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Technological Sciences
Special Issue: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Harbin Institute of Technology

New advances in fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb materials

1,2 1,2* 3 4
WEI XingYu , XIONG Jian , WANG Jie & XU Wu
Center for Composite Materials and Structures, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Composites in Special Environments, Harbin Institute of Technology,
Harbin 150080, China;
Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, Shanghai 201210, China;
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China

Received March 15, 2020; accepted May 22, 2020; published online July 20, 2020

In sandwich structures, lightweight cellular materials as the core hold the face sheets far away from the neutral axis to maximize
the bending performance of the structure. Honeycomb materials as a major type of lightweight cellular materials have been
widely applied in various fields, including aerospace, vehicle, marine, architecture and mechanical engineering, due to reliable
mechanical properties and excellent designability. Using fiber-reinforced composites is an efficient method to develop ultralight
honeycomb materials with superior mechanical behaviors. In recent years, fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb materials
possessing lightweight and excellent mechanical performances have attracted noticeable attention to replacing traditional
aluminum honeycombs and Nomex honeycombs. Compared to metal, polymer and Nomex paper, fiber-reinforced composites
possess various merits, such as high specific stiffness and specific strength, excellent fatigue property, corrosion resistance and
high-temperature resistance. Thus, the applications of fiber-reinforced honeycomb material for sandwich core have unlimited
potential in hypersonic vehicles, long-range rockets, cargo vessels and protective systems. Although the fact that attention has
been rapidly increasing, there is a lack of comprehensive reviews of new advances in the field of fiber-reinforced composite
honeycomb materials. In this review, new advances reported by different scientists in the field of fiber-reinforced honeycomb
materials have been reviewed and analyzed to provide an in-depth overview and knowledge for beginners in the field of ultra-
lightweight and high-performance composite sandwich architectures. The challenges and prospects for the development of fiber-
reinforced honeycomb materials have also been presented.
composite, honeycomb materials, sandwich structures, failure mechanism, mechanical property

Citation: Wei X Y, Xiong J, Wang J, et al. New advances in fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb materials. Sci China Tech Sci, 2020, 63,

1 Introduction ganization in a plain area [1]. This kind of topological ma-

terials is inspired by nature and can be obtained from natural
The microstructural organization plays a significant role in products, such as beehives [2], microstructures of woods and
the mechanical performance and multifunction of cellular bamboos [3], beetle shells [4] and primary osteons of deer
materials. The ideal organization is characterized by cutting antler [5]. The reason why these porous materials are se-
redundant weight down as well as reserving primary load- lected by natural products after evolving over millions of
bearing capacity. Honeycomb materials as a significant class years is their excellent mechanical behaviors at low relative
of cellular materials are characterized by a two-dimensional densities [6,7]. By means of encircling lightweight cellular
array of polygons, which served as a cyclical topology or- materials with robust thin skins, the flexural property of a
holistic structural system is further improved [8]. For in-
*Corresponding author (email: stance, tree trunks possess tough outer skins for withstanding

© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
2 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

moderate gale and faveolate interior for lightweight and the classification of fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb
absorption of nutrients [9]. Similarly, beetle shells have materials are summarized and reviewed according to fabri-
evolved to resist buckling, reduce the weight burden and cation techniques and associated cell configurations and
improve shock resistance through the sandwich structure shown in Figure 1. This figure summarizes the main fabri-
consisted of a robust cuticula and honeycomb-shaped filler cation techniques and the types of reinforced fibers already
[10]. Therefore, honeycomb materials have been employed reported in the literature. It provides an overall cognition for
as the core of the sandwich structure and applied in various fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb materials.
fields, such as aerospace [11], aircraft [12], vehicle [13],
marine [14], architecture [15] and protection system [16]. 2.1 Hot press molding method
With the honeycomb fabrication technologies have been
progressively advanced, honeycomb structures can be made The hot press molding method is widely used to manufacture
from various types of materials, including metal, non- composite structures in which the structure is cured in a
metallic, paper and polymer, to apply for all kinds of en- mold. This standard method can also be adapted to make
gineering background [17–19]. Especially, aluminum hon- honeycomb cores with specially designed molds that can
eycomb and Nomex honeycomb have been most widely used hold the fiber prepreg in the desired shape. A kind of hex-
in the sandwich structure as carrying components [20]. In agonal honeycomb composite structure with natural fiber-
comparison to those materials, fiber-reinforced composites reinforced is manufactured by this design philosophy [25]. A
perform higher specific stiffness and specific strength, which specially designed mold made of periodically arranged
show the limitless potential of developing advanced light- hexagonal steel pillars was used, as shown in Figure 2(a).
weight structure [21,22]. Besides, fiber-reinforced composite The hexagonal steel pillars were firmly attached to a flat steel
materials have good corrosion resistance and excellent fati- plate at the bottom using screws and left sufficient clearance
gue properties [23,24]. In recent years, fiber-reinforced between the pillars, as shown in Figure 2(b), to form uniform
composite honeycomb materials possessing lightweight and grooves that were later used to house the fiber prepreg. As
excellent mechanical performances have attracted noticeable the first fabrication step, the jute fabric was placed between
attention to replacing traditional aluminum honeycombs and the inserts following the zig-zag pattern of the groove.
Nomex honeycombs. Despite the rapidly increasing atten- Thereafter, vinylester was poured into the mold along the
tion, there is a lack of comprehensive reviews of new ad- grooves between the pillars. Then, this wetted preform was
vances in the field of fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb placed in a hydraulic press with uniform pressure and set
materials. temperature for a certain time. This process caused the nature
This paper systematically generalizes and summarizes the fiber honeycomb walls to be cured in the grooves between
recent development in the fabrication, mechanics and pro- the steel cell’s hexagonal inserts. A picture of the post-
mising application of fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb fabricated honeycomb core is shown in Figure 2(c).
structures to provide an in-depth overview and knowledge It is worth noting that the process did not involve addi-
for beginners in the field of ultra-lightweight and high- tional transverse force on the jute fabric while placing it into
performance composite sandwich architectures. The fabri-
cation techniques, corresponding mechanical characteriza-
tion and multifunctional design of composite honeycomb
materials are reviewed in sections 2, 3 and 4, respectively.
Subsequently, the promising applications of composite
honeycomb materials are discussed in section 5. Section 6
prospects the future areas of growth for composite honey-
comb materials with ultra-lightweight and high performance.

2 Fabrication techniques of composite honey-

comb materials

The fabrication technique is the most crucial point to facil-

itate widespread applications in engineering, which needs to
manufacture high-quality materials at high speed and low
cost. Mechanical characterization, failure mechanisms and
structural shortcomings of the materials made by different Figure 1 The classification of fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb
fabrication methods are different. Therefore, in this paper, materials already reported in the literature.
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 3

the mold and that the resulting fiber-volume fractions were during the curing step [26]. This method translates curing an
different for the longitudinal and diagonal walls due to the integral honeycomb block to several singly corrugated sheets
different numbers of fiber layers necessary to complete the by altering a series of movable arrays into a pair of corru-
structure. The lack of pressure in the transverse direction gated molds, such as square molds, circular molds and
resulted in insufficient pressure on the prepreg during curing hexagonal molds, as shown in Figure 4(a)–(c). The carbon
and thus somewhat poor fabrication quality due to voids in fiber prepregs were firstly cured into certain shapes using
the final structure. This can be alleviated by modifying the corrugated molds, which ensure the walls were flawless and
process into a molding scheme in which lateral pressure can uniform under optimum molding conditions. Then, the
be applied during curing. To this end, a second hot press honeycomb was shaped up by cutting the corrugated sheets
manufacturing method was also proposed; this second into suitable height and bonding them together, as shown in
method allows for lateral compression of the mold ensemble Figure 4(d).
to press the honeycomb walls during curing [25]. This
method was achieved by altering the hexagonal pillars from a 2.2 Vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding method
fixed grid into a series of movable arrays that can move
against each other and form a comb-like structure, as shown The vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM)
in Figure 3. The resin-wetted jute fabric was first placed method is very popular in the composite industry for making
between the combs in the ribbon direction and then the en- composite structures with large size and complex config-
semble was laterally pressed and clamped to remove the uration at a low cost. Thus, this method can be employed to
excess resin, thus ensuring that the honeycomb walls were fabricate high-quality fiber-reinforced honeycomb materials
cured under both pressure and temperature. by developing special molds [27]. The hexagonal molds
Another hot press molding method with a simpler mold were used to fix strips of jute woven fabric in a bottom panel,
can also be employed to apply pressure on fiber prepreg as shown in Figure 5(a). Typically, to avoid voids in the fine
structures, polyester resin and curing agent mixed with
specific proportion were infused into the mold through the
assistance of the vacuum pump, as shown in Figure 5(b).
After curing, the honeycomb was bonded to the composite
face sheets using a heated hydraulic press, as shown in
Figure 5(c) and (d). Compared with the hot press molding
method, VARTM method can design and fabricate honey-
comb structures with irregular shapes and special config-
urations by using corresponding molds. However, for both
hot press molding method and the VARTM method, high-
cost molds and manual processes limit the dimensions and
prices of composite honeycomb materials.
Figure 2 (Color online) The hot press molding method [25]. (a) Bottom
plate and inserts; (b) pre-assembled honeycomb; (c) fabricated honeycomb

