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CFRP composite mirrors for space telescopes and their micro-

dimensional stability
Shin Utsunomiyaa, Tomohiro Kamiyaa, Ryuzo Shimizua
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 305-8505


Ultra-lightweight and high-accuracy CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastics) mirrors for space telescopes were fabricated
to demonstrate their feasibility for light wavelength applications. The CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) of the all-
CFRP sandwich panels was tailored to be smaller than 1x10-7/K. The surface accuracy of mirrors of 150 mm in diameter
was 1.8 um RMS as fabricated and the surface smoothness was improved to 20 nm RMS by using a replica technique.
Moisture expansion was considered the largest in un-predictable surface preciseness errors. The moisture expansion
affected not only homologous shape change but also out-of-plane distortion especially in unsymmetrical compositions.
Dimensional stability due to the moisture expansion was compared with a structural mathematical model.
Keywords: CFRP, mirror, space telescope, moisture absorption, surface preciseness, dimensional stability, CTE

Ultra-lightweight CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastics) is widely applied to satellite structures and mission sensor
structures. Its dimensional stability suits to components which require high accuracy such as radio reflectors and
telescope structures. However, telescope mirrors are still commonly made of metals and glasses, e.g. beryllium, ULE,
Zerodur, and fused silica. Space telescopes have recently been required higher and higher resolution, and main mirrors of
very large aperture diameter become more and more necessary than ever. CFRP is the most promising for the main
mirrors because of its ultra-lightweight and ease of fabrication of large scale structures. In ultra-stable structures where
nm level dimensional accuracy and stability is required, CFRP is not fairly well characterized. Un-sufficient
demonstration of the ultra-high accuracy composite structures of nm level and limited understanding of their dimensional
stability might impede its visible light wavelength applications.
For fabrication of ultra-stable space components, low or zero CTE is highly desirable material property. Dimensional
stability against temperature changes in orbit environments is primarily concerned in structure design. The CTE of
composites can be tailored to suit particular applications by appropriate choice of graphite fiber, matrix resin, and fiber
volume fraction and lay-up orientation [1]. There are two important factors in the low CTE values, low CTE at the
operating temperatures and low integral thermal expansion from room temperature to the operating temperatures. The
latter could cause unpredictable distortion which affects mirror shape and accuracy. For cryogenic operating
temperatures, CFRP possesses the lowest change in the candidate materials, because low CTE could be achieved in
relatively wide temperature range [2].
Thermal gradients and temperature fluctuations could cause distortions in mirror shape and accuracy especially in large
optics. High thermal conductivity is also desirable. Fortunately, high elastic graphite fibers which are used for low CTE
CFRP have high thermal conductivity. CFRP is superior to other materials in this aspect.
For ultra-stable structures, unpredictable errors of shapes and accuracy are important as well. Not only thermal
displacement in orbit but also unpredictable distortion due to changes from ground test conditions to in-orbit
environments might cause unacceptable errors. Moisture expansion was considered the largest in un-predictable errors
In this paper, dimensional accuracy of all-CFRP demonstration mirrors is presented. The mirrors were fabricated using
sandwich panels composed of CFRP face skins and CFRP honeycomb cores. Dimensional stability due to moisture
expansion are presented and compared with a structural mathematical model.

Modern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation, edited by Eli Atad-Ettedgui,
Dietrich Lemke, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7739, 77392M · © 2010 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/10/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.856637

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2.1 CFRP Mirror fabrication process
To demonstrate the validity of the CFRP mirrors of nm level accuracy structures, we fabricated all-composite mirrors.
The face skins were made of high elastic pitch graphite fiber (YSH-50A, Nippon Graphite Fiber Co.) and cyanate ester
matrix resin (NM-31, Nippon Graphite Fiber Co.). The flex cores of 30 kg/m3 density (Ultracor Inc.) were used for
sandwich panels, which were also composed of high elastic pitch graphite fiber (YSH-50A) and cyanate ester matrix
resin (RS-3, TenCate). The cyanate matrix resin was selected to have much lower moisture absorption property than
epoxy [4]. Cyanates also have properties of superior micro-crack resistance and small cure shrinkage. Thin compliant
prepare layers were arranged in a quasi-isotropic configuration ([0/45/-45/90]2s) onto a layup tool made of low
expansion glass which was optical-polished to surface roughness of λ/20. The tool was selected to reduce thermal
distortion of the laminates in cooling from curing temperature to room temperature and the surface of CFRP was
expected to have smoothness for optical wavelength. The stacked laminates were cured at 175°C for 2hr in an autoclave.
The back face skins were cured onto a CFRP tool. The cured face skins and honeycomb cores were bonded using film
adhesive of cyanate ester resin (EX1516) on the same glass tool.
The surface of front face skins of sandwich panels was coated by epoxy resin using the same glass tool by a replica
technique. Appropriate amount of resin was put on the tool after degassed, and then the sandwich panel was put on. Air
trap was kept out and air bubbles were removed in a careful manner. After room temperature cured, the panel was
removed from the tool.
2.2 Surface accuracy of CFRP mirrors
Fig.1 shows the fabricated all-CFRP mirrors with replicated surface. The right was close-up of honeycomb core.

