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20-11-2023 011 Faas 13A1+01113A2 (This paper consists of 2 pages) First M.B.B.S. (New Scheme) (Main) Examination November - 2023 Biochemistry Paper-1 Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Attempt all questions in both sections (Use separate answer book for each section)“ Section-A 1. Fillin the blanks: 3) Monosaccharide which causes sequestering of phosphate in the cell 4) Phenylpyruvic acid in urine is detected by Lene chloride Net ©) Ferrochelatase is deficient ines condition, Probe gor Vain 4) Lysine is a limiting amino aci ______ food. €) Vitamin E acts synergistically with, ion. 2. Choose the correct option in the following multiple choice questions: 5x1=05 §) Phospholipid deficient in newborn suffering from respiratory distress syndrome. @) Phosphatidylethanolamine «b) Phsphatidylcholine ©) Phosphatidyiserine ) Cardiolipin ii) Folate reductase in inhibited by drug. a) Erythromycin b) Chloramphenicot _-Siiiéthotrexate 4d) 5 - Fluorouracil Effect of thromboxane is. \ Pr Ticrease in platelet aggregation _b) Relaxation of smooth muscle ¢) Decrease in blood pressure 4) Produces vasodilation iv) Following congenital disease is associated with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. a) rigler — Najjar syndrome b) Gilbert's disease ©) Dubin —Johnson’s syndrome 4) Congenital spherocytosis v) All of the following amino acids contribute to purine synthesis EXCEPT. a) Glycine b) Cysteine Glutamine _ @) Aspartate 3. Clinical Case study: A six months old infant began to vomit occasionally and ceased to gain weight. At 9 months of age, he was admitted to the hospital, he was drowsy, with fever, hepatomegaly and failure to feed. Urine analysis revealed high amount of glutamine and uracil. Blood investigations sh high amount of glutamine and uracl owed absence of urea. EEG was grossly abnormal. 03 2) What is the most probable diagnosis? 119 #4 Ammon emia. % gel 4) Why are glutamine & uracil elevated? 4 ©) Whats the cause of brain involvement in this patient? o4 4) What can be the treatment modality? 4 4. Differentiate between (Any five): 5x2=10 a) Proteoglycans & Glycoproteins b) G-6-PD & G-6-Phosphatase ¢) Pre hepatic and post hepatic Jaundice 4) Haemoglobin & Myoglobin €) Carnitine & Creatine 4) Uncompetitive & Non-competitive inhibition 5. Explain briefly (Any three): Shere a) Dehydration b) Lipotropic factors ¢) Isoenzymes ©) Orotic aciduria Section-B S: Describe the role of respiratory and renal regulation of pH. Add note on pH derangement due to diabetes. 20 7. Explain Why (Any five): 5x2=10 a) Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to folate trap. ») Patients of pancreatic insufficiency are advised to take medium and small chain fatty acids. ©) Glucose uptake in intestine & kidney is called secondary active transport. 9) Uronic acid pathway is important for detoxification of drugs. €) Carnitine deficiency leads to hypoglycaemia. ) Arginine becomes semi — essential. 8. Explain briefly (Any four): 4x5=20 a) Biologically active nucleotides & peptides b) Uncouplers ©) Methionine metabolism 4) Niemann - Pick disease ) Mercury poisoning 22-11-2023 01113A3+01113A4 |-MBBS _ (This paper consists of 2 pages) First M.B.B.S. (New Scheme) (Main) Examination November - 2023, Biochemistry Paper- Il Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Attempt ll questions in both sections (Use separate answer book for each section) Section-A 1. Fillin the blanks: 6x1=06 a) The enzyme _isa ribozyme which catalyzes peptide bond formation, ») The mutated genes capable of causing cancer are called Ove. sen ) ELAS isan antibody-based laboratory techs in a blood or tissue sample. ue used to detect a specific protein 4) Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer occurs due to defective repair. e) The enzyme. catalyzes the glucuronidation of bilirubin. 