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PYP Early Years Report Card

Green Land Pré Vert International Schools,

Giza and Zayed


Student’s name: Nazly Mostafa Mahmoud Mostafa Hassan Borai

Class: PYP3 Blue (5-6)
Date of birth: 24/11/2018
Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024)
Campus: Zayed Nursery
Absenteeism: 6 / 72

Homeroom Ms. Dina Ellakkani Islamic Religion teacher Ms. Eman Abdel Moneim

Co - Islamic Religion
Co teacher Ms. Aya Mohamed Ms. Eman Darwish

Arabic Teacher Ms. Shahenda Mohamed Christian Religion Ms. Olfat Antar

Arabic Co - Teacher Ms. Nabila Hassan Visual Arts Ms. Riham Khattab

Language B Ms. Alaa Mohamed Music Ms. Gihan Emam

Physical Education Mr Walid Soliman

Laying the foundation

Experiences during the early years lay the foundation for all future learning. A rapid rate of development during the early
years occurs in the physical, emotional, social and cognitive domains.
Supporting children cognitively, socially, emotionally and physically requires that all members of the learning community
value these early years in their own right, as a time in which play is the primary driver for inquiry. Through play, young
children develop approaches to learning and connect with key domains of their development.
• Receptive and cognitive abilities (for example, listening, remembering, thinking, analysing, generating theories, the
control of attention and working memory)
• Representational abilities (for example, using symbolic systems—such as oral and written language, drawing and
mathematical symbols—to construct and represent meaning)
• Relational abilities (for example, the ability to play with peers, sharing and taking turns, and respecting others
Early learning and development
This report should be read considering that young children’s development proceeds in a complex, and often non-linear,
trajectory where individual children follow different pathways simultaneously. Teachers create learning environments and
experiences that are both adaptable and appropriate to young students, and they understand the important influence of their
sociocultural contexts. As a result, teachers adapt learning goals and intended learning experiences, accordingly, based on their
observations of young students’ learning and development (*).

(*) From: The Early Learner, © International Baccalaureate Organization 2022

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 1
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Transdiciplinary Theme
How we express ourselves
Unit N°3 An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture,
beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our
appreciation of the aesthetic.

Central idea Lines of inquiry Approaches to learning in focus

Celebrations and traditions are • Why people celebrate
expressions of shared beliefs and • Features of traditions and celebrations • Communication Skills
values. • Symbolic representations of • Social skills
celebrations and traditions
• What meaning people assign to
celebrations and traditions

Specified concepts Additional concepts Learner profile in focus

• Form • Beliefs • Principled
• Connection • Values • Open-minded
• Perspective • Belonging • Knowledgeable
• Culture • Communicator
Transdiciplinary Theme
Who we are
Unit N°4 An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social
and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and
cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human

Central idea Lines of inquiry Approaches to learning in focus

We explore the characteristics of • Features of our body organs
our body to understand it. • Function of our body organs • Research Skills
• How to take care of our body

Specified concepts Additional concepts Learner profile in focus

• Form • Systems (digestive, nervous, skeletal, • Inquirer
• Function respiratory) • Balanced
• Responsibility • Thinker
• Knowledgeable

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 2
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Approaches to learning in Early Years

ATL Sub skills

Critical thinking
• Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas, and forming decisions
Creative thinking
• Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives
Information transfer
• Using skills and knowledge in multiple contexts
Reflection and metacognition
• Using thinking skills to reflect on the process of learning

Information literacy
• Formulating and planning, data gathering and recording, synthesizing, and
interpreting, evaluating, and communicating
Media literacy
• Interacting with media to use and create ideas and information


Exchanging information
• Listening, interpreting, and speaking
Symbolic exploration and expression
• Using language to gather and communicate information


Interpersonal relationships, social and emotional intelligence

• Developing positive interpersonal relationships and collaboration



• Managing time and tasks effectively

States of mind
• Using strategies that manage state of mind


PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 3
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy

Term 1:
Teacher’s comment:
Nazly has good self-management skills since she consistently manages her time effectively.
She completes all learning activities independently. Nazly demonstrates persistence in tasks
and never gives up.
Semester 1:
Teacher’s comment:
Nazly demonstrates good thinking skills since she observes carefully and makes connections
using her prior knowledge. She consistently uses observations and relevant taught vocabulary
to find unique common characteristics to compare the growth pattern of different life cycles.
Semester 2:
Teacher’s comment:
Nazly has very good research skills; she is able to find information and present it verbally or
through writing. She asks many questions that lead the inquiry. She is good at communicating
what she learned and her own resources in different ways.

