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1 Effect of Different Types of Organic Manures and Mulching Materials on Growth,

2 Yield and Quality of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) in Diguna Fango District, South
3 Ethiopia

4 Author names: Amanuel Kuma1 and Fekadu Talto2

5 Email: and
7 Affilation: Wolaita Sodo University, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture
8 and Natural Resource Management, P.O. Box 138, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia
9 27/06/2024

10 Abstract
11 Carrot is a root vegetable crop belongs to Umbelliferea family. The management of
12 agronomic practices is an important factor that strongly affects the growth, yield and
13 quality of carrots. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different
14 types of organic manure and mulching materials on the growth, yield and quality of carrot
15 in Diguna Fango District, southern Ethiopia. The study consisted of four organic manures
16 (control, 20 t PM ha-1, 20 t FYM ha-1 and 20 t mixed manure (10 t PM + 10 t FYM) ha-1)
17 and three types of mulching (no mulching, sawdust mulching and grass mulching) laid in
18 the RCBD, with four replications in a factorial arrangement. Analysis was performed
19 using the SAS software package. Root diameter, fresh weight, dry weight, yield and total
20 yield were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected by the interaction effect of organic manure and
21 mulching materials. Among the different combinations, 20 t of mixed manure (10 t PM +
22 10 t FYM) with grass mulch ha-1 surpassed all the other combinations in terms of
23 maximum root length (22.45 cm), root diameter (6.60 cm), fresh weight (179.25 g), dry
24 weight (26.16 g), marketable root yield (27.90 t ha-1) and total root yield (33.92 t ha-1)
25 during the experimental year. Similarly, PM with grass mulching also produced better
26 results pertaining to carrot growth and yield. Based on these results, the greatest net
27 benefit (360,520 Birr ha-1) with an MRR of 3803% was obtained from the treatment
28 combination of 20 t FYM with grass mulching. Therefore, the use of 20 t FYM with grass
29 mulching could be recommended for carrot production in the study area. Since this study
30 is limited by one season and at one location, the results should be repeated across seasons
31 and locations.

32 Keywords: Benefit, Cracking, Forking, Growth, manure, mixed, mulch Quality, Sawdust,
33 Yield, Umbelliferea.


35 1. Introduction

36 Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is one of the most widely consumed, economically important,
37 nutritious and delicious root vegetables and belongs to the Umbelliferea family [32].
38 Domestic carrots originate from wild plants growing in Afghanistan [33]. It has been
39 reported that carrots with purple roots were domesticated in Afghanistan and spread to the
40 Eastern Mediterranean area under Arab influence in the 10th to 12th centuries and to
41 Western Europe in the 14th century [13]. Carrots were first introduced to China by the 13th
42 century, and their cultivation spread from the Middle East to Italy, Spain and throughout
43 Europe in the fourteenth century [28]. The exact timing of the introduction of carrots to
44 Ethiopia is unknown, and the crop has been known since the early 1960s in the research
45 system [30].
46 Worldwide, production has approached 44,762,859 tons of carrot and turnips on 1,137,738
47 hectares on a yearly basis, with an average yield of 37 t ha -1 [19]. The development of
48 cultivars adapted for cultivation in both the summer and winter seasons on all continents
49 has allowed for the year-round availability of carrot products with relatively stable prices
50 to consumers [23]. The top three carrot-producing countries in terms of production are
51 China, Uzbekistan and the United States of America, with total productions of 21,482,971,
52 2,769,613 and 2,259,000 tons, respectively [10]. The three main carrot-producing
53 countries in Africa are Algeria, Morocco, and Kenya, with total production levels of
54 419,534, 412,219 and 329,025 tons, respectively [28]. In Ethiopia, the total area under
55 carrot production was approximately 4,135 ha, 16590.56 tons of which were produced in
56 2021, for an average yield of 6.5 t ha -1 [21]. This showed that the production of carrots in
57 Ethiopia is significantly under the global average (37 t ha -1) (Eagri, 2022 [28] and FAO-
58 Stat, 2022) [14].
59 Ethiopia has diverse agroclimatic conditions that provide favorable environments for
60 carrot cultivation [1]. However, traditional agricultural practices in the country have
61 heavily relied on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, leading to soil
62 degradation, water pollution, and negative impacts on human health [18]. Consequently,
63 there is a pressing need to transition toward more sustainable and eco-friendly farming

64 methods [6]. In recent years, several studies have explored the potential of organic farming
65 as an alternative approach to improve agricultural sustainability [21]. Organic fertilizers,
66 such as compost, manure and green manures, are considered essential components of
67 organic agriculture because they enhance soil fertility, increase nutrient availability,
68 promote beneficial soil microorganisms and enhance yield [14]. [30] Demonstrated the
69 positive effects of organic fertilizers on crop growth and yield in different regions of
70 Ethiopia.
71 However, specific research on organic carrot production in Diguna Fango District is
72 limited, and there is a knowledge gap regarding the comparative performance of different
73 organic manures on carrot crops in this region [28]. Understanding the effectiveness of
74 various organic manure types with mulching on carrot growth under the specific
75 agroclimatic conditions of Diguna Fango District is crucial for farmers to adopt
76 sustainable agricultural practices and improve their livelihoods [19].
77 The primary research problem addressed in this study was the lack of comprehensive data
78 on the performance of carrot cultivation using organic manure with mulching in Diguna
79 Fango District. Consequently, farmers may be hesitant to shift from using inorganic
80 fertilizer to using organic fertilizer due to uncertainty about its efficacy and economic
81 viability. This study focused on data on carrot yield under organic manure with mulching;
82 however, further studies that include information on the soil before and after the
83 application of mulching, nutrient status before use, and weather conditions during the
84 experiment are important, and a lack of such information is considered a limitation of the
85 study.
86 Several studies have been conducted to determine the effects of organic manures on the
87 growth and yield of carrots, but studies on the effect of organic mulching practices with
88 organic nutrient supplementation on the growth and yield of carrots are rare. Therefore,
89 the present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of organic manure on the mulched
90 and unmulched conditions of carrots.

91 Objective of the study:

92  To investigate the growth, yield and quality response of carrots to different

93 organic manures and mulching materials in the Diguna Fango District, southern
94 Ethiopia.

