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NAME/S: Renalyn S. Palma

DATE: 09/18/22
Direction: Answer the following questions.
1. Collect pictures of agricultural technologies from the ancient origins until the
contemporary times. What are the similarities and differences of agricultural
technologies comparing to each era?
The common farmers continued to use these early medieval techniques into modern times.
Their unfenced fields were cultivated by a wooden plow, with or without a cast-iron share
and usually drawn by a water buffalo. Harvesting was by sickle or billhook (a cutting tool
consisting of a blade with a hooked point fitted with a handle). Sheaves carried from the
field were slung at the ends of a pole across an individual’s shoulders. The grain was
threshed by beating on a frame of slats or by flails on the ground. Winnowing was
accomplished by tossing the grain in the wind. Rice was husked by hand pounding in a
mortar or with a hand-turned mill. Irrigation techniques varied. The most common perhaps
was a wooden, square-paddle chain pump with a radial treadle operated by foot. Fields
were drained by open ditches and diking. Night soil, oil cakes, and ash fertilized the soil while
Modern agriculture uses advanced technology, it is less labor intensive than traditional
agriculture, and the yield quantity is larger because there is a focus on maximizing
production and maintaining a consistent quality.
Modern agriculture uses advanced technology , such as plant breeding techniques and
pesticides. Seeds that are hybrids may be used and other gene editing techniques applied.

2. Why is it important to know and understand the history of agriculture?

further factor in the development of human communities and cultures was the development
of cities as well as trade relationships between various geographic areas and people
groupings. The years before and following the Industrial Revolution saw the importance of
agriculture as a key component of economy which is why understanding the history of
agirculture is essential. In such ways also, we get to appreciate more of what we have in
agriculture today base on what history has contributed and imparted which are a product
of history.Our development is a product of history.

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