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EM.1 EM.42
1. Elementary Materials Science Concepts
2 Dielectric Properties of Insulators in Static and Alternating Field
3. Magnetic Properties and Superconductivity
4 Conductivity of Metals
Semiconductor Materials
PS.1 PS.74
1. Basic Concepts of Power System
Power System Components
Over-voltages and Insulation Requirements
4 Fault Analysis and Protection Systems
5. Introduction to DC Transmission and Renewable Energy Systems
64- 74

CS.1 CS.78
Introduction to Control Problem
2. Time Response Analysis
3. Frequency Response Analysis
4. Introduction to Controller Design 43-60
5. State Variable Analysis and Optimal & Nonlinear Control 61 78

o MP.1 MP.70
1. Fundamentals of Microprocessors 1-13
2 The 8051 Architecture 14-26
3 Instruction Set and Programming
4. Memory and VO Interfacing
46 60
External Communication Interface and Applications 61 70

Major Consideration for Design 1-7
8 20

Induction Motors 21-30

Synchronous Machines 31-45

Computer Aided Design (CAD)



Introduction to Restructuring of Power Industry

Fundamentals of Economics
3. The Philosophy of Market Models

Transmission Congestion Management

5. Ancillary Service Management
6. Pricing of Transmission Network Usage and Market Power



Electrical Materials EM.1




Q4 Write the factors affecting skin effect.

Q.1 Define resistivity of a material.
Ans. Factors affecting Skin Effect
Ans. Resistivity of Material: Resistivity is known as (i) Frequency: Skin effect increases with the increase
specific electrical resistance or volume resistivity. It can be in frequency.
defined as the intrins property ofa given material that shows ii) Diameter: It increases with the increase in diameter
how it opposes the flow of current. of the conductor.
(ii) The Shape of the Conductor: Skin effect is more in
the solid conductor and less in the stranded conductor
9.2 How does temperature affect resistivity? because the surface area of the solid conductor is

Ans. Temperature affect on Resistivity: Resistivity is (iv) Type of Material: Skin effect increase with the
increase in the permeability ofthe material. Permeability
affected by temperature and for most materials the resistivity
is the ability of material to support the formation ofthe
increases with temperature. An exception is semiconductors
magnetic field.
(e.g. silicon) in which the resistivity decreases with
Q.5 Define crystalline materials.

Q3 What is skin effect in electrical? Ans. Crystalline Materials: A crystal or crystalline solid is
a solid material whose constituents (such as atoms, molecules,
or ions) are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure,
Ans. Skin Effect: Skin effect is the tendency ofan alternating8 forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions. The
electric current (Ac) to become distributed within process of crystal formation via mechanisms of growth is
a conductor such that the current density is largest near the called crystallization or solidification.
surface of the conductor, and decreases with greater depths The crystalline state of the particle can affect the
in the conductor. The electric current flows mainly at the stability, solubility, dissolution, and efficacy ofthe drug. The
"skin" of the conductor, between the outer surface and a crystalline state is more stable than that of the amorphous
level called the skin depth. one. With time, high-energy amorphous particles could be
EM.2- (B. Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
transferred to low-energy crystalline form depending on the the interstices and they are important in the electrical behaviour
temperature, type of stabilizer used, and the presence ofthe ofsemiconductors, which are materials used in computer chips
crystalline form. and other electronic devices.
Line defects, or dislocations, are lines along which
Q.6 Differentiate between crystalline and amorphous whole rows of atoms in a solid are arranged anomalously.
solids. The resulting irregularity in spacing is most severe along a
line called the line of dislocation. Line defects can weaken or
Ans. Difference between Crystalline and Amorphous strengthen solids.
Solids Surface defects may arise at the boundary between
) Crystals have an orderly arrangement oftheirconstituent two grains, or small crystals, within a larger crystal. The rows
particles. In comparison, amorphous solids have no such of atoms in two different grains may run in slightly different
arrangement. Their particles are randomly orgánised. directions, leading to a mismatch across the grain boundary.
i) Crystals have a specific geometric shape with definite The actual external surface of a crystal is also a surface
edges.Amorphous solids have no geometry in their shapes. defect because the atoms on the surface adjust their positions
ii) Crystalline solids have a sharp melting point on which to accommodate for the absence of neighbouring atoms
theywilldefinitely melt. An amorphous solid will havea outside the surface.
range oftemperature over which it will melt, but no definite
temperature as such. Q.8 Writea short note on the applications of hall effect.
(iv) Crystals have a long order arrangement oftheir particles.
Ans. Applications of Hall Effect
This means the particles will show the same arrangement
indefinitely. Amorphous solids have a short order
) Determination of Type Semiconductor: For an n-
type semiconductor the Hall coeficient is negative
arrangement. Their particles show a lot of variety in their
whereas for a p-type semiconductor it is positive. Thus,
the sign ofthe Hall coefficient can be used to determine
(V) Crystalline solids cleavage (break) along particular points whether a given semiconductor is n-type or p-type.
and directions. Amorphous solids cleavage into uneven
(i) Calculation of Carrier Concentration: The Hall
parts with ragged edges. voltage VH is measured as usual by placing the two
(vi) Crystals are also known as true solids, whereas another probes at the center of the top and bottom face of the
name for amorphous solids is super-cooled liquids. sample.
(ii) Measurement of Magnetic Flux Density : Since
07 What is crystalline defect? hall voltage VH is proportional to the magnetic flux
density B for a given current I through a sample, the
Ans. Crystalline Defect: Crystal defect is an imperfection Hall effect can be used as the basis for the design of a
in the regular geometrical arrangement of the atoms in magnetic flux density meter.
a crystalline solid. These imperfections result (iv) Measurement of Power in an Electromagnetic
from deformation of the solid, rapid cooling from high Wave: In an electromagnetic wave in free space the
temperature, or high-energy radiation (X-rays or neutrons) magnetic field H and the electric field E are at right
striking the solid. Located at single points, along lines, or on angles. Thus, if a semiconductor sample is placed
whole surfaces in the solid, these defects influence its parallel to E, it will derive a current I in the
mechanical, electrical, and optical behaviour. semiconductor. The semiconductor is subjected
simultaneously to a transverse magnetic field H, i.e., to
Point defects include the Frenkel type, the Schottky
type, and the impurity type. The Frenkel defect involves a the magnitude of the Pointing vector of the
electromagnetic wave. Thus, the Hall effect can be
single ion, which is displaced from its normal lattice point and
used to determine the power flow in an electromagnetic
shifts to a nearby interstice, or space, between atoms in the
lattice. In the Schottky defect, two ions of opposite sign leave
the lattice. Impurity defects are foreign atoms that replace (v) Designing of Electric Meters: The gauss meter
and electronic meter based on Hall voltage (VH) can
some of the atoms making up the solid or that squeeze into
be designed.
Electrical Materials
C EM.3)
Write down the types The forces which bind atoms together in solids are all
0.9 of solid electrostatic in origin. The strength and the type of bonding is
Ans. Types of Solids: All solids have determined by the distribution ofthe electrons in the outermost
the property of shells in the atoms involved. A brief discussion of different
incompressibility, rigidity and mechanical strength.
In the
broadest sense, solids may be categorized as either crystalline types of bonding is given below.
solids or amorphous solids, each characterized by specific 1. Ionic Bonding or Electrovalent Bond: lonic bond is
properties and structures. formed, when a metallic atom (e.g. sodium) combines with a
Crystalline solid : Crystalline solids are solids which, non metallic atom (e.g. chlorine) to form a compound. During
besides being incompressible and rigid, have characteristic the bond formation there is always transfer of one or more
geometrical forms i.e. the atoms or molecules in these solids ofthe valence electrons from the metallic to the nonmetallic
are arranged in a regular geometrical pattern, throughout the atom. In this way, the metallic atom becomes a positively
entire three-dimensional network of the crystal. Sugar, charged particle. These oppositely charged paticles (known
Rocksalt, Mica, Quartz, Sulphur, Calcite, Diamond etc. are as ions) are then held together by electrostatic forces of
the examples of crystalline solids. attraction. Compounds thus formed are said to contain ionic
(i) Amorphous solid: Amorphous solids are solids which, electrovalent bonds. For example sodium chloride (NaCl) is
though being rigid and incompressible, do not have an important ionic compound which is formed due to the
characteristic geometrical forms i.e. the atoms or molecules reaction between sodium and chlorine.
in these solids are not arranged according to a certain definite
Properties of lonic Bonds
geometrical order. Flour, talc powder, glass, rubber, plastics
They have high cohesive energy due to which their
etc. are the examples of amorphous materials.
melting and boiling points are very high. Cohesive
energy of an ionic crystal is defined as the energy
PART-C required in transforming the crystal into isolated ions.
(i) They are hard and breakable.
ii) They are soluble in water.
Civ) Their heat of vaporization is very high.
Q.10 What do you mean by term bonding in solids'.
Explain all ypes (v) They are poor conductor of electricity in solid state
of bonding.
since all the ions are bound to their fixed places in
crystal lattice and there are no free electrons to carry
Ans. Bonding in Solids: An atom is rarely capable offree electric curent.
existence. The substances generally exist in the form of group
2. Covalent Bonding : Covalent means sharing. Covalent
of atoms. Each such group in which the atoms are held bond is said to be formed when two non-metallic atoms
together and which is electrically neutral, is called a molecule.
combine by sharing of electrons in their outermost shell so as
The attraction between the atoms of a molecule which is to acquire a stable configuration. This type of bond forms
responsible for its stable state is called chemical bond. For
because of the electrostatic attraction between the nuclei of
example, a water vapour molecule consists of two hydrogen the atoms (that are positive) and the shared electrons (that
atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. Hydrogen chloride are negative). There are no ions present (no positive or
molecule contains one atom ofhydrogen, bonded to one atom negative charges) because the electrons are shared, not
of chlorine. transferred from one atom to another.
The properties of solids are mainly determined by the Diamond is an important example of a covalent bonded
type of bonding that exists between its atoms. The bondingin solid. The valency ofa carbon atom is four. The four outer
orystalline solids can be classified into four types. electrons of a carbon atom form covalent bonds with
() lonic bond or Electrovalent bond electrons, one each, of four adjacent carbon atoms to givea
strong directional bond. Thus, in diamond each carbon atom
i) Covalent bond
is covalently bonded with its four nearest neighbors at the
i) Metallic bond four corners of a regular tetrahedron with the atom under
(iv) Vander waal's bond consideration lying at its centre (Fig. 1). Each covalent bond
(B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
is formed by two electrons and each participating atom together. A metallic bond is much weaker than a covalen
contributes one electron to it. Silicon, Quartz and Germanium bond. The reason is that in a metallic bond, the electron
are other examples of crystals having covalent bond. move freely throughout the crystal but in a covalent bond
the valence electrons are localized.
Properties of Covalent Bonds
) Covalent bonds are very strong therefore the materials Properties of Metallic Bonds
(a) The metal acts as good conductor of
having such bonds are quite hard.
because the free electrons in a metal act as charge
) The covalent solids have high melting and boiling points.
Gii) Since covalent solids do not have free electrons, they slide over
(b) The free electrons allow the metal ions to
are poor conductors of electricity.
each other.
(iv) They do not form ions when dissolved in solvents. because when a
(c) They act as good conductor of heat
in that pan
part of a metal is heated, the electrons
acquire heat energy. This energy is transferred to the
cooler parts, resulting in the conduction of heat.
(d) The free electrons hold the ions together by
electrostatic forces. This gives metals high melting and
boiling points.
(e) As the metallic bonds are non-directional, the metals
can be readily deformed and also alloyed with one
another, without breaking their crystal structure
Fig. 1: Structure of Carbon () The metals present a shiny appearance. When light
3. Metallic Bonding: The valence electrons in metals are energy falls on a metal, it is absorbed by the electron
weakly bound to the nucleus and can get detached easily. gas and, as a result, the electrons at the surface begin
When a large number of atoms having weakly bound valence to oscillate. Now light which makes the metal appear
electrons are brought together, they give rise to a metal crystal bright and shiny.
in which these electrons get detached and begin to move
freely in the lattice of positive ions. The electrons thus do not
Erplain Hall Effect. Obtain the expression for hall
remain localized but move freely and behave as if there is a
common property of all the atoms present in the metallic
crystal. A metal, therefore, behaves as if it is a regular array
of positive ions immersed in a sea of uniformly distributed Ans. Hall Effect: Hall Effect is an importantobservation i
free electrons (Fig. 2) material science. It describes what happens to current flowing
through a conducting material (metal or semiconductor), if
Sea of Electrons
is exposed to a magnetic field B. The Hall Effect occurs in
semiconductors as well as metals.
-0-0O--OO-0 When a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to
Current carrying conductor or semiconductor, a voltage is
developed across the specimen in a direction perpendiculr |

to both the current and the magnetic field. This phenomenot

is called the Hall Effect and the voltage so developed is called
Positively charged ions
Hall voltage
Fig. of
2:Structure Metallic Crystal
The force that binds a metal atom to a number of Hall electric field is generated by accumulation o
electrons within its sphere of influence is known as metallic opposite moving charges under the effect of Lorentz forc
bond. The force ofattraction between electrons and positive due to perpendicular magnetic field. This field cancel the forc:
ions is greater than the repulsive force between. electrons exerted by the magnetic field and electrons can again mov
freely along the conductor.
and between ions and it is responsible for holding the metal
Electrical Materials EM.5
ry:Let Ler us consider a rectangular strip n-type
Theory: ...(iv)
1. of
conductor arrying a current I along the positive X-axis E BYa
Current density (J) can also expressed as
as shown in fig.
Let us assume that the current is caused by the motion J-n_eva
electrons moving with a drift velocity v, in a direction where n, is the density of electrons in conductor using
opposite to the rection of.current. this, we get

