OBLAD_Reflection #2 for Group 4

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Daniella Hazel Oblad

BTLED HE Petition class


My takeaways about Group 4 reporting earlier is there are types of Performance Based
Assessment as a student, I honestly do these type of assessment. Which are Product -
Performance - Process Oriented during our major class / subject specially when the
teacher conduct demo teaching. also in making portfolio there are two types of
portfolios the working portfolio and showcase portfolio.

The document also provides details on designing and implementing performance-based

assessments, including defining criteria and using rubrics, checklists, and holistic
scoring. When we talk about Portfolio the scope and quality of their teaching
performance with evidence from a variety of sources such as syllabi, graded student
work, feedback from students and observes, their own self -assessments. Instructional
or working portfolios are formative in nature. They allow a student to demonstrate his or
her ability to perform a particular skill. Showcase portfolios are summative in nature.
Indeed, they include samples of a student's best work to demonstrate mastery at the
end of a unit of study.

It is very important to know the type of performance based-assessment and also the
cognitive domain especially when you have your internship soon because you need to
practice teaching and also how to handle student during your internship. Earlier the
group 4 had their ice breaker so that the class would not be bored im so happy because
at the end of the reporting everyone had learned about their topic. and I think everyone
can answer the given quiz by the group 4.

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