95 2. Materials and methods

96 2.1. Description of the Study Site

97 The experiment was conducted at Waraza Lasho Kebele of Diguna Fango District,
98 Wolaita, Ethiopia, during the 2023 main cropping season from February to May. The
99 experimental site is located 431 km south of Addis Ababa at 6059’0" N latitude and
100 37059’0" E longitude with an elevation of 1800 m.a.s.l. The area receives annual rainfall
101 of 1500 mm, and the average minimum and maximum temperatures are 16°C and 25°C,
102 respectively (Diguna Fango Woreda Information Desk, 2016). The soil is sandy clay loam
103 in texture and slightly acidic, with a pH of 6.1.

105 Fig.1 Study Area Map

106 2.2. Experimental Materials

107 The Nantes orange-colored carrot variety imported from the Netherlands and certified by
108 the EIRA was used as the planting material. Poultry manure, farmyard manure and mixed
109 poultry and farmyard manures were used as mineral sources. Grass and sawdust were used
110 as mulching materials for the study.

111 2.3. Experimental design and treatment combinations

112 The treatments consisted of four levels of organic manure (0, 20 t PM, 20 t FYM, and 20 t
113 mixed (10 t PM+10 t FYM) ha -1) and three mulching materials (no mulching, sawdust

114 mulching and grass mulching), for a total of 12 treatment combinations (Table 1). The
115 treatments were arranged in a 4×3 factorial combination in a randomized complete block
116 design (RCBD) with four replications.

117 Table 1. Treatment combinations

Treatments Treatment Combination
Organic Mulching
OM0 M0 Control
OM0 M1 Control x Sawdust mulching
OM0 M2 Control x Grass mulching
OM1 M0 20t PM
OM1 M1 20t PM with Sawdust mulching
OM1 M2 20t PM with Grass mulching
OM2 M0 20t FYM
OM2 M1 20t FYM with Sawdust mulching
OM2 M2 20t FYM with Grass mulching
OM3 M0 20t (10t FYM + 10t PM)
OM3 M1 20t (10t FYM + 10t PM) with Saw dust mulching
OM3 M2 20t (10t FYM + 10t PM) with Grass mulching

118 Note: OM0 = Control, OM1 = 20 t PM ha-1, OM2 = 20 t FYM 20 t ha-1, OM3 = 20 t Mixed
119 manure (10 t FYM + 10 t PM) ha-1, M0 = no mulching, M1 = sawdust mulching and M2 =
120 grass mulching

121 2.4. Soil Sampling and Analysis

122 Before sowing, soil samples were taken from the entire experimental field to a depth of 0-
123 30 cm by the zig-zag method using a soil augur. The samples were air-dried, ground,
124 passed through a 2 mm sieve and thoroughly mixed to obtain one composite sample. The
125 following parameters were determined in the Soil Laboratory of the Areka Agricultural
126 Research Center. The soil samples were then analyzed for soil texture, organic carbon,
127 total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, available calcium, available
128 magnesium, available sodium, available sulphur, available boron, soil pH and CEC. The
129 pH of the soil was determined according to [32] using a 1:2.5 (weight/volume) soil
130 sample-to-water ratio and a glass electrode attached to a digital pH meter. The organic
131 carbon content was determined by the volumetric method as described in the Food and
132 Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Guide for Laboratory
133 Establishment for Plant Neutrophil Analysis [32]. Available phosphorus was determined

134 according to [18] by the Olsen method using a spectrophotometer. Total nitrogen was
135 determined using the Kjeldahl method as described by [20].

136 2.5. Organic manure sampling and analysis

137 Before incorporation into the soil, organic manure samples were taken. The samples were
138 air-dried, ground, passed through a 2 mm sieve and thoroughly mixed to obtain one
139 composite sample. The following parameters were determined in the Soil Laboratory of
140 the Areka Agricultural Research Center. The pH, organic carbon, available nitrogen,
141 phosphorus and potassium contents of the manure samples were analyzed via a digital pH
142 meter, the Walkley and Black Rapid titration method, Olsen’s method, and the flame
143 photometer method, respectively [14].

144 2.6. Experimental Procedures

145 Organic manures and mulching materials were prepared near the study area from
146 December to February. By using the sealed pit method, FYM was prepared in the back
147 yard of a model farmer who has a cattle farm in the study area through the anaerobic
148 decomposition of farm wastes (dung, urine and litter) in underground pits by sealing the
149 surface of the pit with dung slurry for three months, and poultry manure was purchased
150 from egg and meat poultry entrepreneurs.
151 The plants in the experimental field were plowed with oxen to a fine tilth four times, and
152 the blocks were leveled. According to the design, a field layout was established, and each
153 treatment was assigned randomly to the experimental units within a block. A total of 48
154 experimental plots were laid out as indicated above, with 0.2 m×0.1 m spacing between
155 rows and plants. The spaces between the plot and the block were 0.5 m and 0.8 m,
156 respectively. The total experimental area was 29.5 m in length and 8.8 m in width (259.6
157 m2). The seeds were sown at a depth of 1.5 cm within a plot with a length of 2 m, width of
158 1.6 m and plot area of 3.2 m2 in rows according to the treatment. In the experimental plot
159 with five rows, the seeds were sown on February 19th, 2023, to prepare holes. The organic
160 manures were applied one month before the sowing date to allow for the requirement of
161 substantial time for mineralization of manures and mulching applied after sowing. Two
162 thinning was performed to maintain the optimum plant population. The first thinning was
163 performed 30 days after sowing, and the second thinning was performed 10 days after the
164 first thinning. Earthling of the plants was performed twice, at 30 and 60 DAS, to protect

165 them from direct sunlight, which could cause undesirable green coloration. Cultural
166 practices were applied uniformly to all the plots throughout the growing period.
167 Continuous weeding by hand pulling was performed to ensure clean fields. Harvesting was
168 performed on May 26th, 2023, when the leaves began to log down.

169 2.7. Data collection and measurement

170 2.7.1. Growth Parameters

171 Plant height (cm): Plant height was measured using a meter ruler from the soil surface to
172 the tip of the longest leaf of ten randomly selected plants growing in middle rows (net plot
173 area) at 30, 60 and 90 DAS, and the mean values were computed.
174 Number of leaves per plant: The number of leaves was counted for ten randomly selected
175 plants grown in the net plot area at 30, 60 and 90 DAS, and the mean values per plant were
176 computed.
177 Leaf length (cm): Leaf length was measured using a meter ruler from the point of
178 emergence to the tip of the leaf for ten randomly selected plants at 30, 60 and 90 DAS and
179 is expressed as the mean value in centimeters (cm).

