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Induction Course for new C&S Engineers

6, 13 & 20 May 2017 (Saturdays only)

Water Supply

Ir. Cheah Seuk Poh

Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn Bhd













(a). Appendix A - General
(b). Appendix B - Water Demand, Design Criteria
(c). Appendix C - Materials used in Water Supply System
(d). Appendix D - Booster Pumping Station



Water supply is an important component of the basic infrastructure for development. Proper planning
and design of the water supply system are required to ensure the it can meet the need of the
development in an efficient and yet economical manner.

In the past, Water Supply was a state matter in Malaysia. Following the amendment to the Federal
Constitution in 2005, the Federal Government is now responsible for water supply services and
management in the states of Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal Territory of Labuan. Two new Acts
had been introduced – the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air negara Act (Act 654) and the Water Services
Industry Act (Act 655) – to provide the legal framework for taking over this responsibility with the
objectives to ensure efficiency in the service delivery and long term sustainability of the water supply
development in Malaysia.

Under the Water Services Industry Act, the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) has the
power to make rules on the minimum standards and specification which shall be used in the design,
construction, installation, protection, operation and maintenance of any water supply system in

Basically the application of water supply for a development scheme goes through 5 stages:

 Stage 1 – Planning Permission

 Stage 2 - Preliminary application and enquiry stage (Application of Water Source)
 Stage 3 - Submission of conceptual and detailed design proposals
 Stage 4 - Construction, inspection and testing
 Stage 5 - Turning-on and handing over of completed installation


a) The developer should submit his application for water supply to the State Water Supply Authority or
Certifying Agencies (CA) through a Consultant who must be a Professional Engineer registered with
the Board of Engineers, Malaysia and who must be a Qualified Person certified by SPAN. The
Certifying Agency is also the Water Distribution Licensee (WDL) for the State as approved by SPAN.
b) The application should be directed to the relevant State Water Supply Authority or Water
Distribution Licensee and with a copy to the District if necessary.
c) Normally, 3 sets of the proposal are required, i.e., 2 sets to the State Water Supply Authority 's or
Water Distribution Licensee’s office and 1 set to the District.


3.1 STAGE 1 – PLANNING APPROVAL (Allocation of Reserves for Water Supply Facilities)

The developer shall consult the relevant water authority or WDL as to which party shall be responsible
for implementing the supply main and the service reservoir prior to submitting his application to the
State Authority for Planning Approval for his development. Land area reserves for building of water
facilities shall be incorporated in submission plans to the Local Authority as part of the process for
application of Planning Approval. Criteria for water demand estimation and land area required for water
supply reserves are shown in Appendix B.

3.2 STAGE 2 - APPLICATION OF WATER SOURCE (Preliminary Appication Stage)

Before proceeding with the planning and detail design of the water supply system for a development,
the Consultant should obtain the following information from the State Water Supply Authority or State
Water Distribution Licensee:

 Availability of water supply

 source of water supply for the development and location of tapping point
 size of existing water pipeline and
 available supply pressure

A certified copy of the consultant appointment letter from the developer/client must be attached. The
submission should be accompanied with a copy of Planning Approval together with approved
development layout plan from the Local Authority.

To enable the State Water Supply Authority or Water Distribution Licensee to provide such information,
the Consultant should submit 3 sets of the following plans (A1 size) :

 Three (3) sets of Key plan 1:50,000 (or as appropriate) and Location Plan 1:2,500 or
1:5,000 or 1 inch : 8 chain (or as appropriate) of showing the position of the scheme, the
nearest road and km post.

 Three (3) sets of Site Plan of appropriate scale showing existing and proposed reticulation
mains, service reservoirs, suction tanks and coordinates and bearings of the development
boundaries, the adjacent lots and their lot numbers. The plan should also any prominent
landmark features like km stones, road names, access road, etc.

 Three (3) sets of Layout Plan with contours based on Survey Department’s datum.
The plan should indicate the proposed development platform and highest supply level required.
This is to enable the water supply authority to determine whether the scheme can be supplied
by gravity or whether it requires pumping station and elevated tanks. The levels must be
expressed in O.D.L

Water demand estimate of the scheme complete with breakdown figures, phasing of
development and the time when the different quantities of water are required.

