

ext ain 26
angle curve

Fig. 1:Single Line Scheme of a Salient Pole Synchronous -90 180°
Machine Connected to Infinite Bus
The resistances of machine armature and line are emax 70 Reluctance
assumed to be negligible. Figure gives the phasor diagram
when the machine is generating.
The real power deliyered to the bus-bars is, Generator
Pe-4 Vsin + I V cos .(5)
Fig. 3: Power-Angle Characteristic of Salient Pole Synchronous
E-Vcos 8 Machine
Now, ..(6)
Xa It is observed that Pe(max)Ppull-out Out at ö <90° (usually
at about o = 70°). Further, its magnitude is larger than that
lX (7) for a cylindrical machine with same Vb, E and X, X, on
account of the reluctance power term.

Power p= sin8+ X,)23

Tq ext
Fig. 2: Phasor Diagram ofa Synchronous Machine (Generator
Electrical Machine Design (EMD.39
for a salient pole machine and for a non-salient pole reversal in more detail with the help of Fig.1 where ring
machine (i.e., cylindrical rotor) winding has been used for simplicity. The brush width is equal
to the width of one commutator segment and one mica
dpEcos8 (10) insulation. In Fig.1(a), coil B is about to be short-circuite
doX because brush is about to come in touch with commutator
when R is small for cylindrical machine. segmenta'. It is assumed that each coil carries 20 A, so
that brush current is 40 A. It is so because every coil meeting
The factor d 1s called "the stiffness coefficient". It at the brush supplies halfthe brush current whether lap wound
or wave wound. Prior to the beginning of short-circuit, coil B
shows that for a given V, and E (and therefore for a given belongs to the group of coils lying to the left of the brush and
excitation), the coefficient is inversely proportional to the
carries 20 A from left to right.
Synchronous reactance X. Machines with large air-gaps have
relatively small reactances, the coupling therefore being stiff. 20A 10A 20A 20A 20A
20A 20A 20A
Such machines do not respond readily to rapid changes in O00O00000 000O00000 TODO000
A B C AfhOA30 20 20
shaft loading and under such conditions, they are liable for
high mechanical stresses. With a small air-gap, and soft
coupling, the motor will respond to rapid load changes, and
40A 40A
the inertia ofthe rotating parts may result in values of 8 such (b) (c)

that there is a tendency to stray into the region of instability 20A

A machine of this type also experiences large changes in the
20A 10A 20A
DOwer factor, as the load varies from no-load to full-load. 30A 10A 35A +20A

Q.14 Explain commutation and armature reaction in DC 40A 5A 40A
(d) ()
generators. R.TU. Dec. 2016] Timeof

Fig. I
Ans. Commutation: Current induced in armature
conductors ofa D.C. generator are alternating. To make their In Fig.1(b), coil B has entered its period of short-circuit
and is approximately at one-third of this period. The current
flow unidirectional in the external circuit, we need a
commutator. Moreover, these currents flow in one direction through coil B has reduced down from 20 A to 10 A because
the other 10 A flows via segment a' As area of contact of
when armature conductors are under N-pole and in the
opposite direction when they are under S-pole. As conductors the brush is more with segment 'b' than with segment 'a', it
pass out of the influence of an N-pole and enter that of receives 30 A from the former, the total again being 40 A.

S-pole, the current in them is reversed. This reversal of Fig.1(c) shows the coil B in the middle of its short-circuit
current takes place along magnetic neutral axis or brush axis period. The current through it has decreased to zero. The
i.e. when the brush spans and hence short-circuits that two currents of value 20 A cach, pass to the brush directly
particular coil undergoing reversal ofcurent through it. This from coil A and C as shown. The brush contact areas with
process by which
current in the short-circuited coil is the two segments b' and 'a' are equal.
reversed while it crosses the M.N.A. is called In Fig.1(d), coil B has become part of the group of
commutation. The brief period during which coil remains coils lying to the right ofthe brush. It is seen that brush contact
short-circuited is known as commutation period Te area with segment 'b' is decreasing rapidly whereas that with
the current reversal i.e. the change from+I to zero segment 'a' is increasing. Coil B now carries 10 A in the
and then zero to -I is completed by the end of short-circuit reverse direction which combines with 20 Asupplied by coil
or commutation period, then the commutation is ideal. If A to make up 30 A that passes from segment 'a' to the brush.
current reversal is not complete by that time, then sparking is The other 10A is supplied by coil C and passes from segment
produced between the brush and the commutator which results b'to the brush, again givingatotalof40 A at the brush.
in progressive damage to both. Fig.1() depicts the moment when coil B is almost at
Let us discuss the process of commutation or current the end of commutation or short-circuit period. For ideal
EMD 40- B.Tech. (V Sem) E.E. Solved
one insulating plate or strip
commutation, curreat through it should have reversed by now brush minus the thickness of
but, as shown, it is carrying 15 A only (instead of 20 A). The mica.
difference of current between coils C and B i.e. 20- 15= Let W brush width in cm;
insulation in cm.
A in this case, jumps directly from segment b' to the brush Wm width of mica commutator
through air thus producing spark. V
peripheral velocity of ator