4) Bacterial artificial chromosomes can carry genomic DNA insert up to___kbin size. 2. Choose the correct option in the following multiple choice questions: 4x1=04 i) Sickle-cell is an example of: a) Silent mutation b) Missense mutation ©) Nonsense mutation 4d) None of the above ii) Which of the following is accessed by the Creatinine clearance test? a) Renal concentration capacity b) Renal dilution capacity _5¥-Glomerular function 4) Tubular function iii) Which of the following antibody is found in tears? a) IgG b) IgA ¢) IgM d) IgE iv) The essential amino acid limiting in rice i a) Methionine b) Tryptophan <) Lysine 4d) Histidine 3. Clinical case study: 5x3=15 A 26-year-old female is two months post-partum with her first pregnancy. Infant was carried to term without complications. She complained of extreme fatigue, weight gain, constipation, cold intolerance and feelings of inadequacy as a mother. The clinician noted that the deep tendon reflex time was delayed. Blood sample was collected. Laboratory result were as follows: Glucose: 92.0 mg/dL, Cholesterol: 192.0 mg/dl, Triglycerides: 190.0 mg/dl, TSH: 10.0 ulU/mt, FT3: 1.8 pg/ml, FT4: 0.54 ng/dL, TPOAD: 5.5 IU/mL (ref range < 9.0 IU/ml), TgAb: 2.5 IU/ml (ref range < 4.0 1U/ml). a) What is the most probable diagnosis? Hyperthyroidism: b) What is the rationale behind the above diagnosis? ©) Which additional signs and symptoms should be taken into consideration? d) What are the most likely causes of this disease? €) Write down the normal biological reference range of Free T3, Free Ta and TSH is the serum of healthy adults? 4, Write short notes on (Any five): 5 x2=10 a) DNA polymerases in eukaryotes and their functions b) Antioxidant enzymes ¢) Restriction endonucleases d) Difference between glycemic index and glycemic load e) Applications of Southern blotting technique f) Okazaki segments . 5, Explain briefly (Any three): 3x5=25 a) Gene library b) Immune response ©) Mutation d) Lac Operon Section-B 6. Explain the process of transcription in detail. Describe the post transcriptional modifications. Write a note on the inhibitors of transcription. 20 5x2=10 7. Explain why (Any five): a) Puromycin inhibits protein synthesis. b) A combination of pulses and cereals become equivalent to first class protein. ¢) Serum Malondialdehyde acts as a marker of oxidative stress. d) p53 functions as a tumour suppressor gene. e) Malignant cells develop drug resistance to long term administration of methotrexate. f) Urobilinogen in absent from urine in obstructive jaundice. 8. Explain briefly (Any four): 4x5=20 a) Balanced diet b) Hybridoma technology -c) Tumor markers d) ELISA e) Restriction fragment length polymorphism 10-11-2023 01112A1+01112A2 L-MBBS (This paper consists of 2 pages) First M.B.B.S. (New Scheme) (Main) Examination November- 2023 PHYSIOLOGY Paper-I ‘Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Attempt all questions in both sections (Use separate answer book for each section) Section-A 1. Fillin the blanks: a) The coupling ratio for sodium potassium pump is b) Initiation of action potential occur at, of neuron. ¢) Melatonin is secreted by 4) Cells responsible for nourishment of sperm. e) ECG rhythm having lowest frequency is. 5 4) Inanisotonic contraction of muscle_ton remain same. 2, Choose the correct opticn in the following multiple choice questions: i) Strongest stimulations for ADH secretion is: a) Hyperosmotarity b) Hyponatremia ©) Hypotension 4d) Hypovolemia ii) Conscious proprioception is carried by: a) Dorsal column b) Anterior spinothalamic tract ¢) Lateral spinothalamic tract d) Vestibular tract iil) Binasal Hemianopia occurs when the lesion is present in: a) Right optic nerve b) Optic Chiasma ¢) Temporal retina 4) Left geniculocalcarine tract iv) Which body muscle can resist fatigue? a) Skeletal muscle b) Cardiac muscle €) Smooth muscle d) Botha&b 6x1=06 4x1=04 3. A35 year old female is taking oral pills to avoid conception. She missed doses of pills for two Successive days. 3x5=15 Cte ble ree rena eeeap ese mete method St cabatey Meddaneal ona ese rs i Caren Sree — Cosme Lipper Lewes Nontar Sracet Baga Sea 7 garttsn. - a) What precautions should she take in this situation to avoid eonteption? “Post -covial gills + T2 hye b) What are the various contraceptive methods in female? ¢) Explain mechanism of action of oral contraceptive pills. 4, Write short notes an (Any five): 5x2=10 a) Excitation contraction’ coupling b) Diabetes insipidus ¢) Gate control theory of pain d)REMSleep ©) Organic of corti f) Law of projection 5. Explain briefly (Any three): 7 3x5=15 a) Muscle spindle 1b) Circadian rhythm ©) Motor aphasia d) Conditioned reflex 6. Name parts of Basal ganglia. Describe causes, features and treatment of Parkinsonism. 