Probe attached to face-2
using equation (v) in equation (iv), we have

EHnBJ ...(vi)

I directionnof 2. Hall Coefficient: The Hall coefficient R is defined as

conventional the Hall field divided by the applied current density (J) and
current flow
magnetic field (B).
V+++ ++1
+t+t++ Ea
+++ t+++++++1 RH .(vii)
RJB viii)
y Probe attached to face-1
Fig.: Experimental Setup for Hall Effect Using equation (vi) in equation (viii), we get
Let a magnetic field of intensity B is applied along the
2z-axis Under the effect of magnetic field all
in -ve direction. RH ne ix)
conduction electrons experience a force known as Lorentz
force in +ve y-direction, i.e., The negative sign is here due to consideration of
F-Beva ) n-type ofsemiconductor.
This force (F) displaces the electrons along the -ve Let 'w is the width (i.e. distance between face-1 and
y-direction as perthe Flemming's left hand rule and the faceface-2) of conductor and t is the thickness thus one can
2,i.e., surfaceIJKL collects electrons and become negatively write that
charged. On the other hand, face-1 i.e. surface MNOP,
becomes positively charged due to loss of electrons. Hence,
a potential
called as Hall Voltage (V) is developed between W
face-1 (MNOP) and face-2 (IJKL) which establishes an
electric field between these two faces called "Hall Electric
and (xi)
direction. This electric field exerts an wt
E" -ve y-
Electric force on the electron in the y-direction, i.e., using both these equations (x) and (xi) in equation (vii),
..i) we have
of charges as the face-1 and face-2
The accumulation
the conductor continues until the force F on moving charge

ue to electric field (E) is large enough to cancel the force B LB

Lexerted by the magnetic field (F). Ultimately a stationary wt

slate is reached in which the net force on the electrons in y-

Ction vanish and the electrons can again move freely along
R1B xii)
Atequilibrium F=F The quantities V t, I and B are measurable, hence
USing equation (i) and equation (i), we have the Ry can be determined.


Ans. Internal Field : In dielectric solids, the atoms on
molecules experience not only the external applied electric
field but also the electric field produced by the dipoles. The
resultant electric field acting on the atoms or molecules of
dielectric substance is called the local field or internal field.
Q.1 Write the examples of polyatomic molecules.

Ans. Anything that consists of two or more atoms is called
molecular, for example oxygen (0,), nitrogen (N,), ozone
(O,), carbon dioxide (CO.), methane (CH,), benzene (C.H
and way bigger like rotaxane or proteins or polymers. Q.5 The electronic polarizability of the Ar atom is
1.7x1040 Fm?. What is the static dielectric constant
Q.2 What is dielectric polarization? solid Ar (below 84K) ifits density is 1.8 gcm
IR.T.U, 2014, 20071
Ans. Dielectric Polarization: Dielectric polarization is the
term given to describe the behavior of a material when an
Ans. To calculate e, we need the number of Ar atoms per
external electric field is applied on it.
unit volume N from the density d. IfM =39.95 is the relative
atomic mass of Ar and N, is Avogadro's number theen
Q.3 Why does the electric field inside a dielectric
decrease when it is placed in an external electric N,d 6.02x10x1.8
field? 39.95
N =2.71 x 102 cm3
Ans. A dielectric material gets polarized when it placed in an
electric field. The field produce due to the polarization of
With N2.71 1028 m3
material minimize the effect of external field. Hence, the and a=1.7 x 10 Fm, we have
electric field inside a dielectric decreases when it is placed in
an external electric field. E,I4a
-12.71x10 )(1.7x10)
Q.4 What is internal field 1 8.85x10-12

Electrical Materials
Tf we use the Clausius-Mossotti EM.7)
equation, we get
2N Q.8 Explainfrequency dependance ofelectronic and ionic
polarizability. IR.U. 2004, 2006]

Na ENa
23, OR
With the help of graph, explain the frequency
E,1.63 dependance of different contributions to the polarizability
The two values are different by about of die lectrics. R.T.U. 2009

Ans. Frequeney Dependance of lonic Polarizability

o.6 Estimate the shift of the electron cloud with respect to Polarizability
he nucleus in argon (Z=18) atom when field
a10 V/m is The separation of negative and positive charges and the
applied. The polarizability
of argon is 1.8 x10 Emf. resulting induced dipole moment are temmed polarization. An atom
IR.TU. 2009 is said to be polarized if it possesses an effective dipole moment.

Ans. We know that E=E, sinot

P aE
given a =1,8x10 F.m2

E =10

P 1.8x1040 x105 e=1.6x10-19

but P-Zex V=V, sinot
The induced dipole moment depends on electric field
1.8x1040x10 10-16
Ze 18x1.6x10-19 16
causing it. We define quantity "Polarizability", a to relate the
induced dipole moment Pinduced to the field E causing it
= 0.0625x10-16
here 'a' is the coefficient called "Polarizability" of atom.
Q.7 The polarizability of argon is 1.8 x 100 Em.
nce the polarization of a heutral atom involves the
Calculate the dielectric constant of argon at NTR when
the volume of the (N = 6.023x105) argon is asplacement of electrons, 'a' is called electronic polarization
22.4x 10'm. IR.TU. 20091 Ze
and denoted by "a" and defined by m.o
Ans. Given polarizability
a =1.8x100 F.m
Znumber of electrons orbiting the nucleus
Volume = 22.4 x 10 m'
ee charge
a =4Tk, R m mass of electron
1.8x1040 =
22.4x10xko oscillation frequency of the centre of mass
ofthe electron cloud about the nucleus.
8x10 40 P P. sin(ot + )
k 22.4x103 0.08035x1043
An AC field is applied to a dipolar medium. The
k=8.03x1045 polarization P(= Np) is out of phase with the AC field.
EM.8 B. Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
Effect of Frequency on Polarization: Let us assume that P.(t)-Re NaE,e
the electron cloud is moved in the direction opposite to the field
when the atom is subjected to an alternating field, say in DE,(cosot + jsin ot)
P.(t)= ReN(a'-ja
equilibriurm the centre of electron cloud is at a distance Xo
separated from its field free position x = 0, now if at t=0 the = Na,E, cos ot +No E, sin ot
applied field is suddenly removed, the cloud experiences a
column force. The magnitude ofthis force is
(e/m)2bo,/m) eb/2mfo
ex(for Z=1) .(1)
4o (Ao) +(4b o /m) (Ao)' +(b/m)

a "is maximum for Aø 0
If the mass of the electron cloud is m, it experiences
an acceleration and starts moving towards x =0 position. The Frequency Dependence of Ionic Polarization
difference equation of the motion of the electron cloud may The difference between the frequency dependence
be written as of ionic polarizability and that of electronic polarizability is of
quantitative nature only since the masses of the particles
ma e'x -ax .(2) involved in ionic polarization are those of atom rather those of
4T E
electrons. The natural frequency of the ionic vibrations lie in
where a is the force constant. the infrared part ofthe electromagnetic spectrum corresponding
to o 104 rad/sec. Hence even for the rapidly varying fields
x is the displacement.
encountered in microwaves the ionic polarity stability may be
m is cloud mass. considered as instantaneous and frequency independent.
Without damping the motion of the electron cloud
would be identical with that for a harmonic oscillator. The
solution ofequation becomes
E, +2

x=x' sin (@t+K) The expression for ionic polarization may be written as
where x'and K are integration constants.
O0resonance angular frequency
m Pt) Na,E, cosot +Na,E, sin ot
ax-26 .(3)
2b-,ea 67Tmc

dx dx
m ax 2b-eE, cosot

d'x a
m +ax +2b+eE, cos ot 0 .(4) mo

x(t) = Re[A *e"] .(5)

m (-o)+ 4b'o/m (o-0)+(4b'o* /m 2b
Fig.: Real and Imaginary Parts of Electronic Polarizability as a
where a, and a are respectively the real and Function of Angular Frequencies for a Swing of Electron
maginary parts of polarizability.
Electrical Materials EM.9
When an electric field is applied to a substance it
a Explain ferroelectricity. becomes polarized, the electrons and nucleus
assume new
geometric positions and the mechanical dimensions of the
. Ferroelectricity: Ferro-electric materials have a high substance are altered.
dielectric constant
con which is non-linear. It depends
to a The phenomenon is called electrostriction. The
onsiderable extent on the intensity of the electric by the
field. reverse effect i.e., the production of polarization
Such materials exhibit hysteresis can take place only if the
loops; i.e. the application of mechanical stresses
larization is notta linear function of applied electric field. It latticehas no centre of symmetry, the phenomenon
is the centre of gravity of the positive and negative charges known as Piezoelectricity
in a body, do not
coincide in the absence of an applied electric
field, the substance has an electric dipole
moment and is said
to be spontaneously polarized. Such a substance is called
Corro-electric. It contains small regions which are polarized
in different directions even in the absence of an electric
(a) (b)
field. When the temperature exceeds a certain value called
the Curie point, the substance loses its
ferro-electric Fig.I
properties. Above the curie point the formation of small
regions domains is disrupted by thermal agitation and the Figure 1(a) shows a two dimensional unit cell. When
a field is applied as in fig. 1(b) the charges assume new ositions
permittivity is reduced to the small value. Examples offerro-
and the linear dimension of the sample changes.
electric materials are Rochelle salt, potassium dihydrogen,
phosphate (KH,PO,) and its isomorphous salts and barium
titanate (BaTiO,). The curie point for Rochelle salt is about
24°C and this substance has a very narrow temperature range
ofabout 40°C within which it is ferro-electric. (a) (b)
Ferroelectricity bears a close analogy to ferromagnetism.
Just as ferromagnetics have regions with aligned magnetic
moments, so also in ferro-electric.There are large regions which When a mechanical force is applied to the unit cell in
are characterized by alignment of the electric field. For this which the second row of charges is a line of symmetry as in
reasons the electric field turns the whole of such a region in the fig. 2 (b). The distance between the first and the second row
direction of the field and overcomes the thermal agitation that is equal to the distance between the second and the third
tends to scatter the electric dipoles in different directions. The row, hence there is no change in the electric moment of the
aligned electric field of such regions of a ferro-electric combine charge array because new dipole moments of equal magnitude
with the external electric field increasing it by thousands of times. but opposite sense are induced.
The charge of a condenser is increased the same number of However if the array of charge has no centre of
times whena ferro-electric is used instead of air. symmetry as in fig. 3. The dipole moment is increased or
The lower temperature and the stronger electric field decreased depending upon the field direction.
are more predominant it is the effect of the latter over the
Tandom thermal agitation. Insufficiently strong fields, the
electric dipoles of all regions of the ferro-electric are practically
n the direction of the field. This produces the greatest possible
E CompresSion
charge density.
The dipole moment again increases or decreases
M0 Explain Piezoelectricity. depending upon the type of mechanical force i.e. tension or
Piezoelectricity Piezoelectricity provide us with a means
n.Converting :
energy and vice Piezoelectric materials serve as a source of ultrasonic
or electrical energy to mechanical
versa. waves. At sea, they may be used to measure depth, the
EM.10 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
distance to shore, the position of icebergs, submarines and Electronic Polarization
the like, Rochelle salt, quartz and BaTiOg exhibit piezo-
electrostatics properties. The change in crystal dimensions This type of polarization has been explained with the
under the action of an electric field differs for different help of rare gases atoms, in which it is assumed that interaction
directions with respect to the crystal's axis of symmetry. among the atoms is negligible. This is because the distance
Therefore, different deformations will be obtained from a between the molecules is large enough (monoatomic gases)
crystal if rods and plates having different orientations are and any neighbour-neighbour reactions can be eliminated.
cut from the crystal and placed between the condenser plates.
PART-C +ze