If the changes of current through coil B are plotted on a segments in cm/second

commutation or short-circuit
time base (as in Fig.1) it will be represented by a horizontal lie Then Te = time of
AB i.e. a constant current of 20 A up to the time of beginning
of commutation. From the finish of commutation, the current
W-W second
will be represented by another horizontal line CD. Now, again brush width are given in terms of
If be converted
the current value is FC 20 A, although in the reversed segments, then commutator velocity should also
way in which current changes from its positive of commutator
segments per second.
1ne BE) to zero and then to its negative value of in terms
through a conductor, then total
20 A (=CF) depends on the conditions under which the
coil IfI is the current
commutation =I-(-)=21.
a uniform during
B undergoes commutation. If the current varies at
rate i.e. ifBC is a straight line, then it is referred to
as linear Self-induced or reactance voltage
commutation. However, due to the production of
e.m.f. in the coil (discussed below) the variations
follow the - Lxifcommutation is linear
in coil has
dotted curve. It is seen that, in that case, current direction,
reached only a value of KF = 15 A in the commutationis sinusoidal
hence the difference of 5 A (20 A-15A) passes
as a spark. 1.11 Lx if
brushes, which reversal of current.
So, we conclude that sparking at the The reactance e.m.f. hinders the
inability ofthe curent This means that there would be sparking at the brushes due
results in poor commutation is due to the
completely by the end of short-circuited coil to reach its
in the short-circuited coil to reverse to the failure ofthe current in
order of 1/500 full value in the reversed direction by the end of short-circuit
short-circuit period (which is usually of the
This sparking will not only damage the
brush and the
The main cause which retards or delays
this quick reversal commutator but this being a cumulative process, it may
is the production ofself-induced
e.m.f. in the coil undergoing worsen and eventually lead to the short-circuit of the whole
possesses machine by the formation of an arc round the commutator
commutation. It may be pointed out that the coil
lies from brush to brush..
appreciable amount of self inductance because it
embedded in the armature which is built up of material of
is known
Methods of Improving Commutation: There are
permeability. This self-induced e.m.f.
high magnetic
below. two practical ways of improving commutation i.e. of making
as reactance voltage, whose value is found as given circuited
current reversal in the short-circuited coil as sparkiess
sparkless as
This voltage, even though of a small magnitude, produces a
resistance is very low possible. These methods are known as (i) resistance
large current through the coil whose
amutation and (ii) e.m.f. commutation (which is done with
due to short-circuit. It should be noted that if the brushes are the help either brush lead or interpoles, usually thelater)
set so that the coils undergoing short-circuit are in the magnetic
neutral plane, where they are cutting no flux and hence have Resistance Commutation
no e.m.f. induced in them due to armature rotation, there will This method of improving commutation consists of
still be the e.m.f. of self-induction which causes severe replacing low-resistance Cu brushes by comparatively high-
sparking at the brushes. resistance carbon brushes.
Value of Reactance Voltage From Fig.2 it is seen that when current I from coil
Reactance voltage = coefficient of self-inductance: reaches the commutator segment b', it has two parallel paths
rate of change of current. open to it. The first part is straight from bar b' to the brush
coil B to
It should be remembered that the time of short-circuitand the other parallel path is via the short-circuited
or commutation is the time required by the commutator to bar a' and then to the brush. If the Cu brushes (which
no inducement
move a distance equal to the cireumferential thickness of the low contact resistance) are used, then there is
Electrical Machine Design)
for the current to follow the second longer path, it would
The revrsing e.m.f. may be produced in two ways:
pr follow the first path. But when carbon brushes () either by giving the brushes a forward lead sufficient
aving high resistance are used, then current I coming from enough to bring the short-circuited coil under the influence of
C will prefer to pass through the second path because (i) the next pole of opposite polarity or (ii) by using interpoles.
resistancer ofthe first path will increase due to the diminishing
area of contact of bar "b with the brush and because Armature Reaction: When a de machine operates at no
load, the only mmfthat exists is due to the main poles which
ii) resistance of second path will decrease due to rapidly
creates the main flux m However on load, an appreciable
increasing contact area of bar a with the brush.
Current flows through the armature winding. which would
produce the magnetic flux linking it. Hence a mmf is originated
B C under the loaded conditions ofthe de machine, which interacts
+x with the main mmf produced by the field system. Hence the
magnetic flux o under the loaded condition of the de machine
is created by the resultant mmf. The armature mmf has a
considerable influence on the behaviour of de machines. The
effect of armature mmf, upon the distribution of flux under
the main poles is called the armature reaction.
The armature reaction in dc machines causes field
Hence, carbon brushes have, usually, replaced Cu distortion and as a result, the emfinduced in the armature
brushes. However, it should be clearly understood that the under load is less than that under no load. The iron losses
main cause ofsparking commutation is the self-induced e.m.f. occuring in the machine are also increased due to field
(i.e. reactance voltage), so brushes alone do not give a distortion. The peak value ofthe voltage between the adjacent
sparkless commutation; though they do help in obtaining it. bars is also increased because of field distortion. The armature
The additional advantages of carbon brushes are that reaction in dc machines causes not only field distortion. The
(i) they are to some degree self-lubricating and polish the armature reaction in dc machines causes not only fields
commutator and (i) when sparking occur, they would damage distortion but also the shift of the neutral plane. As such the
the commutator less than when Cu brushes are used. brushes should be shifted in the direction of rotation (in case
of generator) in order to bring them in the magnetic neutral
But some of their minor disadvantages are (i) Due to
zone, thus avoiding a heavy short-circuit current and sparking
their high contact resistance (which is beneficial to sparkless
at the brushes.
commutation) a loss ofapproximately 2 volt is caused. Hence,
they are not much suitable for small machines where this
voltage forms an appreciable percentage loss, (ii) owing to
this large loss, the commutator has to be made some what
larger than with Cu brushes in order to dissipate heat
efficiently without greater rise of temperature,
(7) because of their lower current density (about 7-8 A/cm
as compared to 25-30 A/cm for Cu brushes) they need larger
brush holders.