20 7. What will happen and why? (Any five}: 5x2=10 a) An individuals who steep with their arm under their head for long pertod. b) To pain sensation after local rubbing. ¢) To ovulation during breast feeding. d) Toa person's vision when he enters into a cinema hall. e) To colour of skin in primary adrenal insufficiency. ) To eye muscle in myasthenia gravis. 8. Explain briefly (Any four): a) Secondary active transport b) Menstrual Cycle ¢) Adrenogenital syndrome 4) Visual pathway e) Goitre 4x5=20 17-11-2023 01112A3+01112A4 |-MBBS (This paper consists of 2 pages) First M.B.B.S. (New Scheme) (Main) Examination November - 2023 PHYSIOLOGY Paper- Il Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Attempt all questions in both sections (Use separate answer book for each section) Section-A in the blanks: 6x1=06 a) Clotting factor Vill is called. 7 ') Cardiac output per minute per square meter of body surface area is called as ¢) “Force of myocardial contraction is proportional to the ial length of cardiac muscle fibre” is known as law. d) HCLis secreted by Powiekah cal cells of gastric mucosa. €) Shape of O2 Hemoglobin dissociation curve is S~ S>*¢eh-_. f) B lymphocyte cells provide immunity. 2. Choose the correct option in the following multiple choice questions: 4x1=04 ’) Renin is produced by: a) Macula densa \_bHaxtaglomerular cells ¢) Mesangial cell 4) All of the above Cyanosis is not a feature of which of the following Hypoxia: a) Hypoxic b) Histotoxic ©) Stagnant 4d) None of the above Windkessel effect in blood vessels is seen i a) Large vein b) Small vein ©) Capillaries (Aorta and large arteries iv) Positive chronotropic effect is a) Increase in heart rate b) Decrease in heart rate ) Increase force of contraction of heart ——_d) Decrease force of contraction of heart A.40 years old, obese female with past history of gall bladder stones comes to outpatient department. Her presenting complaints are pain in right side of abdomen, yellowing of sclera, Passage of clay coloured stool and intolerance to fatty foods. On investigation- Total serum bilirubin is 12 mg/dl. Based on the above case scenario, answer the following questions. a) What is the most probable diagnosis? © ost wc 2 Jou b) Explain the pathophysiology of the disease diagnosed. as c) What other laboratory findings you are expecting in this case? 4, Write short notes on (Any five): a) Composition of pancreatic juice ee b) Respiratory membrane ) Einthoven's law 4d) Erythroblastosis foetalis e) Immunoglobulins f) Renal threshold for glucose 5. Explain briefly (Any three): 3x5=15 a) Renal clearance b) Mechanism of secretion of HCLin stomach ¢) Effect of exercise on blood pressure + d) Peristalsis Section-B control blood 6. Define blood pressure. Describe its components. Enumerate factors wl pressure. Add a note on regulation of blood pressure. 20 7. Explain Why (Any five): 5x2=10 ~ a) Inulin clearance is used for estimation of glomerular filtration rate. b) Augmented limb leads of electrocardiogram show increased size of potential as compared to nonaugmented limb leads. ¢) Cardiac muscle cannot be tetanised. 4d) Glomerular filtrate does not contain protein molecules. _ e) Heparin is used as anticoagulant. - f) Deficiency of surfactant produce: 8. Explain briefly (Any four): a) ABO blood group system b) Functions of bile ¢) Renal function tests d) Respiratory acidosis e) Function of plasma protein ant respiratory distress syndrome. 4x5=20 08-11-2023 01111A3+01111A4 |-MBBS This paper consists of 2 Pages: (New Scheme) (Main) Examination November- (2023 HUMAN ANATOMY Paper- Ii Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Attempt all Questions in both sections (Use separate answer book for each section) First M.B, Section-a 1. Fillin the blanks: a @) Lymphatics from the testis drains into ') Ugaments of Cooper is an extension of the . ¢) Meckel's diverticulum is the persistant proximal Part of the. duct. 4) Retrocaecal appendix Position. ©) Lymphatics of kidney drain into_\V : 4) The fibres arise from Tao segments carries________sensations. 