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“I Wali innocent hereby declare that the information in this dissertation embodies my original
work done during this project submission in partial fulfillment of a Degree in Information
Technology at the Uganda Pentecostal University. This dissertation has never been published or
submitted to any other institution of higher learning for any academic award to the best of my

Signature……………………… Date…………………………….

Wali Innocent


This is to certify that Wali Innocent, a third-year student of the Ugandan Pentecostal University
pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology took part in the project work for the
partial fulfillment of the requirements of this degree under my supervision.



Mr. Atuheire Hosea


I dedicate this piece of work to my farther Mr Kamalha Neriko Wali, my mother Mrs.Biira Joy
Bakengana, for being my pillar of strength and to my siblings Soles Wali, Bridget Wali,
Catherine Wali, Obaldo Wali, Festo Wali, Samuel Wali and finally to my dear wife Kabugho
Joyline, for their unconditional support and all my colleagues, friends and all students of
Ugandan Pentecostal university.

To my own pressure and happiness, l acknowledge and appreciate My supervisor who taught me
how to do research report through all the stages up to the completion of this project report thank
you Mr.Hosea, not forgetting Mr. Archangel Muhoozi. I acknowledge and appreciate the support
got from my parents for the advice they have been giving me and in fanatical terms that is my
Farther Mr. Kamalha Neriko Wali and mother Mrs. Biira Joy Bakengana , my fellow colleagues
and friends like Mr. Wilson Myaka, Mr. Muhindo Brean who helped me finacillay and advise,
the head teacher Fort portal secondary school, the Dos who made it possible for me in writing
and developing this project report to its completion thank you very much may God bless you

ADMIN Administrator
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

GUI Graphical User Interface

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

ICA International Council on Archives

ICT Information and Communication Technology

IS Information System

Lab Laboratory

LAN Local Area Network

MIS Management Information System

PHP Hypertext Pre-Processor

RAM Random Access Memory

RM Records Management

RMS Records Management System

SQL Structured Query Language

DOS Director of studies

" A" Advanced level

" O". Ordinary level

HSM. Hard system methodologies

ERRMS. Examination results record management system

OAS. Office automation system

SQL. Simple query language

RAM. Radom access memory

Table of Contents


SUPERVISOR‟S APPROVAL......................................................................................................II



LIST OF ACRONYMS...................................................................................................................V


CHAPTER ONE:.............................................................................................................................1


1.0. Introduction...............................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background.................................................................................................................................1

1. 2Problem statement.................................................................................................................2

1.3 Objectives....................................................................................................................................2

1.3.1 General Objective of the study.........................................................................................2

1.4 Significance of the study............................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEWS.............................................................................5

2.0 Literature Review.......................................................................................................................5

2.1 Soft and hard systems methodologies.............................................................................8

CHAPTER THREE:......................................................................................................................10


3.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................10

3.1 Interviews..................................................................................................................................10

3.3 Questionnaire............................................................................................................................12

CHAPTER FOUR:.........................................................................................................................14

SYSTEM TESTING & IMPLEMENTATION..............................................................................14

4.1 SYSTEM TESTING................................................................................................................14

4.2 INSTALLATION AND DELIVERY.......................................................................................15

4.3 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION..............................................................................................15

4.3.1IMPLEMENTATION METHODS:.......................................................................................15

4.3.2SYSTEM SPECIFICATION.................................................................................................16

SYSTEM CODES:.........................................................................................................................21

CHAPTER FIVE:..........................................................................................................................32

5.0 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMANDATION...................................................32

5.1 FINDINGS................................................................................................................................32

5.2 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................32

5.3FUTURE RECOMMENDATION............................................................................................33


Appendix A.....................................................................................................................................35

Fort portal secondary school is found in Fort portal city, kabarole district which started the way
back in 1996 in Fort portal city, western part of kabundeire market, Fort portal city. Fort portal
secondary school is a grown up school which consists of both ordinary ("0") level and advanced
("A") level, mixed day and boarding school.

The online result processing system of Fort portal secondary school is a system that is developed
to the school for proper organization of student's academic performance, coding and storing of
results even when far from the school campus.

Objective: to design and develop a system that manages any information concerning results for
the students at Fort portal secondary school. Specific objectives to design an interface that allow
easy access of coding, store and easy retrieving of examination results information online.