Figure 3 (Color online) Hot press mold with lateral compression [25]. Figure 4 (Color online) Hot press mold with corrugated mold [26].
(a) Fabrics in the mold; (b) force press on the combs; (c) picture of open (a) Square molds; (b) circular molds; (c) hexagonal molds; (d) manu-
mold; (d) picture of the closed mold. factured honeycomb blocks.
4 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

were manufactured from composite sheets using a procedure

similar to that developed for metallic honeycombs [29].
Carbon fiber bi-grid composites have been fabricated using
composite laminate sheets with various fiber architectures
using the interlocking method [30]. Typically, to obtain a
honeycomb grid with better compressive and shear proper-
ties at a low weight, the rib number and orientation need to be
optimized. To this end, the Kagome-grid was considered the
optimal choice for compressive and shear loading and in-
terlocked cores reinforced with carbon fibers in a composite
Kagome-grid were manufactured [31,32].
Figure 5 (Color online) Vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding method All the previously studied honeycomb grids had closed-
[27]. (a) Hexagonal molds and jute woven fabric strips fixed in a bottom
panel; (b) infusing step with the assistance of the vacuum pump; (c) a
cell architectures because the interlocking pieces were la-
sample sandwich panel with glass fiber skins and jute fiber honeycomb minates without holes. However, the interlocking method
core; (d) a sample jute fiber-reinforced honeycomb sandwich panel. can be readily used for fabricating honeycomb grid struc-
tures with open space in the core part with suitable inter-
2.3 Interlocking method locking pieces [33,34], as shown in Figure 6. An interlocking
method for manufacturing 3D carbon fiber composite egg
The interlocking method without using molds was developed and pyramidal honeycomb grids was developed [35]. First,
to fabricate gird structures [28], which are regarded as a kind carbon fiber composite laminates are made using T700/
of honeycomb materials with large cell sizes and thick walls, epoxy prepreg. Two pieces of honeycomb plates are cut by
due to their two-dimensional topology. This method tackles an electronic engraving machine, and then these plates with
the geometric complexity of a grid core by relying on several grooves and holes are assembled together using the inter-
pieces with grooves to interlock with each other; thus, this is locking method. Two different topologies of honeycomb grid
a very convenient and low-cost fabrication technique. This cores can be formed by choosing caulking grooves during the
method for manufacturing high-quality composite grid ma- interlocking process. All egg honeycomb grid core can be
terials is relatively cost-effective and scalable. In this ap- interlocked by both long caulking grooves, whereas a pyr-
proach, the glass fiber composite ribs were pultruded and all amidal lattice core is assembled through long and short
the fibers were aligned along the rib direction to fully exploit caulking grooves. The fabricated egg and pyramidal hon-
the stiffness and strength of the composite materials. The eycomb grids cores are sketched in Figure 7(a) and (b), re-
grids themselves can be organized into bi-grid, tri-grid or spectively.
quad-grid cells based on the number of ribs crossing each Despite the promise of this method, manufacturing a high-
intersection during the interlocking process. Because dif- performance composite honeycomb grid is an inherently
ferent grid configurations have different mechanical prop- difficult task. For instance, the rib intersections can result in
erties, this method provides significant leeway in the design. a weak place where failure can initiate, and stiffness reduc-
For instance, the compressive properties of bi-grids are much tions may occur. This is physically unavoidable as fibers
better than those of tri-grids and quad-grids at the same always interfere at the rib intersections. The interlocking
weight due to their superior longitudinal stiffness and method minimizes these vulnerabilities while significantly
strength. Both tri-grids and quad-grids have balanced com- improving the ease of fabrication at a relatively low cost. The
pressive and shear properties; besides, the shear properties of discussion above clearly demonstrates the potential benefits
these two configurations are much better than those of bi- of the interlocking method as a technique to address the
grids because of the stronger restraining force between the material and geometric complexities that arise when manu-
interlocking ribs in different orientations. The interlocking facturing composite lattice-grid materials. Furthermore, the
method was later used to fabricate square-honeycombs that relative simplicity of the method makes it amenable for ex-

Figure 6 (Color online) Fabrication of sandwich columns with 3D honeycomb grids cores by using cut carbon fiber-reinforced composite sheets and
interlock method [34]. (a) Egg honeycomb grids; (b) pyramidal honeycomb grids.
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 5

Figure 7 Photographs of egg honeycomb grids cores with relative density

3.0% (a) and pyramidal honeycomb grids cores with relative density 6.0%
(b) [35]. Figure 8 (Color online) 3D printing method [37]. (a) 3D printing of a
triangular honeycomb composite; (b) schematic illustration of 3D printing
during composite ink deposition.
tending to different materials for grid structures [36], thus
opening up a significant application avenue of grid materials
in chemical and physical sciences, ranging from macroscopic
to nanoscale systems.

2.4 3D printing method

Recent progress in the 3D printing method offers excellent

freedom of both designing and realizing cellular archi-
tectures with complex geometries. The 3D printing method
has been used as an effective method for fabricating cellular
structures by pure materials, but it can also be adapted to
create fiber-reinforced composite architectures. A type of
hierarchical inks mixed with short fibers was created for 3D
printing method [37], as shown in Figure 8. The base for-
mulation of inks contained Epon 826 epoxy resin, nano-clay
platelets, and dimethyl methyl phosphonate. The addition of
nano-clay platelets transforms the resin into a viscoelastic
fluid as shear-thinning behavior of the inks has been im-
proved to embody the essential rheological properties re-
quired for this method. Then, silicon carbide whiskers and
short carbon fibers were added into the base inks due to their
high stiffness and yield stress. The filler species within these
Figure 9 (Color online) 3D printing method of using continuous carbon
inks undergo minimal aggregation or sedimentation due to
fibers [38]. (a) Schematic of the 3D printing of a sandwich structure;
their solid-like nature in the quiescent state. Finally, the fi- (b) sandwich specimens with four kinds of honeycomb cores.
ber-filled epoxy ink was printed through a 200 μm nozzle
and required thermal curing at elevated temperatures to
complete the polymerization process. Different honeycombs was extruded from the nozzle tip, and thermoplastics were
with varying cell geometry were printed using this technique. synchronously heated and printed along the filament. A
Although this 3D printing method of reinforcing by dis- polytetrafluoroethylene tube was passed through to the
continuous fibers was demonstrated for several samples, this nozzle tip to prevent filament buckling inside the nozzle. The
method had a few shortcomings: 3D printing using short extrusion of the filament was set to be equal to the move-
fibers has unresolved issues, including blocking of the nozzle ment, so that the fiber kept in tension during printing. If the
due to aggregation of particles during the printing process, length of a filament was reached to the extremity, another
poor mechanical property and discrepant fiber-reinforced filament would continue to print next to the prior print path.
improvement along with the longitudinal and transverse Sandwich structure with honeycomb core was printed as one
printing directions. Therefore, a 3D printing method of using piece, and sandwich structure with various honeycomb cores
continuous carbon fibers as reinforcing materials has been as shown in Figure 9(b). Despite the reinforcement of the 3D
developed to bring continuous fiber-reinforced superiority printing method, this process has a shortcoming. The fiber
into full play [38]. As shown in Figure 9(a), continuous keeps continuous along the nozzle printing direction. In the
carbon fiber was printed by an FDM-type 3D printer to honeycomb core, all of the continuous fibers fail to reinforce
fabricate a whole sandwich structure. The continuous fiber the mechanical properties of cell walls in the direction per-
6 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