Name and address of developer must be indicated in the plans.


Based on the information received from the State Water Supply Authority or Water Distribution
Licensee, the Consultant shall proceed to submit three (3) copies (or as required) of his design
proposal for approval. The proposal shall consist of :

3.3.1 a report giving a general description of the scheme, the water supply system
proposed, the design criteria and assumptions, number and types of units, and the total
estimated water demand per day. If the scheme is to be developed in phases, then the
water demand according to phases and their projected timing must be indicated.

3.3.2 For large developments (generally more than 4.5 million liters per day) or developments
planned in phases, or when pumped supply is required, the Consultant should submit a
Conceptual Design or a Water Supply Master Plan for approval before proceeding
with detailed design.

3.3.3 the design calculations for the water supply system. The calculation should include
separate tabulated summaries showing:

i) Pipe No., From Node, To Node, Length, Pipe Diameter, 'C' Value, Flow, Velocity and
Head Loss;
ii) Node No., Flow, Platform Level, Highest Supply Level, Highest Ground Level, and
Residual Pressure.

The above calculations should be carried out for the case of

(a) Peak Flow and
(b) Average Flow plus Fire Flow.
The calculation can be presented in A4 size paper or computer printout.

Peak Flow factor

The peak flow factor to be used in the design of

Trunk main supplying water to a service reservoir = 1.2
Reticulation mains = 2.5

Design flow

The design flow for the reticulation mains of the water supply system of a housing scheme
shall be the greater of either the peak flow or the average flow plus the fire flow.

Minimum size of Pipe

The minimum size of reticulation mains shall be 100mm (4 in.)

“C” value
The ‘C’ value to be used in Hazen-Williams formula is 100 for ductile iron and steel pipes,
and 120 for uPVC/HDPE/ABS/GRP pipes

Maximum head loss should not exceed 2 : 1000 for gravity flow..

3.3.4 reticulation drawing on a scale of 1:2000 or 1:1000. Node points corresponding to the
design calculation shall be marked on the drawings, and pipelines shall be colored with sizes,
materials and classes indicated. A tabulated summary of available pressure to O.D.L against the
respective node points shall be incorporated in the same drawing. Platform levels and highest
supply levels are also to be shown.

3.3.5 Standard detail drawings showing types of air valves, scour valves and isolating valve
chambers, anchor blocks and crossings

3.3.6 specification of materials to be used.

The report, calculations, plans and specification should be properly bound to A4 size. Drawings
shall be to A1 size and folded to A4 such that their titles can be read without opening the plans. A
CD containing a soft copy of the drawings in AutoCad format should also be attached.


3.4.1 Construction can only proceed after application for water supply has been approved.

3.4.2 Before the commencement of construction work, a joint inspection needs to be arranged
with the State Water Supply Authorities or State Water Distribution Licensee to inspect the
pipes and fittings used for the project. The water supply system shall be constructed in
accordance with the approved plans and specifications, and shall be carried out by
approved registered contractors.

3.4.3 During construction, all required pressure and leakage tests shall be carried out according
to the specification. For pressure testing of pipeline, the pipe is usually tested to 1.5 times
the maximum working pressure for 10 minutes. For leakage test, the pipe is tested to the
working pressure over a period of 24 hours. Leakage test for reservoir is usually carried out
over 7 days. The tests shall be supervised and certified by the Consultant and witnessed by
the District Water Engineers or their representatives. Certified copy of the test results shall
be submitted to the State Water Supply Authorities or Water Distribution Licensees.

3.4.4 After the completion of the works, the Consultant shall also certify that the works have
been carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications approved.


Application for turning-on of water supply shall be made to the State Water Supply Authorities or
Water Distribution Licensee.