To implement the new system that is able to do away with the problem. To introduce a user
friendly interface in the school's administration in gathering the information, the following
methodology was used like interviews, records, inspection and questioner. The project provides
a report on student's performance records for Fort portal secondary school.

However, literature focusing and related to the records management system is reviewed and the
addiction of having one online result processing system in the school.

In recommendation, this online results processing system was developed with the intention of
using it in process of re managing the results for Fort portal secondary school.



1.0. Introduction
Online result processing systems (ORPS) are systems which are playing a vital role in many
organizations. However, it has become a key component to all sectors of the economy that is
schools, businesses, hospitals, in government and non-governmental organizations among others
use their respective offices and many other activities to being performed by systems.

Information technology is almost covering the whole world since the systems used are being
faster and performing many or different tasks at a time which cannot be performed by the human
brain and effort hence advanced taking up the biggest position in being many in organizations,
businesses, sectors and government institution like Ugandan Revenue Authority (URA) and in
the ministries of information among others now use computers as well as information technology

Online result processing system is an information system that is used to code students results and
store results in an improved format of record keeping using information system. It is being used
for entering the details of students like, name, results from different papers of exams among
others and storing the data for school's future records and comparison of students’ academic
performance. This system helps the user to have an organized students results and retrieve of
information in the short time possible if needed. The system replaces the old system in the
school which is manual and paper based results record keeping system. If the administrators
implement it. The newly established system has the capacity to code, store, and quick retrieve of
records with the use of identification key for students In case an identification key can be index
number that can automatically be possible to the newly established system.

1.1 Background
Fort portal secondary school is found in Fort portal city, Kabarole district which started the way
back in 1996 in Fort portal city, western part of Kabundeire market, Fort portal city. Fort
portal secondary school, is a grown up school which consists of both ordinary ("0") level
and advanced ("A") level, mixed day and boarding school and mixed in terms of student's
gender, Fort portal secondary school is a government aided school which was started
with the mission of “To enhance the mind , quality of personality and encourage the
spirit of self-innovation, independence decisions and productivity socially,
academically, physically and spirituality”.

Fort portal secondary school is a grown up school which started with few students but now it is
aiming at fulfilling its mission, it has now a population of One thousand fifty-five (1055)
students in school. In their vision as Fort portal secondary school they are still promising to have
an increase in the population of students in few years to come , not only that, but also to have in
terms of the school development hence hope of more improved students' academic performance
in school.

1. 2Problem statements
Fort portal secondary school uses paper based system to record its daily routine processes,
this has led to wastage of time, data loss and data duplication on top of students and
parents at a distance fail to check results online

The system design and development will undertake in order to eliminate the problem of
redundant, erroneous and incomplete data that was escalating the inefficiencies in data
retrieval. These limitations were mainly caused by the fact that data, under the previous
manual recording system was entered into books and paper files and was later stored in
overcrowded storage rooms that made retrieval of archival records close to impossible.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 General Objective of the study.

To design and develop a computerized online results processing system for
Fort portal city that would enable faster and more efficient storage, retrieval
and updating of city records.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The project’s specific objectives were;

To carry out a feasibility study for the possibility of developing a records
management system for the school

To analyze the weakness of the current system

To design and develop an online results processing system for the student’s academic

To test and validate the online results processing system for the school

To implement the online results processing system for Fort portal secondary school

1.4 Significance of the study.

In designing and developing assets and records management system, it was hoped
that the project would have the following impact on all stakeholders.

The developed online results processing system was deemed as necessary for the
automation and streamlining of the activities workflow thus minimizing weakness errors.
The system, it was hoped, would enable school administrators to significantly improve
the operational control and thus streamline operations on academic.

It would lead to faster service delivery with faster record insertion and retrieval thus
reducing the time spent by staff filling out forms. This would minimize on the time
consumed in the input and retrieval of records, freeing resources for more critical
tasks and thus providing an opportunity to the supply and to enhance their handling

It would also save the school section on badly needed human resources. This is
because the online results processing system would require less number of Staff to

The online results processing system would also prevent costly paper accumulation
with systematic record disposal.