Q.11 Explain the significance of electronic polarization? (a) (b)

Also derive thefollowing expression for e,. Fig. : Atomic Model for Electronic Polarization
(a) without field, (b) when the electric field is applied
A simple model of an atom on which to base of
calculations of electronic polarization is that of an atom hving
a positive nucleus of charge Ze (Z is the atomic number of
Where N= number of molecules per unit volume
the atom, and e is the charge of an electron), surrounded by
a electronic polarizability. IR.T.U. 2014 a spherical negative cloud ofcharge having a magnitude Ze -

[fig. (a)]. It is assumed that the charge cloud is of uniform

density and of radius R. With no external field, the nucleus is
Ans. Polarization Mechanism: In dielectric materials, all at the centre of this sphere of charge. Under the influence of
electrons are bound, the only motion possible in the presence
of an electric field is a minute displacement of positive and
the field E,the nucleus and the electron cloud shift with respect
to one another by a distance x (the electron cloud is assumed
negative charges in opposite directions. The displacement is to remain spherical).
usually small compared to atomic dimensions. A dielectric in
which this charge displacement takes place is said to be Under equilibrium, the positive charge remains at a
polarized and its molecules are said to possess induced dipole distance x from the centre due to two forces: one is
moments. These dipoles produce their own fields, which adds coulombic attraction between the charges; and the
other is
the force on the nucleus due to the field E, equal
to that of external field. to ZeE.
In addition to displacing the positive and negative
The charge enclosed in the sphere of radius
charges, an applied electric field can also polarize a dielectric -Ze
by orienting molecules that possess a permanent dipole
moment. Such molecules experience atorque which tends to
align them with the field but collisions arising from the thermal
agitation of the molecules tend to destroy the alignment. AAn The magnitude of coulomb attraction
between this
equilibrium polarization is thus established is which there is, Charge treated concentrated at a point, and the
nucleus will be
on the average a net alignment.
In the following is discussed the four basic polarization
F- (zey(4n0,*)-
4Te, R
The total force on the nucleus must be zero in
(a) Electronic or Induced Polarization
equilibrium, so we obtain (equating two forces),
(b) lonic Polarization
(c) Orientational Polarization
(d) Interfacial or Space Charge Polarization 4Tte, R
Electrical Materials
or x=(4T6 R/Ze)E
() Gi) Dipolar Polarization If two different atoms

The dipole moment induced by form a chemical bond, one of the two is more likely to part
the field, will be given with one or more of its valence electrons than the other. Thus
when Ze and Zpe represent the nuclear charges of the two
Pind Ze x=4TE, R' E =a, E atoms where Z represent the atomic numbers and if atom A
2) has a tendency to give valence electrons to atom B there are
This dipole is induced by the more than Zp electrons around the nucleus of atom B and
field and never existed

ta the absence of the field. The induced fewer than Z electrons around that of atom A. We may
dipole moment is
proportional to ne Tield strength and proportionalityfactorq. therefore say that atom A is more electropositive than atom
is called the electronic polarizability. Note that is B. Consequently, the bond between A and B may be said to
oroportional to R, i.e. to the volume of electron
cloud. be of an ionic kind and therefore it is evident that the molecule
If a gas has N such atoms per m', subjected AB carries an electric dipole moment even in the absence of
to a an electric field. Such a dipole moment is called permanent.
homogeneous field E, then the electronic polarization
(dipole For molecule consisting of more than two atoms (e.g. water,
moment per unit volume) is
alcohol etc.) several bonds may carry a permanent dipole
Pe-Na E
3) moment and the resulting permanent dipole moment as a whole
is obtained by vector addition ofthe moments associated with
Comparing with P =E,(,-1)E, we conclude
that the various onds. When an external field E is applied to a
for rare gases are EgE-) = Na, ..(4) molecule carrying a permanent dipole moment, the former
will tend to align the permanent dipole along the direction of
, =14Nxe E. The contribution of this process of orientation of the
permanent dipoles to the polarization P is called the
orientational or dipolar polarization.
This gives a relationship between measurable e, and
the atomic constant ae From eq. (2) and (4) we have new
Space charge Polarization: The fourth type of
Polarisation is called space charged polarisation and occurs
definition of e,
due to the accumulation of charges at the electrodes or at
which is, EH+4 TNR° (for a rare gas) .(5) the interfaces in amultiphase material.
Because the electronic structure of an atom is
of a with
relatively temperature independent, the variation
the temperature is expected to be zero. Experiments agree
that this is true.

Other Polarization Mechanismns EF=0 E.P

Besides "electronic" polarization in which the dipole
moment results from a shift of the nucleus relative to the
A12 Explain how the dielectric constant of aferroelectric
electron cloud, are two other types of polarization
there crystal varies with temperature. Name two ferroelectric
mechanisms, viz., ionic and dipolar.
materials. What are the applications of ferroelectric
polarization takes materials?
) lonic Polarization : The ionic molecule
R.TU. 20131
account ofthe fact that when some of the atoms in a
ve an excess positive or negative charge (resulting
the ionic character of the bonds), anelectric field will tend to
Ans. An electrical dipole is simply a separation between a
negative and positive charge of equal magnitude.
This leads to an
Snittpositive ions relative to negative ones. When two charges of equal magnitude but of opposit
induced by
nduced moment of different origin from that
The ionic direction are kept at some distance between them let "
ciectron clouds shifting relative to nucleus.
to each then the two charge will generate electric dipole moment
POlarizability measures the shift ofthe ions relative
measures the shift which is defined as
as the electronic polarizability
ofthe electrons relative to the nucleus. P q.
EM.12- B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers

Ferro Para
Consider that a dielectric material is exposed to an region region
electric field. Then
) Dipole lines align themselves in the direction of T
the field. Fig. (b)
(ii) All dipoles available in the material tries to align. Ferroelectric Materials
i.e. combination of both the electrical field may change Types
the distribution of existing dipoles while trying to align tve. 1. Barium Titanate (BaTiO,)
The total effect of an electric field on a dielectric material is
2. Lead Titanate (PbTiO,)
called the polarization ofthe material.
3. Lead Zirconate Titanate
Variation of Dielectric Constant with Temperature
4. Lead Lanthanum Zirconate Titanate
In ferro-electric type material, which exhibits an
5. Lead Magnesium Niobate
permanent electric dipole moment even in the absence of an
external electric field, i.e. spontaneous polarization takes place Ferroelectric Materials Applications
for E 0. 1. Capacitors: A capacitor is an electronic component used
for a number of electronic circuits. It consists of 2 electrodes
(a) Ferro-electricity disappears above a certain
with a dielectric material in between. A Ferroelectric Material
temperature called transition temperature. As temperature is preferred for the manufacturing of a capacitor. Capacitors
increases the spontaneous polarization (permanent dipole
are generally formed by the Barium Titanate (BaTiO,) material.
moment) decreases and at a particular temperature, the
2. Storage memories SRAM and DRAM are volatile,
spontaneous polarization vanishes. This temperature is known
EEPROM and CMOS require a battery backup and are very
as curie temperature.
costly. Ferroelectric Random Access Memory is non-volatile
(b) Curie temperature can also be defined as the as well as cheaper. FRAM is reliable as well.
temperature at which ferroelectric materials converts into 3. Waveguides: A waveguide is a device which controls
paraelectric materials. the propagation of light within the device. It carries the
electromagnetic wave. The material used inside a waveguide
is a Ferroelectric Material
4.Optical Memory Display: Latest optical memory displays
technologies are devised using the Ferroelectric Material. PLZT
s most preferred Ferroelectric Material for this purpose.

5. Displacement Transducers: The Ferroelectric Material

Tc is used in pressure sensors. These pressure sensors
are also
termed as displacement transducers.
Fig. (a)

() Below curie temperature, the dielectric constant

is a function of electric field. Above curie temperature.13 Draw the polarization with applied field forferro
dielectric constant varies with temperature by following Curie- electric.
Weiss law, OR
Explain electrostriction action. How ferro, pyro and piez
C electric materials can be classified on this action? Show
T-T the spontaneous polarization for ferroelectric crystal.
R.TU. 2011
where T> Te
Electrical Materials- EM.13
Ans. Ferro Electric Materials: For
the dielectric materials, The existence of both direct effect and it inverse is to be
the polarization is a linear function ofthe applied field. There distinguished from a similar property called "electrostriction".
are however, materials called "Ferroelectric materials", in In this case, the materials becomes strained in an electronic
which polarization is not a unique function ofthe field strength.
field E but in a manner depending on E° and there is no inverse
Ferroelectric materials exhibit hysteresis
loop analogous to of this effect.
ferromagnetic materials. In these materials, the polarization
is not determined by the applied field E alone but depend Fig.2 shows the difference between two effects.
upon the previous history of the material. Ifa virgin specimen
of ferroelectric material is subjected to an electric field, and
the field is gradually increased, the polarization "P" increases
alongthe curve OABC in fig.1. When the field is then gradually Contraction Expansion
decreased, it is found that, E =0, there is a polarization
if still
left. This polarization is called "permanent polarization'", in
other words, the material is spontaneously polarized.
An electric field E is required to reduce the polarization
down zero.
Where E.= coercive field. Contraction Expansioon

E. applied in opposite direction.

Fig. 2: Diference between twoeffects

A pyroelectric material is one which exhibits a
spontaneous polarization in the absence of an electric field
and change its polarization on heating.
SE The effect is represented by equation

Fig. 1: Hysteresis Curve of Ferroelectriccrystal AP Change of polarization
The existence of dielectric hysteresis loop in material AT Raising the temperature
implies that the substance possesses "Spontaneous polarization'"
ie. polariziation that persists when applied field is zero.
- Pyroelectric coefficient.

Fig. shows an extrapolation of the linear segment

1 A ferroelectric material is one which exhibits a
BC which intercepts the P axis at a value P, which is the spontaneous polarization in the absence of an electric field which
spontaneous polarization. may be switched in direction by the application of a field.

When an electric field is applied, the domain for which Ferroelectric material show a hysteresis in the
the direction of polarization is parallel to the field, grown at polarization field direction like a ferromagnetic material.
the expense of other domain for which the polarization points All the above mentioned properties are possible only
in other directions. This process corresponds to curve OAB. in inherently asymmetric materials. It has been observed that
in some materials, the existence of a polar axis in a crystal
The specimen may ultimately become single domain
and further increase of P with increasing applied field is due allows the appearance of spontaneous electrical polarization
to normal polarization. and these materials are pyroelectric. A restricted group of
yroelectrics have the further property of being ferroelectric.
Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric: Piezoelectric materials become
Thus "all ferroelectrics are pyroelectric, but the comverse
electrically polarized in response to an applied mechanical stress.
is not true. All piezoelectric are not pyroelectric and all
This property is known as piezoelectric and has an inverse, when
pyroelectric are not ferroelectric.
anelectric stress (voltage) is applied it generates field E.
EM.14 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
Spontaneous Polarization for Ferroelectric NP2
Crystal: The .(4)
hysteresis loop of a ferroelectric material
as the temperature increases.
changes its shape P E
Spontaneous polarization
vanishes above certain temperature called the ferroelectric Internal field is
Curie temperature", 0, and the loop merges into a straight
line. Below the curie temperature O, the dielectric constant
is evidently a function of field strength and is no longer a
E -E-P
"constant" one can of course define a differential relative Substituting E, in equation (4)
dielectric constant on curve OAB as

dP P
Fora solid dielectric, the internal field may be written NP;/3KT
E (5)
or P1-NP2/3kTe,)
E E+
where, E=Applied field or
NP and
Y Internal field constant. where, e e
We also know
Cis called Curie constant
P NaE =NaETP and is called Curie temperature.
Equation (6) may be written in the form
NaE (2)
or P=
Nar -,(,-)

This relation indicates the possibility of spontaneous Xe,-1

polarization when the denominator is zero, a non-vanishing C
solution for P when E is zero. The condition for "spontaneous" loreT-6
polarization is

Nr 1 ..(3)

Physically, this means that, ifthe interaction between

the atom is large enough and Na is also large enough,
spontaneous polarization may occur
Many theories have been put forward to explain the Fig.3
theory offerroelectricity.Assumingthat, the permanent dipoles
are responsible for spontaneous polarization, we may write Fig.3 shows the variation of e, as a function of
P P NaE temperaturefor ferroelectric material. The permittivity shows
We know that orientational polarization Po is a function
a characteristic peak near the curie point Te and e, may
become very large.
of temperature and may be written as