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 4
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Learner profile

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn
Inquirers independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning
throughout life.

We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of

disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex
problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways.
Communicators We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect
Principled for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their
We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and
Open minded traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow
from the experience.

We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to
make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and

Risk takers cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient
in the face of challenges and change.
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual,
Balanced physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our
interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.

We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand
our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

Learner profile
Term 1:
Teacher’s comment:
Nazly is a good communicator; she actively participated in all our class discussions. Nazly is
always eager to share her ideas and opinions. She is also committed; she exerts effort in class
and shows responsibility towards her own learning.
Semester 1:
Teacher’s comment:
Nazly is a risk taker child, who gains more self-confidence and shows an increased desire to
try new things. She is very enthusiastic; who always puts the effort into the learning process.
Semester 2:
Teacher’s comment:
Nazly is an enthusiastic child who is always excited to learn new material. She is eager to take
on new challenges during the classroom activities and doesn"t hesitate to ask for help
whenever she needs.

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 5
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Language A: English

Overall expectations Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2

Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
Oral language: listening and speaking
Learners show an understanding of the wide range of purposes of
spoken language: that it instructs, informs, entertains, reassures; P E E
that each listener's perception of what they hear is unique. They are
compiling rules about the use of different aspects of language.
Visual language: viewing and presenting
Learners show an understanding that visual text may represent
reality or fantasy. They recognise that visual text resources can
provide factual information and increase understanding. They use
visual text in a reflective way to enrich their storytelling or
presentations, and to organize and represent information.
Written language: reading
Learners show an understanding that text is used to convey
meaning in different ways and for different purposes - they are
developing an awareness of context. They use strategies, based on
what they know, to read for understanding. They recognise that the
structure and organization of text conveys meaning.
Written language: writing
Learners show an understanding that writing can be structured in
different ways to express different purposes. They use imagery in
their stories to enhance the meaning and to make it more enjoyable E E E
to write and read. They understand that writing can produce a
variety of responses from readers. They can tell a story and create
characters in their writing.

Nazly is a hard-working child, who is always trying her best. She exerts effort in recognizing letter sounds,
but she is still working on recognizing these sounds "ie, oi, ue, ou, qu, er, ir, ea, ur, au, i-e, al and oy". Nazly
is still working on recognizing these tricky words of set 1 "she, he, was, are and be". Nazly has shown
Comments progress in blending and reading simple words, but still sometimes has to be encouraged to blend the word
Term1 and not to guess it. She is able to segment and write easily CVC words, but she is still working on
segmenting and writing CCVC words. Nazly is able to write simple sentences, but still has to be encouraged
to write between the three lines and take into consideration the right letter formation and the spacing of
words within a sentence.
Nazly uses her language to explain her ideas, inquire and compare. She is still working on recognizing these
sounds "oi, ue, ou, ar, er, ir, ur, au, i-e, oy, al, igh, oy, u-e and ay". Nazly recognizes tricky words of set 1.
Comments She is still working on recognizing tricky words of set 2. Nazly recognizes all the alternative sounds of the
Semester 1 long vowels "a" and "e". She has shown progress in blending, reading and writing simple words, but still
sometimes has to be encouraged to take her time and do her best during blending and segmenting words.
Nazly is able to record her ideas using simple sentences, but still needs to write between the three lines.
Nazly is capable of expressing her feelings and addressing her needs in English. She is able to recognize all
the taught letters" sounds except "oi, ue, ou, er, ir, ea, aw, ow, ew, al and oy." Nazly understands sound-
symbol relationships and recognizes easily familiar words. She has demonstrated great progress in her
reading. Now, Nazly is able to read all the taught Red books and three books from the Yellow Jolly Phonics
Semester 2
Readers books. Nazly recognizes all the tricky words of set 1 and 2 except "here, your, they, there and
said". She is able to record her ideas using simple sentences, but still needs to write between the three

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 6
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
‫اللغة العربية‬

‫السداسي الثانى‬ ‫السداسي االول‬

‫الثالثي االول للدراسة‬ ‫التوقعات االجمالية‬
‫مستوى للدراسة‬ ‫مستوى للدراسة‬
‫مستوى النجاح‬
‫النجاح‬ ‫النجاح‬

‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬
‫اللغة الشفهية ‪ -‬االستماع والتحدث‬
‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪E‬‬ ‫‪E‬‬
‫سل وت ي‬‫علم وت ي‬
‫ِّ‬ ‫كبية من أهداف اللغة المحكية‪ :‬ي‬
‫وه أنها ت‬ ‫ييبدي المتعلمون فهمهم لمجموعة ر‬
‫معلومات وثقة؛ وأن فهم كل مستمع لما يسمعه هو فريد من نوعه‪ .‬ويجمع المتعلمون قواعد استخدام‬
‫األوجه المتنوعة للغة‪.‬‬

‫اللغة المرئية ‪ -‬المشاهدة والعرض‬
‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫النصية المرئية‬ ‫المرئ قد يمثل ّإما حقيقة وإما خياال‪ .‬ويدركون أن الموارد‬
‫ي‬ ‫يبدي المتعلمون فهما بأن النص‬
‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪E‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫ّ‬
‫المرئ بطريقة تأملية إلثراء روايتهم‬
‫ي‬ ‫قد توفر معلومات ‪ ،‬واقعية وتزيد الفهم‪ .‬وهم يستخدمون النص‬
‫الت يقدمونها ولتنظيم المعلومات وتمثيلها ‪.‬‬
‫للقصص أو العروض ي‬

‫اللغة المكتوبة – القراءة‬
‫المعت بطرق مختلفة وألهداف ّ‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫متنوعة – حيث‬ ‫النص يستخدم لنقل‬ ‫يبدي المتعلمون فهما بأن‬
‫‪E‬‬ ‫‪E‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫يزداد وعيهم بالسياق‪ .‬ويستخدم المتعلمون اسياتيجيات للقراءة من أجل الفهم ً‬
‫بناء عل ما‬
‫ى‬ ‫ً‬
‫المعت ‪.‬‬ ‫يعرفونه‪ .‬كما أنهم يدركون أيضا أن تركيبة النص وتنظيمه ينقالن‬
‫اللغة المكتوبة – الكتابة‬
‫ً‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫للتعبي عن أغراض مختلفة‪.‬‬
‫ر‬ ‫يبدي المتعلمون فهما بأنه يمكن صياغة الكتابة بطرق مختلفة‬
‫المعت وجعل القراءة والكتابة ممتعة ر‬
‫أكي‪ .‬كما‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ويستخدم المتعلمون التصوير ى يف قصصهم لدعم‬
‫‪E‬‬ ‫‪E‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫بي ّ‬ ‫أيضا أن الكتابة يمكن أن تتسبب ىف إحداث استجابات ّ‬
‫متنوعة ر ى‬ ‫ً‬
‫القراء‪ .‬ويمكنهم أن‬ ‫ي‬ ‫أنهم يعون‬
‫يرووا قصة وأن يختلقوا الشخصيات ى يف كتابتهم ‪.‬‬

‫نازلي طفلة مهتمة وتبذل الكثير من المجهود خالل العملية التعليمية‪ ،‬وهي تتطورفي التعرف على الكثير من الحروف األبجدية التي تم دراستها‬ ‫تعليقات‬
‫والكلمات التي تبدأ بكل حرف‪ ،‬كما أنها تستطيع تصنيف الكلمات بحركات التشكيل الثالثة‪.‬‬ ‫الثالثي االول للدراسة‬

‫نازلي طفلة متسائلة وتظهر اعتمادها على نفسها في اكتساب المهارات الالزمة لتطوير العملية التعليمية‪ ،‬وغالبًا تستخدم وتوظف المفردات اللغوية‬
‫الخاصة بالوحدة بشكل صحيح‪ ،‬كما تستطيع تمييز الحروف الغير متشابكة وقراءة الكثير من الكلمات المكونة من حرفين أو ثالثة من الحروف‬
‫السداسي االول للدراسة‬
‫‪.‬التي تم دراستها باإلضافة إلى كتابة الكثير منها بالشكل الصحيح واالتجاه الصحيح‬