2.0 Literature Review

Brian K(2002) states that project management software is a program used to plan schedule and
control the people, cost and resources required to complete a project in time . For example the
location, cost and crew, materials and schedule needed to complete the picture in time and within
budgetary estimate. The software would show the schedule beginning and ending dates. Project
management software is also used to manage the development of multimedia projects. For
example, projects management software is; management software project for widows and

Project manager; the author states that system implementation consist of converting the
hardware, software files to the new system and training the user whether the new information
involves a few hand held computers an elaborate telecommunications network.

Jane's (2001) states that computers are extremely reliable device and very powerful calculators
with some great accessories applications like word processing, Microsoft excel solves all
problems of business activities , regardless of size . Computers have three advantages over other
type of office equipment that process information because a computer is faster, accurate, and
more economical Therefore this computerized registration system also offers faster access to
information and it's also economical because only one person is needed to operate it in any given
organization or institution.

Adam ask(2007)gives some advantages of database processing first economy of scale getting
more information from some amount of data , sharing data balancing conflicting requirement.
Enforcement of standard, controlled redundancy, consistent in this era information technology.

Acadia (2004) explained that the use of computers continue to grow in the world era of
information systems as well as technology is concern. The need for more timely information and
data processing comes on demand keeping the records of any manual operations need the
application of computer because handling them manually is much hectic and tiresome. For this

case, the online results processing system with much hope it will be helping the school to proper
examination results management information systems in the school.

Dock (1988) defines information systems as a format network using computer to provide
information systems for decision making. The goal of information systems is get correct
information to the appreciate managers at the right time, tin useful form.

In recommendations for the successful implementation system, sheen Man states that good
information should address the following.

The data generated by information systems should be compatible with federal and local
jurisdiction fire database.

Sanders (2002) computers are an intelligence amplifier that can free human to use their time
effectively. Because a computer is a fast and accurate electronic symbol or data manipulating
system that is designed automatically accept and store input data process and procedure output
results or output under the direction of the touched program or instruction. Hence the
examination results information results information systems management is able to perform the
entire mentioned variable as stated by Sanders

Silver et al(2002) provide views on information technology system. Cantered views that include
software, hardware, data, people and procedures. A second managerial view includes people,
business process and information systems which matches with the researchers finding to develop
a system with the capacity of time saving, low costs, quick data storage and retrieval of
information records.

Critical to most information systems are information technologies, which are topically designed
to enable human to perform tasks for which the brain is not well suited, such as: handling large
amounts of information, performing complex calculations and controlling many simultaneous

O'Brien(1990) argue that information in various forms is transmitted to the end users and made
available to them in the output activity. The goal of information system is the production of
appreciate information products for end users more especially in many different organizations,
companies and academic institution and hospitals improves their organization set up

Baker and Yeast(1985) observed that computers play a significant role in helping to process and
store data is derived from all forms of human activities; they wondered whether the human could
manage the increased complex demand that are placed upon it. They therefore suggested that
computers should be used in this situation of increased demands.

Hutchinson telal(2001) stated that tile is a collection of related records. Examples are the entire
student's subjects report form for Anthropology or the report forms of all students in the (D. O.
S's) office. Integrity, security, flexibility and responsiveness, increase programmers'
productivity. Improve program maintenance and data independence.

Hummer(2003)Said that computers could eliminates the need in copying and rearranging
information, which was entered into system. They also perform mathematical computational: in
short computer can eliminate most of the paper work. In this context the designed examination
results record management system eliminates most of the paper work in various old system.

Silberschtz(2006)in his book "Database system concept" the goal of database system is to
simplify and facilitate access to data and information by having a user friendly interface for
coding , store , secure and quick retrieval of information by organization users.

Towsand(2005) stated that database is structured collection of data. The data may be about
people. Products events in short, any type of information is to manage the collection of data for
reporting and decisions making. The designed system uses a database for storing data for records
management and be used to make evaluations of student's performance in the school and
accountability inclusive.

Ralph M. Stair(1999) emphasized that the development of technology through the year have
enabled us to do more with less effort but knowledge that enables us to perform more task at a
time with the technological advancement. This system helps the school administrators or the
targeted people to do more work with less effort.

