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Parent Teacher Association /

Mother Teacher Association

PTA? What’s That !!!
❑ Efficient and effective administration of schools should be in the hands of just the school
administration itself.
Yet, for a school to be able to do well in every aspect, useful inputs from ‘external’ sources
have to be thoroughly considered and implemented. One of those useful external sources is
the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) or the Mother Teacher Association (MTA).

❑ PTA is a non-profit, non–political and non– sectarian organization, comprising of

parents/guardians of students or pupils and the administration of the school mostly the
teachers who meet annually/quarterly/monthly to discuss matters on the educational,
moral and spiritual well-being of the students or pupils of any learning organization,
either at the nursery or primary level or at the secondary level and who works to
support the school in a wide variety of ways
Aims & Objectives of PTA’s

⚫To bring home & school in close contact

⚫To promote the welfare of children in the home, society & community
⚫To raise standards of home life of a child

⚫To secure adequate laws for the care & protection of the children
⚫To run social events for parents and children; providing an opportunity for
people to get to know each other and have fun
⚫To encourage parents to become more involved with their children's
school and to develop strong links between home and school
⚫To provide support for school events and other special occasions

⚫To raise funds to help the school provide extra resources for the children
by bringing together parents and teachers and working towards a common
Why do we need a PTA?
❖It improves home-school communication by providing a two-way communication
between the parents & teachers

❖Provides the opportunity to talk about academic performance of each child

❖Parents bring a fresh insight on the improvements that are needed
❖It improves parental relationships & teachers get to know about student’s home life
❖PTA could be the way to suggests change at their child’s school
❖PTA raises funds which provides students with extra facilities
Importance of PTA’s
- PTA hosts fun, educational clubs, programs & events for families

- Provides an opportunity to open a two-way communication for the welfare of the child

- Provides opportunities for the parents & teachers to develop a healthy relationship &
holistic development of the child

- Great place to share insights & information for the development of the child

- Helps educators to know the child’s weakness & strengths from parent’s observation

- Modifies student’s performance & to ensure best academics & non-academics performance
of the child
Benefits !! Are there any?

⚫Leverage Volunteer Power

PTA consists of hard-working, dedicated volunteers. Parents are ready to help
implement school improvement programs.

⚫Improve Communication
PTAs frequently coordinate production of a school newsletter and information fliers,
keeping the entire school community informed of current events, issues, and
accomplishments. Regular meetings allow PTAs to share information with members.

⚫See Measurable Results

More than 85 research studies conducted in the USA, over the past 30 years prove
that kids do better when parents are involved. Grades are higher. Test scores improve.
Attendance increases.
⚫Discover More funds
Local PTAs are self-funding. By inviting the entire school’s parent community to join, they generate
membership fees to pay for programs. Local PTA fundraisers support school programs, building
improvements, and educational events.

⚫Tap into Proven Programs

Local PTAs have access to ready-made, easy-to-use programs with proven success records. From
health and safety topics, to collaborating with teachers and community members, to fundraising, the
programs get results.

⚫Boost Children’s Well-Being

PTAs focus on what students need to be successful in their learning, including nutrition, health, school
safety, physical fitness and general well-being. PTA works with schools to ensure that children succeed.

⚫Enjoy Informed Parents

Involved parents understand the challenges schools face and become part of the solution. By developing a
closer relationship with parents, student achievement improves, and the school develops a positive
reputation in the community.
Executive Committee of the PTA
10 Reasons to Belong in PTA
❑PTA creates the village that helps to raise our kids and strengthen our

❑PTA links families to important school and community information

❑PTA hosts fun, educational clubs, programs and events for our families

❑PTA raises money to support the specific needs of our school

❑PTA offers kids the opportunity to explore the arts and develop critical

thinking, teamwork and creativity

❑ PTA encourages healthy lifestyles and food choices for every family

❑ PTA tracks local, state and national policies every day so we can advocate

for what’s best for our students, families and schools

❑ PTA believes we can make every child’s potential a reality.

❑ PTA inspires a love of reading and enhances students’ book and literary

❑ PTA engages in school and digital safety initiatives
Mother Teacher Associations (MTAs) are organizations that aim to foster collaboration
and communication between mothers (parents) and teachers for the betterment of a
child’s education and overall development. These role of mother teacher association is
creating a supportive environment for both teachers and parents.
Support for Teachers: MTAs focus on providing support and
encouragement to teachers. The association recognizes the important role
teachers play in a child’s education and seeks to create a positive and
collaborative relationship.

Parental Involvement: MTAs encourage active parental involvement in the

education of their children. This involvement can take various forms, such as
attending parent-teacher meetings, participating in school events, and
volunteering in classrooms.

Communication Channel: MTAs serve as a communication channel

between parents and teachers. They facilitate open and transparent
communication, enabling parents to stay informed about their child’s
progress, school activities, and any concerns.
Parent Education: MTAs may organize workshops, seminars, or
informational sessions for parents to enhance their understanding of
educational practices, child development, and ways to support their children’s
learning at home.

Building a Supportive Community: MTAs contribute to building a sense of

community within the school. By fostering positive relationships among
parents, teachers, and students, MTAs create a supportive network that
enhances the overall educational experience.

Feedback Mechanism: MTAs serve as a feedback mechanism, allowing

parents to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions with teachers and
school administrators. This feedback can inform decision-making processes
and improvements within the school.

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