Ans. Magnetic Permeability: The ratio of magnitude of

PART-A magnetic induction field B inside the material and the
magnitude of magnetizing field H is known as magnetic
Q1 Find the relative permeability of a ferromagnetic
material, if field of strength 220 Amp/metre
produces magnetization 3300 Amp/meter in it.
[R. TU. 20091
Q4 Define initial permeability.
Ans. We know that H, Bo
Ans. Initial Permeability(4 k): It is the initial slope of
Given B=3300 the B versus H characteristic of an unmagnified
and B-220 ferromagnetic (or ferrimagnetic) material and typically

, B 3300
represents the magnetic permeability under very small applied
magnetic fields

0.2 Define magnetic susceptibility.

(4 4)
Ans. Magnetic Susceptibility: The ratio of the magnitude.
M and the
of magnetic dipole moment per unit volume H
magnitude of the magnetizing field is known as magnetic
Susceptibility, B-HH

the magnetic susceptibility is zero in vacuum. Magnetic
Susceptibility is pure number as the units of Mand Hare same. Fig.: Initial Permeability
Initial relative permeability (4 is the relative
Q3 Define magnetic permeability.
permeability of an unmagnified ferromagnetic (or
ferrimagnetic) material under verysmallapplied fields.
EM.16 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E.
T-Te At this
singularity at
The susceptibility has a
spontaneous magnetization
temperature and below there exist a
PART-B 2) Ferromagnetism

Very TeCurieTemperature
A paramagnetic salt contains 102 ions/m' with
magnetic moment of one Bohrmagnetion. Calculate
ne paramagnetic susceptibility and the
T-Tc 111,
Para P
Molecular Magnetic Alignmerm
magnetization produced in a uniform magnetic field
of 10 ampere/metre when the temperature is 27°C.
IR.T.U. 2013, 2012)
(b) Ferromagnetism

Ans. Magnetic moment. (3) Anti Ferromagnetism

HnHB = 9.27x 1024 A/m

Number of ions per m. Para
N 1028
Ho 4 T x 10; H 10° A/m and
k 1.38x 1023
Room temperature, Te
300 K. (c) Anti Ferromagnetism
T (273+27) K =

(4) Ferrimagnetism
Magnetic susceptibility.
X NH 3 kT
X [4 Tx107x105x(9.27x1024] 1
(31.38 103x 300
T x (9.27) x 10]
0.87 x 104
/(3 x 1.38x 300)
Magnetisation, M = X
H 0.87 x 10 x 10
= 87 A/m.
(d) Ferrimagnetism

Lo.6 Draw the susceptibility withtemperaturefor dia, para, (5) Paramagnetismn

ferro, ferri and antiferromagetic materials.
IR.T.U. 2011]

Ans. (1) Diamagnetism 1

= constant Tc T
slope X (e) Paramagnetism
Fig.: Magnetic Susceptibility versus Temperature Graph
(a) Diamagnetism
Electrical Materials EM.17)
Resistivity of copper wire = 1.72 x 10 Qm
0.7 Calculate the critical current density for Imm Length of wire,
iiameter wire of load at 4.2 K. A parabolic dependence
of eritical field H, on T may be assumed. ) Nichrome wire
Given: Tc (P) = 7.18 K and H, (P) = 6.5 x 10 Amp/m
100x10 xl
Ans. Critical current density is 40-
.TR 0.4
whereI, is critical current. x
40x 1000 40xx04
100x10 x
We know critical field, H

i) Copper wire: R=
I = H2TR.

Given R=
.5 x 10 m 40-72x10xl
So J KH,2R
Given H 6.5 x 10' Amp/m
40xx 40xx0.4
l- 292.24mn
1.72x10 1.72x10x10
6.5x10 x2
So J 0.5x103
QS Explain magnetic flux density B, magnetic flux
10'Amp/m intensity H and magnetization M. How are they related
to one another? IR.TU. 2009, R.U. 2003/

Ans. Magnetic flux density: It is defined as the magnetic

Q.8 Calculate the length of heater element having 0.4mm
lines of force per unit area of the pole face.
diameter to get a resistance of 402 and 1000 watts
Nicrome wire having resistivity A
100 x 10 Am is used Where is the magnetic lines offorce in Wb and A is
(ii) Copper wire having resistivity the area of pole face in cm.
1.72 x 10 m is used R.TU. 20101 Magnetization vector (M)
Consider atightly wound long solenoid, ideally infinitely
0.4 long with free space as the medium inside the solenoid. The
Ans. Diameter of heater element, d = 0.4mm 100o
magnetic field is B. This field depends on the current I
Resistance of element, R = 402 through the solenoid wires and the number of turns per unit
Wattage of element 10002 length n and is given by

Resistivity of nichrome wire 100x 10 2m B, Hnl=Ho

EM.18 (B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
susceptability x ofthe
l' is the current per For isotropic medium, magnetic
nat is , unit length of the solenoid
'=nl and isthe absolute permeability ofthe free
space in henry per meter.
medium is defined simply by
Now ifthe material is filled in the solenoid then magnetic
field is changed. The new magnetic field is now B. B-B,+H,M
Each atom ofthe material responds to the applied field B- Hu, +HoM
Do develops a net magnetic moment
and along the field.
he medium therefore develops a net magnetic moment along B-H(+M
the field and become magnetized. The magnetic vector M
describes the extent of magnetization of the medium. M is QXO Distinguish between diamagnetic, paramagnetic
defined as the magnetic dipole moment per unit volume.
Ifand ferromagnetic materials.
IR.T.U. 2007; R.U. 2006, 2004, 1999, 1998
there are N atoms in a small volume AV and each atom
has a magnetic moment then M is defined as
Ans. Difference between Diamagnetic,
and Ferromagnetic materials
Paramagnetic Ferromagnetic
S.No.Diamagnetic Ferromagnetic
Diamagnetic Paramagnetic
number of atoms, A is average magnetic materials have a
where n is materials have a materials have a
small and positive large and positive
very weak and
moment. susceptibility to susceptibility to an
susceptibility to magnetic fields. external magnetic
magnetic fields. field.
Diamagnetic These materials They exhibit a
materials are are slightly strong attraction to
slightly repelled attracted by a magnetic fields.
by a magnetic magnetic field.
These materials These materials These are able to
don't retain the don't retain the retain their
Fig. Free space as medium magnetic magnetic magnetic
properties when properties when properties after the
the external field external field is external field has
Magnetic field intensity(H): It is the force that the
is removed. removed. been removed
field would exert on any unit magnetic pole placed. In the Diamagnetic Paramagnetic They get their
properties arise properties are strong magnetic
field it is also known as magnetic force from the due to the properties due to
realignment of presence of some presence of
H- Ho
the electron
orbits under the
electrons and
magnetic domains.

influence of an from the

Relation between B, H and M extemal realignment of
magnetic field. the electron
orbits caused by
H (1) the external
magnetic field.

but relative permeability ,,

increases with respectto
Copper, Silver,
Example : Iron,
Nickel, Cobalt,
spacewhena material medium is introduced. Gold, etc. Molybdenum, etc.
the field in free
Lithium, etc.

Q.11 Prove that the ferromagnetic material become
paramagnetic above curie temperature. [R.U. 2006, 2004
where is free space permeability/
Electrical Materials
AnS. There is a critical temperature
called curie point above Ans. Meisner's Effect: This effect is the total exclusion
which the ferromagnetic materials lose
their magnetic of any magnetic flux from the interior of a super conductor
roperties. Above the curie temperature the domain
pro structure A super conductor below its critical temperature expels all
tends to disrupt and the domains lose
their alignment become the magnetic field from the bulk ofthe sample as if it were a
arranged in random fashion, thus the
material loses its perfectly diamagnetic substance. This phenomenon is known
ferromagnetic property. Even in case
of ferromagnetic as the "Meisner's Effect".
materials at very high temperatures (T>
T), the thermal Suppose that we place a super conducting material in
agitation is so great that internal field is not sufficient
to a magnetic field above Te. The magnetic field lines will
maintain alignment of magnetic
dipole moments. The
behaviour becomes analogous to a paramagnetic penetrate the sample however, when the super conductor is
except thatthe field acting on the dipole is coded below T, it rejects all the magnetic flux in the sample
the internal field as depicted in fig.(a). The super conductor developing surface
As a model, let us consider a system of N spins
per currents field cancel every where inside the sample. Thus,
m.each giving rise to a magnetic moment of1 Bohr magneton,
Pa, either parallel or antiparallel to the external field. The
below T a super conductor is a perfectly diamagnetic
magnetization of such a system may be obtained from substance(m-1).
Now for the case of perfect conductor in a magnetic
M-NP field and then cool it below To. the magnetic field is not
kT (1) rejected. These two types of behaviorare identified in fig.(b).
Ifwe switch offthe field, the field around the super conductor
Atsufficiently high temperatures, H,P, (H+yM)<<kT. Thensimply disappears. But switching off the field means there is
since,tanh a=a for a << 1, we may write equation (1) as a decreasing applied field. This change in the field induces
current in the perfect conductor by virtue of Faraday's law
M- (Nu.PIKT)(H +yM) of induction.

or, M1- NuPiH ..(2) B off

From this expression, we have, magnetic susceptibility as

Nu,PIk C
H T-Nu,P;R) T- ..(3)
Super conductor
T> T T<T
where C Nu,P}/k and 0= y C. (a)
For the model, we have a relation which is identical
in form with the Curie-Weiss law. For a ferromagnetic
material C and 6 can be determined from measurements of
Susceptibility as a function of temperature. The value of y for
a Ierromagnetic material is of the order of 10.

It is important to note that the molecular field is in no

sense a real field, it is rather a force which tends to align or T>T T<T.
disalign the atomic or magnetic moments, and the strength of
the force depends on the amount of alignment already
attained, because the molecular field is proportional to Fig.
magnetization. This force is also called exchange force.
Q.13 Differentiate between soft and hard magnetic
912What is meisner's effect? materials.
B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
Ans. Diffe rence between hard magnetic and soft Ans. Classes of Magnetic Materials
magnetic materials The origin of magnetism lies in the orbital and spin
Hard Magnetic Material motions of electrons and how the electrons interact with one
Soft Magnetic Material another. The best way to introduce the different types of
Resistance to the moment Resistance to the moment
magnetism is to describe how materials respond to magnetic
of domain walls is small. ofdomain wallis large
2. A small value of coercive Large value of coercive fields. The magnetic behavior of materials can be classified
field Hc field Hc into the following five major groups:
3. Void free homogeneous Domain walls are ) Diamagnetism
structure. immobilized from
Diamagnetism is a fundamental property of all matter
movement by lattice
defects or imperfections of although it is usually very weak. It is due to the non.
a non-magnetic material cooperative behavior oforbitingelectrons when exposed to
4. Easy to magnetized and Hard to magnetize and an applied magnetic field. Diamagnetic substances are
demagnetize the material. demagnetize material. composed of atoms which have no net magnetic moments,
5. Low hysteresisloss. High hysteresis loss. (i.e. all the orbital shells are filled and there are no unpaired
6. Small area of hysteresis Large area of hysteresis electrons). When a diamagnetic substance such as a silicon
loop. loop crystal is placed in amagnetic field, the magnetization vector
7. Low electricalresistivityHigh electricalresistivity. M in the material is in the opposite direction to the applied
8. High permeability. Low permeability. field HH
9, Steeply rising Gradually rising
magnetization curve. magnetization curve
10. Low eddy current losses Low eddy current losses.
can be achieved using
laminated cores.
11. Used in application Suitable for making
requiring frequent reversal permanent magnets used
of the direction of in meters, motors,
magnetization used for transducers, focussing
transformer cores, magnets in T.V. tubes etc.
magnetic switching,
magnetic amplifiers.