180 2.7.2. Yield Parameters

181 Root length (cm): The length of the roots was measured using a meter ruler for ten
182 randomly selected plants from the net plot at harvest from the base of the root to the top of
183 the root, and the mean values were computed.
184 Root diameter (cm): The size of the roots was measured using a side caliper for ten
185 randomly selected plants from the net plot area and divided by the number of sampled
186 plants to obtain the mean values, which were subsequently computed.
187 Fresh weight of the roots (g): The roots of ten sample plants were uprooted and cut from
188 the base of the petiole, and any loose soil was removed. The surface moisture was
189 removed, and the plants were weighed immediately to a sensitive balance; the values are
190 expressed in grams. The mean values were used for further analysis.

191 Dry weight of the roots (g): Ten randomly selected plant roots at harvest were removed
192 and chopped into small pieces with the help of a stainless steel knife. The samples were
193 placed on drying materials, kept in a laboratory room for three days, placed in paper bags
194 and dried in an oven at 70°C for 48 hours. After drying, each sample was weighed using a

195 digital sensitive balance, and the average was computed and recorded as the dry weight of
196 the roots.
197 Marketable root yield (t ha-1): Roots that were free from mechanical damage, disease and
198 insect pest damage; uniform in color; and medium to large in size were considered
199 marketable. The yield was determined as the weight of the healthy and saleable yield of
200 ten sample plants from central rows, avoiding border effects, and by converting this yield
201 to tons per hectare, the data were used for further analysis.
202 Unmarketable root yield (t ha-1): Roots that were cracked, hairy, misshaped, decayed,
203 discolored, diseased or physiologically disordered were considered unmarketable. The
204 weights of the roots obtained from the net plot area of each plot were measured in
205 kilograms using a scaled balance and are expressed in tons per hectare.
206 Total yield (t ha-1): Summations of the marketable and unmarketable root yields from the
207 net plot area were recorded. The yield of every plot was weighed and divided by the
208 number of plants to determine the yield per plant, and the yield t ha-1 was estimated.
209 Dry matter content (%): Dry matter content was measured by weighing randomly selected
210 roots from the net plot and is expressed as a percentage.

Dry weight of roots

211 DMC (%) = x 100
Fresh weight of roots

212 2.7.3. Quality Parameters

213 Forked root (%): Roots that were misshaped at the tip, slightly shortened and multi-rooted
214 with several divergent tap roots were considered forked roots. The number of forked roots
215 per plot harvested from the net plot area was recorded for each treatment, and the
216 percentage was calculated according to the formula given below.

Number of forked roots

217 PFR (%) = x 100
Number of total roots
219 Cracked root (%): Roots that were vertically cracked running along the length of the tap
220 root, bent, twisted or splinted were considered cracked roots. The number of such roots per
221 plot was recorded for each treatment, and the percentage was calculated according to the
222 formula below.
Number of cracked roots
223 PCR (%) = Number of total roots x 100

224 Total soluble solids (TSS): The total soluble solids of all the roots of five randomly
225 selected plants from the net plot were chopped, and the total soluble solids (TSS) were
226 tested in the Wolaita Sodo University Horticulture Department Laboratory by placing
227 three drops of transparent juice on a prism refract meter. Before being utilized for
228 subsequent readings, the refractometer prism was dried with tissue paper and cleaned with
229 distilled water between samples. The refractometer was calibrated at 0.0°C using distilled
230 water, readings were observed on a scale, and averages were expressed in °Brix.

231 2.8. Partial Budget Analysis

232 The partial budget analysis was considered using the methods described in [22] with the
233 mean marketable yield of each treatment, the gross benefit and the field price of inputs of
234 organic manures, mulching materials and seeds of carrot.
235 Gross average yield (t ha-1) (AvY): The average yield of each treatment
236 Adjusted yield (AjY): Is the average yield adjusted downward by 10% to reflect the
237 difference between the experimental yield and yield of farmers?
238 Gross field benefit (GFB): Obtained by multiplying the field price that farmers receive for
239 the crop when they sell it by the adjusted yield.
240 Total variable costs (TVC) (ETB ha -1): Summation of the total cost of organic manure,
241 carrot seed, labor cost, weeding cost and application costs of organic fertilizers for the
242 experiment.
243 Net benefit (NB): The NB was calculated as the amount of money left when the total
244 variable costs (TVC) were deducted from the gross field benefit (GFB).
245 The marginal rate of return (MRR %): was calculated as the change in net benefit (NB)
246 divided by the change in total variable cost (TVC) of the successive net benefit and total
247 variable cost levels [22].
248 2.9. Statistical analysis

249 The data were subjected to ANOVA using the statistical analysis software (SAS) version
250 9.3 (SAS, 2014). The least significant difference (LSD 0.05) test was used for mean
251 separation when the analyses of variance indicated the presence of a significant difference.

252 3. Results and discussion

253 3.1. Physicochemical Characteristics of the Experimental Soil

254 Table 2. Physicochemical characteristics of the experimental soil before planting

Soil pH OC P (ppm) TN (%) S (ppm) TB CEC Mg Na K
Properties (%) (%)
Values 6.1 2.7 11.4 0.15 12.05 0.47 23.5 12.1 2.2 0.36
Rating Low Medium Medium Medium Low Medium Medium Medium Low

255 3.2. Physicochemical Properties of Organic Manures

256 Table 3. Physicochemical properties of organic manures before incorporation into the soil
OM properties pH OC (%) P (ppm) TN (%) K (%)
PM 6.86 8.60 17.60 0.89 1.67
258 FYM 9.22 3.47 13.45 0.22 4.84
PM+FYM 8.76 7.41 16.20 0.54 4.28
259 3.2.
260 Growth Components of Carrot
261 3.2.1. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on plant height
262 (cm) carrots

263 According to the data in Table 4, the mean plant height varied in relation to the growth
264 period, and the application of 20 t of mixed manure significantly increased the plant
265 height. The application of mixed manure resulted in a significantly greater mean height,
266 which was significantly greater than that at 20 t PM and 20 t mixed manure. The
267 maximum (25.68 cm) mean plant height was recorded in the 20 t mixed manure treatment,
268 while the minimum (19.30 cm) height was recorded in the control treatment.