Ron Oliver (2002),he said that every college, institution wants students' software to manage all
the project and student information in one location, we built the Top school student lifecycle
management (SLM) system to do it. The Top School (SLM) system manages data from first
contact with a prospect through a student's graduation our college student information systems
alternative is fully integrated and tied our robust student data management reporting suite.

Maguire (2000) states that a hard system methodology (HSM) has adopted the seven stages
approach as defined in the UK by national computing center. They are feasible, system invest,
system analysis, system developed, implementation and maintenance.

2.1 Soft and hard systems methodologies

According to James Asuncion Christopher (2005), hard systems (HS) involve simulations, often
using computers and techniques used in operations research. Hard systems look at the "How?"
Meaning, how to best achieve and test the selected option of development and analysis.

Hard systems methodologies are useful for problems that can justifiably be quantified. However,
it can't easily take into account unqualified variable (opinions, culture, politics and others),and
may treat people as being passive, rather than having complex motivations . Hard systems have
an explicit objective governed by fixed rules such as those en countered in decision making.
Examples of areas that apply hard systems methodology are; Forecasting, Simulations,
Mathematical programming, Decision theory.

Soft system methodologies (SSM) are used to tackle systems that cannot easily be quantified,
especially those involving people interacting with each other or with "system" useful for
understanding motivations, viewpoints , and interactions but , naturally, it doesn't give quantified
answers (SSM) considers the following;

Human activity

Clarification of the problem


Based on ideas

Improve the understanding

Dioso(2001) stated that computers assist careful intelligent planning, organizing. Actuating and
controlling the organization in their set ups this may be observed from the past that they
monitored production activities, solve scientific problems and help arrive in tentative answer to a
multitude of involve conditions. Computers have an impressive impact upon business,

Governmental organizations, bank and all sorts of organization and on how they operate and
manage the information system.



3.0 Introduction
These are techniques overall ideas about research methods and facts gathering of information
which was used to access the information they include the following;


Record inspection,


I visited Fort portal secondary school to get information of the current system of the examination
results processing used in the school. There after some problems were encountered in their
current existing manual system.

This helped me to design, develop and implement a system that would advance examination
results processing system (ERPS) of the school to match with the global advanced technologies.

3.1 Interviews
In gathering the information of Fort portal secondary school, this method helped me to collect or
gather the information from the management of the school, head teacher, teachers and students
that is both top and lower management of school. This method generated more information
because it puts the interviewees at ease. It also put interviews more sensitive since they are
involved in the exercise at every moment.

However, the method was disliked by some school administrators due to different factors that
were enforcing this like time management, personal programs among other things. For example
the head teachers dislike the method for the first time there and then, in case he requested for a
questionnaire luckily enough. I had it and l left with him to fill in the information wanted about
Fort portal secondary school.

I found it nice because the needed information was got in time. The director of studies (DOS)
accepted the method and himself liked it because it was time saving. He delivered all the
information concerning examination results processing system on top of that he showed me the
book marks , mark sheet which made me observe the implications of an old system .

3.1.1 Advantages of the method

It is time saving since information is got without the use of questionnaire.

It leads to friendship between the interviewee and the interviewer.

It takes interviewees more at ease and sensitive

3.2 The Record Inspection

I had a look on the current record management of the current system used in the school. This
helped me to gather enough information and among others methods which was used in gathering
information. This was the most efficient method or source of gathering the enough information
about the current system used. This generated more information because l inspected the record
through observing the difficulties of an old system.

In my own observation, this helped me do well in developing, design and implement new
examination results record management information systems of Fort portal secondary school.

The system is able to code, store, faster retrieval and it's able to give grades automatically to a
student, the system has got commanding functions like case editing arises, delete add among
others to make the job more interesting to users.

3.2.1 Advantages

It gives enough information to the researchers through the observation.

The method of record inspection made possible for the researcher to develop the examination
results record management system.

It leads to sharing of knowledge and ideas of developing a new system.

It lets the researchers observe and understand the weakness of old system very well.
3.3 Questionnaire
This is also one of the methodology techniques of collecting or gathering information of the
school. It involved structured questions on a paper based, it involved questions like about the
background of Fort portal secondary school, the mission of the school to generate quantitative
out information of the current results examination records management in the school.