H >H

13. Fig.1: Diamagnetic Material Placed in a Nonuniform Magnetic Field

ExampleSoft iron, silicon Example-Tungsten steel,
steel, nickel-iron alloys cobalt, steel, etc. Hence the resulting field B within the material is less
than HH. Thus the susceptibility is negative. The negative
susceptibility can be interpreted as the diamagnetic substance
PART-C tryingto expel the applied field from the material. When
diamagnetic specimen is placed in nonuniform magnetic
field, the magnetization M of the material is in opposite
Q.14 Nane the categories into which magnetic materials direction to B and the specimen experiences a net force
can be classified. Mention their magnetic properties and| toward smaller fields, as depicted in fig.2.
examples. IR.T:U. 2014
Ifwe plot M versus H, we see
Electrical Materials EM.21)
At normal temperatures and in moderate fields,
paramagnetic susceptibility is small (but larger than the
M-H diamagnetic contribution). Unless the temperature is very low
H (100K) or the field is very high, paramagnetic susceptibility
of the applied field. Some examples of
is independent
slope= Xconstant paramagnetic materials are oxygen gas, magnesium,
Montmorillonite (clay), Biotite (Silicate), siderite (Carbonate),
Fig. 2: Diamagnetism Pyrite (Sulfide), molybdenum, lithium and tantalum.
Note that when the field is zero the magnetization is (ii) Ferromagnetism
zero. The other characteristic behavior of diamagnetic in
materials is that the susceptibility is temperature independent. Unlike paramagnetic materials, the atomic moments
these materials exhibit very strong interactions. These
Some well known diamagnetic substances are quartz (SiO,),
interactions are produced by electronic exchange forces. They
calcite (CaCO3), water, copper, silver, gold, etc.
results in a parallel alignment of atomic moments. The
() Paramagnetism exchange force is a quantum mechanical phenomenon due
In this class of materials, some of the atoms or ions in to the relative orientation of the spins of the two
the material have a net magnetic moment due to unpaired Ferromagnetic materials exhibit parallel alignment of
electrons in partially filled orbits. However, the individual resulting in large net magnetization even in the absence of a
magnetic moments do not interact magnetically and like magnetic field, as shown in fig.
diamagnetism, the magnetization is zero when field is removed. The elements Fe, Ni and Co and many of the ir alloys
In the presence of a field, there is now a partial alignment of are typical ferromagnetic materials.
the atomic magnetic moments in the direction of the field. It
parallel alignment
results in a net positive magnetization and positive
susceptibility, as depicted in fig.3.

may0 and

Fig. 5: Ferromagnetism

Two distinct characteristics of ferromagnetic materials

are their
a0 and M= 0 b) 40 and M=Xm
(a) Spontaneous magnetization and
In Absence of External Field In Presence of
External Field
b) The existence of magnetic ordering temperature
Fig. 3: Paramagnetism
in aligning the iv) Antiferromagnetism
In addition, the efficiency of the field
moments is opposed by the randomizing effects of Antiferromagnetic materials such as chromium have a
temperature. This results in a temperature dependent small but positive susceptibility. They cannot possess any
Susceptibility, known as the Curie law. magnetization in the absence of an applied field, in contrast
to ferromagnets.
M slope=
Antiferromagnetic materials possess a magnetic ordering.
In that ordering, the magnetic moments of alternating atoms in
the crystal align in opposite directions as depicted in fig6. The
M-xH opposite alignments of atomic magnetic moments are due to
X<0 quantum mechanical exchange forces. The net result is that in
the absence of an applied field, there is no net magnetization.
Fig. 4: Paramagnetism
B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
existence of magnetic dipoles, whether
permanent or induced
can be explained only on the basis
of quantum theoretical
considerations. If we regard matter as
M0 particles, there can be no magnetic moment
made up of charged
in the state of
thermal equilibrium ofa strictly classical
system even in the
presence of an applied magnetic field.
Thus magnetism is
essentially a quantum effect. The two fundamental
Fig. 6:Antiferromagnetism diamagnetism and paramagnetism, have
their origin in
Antiferromagnetism occurs, belowa critical induced and permanent magnetic moments,
temperature respectively. The
called the Neel temperature Ty. Above TN, antiferromagnetic impossibility of magnetism in the domain of classical physics
materials become paramagnetic. may be argued in the following way.
As the magnetic field
is switched on, the electronic circulating
()Ferrimagnetism curents having an
associated magnetic moment are induced in
the system. But
these currents are destroyed by collisions in tending
to bring
M the system finally to the state of thermal equilibrium.
+--0+0-- None of the derivations ofrelations in classical physics
O >0-- includingthose for magnetic susceptibility is self-consistent.
---0- The permanent atomic magnetism (paramagnetism)
beaccounted for without restricting the circulating electrons
to the discrete stationary orbits as required
in the Bohr's
quantum theoretical model of
the hydrogen atom. In the
classical picture, there can be no magnetic
Fig. 7: Ferrimagnetism moment associated
with the current of circulating electrons
Ferrimagnetic materials exhibit magnetic because electrons in
behaviour accelerated motion would radiate
similar to ferromagnetism below a critical and finallyfall on the nucleus,
temperature, called causing the atomic structure
the curie temperature Tc Above to collapse. Diamagnetism, where
T it becomes paramagnetic. the applied magnetic field is pushed out ofthe system, can be
The origin of ferrimagnetism is based on magnetic ordering.appreciated similarly
by realizing that the discrete quantum
as illustrated in fig.7.All atoms have their spins states occupied by electrons
one direction and all B atoms have their alignedin are stable to a certain extent only
spins aligned in the against external perturbation, like the magnetic field the
opposite direction. The oppositely directed magnetic in
moments present case.
have different magnitudes and do not cancel. The
net effect We define below the fundamental
is that the crystal can possess magnetization physical quantities
even in the that concern the magnetic
absence of an applied field. properties of materials. In
vacuum the intensity of the applied
magnetic field H and the
All useful magnetic materials in electrical engineering magnetic induction B
are related by the equation
are invariably ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic.
where is permeability
Q.15 Explain the physical basis of free space
of diamagnetism and (4 4x 10 V s/A m).
paramagnetism of materials. Describe the Weiss
molecular field theory of ferromagnetism and derive the The magnetic state of a system is specified by its
Curie-Weiss law. magnetization M, defined as the magnetic
IR.TU. 2012 moment per unit
volume. M is related to B and H

Ans. Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism B HH+ M)

For convenience in discussions it is a practice to
Unlike the dielectric response, the magnetic response introduce an external induction such that
of most of the solids is dominated by permanent dipoles
Electrical Materials
Mostly, there is a linear relationship between Bo
and The second hypothesis.of the Weiss theory leads to
M given by the existence of a Curie temperature below which a domain
H M xB, may be spontaneously magnetized in the absence of an
applied magnetized field. According to the theory, the
HM effective field acting on any atomic magnetic moment within
Bo the domain may be written as,

where is called the magnetic susceptibility. H H, + AM

The susceptibility when denoted by XM» where H, is an externally applied magnetic field and
the susceptibility of one gram mole of the material, or simply AM (Magnetization) is the Weiss molecular field whose
the molar susceptibility. For isotropic materials, M and B order of magnitude in Fe is 10 Oersteds.
(orH) are parallel vectors and X is a scalar quantity. It is There is an overall general agreement between theory
a tensor in anisotropic substances. The sign of the and experimental result of
temperature dependence of
susceptibility distinguishes between diamagnetism
and spontaneous magnetization for Fe, Ni and Co. The low
paramagnetism. It is negative for the diamagnetic substances temperature behaviors, however, are better described by
and positive for the paramagnetic substances. magnon theory. The theory satisfactorily describes the
The magnetic behavior of matter is fundamentally of temperature dependence of susceptibility in the paramagnetic
atomic origin with modification caused by inteeratomic region provided the temperature is well above the Çurie
interaction. temperature. The Curie temperature determined from the
theory of spontaneous magnetization differs by a few
Weiss Theory
degrees from the experimentally determined value for the
The Weiss molecular field theory of ferromagnetism paramagnetic region.
represents the first realistic attempt to account for the
properties of a ferromagnet. This theory rests on two
Curie-Weiss Law for Ferromagnetism: The saturation
magnetization is so large that virtually all the magnetic dipoles
in a ferromagnetic material must be lined up with the field. It
) Below the Curie point, a ferromagnetic substance is is necessary to add a term to the energy which will make the
composed ofsmall, spontaneously magnetized regions dipoles all line up.
called domains. The total magnetic moment of the
By adding a new energy term the assumption is
material is the vector sum of the magnetic moments
introduced by Weiss.
of individual domains. it is now known that these
assumed domains really exist and are usually 0.1 and It states that the field produced at any point by all
0.01 cm across. neighbouring molecules, is proportional to magnetization and
acting in the same direction as the intensityofmagnetization.
() Each domain is spontaneously magnetized because a
strong molecular (magnetic) field tends to align the HAM
individual atomic magnetic moments within the where Weiss constant field coefficient
H=Weiss field or molecular field belowsaturation
The consequence of these assumptions is that, while
cach domain is spontaneously magnetized, the directions of H. =H+H
magnetization of the domains do not coincide; therefore the Here H, is the total magnetic field.
Overall magnetization of the sample may be much smaller
By using the Langevin's theory, magnetization is given
than if it were composed of a single domain. Application o
arelatively weak field (-100-1000 Oersteds) and often very
much less is sufficient to align the directions of the
magnetization of the domains, thereby achieving a large N
EM.24 (B.Tech. (V Sem) E.E. Solved Papers
Now magnetic inacceptability
[H+ Hy
NH 3K T-
3KT H+ AM] 3K

Here N= No. of molecules

Hm Magnetic moment If C and T.= 4N
K Boltzmann constant
T Absolute temperature measured in Kelvin C
M= NuH Here, C is material specific curie constant and Te is
3K T-N3K
the curie temperature measured in Kelvin.
The Curie-Wiess law describes the magnetic
susceptibility of a ferromagnetic in the paramagnet region
above the curie point.



Ans. Scattering Points Scattering is the process wherely
PART-A a beam of waves or particles is dispersed by collisions or
similar interactions. A scatter point module is used to
interpolate from group of scattered data points to guids. A
scatter point moves through time and space.
Q1 Define mean free path. R.T.U. 2011]
Q.5 Explain drift velocity for electrons. IR.T.U. 2011]
Ans. Mean Free Path: It is the mean distance traversed
by an electron between scattering events. If t is the mean Ans. Drift Velocity for Electrons: It is the average electron
free time between scattering events and u is the mean speed velocity, overall the conduction electrons in the conductor, in
ofthe electron, then the mean free path is 1= ut. the direction of an applied electrical force (F = -eE for
electrons). In the absence of an applied field, all the electrons
move around randomly, and the average velocity overall the
Q2 Define relaxation time. IR.TU. 2011
electrons in any direction is zero. With an applied field E
there is a net velocity per electron vdo in the direction opposite
Ans. Relaxation Time: It is equivalent term for the mean to the field, where vadepend on E, by vertue of vaHEx
free time between scattering events. It is the characteristic where H the drift mobility.
time for a distribution of electrons in a solid to approach or
"relax" to equilibrium after a disturbance is removed
IR.T.U. 2011
0.3 Define fermi velocity. PART-B

Ans. Fermi Velocity: If we have extracted all possible

energy from a metal by cooling it to near absolute zero Write important properties and applications
in the metal are still.0 of the
emperature (0 kelvin), the electrons following materials-
moving around. The fastest ones are moving at a velocity
corresponding to a kinetic energy equal to the fermi energy. (a) Copper
This is the fermi velocity. (b) Tin

