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New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World –
Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper

New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World –
Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper
New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World –
Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper
New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World –
Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper
New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World –
Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper New Science World – Victory Must – Model Paper

wOHmk fmdÿ iy;sl m; ^Wiia fm<& úNd.h" 2024
General Certificate of Education (Adv.Level) Examination, 2024

ngsjpftpay; I
01 T II
Physics I R.Kugen
SERIAL - 15 R.kugen
01. You are asked to determine the density of coconut oil using the density known liquid by using shown
Hare’s apparatus system having limbs of height 1m approximately.

(a) If water and mercury are given as known liquids, what will you choose?


(b) What is the reason for selecting the above liquid in que (a)?



(c) State that heights of liquid columns in the figure are suitable for which liquids

h1 :- ……………………………………………………….…………………………

h2 :- …………………………………………………………………………………

(d) Meter scale is used to measure the heights of liquid columns. What can be the minimum values for
these heights in order to maintain the error in this height measurement less than the 1%?



(e) Density of coconut oil and density of other liquid used are p and σ respectively. Write the relationship
between h1,h2,σ and p.


(f) h2 values respective to different h1 values are measured by doing experiments again and again and
density of coconut oil p has to be find using graphical method.
i. Write the experimental procedures carried out by the student.




ii. Rearrange the relationship obtained in que (e) suitable for the graph.




Page 2
iii. Draw the obtained graph.

iv. If the gradient of the graph is 0.8, find the density of the coconut oil p?


02. An experimental setup used to find out the resonating length at fundamental mode with the tension in the
string is shown in the nearby figure. Shown sonometer has two thin stretched metallic wires W1,W2. One
end of W1 is attached with a nail A at the same time a mass M is hanged in the other end. Pulley P is
smooth. W2 is attached with the two nails R and S and maintained under the tension.

(a) When W2 is made to vibrate in a fundamental frequency , Draw the wave pattern of wire made in
between X and Y.

(b) Give the experimental procedures you made to obtain this wave pattern.


Page 3

(c) What is the experimental procedure have to do to resonate string W1 in fundamental mode with
the string W2 which is vibrated in fundamental frequency.




(d) If the resonating length of the string W1 is l0, Write the relationship between the wave length of
transverse wave λ0 and l0.

(e) In the above stated resonance state mass per unit length of W1 is m, Write the expression for the
fundamental frequency f0 of wire W2 in terms of M,m,l0.


(f) By changing the mass M hanged in string W1 for the fundamental frequency f0 of the string W2,
a student decided to draw a straight-line graph by measuring the lengths of resonating string W1
with the string W2. Arrange your expression suitable for the straight-line graph which is expected
by the student.


(g) Write the straight-line graph expected by the student by plotting the axes correctly.

Page 4
(i) Student selected the weights 200g, 400g , 600g, 800g, 1000g for the above experiment which can
be beared by the strings. But student is unable to obtain the resonance for the one of these masses.
What will be that mass?


(ii) What is the change you have to made in this experimental setup to obtain resonance for this mass?



(iii) After this change if the student does this above experiment again, Draw the graph expected by
the student by comparing the graph with the above graph and name it as X.

Page 5

03. Write down the ideal gas equation by clearly denoting all the symbols.
(a) Two identical glass bulbs A and B each having volume of 100cm3 and filled
with dry air are connected by a glass tube having cross-sectional area of 1cm2 40cm
and length of 100cm and the whole system is at room temperature. This
system is kept vertical so that bulb B is below and bulb A is above. At this
state, a 20cm length of mercury column is found to be in the center of the
tube. When this system is tilted to horizontal mercury column moved 20cm
from its initial position.
i. What is the ratio between the gas moles in bulb A and B?
ii. Calculate the pressure inside the tubes (in cm Hg), when the system is kept horizontal.
iii. When the system is kept horizontal, additional 5 moles of gas is inserted into bulb A without changing
the temperature. Now the mercury column is found to be in the center. Calculate the moles of gas in
the bulb A initially.

(b) A cylinder of volume 0.02m3 comprises a gas under a pressure of 2×106 Nm-2. This cylinder is used to
blow small, inelastic balloons made by thin plastic. These balloons are capable of shrinking completely
and each of them has a maximum volume of 5×10-3 m-3. Assume that, A such balloon is filled with gas
until it reaches its maximum volume under atmospheric pressure of 1×105 Nm-2. Calculate the number
of balloons that can be blown using this cylinder?

04. A person’s eye socket has a depth of 25mm. He has a visual range from 25cm to infinity. Answer the
following questions regarding to him.
(a) Sketch a ray diagram to indicate the position of image formed by the eye lens for a point object placed
20cm from the eye. Why this object appears blurry to this person?
(b) Cornea has a fixed focal length of 3cm. Find the range from and to which the focal length of eye lens
(c) Due to a defect in eye, the depth of eye socket is permanently reduced to 2mm. However, the other
aspects of eye remain unchanged. In order to read a book at 25cm, He is planning to change the focal
length of his cornea by laser therapy. Calculate the value to which the focal length of cornea has to
be changed?
(d) Assume a situation in which the above person is seeing two points. If the distance between the images
formed for these points in the retina is less than 8μm, He is incapable of distinguishing those two
points as separate points.
i. Find the minimum angle (in rad) which those two-point objects should make on the eye, to
distinguish them as separate objects?

Page 6
ii. When this person is viewing two-point objects which are at a mm distance from his eye and at an
inter-distance of d, two-point images with an inter-distance of d0 are obtained in his retina. Write
down an expression for d0 in terms of a and d?
iii. Assume this person is travelling at a night time and a vehicle is coming towards him far away with
its headlights on. At a particular moment, both headlights appear to be separate lights. What is the
distance to the vehicle from this person at this moment? (Separation between the headlights is 1m)
iv. This person needs to distinguish two points located at 40μm distance. What is the focal length of
the lens he should wear? (Assume that he is wearing lens near to the eye)

(a) Contrast the progressive and stationary waves formed in a string based on the following features.
(1) The energy transmitted through the string
(2) Frequency of the points in this string
(3) Amplitude of the points in this string
(b) One end of a tube is closed. The other end is closed by a vibrating sheet. When the frequency of vibrating
sheet is adjusted to 3000Hz, stationary wave formed inside the tube. The distance between adjacent
nodes was found to be 5cm in this case. When the frequency is reduced gradually, the wave form
disappears. However, when the frequency is adjusted to 2500Hz, once again stationary wave formed.
i. What is the speed of sound in air?
ii. What is the distance between adjacent nodes when the sheet is vibrating in 2500Hz frequency.
iii. What is the length of the tube?
iv. For which lower frequency, the next time stationary will form?
(c) In the open end of a cylindrical vessel having length L and diameter L/10, a string is stretched and fixed
along the diameter. When transverse waves are generated in the string, the air in cylindrical vessel
resonated in its fundamental with the second overtone of the string. If the linear density of string is
2.0x10-3kgm-1, calculate the tension of the string.
 of air = 1.40
R= 8.3Jmol-1K-1

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