E.M.F. Commutation
In this method, arrangement is made to neutralize the
(a) (b)
eactance votage by producing a reversing e.m.f. in the short
Fig. 1:Armature reaction
circuited coil under commutation. This reversing e.m.f, as in generators
the name shows, is an e.m.f. in opposition to the reactance Fig.1(a) shows an armature of a 2-pole dc machine
voltage and if its value is made equal to the latter, it will rotating in a clockwise direction, with the brushes making
completely wipe it off, thereby producing quick reversal of contact with those conductors which lie in the geometric
neutral plane (GNP). The currentin the armature
CuTentinthe short-circuited coil which will result in sparkless conductors
under the north pole is inwards, whereas is outwards in all
commutation. it
the conductors under south pole. This distribution armature
EMD.42- B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solued Papers
load and under loaded
current sets up an mmf OA directed along the brush axis flux density in the air gap on no
résultant mmf shown
from right to left. The main mmf due to the field system is conditions are shown in Fig.2. Heace, the
decreased flux. As such the
represented by OB and is downwards. As such the resultant by OE in Fig.1(b) will give rise to
under load is somewhat lese
mmf is equal to OC. When the machine operates at no load, emf induced in the armature
decrease in emf is normally
the mmf due to the armature current is practically zero and than that under no load. This armature
distortion or drop due to
thus the resultant mmf is equal to OB. The magnetic neutral called the drop due to field
causes an increase in the
plane is perpendicular to the resultant mmf and thus the reaction. The field distortion also
no load value, because of
gcuc neutral plane coincides with geometric neutral plane iron losses as compared to its
in the tooth. The peak
at no load, whereas it is shifted in the direction .of rotation increased peak value of flux density
adjacent bars also increases
under loaded conditions as shown in Fig.1(a). Hence, the value of the voltage between
value must be kept within
effect of armature reaction is to shift the magnetic neutral because of field distortion. This
spark-over between the bars,
plane in the direction ofrotation. The magnetic ofshift depends certain limits, in order to avoid
upon the value of armature curent. The coil sides short
circuited by the brushes will thus no longer be in the magnetic Q.15 Write short notes on thefollowing:
neutral plane, unless the brushes are also shifted, causing a (a) Short Circuit Ratio
heavy short circuit current and sparking at the brushes. Hence
(b) Length of air gapP
to avoid the above bad effects, the brushes should also be
shifted in the direction of rotation, so as to bring them in the (c) Shape of stator slots
direction ofrotation, so as to bring them in the magnetic neutral
: It is defined as the
plane as shown in Fig.1(b). Hence brushes are given a forward Ans.(a) Short Circuit Ratio (SCR)
produce rated voltage on
lead due to armature reaction. The total armature mmf OA ratio of field current required to
current required to circulate rated
however acts along the brush axis only, as shown in Fig.1(b), open circuit to the field
and can be resolved into two components. current on short circuit.
) Cross-magnetizing component, OB acting along the Field current required to produce
geometric neutral plane producing a distorting effect. rated voltage open circuit
i) Demagnetizing component OC acting in opposition to SCR
Field current required to produce
the main field mmf OD, thus producing a weakening
rated current on short circuit
effect. The resultant mmfrepreseted by OE in Fig.1(b)
is perpendicular to the magnetic neutral plane. Hence 1/ direct axis synchronous reactance= 1%,
when the brushes are given a forward lead, definite
Thus SCR is the reciprocal of X, if X, is defined in
demagnetizing as well as distorting effects are p.u. value for rated voltage and rated current. But X, for a
given load is affected by saturation conditions that then exists,
while SCR is specific and univalued for a given machine.
No Load LO
Effect of SCR on machine performance
)Voltage regulation : A low SCR > high Xglarge
voltage drop > poor voltage regulation..
i) Parallel operation: A low SCR high X> low
synchronizing power parallel operation becomes difficult.
(ii) Short circuit current: A low SCR ! high X, "low
short circuit current. But short circuit current can be limited
Fig.2: Modification of air-gap density due to armature reaction by other means not necessarily by keeping a low value o
The above discussion also indicates clearly that the SCR.
main field and the armature field combine to produce a (iv) Self excitation: Alternators feeding long transmission
distorted field. Thus the flux across the air gap is no longer lines should not be designed with small SCR as this wouid
uniform, but weakened under the leading pole tips and lead to large terminal voltage on open circuit due to large
strengthened under the trailing pole tips. The distribution of capacitance currents.
ectrical Machine Design-
iSb) Length of air gap: Length of the gap is a very EMD.43
nortant parameter as it greatly affects theair
performance of
(ii) Semi-closed slots: In such type of slots, slot opening is
e machine. Air gap in synchronous machine affects the
much smaller than the width of the slot as shown in Fig.
te of SCR and hence it influences many other parameters. Hence in this type of slots assembly of windings is more
dence, choice of air gap length is
very critical in case of difficult and takes more time compared to open slots and
synchronous machines. hence it is costlier. However the air gap characteristics are
Following are the advantages and disadvantages better compared to open type slots.
larger air gap:
Advantages: Semi closed slot
0 Stability: Higher value of stability limit Conductor
i) Regulation: Smaller value of inherent regulation portion
Stator teeth
i) Synchronizing power: Higher value ofsynchronizing
(iv) Cooling: Better cooling -Stator core
(v) Noise: Reduction in noise
(vi) Magnetic pull: Smaller value ofunbalanced magnetic
)Field MMF: Larger value of field MMF is required Fig.: Stator with semi-closed slots
i) Size: Larger diameter and hence larger size ii) Tapered slots: In this type of slots also, opening will be
ii) Magnetic leakage: Increased magnetic leakage much smaller than the slot width. However the slot width
(iv) Weight of copper: Higher weight of copper in the will be varying from top of the slot to bottom of the slot with
field winding minimum width at the bottom as shown in Fig.
(v) Cost: Increase overall cost.
Ans.(c) Shape of stator slots: In general two types of stator
Tapered slot
slots are employed in induction motors viz., open clots and
semi-closed slots. Operating performance of the induction
motors depends upon the shape of the slots and hence it is portion
important to select suitable slot for the stator slots.
Stator teeth
() Open slots: In this type of slots the slot opening will be
equal tothat ofthe width of the slots as shown in Fig. In such Stator core
type of slots assembly and repair of winding are easy.
However such slots will lead to higher air gap contraction
factorand hence poor power factor. Hence these types of
slots are rarely used in 30 synchronous motors.