3.5.1 Turning-on Water Supply

Water supply will be turned-on only if the following requirements have been fulfilled: -

(a) the Consultant Engineer has certified that the works have been carried out
in accordance with the plan and specification approved,

(b) the water supply system have been tested and certified by the Consultant
Engineer and the tests duly witnessed by the State Water Supply Authorities or
Water Distribution Licensee or his representatives,

(c) the performance of all the pumping plant and other equipment meets the
duties as specified and two copies of the results of performance tests on pumping
plants and equipment shall have been submitted, one to the State Water Supply
Authority or Water Distribution Licensee and one to the District Water
Engineer/Manager. All copies of test certificates shall have been duly certified by
the Consultant Engineer,

(d) where pumping plant have been installed the electrical installation shall have
complied with TNB requirements,

(e) the Developer has applied for and the District Water Engineer/Manager has
installed the bulk meter and/or the individual meters.

NOTE : When part of the water supply system of a new housing scheme has been
satisfactorily completed and tested but cannot be considered for handing -over pending
the completion of the whole development or other installations, the Developer may apply
for “temporary water supply". Such application shall be subjected to the consideration
and approval of the State Water Supply Authority or Water Distribution Licensee.

3.5.2 Handing Over Of Water Supply

Handing-over of a water supply system shall be applied for through the respective District
Water Engineer/Manager. The handing-over of the whole or part of the water supply
system is done by the Developer, with handing-over certificates duly certified by the
Developer and the Consultant Engineer.

The water supply installations will be taken over by the State Water Supply Authorities or
Water Distribution Licensees for operation and maintenance if the following requirements
are met:

(a) the requirements of sub-paragraphs 6 (a) to (e) above have been complied with,

(b) in the case of pipelines, 3 copies and a negative print each of the as-built drawings
have been submitted. The as-built drawings shall indicate the following: -

(i) names of the roads of the scheme as approved by the local authority,

(ii) platform and supply level to O.D.L.,

(iii) node points and their available pressures to O.D.L.,

(iv) pipelines to be surrendered shall be coloured, and the details like diameter,
materials and class of pipeline indicated,

(c) the complete range of spare parts for the pumping equipment are supplied,

(d) the land on which service reservoirs and pumping installations have been built,
including any pipeline reserve is adequate and can be surrendered to the
Government without any encumbrances and shall be declared as Waterworks

(e) there shall be no financial or other encumbrances which may lead to litigation or
claims on the State Water Supply Authority or Water Distribution Licensee,

(f) the Developer shall be responsible for making good all defects in the system
during the one year period after taking-over is made. The taking-over is deemed
complete only after this one year defects and liability period, and the State Water
Supply Authority or Water Distribution Licensee is satisfied that all defects are
rectified and that the system is performing to designed specifications,

(g) the Developer shall have deposited with the State Water Authority an approved
banker’s guarantee in the form of a demand bond for an amount to be decided
by the State Water Supply Authority or Water Distribution Licensee as a bond for
the due performance of his obligation to make good all defects in the system
during the one year period after taking-over is made. The State Water Supply
Authority or Water Distribution Licensee shall be entitled to use and make
payments out of or deductions from the said banker’s guarantee to make good any
failure of the Developer to honour his obligation to repair all the said defects. The
banker’s guarantee will only be released after the State Water Supply Authority or
Water Distribution Licensee is satisfied that all defects are rectified and that the
system is performing to designed specifications,

(h) the water supply installations are not built or encroach on private property,

(i) all outstanding water and electricity bills have been fully paid.

A water supply system shall only be considered for taking-over when the housing scheme is
substantially completed and occupied, and the water supply system and the land on/below which it
sits, is surrendered to the government without any encumbrances.


Design of the pipework system for the internal plumbing is normally based on BS6700. The layout of
the internal plumbing, choice of materials and fittings and other practices shall comply with the relevant
Water Supply Rules.

With effect from 1 January 2010, all Certifying Agencies will no longer be required to review or
approve internal plumbing plans. However, the Submitting Person or Principal Submitting Person
(who should also be registered with SPAN as a Qualified Person) need to submit 1 set of plans in
A1 size together with a soft copy CD in AutoCAD format to the Certifying Agency for the purpose of
record only.