pendicular to the fiber. It results in inter-fiber shear failure

occurred in the core, when the structure bears bending

2.5 Tailor-folding method

The tailor-folding method relying on manufacturing cellular

cores from a planar material was proposed to balance the
high-speed manufacturing and mutual reinforcement of fi-
bers [39]. Using this method, the fiber-reinforced prepreg Figure 10 (Color online) Schematic of fabricating process of the tailor-
can be shaped into honeycomb materials by continuously folding method [39].
cutting and folding along tailored routes. Thus, the honey-
comb cores were made without vulnerable points, such as
interlocking slots, and all the fibers in the cells were con-
tinuous. Besides, the dimensions of honeycomb using the
tailor-folding method are not limited by the size of molds as a
continuous fabricating process. The prepregs with woven
fibers or different stacking plies were used to ensure hon-
eycomb materials maintain good mechanical performance at
low surface mass density.
Figure 10 shows a schematic of the fabricating process for
the composite honeycomb sandwich panel. The tailor-
folding method is mainly comprised of four processing steps:
cutting, folding, curing and assembling. In the cutting step, a
numerical control cutting machine was used to cut prede-
signed slits from prepreg. Then, the following two-stage
folding step is the key to the method. The tailored prepreg
was folded up into semi-hexagon corrugated shape with a
folding line perpendicular to a crack. Honeycomb was
Figure 11 (Color online) Two types of fiber-reinforced honeycomb cores,
shaped up by folding semi-hexagon corrugated prepreg back including close-cell honeycombs with different configurations and func-
and forth along the slits and bonding together. It is difficult to tions and open-cell honeycombs from microporous unit to macroporous
handle prepregs with large thickness and lots of layers in the unit.
folding step. Fortunately, honeycomb with the characteristics
of thin wall and low area mass density has much more po-
tential in engineering. In the curing step, an autoclave was
employed to curing honeycomb-shaped prepreg at a constant
pressure of 0.5 MPa and a temperature of 130°C for 2 h.
Hexagonal prism molds made by polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE) were inserted into the cells to keep honeycomb shape
under a pressure condition and detached after solidification
of the resin. Depending on the design of cutting and folding
lines, honeycombs with various configurations and functions
can be made. Figure 11 shows two types of fiber-reinforced Figure 12 (Color online) A picture of a 300 mm×300 mm fiber-
honeycomb cores, including closed-cell honeycombs with reinforced sandwich panel with hexagonal honeycomb core.
different configurations and functions and open-cell honey-
combs from microporous unit to macroporous unit. In the fabricating method. Lower fault tolerance is a difficult point
assembling step, a fiber-reinforced honeycomb sandwich in the preparation process, and need to be improved.
panel was obtained by bonding honeycomb core and face Nevertheless, there is an obvious potential for this method to
sheets with the epoxy-based adhesive. Figure 12 shows a achieve automation using suitable materials and an opti-
picture of a 300 mm×300 mm fiber-reinforced sandwich mized manufacturing process. The cutting and folding lines
panel with a hexagonal honeycomb core. predesigned by computer programs and continuous manu-
It is worth noting that this method has an advantage in the facturing process lay a solid foundation for an automatic
continuous manufacturing process using over the previous production line. The high increased speed of the continuous
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 7

fabricating process is the key advantage of the tailor-folding where the PP structures were found to offer much higher
method compared to other hand-based molding fabrications strength and energy-absorbing characteristics than those of-
and can save time and labor costs for composite honeycomb fered by the PLA cores. This study also showed that the
sandwich structures. compressive strength and energy-absorbing characteristics
of the square honeycomb cores were significantly greater
2.6 Summary than those of their triangular counterparts. It is believed that
the poorer mechanical response of the PLA-based structures
The fabrication methods for fiber-reinforced honeycomb stemmed from the relatively low failure strain of the matrix
materials have been summarized. We have described the material.
processes of fabrication techniques in detail and system-
atically discussed both merits and defects to show the 3.1.2 Kagome honeycomb grid materials
achievements in this filed. It can be found that the fabrication Kagome honeycomb grid structures possess more stable in-
technique of composite honeycomb materials is gradually plane performance than square grid structure. Carbon fiber
improved to satisfy the needs of the industry. In the next Kagome honeycomb grid structures were designed with
section, the mechanical characteristics of fiber-reinforced stretching-dominated characteristics and fabricated by the
composite honeycomb are analyzed according to fabrication interlocking method [32]. Delamination, buckling and
methods and cell configurations. shearing were found to be the primary damage mechanisms
under out-of-plane compression tests. Because two ribs in-
tersected at the slots and were laterally supported by each
3 Mechanics of composite honeycomb materials other, the delaminating and buckling behaviors were con-
fined, and the ribs were sheared and snipped into two parts.
3.1 Out-of-plane compression behavior of composite Where the ribs rarely intersected, the failure modes for the
honeycomb materials thin free ribs were dominated by delaminating and buckling.
3.1.1 Square honeycomb grid materials The specific stiffness and specific strength of honeycomb
The square honeycomb grid structure is the simplest struc- grid materials are independent of the relative density. The
tural construction for the interlocking method. Compression out-of-plane compressive stiffness and strength of the Ka-
tests were conducted on composite square honeycombs to gome honeycomb grids reinforced by carbon fibers were
investigate the effects of relative density, parent material superior compared to other materials, such as honeycomb
type and orientation and cell geometry [30]. The measure- and foam. Their experimental results also showed that the
ments indicate that the mechanical response was fairly in- grids are lighter, stiffer and stronger than aluminum honey-
sensitive to the ratio of the cell height to the cell width and comb grid materials and carbon foams.
the number of cells but was strongly dependent on the la-
minate type and fiber orientation. Because high specific 3.1.3 Hexagon honeycomb materials
strength and specific stiffness can be achieved compared to A hexagon honeycomb core structure made of a natural-
other cellular materials, the carbon fiber-reinforced square fiber-reinforced composite consisting of a vinylester matrix
honeycombs are a high weight-efficient structure. Elastic reinforced with jute fabric was studied [27]. A two-com-
buckling and plastic micro buckling of honeycomb cores pression molding technique was used to fabricate 6-mm-cell
were found in out-of-plane compression. The slots of the ribs and 10-mm-cell honeycombs. The out-of-plane compression
were always the weak area for these cores in out-of-plane tests showed that the core failure mechanisms were yarn
compressive loading. pull-out and fiber breaking. The observed behavior can be
The compression properties of square and triangular hon- explained by the large wall thickness relative to the cell size
eycomb core materials fabricated through co-mingled flax of the jute-vinylester cores, which inhibit buckling, and the
fiber-reinforced polypropylene (PP) and polylactide (PLA) heterogeneities in the composite, which are preferential da-
polymers were also investigated [36]. Initial testing in- mage initiation sites. The jute-vinylester cores showed si-
vestigated the sensitivity of the tensile properties of the milar specific strength to that of their commercially available
composites to variations in processing conditions. Later, a counterparts.
range of triangular and square honeycomb structures was Compressive performances of carbon fiber-reinforced
manufactured using a simple slotting technique, and it was honeycomb structures made by the tailor-folding method
shown that the PP-based system was more sensitive to var- were investigated [39]. Failure mechanism map was drawn
iations in the manufacturing temperature. However, the thought corresponding analytical models to study the dom-
tensile properties of the PP systems were significantly higher inating failure modes of the structures. As shown in Figure
than those of the PLA systems. Similar trends were observed 13, the fiber-reinforced honeycombs with the same cell size
in the compression characteristics of the honeycomb cores, and different wall thicknesses were fabricated by the tailor-
8 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

Figure 13 (Color online) The all-composite honeycomb sandwich panels under out-of-plane compressive loading condition [39]. (a) The stress-strain
curves; (b) failure mechanism map; (c) compressive failure modes.

folding method and tested under out-of-plane compressive

loading conditions. Compressive buckling and compressive
crushing are two competing failure modes, which are pre-
dicted in theory and validated by experiments. Besides, the
compressive response of pure honeycomb was also measured
to compare with honeycomb sandwich panel. It was found
that compressive strength of pure honeycomb is nearly 80%
of honeycomb sandwich panel due to a lack of effective
constraint of the skins. Because of the reinforcement of
woven fiber and no vulnerable points, such as slots, in
honeycomb, higher specific energy absorption capacities for
the honeycomb made by the tailor-folding method was ob-
served than other technique made, as shown in Figure 14.

3.1.4 3D honeycomb grid materials

A kind of honeycomb structure with the open-cell was de-
signed as a 3D grid structure. Out-of-plane compression tests
and analytical calculations were conducted to study the Figure 14 (Color online) Energy absorption per unit mass for the carbon
fiber reinforced composite honeycomb specimens made by the tailor-
mechanical response of carbon fiber-reinforced composite folding method and other honeycombs with various materials [39].
sandwich panels made with egg and pyramidal honeycomb
grid cores [33]. Crushing was found to be the main failure
mode of the 3D honeycomb grid core sandwich panels under relative density. This difference was attributed to the fact that
out-of-plane compression even at low core densities, as the pyramidal honeycomb grid core was formed with more
shown in Figure 15. The compressive strength of pyramidal interlocking points than the egg honeycomb grid core for the
honeycomb grid sandwich panels was slightly higher than same area, thereby improving the stability and increasing the
that of egg honeycomb grid sandwich panels at the same strength of the sandwich panel with pyramidal honeycomb
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 9

Figure 16 A comparison between the energy absorption capacities per

unit mass of competing for metallic and composite honeycomb grids
sandwich panels [33].