Fig.: Stator with tapered slots

Open slot
Q.16 Design the stator frame ofa 500 kVA, 6.6 kK
Conductor 50 Hz, 3 phase, 12 pole, star connected salient pole
portionrs alternator, giving the following informations.
Stator teeth Internal diameter and gross length of the frame
(ii) Number of stator conductors
Stator core (ii) Number of stator slots and conductors per slot.
Specific magnetic and electric loadings may be
assumed as 0.56 Tesla and 26000 Ac/m
respectively. Peripheral speed must be less than
40 m/s and slot must be less than 1200.
Fig.: Stator with open slots
EMD.44 (B. Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Par
Ans.(i) Diameter and gross length of stator: Assuming Total number of stator conductor/phase
the windingto be full pitched Kw=0.955 =412 x2 = 824 conductors
Output coefficient
Total number of conductors
C11x B q K x 103 412 x6=2472
= 11 x 0.56 x 26000 x 0.955 x 10 ii) Number of stator slots and conductors per slot
=153 Considering the guide lines for selection of number of
peed in rps n =2x 12 8.33 rps Selecting the number of slots/pole/phase = 3

Total number ofslots =3 x 12 x 3 108

Output Q =CDLn, Slot pitch= TD/S
500 =Tx 132/108
DLCn, (153 x8.33)
= 0.392m
2.84 cm (quite satisfactory)
Using round poles for the salient pole alternator and 2412
assuming ratio of pole arc to pole pitch as 0.65 and pole arc Number of conductor per slot= 108 24
equal to core length
Hence total number of conductors=24 x 108 2592
Pole arc/pole pitch =core length/pole pitch =0.65
2592 4332
Turnsper phase
L 7DD P 12
Slot loading:
L 0.17 D
Substituting this relation in D L product and solving for Full load current (N3x 6600) 43.7 amps
D and L
D 1.32 m and L = 0.225 m Slot loading
Peripheral speed rDn, m/s Current per conductor x number of conductors
Tx 1.32 x 8.33 slot
=34.6 m/s (with in limitations) 43.7 x
(ii) Number of stator conductors 1048.8 (satisfactoryy)
Eph 3810 volts Q.17 Thefollowing information has been obtained during
3 the preliminary design of a 3 phase 500 kVA, 6.6
XTDL kK 12 pole, 500 rpm, star connected salient pole
Air gap flux per pole - alternator.
Stator diameter = 1.3 m, gross length of stator =
0.21 m, air gap flux per pole = 0.0404 wb. Based on the
0.56xTx1.32x0.225 above information, design the field system of the
alternator giving the following detail.
0.0436 wb Length of the air gap
We have Eph4.44 fo Tph Kw Diameter of the rotor at the air gap surface
(ii) Dimension of the pole
Hence ph (4.44x50x0.955x0.0436)
Ans.() Length of the air gap: Air gap flux per pole
= 412
=BX TtDL/p
Electrical Machine Design EMD.45
(12x0.0404) Peripheral speed
(Tx1.3x0.21) TD,N
0.56 Tesla 60
We have AT, = SCR x AT, 1,191x50031.2
f and AT, =1.35 Iph TphKy/p 60