The following are the documents required for such submission:

(a) 3 copies of the plumbing drawing complete with site plan,

(b) 3 copies of a 1:100 scale drawing indicating the position of the water meter, details of
pipework from the tapping point including the saddle/tee connection right up to the water
meter position. All specials and fittings required are to be indicated,

(c) a copy of the letter of approval of the design of the water supply or reticulation
system. A copy of a 1:2,000 or 1:1,000 (or as appropriate) layout plan indicating the
building lots and the type of buildings for which the plumbing plans are being submitted.
The plan shall also indicate lots for which water has been given and details of future lots,

(d) one copy of approved architectural plans,

(e) one copy of the development order,

(f) calculations on the plumbing design and the date when water is required,

As required by the Water Supply Rules, all plumbing works shall be carried out by licensed
plumbers registered with SPAN. The application forms for individual supplies shall be submitted by
the plumber who is going to carry out the plumbing works.

No service connection will be given until the water supply system has been handed over to the
State Water Supply Authorities. All tappings for service connections shall be carried out by the State
Water Supply Authorities or Water Distribution Licensees on payment of a fee.


The technical requirements of water supply systems to housing schemes are given in the following
Appendices: -

(a) Appendix A - General Requirement

(b) Appendix B - Water Demand, Minimum Residual Head

and Other Hydraulic Criteria.

(c) Appendix C - Materials

(d) Appendix D - Booster Installations.



1. Provision of water supply system by developer

The water supply system of a housing scheme, which may include connecting trunk mains,
reticulation system, pumping stations, reservoirs and other ancillary works, shall be provided by the
developer at his own cost.

2. Compliance with Rules and other requirements

Unless otherwise specified, the water supply system in a housing scheme shall comply with the
Water Supply Rules and other requirements of the State Water Supply Authorities.

3. Construction by registered contractors

Construction of the water supply system of a housing scheme shall be carried out by contractors
registered with either JKR or PKK and SPAN under the appropriate sub-heads for water supply

4. Use of Consultants (Competent Person)

The water supply system of a housing scheme shall be designed and the plans submitted by
Consultants approved by the relevant State Water Supply Authorities or Water Distribution

5. Residual Pressure
The requirements for minimum residual pressures in the mains of a water supply system of a
housing scheme shall be as given in Appendix B-Guideline on Water Demand, Minimum Residual
Head and Other Hydraulic Criteria.

Generally, the minimum residual water pressure at the node should be 7.5m above the highest
supply level under peak flow analysis for development that obtains direct supply from public main.

For development having supply from its own storage reservoir, the minimum residual pressure at
the node under peak flow analysis can be 4.5m.

6. Water Demand
Assessment of water demand in a housing scheme shall be based on the criteria given in Appendix

7. Service Reservoir and elevated water tank

(a) The storage capacity of service reservoirs and elevated water tank should be adequate to
supply a day’s water requirements,

(b) For buildings up to 6 storeys where the water pressure is inadequate, an external elevated
water tank is required and all individual meters should be located at the ground floor.

(c) Where the edge of the site of a service reservoir or elevated water tank terminates in cut
slopes or retaining walls, the distance from the wall of the service reservoir or the edge of
the foundation of the elevated water tank to the edge of the slope or retaining wall shall
note be less than 6 meters for service reservoir and 9 metres for elevated tank.

(d) Access to the elevated tank or reservoirs should be designed as walk-up staircases

(e) Service reservoirs or elevated water tanks shall pass the water tightness test before
acceptance by the Water Supply Authority or Water Distribution Licensee.

(f) Design of the reservoir should be supported by soil investigation results.

(g) All pipework inside the reservoir and in contact with water should be of Cast Iron or Ductile
Iron with internal concrete lining.

(h) Design of water reticulation should be based on the Bottom Water Level (B.W.L.) of the

(i) Security fencing (PVC coated or other approved type) should be provided to all reservoirs
and pumping stations.

8. Water Reticulation
The Developer will be required to lay new water mains to his housing scheme from the point of
connection decided by the State Water Supply Authority or Water Distribution Licensee.

In a housing scheme, all dead ends in the reticulation system should be provided with a scour valve
or pillar hydrant for flushing purpose.

Parallel pipes on both sides of the road to be provided if there are more than 20 houses along the

For large scheme (demand exceeding 1 mld) authorities may require a sampling box and zone
meter to be provided.