269 The mean height of the plants in the mulching treatments varied in relation to the growth
270 period; grass mulching had the tallest (59.58 cm) mean height, while the shortest height
271 was from the control (46.66 cm), which was significantly inferior to that in response to
272 saw dust mulch but similar to that in response to the other treatments (Table 4).

273 3.2.2. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on number of
274 leaves per plant of carrots

275 The data in Table 4 demonstrates that the application of 20 t of mixed manure resulted in a
276 significantly greater mean leaf numbers, except for the results obtained with the
277 application of 20 t of PM + FYM. The maximum number of leaves per plant was recorded
278 (17.31 cm) from the 20 t mixed manure treatment, while the minimum number of leaves
279 per plant was (11.71 cm) from the control.

280 The highest number of leaves per plant (13.66 cm) was recorded in the grass mulch
281 treatment group; on the other hand, the lowest leaf number (15.46 cm) was recorded in the
282 treatment without mulch.
283 3.2.3. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on leaf length
284 (cm) of carrots

285 According to the data in Table 4, the mean leaf length varied in relation to the growth
286 period, and the application of organic manure significantly increased the leaf length. The
287 application of 20 t of mixed manure significantly improved the mean leaf length, but the
288 values were significantly similar to those obtained with the application of 20 t of poultry
289 manure. The maximum leaf length (58.15 cm) was recorded for the 20 t mixed manure
290 treatment at harvest stage, while the minimum leaf length per plant was 21.58 cm for the
291 control treatment.

292 Leaf length differed significantly due to the different mulch applications. The greatest leaf
293 length was recorded in the grass mulch treatment (42.67 cm) at harvest stage, while the
294 lowest leaf length was recorded in the control treatment (19.67 cm) (Table 4).

295 Table 4. Main effects of different types of organic manure and mulching materials on the
296 plant height (PH), number of leaves (LN), and leaf length (LL) of carrots
297 Organics PH (cm) LN LL (cm)
298 OM0 30.75d 11.71c 21.58d
OM1 67.11ab 14.93b 47.03b
299 OM2 57.44c 14.89b 36.93c
300 OM3 68.42a 17.31a 58.42a
LSD0.05 4.37 3.51 3.51
Mulching PH (cm) LN LL (cm)
302 M0 46.66c 13.66b 19.67c
303 M1 54.04b 15.0ab 40.88b
M2 59.58a 15.46a 42.67a
304 CV (%) 9.86 5.17 16.22
305 LSD0.05 3.79 0.54 3.77

306 The means followed by the same letters in the column are not significantly different at the
307 5% level: OM0 = no organic manure, OM1 = 20 t PM, OM2 = 20 t FYM, OM3 = 20 t Mixed
308 (10 t PM + 10 t FYM) manure, M0 = no mulch, M1 = sawdust dust mulch, M2 = grass
309 mulch, CV (%) = coefficient of variation, and LSD0.05 = least significant difference at the
310 5% level.

311 3.3. Yield and yield-related components

312 3.3.1. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root length
313 (cm)

314 The longest root length (22.45 cm) was recorded in the 20 t mixed manure treatment,
315 while the shortest root length (13.16 cm) was recorded in the control treatment (Table 5).
316 Root length differed significantly due to the different mulch applications.

317 The maximum root length (21.15 cm) was recorded in the M2 (grass) mulch treatment,
318 which was significantly different from that in the other treatments. The minimum root
319 length (13.16 cm) was found in no mulch applied treatment (Table 5).

320 Table 5. Main effects of different types of organic manure and mulching materials on root
321 length (cm)
Organic manure Root length (cm)

OM0 13.16d
OM1 21.35b
OM2 19.13c
OM3 22.45a
LSD0.05 1.22
322 Mulching Root length (cm)
M0 13.16b
M1 19.13b
M2 21.15a
CV (%) 6.29
LSD0.05 1.60

323 The means followed by the same letters in the columns are not significantly different at the
324 5% level: OM0 = no organic manure, OM1 = 20 t PM, OM2 = 20 t FYM, OM3 = 20 t mixed
325 (10 t PM + 10 t FYM) manure, M0 = no mulch, M1 = sawdust mulch, M2 = grass mulch,
326 CV (%) = coefficient of variation, and LSD0.05 = least significant difference at the 5%
327 level.

328 3.3.2. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root
329 diameter (cm)

330 The combined analysis result in Fig 2 depicted that the maximum diameter of the roots
331 (6.60 cm) was recorded from the 20 t of mixed manure with sawdust mulch applied ha-1,
332 which was significantly different than that of the other organic manure treatments. On the
333 other hand, the minimum root diameter (2.47 cm) was observed in the treatment in which
334 no organic manure was applied with grass mulch. Fig 2. Effects of different types of
335 organic manure and mulching materials on root diameter (cm)

Root diameter in cm

3 No mulching
2 Sawdus
1 Grass
Control Poultry Farmyard Mixed
manue manure manure
Organic manures in 20 tone per hectare
337 Fig 2. Effects of different types of organic manure and mulching materials on root
338 diameter (cm)

339 3.3.3. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root fresh
340 weight (g)

341 As shown in Fig 3, the maximum fresh weight per plant (179.25 g) was observed in the
342 treatment in which 20 t of mixed manure was combined with grass mulch ha-1. The
343 minimum root weight per plant (44.32 g) was recorded for the control plot.