sandwich panel made by the tailor-folding method were in-

Figure 15 (Color online) The compressive stress-strain responses and vestigated through analytical models and experiments [39].
compressive failure modes of pyramidal honeycomb grids cores [33].
The analytical expressions of fiber-reinforced honeycomb
sandwich panel under shear loading are listed as [39]
grid core. Both delamination and fracture were found near Compression stiffness:
the top end of the grid cores, and these failures ran through 1 n
Eeq = n E1i ;
all the grid cores with increasing compressive loads. The i =1

detailed process of grid core delamination can be visualized Shear stiffness:

as a flower that is shaped by the two halves of the laminate. 2
1 n E1i t t 1 n
This gradual flowering failure mode also increased energy Geq = 3.27 n + 0.577 n G 12i ;
i =1 1 i i
h l i =1
absorption. The relatively long plateau stage in the load- 12 21

displacement compression curves was due to the progressive Compression strength:

failure of the core plates. This progressive failure endowed 2 3 3
E1E 2K c t2 t1
the core plates with improved specific energy absorbing +2 ,
24(1 12 21)sin (1 + cos ) l l
abilities compared to other square honeycombs with low
densities (101–102 kg/m ), as shown in Figure 16. b( t 1) cr and b (t 2) cr ,
eq = 1 t2 2 EE K
1 2 c
cr + ,
3.2 Shear behavior of composite honeycomb materials 2sin (1 + cos ) l 6(1 12 21) l

3.2.1 Square honeycomb grid materials b( t 1) cr < b(t 2),

The in-plane shear responses of the composite honeycomb cr , cr b( t1) and cr b( t 2);
grid sandwich panels made by the interlocking method were Shear strength:
measured [30]. Different relative densities, ratios of the cell
24 2
height to width and numbers of cells were considered for the E1E 23K s t
, b (t ) f,
specimen. The results showed that the shear strengths of the pk
eq = 12(1 12 21)sin l
honeycombs made from 0°–90° laminates were lower than pk s
eq = sin , f < b (t ).
those of the honeycombs made from woven material with
fibers of ±45°. These differences were believed to arise due Shear buckling and shear fracture as two competing failure
to changes in the failure mode. The two main failure modes, modes were analyzed by failure mechanism map and con-
elastic buckling and shear failure, were observed in the shear firmed by shear tests. As shown in Figure 17, shear buckling
loading of the composite sheet material. occurred in the thin cell wall, which reduces the load-
carrying ability of the sandwich panels but suppressing the
3.2.2 Hexagon honeycomb materials core completely fails with high speed. The shear fracture was
The in-plane shear responses of fiber-reinforced honeycomb observed as the cracks generated in the cell wall and pene-
10 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

posed the considerable weakness of the bond. Two ribs were

intersected at the slots and were laterally supported by each
other. Delaminating and buckling were limited to the ribs,
which were sheared into two parts. For the thin free ribs, the
failure modes were dominated by delaminating and buckling.
In a later study, the stiffness and the strength anisotropy of
the planar grid composites were researched using the
equivalent continuum method and coordinate transformation
[42]. The authors of that study showed that the strength of the
grid composite always showed an anisotropic characteristic
even if the stiffness was fairly quasi-isotropic.

3.3.2 3D honeycomb grid columns

A series of analytical, experimental and numerical in-
vestigations were conducted to study the response and failure
of composite 3D honeycomb core sandwich panels with
open inner spaces under in-plane compression [34]. In the
analytical part of the study, several failure modes, including
Euler buckling, core shear macro-buckling, face wrinkling,
face sheet crushing, core member crushing and face inter-cell
buckling, were comprehensively studied to predict the failure
modes with different structural parameters. The analytical
expressions of failure loads of composite 3D honeycomb
grid sandwich beam under in-plane compression load are
listed as [34]
Figure 17 (Color online) The all-composite honeycomb sandwich panels Euler buckling (EB):
under in-plane shear loading condition [39]. (a) The stress-strain curves; (b)
failure mechanism map; (c) shear failure modes. k 2 2(EI )eq
FEB = ;
trated the entire edge of the honeycomb. Intra-cell buckling (IB):
Shear properties of sandwich plates made by integrating 2 2 Bh 3f
face sheets with short-basalt-fiber-reinforced polymer hon- FIB = Ef ;
3 lc2
eycomb core were experimentally investigated [40]. It was
Shear macro-buckling (SM):
found debonding between fibers and matrix occurred at the
1 1
sealing edges and honeycomb walls perpendicular to the k 2 2(EI )eq 1
shear direction. In the meantime, the failure modes of the FSM = ( ) + (GcBh c) ;
sealing edges parallel to the shear direction are mainly fiber
breakage, debonding between the fiber and matrix and resin Face crushing (FC):
matrix exfoliation. Besides, the effect of the length of short FFC = 2 f h f B;
basalt fibers on the shear properties of honeycomb sandwich
plates was also studied by double shear experiments [41]. Face wrinkling (FW):
The results showed the integrated honeycomb sandwich c( EI ) f
plate reinforced by 6 mm basalt fibers possessed the best FFW = ;
mechanical property under in-shear loading conditions. Core crushing (CC):
FCC = t ch c s.
3.3 In-plane compression behavior of composite hon- 2
eycomb sandwich structures A sample of the failure mechanism maps used to design the
specimens is shown in Figure 18. In the experimental part of
3.3.1 Kagome honeycomb grid columns the study, three different sets of specimens with egg and
Combined buckling and debonding modes, as well as a local pyramidal honeycomb cores were fabricated to study nu-
delamination mode of the laminate skins, were observed merous failure modes, such as face wrinkling, inter-cell
under in-plane compression [32]. The occurrence of the buckling, core shear macro-buckling, face crushing, core
buckling mode at a much lower compressive strength ex- member crushing and core debonding; typical examples are
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 11

Figure 18 (Color online) Typical failure mechanism maps for carbon fiber composite sandwich panels under in-plane compression [34]. (a) Egg hon-
eycomb cores; (b) pyramidal honeycomb cores. FW=face sheet wrinkling; FIW=face sheet inter-cell wrinkling; FC=face sheet crushing; CSM=core shear

shown in Figure 19. Simulations were conducted to predict

the Euler buckling failure of these structures. In addition,
finite element (FE) models were used to determine the re-
lationship between the normalized compressive peak loads
of honeycomb sandwich columns and span length as well as
the thicknesses of face sheet and core wall. The mechanical
properties of pyramidal honeycomb sandwich columns were
found to be much better than those of egg honeycomb
sandwich columns.

3.3.3 Hexagon honeycomb columns

The edgewise compressive behaviors of the integrated hon-
eycomb sandwich columns made by short basalt fiber re-
inforced polymer were studied [43]. VARTM method was
employed to fabricate the integrated honeycomb columns by Figure 19 (Color online) Failure of sandwich panels with egg and pyr-
curing the whole structures. The specimens with different amidal honeycomb grid cores. (a) Euler buckling; (b) face crushing and
debonding [34].
lengths of fibers (3, 6 and 9 mm) were tested under edgewise
compressive loadings. The honeycomb columns were pri-
marily characterized by a compressive failure of the faces be the probable failure modes for this beam under bending.
rather than buckling failure bearing edgewise compressive Several topologies of the sandwich beams were selected for
loading. It was shown that the bonding performance between testing, and it was shown that the analytical predictions of the
face skins and honeycomb core is improved by the re- failure loads showed good agreement with the measure-
inforcement of fibers. Compared with the sandwich columns ments. In addition, FE analyses of these beams under three-
reinforced by different lengths of fibers, the honeycomb point bending were performed, and the initiation and growth
sandwich columns with 9-mm-length fibers had optimum of damage in the laminates were included in the FE calcu-
performance in edgewise compression. lations. Through these changes, the FE model was able to
successfully predict the measured response of load versus
3.4 Bending behavior of composite honeycomb sand- displacement and the failure modes of the composite beams.
wich structures This work reported a thorough characterization of novel grid
beams and explored their failure mechanism. Another im-
3.4.1 Square honeycomb grid beams portant outcome from this work was the demonstration of
The three-point bending behavior of sandwich beams with employing relatively simple FE calculations to analyze a
square honeycomb cores was studied [44]. The analytical complex material and geometry system.
expressions for four competing collapse mechanisms of
simply supported and clamped sandwich beams under three- 3.4.2 Kagome honeycomb grid beams
point bending were also derived. Core shear, face micro- The mechanical behavior of sandwich beams with Kagome
buckling, face wrinkling and indentation were determined to honeycomb grid cores was tested under three-point bending
12 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