Fig.1 All-CFRP mirror

Fig.2 Surface accuracy of the CFRP demonstrate mirrors as fabricated

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Fig.2 shows surface accuracy vs. diameter of the fabricated mirrors. Surface accuracy was measured using a non-contact
laser profilometer. Surface accuracy was calculated against best-fit spherical surface, and 4μm RMS for φ300 mm and
1.8μm RMS for φ150 mm mirrors as fabricated. The radii of curvature were exactly the same with the tool within
tolerance range. The upper right plot was that of radio telescope reflectors shown only as reference, 25μm RMS in
φ2600 mm aperture diameter, which is now in service. The arrow indicates direction of the studies, larger and more
Fig.3 shows surface roughness of non-coat and replica resin coat mirrors. Non-coat surface had fiber print-through of
several μm pitch and resin coat surface had no fiber print-through but dispersed particles. Roughness was 30nm RMS
and 20nm RMS respectively. Roughness of the coat surface could be improved by polishing or resin coating conditions
[5]. 1~2nm RMS surface roughness was achieved by optical-polishing or diamond turning reported by COI [6].

a. Non-coat surface

b. Replica coat surface

Fig.3 Surface roughness of the mirrors with and without replica coat
2.3 CTE and CME
Measured CTE and CME (coefficient of moisture expansion) of CFRP were shown in Table 1 [7]. CTE was negative in
the laminates, but positive in the sandwich panels. It was due to positive CTE of honeycomb cores and adhesive.
Table 1 CTE and CME

CTE ( 10-7/K)
CME (10-4/%)

CFRP Plate -1.3 ± 0.5 1.9± 0.5

Sandwich Panel 1.0 ± 0.5 -

Table 2 summarized deformation in ground and orbit environments. Temperature changes were assumed from room
temperature to operating temperature of -100°C. Alignment and test were assumed in operating temperatures. Moisture

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absorption was assumed that saturation content was 0.3% and equilibrium content at stored condition on the ground 0.1
to 0.3%. Expansion coefficient errors were estimated from dispersion of the actual test results. It was noted from Table 2
that errors of moisture expansion were 2 to 3 times larger than those of temperature changes. These errors are
unpredictable because moisture contents would not be measured precisely in actual components. Dimensional change of
moisture expansion must be investigated quantitatively [7].
Table 2 Deformation of CFRP mirrors in ground and orbit conditions
Environmental change Change Coefficient Error Deformation Error
ΔT(K) α (/K) Δα (/K) ε Δε
Ground & test 120 1.2E-05 6.0E-06
Ground to orbit 120 1.0E-07 5.0E-08 1.2E-05 6.0E-06
In orbit 10 1.0E-06 5.0E-07
ΔM (%) β (/%) Δβ (/%) ε Δε
Moisture Ground & test 0.2 4.0E-05 1.0E-05
absorption Ground to orbit 0.3 2.0E-04 5.0E-05 6.0E-05 1.5E-05
In orbit 0 0 0

2.4 Out-of-plane deformation

CFRP plates are known to curl up and be convex to tool side in curing process. Inhomogeneous consolidation process or
residual thermal stress in curing phase could cause the deformation. The residual stress might affect deformation
behaviors in temperature changes or moisture absorption expansions. The deformation of sandwich panels which have
high flexural stiffness might be expected very small and the curl-up phenomena were studied in CFRP plates. Fig.4 is
flatness of CFRP plates of the same composition with the face sheets of mirrors. Fig.4 a. shows surface profile of the
CFRP without coat and Fig.4 b., with resin coat by replica. Both samples were spherically deformed and convex to the
tool side (upward in Fig.4). Radii of curvatures were different, 56,000mm for non-coat CFRP plates, 10,000mm for coat
ones. Roughness P-V (peak to valley) of the resin coat CFRP plates were around 30 μm. Roughness P-V of the
sandwich panels of 40 mm thick for the demonstrate mirrors was estimated as 20 to 30 nm from the results.