We have ()Dimensions ofthe pole : Assuming the axial length as

Eh4.44 f Tph kw 1
cm less than that of the gross length of the stator
Eph (a) Axial length ofthe pole L, =0.21-0.01 0.2m
Hence Tph KW (4.44f) (b) Width of the pole: Assuming the leakage factor
for the pole as 1.15
6600/N3 Flux in the pole body o,= 1.15 x 0.0404 0.0465 wb.
(4.44x 50x0.0404) Assuming flux density in the pole body as 1.5 Tesla
424 Area of the pole =
0.04650.031 m
Fullload current v3x 6600 43.7 amps Assuming a stacking factor of 0.95
areaof the pole
1.35 IphTphKw Width of pole stacking factorxLp
1.35x 43.7x 424 (0.95x2)
= 4169 AT
6 Height of pole
Assuming a short circuit ratio of 1.1
Assuming AT=1.8 x AT,= 1.8 x 4169 7504 AT
x4169 1.1 4586 AT Assuming: Depth ofthe field coil = 4 cm Space factor
Assuming AT required for the air gap as 70% of the for the field coil = 0.7
no load field ampere turns per pole Permissible loss per unit area = 700 w/m?
AT 0.7 xAT = 0.7x 4586 3210 AT Height of the field coil
Assuming Carter's coeficient for the air gap K, as
1.15 and field form factor K, as 0.7 h10xVs,d¢ar))
B 0.0=0.8Tesla
B,K0.7 [10
xV(0.04 x0.7x 7001
We have airgap ampere turns AT=796000 B.K,
0.17 m
Hence air gap length
Hence the height of the pole
=h +heightofthe pole shoe +heighttaken by insulation
(796000x 0.8x1.15) Assuming height of the pole shoe + height taken by
insulation as 0.04 m
= 0.0044m=4.4 mm
Height of the pole =0.17 +0.04 0.21 m
i) Diameter of the rotor
D -D-21 1.2-2 x0.0044=1.191 m

Q.4 Write the torque equation of SRM.
Ans. Torque equation of SRM:
Q1 List the major considerations for design ofelectrical Torque T

Ans. Major Considerations for Design of Electrical

Machines Q.5 What are the optimization techniques in design of
1. Specification electrical machines?
2 Choice of materials =
Ans. Optimization techniques in design of electrical
3. Assumption of basic design parameters machiness
4. Design process 1. Random search method
Performance calculation
Hooks and Jeeves method
Simplex method
Q.2 Write the various method of design.
Ans. Various method of design:
1. Analysis
2. Synthesis
Q.6 Write the advantages of CAD.
3. Hybrid process
Ans. Advantages of CAD:
Q.3 List the steps involved in designing a machine using Saves time: When you are usingthe computer-aided
computer aided design. design software, it will save your time and you can
make better and more efficient designs in shorter time
Ans. Steps involved in designing a machine using duration.
computer aided design:
1. Input data is to be fed into the program. (i) Easy to edit: When you are making designs, you
may find the need to make alterations. When you are
2. Applicable constraints/maximum or minimum
using computer-aided design software, it will be mucn
permissible limits.
easier to make any changes because you can fix the
3. Output data to be printed after execution of the errors and modify the drawings easily.
Electrical Machine Design- EMD.47
(ii) Decrease in error percentage
: As the CAD (vii) Need of regular updating of software or operating
software makes use of some of the best tools, the systems.
percentage of error that occured because of manual (vii) Needs less employment because of CAD/CAM
designing is significantly reduced. systems.
: When it comes to the
(iv) Decrease design effort
amount of effort that was needed for the sake of Q.8 What is the need of comnputer aided design?
designing the different models, it has been reduced
significantly because the software automates most of Ans. The design process involves a number of assumptions
the task. and constraints and so, the solution can be obtained only by
iterative methods. Computer plays a vital role in finding the
(v) Code re-use: As the entire task carried out with
solution. The Finite Element Method (FEM) can be used to
the help of computer tools, it removes the problem of
study the effect of the single parameter on the dynamical
duplication of labor, you can copy the different parts performance of the machine. Also, some tèsts, which are not
of code and design which can then be reused multiple even feasible in laboratory setup, can virtually be performed
times over and over again. by FEM. They are of different nature from the design worked
(vi) Easy to share : The CAD tools make easier to