[32]. The strength of the sandwich panel depends on the 3.4.4 Hexagon honeycomb beams
adhesion strength between the face sheet and core. The upper Three-point bending tests were carried out to study the
face sheet was compressed during bending as deflection flexural behavior and failure modes of natural and synthetic
progressed, the face sheet tended to buckle, and debonding fiber reinforced honeycomb sandwich beams obtained by
failure was observed due to insufficient adhesion to the core. VARTM method [27]. Analytical models and failure me-
The scatter in the adhesion strength led to large differences in chanism maps were constructed to predict the mechanical
the peaks of the loading curves. A sudden decrease in the response of jute fiber reinforced honeycomb sandwich
load was caused by the debonding of the upper face sheet beams. The analytical expressions of failure loads of com-
while the lower face sheet and the core still adhered together. posite honeycomb sandwich beam under three-point bending
The loading had to be supported by the weakened panel: the load are listed as [45]
lower face sheet and the core, the residual bearing ability was Core Indentation (CI):
only half of the peak load. As the deflection increase, the grid 1
core bore increasingly large shear forces. Finally, the spe- 1 + cos 22 sin 22 2
FCI = bB 2 + ;
2 c 4 s2
cimen separated into two parts, which destroyed the adhesion
between the lower face sheet and the core, leading to another Debonding (DB):
abrupt decrease in the loading capacity of the panel. The face 4 3 BLt ad
FDB = ad ;
sheets remained intact and were supported by the damaged 3 lc
cores. The damaged panel still possessed a residual loading Shear buckling (SB):
capacity at 12.3% of the peak load. 2K 2
sBh d E1E 2 tc
FSB = ;
6(1 2)
12 lc
3.4.3 3D honeycomb grid beams
Three-point bending tests were conducted to study the me- Intracellular dimpling (ID):
chanical behavior of carbon fiber composite sandwich beams 3
K iE1 4Bh d h f
with egg and pyramidal honeycomb cores [35]. For the FID = ;
1 122 Ll c2
analytical models, it was assumed that the core carried only Shear fracture (SF):
the shear load while the faces carried only the applied mo- 1
ment. Analytical models and failure maps were created to 4Bh d t c 2sin 22 cos 22 2
FSF = + ;
predict the mechanical response and failure modes of all the 3l c t c s

specimens with different face sheet thicknesses. Face Face fracture (FF):
wrinkling, face crushing, core member crushing and core 1
debonding were studied using these maps, as shown in 4Bh f h d 1 + cos 22 sin 22 2
FFF = + .
Figure 20. It was found that the stacking sequence and L 2 c2 4 s2
thickness of the face sheets both had a significant effect on Different failure modes of sandwich beams such as core
the overall behavior and failure of composite sandwich pa- shear, core crushing, face wrinkling and face yielding were
nels. Face wrinkling and debonding were also observed un- considered for the predictive failure map construction and
der three-point bending, and typical bending experiments are observed in experiments.
shown in Figure 21. Generally, the experimental results were Three-point bending stiffness, failure load and failure
in good agreement with the analytical results. modes were predicted by the analytical models and the col-

Figure 20 (Color online) Failure mechanism maps for carbon fiber composite sandwich beams under three-point-bending [35]. (a) Egg honeycomb cores;
(b) pyramidal honeycomb cores. FW=face sheet wrinkling, FC=face sheet crushing, CC=core member crushing, CD=core debonding.
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 13

served by the tests. Besides, the paths on the failure me-

chanism map possessing optimal load-weight ratio were
identified and verified by the load-weight ratio minimum
weight design. It was found that the beam owns highest load-
weight ratio when it gives the full potential to each compo-
nent, including the face, core and adhesive layer.

3.5 Impact behavior of composite honeycomb sand-

wich structures

3.5.1 Square honeycomb grid beams

The dynamic response of clamped monolithic beams and
sandwich beams with square honeycomb cores of equal areal
mass was measured by loading the beams at their mid-span
with metal foam projectiles to simulate localized blast
loading [46]. The failure modes of the sandwich beams in-
Figure 21 (Color online) Bending failure modes of honeycomb sandwich
cluded core fracture, plug-type shear failure of the core,
beams. (a) Egg honeycomb cores; (b) pyramidal honeycomb cores. Both debonding of the face sheets from the core and tensile
face wrinkling and debonding modes were observed during the bending fracture of the face sheets at the supports. Only two failure
experiments [35].
modes, delamination of the face sheets and tensile failure at
the supports, were observed for the monolithic composite
beams. The measured dynamic deflections of the beams were
lapse of the sandwich beams was governed by the dominant shown as a function of projectile momentum, which was also
failure mode, which depends on the structural geometries compared with results from FE simulations. The quasi-static
−3 −1
and material properties [45]. As shown in Figure 22, a three- compression (strain rate of 10 s ) and dynamic compres-
3 4 −1
dimensional (3D) failure mechanism map was generated to sion (strain rates of 10 –10 s ) of carbon fiber-epoxy
determine the dominant one among all possible failure composite square honeycombs and the parent composite
modes, including core indentation, shear buckling, shear structures were experimentally investigated using an in-
fracture, debonding, intracellular dimpling and face fracture. strumented Kolsky bar arrangement, which assessed the
Fiber-reinforced honeycomb sandwich beams were fabri- potential topologies for making lightweight composite
cated and tested to verify the analytical models and the 3D sandwich core [47]. For the honeycomb with a relative
failure mechanism map. The experimental results are in good density of 0.12, shockwave effects became clearly evident at
agreement with the analytical prediction. All of the failure impact velocities exceeding 50 ms due to the stubbing of
modes selected from the failure mechanism map were ob- the buckled cell walls against the face of the Kolsky bar.

Figure 22 (Color online) (a) The 3D failure mechanism map for fiber-reinforced honeycomb sandwich beams under three-point-bending; (b) the cross
sections of 3D failure mechanism map; (c) the pictures of failure modes in experiments [45].
14 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

3.5.2 Hexagonal honeycomb beams increase. The values could increase 14.25%, 22.81%, and
The low-velocity out-of-plane impact responses of short flax 31.15% under free-free, clamped-free and clamped-clamped
fiber-reinforced and continuous flax fiber-reinforced poly- end conditions by adding 0.5% carbon nanotubes into core
meric core honeycomb beams were studied [48]. The fiber- materials. By means of the comparison of the lowest three
reinforced corrugations were fabricated by a matched-die vibration mode shapes, it can be found that vibration am-
compression molding method, and the corrugations were plitude of the composite honeycomb sandwich panels can be
then bonded together to form recyclable honeycomb cores reduced by adding carbon nanotubes into core materials.
using ultrasonic methods. A low-velocity impact test has Carbon nanotubes enhanced the stiffness and damping cap-
been carried out to investigate the energy absorption of ability of composite honeycomb sandwich panels, as the
continuous fiber-reinforced honeycomb cores and short fi- motion of the polymer chain and the interfacing sliding of
ber-reinforced honeycomb core. The results showed that matrix resin and carbon nano-tube (CNT) particles were
using honeycombs with cell walls reinforced with con- limited.
tinuous fibers exhibit a larger elastic-region, smaller plastic
deformation and higher peak loadings. It demonstrated 3.7 Summary
continuous fiber-reinforced honeycomb core possess higher
the energy absorption than the short fiber-reinforced hon- The mechanical performances and failure mechanism of
eycomb core. fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb sandwich structures
The effect of varying rates on the mechanical character- under fundamental loadings, including out-of-plane com-
istics of the sandwich plane with carbon fiber-reinforced pression, shear, in-plane compression, bending, impact and
plastic honeycomb core was investigated over a wide range vibration conditions, were systematically discussed. The
of loading rates [49]. The VARTM process, using a central advantages and disadvantages of each cell configuration
injection point, is used to fabricate honeycomb core [50]. were also addressed. All the mechanical properties of com-
Compared to the quasi-static compressive test (the loading posite honeycomb materials made by different fabrication
rate is 0.2 mm/min) [51], it was found the out-of-plane techniques are summarized in Table 1. The mechanical
compressive strength of honeycomb was relatively in- properties of composite honeycomb strength were added into
sensitive to strain rate. In experiments, extensive long- Ashby material selection map, as shown in Figure 23 [55]. It
itudinal splitting and fiber fracture as the dominant failure shows composite honeycomb materials possess higher
mechanisms occurred in the honeycomb. The strength of the compressive strength at low densities and filling the gap of
honeycomb with [0°]4 layers was insensitive to strain rate Ashby material selection map. Besides, all of the in-
according to the experimental results of impact loading with vestigated failure modes of the honeycomb sandwich beams
different rates. Failure processes were observed in the form are summarized in Table 2. It is found that the specific
of fiber fracture and localized crushing, tilting of the walls stiffness and specific strength of fiber-reinforced composite
and vertical splits in the cell walls. Comparing with one-cell honeycombs are higher than traditional honeycomb materi-
and five-cell specimens, it was found that the five-cell spe- als, thus being attractive alternatives in the engineering ap-
cimens have higher specific energy absorption values as the plications.
adjacent cells provide greater levels of support.

