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PYP Elementary Report Card

Green Land Pré Vert International Schools,

Giza and Zayed

Student’s name: Noah Mostafa Mahmoud Mostafa Hassan Borai

Class: PYP8 Yellow
Date of birth: 22/9/2013
Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024)
Campus: Zayed School
Absenteeism: 2 / 60


Homeroom Ms. Yasmine Shemis Islamic Religion teacher Ms. Shahdan El Helw

Co - Islamic Religion
Co - teacher Ms. Ola Mohab Ms. Hadir El Shaar

Arabic Teacher Ms. Zeinab Mansour Visual Arts Ms. Mai El Sawy

Arabic Co - Teacher Ms. Yasmine Abou El Fotouh Music Mr. Mohamed Suwaid

Language B French Ms. Nahed Khaled Drama teacher Ms. Heba El Komy

Language B French Co - Arabic Social Studies

Ms. Soha El Alawy Mr. Abdullah Thabet
teacher teacher

Christian Religion Ms. Olfat Antar Physical Education Mr. Mohamed El Saeid

The main aim of assessment at GPIS is to support and enhance student learning. Assessment is a tool to help all school
community members realise what is needed to progress and develop the PYP essential elements, support agency and intrinsic
motivation. At GPIS, we believe that assessment is an ongoing process of gathering, analysing and reflecting and acting on
evidence of student learning to inform teaching.

The PYP assessment report card focuses on the programme essential elements: the understanding of concepts, the acquisition
of knowledge, the mastery of skills, the disposition towards learning and the capacity to take decisions towards responsible
actions. It involves teachers and students collaborating to monitor, document, measure, report and adjust learning. The
purpose of the report assessment card is to inform learning and teaching. It involves the gathering and analysis of information
about student learning to inform teaching practice. It identifies what students know, understand, and can do at different stages
in the learning process.

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 1
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Learner profile

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn
Inquirers independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning
throughout life.
We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of
disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex
problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways.
Communicators We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect
Principled for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their
We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and
Open minded traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow
from the experience.
We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to
make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and
Risk takers cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient
in the face of challenges and change.
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual,
Balanced physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our
interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and expe- rience. We work to
Reflective understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 2
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Transdiciplinary Theme
Where we are in place and time
Unit N°2 An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the
interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.
Central idea Lines of inquiry Approaches to learning in focus
• Aspects of past civilizations that have
Past civilizations shape present day survived • Research Skills
systems and technologies. • Reasons these systems and
technologies developed
• How modern societies continue to
use adaptations of these systems
and technologies
• Implications for the future
Key concepts Related concepts Learner profile
• Connection • Technology • Inquirer
• Change • Sequences • Knowledgeable
• Causation • Systems

Transdiciplinary Theme
Sharing the planet
Unit N°3 An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people
and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access
to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.


The exhibition is an authentic process for students to explore, document, and share their understanding of an issue or
opportunity of personal significance. The exhibition is student-initiated, designed, and collaborative.

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 3
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Noah is a thoughtful and analytical student, always approaching tasks with a critical
mindset. He consistently demonstrates a deep understanding of the topics covered and is
able to connect different concepts together, which is truly impressive. He is independent
and takes ownership of his learning. He also quickly grasps and applies new concepts. Even
though Noah is capable of completing tasks on time, he sometimes struggles with staying
organized and managing his time efficiently, which can impact his productivity. With a little
more focus in this area, he has the potential to become a well-rounded student.
Noah has shown some progress this term. However, he needs to focus on his self-
management in order to develop even more. By enhancing his ability to organize his time
and tasks effectively, Noah can further excel in all areas of their academic and personal
development. Additionally, he has the opportunity to enhance his research skills by
practicing how to gather information from various sources and effectively summarize the
key points. With continued effort and guidance, he can further develop this important
academic skill.