Root fresh weight in g 160
80 No mulching
Control Poultry Farmyard Mixed
manue manure manure
Organic manures in 20 tone per hectare
345 Fig 3. Effects of different types of organic manure and mulching materials on root fresh
346 weight (g)

347 3.3.4. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root dry
348 weight (g)

349 The maximum root dry weight (26.16 g) was observed in the 20 t of mixed manure with
350 grass mulch/ha treatment. The minimum dry weight per plant (5.82 g) was recorded for
351 the control treatment (Fig 4)

Root dry weight in g

No mulching
5 Grass
Control Poultry Farmyard Mixed
manue manure manure
Organic manures in 20 tone per hectare
353 Fig 4. Effects of different types of organic manure and mulching materials on root dry
354 weight (g)

355 3.3.5. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on marketable
356 yield (t ha-1)

357 The maximum marketable root yield (27.90 t ha-1) was obtained from the treatment in
358 which 20 t of mixed manure was combined with grass mulch ha-1, which was significantly

359 different from that of the other treatments; in contrast, the minimum marketable yield
360 (8.21 t ha-1) was recorded from the control treatment (Fig 5).
Marketable root yield in tone

per hectare

10 No mulching
Control Poultry Farmyard Mixed
manue manure manure
Organic manures in 20 tone per hectare
362 Fig 5. Effects of different types of organic manure and mulching materials on marketable
363 yield (t ha-1)

364 3.3.6. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on total root
365 yield (t ha-1)

366 As shown in Fig 6, the maximum total root yield (33.92 t ha-1) was obtained from the
367 treatment in which 20 t of mixed manure was combined with grass mulch ha-1, which was
368 significantly different from that of the other treatments, whereas the minimum yield (10.56
369 t ha-1) was recorded from the control treatment.
Total root yield in tone per

15 No mulching

10 Sawdus
5 Grass
Control Poultry Farmyard Mixed
manue manure manure
Organic manures in 20 tone per hectare
371 Fig 6. Effects of different types of organic manure and mulching materials on total root
372 yield (t ha-1)

373 3.3.7. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on
374 unmarketable yield (t ha-1)

375 The maximum unmarketable root yield (5.83 t ha-1) was recorded from the 20 t mixed
376 manure treatment, while the minimum unmarketable root yield (2.60 t ha-1) was recorded
377 from the control (Table 6).

378 3.3.8. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root dry
379 matter content (%)

380 The maximum amount of root dry matter (14.59%) was recorded in the 20 t of mixed
381 manure/ha treatment, while the minimum amount of root dry matter (13.65%) was
382 obtained in the control treatment (Table 6).

383 Table 6. Main effect of organic manure and mulching on the unmarketable yield (t ha -1)
384 and root dry matter content (%) of carrot plants.
Organic manure UMY (t ha-1) RDM (%)
OM0 2.60d 13.65c
OM1 4.92b 14.20b
OM2 3.52c 14.10b
OM3 5.83a 14.59a
CV (%) 6.29 3.02
LSD0.05 0.83 0.44
385 The means followed by the same letters in the column are not significantly different at the
386 5% level; OM0 = no organic manure, OM1 = 20 t PM, OM2 = 20 t FYM, OM3 = 20 t Mixed
387 (10 t PM + 10 t FYM) manure, CV (%) = coefficient of variation, LSD0.05 = least
388 significant difference at the 5% level.

389 3.4. Quality Components

390 To evaluate the quality of the carrots, the following parameters were measured: the
391 percentage of forked roots, percentage of cracked roots and total soluble solids (Table 8).

392 3.4.1. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on percentage
393 of forked roots (%)

394 As shown in Table 7, the percentage of forked roots was significantly influenced by the
395 application of different concentrations of organic manure. The maximum percentage of
396 forked roots (4.45%) was recorded in the control treatment, which was significantly

397 different than that in the other organic manure treatments. On the other hand, the lowest
398 percentage of forked roots (1.35%) was observed in the 20 t mixed manure/ha treatment.

399 3.4.2. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on percentage
400 of cracked roots (%)

401 The percentage of cracked roots was affected by organic manure. For amendments, the
402 effect of the 20 t poultry manure treatment (3.73%) was greatest in both periods, followed
403 by that of the 20 t mixed manure treatment, 20 t FYM treatment and control treatment,
404 which were also significantly greater than those of all the other treatments (Table 7).

405 3.4.3. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on total soluble
406 solids (0Brix)

407 As shown in Table 7, the highest total soluble solid concentration (10.56 °Brix) was
408 obtained for the carrots planted in the plots that received the 20 t FYM ha-1 treatment,
409 while the lowest TSS concentration (6.56 0Brix) was obtained for the carrots in the control
410 treatment.

411 Table 7. Main effects of organic manure and mulching on the quality of carrot components
Organic manure PFR (%) PCR (%) TSS (0Brix)
TSS (0Brix)
OM0 4.45d 1.35c 6.56d
OM1 2.34b 3.73a 7.23c
OM2 2.12c 1.66bc 10.56a
OM3 1.35a 2.95b 8.75b
CV (%) 6.29 5.67 8.97
LSD0.05 1.22 2.67 0.71
Mulching PFR (%)
M0 4.34a
M1 2.12b
M2 1.35c
LSD0.05 1.60


417 The means followed by the same letters in the column are not significantly different at the
418 5% level: OM0 = no organic manure, OM1 = 20 t PM, OM2 = 20 t FYM, OM3 = 20 t Mixed
419 (10 t PM + 10 t FYM) manure, M0 = no mulch, M1 = sawdust dust mulch, M2 = grass
420 mulch, CV (%) = coefficient of variation, and LSD0.05 = least significant difference at the
421 5% level.

422 3.5. Partial Budget Analysis

423 The partial budget analysis of the 12 treatments is shown in Table 8. The results were
424 analyzed using the technique described by [22] to assess the costs and benefits of the
425 treatments. The greatest net benefit of 399,980 Birr ha-1, with an MRR of 656%, was
426 obtained from the treatment in which 20 t of mixed manure was combined with grass
427 mulch/ha. On the other hand, the lowest net benefit was obtained from the control
428 treatment. The minimum acceptable marginal rate of return (MRR %) should be between
429 50 and 100% [22]. Therefore, the most attractive organic manure type for producers or
430 farmers with higher net returns was 20 t FYM ha-1 with grass mulching, for which the
431 MRR was 3803%.
432 Table 8. Partial budget analysis of the different types of organic manure and mulching
433 materials on carrots
Organic Mulching MY AMY GI TVC NB MRR (%)
manure(t ha-1) (t ha ) (t ha-1)

0 No mulch 8.21 7.39 133020 14500 118520 0

Saw dust 8.73 7.86 141480 16000 125480 464%
Grass 8.93 8.03 144540 17500 127040 104%
20t PM No mulch 21.09 18.98 341640 75000 266640 D
Saw dust 22.42 20.17 363060 76500 286560 1328%
Grass 25.89 23.30 419400 78000 341400 3656%
20t FYM No mulch 20.56 18.50 333000 35000 298000 D
Saw dust 20.97 18.87 339966 36500 303466 3644%
Grass 24.60 22.14 398520 38000 360520 3803%
20t Mixed No mulch 27.10 24.39 439020 49500 389520 D
Saw dust 27.20 24.48 440640 50500 390140 51.3%
Grass 27.90 25.11 451980 52000 399980 656%
434 Note: MY= marketable yield, AMY = adjusted marketable yield, GI= gross income, TVC
435 = total variable cost, NB = net benefit, MRR (%) =marginal rate of return, D= dominated,
436 cost of PM per quintal =50 Birr, FYM per quintal =20 Birr, cost of carrot seed kg -1 = 1500
437 Birr, sale price of carrot per kg = 18 Birr, labor cost per man-day =150 Birr.