3.6 Vibration behavior of composite honeycomb ma-


The free and forced vibration responses of the composite

sandwich panels were investigated by theoretical models and
experiments [52]. Higher-order shear deformation theory
was used to derive the governing equations of motion of the
sandwich. The finite element method was used to solve these
equations. Glass fiber-reinforced honeycomb materials
without and with 0.5% carbon nanotubes were fabricated by
vacuum-aided hand layup technique. The fundamental nat-
ural frequencies of composite honeycomb sandwich panels
were identified by theoretical models and experiments. It is
found that the fundamental natural frequency and loss factor
Figure 23 (Color online) Modified Ashby material selection map after
of composite honeycomb sandwich panel at all modes con- adding the mechanical performance of composite honeycomb material
sidered increase with the percentages of carbon nanotubes [55].
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 15

Table 1 Out-of-plane compression and shear properties of composite honeycomb structures

Structural topologies ρ (g/cm )

3 3 2 2
σ/ρ (×10 m /s ) E/ρ (×10 m /s )
6 2 2 3 2 2 6 2
τ/ρ (×10 m /s ) G/ρ (×10 m /s )
2 Parent materials
a) Ref.
(T, E, ρ)
0.157 85.86 − − − E=3.81 GPa,
Jute/VE honeycomb [27]
0.29 51.69 − − − woven [0/90]
0.155 39.06 − − −
0.167 54.68 − − −
E=2.99 GPa,
Square, circular and 3
0.205 69.25 − − − ρ=1.7 g/cm [26]
hexagon honeycomb
0.227 117.86 − − −
0.280 146.73 − − −
0.838 44.27 − − −
Integrated honeycomb Short fibers [40,53]
1.623 − − 20.59 −
0.034 22.06 8.824 20.59 1.118 T=0.33 GPa,
0.069 56.81 11.362 23.19 1.159 E=63 GPa,
Square honeycomb grid 3 [30]
ρ=1.37 g/cm
0.274 146.72 12.226 14.42 0.693 woven [0/90]4
T=1.06 GPa,
E=128 GPa,
Kagome honeycomb grid 0.138 164.49 10.87 − − 3 [32]
ρ=1.605 g/cm
0.047 62.80 10.43 − −
T=0.47 GPa,
0.093 56.45 10.70 − − E=54.5 GPa,
3D honeycomb grid 3 [33]
0.093 59.57 10.48 − − ρ=1.55 g/cm
0.186 61.34 10.31 − −
0.059 50.00 2.15 15.76 0.73 T=0.53 GPa,
0.111 73.87 1.67 17.21 0.62 E=45.8 GPa,
Hexagon honeycomb 3 [39]
ρ=1.44 g/cm
0.252 108.02 2.10 − − woven [0/90]s
0.264 118.48
[0/+45/−45/0] Unidirectional carbon
Hexagon honeycomb fibre cloth [49–51]
0.257 91.20 3
ρ=1.16 g/cm
0.262 88.17
T=0.33 GPa,
Aluminum2024 honeycomb 0.045 38.31 6.133 30.64 6.444 E=68 GPa, [54]
ρ=2.73 g/cm
T=0.46 GPa,
Aluminum5056 honeycomb 0.026 29.15 7.962 23.88 5.308 E=71 GPa, [54]
ρ=2.64 g/cm
a) T is the tensile strength of parent materials, E is the tensile modulus of parent materials, and ρ is the equivalent density of parent materials.

4 Multifunctional design of composite honey- panel is the sum of the thermal resistances of skins and core.
comb materials Steady state thermal transmission and uniaxial heat flux were
considered in analytical prediction. Honeycomb cores fab-
4.1 Thermal property design ricated by the VARTM method using polyester resin and jute,
Fiber-reinforced composite sandwich structures with light- glass and carbon fiber fabrics were respectively bonded with
weight and excellent mechanical properties are remarkable glass and jute fiber composite skins. The thermal con-
for building spacecraft. Meanwhile, the thermal property of ductivities of those skins and cores were separately measured
composite honeycomb materials also received lots of atten- as reducing the total amount of experiments to be performed.
tion. The thermal conductivity of sandwich panels with dif- The thermal conductivity of sandwich panels was measured
ferent kinds of fiber-reinforced composites was studied by and calculated with the composite theory from the thermal
analytical prediction and experimental measurement [57]. In conductivity (λ) values of skins and cores, and having a good
the analytical model, the thermal resistance of a sandwich agreement with analytical prediction. It was found that all the
16 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

Table 2 The failure mechanism of composite honeycomb sandwich beams

Structural topologies Loading conditions Face Core Adhesive layer Ref.
Jute/VE honeycomb Three-point bending Yielding, wrinkling Crushing, shear fracture Debonding [27]
Integrated honeycomb In-plane compression Buckling, fracture − − [43]
Square honeycomb grid Three-point bending Microbuckling, wrinkling Indentation, shear fracture − [44]
Intra-cell buckling, local buckling,
In-plane compression − Debonding
Kagome honeycomb grid delamination, fracture [56]
Three-point bending Monocell buckle, lock buckling Shear fracture −

In-plane compression Wrinkling, intra-cell buckling, crushing Euler buckling, shear −

3D honeycomb grid macro-buckling, crushing [34,35]
Three-point bending Wrinkling, crushing Crushing Debonding

Hexagon honeycomb Three-point bending Intracellular, dimpling, fracture Indentation, shear buckling, Debonding [45]
shear fracture

sandwich panels excepted to the ones made with carbon fiber reinforced composites possess good absorption capacity at
honeycomb can be considered as appropriate thermal in- the range of 4–18 GHz frequencies. Glass fiber-reinforced
sulators. grid shows better absorption ability than carbon fiber-
Fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb materials posses- reinforced grids. The better reflectivity and wider bandwidth
sing both good mechanical properties and high thermal are shown in the thicker panel. The periodic grids improve
conductivity are important for the aerospace industry. A type the absorption abilities at high frequencies but decrease these
of composite honeycomb sandwich structure made by the abilities at low frequencies. According to the experimental
interlocking method was designed to improve the out-of- data, the reflectivity of this foam-filled grid panels is even
plane thermal conductivity [58]. The theoretical model was better than the pure absorbing foam panels.
constructed and investigated. It shows the most efficient A radar-absorbing honeycomb material with nickel-coated
method for increasing the out-of-plane thermal conductivity glass fabric was proposed to reduce the echo radar cross-
of sandwich structure is decreasing the interface thermal section level of the leading edge of a NACA 0012 wing
resistance of the honeycomb core. Highly oriented graphite airfoil [60]. This leading edge of the wing was composed of
film which in-plane thermal conductivity is up to two honeycomb core and three face sheets to implement
1500 W/mK was used to coat the composite laminates before broad radar absorption. The electrical properties of the glass
the interlocking process. The interface thermal resistance of fibers were modified by an electroless nickel plating tech-
the honeycomb core is decreased by coating this film. Be- nique. Dispersing conductive nanoparticles or metal mag-
sides, this value is able to decrease by increasing the volume netic micro-powders in composite materials, which result in
content of highly oriented graphite film. After fabrication, inferior absorbing performance and design uncertainty were
specimens were tested to measure the out-of-plane thermal avoided. The broadband radar absorption ability of these
conductivity of composite honeycomb sandwich structure. proposed structures was studied by measuring the return loss
Finally, the maximum experimental result attains to and echo radar cross-section level, as shown in Figure 24. It
13.53 W/mK, which is almost increased 26 times than the exhibited −10 dB microwave absorption in the frequency
traditional composite honeycomb sandwich structures. This range of 5.8–16.3 GHz and a resonance peak of −38.1 dB at
kind of honeycomb material is suitable for high-end heat 8.2 GHz under transverse magnetic mode. The radar cross-
dissipation applications. section reduces 10 dB for vertical (VV) polarization and
8 dB for horizontal (HH) polarization were shown in the
4.2 Microwave absorption property design frequency range of 6.0–17.8 GHz. Based on the simulation
of the computer model, it was found the echo radar cross-
Radar absorbance is an important factor for stealthy struc- section levels of the leading edge of NACA 0012 under both
tures. However, the microwave absorption abilities of carbon horizontal and vertical polarizations were reduced by 10 dB
fiber reinforced composites and glass fiber reinforced com- from C-band to Ku-band. This fiber-reinforced honeycomb
posites are unsatisfactory. A stretching dominated honey- material has practical usage on the radar-absorbing structure
comb grid filled with spongy materials was designed to of stealth aircraft in the near future.
combine mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced honey-
comb with microwave absorption ability of foam [59]. The 4.3 Sound absorption property design
reflectivity of the structure was measured in the darkroom at
normal and oblique incidences. It was found the grid panels Sound absorption property of honeycomb materials made by
made by carbon fiber reinforced composites and glass fiber flax fibers with polyethylene matrix was studied [48]. The
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 17

polyurethane composites. The sound absorption coefficient

of the absorber was predicted by the approximate multi-
layered sound-absorption theory, which is based on a mod-
ified transfer matrix method. After that, the coefficient is
measured by experiments. It was found the coefficient
achieves 0.9 in the frequency range of 2400–10000 Hz under
the hydraulic pressure of 1.5 MPa. The sound-absorption
improvement in specific frequency points was also analyzed
by simulating the displacement, radial velocity and acoustic
pressure distribution of absorber. The experimental results
agree with the theoretical model and simulation. It shows the
addition of carbon fiber honeycomb absorber changes the
sound field distribution in a positive sense. Hence, carbon
fiber honeycomb absorber has the potential for application in
submarine noise insulation and anti-sonar detection.