‫اكتساب المهارات التفكيرية‪ ،‬وغالبًا تستخدم وتوظف المفردات اللغوية نازلي طفلة مفكرة وغالبًا تشارك في الفصل بفاعلية وتتطور بشكل دائم في‬
‫الخاصة بالوحدة بشكل صحيح‪ ،‬كما أنها تتمكن من قراءة وكتابة الكثير من المفردات اللغوية الجديدة المكونة من ثالث أو أربع حروف بشكل‬
‫السداسي الثانى للدراسة‬
‫‪.‬صحيح‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى أنها تستطيع تمييز أنواع المد الثالث خالل قراءة بعض الكلمات المختلفة‬

‫)‪PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫‪This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy‬‬
Language B: French

Term 1 Semester1 Semester 2

Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
Langage oral – écoute et expression orale
Les apprenants montrent qu’ils comprennent que les sons sont associés à des
objets, des événements et des idées, ou à des représentations symboliques de ces
éléments. Ils sont conscients que différents sons ou mots peuvent être associés à
un objet ou à un symbole selon la langue. Ils commencent à avoir conscience du
degré élevé de variabilité de la langue et de ses utilisations.
Langage visuel – observation et présentation
Les apprenants identifient, interprètent et répondent à diverses invites de textes
visuels et montrent qu’ils comprennent que les différents types de textes visuels P P
ont différents objectifs. Ils utilisent cette connaissance pour créer leurs propres
textes visuels dans des optiques spécifiques.
Langage écrit – lecture
Les apprenants montrent qu’ils comprennent que la langue peut être représentée
visuellement par des codes et des symboles. Ils étendent leur banque de données
de codes et de symboles imprimés et sont capables de les reconnaître dans de
nouveaux contextes. Ils comprennent que la lecture est un vecteur d’apprentissage
et que la combinaison de codes véhicule du sens.
Langage écrit – écriture
Les apprenants montrent qu’ils comprennent que l’écriture est un moyen
d’enregistrer, de se souvenir et de communiquer. Ils savent que l’écriture implique
l’utilisation de codes et de symboles pour transmettre une signification aux autres
; que l’écriture et la lecture utilisent les mêmes codes et symboles. Ils savent que
l’écriture peut décrire le monde réel ou imaginaire.


Nazly est une fille motivée et informée. Elle sait comment se présenter. Elle a une bonne connaissance des
Comments jours de la semaine, des lettres acquises en classe et de leurs vocabulaires associés. Elle commence à se
Semester 1 familiariser avec le comptage des nombres de 1 à 5 et la reconnaissance des formes, telles que le cercle,
l"ovale et le rectangle.
Nazly a réalisé de grands progrès dans la reconnaissance des lettres de l"alphabet. Elle est capable de les
identifier correctement dans divers contextes. Nazly maîtrise parfaitement le comptage jusqu"à 10. Elle
peut nommer avec précision les jours de la semaine et les mois de l"année dans l"ordre. Sa capacité à
Semester 2
retenir ces informations montre son engagement et son intérêt pour l"apprentissage des différents

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 8
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Overall expectations Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
Data Handling
Learners will understand how information can be expressed as
organized and structured data and that this can occur in a range of
ways. They will collect and represent data in different types of graphs,
interpreting the resulting information for the purpose of answering
questions. The learners will develop an understanding that some
events in daily life are more likely to happen than others and they will
identify and describe likelihood using appropriate vocabulary.
Learners will understand that standard units allow us to have a
common language to measure and describe objects and events, and
that while estimation is a strategy that can be applied for approximate
measurements, particular tools allow us to measure and describe
attributes of objects and events with more accuracy. Learners will
develop these understandings in relation to measurement involving
length, mass, capacity, money, temperature and time.
Shape and Space
Learners will continue to work with 2D and 3D shapes, developing the
understanding that shapes are classified and named according to their
properties. They will understand that examples of symmetry and
transformations can be found in their immediate environment.
Learners will interpret, create and use simple directions and specific
vocabulary to describe paths, regions, positions and boundaries of
their immediate environment.
Pattern and Function
Learners will understand that whole numbers exhibit patterns and
relationships that can be observed and described, and that the
patterns can be represented using numbers and other symbols. As a
result, learners will understand the inverse relationship between E E E
addition and subtraction, and the associative and commutative
properties of addition. They will be able to use their understanding of
pattern to represent and make sense of real-life situations and, where
appropriate, to solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Learners will develop their understanding of the base 10 place value
system and will model, read, write, estimate, compare and order
numbers to hundreds or beyond. They will have automatic recall of
addition and subtraction facts and be able to model addition and
subtraction of whole numbers using the appropriate mathematical
language to describe their mental and written strategies. Learners will
have an understanding of fractions as representations of whole-part
relationships and will be able to model fractions and use fraction
names in real-life situations.