it out in detail in respect of any machine. However, these
example problems provide adequate basic skills required for
save the files and store it in a way that you can use it
time and again and send it without any unwanted hassles
Q.9 Explain the different approaches of computer aided
(vii) Improved accuracy: There is absolutely no doubt
design of electrical apparatus.
about the fact that the kind of accuracy that CAD
software will offer can never be achieved by opting Ans. The process of design by CAD follows:
for manual drawings. You have tools to measure the 1. Analysis
precision, skill and accuracy level of the designs. 2. Synthesis
Hybrid Process
Q.7 What does computer-aided design (CAD) mean? 1. Analysis: In this process the dimensions of the machine
Write its disadvantages.
are estimated by experience selecting suitable volume making
use of output equation and thus estimating all the dimensions
Ans. Computer-aided design (CAD) is a computer or the m/c and the performance by known methods. The
technology that designs a product and documents the design's
performance so estimated is compared with the desired result
process. CAD may facilitate the manufacturing process by
any divergence is eliminated by successivee
transferring detailed diagrams of a product's materials, as specified and
processes, tolerances and dimensions with specific iterations by making small changes in dimensions. Here
conventions for the product in question. It can be used tocomputer is used as a calculating aid.
produce either two-dimensional or three-dimensional Synthesis: The process ofsynthesis is the exact opposite
diagrams, which can then when rotated to be viewed from of the Analysis. Here the starting point is the desired
any angle, even from the inside looking out. performance and the computer is required to work backward
Disadvantages of CAD: and determine the optimum machine dimensions. The process
Work can be lost because ofthe sudden breakdown of| involves the formulation of suitable inverted performance
computers. equations which are differential equations connecting the
performance to the various design parameters like length,
(i) Work is prone to viruses.
diameter, air-gap, current density etc. The designer is also
(i) Work could be easily "hacked" required to feed in the boundary conditions or constraints of
iv) Time taking process to know how to operate or run the equations. This method makes full useofthe logic abilities
the software. of the computer and theoretically the most desirable method
(v High production or purchasing cost for new systems. for design using computer.
(vi) Time and cost of training the staff which will workon 3. Hybrid Process: It is a combination ofthe analysis and
it. synthesis and involves partial synthesis using the standard
EMD.488- (B. Tech. (V Sem) E.E. Solved Papers
frames, slots and conductors decided on the basis of required to use variational approach. The major
exist many physical
availability in the market. It is a practical method because it of the variational approach is that there nmay
problems for which classical variationalstatement
makes possible the use ofstandardization which is important not
with most of the nonlinear
for economic and practical design. Since the synthesis be available. This is the case
is not useful.
methods involve greater cost, the major part of the program problems. In such cases variational approach
approximate method based
is based upon analysis with a limited portion of the program The Rayleigh-Ritz method is an
being based upon synthesis. This approach makes the design on the variational formulation.
more practical and economical. Method: Weighted residual method
3. Weighted Residualmethod
= (WRM) is a class of used to obtain the approximate
Q.10 Explain solution to the differential equations ofthe
finite element method.
S(u)+f=0in D
Ans. Finite Element Method In WRM, we directly work on differential equation of
variationalprinciple. It is
The finite element method is a very versatile numerical the problem without relying on any
equally suited for linear and nonlinear differential
technique and is a general purpose tool to solve any
type of physical problems. Weighted residual method involves two major steps. In the