4.4 Mechanical metamaterials design

Figure 24 (Color online) (a) The test platform for the measurement of the
return loss and echo radar cross-section level of radar-absorbing honey- Mechanical metamaterials exhibit unnatural behaviors by
comb material; (b) honeycomb sandwich panel with nickel-coated glass rational design of artificial micro-structures. Auxetic hon-
fabric [60].
eycomb with a negative Poisson ratio is a typical example of
metamaterials. However, the plastic failure of pure materials
sound absorption coefficients of honeycomb sandwich pa- limits the improvement of this special property. Auxetic
nels with continuous fibers or short fibers were measured. It honeycomb structures reinforced by continuous fiber were
was found the mean values of specimens are between 0.1 and designed and fabricated by 3D printing technology [62]. A
0.4 at frequencies from 100 Hz to 4 kHz with intervals of 1/3 systematic study including analytical models, printing path-
octaves. The acoustic property of the sandwich structure is based finite element model and in-plane experiments was
more linked to the materials rather than the structure. The carried out to investigate the effective stiffness and Poisson
primary factor of the sound absorption coefficient change ratio of continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite
with frequencies. The type of reinforced fibers exerts more auxetic honeycomb structures. Another group of auxetic
influence at the lower frequencies. The sound absorption honeycomb made by pure polylactic acid material is fabri-
coefficient of continuous fiber-reinforced composites is cated and tested as a comparison. Compared with pure ma-
higher than the short ones. Meanwhile, the fibrous arrange- trix, continuous fiber-reinforced composites inhibit crack
ment and the damped viscoelastic matrix behind the face growth in the honeycombs. The composite stiffness and
sheets play dominant roles at mid-high and higher fre- energy absorption of the auxetic honeycombs are increased
quencies, respectively. It is interesting that the modal by 86.3% and 100% by reinforcing continuous fibers. Be-
damping value of sandwich panel with fiber-reinforced sides, Poisson ratios are smaller than pure material honey-
honeycomb core is lower than the panel with an unreinforced combs. The in-plane mechanical properties of honeycomb
honeycomb core, which suggests that the viscoelastic prop- can be controlled by unit cell geometric parameters and fiber
erties of the matrix material control the modal damping va- volume fraction. Fiber-reinforced composite provides a new
lue. However, the honeycomb core only made by matrix approach for developing mechanical metamaterials.
material show poor mechanical properties. Fiber-reinforced
honeycomb materials show a reduction of about 40% in 4.5 Improvement design for mechanical property
model damping and an improvement of higher than 100% in
mechanical properties. So, how to define the best available 4.5.1 Hybrid designs of honeycomb topology
solution for balance vibration level with mechanical property The hybrid design is a method to improve the mechanical
is important. property of honeycomb material by combining honeycomb
A sound-absorbing periodically arrayed structure was de- with other topology structures. The simplest hybrid method
signed to suppress the radiant noise of a submarine [61]. is combing honeycomb with foams. A hybrid carbon fiber-
Carbon fiber honeycomb as the skeleton of the absorber was reinforced honeycomb with filling PMI foam was proposed
used for bearing hydraulic pressure. The gradient resonant to enhance the anti-pressure ability [63]. The honeycomb
cavity layer, the sound-permeable layer and the viscoelastic was fabricated by the interlocking method. Square prismatic
bottom layer of the absorber employed different types of foams were inserted into the honeycomb hole and bonded
18 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

together. This hybrid structure was studied by the theoretical foam core and glass fiber reinforced composite faces [67].
model, numerical simulation and experiments. It was found The hierarchical honeycomb sandwich structures were stu-
the foam-filled honeycomb possesses higher compressive died by analytical prediction, simulation and experiments. It
strength than empty honeycomb materials. However, the was shown the out-of-plane compression property of hier-
effects of the filled foams on the compressive strength gra- archical honeycomb sandwich panel is higher than an
dually reduced with the increase of relative density. The peak equivalent sandwich panel with a monolithic honeycomb
stresses of these two materials have little difference when the core. The sandwich panels with a hierarchical honeycomb-
relative density is higher than 0.15. foam core made by carbon fiber reinforced composites were
A hybrid design combing honeycomb with a hollow lattice also fabricated by the interlocking method [68]. Photograph
truss was proposed to improve the buckling resistance [64]. of a sandwich panel with hierarchical honeycomb-foam core
Hot press molding method fabricated the strips combing ribs and cross-section images of the interface of composite ply
and hollow lattice truss. The hybrid honeycomb-lattice was and foam are shown in Figure 25. The out-of-plane com-
prepared after interlocking the strips together. The out-of- pression property and in-plane shear property of hierarchical
plane compressive property of the hybrid honeycomb was honeycomb with different relative densities were studied by
tested and compared with the square honeycomb. Composite analytical models and experiments. Compared to the sand-
hybrid honeycomb fails to exhibit better out-of-plane com- wich structures with a monolithic honeycomb core, the
pressive behavior than square honeycomb as immature specific out-of-plane compressive strength and the specific
technology derives many defects at the slots. However, shear strength of hierarchical honeycomb-foam sandwich
compared with polymeric square honeycomb, the polymeric structures improves to 330% and 180%, respectively. It
hybrid honeycomb with perfect geometries show better provides new opportunities for light-weight sandwich
compressive characteristics in stiffness and strength. It de- structures.
monstrates that hybrid designs can provide a new method for A hierarchical honeycomb-honeycomb cylindrical struc-
new materials and structures providing better mechanical ture was designed to enhance energy absorption ability [69].
properties. Sandwich panels with glass fiber reinforced composite faces
and polypropylene honeycomb core was used as honeycomb
4.5.2 Hierarchical designs of honeycomb topology ribs. Two types of hierarchical honeycomb-honeycomb cy-
Hierarchical design is of efficiency to improve the me- lindrical structures were fabricated and tested under axial
chanical properties of light-weight material. In general, compressive loadings. It was found the crushing efficiency
hierarchical designs of honeycomb topology transform solid of the optimized cylindrical structures can be improved from
honeycomb walls to sandwich structures for resisting struc- 0.4 to 0.7. The optimized cylindrical structures exhibited
tural buckling at low densities. The interlocking method is great deformation recovery ability, even over 80% of initial
widely used for manufacturing hierarchical honeycomb height. Besides, good reloading and energy absorption
structures due to the step-by-step fabrication process. The properties are higher than 13% and 12% of initial ones re-
hierarchical honeycomb-lattice structures were designed and spectively. It has an advantage over the conventional energy
studied [65,66]. The square, triangular and Kagome honey- absorbers.
comb were fabricated by interlocking glass-fiber weaved
textile sandwich panels. The analytical models and the ex- 4.6 Summary
periments revealed the out-of-plane compressive properties
and plastic deformation mechanisms of the hierarchical The multifunctional designs of fiber-reinforced honeycomb
honeycomb-lattice structures. It was shown that hierarchical structures including thermal conduction, microwave ab-
design restricts rib buckling and improves the plastic mo- sorption, sound absorption, metamaterial property and me-
ment. The compressive stress-strain curves have stable dis- chanical property improvement were discussed. There are
placement plateaus and high compressive strength. Larger
densification strains have also occurred in the hierarchical
honeycomb with smaller relative densities. Hence, hier-
archical honeycomb-lattice structures possess excellent en-
ergy absorption capacity and load-weight efficiency.
The hierarchical honeycomb-foam structures were pro-
posed to enhance specific out-of-plane compressive property
at low densities. The sandwich panels with PMI foam core
and glass fiber reinforced composite faces were made by hot
Figure 25 (Color online) (a) Photograph of a sandwich panel with hier-
press molding method. Then, the hierarchical honeycomb archical honeycomb-foam core; (b) cross-section images of the interface of
was assembled by interlocking sandwich panels with PMI composite ply and foam [68].
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 19