439 4. Discussion

440 4.1. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on plant height
441 (cm) of carrots

442 The results in Table 4 showed that the plants treated with organic manure had taller plant
443 heights than did the control plants. The increase in vegetative growth might be due to the
444 role of nitrogen in promoting vegetative growth, enhancing cell division and elongation,
445 and enhancing chlorophyll synthesis. Phosphorus is easily mobilized in plants and
446 translocated to the meristematic zone, increasing leaf formation and development in
447 carrots, and potassium activates many enzymes involved in respiration and photosynthesis.
448 FYM and PM improved the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, which
449 promoted better nutrient absorption and utilization by plants, resulting in improved plant
450 growth. The application of organic manure likely improved the uptake of nutrients by
451 plants [2]. In line with the results of the present study [15] confirmed that organic manure
452 application significantly increased plant height. This value decreased as the type of
453 organic manure differed, and ultimately, the lowest value of this growth parameter was
454 recorded in the control treatment of carrots [11].
455 The increase in plant height due to mulching might be attributed to the favorable soil
456 moisture and temperature conditions needed for proper plant growth.

457 4.2. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on number of
458 leaves per plant of carrots

459 As shown in Table 4, the number of leaves of carrot was significantly increased. This
460 might be because of mixed manure enhances soil fertility by increasing soil porosity,
461 aeration, moisture holding capacity, and available plant nutrients; by acting as complex
462 fertilizer granules; and by accelerating nitrogen mineralization, which in turn improves
463 plant canopy growth.
464 The increased number of leaves with different mulch types might be attributed to the
465 supply of moisture, which possibly accelerated cell division and elongation, leading to the
466 production of more leaves, leaf development and an increased number of leaves. As [15]
467 reported that grass mulch treatment was the best among the various mulch treatments and
468 recorded a maximum (16.82 cm) number of leaves per plant of carrot.

469 4.3. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on leaf length
470 (cm) of carrots

471 As shown in Table 4, the leaf length was significantly increased. This might be because
472 FYM + PM enhanced the nutrient content of the soil, providing a balanced supply of
473 essential elements required for carrot plants to thrive. These manures contain a wide range
474 of macronutrients, such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), as well as
475 micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. The gradual release of nutrients
476 from organic manure ensures a sustained and steady supply, preventing nutrient
477 deficiencies and promoting optimum plant growth. These findings are in agreement with
478 the results of [25] who reported that the leaf length of carrots varied with different types of
479 manure application.
480 The use of mulching in crops not only increases growth but also plays a vital role in soil
481 moisture conservation by creating a physical barrier between the soil and the environment.
482 Moreover, these methods are helpful for weed control, water and soil conservation and for
483 boosting the production and quality of crops. This result is in accordance with the findings
484 of [12].

485 4.4. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root length
486 (cm)

487 According to the data in Table 5, the highest root length in OM3 might be due to the
488 positive effects of FYM and PM on the physical characteristics of the soil. The findings
489 are consistent with those of [4], who reported that the maximum root length (21.0 cm)
490 from half PM + half FYM varied with the type of manure applied (FYM, PM or leaf
491 manure). These findings agree with those of [5], who reported that organic manure (PM
492 and FYM) improves the soil structure and maintains uniform soil moisture and nutrient
493 levels, which allows carrots to extend their root length to deeper soil layers.
494 A favorable soil-water-plant relationship is created by placing mulch over the soil surface.
495 The microclimate surrounding plants and soil is significantly affected by mulch, i.e., the
496 thermodynamic environment, moisture, erosion, physical soil structure, incidence of pests
497 and diseases, crop growth and yield. [8] Revealed that different types of organic mulch
498 generated higher soil temperature and soil moisture under mulch than did the control. The
499 results obtained in this study clearly indicated that carrots responded well to organic
500 manures and organic mulching materials.

501 4.5. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root diameter
502 (cm)

503 In the present study (Fig 2), the difference in root size might be due to increased microbial
504 activity in the root zone because of the adequate moisture availability and optimum
505 temperature combined with the stabilized soil pH, which decomposed organic manure and
506 fixed unavailable forms of mineral nutrients into available forms in the soil, thereby
507 substantiating crop requirements, improving the organic carbon level and stabilizing soil
508 reactions. These findings are also in accordance with those of [16] who reported that
509 different combinations of organic manures significantly affect the diameter and size of
510 carrot roots. The minimum size of the carrot roots was observed in the control treatment
511 compared with all the other treatments.
512 Organic manure and mulching have been shown to supply the required plant nutrients,
513 improve soil structure and water holding capacity, increase microbial activity, reduce
514 evaporation, improve soil moisture and simultaneously promote plant growth and
515 productivity [17]. In general, the combination of PM and FYM with sawdust mulch
516 produced significantly greater growth and yield characteristics in crops during the whole
517 growing season. The increase in root diameter due to organic manure with mulching might
518 be attributed to favorable soil fertility, favorable soil moisture and favorable soil
519 temperature conditions for proper plant growth [25]. This result is in accordance with the
520 findings of [10]. The application of 20 t of mixed (PM with FYM) manure improved
521 vegetative growth and increased root diameter and size in carrot plants, as reported by [16]
522 which was in agreement with our findings.

523 4.6. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root fresh
524 weight (g)

525 The increased fresh weight of from plants cultivated with different manures combined
526 with mulch might be attributed to the supply of mineral nutrients by organic manures and
527 moisture supplied by organic mulch, which possibly accelerated cell division and
528 elongation activities, thereby increasing the weight and their development, leading to
529 increased fresh weight.
530 The difference in root weight due to the application of different manures implies that
531 manures differ in terms of nutrient content and in their efficiency in enhancing root
532 weight. A greater nutrient content in manure resulted in greater root weight. Among the

533 different manures, mixed manure was the most effective, followed by poultry and
534 farmyard manure. [7] Reported that application of 20 t ha-1 organic manure (PM, FYM and
535 chicken manure) increased the yield of carrots (10%-20%). These results are consistent
536 with the findings of [2], who reported that animal waste generated with mulching
537 materials contains considerable amounts of plant nutrients.