(c) Mercury
Q4 Define scattering points. R.T.U. 20111 (d) Aluminium IR.TU. 2016
EM.26 B.Tech. (v Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
Ans.(a) Copper: Copper is one ofthe oldest metals known acids, such as dilute sulfuric acid, although oxidizing acids
to man and was found in ancient times in its native form. Its such as concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid or aqua
bright colour made it easily visible. It is represented by 'Cu'. regia dissolve it to give sulfate, nitrate and chloride.
Properties of Copper Copper has many useful Applications: Mercury is used in thermometers,
properties. It is a good electrical andthermal conductor. It is barometers, manometers, float valves, mercury switches,
corrosion resistant, duetile as well as a tough material. It is mercury relays, and other devices. It is used in fluorescent
nonmagnetic and attractive in colour. Copper can be combined lamps. Likewise, mechanical pressure gauges and electronic
easily with other metals to make alloys. It can be recycled strain gauge sensors have replaced mercury
without any loss of quality and can act as a catalyst too. sphygmomanometers.
APplications: Copper wires allow electric current to a
(d) Aluminium : Aluminium is chemical element in the
flow without much loss of energy. This is why copper wires boron group with symbol Al'. It is a silvery-white, soft,
are used in main cables in house and underground. Copper nonmagnetic, ductile metal.
allows heat to pass through it quickly. It is therefore used in Properties of Aluminium: Aluminium is a relatively
many applications where quick heat transfer is important. It soft, durable, lightweight, ductile, and malleable metal with
1S a ductile metal. This means that it can easily be shaped appearance ranging from silver to dull gray, depending on the
into pipes and drawn into wires. Copper pipes are lightweight surface roughness. It is nonmagnetic and does not easily ignite.
because they can have thin walls. Copper can be recycled It is Corrosion resistance.
without any loss of quality and it can act as a catalyst. Applications : Aluminium is used in a huge variety of
products including cans, foils, kitchen utensils, window frames,
(b) Tin: Tin is a chemical element witn the symbol "Sn'. Tin
is a malleable, ductile and highly crystalline silvery-white beer kegs and aeroplane parts. It has low density, is non-
metal. toxic, has a high thermal conductivity, has excellent corrosion
resistance and can be easily cast, machined and formed.
Properties of Tin: Tin is a silvery-white, soft, malleable Aluminium is a good electrical conductor and is often used in
metal that can be highly polished. Tin becomes a electrical transmission lines. It is cheaper than copper and
superconductor below 3.72 K. Tin resists corrosion from
weight is almost twice as good as a conductor. It is often
water, but can be attacked by acids and alkalis. It is used as
used as an alloy because aluminium itself is not particularly
a protective coat for other metals.
strong. Alloys with copper, manganese, magnesium and silicon
Applications: Tin is used as a coating on the surface are lightweighted but strong. They are very important in the
of other metals to prevent corrosion. Alloys of tin are construction of aeroplanes and other forms of transport.
commercially important in, for example, soft solder, pewter
bronze and phosphor bronze. A niobium-tin alloy is used for
Q.7 Find the relaxation time of conduction electrons in a
superconducting magnets. In modern times, tin is used in many
alloys, most notablytin/leadsoft solders, which are typically
of resistivity 1.54 x 10 0-m, if the metal has
5.8 x 10 conduction electrons per m. IR.TU. 2009
60% or more tin. Because of its low toxicity, tin-plated metal
was used for food packaging as tin cans.
(c)Mercury: Mercury is a chemical element with symbol Ans. Given n=5.8x 10 electron/m
Hg'. It is commonly known as quicksilver. A heavy, silvery P=1.54x102-m
d-block element, mercury is the only metallic element that is
The relaxation time will be
liquid at standard conditions for temperature and pressure.
Properties of Mercury: Mercury is a dense, silvery-
white, poisonous metal with a mirror-like appearance. It is
T 0ne
the only common metal that is liquid at room temperature. 9.107x103
Mercury evaporates slowly at room temperature, Compared
to other metals, it is a poor conductor of heat, but a fair
conductor of electricity. Mercury does not react with most = 4x1014 sec.
Electrical Materials
A copper wire of 2 mm diameter material i.e., electron density be n and E be the applied electric
5.8 x 10 S/m with conductivity field. Due to the applied electric field, let axial drift velocity
of and electron
a0032 mV-s is subjected mobility of the electrons be v metres/second.
mV/m. Find to an electric field of
() The charge
density offree of 20
Gii The current electrons
density (ii) The
the wire (iv),The electron drift velocity. flowing in

Ans. ameter of copper wire,

d 2 mm 0.002 m
Conductivity of copper,

5.8 x 10' S/m E

Electron mobility, Fig.

H0.0032m?/V-s The force F on the particle of charge qwhen an electric

Applied electric field, field E is appliedis given as F=aE, so the force acting on an
electron having charge e on it is given as
E -20 mV/m =
0.02 V/m
F eE . (i)
0 Charge density,
Also F ma ..i)
n =- 5.8x10 Where a is acceleration of electrons due to applied
epe 1.6x107x0.0032 field E
Combining Eqs. (i) and (Gi), we have
= 1.133 x 10/m>
Gi) Current density,
J= oE = 5.8 x 10 x 0.02 a eE .(ii)
= 1.16x10 A/m? m

i) Current flowing in the wire, Because of collisions of electrons during motion, the
electrons will not get accelerated indefinitely. In fact, their
I = J x area of cross-section of wire
velocity will fall to zero. Ift is the relaxation or collision time,
the average velocity of electrons, known as drift velocity is
Ttd xx(0o.002)
given as

- 3.644 A
(v) Electron drift velocity,
0.0032 x 0.02 Let I be the current flowing through the conductor on
VH E= application of electric field E corresponding to drift veloity
= 6.4 x 10 m/s v. In time dt, the electrons will travel a distance vdt and the
number of electrons crossing the cross-sectional area A in
time dt will be contained in volume Avdt. Thus, total charge
W Explain conductivity of metals.
flowing through the section in time dt

Ans. Conductivity of Metals

dq = envAdt (v)
metres and cross- Since the current in a conductor is defined as the rate
Consider a conductor of length I
in Fig. Let ne of change of charge per unit time, current I is given as
Sectional area
A square metres, as shown
of free electrons available
per m* of the conductor
(EM.28 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers

I==envA . (vi) (xii)

The current density J*, defined as the current per unit which is noth ing but "Ohms' law.
area is given as
Electrical conductivity of the material is also given as

env (vii) = nepe

The above equation may also be written as
J pv where H is the mobility acquired by electrons
where p is the charge density in coulombs/m = en
due to presence of electric field.
Substituting the value of v from Eq. (iv) in above Eq.
(vii), we have Using Eq. iv), the mobility of electrons can also be
expressed as

en xxT ne"Etm m
(vil) (xiv)

net Thus, the mobility ofelectron in the metal is defined as

For a particular material, the quantity in above
m the steady-state drift velocity per unit electric field
equation is constant at particular temperature and is known
as electrical conductivity 'a' of the material and thus Q.10 The following data is known for a conductor
Current density, Fermi energy = 5.5 eV
J= oE. ix) Mobility of electrons = 7.04 x 103mV-s
So, the current density J is proportional to the Number of conduction electrons/n 5.8 x 10
conductivity of the material a and the magnitude of applied
clectric field E. In terms ofresistivity p, current density J is Calculate () Relaxation time (i) Resistivity of
given as conductor (ii) Velocity of electron with the Fermi
e 1.6 x 10-19 C, and m
P es. (x)
= 9.1 x 10- kg.

Ans. Mobility of electrons, H,= 7.04 x 103 m/V-s

Number of conduction electrons, n=5.8 x 10
P /m'
Relaxation time,
We know that the resistance R ofa conductor is given

as R =P where p is the resistivity of material and l is the texm

length of conductor. Thus
I =JA-EA EI (xi) 1.6x10-19
= 40.04x 10-15 second
i) Resistivity of conductor,
Since E = V, the Eq. (xi) may be written as P 1
Electrical Materials EM.29
cleaned and then it is dipped in a bath of molten zinc. This
layer of zinc protects steel from rusting.
(vi) When alternating current flows in a steel wire, its
= 1.531 x 10-s Q-m.
resistivity and losses are much higher than when D.C. current
ii) Velocity of electrons with Fermi energy, flows, due to the magnetic properties of steel.
(vii) Aluminium conductors used for high voltage
2EF 2x5.5x1.6x10-19 systems, long spans, are usually reinforced with steel, which
V m 9.1x10-31 gives high tensile strength to overhead lines. Such conductor
is called A.C.S.R. conductor.
= 1.3907x 10 m/s
(vii) It is less flexible than aluminium and copper.
) Galvanized steel wires are used as overhead
telephone lines and as earth wires.
(ii) Steel overhead conductors due to less electrical
Q.11 Explain the electrical properties of conductive and conductivity are used only to transfer small amounts of power.
resistive materials. R.T.U. 2014
(iii) Steel is used as conductor rail interaction due to
its cheapness and rigidity.
Ans. Conducting Material 2. Zinc
1. Steel: Steel contains iron with a small percentage Properties
ofcarbon added to it. For wire, steel with 0.1 to 0.15 percent () It is a metal of bluish white colour.
carbon is used. Iron itself is not very strong but when carbon
is added to it, it acquires very good mechanical properties. ii) It occurs in nature as zinc sulphide (Zns).
With the addition of small percentage of carbon, tensile (iii) Boiling point = 905°C; melting point= 1000°C,
strength of steel increases but at the same time its ductility electrical resistivity =15.5u /cm'; atoms weight= 181.2.
decreases. If the carbon content is too high, the steel is brittle. (iv) It is malleable and ductile.
The steels are classified as under
(v)It is poor in electrical conductivity than copper.
(a) Mild steel containing carbon about 0.25%. Its conductivity is about half as that of copper.
(b) Medium steel containing carbon about 0.45%. (vi) It can be easily soldered. It has high corrosion
(c) High carbon steel containing carbon about 0.70% resistance.
and above. (vii) Its commercial name is spelter.
Properties (viii) It is affected by acids and alkalies.
) The resistivity of steel is 8 to 9 times higher than Applications
that of copper. Therefore, steel is not very often used as a
) It is used for covering steel to protect it from
conducting material because of its low electrical conductivity,
atmospheric corrosion. The process is known as galvanizing.
inspite of the fact that it has higher mechanical strength, low
cost and is available in plenty. i) It is used for making alloys e.g. brass, bronze etc.
i) It contains small percentage of carbon which (ii) Zinc oxide is used as a pigment in paints.
increases its mechanical strength. iv) It is used for metal spraying.
0wti) Too high carbon content in steel makes it brittle. (v) It is used simple voltaic cell as positive plate
(iv) Steel is easily corroded by moisture and heat. (anode).

(v) Overhead steel conductors are galvanized to (vi) It is used for galvanizing steel parts such as wires
prevent corrosion. In this method the steel is thoroughly sheets.
EM.30 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
When tungsten steel is used as filament
Resistance Materials straight, coiled
incandescent lamps, the filament is made in
Alloys of nickel, chromium, copper, iron and is made in straight
coil or coiled form. When the filament
manganese are extensively used as resistance materials. A lamp is operated
form, the filament wire is liable to sag if the
resistor is a device which is used to introduce resistance in filament in coiled form,
in horizontal position. To male the
an electric circuit for the various purposes such as a mandrel. The efficiency
the wire is wound into a tight coil on
and it also hel in the
) For controlling of current such as rheostats. of the lamp improves by coiling
concentration of light.
(ii) As heater elements for converting electrical energy
To make the coiled-coil filaments,
the wire is first
into heat energy. is coiled on another
coiled on a mandrel, then the coil itself
(iin) As meter elements such as ammeter shunts and is needed in a
mandrel. A coiled-coil form of filament
voltmeter multipliers. light source is
projector, where an extremely concentrated
in incandescent
1. Tungsten needed. Tungsten is very commonly used
lamps as filament material due to the
following reasons:
(i) It is grey in colour and is one of the standard () Highest melting point amongst all metals.
resistance materials. (ii) Very high tensile strength in its thinnest
(i) It has the highest melting point (3300°C) amongst (iii) Can be drawn into very thin wires.
all the metals. Therefore, its refractory qualities are very much
Civ) Does not become brittle at high temperatures.
2. Nichrome
(ii) It is very hard metal and does not become brittle
at high temperatures. Properties
(iv) It can be drawn into very thin wires for making ) It is silver white in colour.
(ii) It is ductile and can be drawn into thin wires.
(v)Its resistivity is about twice than of aluminium. (ii) It is an alloy of Manganese 1.5%, Nickel 75%
(vi) It has very high-tensile strength in its thinnest to 78%, Chromium 20% to 23% and a little percentage of
form i.e. thinner the tungsten wire greater is its tensile strength. iron.
(vii) It oxidizes very quickly in the presence of iv) It has good mechanical strength and desirable
oxygen even at temperatures of a few hundred degrees thermal properties.
(v) Its maximum permissible temperature is 1100°C.
(vii) It does notexhibit magnetic properties when pure
(vi) It has high value ofresistivity (100 x 10) ohm-
but can easily alloy with steel called "Tungsten Steel" which
m at 20°C.
is a magnetic material of top quality
(vii) Its temperature coefficient of resistance is 0.0001
(ix) Atomic weight= 184, Resistivity=5.46 u/cm.
x) In the atmosphere of inert gas (Nitrogen or Argon) Applications
or in vacuum it can easily work upto 2000°C. It is used in making heating elements for electric
Applications heaters, electric ovens, electric iron, room heaters, electrical
furnaces etc.
tis used in incandscent lamps as filaments due to
its high melting point.