This method more is liked by many people because it gives them liberty and freedom in
generating out information. For example the head teacher of Fort portal secondary school said
"other than questionnaire no any other method he can deliver perfect information about Fort
portal secondary school"

The problem encountered with methodology is that information is not in promised time hence
you keep moving for it, in this case the method becomes hectic and expensive in making
movements, waiting for administrators

3.3.1 Sample questions

When did the school start?

What is the mission of the school?

Where is the school located?

Which system do you use to manage students examination records?

What are the difficulties of the currently system used to code students' examination results and

3.3.2 Advantages

The method gives freedom the interviewee to fill in the needed information. In this method the
researcher has few words to say since the questionnaire contains all the needed information

It's liked so much by the respondents because of independency.

3.3.3 Disadvantages
Information is not got in the expected time possible in most cases.

It's tiresome and expensive in terms of transport costs




System testing is a critical aspect of Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and represents the ultimate
review of specification, design and coding. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of
finding an error. A good test is one that has a probability of finding an as yet undiscovered error. The
purpose of testing is to identify and correct bugs in the developed system. Nothing is complete without
testing. Testing is vital to the success of the system.
To enhance performance, the automated system developed was tested at four levels, namely:
 Unit Level
 Module Level
 Integration & System
 Regression


In unit testing, each modules developed were tested to affirmed is error-free.


Module Testing is done using the test cases prepared earlier. Module is defined during the time of design.
This is used to verify the combining of the software modules and their functionality. It addresses the
issues associated with the dual problems of verification and program construction. System testing is used
to verify, whether the developed system meets the requirements.
Each modification in software impacts unmodified areas, which results into serious injuries to that
software. So the process of re-testing for rectification of errors due to modification is known as regression
Apart from these tests, there are some special tests conducted which are given below:
Peak Load Tests: This determines whether the new system will handle the volume of activities when the
system is at the peak of its processing demand. The test has revealed that the new system developed is
capable of handling the demands at the peak time.

Storage Testing: This determines the capacity of the new system to store data on a disk or on other files.
The proposed system has the required storage space available, because it had been spelt out in system
Performance Time Testing: This test determines the length of the time used by the system to process


Installation and delivery is the process of delivering the developed and tested software to the school after
the system have satisfied all the set objectives and is deliverable.


Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new. The
old system consists of manual operations, which is operated in a very different manner from the proposed
new system. A proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet the requirements of
the school. An improper installation may affect the success of the computerized system.


There are several methods for handling the implementation and the consequent conversion from the old to
the new computerized system. The method adopted in implementing the new system is running the old
and new system in parallel. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN:
This includes a description of all the activities that must occur to implement the new system and to put it
into operation. It identifies the personnel responsible for the activities and prepares a time chart for
implementing the system.
The implementation plan consists of the following steps.

 List all files required for implementation.

 Identify all data required to build new files during the implementation.
 List all new documents and procedures that go into the new system.
The plan was designed to anticipate possible problems and deal with them.



Processor : Intel Pentium IV and above

RAM : 512 MB
Hard Disk : 80 GB HDD


Technology Implemented : Apache Server

Language Used : PHP 5.3

Database : My SQL 5.5

User Interface Design : HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT

Web Browser : Mozilla, Google Chrome, Torch, Opera, IE8

Software : XAMPP Server


Login page

The Dashboard page

Class page

Subject page

Students list page

Report card form page

Results page
Manage Account page

<!DOCTYPE html> ob_end_flush();

<html lang="en"> ?> ?>

<?php <head>

session_start(); <meta charset="utf-8"> </head>

include('./ <meta <style>

db_connect.php'); content="width=device-
width, initial-scale=1.0" body{
ob_start(); name="viewport">
// if(! 100%;
])){ <title>Login | <?php echo height:
$_SESSION['system'] calc(100%);
['name'] ?></title>
$system = $conn- fixed;
>query("SELECT *
FROM system_settings")- top:0;
<?php left: 0;
foreach($system as $k => include('./header.php'); ?>
$v){ align-items:center !
<?php important;
[$k] = $v; if(isset($_SESSION['login
_id'])) /*background: #007bff;*/
header("location:index.php }
// } ?page=home");

width:100%; id="login-center" </div>
class="bg-dark row
height: justify-content-center">
calc(100%); <div
<div class="form-group">
display: class="card col-md-4">