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 9
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Nazly enjoys working on Math. She can easily recite and recognize the days of the week except "Thursday".
Nazly is still working on recognizing the months of the year. She is able to name all 2D shapes except the
Comments "rectangle". She is still working on describing 2D shapes "oval" and forming "crescent". Nazly can easily,
Term1 write and count on to 30 and backwards from number 10. She is still working on the right number formation
and reversing numbers "2, 5, 7 and 9’. Nazly is good at recognizing the units and tens manipulatives but is
still working on matching them to numerals.
Nazly has worked hard this term and has progressed a lot. She understands that one of the purposes of a
database is to answer questions and solve problems. Now, Nazly is able to recite and recognize the days of
the week. She is still working on recognizing the months of the year captions. She is very good at telling the
time. Nazly is still working on naming these 3D shapes (cylinder and cone). She understands the relationships
among and between 2D and 3D; She can easily form and describe 2D and 3D shapes (oval, crescent, cube,
Semester 1
cuboid, square- based pyramid, triangle-based pyramid, pentagonal pyramid, and hexagonal pyramid). Nazly
can count and write numbers in tens. She can write and count on to 50 and backward from number 20. With
guidance, Nazly can do addition to 20 using units and tens manipulative. She is still reversing numbers ‘2, 3,
4, 6, 7 and 9’.
Nazly enjoys working on Math. She is excellent at comparing the length of objects using non-standard units.
Nazly understands that there are relationships among and between 2D and 3D shapes and can easily create
most of the taught shapes by putting together and/or taking apart other shapes. Nazly is very good at
extending and creating patterns in numbers, counting and writing numbers in fives, tens from a certain
Semester 2
number and odd and even numbers. She can easily write and count on until 100 and backward from 20.
Nazly is very good at solving addition and taking away equations using the number line or the units and tens

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 10
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy

Overall expectations in science: 5-7 years

Students will develop their observational skills by using their senses to gather and record information,
and they will use their observations to identify simple patterns, make predictions and discuss their ideas.
They will explore the way objects and phenomena function, and will recognize basic cause and effect
relationships. Students will examine change over varying time periods and know that different variables
and conditions may affect change. They will be aware of different perspectives, and they will show care and respect for
themselves, other living things and the environment. Students will communicate their ideas or provide explanations using
their own scientific experience and vocabulary.
Science Strands: What do we want students to learn?
The study of the characteristics, systems and behaviors of humans and other animals, and of plants;
Living things
the interactions and relationships between and among them, and with their environment.
The study of planet Earth and its position in the universe, particularly its relationship with the sun;
Earth and space the natural phenomena and systems that shape the planet and the distinctive features that identify
it; the infinite and finite resources of the planet.
The study of the properties, behaviours and uses of materials, both natural and human-made; the
Materials and matter
origins of human-made materials and how they are manipulated to suit a purpose.
The study of energy, its origins, storage and transfer, and the work it can do; the study of forces; the
Forces and energy
application of scientific understanding through inventions and machines.

Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2

Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
The student will be able to:
recognize the different parts of the human body E

recognize the different organs within a system P

describe the human body (external and internal) E

develop theories on how the human body functions P

define the rules of hygiene, sleep and nutrition essential to maintaining the
human body in good health


Semester 1

Nazly has enjoyed learning about this unit. She has participated well in all our class activities, experiments
Comments and discussions. Nazly was able to name and state the function of these body organs ‘brain, skull, lungs,
Semester 2 heart and rib cage’. She was good at explaining the function of the skeletal system and our responsibility
towards it.

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 11
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Social science