(i) As heater coil in electron tubes to heat the cathodeQ.12 What are the main sources of electrical resistance
for liberating electrons (the process is called Thermionic in a metal? Discuss the effect of impurity,
Emission). temperature and alloying on the electrical
conductivity of metal
ii) In the form ofan alloy of tungsten steel it is used R.TU. 2012]
for making permanent magnets.
Electrical Materials -EM.31)
n. Causes of Electrical Resistance in Metals Strain: Strain on a metal wire or other conducting material
In physics, resistance is the degree to which a also affects the resistivity by altering slightly the length and
ferial fails to conduct electricity. It is the opposite of width of the material. Pulling on a wire acts to increase its
conductivity, which 1s the degree to which a material length and crimp its width somewhat, thereby increasing the
eonducts electricity. Most materials have a resistivity.
certain degree
ofconductivity and a certain degree of resistance,
but metals Effects of Impurities or Alloying on Electrical
send to be strong conductors. No metal is a perfect Conductivity
conductor, though, and the level ofrcsistivity will
vary under Effect of Composition: All additives to pure copper reduce
certain conditions.
its electrical conductivity, depending upon the element and
Electricity and the movement of electrons amount in solid solution. Only small decreases are
caused by
elements added in excess of solubility. There is a cumulative
Electricity is basically the conduct of electrons from
one point to another. An electron is drawn from one effect when more than one element is added.
atom, so that atom exerts a charge on the next atom, Effect of Alloying and Condition: As with other systems,
strength without
arawingan eiectron from it, and so on. Unfortunately, copper is intentionally alloyed to improve it should
from a conductivity standpoint, electrons have a unduly degrading ductility or workability. However,
tendency to go off in a separate direction every once be recognized that additions of alloying elements also degrade
in a while, because of collisions or interactions with electrical and thermal conductivity by various amounts
other subatomic particles. Metals are usually good depending on the alloying element and the concentration and
conductors because their atomic structure allows the location in the microstructure (solid solution, precipitate,
outer electrons to pass very easily from one atom to| dispersoid). The choice of alloy and condition is most often
the next, but there will always be a few electrons that based on the tradeoff between strength and conductivity.
are bounced out of their intended pathways. This optimum tradeoff is achieved by precipitation hardening
results in a loss of current, and the degree to which which is usually the most costly, because of either the
hardening alloys
it happens is referred to as a material's resistance. additions or extra processing. Precipitation
with increased
There are several factors that may affect the level exhibit increases in electrical conductivity, along
of resistance. strength during the aging heat treatment, as elements are
removed from supersaturated solid solution to form precipitates
Length as a Factor in Resistivity
of intermetallic compounds.
Length is one of several conditions that affect a
Effect of Temperature on Electrical Conductivity
material's conductivity and resistivity. The further an
electric current has to travel through a substance, the
Raising the temperature of metal increases its resistance.
The higher temperature, it causes an increase in vibration of
greater the resistance of that substance. Simply put,
subatomic particles, which increases the likelihood that an
the greater the length an electron has to go, the
electron will collide with one of them.
greater the chance that the electron will be bounced
from the intended pathway, thereby decreasing
of the electric charge. gxs Define and explain relaxation time, collision time
Width as a Factor in Resistivity and mean free path. Derive mathematical relation
for each term.
The width of a cross-section of the material through
which the current passes also affects the resistivity
and conductivity of a conductive material. The wider Ans. Relaxation Time, Collision Time and Mean Free
the Path: The relaxation time is closely related to the mean time
the cross-section, the lower the resistance of
conductor. A good analogy for the length and width of flight between collision and also to the mean free path of
factors would be a bowling lane. The longer thel the conduction electrons, which is the average distance of
the more chances a ball has to bounce into the gutter, undisturbed motion between collision. All the collision
but the wider processes occuring in the electron gas may be explained
the lane is, the better chance the ball
has to reach the end without hitting the through relaxation time. The collisions are caused by thermal
(V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
EM.32 B.Tech.
or structural imperfections in the lattice. The relaxation time
is introduced as the characteristic time governing the dedt <v = 0 (iv)
establishment of equilibrium through collision, from an initial velocity in the non-
disturbed situatjon in which v+0. Or, if <v> 0 is the initial drift equilibrium is
to the
equilibrium distribution, the approach
The relaxation time is mathematically understood as solution of Eq. (iv).
described by the appropriate

equilibrium die out exponentially

The disturbances from
collisions from the point of
Let us now consider the
sh tterie the probability for an electron to
view of time. Assume that
during a short time interval dt
collide with a lattice (obstacle)
dt is a constant with the
dimensions of
is given by,T where t
probability that an electron moves
time. Let F() represent the
collision, and let F(t + dt)
for a timet without suffering a a period (t + dt). We may
Time, t represent the same probability for
Eq. () now write
Fig.: Decay of Drift Velocity According to
Let the electrons in a metal have an average velocity dF
at any instant, t= 0; given that for t> 0 there is no
F(t +dt) =F(t) +dt
V0 and
external field, the electrons interact only with the lattice
ultimately the average velocity will go to zero. At any instant
(Taylor series expansion)
t(0), let the velocity be given by the expression (Fig.) and from probability theory
where t is the relaxation time of electrons, F(t+dt) =F(t) F(dt) =F(t)| ... (vi)
The rate of change of velocity due to collision becomes
Comparing Eqs. (vi) and (vii), we have
The subscript "coll refers to collisions carried out by dt
the electrons with the lattice. or Ft) = e-t .(vii)
Equation (1) is the solution of a modified equation of
motion ofelectronsif we consider the frictional forces due to
Since FC)1 for t=
0 which fixes the integration
constant. The average time which elapses between collisions

is given as
Considering the relaxation time, the frictional force on

the electrons due to collision may be expressed as 2 dt .ix)

Hence, the modified equation of electrons becomes
-eE .. (iii)
because gives
the probability that the electron
collides between t and (t + dt). Substituting F(t) from Eq
In the absence of the external forces (-eE), the free (vii) in Eq. (ix), we have
motion satisfies
Electrical Materials EM.33)
Hence, he physical meaning oft introduced in the empty, E, is called the Fermi level ofelectrons. The magnitude
orobabilities above is that it represents the average time of
of E, is of the order of several electron volts. At any
collisions. temperature T, the probability ofa state corresponding to the
For isotropic materials, the mean time of collision is energy E being occupied by an electron is given as
the same as the relaxation time, i.e., t= T. 1

The mean free path of an electron, f(E) E-Ep)/KT

... (xii)
A, will be defined
A=vt' . (xi)
where k is Boltzmann's constant.

where v is an appropriate average velocity of electron. The velocity of an electron with Fermi energy, v, is
In the case of metals, the conductivity always refers to a
given as
single total velocity, the one corresponding to Fermi energy.
We know that free electrons in a metal can accept a series mv
E (xii)
of discrete energy levels. At absolute zero, all energy levels
below a certain value E, are filled, and those above E, being Thus mean free path, = v,t (xiv)


Ans. An intrinsic semiconductor is one which is made of

semiconductor material in its extremely pure form. When

PART-A small amount of impurity is added to a pure semiconducto
crystal during the crystal growth in order to increase it
conductivity, the resulting crystal is called the extrinsi
Q.1 Define Fermi level. semiconductor.

Ans. The highest energy level, which an electron can occupy Q.5 Why the temperature coefficient of resistance of
in the valence band at 0K, is named as Fermi level. semiconductor is negative?

Q.2 Write importance of Fermi energy. Ans. With the increase in temperature, the concentration d
charge carriers (electrons and holes) increases. As mon
Ans. charge carriers are made available, the conductivity ofa pur
semiconductor increases ie. resistivity ofa pure semiconducto
) Fermi energy is used to separate the vacant and filled
states at 0K. decreases with the rise in temperature ie, semiconducto
have negative temperature coefficient of resistance
) It is used to know the status of the electrons.
Ci) Electrons are completely filled below Fermi level and
completely empty above the Fermi level at OKK. PART-B
(iv) Above OK some electrons absorb thermal energy and
they jumps to the higher energy levels.

Q.6 Describe the conductivity and mobility for intrinsim

Q.3 Define doping. semiconducto. R.TU 201

Ans. The process of adding impurity to a pure semi conductor

Ans. Conductivity of Intrinsic Semiconductor
crystal to improve its conductivity is named as doping.
intrinsic semiconductor contains equal number of electro
and holes, called charge carriers. The electrons are free
Q.4 Differentiate between intrinsic semiconductors and move in conduction band whereas holes in valence band.
extrinsic semiconductors? absence of external electric field, the random motions of the
carriers give no net current in any direction. However, whd
ctrical EM.35
field is applied to a specimen of semiconducto, an
ordered mo
is superimposed on the chaotic
motions of n
riers in the directie of theforce. This ordered
hargearriers, motion
ca produces current in
ofC the specimen. The
magnitude of current densities due
of to drift of electrons slope-E/2kT
given by

JnqVa 1)
J=pqp 1/T
Where q magnitude of charge of electron with
or hole, Fig.: Variatlon of conductivity of an intrinsic semlconductor
v, are the drift velocities of electrons temperature
Vand and holes,
p are electron and hole concentrations
n nd respectively. Mobility of Intrinsic Semiconductor
drift velocity per unit electric field
The mobility (u) of an intrinsic semiconductor varies
HVE, H= v,/E as T over a temperature (T) range of 100 to 400 °K. For
The mobility
silicon, m =2.5 for electrons and 2.7 for holes. Similarly,
of a charge carrier is function of
for germianium m = 1.66 for electrons and 2.33 for holes.
temperature and is proportional to T2, Thus
The mobility of an intrinsic semiconductor decreases with
ha T4 and 4 = BT32 (4) the rise in temperature. Also, the mobility is a function of
where & and ß are proportionality constants. electric field intensity (Ev) and it remains constant only if
E<10 minN-type silicon. For 10 <E <10 V/m, varies
The currents due to electrons and holes are in the
same direction hence the total curent in the specimen is approximately as E-i2 For higher fields, and hence,
Fq (nhn + PH,) = (o, +o,) E (5) Hn varies inversely as E and the carrier speed approaches
Where o, nqua and o,
pq4 are the electrical a constant value of about 10 m/s.
conductivity of electrons and holes. The total conductivity
of the specimen is
Q.7 What is the mechanism by which conduction takes
o+o, nq4+ p94p .6) place inside the semiconductor?
Inintrinsic semiconductor n p ni, So
Ans. Conduction occurs in any given material when an applied
n,g (4 tH electric field causes electrons to move in a desired direction
CT (-EKT).q. (« T+ BT
exp within the material, This may be due to one or both of two

O exp (-EKT) (7) processes, electron motion and hole transfer. In case of former
process, free electrons in the conduction band move under
where o q (a + B) C.
the influence of the applied electric field. Electrons being
Eq. (7) can be written as negatively charged are repelled from the negative terminal
of the applied voltage and attracted towards the positive
(8) terminal. Hole transfer involves electrons which are still
Ino n o 2kT attached to the atoms i.e. those in valance band.
E4. (7) explains why the conductivity of In case some of the energy levels in the valence
onductor varies exponentially with increase in are not occupied by electrons, there are holes where electrons
in o versus 1/T is linear.
The band gap could exist. An electron may jump from one atom to fill
A plot
lot of the
be determined by measuring the slope of the curve. hole in another atom. When it jumps, the electron
leaves a
B.Tech. Paper
(V Sem.) E.E. Solved
EM.36 ty
hole behind it, and thus the 'hole has moved in a direction an N-type semiconductor is called the donor
opposite to that fthe electron. The current flowing in such a
way is said to be due to movement of holes. (iv) Acceptor : Boron, Gallium, Indium or any othe
trivalent impurity used as dopant to produce a P-typ
semiconductor is called the acceptor type impurity
Q.8 Prove that the conductivity of semiconductor is given
Q.10 Write applications of semiconductor.
g= e(np, tPA

Ans. The conductivity o. of the semiconductor due to Ans. Semiconductor are of enormous technologica
electrons in conduction band is given as importance because of their special properties, which
modified by doping. Some applications include
Thermistors: The resistivity ofsemiconductor varis
where n is the number of electrons per unit volume of the
conduction (i.e., electron density or concentration), e is the with temperature. This enables semiconductors tob
electron charge and p, is the electron mobility. Similarly, the used as thermometers. Through doping, theappropriat:
conductivity o, ofthe semiconductor due to holes is given as sensitivity in the required ranges can be obtained.