} <div <label
class="card-body"> for="password"
class="control-label text-
</style> <form
id="login-form" >

<body class="bg-dark"> <div type="password"
class="form-group"> id="password"
class="form-control form-
<main id="main" > for="username"
class="control-label text-
dark">Username</label> </div>

class="align-self-center w-
100"> <input class="w-100 d-flex
type="text" id="username" justify-content-center
name="username" align-items-center">
class="text-white text-
class="form-control form-
center"><b><?php echo
control-sm"> <button class="btn-sm btn-
block btn-wave col-md-4
['name'] ?> -
btn-primary m-0 mr-

<button class="btn-sm btn- <div class="modal- <div class="modal-
block btn-wave col-md-4 content"> footer">
btn-success m-0"
type="button" <div class="modal- <button type="button"
id="view_result">View header"> class="btn btn-primary"
Result</button> id='submit' onclick="$
<h5 class="modal- ('#view_student_results
</div> title"></h5> form').submit()">View</b
</form> <button type="button"
<div class="modal-body"> class="btn btn-secondary"
</div> <div class="container- dismiss="modal">Cancel<
fluid"> /button>

</div> <form id="vsr-frm"> </div>

</div> <div class="form-group"> </div>

</div> <label for="student_code" </div>

class="control-label text-
</main> dark">Student ID </div>

<input type="text"
<a href="#" class="back- id="student_code" </body>
to-top"><i class="icofont- name="student_code"
simple-up"></i></a> class="form-control form- <?php include
control-sm"> 'footer.php' ?>
<div class="modal fade"
id="view_student_results" </div> <script>
</form> $
<div class="modal-dialog ('#view_result').click(funct
modal-md" </div> ion(){
$ data: class="alert alert-
('#view_student_results'). $(this).serialize(), danger">Username or
modal('show') password is
}) error:err=>{

$('#login- $('#login-
form').submit(function(e){ form
console.log(err) button[type="button"]').re
$('#login- Login');
e.preventDefault() form
$('#login- moveAttr('disabled').html(' }
form Login');
button[type="button"]').att }
ging in...'); })
if($ })
danger').length > 0 ) $('#vsr-
success:function(resp){ frm').submit(function(e){
(this).find('.alert- e.preventDefault()
danger').remove(); if(resp == 1){
location.href danger').length > 0 )
url:'ajax.php? ='index.php?page=home';
action=login', $(this).find('.alert-
$('#login- url:'ajax.php?
form').prepend('<div action=login2',
method:'POST', $ <span class="info-box-
('.number').on('input keyup icon bg-info elevation-
data:$(this).serialize(), keypress',function(){ 1"><i class="fas fa-
error:err=>{ var val = $(this).val()

console.log(err) val = val.replace(/[^0-

9 \,]/, ''); <div class="info-box-
end_load() content">
val =
}, val.toLocaleString('en- <span class="info-box-
US') text">Total
success:function(resp){ Students</span>
if(resp == 1){ <span class="info-box-
}) number">
='student_results.php'; </script> <?php echo $conn-
>query("SELECT *
}else{ </html> FROM students")-
>num_rows; ?>
$('#login- <?php
form').prepend('<div include('db_connect.php') </span>
class="alert alert- ?>
danger">Student ID # is </div>
incorrect.</div>') <!-- Info boxes -->
end_load() <?php
if($_SESSION['login_type </div>
} '] == 1): ?>
<div class="col-12 col-sm-
} <div class="row"> 6 col-md-4">

}) <div class="col-12 col-sm- <div class="info-box">

6 col-md-4">
}) <span class="info-box-
<div class="info-box"> icon bg-primary elevation-

1"><i class="fas fa-th- Welcome
list"></i></span> <?php echo
<div class="info-box- $_SESSION['login_name']
content"> ?>!