9. Pipe Materials
Pipe materials to be used in the water distribution system must be approved by SPAN. This
i. All incoming mains to the housing scheme
ii. Inlet pipe to storage reservoir (for pipes in contact with water in the reservoir, the practice
is to use ductile/cast iron pipes only)
iii. Pumping main
iv. Road crossings or pipes laid under the road
v. Industrial area, commercial area, flats and condominium

10. Connection to the Water Supply Authority’s main

All charges for connection to the authority’s main shall be borne by the Developer.

11. Plan Processing Fees

Some State Water Supply Authorities have introduced fees for processing water supply submission.
The charges depend on the quantity of water required.

12. Contribution Charges

This may be imposed upon the developers and the amount is dependent on the water demand or
as a percentage of the cost of the development or as cost per unit.




1. Recommended Residual Head for Buildings in the mains

(i) Single storey - 10.5 meter

(ii) Double storey - 13.5 meter
(iii) Three storey - 16.5 meter
(iv) Four storey - 19.5 meter

However the maximum static pressure should not exceed 30.0 meter (100 feet) for reticulation mains and
the minimum shall not be less than 7.5 meter above the highest supply level. The static pressure for supply
mains at any point should not exceed 50.0m.

2. Fire Flow (subject to the agreement of the Fire Authorities)

Description Average Spacing Max. no. of
total meter (ft) hydrant out-
flow lets used
lpm (gpm)* simultaneously
Class A Risk
Large buildings (9,300 m2-
100,000 sg.ft) and shopping
complexes, high rise buildings,
large industrial estates, ware- 3@1370 1pm
houses and ports. 4100 (900) 90 (300) (300 gpm)

Class B Risk
Congested areas with build- 2@1370 1pm
ings up to 5 storeys. 2700 (600) 90 (300) (300 gpm)

Class C Risk
Shophouses up to 3 storeys,
light industry. 1370 (300) 90 (300) 1

Class D Risk
Residential-terrace houses, 120 (400)-
detached/semi-detached terrace
houses. 1140 (250) 150 (500)- 1
detached /
s. detached
Class E Risk
Others 680 (150) 180 (600) 1
* 1pm-litres per minute; gpm-gallons per minute

Fire hydrants shall be of the double-pillar stand post type for Class A and Class B risk areas.

The minimum residual pressure at each node shall be maintained at 7.5m above the building platform level
during combined average flow and fire flow conditions.

3. Water Demand
Low Cost Houses - 1100 litres per day (lpd)
Single Storey Terrace Houses - 1300 1pd
Double storey Terrace Houses/High Cost
Flat/Apartments/Townhouses - 1500 lpd
S.Detached/Cluster Houses - 2000 1pd
Bungalow/condominium - 2000 lpd

Shop Houses (1 Storey) - 2000 lpd
Shop Houses (2 Storey) - 3000 lpd
Shop Houses (3 Storey) - 4100 1pd per storey
Shop Houses (4 Storey) - 4550 lpd
Light Industrial Workshop - 1500 1pd
Semi detached Workshop - 1500 1pd
Office (per 100 m2) - 800 lpd
Petrol Station (with car washing bay) - 50,000 lpd
Petrol Station (without car washing bay) - 10,000 lpd
Bus Terminal - 900 litre per service bay
Wet Market - 1500 lpd per stall
Dry Market - 450 lpd per stall
Hawker centre - 25,000 lpd
Hotel - 1500 litre/room/day
Restaurant - 25 litre/ sq.m
Emporium/supermarket (per 100 m2) - 1000 lpd
Golf course - 1000 litre/100 sq.m
Warehouse - 1500 litre per unit

Social and Institutional

Schools - non-residential - 50 litre /head/day
Schools - residential - 250 litre/ head/day
Mosque/surau - 50 litre/person/day
Hospital - 1500 lpd per bed
Community hall - 25,000 lpd
Club House - 50,000 lpd
Balairaya - 2000 lpd
Stadium - 55 litre/person/day
Institution - 25,000 lpd per hectare
Tadika - 30 litre/head/day

Table B.2 : Minimum Site Dimensions for the Combination of Suction Tank,
Pumping Station and Service Reservoir