a. Non-coat plate b. Resin coat plate

Fig.4 Surface profile of the CFRP plates


3.1 Deformation of mirrors
Fig. 5 a. shows difference of the mirror surface from the best-fitted ideal spherical surface after baking at 120°C for 2
hours in vacuum, where mirrors were dried-out to 0% moisture content. Edges were lifted up but other parts were almost
flat and surface preciseness was 1.8 μm RMS. Fig. 5 b. shows deformation after aging at 60°C and 90%RH for 120hr.
The deformation was indicated by difference from Fig.5 a. The surface of Fig.5 b. was almost flat and the roughness

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was less than 0.1 μm RMS, which meant that the mirrors deformed uniformly and homologously. The curvature radii of
mirrors expanded with moisture absorption and the expansion ratio was equal to the CME as shown in Table 3.

a. Baking at 120°C for 2 hr in vacuum b. Aging at 60°C and 90%RH for 130 hr
Fig. 5 Surface accuracy of CFRP mirrors without resin coat after subtracting spherical factors
e.g. difference from best-fitted spherical surface
Table 3 Change of curvature radii of the CFRP mirrors due to moisture expansion

After drying Moisture absorption

120°C 2hr in vacuum 60°C 90%RH 120hr

0 4.4×10-5

Flat plate 0 5.7×10-5

3.2 Deformation of CFRP plates

Deformation of CFRP plates were distinguished from the mirror sandwich panels. Fig.6 a. shows deformation of CFRP
plates with non-coat after 0.2 % moisture absorption. Spherical constituents were subtracted in Fig.6. Edges were
slightly curled up but other parts were almost flat. That meant deformation occurred homologously. On the other hands,
CFRP plates with resin coat changed their shapes non-uniformly as shown in Fig. 6 b., where spherical constituents were
also subtracted. The 4 corners were popped up and a pair of side edges sagged in the center. Fig. 7 was results of
deformation simulation of a structural mathematical model of CFRP plates with resin layer on the top. 1/4 model was
used for calculation (Fig.7 a.). Anisotropy of each layer of CFRP laminates were put into the calculation. Moisture
content in each layer was calculated under assumption that water diffusion obeyed Flick’s law [8]. Fig. 7 b. and c. shows
the results. The plates deformed convex to the resin layer similar as shown in Fig. 4 b. Fig. 7 c. where spherical factors
were subtracted shows that 4 corners curled up and the center of a pair of edges sagged similarly as shown in Fig. 6 b.
The bending forces of the outermost layers of CFRP laminates were not counteracted due to asymmetry of the resin coat
layer. This was not caused by bimetallic effect but fiber orientations of the outermost layers of CFRP laminates.
In our experience, the surface shapes returned to the previous state before moisture absorption by the drying–out
treatment. It is possible to eliminate the un-predictable and un-acceptable distortion of moisture expansions by keeping
CFRP components in dry conditions such as dry nitrogen atmosphere or drying them out in vacuum repeatedly.
Nonuniform deformation might be suppressed by symmetric laminations both partially and macroscopically.

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a. Non-coat plate b. Resin coat plate
Fig.6 Deformation of CFRP plates due to moisture expansion: Moisture content 0.2%
Spherical configuration is subtracted.

a. Structural mathematical 1/4 model

b. Deformation with 0.2% moisture absorption c. Deformation subtracted spherical constituents

Fig. 7 Simulation results of deformation of CFRP plates with resin coat due to moisture absorption

All-CFRP mirrors were demonstrated as sufficiently useful for ultra-stable mirrors of space telescope of nm level. The
surface accuracy would be controlled to several tens nm RMS by optical polishing and the surface roughness, several nm
RMS. Fiber print-through was observed on CFRP surface as fabricated and could be covered and removed by a replica
technique. CTE could be arranged to smaller than 1x10-7/K in a wide range of temperature. CME seemed to cause

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unpredictable errors of unacceptable scales, but design of sandwich structures could reduce the effect to acceptable level
of several tens nm. Stored conditions and drying-out treatment would lower the distortion.
Moisture expansions caused asymmetric out-of-plane distortion unlike thermal expansion especially in asymmetric
laminations with resin coat. The phenomena must be investigated quantitatively to eliminate un-designable factors.


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