2. Answer the following MCQs (multiple choice questions): axi=04 ') All the veins are tributaries of the inf vena cava except: a) Right suprarenal b) Left suprarenal ©) Right renal Pieft renal ii) The length of each ureter is about: a) 15em bee ©) 25cm 4) 30cm ili) All are the retroperitoneal organs except: a) Kidneys b) Suprarenal gland ©) Spleen L4YBescending colon iv) All of the following arteries supplying the stomach except: a} Left gastric art. q_bhett epiploic art. d) Right gastric art. ) Short gastric art. 3. An educated mother brought her 6 month old son to the hospital and complained that the right Scrotum of her son was empty. On physical examination the doctors found the Presence of testis only in the left haif of the scrotum and a small swelling about 1.5 cm in the inguinal region on the right side. A clinical diagnosis of “cryptorchidism” was made. 3x5=15 a) What is cryptorchidism? b) What is ectopic testis? ¢) Enumerate the factors responsible for descent of testis. 4, Write short notes on (Any five): 5x2=10 a) Effects of portal hypertension b) Pudendal nerve block ¢) Clinical significance of hepatorenal pouch d) Varicose veins ¢) Describe the normal position & axes of the uterus. f) The important sites of Portocaval anastomoses. 5, Explain briefly (Any three): a) Supports of the uterus b) Popliteal fossa ¢) Recesses of the pleura ) Renal fascia 6. Describe kidney under following headings: 4x5=20 a) Gross anatomy b) Relations ¢) Blood supply & lymphatic drainage 7. Write short notes on (Any five): a) Stability of the sacroiliac region by) Levator Ani ¢) Floating kidney 4d) Coarctation of aorta ) Cushing syndrome {) Alcock’s canal or pudendal canal 8. Explain briefly (Any four a) Medial longitudinal arch of foot b) Trendelenburg sign ¢) Anal sphincter ) Ischiorectal fossa 4x5=20 €) Intercostal arteries 06-11-2023 14 |-MBBS 11A1+1111A2 ___(This question paper consists of 2 pages) First M.B.B.S. (New Scheme) (Main) Examination November - 2023 Human Anatomy Paper-t Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Attempt all questions in both sections 04444 (Use separate answer book for each section) Section-A 1. Fill in the blanks: 6x1=06 a) the only intrinsic laryngeal muscle that is supplied by external laryngeal nerve. b) Motor speech area corresponds to in the dominant hemisphere. ©) Fertilization takes place in S**\¢p\ an twee. d) Ligament of Cooper are modifications of. the number of chromosomes of the daughter cells is reduced to half e) In of mother cells. ) permit the movement of supination & pronation. 2. Answer the following MCQ: 4x1=04 i) Plane at right angle to the long axis of body is called: a) Sagittal b) Coronal c) Transverse d) Oblique Coracoid process of scapula is example of: a) Atavistic b) Pressure ¢) Traction d) Aberrant ) Tympanic membrane develops from following cleft membrane: a) First b) Second ¢) Third d) Fourth iv) Which laryngeal cartilage forms a complete ri a) Epiglottis b) Thyroi ©) Arytenoid arCricold eye accompanied by high 3, A patient presented with a red, swollen and painful right Because the movement of right eye was yye was fixed and dilated. painful, the doctor could not test the CT scan showed thrombosis in temperature. 3x5=15 muscles of that eye. Pupil in the right e the cavernous sinus. a) Draw a diagram to show the nerves in relation to the cavernous sinus, b) Dilated and fixed pupil is suggestive of involvement of which cra ¢) Name the dural venous sinuses which are the tributaries of the caver 4. Write short notes on (Any five a) Dangerous area of face b) Erb’s point ¢) Microanatomy of spinal cord d) Muscles involved in supination and elbow flexion e) Branches of radial artery f) Parts of temporal bone 5, Explain briefly: a) Movement of vocal cords t b) First Carpometacarpal j ¢) Inferior cerebellar peduncle Section-B 6. Describe shoulder joint under the following headings: a) Gross anatomy b) Relations c) Movements 4) Clinical anatomy 7. Write short notes on (Any five): a) Hyaline cartilage ») Ciliary ganglion ¢) Clavipectoral fascia 4) Deltoid muscle e) Internal capsule blood supply A Gircle of willis” 8. Explain briefly (Any four): a) Capacitation b) Tympanic membrane ¢) Lateral corticospinal tract 4) Facial artery- origin, course and distribution €) Extensor expansion of the middle finger mous sinus, 5x2=10 3x5=15 4x5=20 5x2=10 4x5=20

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