Learner profile
Noah is a very good communicator. When focused, he is really good at expressing his
thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively. Additionally, he is a knowledgeable student who
usually demonstrates an understanding of the concepts taught in class. He has the potential
to become a reflective student by actively seeking feedback and using it to continuously
improve his work. Noah needs to be more balanced by managing his time wisely in the class.
Overall, I am confident that with a little attention to these areas of growth, he will continue
to thrive academically and personally.
Noah is a diligent student who shines as a thinker only when fully engaged in class
discussions. When focused, his thoughtful insights contribute positively to the learning
environment, showing his ability to grasp complex concepts. Noah has the opportunity to
work on being more open-minded by pausing before responding and fully listening to
others' perspectives. Additionally, he can improve as a communicator by using his words to
express himself before resorting to physical actions. As an inquirer, Noah could benefit from
refining his research skills by seeking out more diverse sources of information and digging
deeper into his topic.

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 4
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Language A: English

Overall expectations
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
Oral language: listening and speaking:
Learners are able to understand the difference between literal and
figurative language; how to use language differently for different purposes. 4 6
They are aware that they are building on their previous experiences and
using language to construct new meaning.
Visual language: viewing and presenting
Through inquiry, learners engage with an increasing range of visual text
resources. As well as exploring the viewing and presenting strategies that
are a part of the planned learning environment, they select and use
4 4
strategies that suit their learning styles. They are able to make connections
between visual imagery and social commentary. They show more
discernment in selecting information they consider reliable. They are able
to use visual imagery to support a position.
Written language: reading
Learners show an understanding of the strategies authors use to engage
them. They have their favourite authors and can articulate reasons for
6 6
their choices. Reading provides a sense of accomplishment, not only in the
process, but in the access it provides them to further knowledge about,
and understanding of, the world.
Written language: writing
Learners show an understanding of the conventions pertaining to writing,
in its different forms, that are widely accepted. In addition, they
demonstrate a high level of integration of the strands of language in order 5 5
to create meaning in a manner that suits their learning styles. They can
analyse the writing of others and identify common or recurring themes or
issues. They accept feedback from others.
Effort Effort Effort
4 3

Noah is capable of highlighting the main ideas and supporting details from paragraphs. Moreover, he can
write a well- structured paragraph containing a topic sentence along with relevant supporting details to
convey meaning. Additionally, he uses basic writing skills including correct punctuation, accurate
Comments spelling, his thoughts are coherent, organized and expressed in a clear sentence structure. However, Noah
Term 1 needs to work on his handwriting, as sometimes it is not legible. Additionally, he expands sentences by
incorporating additional details using taught strategies. Lastly, he showcases the ability to compose an
argumentative essay with two supporting paragraphs and one opposing paragraph, displaying ample
subject knowledge.
When Noah is focused and on task, he is capable of extracting information from a text. He can grasp the
main idea but gets easily distracted, leading to difficulties in answering inference questions that demand
understanding hidden meanings. Noah can compose stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end;
however, he needs to implement classroom teachings to enhance his writing, particularly by incorporating
Semester 1
more descriptive language. It's advised for him to meticulously review his work to eliminate errors and
include necessary details. Noah would greatly profit from diversifying his reading across a broader range of

Semester 1

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 5
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
‫اللغة العربية‬