<div class="info-box- <span class="info-box- </div>

content"> text">Total
Subject</span> </div>
<span class="info-box-
text">Total <span class="info-box- </div>
Classes</span> number">

<span class="info-box- <?php echo $conn-

number"> >query("SELECT * <?php endif; ?>
FROM subjects")-
<?php echo $conn- >num_rows; ?> <?php
>query("SELECT * include'db_connect.php' ?>
FROM classes")- </span>
>num_rows; ?> <div class="col-lg-12">
</span> <div
</div> class="card card-outline
</div> card-primary">
</div> <?php if(!
</div> isset($_SESSION['rs_id']))
</div> : ?>

<div class="col-12 col-sm- <div

6 col-md-4"> <?php else: ?> class="card-header">

<div class="info-box"> <div <div

class="col-12"> class="card-tools">
<span class="info-box-
icon bg-primary elevation- <div class="card">
1"><i class="fas fa- <a class="btn
book"></i></span> <div btn-block btn-sm btn-
class="card-body"> default btn-flat border-
primary" <col
href="./index.php? width="20%">
class="fa fa-plus"></i> <th>Subjects</th>
Add New</a> <col

<col <th>Average</th>
</div> width="15%">

<?php endif; ?
> </colgroup>
class="card-body"> <thead>

<table <tr>
class="table tabe-hover </thead>
table-bordered" id="list">
class="text-center">#</th> <tbody>

<col <th>Student
width="5%"> Code</th>
$i = 1;

width="15%"> <th>Student $where =
Name</th> "";


if(isset($_SESSION['rs_id' $conn->query("SELECT *
])){ FROM result_items where <td
result_id =".$row['id'])- class="text-center"><b><?
>num_rows; php echo $subjects
$where = "
where r.student_id = ?>
{$_SESSION['rs_id']} "; <td
<tr> php echo
} $row['marks_percentage']
$qry = class="text-center"><?php
$conn->query("SELECT echo $i++ ?></th> <td
r.*,concat(s.firstname,' class="text-center">
',s.lastname) as
name,s.student_code,conca <td><b><?
t(c.level,'-',c.section) as php echo <?php
class FROM results r inner $row['student_code'] ? if(isset($_SESSION['login
join classes c on = ></b></td> _id'])): ?>
r.class_id inner join
students s on = <div
r.student_id $where order class="btn-group">
by <td><b><?
unix_timestamp(r.date_cre php echo <a
ated) desc "); ucwords($row['name']) ? href="./index.php?
></b></td> page=edit_result&id=<?
php echo $row['id'] ?>"
class="btn btn-primary
while($row= btn-flat">
$qry->fetch_assoc()): <td><b><?
php echo <i
ucwords($row['class']) ? class="fas fa-edit"></i>
$subjects = </a>

<button $
data-id="<?php echo View Result ('#list').dataTable()
$row['id'] ?>"
type="button" class="btn </button> $
btn-info btn-flat ('.delete_result').click(func
view_result"> <?php endif; ? tion(){
<i _conf("Are
class="fas fa-eye"></i> you sure to delete this
</button> </td> (this).attr('data-id')])

<button })
type="button" class="btn </tr>
btn-danger btn-flat
delete_result" data-id="<?
php echo $row['id'] ?>"> <?php $
endwhile; ?> ('.view_result').click(functi
<i on(){
class="fas fa-trash"></i>
</div> </table> _result.php?id="+$
<?php </div> large')
_id'])): ?> </div> })

<button </div> $
data-id="<?php echo ('.status_chk').change(func
$row['id'] ?>" <script> tion(){
type="button" class="btn
btn-info btn-flat var status =
view_result"> $(this).prop('checked') ==
$ true ? 1 : 2;
<i (document).ready(function
class="fas fa-eye"></i> (){
if($ successfully
(this).attr('data-state- error:function(err){ updated.",'success')
stats') !== undefined && $
== 'error'){ end_load()
(this).removeAttr('data- }else{
went wrong while
return false; updating the result's
status.",'error') alert_toast("Something
} went wrong while
updating the result's
// return $ status.",'error')
false; ('#status_chk').attr('data-
var id = $ stats','error').bootstrapTogg $
(this).attr('data-id'); le('toggle') ('#status_chk').attr('data-
start_load() stats','error').bootstrapTogg
end_load() le('toggle')
, success:function(resp){ }

if(resp == 1){
method:'POST', })

data: })
alert_toast("result status })

delete_result($id){ success:function(resp){
$.ajax({ },1500)

action=delete_result', alert_toast("Data
successfully }
{id:$id}, setTimeout(function(){ }




This project centered on developing an examination results records management information
system tool for the secondary schools and other institutions. Its main purpose was to solve the
problem of using manual system of examination results records management of the students and
the schools management in terms of evaluating and identifying whether there is progress. In this
chapter, it mainly focuses on the discussion and findings and making recommendations for
further research.