Overall expectations in social studies: 5-7 years

Students will increase their understanding of their world, focusing on themselves, their friends and families and their
environment. They will appreciate the reasons why people belong to groups, the roles they fulfill and the different ways that
people interact within groups. They will recognize connections within and between systems by which people organize
themselves. They will broaden their sense of place and the reasons why particular places are important to people, as well as
how and why people’s activities influence, and are influenced by, the places in their environment. Students will start to develop
an understanding of their relationship with the environment. They will gain a greater sense of time, recognizing important
events in their own lives, and how time and change affect people. They will become increasingly aware of how advances in
technology affect individuals and the environment.
Social studies strands: What do we want students to know?
Human systems and The study of how and why people construct organizations and systems; the ways in which people
economic activities connect locally and globally; the distribution of power and authority.
Social organization and The study of people, communities, cultures and societies; the ways in which individuals, groups and
culture societies interact with each other.
The study of the relationships between people and events through time; the past, its influences on
Continuity and change
the present and its implications for the future; people who have shaped the future through their
through time
The study of the distinctive features that give a place its identity; how people adapt to and alter
Human and natural
their environment; how people experience and represent place; the impact of natural disasters on
people and the built environment.
The interaction between people and the environment; the study of how humans allocate and
Resources and the
manage resources; the positive and negative effects of this management; the impact of scientific
and technological developments on the environment.
Term 1 Semester1 Semester2
Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
The student will be able to:
explain why a particular celebration is important in his or her own
suggest reasons for various celebrations E
identify and compare traditions and celebrations E
use a variety of sources to gain information about celebrations E
from both a historical and a cultural perspective
use graphs and charts to organize and interpret information P


Semester 1

Nazly has shown good understanding of the central idea and the concepts tackled in this unit. She was able
to recognize different types of celebrations. Nazly used the taught vocabulary to state the similarities and
differences between traditions of New Years in different countries. She enjoyed participating in the
Semester 2
simulations and cooperated well with her group. They shared costumes, traditional foods, and took turns
to act out different traditions and legend stories.

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 12
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Personal, Social, Physical Education (PSPE)

Overall expectations in PSPE (Personal, Social and Physical Education)

Personal, social and physical education scope and sequence aims to provide information for the whole school community of the learning that is
going on in PSPE. It has been designed in recognition of the fact that learning is a developmental process and that the phases a learner passes
through are not always linear or age related. For this reason, the content is presented in continuums for each of the three strands of PSPE—
identity, active living, and interactions. For each of the strands there is a strand description and a set of overall expectations. The overall
expectations provide a summary of the conceptual understandings and subsequent learning being developed in each phase within a strand.
Learners understand that there are many factors that contribute to a person's identity and they have an
awareness of the qualities, abilities, character and characteristics that make up their own identity. They are able
to identify and understand their emotions in order to regulate their emotional responses and behavior. Learners
explore and apply different strategies that help them approach challenges and new situations with confidence.
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
identify their feelings and emotions and explain possible causes E
recognize that others have emotions, feelings and perspectives that may be
different from their own
describe similarities and differences between themselves and others through
the exploration of cultures, appearance, gender, ethnicity, and personal E
Active living Learners show an awareness of how daily practices, including exercise, can have an impact on well-being. They
understand that their bodies change as they grow. They explore the body’s capacity for movement, including
creative movement, through participating in a range of physical activities. Learners recognize the need for safe
participation when interacting in a range of physical contexts.
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
demonstrate an awareness of how being active contributes to good health E
Interactions Learners interact, play and engage with others, sharing ideas, cooperating and communicating feelings in
developmentally appropriate ways. They are aware that their behaviour affects others and identify when their
actions have had an impact. Learners interact with, and demonstrate care for, local environments.

Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2

Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
cooperate with others P
ask questions and express wonderings E

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 13
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Physical Education (PE)

Learning outcomes PE
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level

engage in a variety of different physical activities I I I

demonstrate an awareness of how being active contributes to good health I I I

demonstrate an awareness of basic hygiene in their daily routines I I I

identify some of the effects of different physical activity on the body I I I

explore and reflect on the changing capabilities of the human body I I I

develop a range of fine and gross motor skills I I I

explore creative movements in response to different stimuli I I I

recognize that acting upon instructions and being aware of others helps to
ensure safety

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 14
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The arts

Creating Learners show that, as artists, they can influence thinking and behaviour through the arts they create.
They think critically about their learning and recognize that their personal interests, beliefs and values can
inform their creative work. They show an understanding of the relationships between their work and that
of others.
Responding Learners show an understanding that issues, beliefs and values can be explored in arts. They demonstrate
an understanding that there are similarities and differences between different cultures, places and times.
They analyse their own work and identify areas to revise to improve its quality. They use strategies, based
on what they know, to interpret arts and understand the role of arts in our world.