It can be used to solve both field problems (governed first step, we assume an approximate solution based on the
general behavior of the dependent variable. The approximate
by differential equations) and non-field problems.
There are several advantages of FEM over FDM.
Among them, the most important advantage is that FEM
is well suited for problem with complex geometries,
for .
solution is so selected that it satisfies the boundary conditions
The assumed solution is then substituted in the
differential equation.
because no special difficulties are encountered when
the physical domain has a complex geometry. Q.11 Explain linear programming terminology.
The other important advantage is that it is easier to
write general purpose computer codes for FEM Ans. Decision Variables: Decision variables describe the
formulations. quantities that the decision makers would like to determine.
Three different approaches are being used when They are the unknowns of a mathematical programming
model. Typically we will determine their optimum values with
formulating an FEM problem. They are:
an optimization method. In a general model, decision variables
1. Direct Approach are given algebraic designations such as
Variational Approach
3. Weighted Residual Method The number of decision variables is n, and x, is the
1. Direct Approach: The direct approach is related to the name of the jth variable. In a specific situation, it is often
"direct stiffness method" of structural analysis and it is the convenient to use other names such as x, orx, or y, or z(i,j).
easiest to understand when meeting FEM for the first time. In computer models we use names such as FLOW1
The main advantage of this approach is that you can get
feel of basic techniques and the essential concept involved in
AB_5 to represent specific problem-related quantities. An
of values to all variables in a problem is called a
the FEM formulation without using much of mathematics. solution.
However, by direct approach we can solve only simple
problems. (b) Constraints: A constraint is an inequality orequality
defining imitations on decisions. Constraints arise from a
2. Variational Approach: In variational approach the variety of sources such as limited resources, contractual
physical problem has to be restated using some variational obligations, or physical laws. In general, an LP is said to have
principle such as principle of minimum potential energy. It is m linear constraints that can be stated as
widely used for deriving finite element equations whenever
classical variational statement is available for the given
problem. A basic knowledge of calculus of variations is z =cx +C,x +...+C,x,
Electrical Machine Design
One of the three relations shown in the large brackets
must be chosen for each constraint. The number a, is called
a "technological coefficient," and the number b, is called the
right-side" value ofthe ith constraint. Strict inequalities (
>, and ) are not permitted. When formulating a model, it is
good practice to give a name to, each constraint that reflects
its purpose.
c) Objective Function : The objective function evaluates
some quantitative criterion of immediate importance
such as
cost, profit, utility, or yield. The general linear objective B
function can be written as

