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Name: Fumella Reamay S.

Bais Date: 05-06-24

Grade & Section: 7-Borland Subject: English

Natural Resources

Natural resources, any biological, mineral, or aesthetic asset afforded by nature

without human intervention that can be used for some form of benefit, whether
material (economic) or immaterial. What is considered a “resource” (or, for that
matter, “natural”) has varied over time and from one society to another. Examples
of assets that can be considered natural resources include forests , surface water
and groundwater, and the fertile lands or the soil and minerals within them (rather
than the crops that grow on them), as well as energy resources (such as
petroleum, natural gas, and heated water [that is, geothermal energy ]) contained
within layers of rock.

The practice of natural resource management considers the ways in which

societies manage the supply of or access to the natural resources upon which
they rely for their survival and development. Under some definitions, only those
natural resources that can renew themselves and whose exploitation relies on
their regenerative capacities properly necessitate management. For example,
petroleum (oil) is not usually considered a subject of natural resource
management, whereas forests are. The management of renewable natural
resources seeks to balance the demands of exploitation with a respect for
regenerative capacities. In contrast, the use, regulation, and protection of
nonrenewable resources tend to fall under the auspices of natural resources law,
which is made up of a complex body of national and local laws that have both
statutory and common-law components. Some raw or natural resources we use
are petrol, metals, soil, sand, wind, water, and everything in between are natural
resources. Manufactured items such as plastic, sheet metal, fabrics, microchips,
electricity and concrete are not natural resources because they are not made of
natural resources or mineral but still come from natural resources. Think about
the relationship between natural resources and manufactured products. In
essence, we call them “natural” resources because they are things human
society uses that are created (or were created in the case of fossil fuels) without
human intervention. There are two types of Natural resources, the renewable
(Perpetually & Intermediate) and non-renewable. Perpetually renewable
resources are the easiest resources to understand; these are natural resources
that are constantly replenished by the Sun’s and Earth’s natural processes. For
example, every day the sun delivers an average of 198 Watts of energy to every
square meter of the Earth’s surface. Kicking aside, Intermediate renewable
resources are only renewable resources if we don’t use them too quickly. They
are resources such as freshwater, soil, crops and trees for timber. If we didn’t use
them, they would be perpetually renewable, but because they require time (on
human time-scales) to regenerate or grow, we can overuse them until they are no
longer available. Lastly, Non-renewable These are resources that will not
regenerate on human time-scales. Once they have been depleted they will no
longer be available and no more will be made. The most common examples of
non-renewable resources are fossil fuels, so-called because most were created
by processes that take millions of years.

To sum it all up, Natural resources are limited, meaning they or we eventually run
out of them. That is why we need to understand and adapt to our environment to
at least save our natural resources for the next generation.

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