Visual Arts

Responding Learning outcomes

Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
investigate the purposes of artwork from different times, places and a E I
range of cultures including their own
sharpen their powers of observation E E

identify the formal elements of an artwork E E

use appropriate terminology to discuss artwork P E

describe similarities and differences between artworks E I

identify the stages of their own and others’ creative processes P I

become an engaged and responsive audience for a variety of art forms P I

Creating Learning outcomes

Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
identify, plan and make specific choices of materials, tools and
processes P E

sharpen their powers of observation demonstrate control of tools, E E

materials and processes
make predictions, experiment, and anticipate possible outcomes P E

combine a variety of formal elements to communicate ideas, feelings

and/or experiences
identify the stages of their own and others’ creative processes I I

consider their audience when creating artwork E E

demonstrate control of tools, materials and processes P E

Arts: Music

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 15
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Learning outcomes
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
sing individually and inunison E I I
recognize music from a basic range of cultures and styles E
express their responses to music from different cultures and styles E I I
create a musical composition to match the mood of a visual image
(for example, paintings, photographs, film)

explore individually or collectively a musical response to a

narrated story

reflect on and communicate their reactions to music using musical


record and share the stages of the process of creating a

share performances with each other and give constructive
Learning outcomes
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
explore vocal sounds, rhythms, instruments, timbres to
communicate ideas and feelings

express one or more moods/feelings in a musical composition E

create music to represent different cultures and styles NA
create a soundscape based on personal experiences NA
collaboratively create a musical sequence using known musical
elements (for example, rhythm, melody, contrast)

read, write and perform simple musical patterns and phrases E I I

create music for different purposes NA

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 16
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‫‪Islamic Religion‬‬

‫‪Learning outcomes‬‬
‫‪Term 1‬‬ ‫‪Semester 1‬‬ ‫‪Semester 2‬‬
‫‪Achievement level‬‬ ‫‪Achievement level‬‬ ‫‪Achievement level‬‬
‫حفظ القرآن ‪Memorization of the Quran /‬‬ ‫‪M‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬
‫تجويد القرآن ‪Recitation of the Quran /‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬
‫دين ‪Religion /‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫‪P‬‬

‫تحتاج نازلي إلي أن تكون أكثر تفاعال ومشاركة فيي الفصل وتحتج إلي االستماع أكثر إلي اآليات فيي المنزل ليسهل عليها الحفظ‪.‬‬ ‫الثالثي االول للدراسة‬

‫نازلي طالبة متفاعلة‪ ،‬تشارك في النقاشات واألنشطة‪ .‬تستطيع تالوة اآليات تالوة جيدة‪ .‬أنصح باالستماع للمصحف المعلم للشيخ المنشاوي‪.‬‬
‫السداسي األول للدراسة‬

‫نازلي طالبة متفاعلة في الفصل‪ ،‬مستواها في حفظ وتالوة اآليات تحسن عن بداية العام‪ ،‬ولكن تحتاج إلي االستمرار في حفظ وتالوة اآليات‬
‫السداسي الثانى للدراسة‬
‫في فترة األجازة حتي تتقن التالوة‪.‬‬

‫‪Christian Religion‬‬

‫‪Learning outcomes‬‬
‫‪Term 1‬‬ ‫‪Semester 1‬‬ ‫‪Semester 2‬‬
‫‪Achievement level‬‬ ‫‪Achievement‬‬ ‫‪Achievement‬‬
‫‪level‬‬ ‫‪level‬‬
‫تطبيق المفاهيم الدينية ىف الحياة األجتماعية‬

‫الثالثي االول للدراسة‬

‫السداسي األول للدراسة‬

‫السداسي الثانى للدراسة‬

‫)‪PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024‬‬ ‫‪17‬‬
‫‪This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy‬‬
Student’s progress rubric
Term 1 Excellent progress Very good progress Good progress Need more time

Student’s progress 
Semester 1 Excellent progress Very good progress Good progress Need more time

Student’s progress 
Semester 2 Excellent progress Very good progress Good progress Need more time

Student’s progress 

The student is promoted to: PYP4

Head of Primary Françoise Mokhtar Bencteux

Date June 2024

Key used in the PYP Report card to report in all subjects


I The student shows independence and advanced level of understanding.

E Learning is evident and student demonstrates consistency and progress.

P Learning is developing and student is making progress.

M More time and experiences are needed for learning to develop.

NA Non-Applicable.

This report is to be read with the PYP Assessment pol

PYP Early Years Evaluation Report, PYP3 Blue, Semester 2 (February 2024 to June 2024) 18
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy

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