hpe (i) HallProbes: Thesemeasure magnetic field strengths

h by using a small piece of semiconductor with known
where p is the number of holes per unit volume and is the
properties. By measuring the induced Hall voltagein
hole mobility.
an unknown magnetic filed one can find B using relation
Since in semiconductor the conduction is by free
electrons as well as holes, total conductivityo is given as By

eneet pen (i) IR Sensors/Optoelectronic Devices: "Optoelectronic

e devices are capable of sensing or responding to light of
various wavelengths. This is due to the phenomenon
ofphotoconductivity whereby a semiconductor can greatly
Q.9 Explain the following terms used in extrinsic increase its electrical conductivity ifthe radiation has
semiconductors: sufficient energy to promote electrons across the band
( Doping gap. Many different semiconductors are available with
i) Diffusion different band gaps to suit particular applications.
i) Donor (iv) Semiconductor Devices: These involve junctions
(iv) Acceptor ofp, i and n-type material. There are many types o
devices including diodes, transistors, FETs, LEDs, solar
cells, etc.
) Doping: Addition of impurity atoms to intrinsic
semiconductor crystal is called the doping and the PART-C
impurity used for doping is called dopant.
(i) Diffusion The process of doping a semiconductor
with impurities is known as diffusion. Q.11 Write short note on intrinsic and extrinsic
(ii) Donor: Arsenic, Antimony or Phosphorous or any pe semiconductor.
other pentavalent impurity used as dopant to produce
Blectrical Materials
ntrinsic or Pure Semiconductors : Semiconductors Properties of an Intrinsic Semiconductor
pure form arecalled intrinsic semiconductor. Forexample, neutral, the number of
incrystal formedby silicon atoms alone. The silicon atoms As the crystal is electrically
electrons is equal to number of holes.
arrange themselves by haring an electron between the forbidden gap.
neighboring atoms using covalent bond. (i) Fermi level lies at the middle ofthe
Cii) The vacant place created in the
valence band dueto
In intrinsic semiconductor like silicon, the value of valence band to
farbjdden energy gap 1s 1.l ev. This energy is available for ti.e jumping of electron from the
has a positive
miconductors placed at room temperature. Due to this conduction band is called 'hole', which
hermal energy some covalent bond within the crystal breaks charge.
and some electrons are pumped from valence band to impurities), the number
For intrinsic semiconductors (no
nduction band. Avacancy is created in the bond from which holes.
of electrons is equal to the number of
clectron is freed. This absence of electron is named as .(1)
showr in fig. 1(a). This leads to the creation of
hole as semiconductor
electron hole pair. Thus at room temperature, a pure Thus, the conductivity for an intrinsic
emiconductor will have both electrons and holes traveling in can be calculated as
random directions. This electrons and holes are called intrinsic + n,q4, ...(2)
carriers and such type of semiconductor is called an intrinsic
semiconductor. since n. nn is given
The conductivity for an intrinsic semiconductor
-ng(u, +H .(4)
where i stands for intrinsic carrier concentration.
Extrinsic Semiconductor : The impurity added
Si semiconductors are named as extrinsic semiconductors. The
extrinsic semiconductors are classified as P-gype and N-tvpe
semiconductors, based on the type of impurity atoms added
to the semiconductors.
N-Type (Extrinsic) Semiconductor: Pentavalent element
Free like Antimony (Sb) or Arsenic (As) is added to pure silicon
Electron crystal. These impurity atoms replace some of the silicon
(a) atoms here and there in the crystal. The added Arsenic (As)
atom shares it's four electrons with the neighboring atoms
Conduction Band and releases it's fifth electron to the crystal for conduction.
So these pentavalent elements are called donor impurities,
as they donate electrons without creating holes as shown in
Fermi fig. 2(a).
Level In silicon, an electron needs 1.1 eV to move from
valence band to conduction band. This energy becomes
available to the semiconductor even at room temperature.
Valence Band So, at room temperature, few covalent bonds within the
material are broken by the thermal energy from the
surrounding and some electrons from the valence band are
(b) pumped to conduction band. This process leaves some
Fig 1: Conduction in Intrinsic Semiconductor absence of electrons in the valence band. Electron hole
EM.38 B Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers
pairs are created. At the same time, the number of electrons P-Type Semiconductor: When trivalent element like
in the conduction band increase further by the addition
of| indium, aluminum, boron is doped with pure silicon, the added
pentavalent impurities without addition ofholes which already impurity atoms replace some ofthe silicon atoms in the crystal
exist within the crystal. So the number of electrons are donor d establish a covalent bond with the neighboring atoms
electrons plus thermal electrons at room temperature. This Indium has three electrons but it is covered by four silicon
thermal excitation produces very less pair of electrons and as shown in the fig. 3(a). So, one of the covalent bonds
holes, whereas the added impurity donates more electrons. is not completed by sharing of electrons between them and
The majority charge carrier electrons are of the order of so there is an absence of electron which creates a hole.
104, whereas the minority charged carrier holes are of the
order of 10" at 300 K. Indium needs one more electron to complete its
covalent band. So Indium is an acceptor of electrons. Now
Hence, the majority charge carriers are electrons in
this extrinsic semiconductor gains thermal energy from the
this material. The electron carries a negative charge, so it is
surroundings at room temperature. So some electrons absorb
named as N-type semiconductor and conduction is due to
this thermal energy and jump to the conduction band. This
large number of electrons. As the number of electrons in the
creates electron hole pair due to thermal excitation. So the
conduction band of N-type semiconductor is more than the
total number of holes in the valance band is due to donor
number of holes in the valance band, therefore the Fermi
atom plus thermally generated holes.
level lies nearer to the conduction band as shown in fig. 2(b).

Si Si

As Si In


Free Free
Electron (a) Electron

Conduction Band Conduction Band

Fermi Acceptor
Level Level

i Valence Band

Valence Band

(b) (b)
Fig. 2: Conduction in N-Type (Extrinsic) Semiconductor Fig. 3: Conduction in P-Type (Extrinsic) Semiconductor
Flectrical Materials
some general
The holes are in majority and electrons are in minority. The Fermi-Dirac distribution has
in a graph1c
ience conduction is aue to majority charge carriers whichproperties, which are best explained
Fermi function
holes. Here the holes are behaving like positive charge representation. Some of the properties of the
riers. So this material is named as P-type semiconductor. are
number of holes in the valence band is more than the

The probability of
energy state is occupiedd:
aimber ofelectrons in the conduction band, the Fermi level
nearer to the valence band, in P-type semiconductor as
lies ne
shown in fig.
3(b). AE) E-EpVkT
an electron.
IfAE)=1, the energy level is occupied with
.12 Explain Fermi-dirac distribution function.

Ans.Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function of Fermi


= ,
0, the energy level is vacant.
then there is a 50% change of finding the
electron in the energy level.
Function: The Fermi function fE,T) is a probability
Fermi function gives the probability
distribution function. The i) The probability of energy state is empty: 1-SE)
that a given available electron energy state will be occupied (ii) The Fermi function is simply a mathematical
ata given temperature. It determines the probability that an 0<fE)<1 function and has no units.
energystate (E) is filled with an electron when the material
Effect of temperature on fermi function
used is in under equilibrium conditions.
At OK, the electrons are filled upto a maximum energy
The mathematical form of Fermi-Dirac distribution comes
level called fermi energy level E All the energy level above
from Fermi-Dirac statistics and given by
the fermi energy level are empty.
E. T) exp E-EE+1 .(1) Case (i) : At T OK and E <E,
+ SE)=
Here fE,T) gives probability for occupation of (one)
state at E for the temperature T. This is the popular version
The probability of electrons to occupy the energy level
with the Fermi energy Ep as a parameter.
between fermi energy level is 100%.
The basic nature of this function states that at ordinary
temperatures, most of the levels up to the Fermi level Ep are Case (i) : At T OK and E>
filled, and relatively few electrons have energies above the
Fermi level. The Fermi level is of the order of electron volts
eg. for copper it is 7 eV), whereas the thermal energy kT is
IE)-1+ 11+0 =0
onlyabout 0.026 eV at 300K. Using this data in the Fermi
This means that at OK, electrons are completely
Tunction at ordinary temperatures, one find that its valueis
Ssentially one up to the Fermi level and rapidly approaches occupied below E, and above E, electrons are unoccupied.
zero above
it. Case (iii) : At T=0 K and E = E
The Fermi level (Ep) helps in determining carrier
distributions. To a first approximation, all the energy states
above the Fermi
SE) 20.5
level have a low probability of being filled
and all the energy states below the Fermi level
It contains a convenient definition ofthe Fermi energy
cahigh probability of being filled with electrons. For an
iectronic state with energy the same as Fermi energy Eps The energy where exactly half of the available levels are
probability ofthat state being filled is 1/2, or 50%. occupied is the Fermi energy.
EM.40 B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers)
represents a positive potential on the p side and a negative
Ep potential on the n side. That is when the anode (p-type side)
Boltzmann of the diode is connected to the positive terminal of a battery
Approximation and the cathode (n-type side) is connected to the negative
TT terminal of the battery, the diode is said to be in forward bias,
allowing current to pass, through it.

P-type Depletion Layer N-type

h h
E h n

2kT h
Fig.: Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function Versus Energy
b h
For (E-E)>>kT the Boltzmann approximation can
Fig. 1: Typical PN junction
be used and given as
In case of a reverse biased system, the n side has a
positive potential while the p side has a negative potential.
JE,T)=exp E
kT That is when the cathode (n-type side) is connected to the
positive terminal of the battery and the anode (p-type side)
In this case the probability that a given energy state is of the diode is connected to the negative terminal of the
occupied by more than one electron is negligible, and the battery. A diode doesn't flow current in reverse bias.
exclusion principle is not important because there are always
When reverse bias is applied across thejunction diode,
plenty of free states around the electrons behave like to
a reverse saturation current flows due to minority charge
classical particles.
carriers. Thus reverse saturation current depends upon the
Electrons with fermi energy move with fermi velocity temperature and band gap energy. Hence by measuring
and the some is related to the fermi temperature by the relation, reverse saturation current at different temperature and energy
band gap in a semiconductor can be determined.

KT As we know that the current across the junction under

an applied voltage V is given by equation (i)

Q.13 Explain energy band gap of semiconductors.

. )

Ans. Determination of Energy Band Gap of
e the charge on the electron,
Semiconductors: A diode is a two-terminal electronic
device made up ofsemiconducting material. In order to form V the bias voltage
aPNjunction diode a p-type semiconductorisjoined with an k Boltzmann constant,
n-type semiconductor as shown in Fig.l. The concentration
T the temperature of the junction and
of majority charge carriers (hole in p-type and electrons in n-
type) in junction diode depends upon the concentration of the reverse saturation current, which is given by
impurity atoms in semiconductor but the concentration of expression (ii)
minority charge carriers (electron in p-type and kole in
I =A (n,y, -P,Y,) (i)
n-type) depends upon energy band gap E, and temperature In equation (ii), n, is the concentration of minority
of semiconductor. APNjunction may be considered as having electrons and v, is their mean velocity in p-type semiconductor
forward bias or a reverse bias. The forward bias condition and p, is the concentration of minority holes, v, is their mean
Electrical Materials
in p-type
olocity in n-type semiconductor and A is the area of the
veloc type semiconductor and the hole concentration
junction. semiconductor are nearly equal to the impurity
Now if Ep Evp and Er, are the respective lowest energy and remain constant for low temperature
vel of conduction band, highest energy levels of valence
leve From equation (ix)
band and Fern
ermi level in p-type semiconductor and Een En

andEr are the respective notations in n-type semiconductor

n NNexP
KT (x)

N,exp .(iii)
and Pn
AE .. (xi)
nn KT

Substituting equation (x) and (xi) in equation (ii), we

N, exp pEp (iv have

similarly in n-type semiconductors A N.N,

n,-N,exp . (v)
exp (xii)
1A, KT

PaN, exp .. (vi)

A, =A,N,N, .. (xii)
where h3
when PNjunction diode is reversed biased with larger
voltage, the exponential term in equation ) approaches to
2(27tmkT3/2 zero, so that
and p . (viii)
h ... (xiv)

here m mass of an electron, m,= effective mass of

a hole and h= Plank constant. -log, =log-AN,Np
types of
To form a PN junction, the Fermi level of both
semiconductor (p-type and n-type) becomes equal at
junction. Thus A,
AE ..(ix) or log10lo810A (xvi)
Hence n.P D,Pn=N,N,exP KT
if q 1.6x 10 coulomb, k-1.38 x 102 J/K and
where AE FpEp AE, in V, then

en-En= Energy Band Gapacceptor

At the ambient temperature, when
donor and logo=logio A, -5.036(AE
levels are completely active, the electron concentration
EM42- B.Tech. (V Sem.) E.E. Solved Papers

0810cOnstant-5.036x A x10 xVii)

Ifa graph is plotted between logo L, and (10 /T), this Stirrer
Diode log L
comes out to be a straight line as shown in Fig. 2(b) whose
CCI- PN Junction
slope is Insulator
Material 10/T
slope 5.036 AE Band Gap Experiment
(xvii) (b)

Fig. 2
Slope of the line
AF Therefore by determining I, at varyingtemperatures,
the determination of the energy band gap for a given
AE0.198 x slope ofthe line (xix) semiconductor like silicon and germanium can be made. ne
experimental setup for determination of energy band gap in
semiconductors is shown in Fig. 2(a).

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