WATER DEMAND (lpd) Site Dimension (Minimum) for Site Dimension (Minimum)
the Combination of Suction Tank, for the Construction of
Pumping Station and Service Suction Tank and Pumping
Reservoir Station
< 227,000 23m x 54m 18m x 23m
227,000 – 454,000 27m x 59m 23m x 27m
454001 – 680,000 32m x 63m 23m x 27m
680,001 – 900,000 32m x 63m 27m x 32m
900,001 – 1,135,000 32m x 68m 32m x 36m
1,135,001 – 2,270,000 36m x 81m 36m x 41m
2,270,001 – 3,405,000 41m x 90m 41m x 50m
3,405,001 – 6,810,000 45m x 104m 54m x 59m
6,810,001 – 13,620,000 50m x 130m 68m x 72m
>13,620,000 To be determined by SPAN but To be determined by SPAN but
subject to a minimum of 50m x 130m subject to a min. of 81m x 88m
Dimension above exclude area for office, storeroom, toilet and quarters

Table B.4 : Minimum Site Dimensions for Reservoir (Square Footprint)


< 227,000 19 X 19 25 X 25
227,000 – 454,000 22 X 22 28 X 28
454001 – 680,000 24 X 24 30 X 30
680,001 – 900,000 26 X 26 32 X 32
900,001 – 1,135,000 28 X 28 34 X 34
1,135,001 – 2,270,000 30 X 30 36 X 36
2,270,001 – 3,405,000 34 X 34 44 X 44
3,405,001 – 6,810,000 44 X 44 55 X 55
6,810,001 – 13,620,000 57 X 57 71 X 71
>13,620,000 Subject to setback 6.0m (min) from edge of structural foundation for a
ground reservoir and 9.0m (min) for an elevated reservoir

Table B.4 : Minimum Site Dimensions for Reservoir (Circular Footprint)


< 227,000 20 X 20 26 X 26
227,000 – 454,000 23 X 23 29 X 29
454001 – 680,000 26 X 26 32 X 32
680,001 – 900,000 27 X 27 34 X 34
900,001 – 1,135,000 29 X 29 35 X 35
1,135,001 – 2,270,000 33 X 33 42 X 42
2,270,001 – 3,405,000 37 X 37 48 X 48
3,405,001 – 6,810,000 49 X 49 60 X 60
6,810,001 – 13,620,000 68 X 68 77 X 77
>13,620,000 Subject to setback 6.0m (min) from edge of structural foundation for a
ground reservoir and 9.0m (min) for an elevated reservoir



All materials to be used in a water supply system shall be of approved manufacture. Whenever materials
are delivered to site, the State Water Supply Authorities/Disribution Licensees shall be informed and given
the opportunity to inspect the said materials. Materials which are rejected shall be removed from the site

As a general guide, the following are the common materials used for the water supply system of a housing
scheme. Other materials may also be used as appropriate but they must be approved by SPAN:-

(a) Trunk and supply mains without tapping:-

Location Type of Pipes

Non-corrosive soils Mild Steel/Ductile Iron

Filled ground and mining uPVC with non-solvent joints for the small sizes
land HDPE for the larger sizes
For Pumping mains and hilly Mild Steel
terrains Ductile Iron (Flanged ended)
Corrosive soil/coastal area HDPE/ABS
GRP/Ductile Iron

External reticulation mains

Location Type of Pipes

Coastal areas with corrosive HDPE (PN 12.5) or uPVC (PN12) up to 250mm
soils Mild Steel or Ductile Iron for pipe 300 mm above,
Filled ground and mining uPVC with non-solvent joints for the small sizes
land HDPE for the larger sizes
For Pumping mains and hilly Mild Steel
Industrial and Commercial Mild Steel or Ductile Iron
area, flats, condominium,
shops, and road crossings
Road side tables in housing HDPE (PN 10) or uPVC (PN12) up to 250 mm
schemes Mild Steel or Ductile Iron for pipe 300 mm above

(b) plumbing pipeworks:

service pipes HDPE, stainless steel, ABS

distribution pipes HDPE, ABS, stainless steel, copper,

hot water pipes copper, stainless steel

(c) storage cisterns:

main roof and suction reinforced concrete,

cisterns coated pressed steel or GRP
stainless steel, polyethylene

individual cisterns stainless steel, fibre glass, GRP

(d) service reservoirs:

ground tanks reinforced concrete

water towers preferably reinforced concrete;

hot dipped galvanised/epoxy coated
pressed steel, aluminium, FRP, permaglas
tanks may be used with special approval

(e) pumphouses: reinforced concrete and brickwork and ceramic wall tiling
up to 1.5m high.
All pumphouse to have toilet.
Where pumping capacity >50m3/hr, office/sore room must
be provided.