538 4.7. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root dry
539 weight (g)

540 This result can be attributed to the slow release of nutrients from organic manures and
541 their better utilization by carrots throughout the growing period, which might have
542 resulted in a greater dry weight of the carrot roots. The increase in dry weight per plant in
543 response to the application of PM + FYM may be attributed to the greater nitrogen,
544 phosphorus and potassium availability in these plants than in those receiving other bulky
545 organic manures.
546 In line with the present study, [9] reported that the use of different organic manures
547 (poultry, farmyard manure and cow dung) with mulch (grass, sugarcane straw and leaf
548 mulch) on carrots resulted in significantly different root dry weights. These results are
549 supported by the findings of) [3], who reported that the dry weight of roots was influenced
550 by organics and mulching compared to those of the control group; however, in contrast
551 with the findings of [19], who reported that under high nitrogen application, the plant grew
552 well but had a low yield because vegetative growth was favored over root growth.

553 4.8. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on marketable
554 yield (t ha-1)

555 This difference on marketable yield due to organic manure with mulching materials
556 application might be due to the steady and readily available nutrients to the crops being
557 present in greater quantities than during the slow release of organic manure. In the case of
558 manures, substantial time is required for the plant to release available nutrients. The sole
559 application of manures through FYM and/or PM or their combination had a lower yield
560 than the combination of manures with mulching. The improvement in yield attributed to
561 FYM + PM with grass mulch might be due to improved soil moisture holding capacity,
562 soil moisture, and soil temperature; adequate availability of major nutrients and
563 micronutrients due to favorable soil conditions; and an increase in the rate of

564 photosynthesis, which further increases vegetative growth and yield by providing
565 additional sites for the translocation of photosynthesis. These results are in accordance
566 with the findings of [11], [1], [12].
567 [8] Reported similar findings that higher yields of roots in carrots were obtained when 15
568 t FYM ha-1 and 15 t PM ha-1 were used. This could be because nitrogen is the major
569 constituent of chlorophyll, proteins and amino acids, the synthesis of which is accelerated
570 by the increased supply of nitrogen in soil [9]. An analogous yield increase due to the
571 amendments of poultry and FYM manure application was also reported in previous studies
572 [37], which mentioned a significant yield increase in carrot plants following the
573 application of manures in addition to grass mulching.

574 4.9. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on total root yield
575 (t ha-1)

576 The yield of mixed poultry and farmyard manure combined with grass mulching surpassed
577 that of all the other treatments by enhancing the root yield, followed by poultry manure.
578 This difference might be due to the greater quantity of nutrients being steadily available
579 than they were from other organic sources. The addition of organic manure by mulching
580 improved the soil structure, increased its water holding capacity and facilitated aeration in
581 the soil. Sugarcane also helps in the gradual release of nutrients into the soil, which makes
582 it an ideal input for good carrot crop growth. The ability of (FYM + PM) to significantly
583 influence growth and yield may be because it supplies nitrogen and phosphorous, as
584 reported by [12] and because of its ability to improve the physio-chemical properties of
585 soils [33] resulting in improved soil conditions and better nutrient availability.
586 The increased total yield of carrots cultivated with different organic manures and mulches
587 might be attributed to the increase in soil fertility, soil structure, temperature and moisture,
588 which possibly accelerated cell division and elongation activities, producing more leaves
589 and leading to increased carrot root yield [23]. The results of the present study revealed
590 that poultry manure mixed with FYM influenced the increase in the root yield of carrots
591 under mulch conditions within the crop growth period. Poultry manure in combination
592 with farmyard manure under grass mulch increases the yield of carrots [4].

593 4.10. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on
594 Unmarketable yield (t ha-1)

595 This difference might be caused by a range of factors, including attack by insects, diseases
596 or nematodes; mechanical damage from deep and/or too close cultivation; physical
597 obstructions; poor soil conditions; or excessively close plant density.

598 4.11. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on root dry
599 matter (%)

600 The data in Table 6 demonstrates that the application of 20 t of mixed manure resulted in a
601 significantly greater mean root dry matter; this might be because FYM + PM contributed
602 to the improvement of the soil structure, particularly in terms of its water-holding capacity
603 and drainage. They help to increase the soil’s ability to retain moisture, prevent
604 waterlogging and reduce the risk of root rot. Additionally, FYM and poultry manure
605 enhance soil aeration, promoting the development of a healthy root system and facilitating
606 nutrient uptake by carrot plants. These results are supported by the findings of [7], who
607 reported variations in macro and micronutrients among organic manures and industrial and
608 municipal wastes and their effects on the growth and yield of crops. In line with the
609 findings of [10] root dry matter percentages were greater in plants treated with higher
610 doses of potassium along with mulching.

611 4.12. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on percentage of
612 forked roots (%)

613 Interestingly, the percentage of forked roots varied significantly between amendments,
614 suggesting that nonbiotic factors may contribute to the development of this disorder. In the
615 present study, plants that received manure presented lower percentages of branched roots
616 than did the control plants. The high nitrogen content in the organic manure and organic
617 mulch might have contributed to the low percentage of forked roots. These findings are in
618 line with those of [34], [36] who reported that forking in carrots is promoted by factors
619 such as poor soil structure (compacted heavy clay soil), the application of fresh manure,
620 the application of excess nitrogen and improper irrigation management. In studying the
621 influence of organic fertilizers on the yield and quality of carrots [9], reported that an
622 increase in the organic fertilizer rate promoted the development of hairy and forked
623 carrots, which contradicts the current findings.

624 The percentage of forked roots also significantly varied due to the use of different
625 mulching materials on the carrot plants. The highest percentage of forked roots (4.34%)

626 was obtained in the M0 treatment (no mulch). The lowest percentage of forked roots
627 (1.35%) was obtained in the grass mulch treatment M2 (grass). This result indicated that
628 the decrease in the percentage of forking roots in the mulch treatments might be due to the
629 effect of soil moisture combined with readily available nutrients. Organic manure
630 application combined with mulch usually enhances soil physical, chemical, and biological
631 activities and moisture, which could also explain the suppression of forked root
632 production.