Z =CX + CX2 t..+ CnXn =2c,x Forward

Here c is the coefficient of the jth decision variable.

The criterion selected can be either maximized or minimized.

Stator and rotor are salient in structure.
Q.12 Explain the construction and working of SRM1 Stator windings are independent concentrated windings
which are excited with switches from source.
Ans. The switched reluctance motor (SRM) is a type of a
stepper motor, an electric motor that runs by reluctance No field windings hence singly excited diametrically
torque. Unlike common DC motor types, power is delivered opposite armature windings are connected to form a
to windings in the stator (case) rather than the rotor. phase for bidirectional control and self starting, number
The structure of a switched reluctance motor is shown of rotor poles are less than number of stator poles.
below. This is a 4-phase machine with 4 stator-pole
Single stack and multi stack construction possible
pairs and 3 rotor-pole pairs (8/6 motor).
The rotor has neither windings nor permanent magnets. Stator
The stator poles have concentrated winding rather than
sinusoidal winding.
Each stator-pole pair winding is excited by a converter
phase, until the corresponding rotor pole-pair is aligned Rotor
and is then de-energized.
The stator-pole pairs are sequentially excited using a
rotor position encoder for timing.
The stator poles have concentrated winding rather than
sinusoidal winding.
Each stator-pole pair winding is excited by a converter
phase, until the corresponding rotor pole-pair is aligned
and is then de-energized.
The stator-pole pairs are sequentially excited using a
rotor position encoder for timing. Fig. 2
EMD.50- B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
derivative information
Working Direct methods do not use any are
the objective function; only objective function values
when phase A is excited
reluctance torque causes.rotor of
process. However, gradient-based
to turn until it aligns with axis used to guide the search
of phase A. methods use derivative information
(first and/ or second order
Excitation is changed to B and A is deexcited betore
to guide the search process.
alignment rotation is in direction ofenergisation.
Although engineering optimization problems usually
Direction of rotation reversed by reversing sequence single-variable optimization
contain more than one variable,
of excitation. search methods
algorithms are mainly used as unidirectional
Speed depends on magnitude of input micro stepping in multivariable optimization
can be done for single stack only 1 rotor and stator.
(b) Multi- variable optimization algorithms These
for the optimum point
For multi stack operation, number of rotor and stator algorithms demonstrate how the search
on whether the
depends on number of phases position of minimum progresses in multiple dimensions. Depending
These algorithms
reluctance changed with help of position sensors. gradient information is used or not used.
gradient-based techniques
When phase is excited after the rotor passes point of are also classified into direct and
minimum reluctance, reverse torque acts [regenerative (c) Constrained optimization algorithms: These
braking) algorithms use the single variable and
optimization algorithms repeatedly and simultaneously maintain
the search effort inside the feasible search region.
Q.13 What is optimization algorithms?
algorithms are mostly used in engineering optimization
Ans. The formulation of engineering design problems differ problems.
from problem to problem. They are: (d) Specialized optimization algorithms Two of these

) Linear terms for constraints and objective function. algorithms- integer programming and geometric programming
Gi) Non-linear terms for constraints and objective function. are often used in engineering design problems. Integer
The terms are not explicit functions of the design programming methods can solve optimization problems with
variables. No single optimization algorithm which will work integer design variables. Geometric programming methods
in all optimization problems equals efficiently. For the sake of solve optimization problems with objective functions and
clarity, the optimization algorithms are classified into a number constraints written in a special form.
of groups, which are now briefly discussed. (e) Non-traditional optimization algorithms: There are
(a) Single-variable optimization algorithms: These two algorithms which are nontraditional, these are:
algorithms are classified into two categories Genetic algorithms
) Direct methods (ii) Simulated annealing.
) Gradient based methods

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