(f) pumps: to ISO 2858.


1.0 General

Booster installations are to be provided where the water pressure in the Water Supply Authority’s
main is insufficient to give the minimum pressures stated in Appendix B in the reticulation mains of
a housing scheme.

2.0 Requirements of booster installation

A booster installation shall consist of:-

(a) a suction tank,

(b) a pumphouse, and
(c) a service reservoir or an elevated water tank.

2.1 Suction Tank

The recommended storage capacity of suction tanks shall be about 1/3 of the total daily water
requirements. Any deviations from this criteria shall be subject to approval by the State Water

A Constant Flow Valve of 20 hour rating is to be provided for suction tank serving condominium,
flats, hotels and high rise office.

2.2 Pumpsets

a. The operating pumps shall be sized to deliver the daily water requirement in sixteen hours or
less as deemed necessary by the Water Authority.
b. Standby pumps to the operating pumps shall be provided. The table below serves as a guide:


< 400 DUTY 2 12 75 %
> 400 DUTY 3 12 75 %

c. All pumps shall be installed to operate under positive suction head.

d. Adequate spare parts shall be provided for the maintenance of the pumpsets.
e. Remote level indicators are to be provided in the pumphouse to indicate the water level in
the suction and elevated water tanks.
f. Starters for pumps shall be capable of operating at least four times an hour.
g. Hoist or gantry crane as appropriate should be installed for lifting the pumpsets.
h. The motors of pumps should be rated at least 15% in excess of the power requirements of the
pumps when operating at minimum head and maximum discharge.
i. Pump should be of the horizontal split casing type and motor speed should not exceed 1500
rpm. However for smaller pumping installations, end suction pumps with speed up to 2900
rpm can be considered.
j. Maximum total head should not exceed 75 meter.
k. Water velocity in pipe should not exceed 2.45 m/s

2.3 Service Reservoir/Elevated Water Tank

The total storage capacity of the service reservoir or elevated water tank and suction tank shall be
adequate for minimum 1 day’s water requirements. A level indicator shall be provided on the
outside of the elevated water tank. For elevated tank minimum setback to adjacent lot shall be 9m.

2.4 Access Road And Fencing

Access roads, PVC coated chain-link fencing with galvanised posts and adequate drainage systems
shall be provided at the sites for the suction tanks, booster pumphouses and elevated water tanks.

2.5 Mode Of Operation Of Booster Pumps

All pumps shall be equipped to operate automatically and manually. Relays shall be installed for
controlling the starting and stopping of the pumps.

2.6 Pumphouse Design

a) R.C or brick with concrete roof. Roof tiles can be used if pumping capacity <100 m3/hr
b) Ceramic wall tiling to be provided up to 1.5m high.
c) All windows to be of steel casement type with security grill on the inside of the window.
d) Toilet should be provided.
e) For pumping capacity greater than 50 m3/hour, an office/store is also required.
f) Sufficient setback to be provided (> 6m if the site is flat and 9m for slope)
g) Fire fighting system as per BOMBA requirement to be provided together with First Aid kits and
safety procedures
h) Pumphouse to be acoustically designed to limit sound levels to 65 dB outside designated industrial
zone and 70 dB inside designated industrial zone.
i) Minimum clearance between 2 pumps shall be 1 m.
j) Pump Plints shall be designed to be sufficiently strong and heavy for suppressing any vibrations. As
a guide, the weight of the plinth shall be at least 3 times the total weight of the pumpset and

2.7 Telemetry System

a. Depending on the size of the water supply installation, the Water Supply Authorities or Water
Distribution Licensees may require a telemetry system to be provided.
b. The telemetry system provided should be compatible with the existing telemetry system of the
State Water Supply Authority.



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