‫السداسي الثانى‬ ‫السداسي األول‬ ‫الثالثى األول‬ ‫التوقعات االجمالية‬

‫للدراسة‬ ‫للدراسة‬ ‫للدراسة‬
‫مستوى النجاح‬ ‫مستوى النجاح‬ ‫مستوى النجاح‬
‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬
‫اللغة الشفهية ‪ -‬االستماع والتحدث‬
‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫اللغة َ‬ ‫ن ّ‬ ‫ُ ِّ‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫المجازية؛ وكيف يمكن استخدام اللغة بطريقة متنوعة‬ ‫الح ْرفية واللغة‬ ‫المتعلمون فهم الفرق بي‬ ‫يستطيع‬
‫ّ‬ ‫ُ‬
‫معان جديدة‪..‬‬
‫ٍ‬ ‫لصياغة‬ ‫غة‬ ‫الل‬ ‫ويستخدمون‬ ‫السابقة‬ ‫هم‬ ‫تجارب‬ ‫عىل‬ ‫يبنون‬ ‫أنهم‬ ‫كون‬ ‫در‬ ‫وي‬ ‫مختلفة‬ ‫ألغراض‬
‫اللغة المرئية ‪ -‬المشاهدة والعرض‬
‫المتعلمون من خالل البحث االنخراط ن يف مجموعة ُم نتايدة من موارد النصوص المرئية‪ .‬ويختار‬ ‫يستطيع ُ‬
‫ُ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ُ ِّ‬
‫المتعلمون ويستخدمون استاتيجيات تتناسب مع أنماط تعلمهم باإلضافة إىل استاتيجيات المشاهدة والعرض‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫خطط لها‪ .‬وهم قادرون عىل عمل روابط ن‬ ‫ُ َّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬
‫المرئ والتفستات‬
‫ي‬ ‫بي التصوير‬ ‫تعتت جزءا من بيئة التعلم الم‬ ‫الت ر‬‫ي‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫االجتماعية‪ُ .‬‬
‫يعتتونها موثوقة‪ .‬كما أنهم قادرون عىل استخدام‬
‫الت ر‬‫ي‬ ‫المعلومات‬ ‫اختيار‬ ‫ف‬
‫ي‬ ‫التمت‬ ‫من‬ ‫مزيدا‬ ‫ظهرون‬ ‫وي‬
‫الت تواجههم‪.‬‬ ‫التصوير البرصي لدعم المواقف ي‬ ‫ّ‬
‫اللغة المكتوبة – القراءة‬
‫يُبدي ال ُمتعلِّّمون فهما ً لالستراتيجيات التي يستخدمها المؤلّفون لكي يثيروا اهتمامهم ويُشركوهم فيها‪.‬‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫ولل ُمتعلِّّمين مؤلفون ُمفضلون ويمكنهم إعطاء األسباب البيّنة الختياراتهم‪ .‬وتُوفّر القراءة حسا ً باإلنجاز ليس‬
‫أثناء أدائها فحسب بل أيضا ً في ما تُوفّره من وصول إلى معرفة أوسع عن العالم وفهم أكبر له‪.‬‬
‫اللغةالمكتوبة – الكتابة‬
‫يُبدي ال ُمتعلِّّمون فهمهم لألعراف المتعلقة بالكتابة المقبولة على نطاق واسع بمختلف أشكالها‪ .‬وإضافة إلى‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫ذلك‪ ،‬فهم ُُ ظهرون مستوى عاليا ً من تكامل أشكال اللّغة من أجل ابتكار المعنى بطريقة تُناسب نمطهم في‬
‫متكررة‪ .‬كما أنهم يقبلون تعليقات‬
‫ّ‬ ‫التعلّم‪ .‬ويُمكنهم تحليل كتابة اآلخرين وتحديد مواضيع أو قضايا عامة أو‬
‫اآلخرين ‪.‬‬
‫المجهود‬ ‫المجهود‬ ‫المجهود‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬

‫نوح طالب مفكر ومتواصل ‪ ،‬ولكنه غير ملتزم باتفاقيات الفصل وكثير الكالم والحركة أثناء الحصة وهذا يؤثر على تركيزه ‪ ،‬يتفاعل مع‬
‫مقبوال في الفصل ‪ ،‬ويقوم بتسليم الواجبات بشكل منتظم ولكن‬ ‫المعلمة أثناء الحصة في بعض األوقات إذا طلبت منه المعلمة ويبذل مجهودًا‬
‫في الفت رة األخيرة أغفل بعض الواجبات ‪ .‬يستطيع كتابة موضوع تعبير بشكل مقبول ولكن الخط غير منظم (المنظور) ويستخدم العامية‬
‫في بعض األوقات أثناء الكتابة وهناك بعض األخطاء اإلمالئية في الهمزات مثل (يئدي) ‪ .‬يستطيع القراءة بشكل مقبول ويفهم ما يقرأ ولكن‬
‫الثالثى األول للدراسة‬
‫ال يقوم تشكيل الكل مة أثناء القراءة ‪ .‬يستطيع تذكر بعض القواعد النحوية السابقة مثل الجملة االسمية والفعلية‪ ،‬يستطيع تمييز االسم‬
‫الموصول في الفقرة بمساعدة المعلمة أحيانًا (الشكل والوظيفة)‪ ،‬واستطاع فهم نص االستماع وأجاب عنه‪ ،‬وتفاعل مع فيديو تعليمي بشكل‬
‫جيد‪ ،‬وتشجعه المعلمة على التحدث بالفصحى أثناء الحصة ‪.‬‬
‫مفكرا ولكنه ينشغل باألحاديث الجانبية والحركة أثناء الحصة وهذا يؤثر على تركيزه فأصبح ال يبذل مجهودًا أثناء الحصة فال‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الزال نوح‬
‫يشارك إال إذا طلبت منه المعلمة‪ ،‬ويستطيع كتابة موضوع تعبير بشكل مقبول ولكن بتوجيهات المعلمة ويحتاج لتحسين خطه‪ ،‬وال يقم‬
‫بتسليم الواجبات بشكل منتظم في الفترة األخيرة ‪ ،‬والزال يستطيع التعرف على بعض القواعد اإلمالئية البسيطة ولكن يُخطىء في المدود‬ ‫تعليقات‬
‫والحروف المتشابهة في النطق والهمزات (الشكل)‪ ،‬يستطيع استخراج المفعول به واالسم المجرور ولكن بمساعدة المعلمة ولكن يخطئ‬ ‫السداسي األول للدراسة‬
‫قليال ويفهم ما يقرأ‪ ،‬ولكن يخطئ في بعض الكلمات والتشكيل ويحتاج التوجيه‬ ‫في إعرابهما (الشكل والوظيفة)‪ .‬أصبح يقرأ بشكل أفضل ً‬
‫أثناء القراءة‪ ،‬والزالت المعلمة تشجعه على التحدث بالفصحى أثناء الحصة ‪.‬‬

‫السداسي الثانى للدراسة‬

‫)‪PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫‪This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy‬‬
‫الدراسات االجتماعية‬

‫السداسي الثانى‬ ‫السداسي األول‬ ‫الثالثى األول للدراسة‬

‫للدراسة‬ ‫مستوى للدراسة‬ ‫مستوى النجاح‬
‫مستوى النجاح‬ ‫النجاح‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬

‫المجهود‬ ‫المجهود‬ ‫المجهود‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫تمكن نوح من وضع مقارنة بين حياة المصري على الهضاب وحياته على الوادي محددًا أهم العوامل التي ساعدته في بناء حضارة‬
‫مصرية عريقة موض ًحا أهمية نهر النيل تاريخيًا وجغرافيًا لكنه يخلط أحيانًا بين عدة مفاهيم نحو الموقع الجغرافي والموقع الفلكي والتعرية‬
‫الثالثى األول للدراسة‬
‫المائية واله وائية كما أنه لم يلتزم بتسليم بعض واجباته المنزلية وفي الجانب التحريري يفتقد دقة اللغة و ترتيب األفكار‪.‬‬

‫يشارك نوح زمالءه نقاشات بناءة حول الموارد الطبيعية في مصر من معادن و مياه و مصادر للطاقة كما أنه استطاع تصنيفها و تفصيلها‬ ‫تعليقات‬
‫بصورة جيدة غير أنه لم يفصلها في الجانب التحريري وذلك عند أدائه لبعض المهام الموكلة له من قبل المعلم‪.‬‬ ‫السداسي األول للدراسة‬