still many useful multifunctional designs to be developed loading capacity and the stiffness of the sandwich cylinder
based on corresponding engineering applications. The po- are 524.6 kN and 161.8 kN/mm, respectively. The mechan-
tential applications are summarized in the following section. ical performance of the sandwich cylinder is several times
than the ribbed reinforced cylinder at similar dimensions and
almost the same weight. Analytical models, computational
5 Applications of composite honeycomb mate- models and experiments also systematically study the me-
rials chanical characteristics of the sandwich cylinders under
fundamental loads and free vibration. The researchers are
Traditional honeycomb materials using as the core of the paving the way for applying fiber-reinforced sandwich cy-
sandwich structure, such as aluminum honeycomb and No- linder with lightweight and high performance as aerospace
mex honeycomb, have been widely applied in spacecraft, components.
airplane structures, bridge decks, marine vessels, housing
constructions and carriage body, where the structural con- 5.3 Microwave absorbing structures
structions combined with ultra-lightweight and superior
mechanical performances are extremely needed. Fiber- Apart from the mechanical properties, microwave absorbing
reinforced composite honeycomb materials have the poten- ability is of fundamental importance for stealthy structures.
tial to replace the traditional ones due to their higher specific Comparing to high-density, brittle and expensive absorbing
stiffness and specific strength. However, few constructions coatings, the cellular materials with high porosity is more
using composite honeycomb materials have been applied in desirable for light-weight microwave absorbent structures
the industry due to high-cost fabrications. Some potential [76]. A combination of weight efficiency and superior mi-
applications of composite honeycomb materials are dis- crowave absorption is achieved by filling the microwave
cussed in this section. absorbing spongy foams into the honeycomb sandwich panel
[59]. Through comparison with experimental results with the
5.1 Bridge deck systems existing data on microwave absorption, it is found that fiber-
reinforced honeycomb materials are prospective weight-
The mechanical performances of bridge deck under static efficiency structural absorbent materials.
and fatigue load cycles are important for structural and
personal safeties. High-performance honeycomb sandwich 5.4 Satellite applications
structures made by fiber-reinforced composites can be used
as structural components for bridge deck systems. A bridge Satellites served in space are facing the challenges of thou-
using honeycomb sandwich decks was built in a deck in sands of thermal cycles with a large temperature difference
O’Fallon Park, which is located west of the City of Denver [77,78]. Composite sandwich structures with lightweight and
[70]. Both face sheets and honeycomb core are made by glass superior mechanical properties are extremely suited for load-
fiber reinforced polymer to reduce the bridge weight. For bearing components of satellite structures. However, the
evaluating structural safety, the static and fatigue load tests challenge for thermal designers is knowledge of their ther-
were carried out by a full-size, two-span fiber-reinforced mal properties, of which thermal deformation is crucial for
honeycomb sandwich deck. The experimental results are the systematic design of the satellite. Matching the equiva-
much higher than the design, and absolutely satisfy structural lent coefficient of thermal expansion of the sandwich skins
safety claim. Thus, fiber-reinforced composite honeycomb with the one of the core will eliminate the thermal stress
sandwich structures are suited as carrying components of the between the interlayer and increase of service life. It is a
bridge deck system hard-to-achieve goal to the traditional sandwich panels with
composite skins and aluminum honeycomb core because of
5.2 Aerospace components the different coefficients of thermal expansion of the two
materials, while it is easy to employ fiber-reinforced com-
For large aerospace components, it is important to design posite honeycomb materials. The antenna of Microwave
structural systems combined lightweight and high carrying Limb Sounder, which is the heart of the primary reflector in
efficiency. Honeycomb sandwich cylinders made by carbon the Earth Observing System’s (EOS) CHEM satellite laun-
fiber reinforced composites as a kind of ultralight structures ched by National Aeronautics and Space Administration
are widely used in aerospace structures, such as space rocket (NASA) in 2002, was constructed from composite honey-
barrels and space shuttles. A series of fiber-reinforced comb sandwich structures [79]. Composite materials with
sandwich cylinders with Kagome or square grids to replace carbon fibers and cyanate matrix were applied for the whole
grid stiffened cylinder was fabricated by fiber-reinforced sandwich structure to reduce the accuracy error caused by
composites [71–75]. In the axial compression test, the thermal expansion. Similarly, all-composite honeycomb
20 Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci

sandwich structures were also employed to ultra-stable space progress in both the fabrication method and advanced ma-
telescope mirrors with nm-level accuracy [80]. The thermal terial remains a key challenge for researchers and engineers.
expansion coefficient of the whole structure could be limited
−7 −1
to smaller than 1×10 K in a wide range of temperature. 6.2 Nondestructive testing
Besides, composite matrixes with various thermal char-
acterizations can be used to guarantee the composite struc- Nondestructive testing plays an important role in the appli-
ture of satellite application satisfy the actual thermal cation of fiber-reinforced honeycomb sandwich structure.
requirements. Initial defects such as delamination occurred in the face
sheets, core damage and debonding will emerge in the
5.5 Marine vessels sandwich structure due to blast wave, impact load, improper
processing or incorrect design. A catastrophic event will
Honeycomb sandwich panels with lightweight and superior happen in the structure with initial defects as a significant
sound-absorbing capacity are widely used in the super- reduction in load-carrying capacity. However, such defects
structures of marine vessels, including floorboards, cross are extremely difficult to be observed visually or even
walls and ceilings. However, the metal material is easy to be founded, especially meso- and micro-scopic failure, such as
corroded by the humid and highly-saline sea wind [81], fibre breakage or matrix crack damage. Unfortunately, most
especially combing with other conductive materials, such as of the current nondestructive testing methods are insufficient
carbon fiber reinforced polymer, due to electrochemical to adequately apply to fiber-reinforced honeycomb sandwich
corrosion effect. The whole sandwich structure made by structures due to the lack of accuracy. Thus, better non-
fiber-reinforced composites avoid wind erosion occurred; destructive testing methods with high precision remains a
thus, composite honeycomb materials are ideal alternative critical area for achieving the application of fiber-reinforced
material. honeycomb core.

5.6 Summary 6.3 Design for arbitrary curved surface

We discuss various applications of lightweight and multi- There are plentiful applications of honeycomb sandwich
functional fiber-reinforced honeycomb materials as alter- structures with a special curved surface, such as aircraft
natives to traditional structures. It is found that these wing, wind turbine blade and vehicle shell [82]. The design
materials have promising potential in every field of en- of traditional commercial honeycomb core with a curved
gineering. However, there are still some opportunities to surface structure is inadequate in engineering, as weak in-
improve the engineering practicability of fiber-reinforced plane mechanical property and low bending stiffness. A
honeycomb materials. The following sections further explore sandwich structure with a curved surface can be made by
the future areas of growth. bonding two curved face sheet with a flat honeycomb core,
which leads to various problems, such as excessive distortion
in honeycomb cells, high internal stress in core and de-
6 Perspectives of future areas of growth for bonding between unmatched components. However, hon-
composite honeycomb materials eycomb cores made by fiber-reinforced composites possess
steady cell shape and high stiffness, thus requiring pre-
6.1 Low-cost fabrication technique liminary curved design in preparation. The fabrication,
The various advantages and benefits of fiber-reinforced characterization and mechanical properties of a serious of
honeycomb sandwich structures have been introduced in this sandwich cylinders with gird core made by the interlocking
paper. However, the high cost of manufacturing process method were reported [75]. Furthermore, honeycombs with
limits the application in commercial production. On the one multiform shapes were made by a 3D printing method using
hand, intricate manual operation account for a considerable continuous carbon fibers [83]. Therefore, significant poten-
proportion at various stages of fabrication, which increasing tial exists for using honeycomb core materials to design and
labor cost. It can be solved by exploiting new fabrication fabricate sandwich structures that can disrupt the paradigm
technique possessing the potential of mechanization and of future material design.
automation, such as 3D printing technique and tailor-folding
technique. On the other hand, protracted curing and shaping 6.4 Lifetime and recycle
process of composite materials decrease production speed.
Advanced fiber-reinforced material needs to be developed Fatigue properties of a sandwich structure with fiber-
for engineering, such as fast curing prepreg or fiber- reinforced honeycomb core under various loading conditions
reinforced thermoplastic composite. Therefore, combined are crucial to the safety lifetimes of vehicle, machine and
Wei X Y, et al. Sci China Tech Sci 21

aircraft. Nevertheless, it is little investigated by researchers meaningful for mechanical, structural and material scientists
due to immature fabrication technique and just emerging and engineers devoting to this kind of ultralight and robust
development. In the meantime, how to dispose and recycle materials.
the damaged fiber-reinforced composite materials has
aroused much concern. Comparing to non-degradable syn- This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
thetic fibers, natural fibers are preferred for industrial pro- China (Grant No. 11572100), Program for Outstanding Young Scholars in
ductions because they are environmentally friendly and safe Harbin Institute of Technology, Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang
Province (Grant No. YQ2019A003), the Science and Technology on Ad-
for human beings [84]. The flexural behaviors of sandwich
vanced Composites in Special Environment Laboratory and Young Elite
composite beams with honeycomb reinforced by glass fibers Scientist Sponsorship Program by China Association of Science and Tech-
and flax fibers were investigated [85]. It was found that the nology (Grant No. YESS20160190).
natural fiber showed a promising and comparable structural
performance with its synthetic counterparts. Besides, ther-
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