633 4.13. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on percentage of
634 cracked roots (%)

635 The increasing trend of the cracking percentage of roots with increasing root size per plant
636 might be due to the larger roots that occurred among the mulching and organic manure-
637 treated plants. These plants supplied low amounts of nutrients, and moist plants produced
638 thinner roots with minimum diameters, which might have contributed to their resistance to
639 cracking. The mulched and amended roots had enough room to expand, reaching the limit
640 of internal turgor pressure and resulting in cracking [34].
641 This finding aligns with the report of [27] that carrot splits when the cell walls rupture,
642 forming longitudinal fractures in the phloem parenchyma as a result of internal turgor
643 pressure. They stated that carrot susceptibility to cracking increases following maturity of
644 the roots and that the timing of harvest is critical. This difference in growth pattern may
645 influence susceptibility to cracking, as outer rows are often highly susceptible to cracking.
646 This result for cracked roots was also supported by the findings of [24], who reported that
647 the percentage of cracked roots increased due to low moisture and higher nitrogen levels.

648 4.14. Effect of different types of organic manures and mulching materials on total soluble
649 solids (0Brix) of carrots

650 The TSS content significantly increased with different organic manures because the
651 organic manures, particularly FYM, FYM + PM and PM, contain fair amounts of
652 micronutrients, especially ferrous or iron. It is an essential constituent of many respiratory
653 enzymes, such as catalase and cytochrome A, B and C, and is involved in the respiratory
654 process of the cell system. Through respiration in the plant system, reserve food materials
655 are converted to simple soluble components that can be utilized for growth or
656 maintenance. These findings are in good accordance with the results of [14], [32].

657 Increased nitrogen through manures apparently helps in vigorous vegetative growth and
658 favors photosynthetic activity for greater accumulation of food material, i.e.,
659 carbohydrates that increase the TSS content in carrots. These results are in close
660 conformity with those of [2]. [26] In studying the nutritional quality of carrots as
661 influenced by farmyard manure, observed that farmyard manure did not significantly
662 improve the total soluble sugar content in carrots, which contradicts the current findings.
663 In contrast, other researchers have reported that the total soluble solids (TSSs) in carrots
664 [3] that received organic fertilizers were greater than those in those that received inorganic
665 fertilizer. These findings are in line with those of [7], who revealed that mulching had no
666 significant effect on TSS. [18] Confirmed that a higher content of total sugars in organic
667 vegetables, including carrots, beets and potatoes, contributes to an increase in the
668 technological and sensory quality (taste) of organic products.

669 4.15. Partial Budget Analysis

670 The results of the present study was in agreement with those of [36], who reported that
671 economic analysis revealed that the highest marginal rate of return was obtained from
672 carrot plants treated with 20 t FYM with grass mulch, followed by those treated with 20 t
673 FYM with sawdust mulch, with values of 3803% and 3644%, respectively.
674 Therefore, the best alternative net return, 20 t FYM with grass mulching, is recommended
675 as the best economically rewarding treatment rate for the study area (Table 8).







682 5. Summary, conclusion and recommendation

683 Carrot is one of the most important root crops cultivated throughout the country. The type
684 and management of organic manure with mulching are important factors that strongly
685 affect the growth and yield of carrot crops. The application of organic manure, such as
686 poultry manure and farmyard manure, is necessary to improve the production and
687 productivity of carrots in the study area.
688 However, appropriate application practices that involve the combination of organic
689 manure with mulching materials are lacking in the study area. Thus, a study was
690 conducted to assess the effect of different types of organic manure with mulching on the
691 growth, yield and quality of carrots and to assess the cost‒benefit of different organic
692 manures with mulching materials for the production of carrots.
693 A field experiment was conducted at Waraza Lasho Kebele in Diguna Fango District,
694 Wolaita Zone of Southern Ethiopia, in 2023. The basic seeds of the carrot variety Nantes
695 (orange) were used as the experimental material. The variety was imported from the
696 Netherlands with certification by [29]. The treatment consisted of four organic manures
697 (0.0, 20 t poultry manure, 20 t farmyard manure and 20 t mixed manure/ha = (10 t PM +
698 10 t FYM) ha-1), and three levels of organic mulching (no, sawdust and grass mulching)
699 were used for the experiment.
700 The experiment was performed in accordance with a randomized complete block design
701 (RCBD) with four replications in a factorial arrangement. The size of each plot was 1.6 m
702 × 2 m (3.2 m2), accommodating 5 single rows with 6 plants per row. The spacing between
703 rows was 20 cm, the spacing between plants was 10 cm, and the spacings between blocks
704 and between plots were 0.8 m and 0.5 m, respectively. All basic growth and yield data
705 were collected and subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and partial budget
706 analysis.
707 The effect of organic manure and mulching levels on the performance of carrots suggested
708 that organic manure and mulching materials significantly enhanced the growth and yield
709 attributes of carrot production. The study revealed that the interaction between organic
710 manure and mulching material significantly affected the root diameter, fresh weight, dry
711 weight, marketable yield and total yield. In this study, the highest marketable root yield
712 (27.90 t ha-1) was achieved using the combination of 20 t of mixed manure with grass
713 mulch (10 t PM+10 t FYM with grass mulch), for which the yield increased by 656%

714 compared to the lowest marketable yield (8.21 t ha -1), which was obtained from the
715 control.
716 On the basis of the partial budget analysis, the greatest net benefit (360,520 Birr ha-1), with
717 an MRR of 3803%, was obtained from the treatment in which 20 t FYM was combined
718 with grass mulch ha-1. According to [22] the minimum acceptable marginal rate of return
719 (MRR %) should be between 50 and 100%.
720 Therefore, the use of 20 t FYM with grass mulch ha-1 application with greater net return
721 could be suggested for carrot production in the study area. It may be concluded that 20 t of
722 FYM ha-1 can be used as organic manure and grass mulch material, and the combination of
723 20 t of FYM with grass mulch ha-1 can be used to increase the growth and yield of carrots.
724 However, this study was conducted in only one season at one location; therefore, the same
725 research should be performed under different agro-climates and soil conditions to make a
726 complete recommendation.








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844 Partial View of the Study






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