Students’ registration is one of the considerations and qualifiers of a student to access papers for
exams through paying school fees to the school bursar. This tool ensures students pay in time so
that they are able to do their exams. Therefore the new system developed solves all problems
more especially like loss of data information of students, inaccurate among many unmentioned.
The first one is proper coding, storing of the students examination results records management
system (ERRMS) which provides clear information to the users.

First and fore most an effective and efficient system is to make proper coordination of the school
administrators, it also allows a uniforms format of handling students examination results records
management and thus enhancing consistence in the school. If well administered, the examination
results record management system will ease work to management and improves the levels of
performance in the school. The aims and objectives of the study were achieved using a
combination of techniques; information was got through the head teacher office, record
inspection from the director of studies (D.O.S) office, interviews and questionnaires were also
administered to gather enough information about the old system.

The system has been developed with much care that it is free of errors and at the same time it is efficient
and less time consuming. The important thing is that the system is robust and all events happened on real-
time. Avoid malfunction from outsiders. It goes through all phases of software development cycle. So
product is accurate. Also provision is provided for future developments in the system.

The current application developed is in accordance with the request that has been provided by the school.
On regarding the future enhancement, the application can further expanded in accordance with changing
scenario e.g. integrating with online examination and e-learning. Since the change in testing and user
needs arises frequently in certain short intervals of time, the application can be further upgraded to meet
the requirements that may arise in the far or near future. With regarding to the needs that arises, more and
more features can be included by adding it as separate modules and integrate it with the existing system.

[1] Ghadge Vrushali, Koli Jyoti D, Koli Namrata A, KoliShital S “Student Progress Report,
Result Analysis &Time Table Generation” International ResearchJournal of Engineering and
Technology (IRJET),Volume: 03 Issue: 02, February 2016
[2] Jugal Patel, Aditya Mewada, Ashwin Mehta, "StudentResult Analysis System", International
ResearchJournal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),Volume: 05 Issue: 04, April -2018
[3] Dhawal P Atkare, Swapnil M.Waghade, SameerA.Javed, Anand Shanker ,"Design &
Implementation of Result Analysis System for Colleges: A Review", International Conference
on Emanations in Modern Engineering Science & Management, ICEMESM-2018
[4] Anurag Sharma, Nikhil Gupta, Anamika Tripathi, Monica Sehrawa “Student Result Analysis
and Performance Report Generator”, International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IRJET), Volume: 06 Issue: 04, April 2019
[5] Prof. Sanjay Kadam, Bhavana Jadhav, Saylee Molawade, Saloni Patil ,"Student Performance
Analysis System for Higher Secondary Education ",IRJET, Volume: 06 Issue: 04, April 2019
[6] Selina Khoirom, Laimujam Raj Singh, Sougaijam Nealson Singh, Laishram Rabi Singh,
Keisham Linthoingambi, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, IRJET,
Volume: 07 Issue: 08, August 2020
[7] B.B. Agarwal, S.P. Tayal, M. Gupta, Software engineering and testing

Appendix A
Questionnaire Guide for the initial Requirements for the student Examination Results
Records Management Information System.

I am WALI INNOCENT a student of the Uganda Pentecostal University pursuing a Bachelors

degree of information technology on the requirements for this award is a project report with a
running software system. This questionnaire is designed to find out the requirements for the
mentioned system above. I therefore kindly request you to assist me with the required
information in this questionnaire. I promise to keep all the given information confidential and
highly guard due rights.

Name of respondent: Position:

………………………………………… …………………………….

What are the conditions for the student to acquire the examination papers in your school?


Which system do you use to manage students examination results records in your school.


Who are the targeted people as regards students’ examination results management?


What are the difficulties of the current system used to manage student examination results
records in the school?


When did the school start?


What are locations of the school?


What was the mission of starting a secondary school?


How many students do you have in the school currently?


What hinders the school from using computerized examination results system?


Thank you for your cooperation.


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