‫السداسي الثانى للدراسة‬

‫)‪PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫‪This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy‬‬
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
Langage oral – écoute et expression orale
Les apprenants montrent qu’ils comprennent les conventions associées à
l’expression orale et à l’écoute, ainsi que la valeur de l’adhésion à ces
4 5
conventions. Ils ont conscience que la langue est un vecteur pour s’informer
et s’instruire, et pour discuter de la compréhension et de la dimension
Langage visuel – observation et présentation
Les apprenants montrent une ouverture d’esprit concernant l’utilisation
d’un éventail de textes visuels
pour accéder aux informations. Ils réfléchissent de manière critique et sont
4 4
conscients de l’utilisation des
textes visuels pour influencer le spectateur. Ils sont capables d’utiliser
l’imagerie visuelle pour présenter des
informations factuelles ou raconter une histoire
Langage écrit – lecture
Les apprenants montrent qu’ils comprennent la relation entre la lecture, la
pensée et la réflexion. Ils savent
que la lecture étend leur monde, réel et imaginaire, et qu’il existe une 4 4
relation réciproque entre les deux.
Plus important, ils ont établi des habitudes de lecture et apprécient le
processus de lecture.
Langage écrit – écriture
Les apprenants montrent qu’ils comprennent le rôle de l’auteur et sont
capables d’accepter les responsabilités de la condition d’auteur. Ils
4 5
démontrent qu’ils comprennent la structure d’une histoire et sont capables
de porter des jugements critiques sur leurs écrits et ceux des autres. Ils sont
capables de réécrire pour améliorer la qualité de leurs écrits
Effort Effort Effort
4 4

Noah est un élève intelligent, mais il a besoin de se concentrer davantage en classe. Il peut comprendre des
consignes claires et des expressions courantes. Il peut comprendre des consignes claires et des expressions
Comments courantes. Il est capable de mémoriser la graphie des mots étudiés et d'orthographier correctement les mots
Term 1 familiers. Il peut parler des liens familiaux et décrire des personnes, avec de l'aide. En grammaire, il connaît
le présent des verbes être et avoir, les adjectifs possessifs, les adjectifs démonstratifs ainsi que le genre et le
nombre des adjectifs. Dans l'ensemble, le niveau est satisfaisant.
Comments Noah a besoin d'adopter des stratégies pour améliorer sa concentration et d'être plus organisé. Il peut
Semester 1 comprendre des consignes claires. Il est capable de mémoriser la graphie des mots étudiés et
d'orthographier correctement les mots familiers. Il peut identifier le lieu d’origine, la nationalité d’une
personne et s’informer sur les horaires. Il peut décrire un vêtement, écrire une invitation et parler de son
sportif préféré, avec un vocabulaire adapté à son niveau. Il connaît le lexique des activités sportives, de la
fête foraine, des motifs, des nuances, des dimensions et du jardinage. En grammaire, il connaît l’impératif,
le présent des verbes venir, pouvoir, vouloir, aller, faire, ainsi que les verbes du 1er groupe. Dans l'ensemble,
le niveau est bon.
Semester 2

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 8
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy

Term 1 Semester 2 Semester 1

Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
Data handling
will collect, organize and display data for the purposes of valid
interpretation and communication. They will be able to use the mode,
median, mean and range to summarize a set of data. They will create
and manipulate an electronic database for their own purposes,
including setting up spreadsheets and using simple formulas to create
graphs. Learners will understand that probability can be expressed on
a scale (0-1 or 0%-100%) and that the probability of an event can be
predicted theoretically.
will understand that a range of procedures exists to measure different
attributes of objects and events, for example, the use of formulas for
finding area, perimeter and volume. They will be able to decide on the
level of accuracy required for measuring and using decimal and fraction
notation when precise measurements are necessary. To demonstrate
their understanding of angles as a measure of rotation, the learners will
be able to measure and construct angles.
Shape and space
will understand the properties of regular and irregular polyhedra. They
will understand the properties of 2D shapes and understand that 2D
representations of 3D objects can be used to visualize and solve
problems in the real world, for example, through the use of drawing
and modelling. Learners will develop their understanding of the use of
scale (ratio) to enlarge and reduce shapes. They will apply the language
and notation of bearing to describe direction and position.
Pattern and function
will understand that patterns can be represented, analysed and
generalized using algebraic expressions, equations or functions. They
will use words, tables, graphs and, where possible, symbolic rules to
analyse and represent patterns. They will develop an understanding of
exponential notation as a way to express repeated products, and of the
inverse relationship that exists between exponents and roots. The
students will continue to use their understanding of pattern and
function to represent and make sense of real-life situations and to solve
problems involving the four operations.
will understand that the base 10 place value system extends infinitely
in two directions and will be able to model, compare, read, write and
order numbers to millions or beyond, as well as model integers. They
will develop an understanding of ratios. They will understand that
fractions, decimals and percentages are ways of representing whole-
6 7
part relationships and will work towards modelling, comparing,
reading, writing, ordering and converting fractions, decimals and
percentages. They will use mental and written strategies to solve
problems involving whole numbers, fractions and decimals in real-life
situations, using a range of strategies to evaluate reasonableness of
Effort Effort Effort
6 5

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 9
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy
Noah is mathematically intelligent. He has a high level of conceptual understanding regarding whole
numbers and decimals which allows him to read and write whole numbers and decimals in standard form
and expanded form. Additionally, he was able to compare and order them both. He can easily represent
decimals as fractions, with a denominator of 10,100 and 1000. Moreover, with minimal support, he can
Term 1
visually represent decimals on a grid or on a number line. He is able to round whole numbers to the nearest
(10,100,1000) and decimals to the nearest whole number. Noah can also multiply and divide whole numbers
and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
Noah has shown very good understanding of whole number and decimal place value, consistently identifying
the value of digits in both contexts. He can round decimals to the nearest whole number with accuracy. In
addition and subtraction of whole and decimal numbers, he uses efficient strategies. Noah understands the
process of long division and multiplication very well. When tackling multi step word problems, he can break
Semester 1
down problems effectively and demonstrates very good problem-solving skills. Noah is able to manipulate
fractions and understands the concept of equivalent fractions. He can find a common denominator and thus
can compare, order as well as add and subtract fractions.

Semester 2

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 10
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Overall expectations in science: 9-12 years
Students will develop their observational skills by using their senses and selected observational tools. They will gather and record observed
information in a number of ways, and they will reflect on these findings to identify patterns or connections, make predictions, and test and
refine their ideas with increasing accuracy. Students will explore the way objects and phenomena function, identify parts of a system, and
gain an understanding of increasingly complex cause and effect relationships. They will examine change over time, and they will recognize
that change may be affected by one or more variables. Students will reflect on the impact that the application of science, including advances
in technology, has had on themselves, society and the environment. They will be aware of different perspectives and ways of organizing the
world, and they will be able to consider how these views and customs may have been formulated. Students will examine ethical and social
issues in science-related contexts and express their responses appropriately. They will use their learning in science to plan thoughtful and
realistic action in order to improve their welfare and that of other living things and the environment. Students will communicate their ideas
or provide explanations using their own scientific experience and that of others.
Science Strands: What do we want students to learn?
The study of the characteristics, systems and behaviors of humans and other animals, and of plants;
Living things
the interactions and relationships between and among them, and with their environment.
The study of planet Earth and its position in the universe, particularly its relationship with the sun;
Earth and space the natural phenomena and systems that shape the planet and the distinctive features that identify
it; the infinite and finite resources of the planet.
The study of the properties, behaviors and uses of materials, both natural and human-made; the
Materials and matter
origins of human-made materials and how they are manipulated to suit a purpose.
The study of energy, its origins, storage and transfer, and the work it can do; the study of forces; the
Forces and energy
application of scientific understanding through inventions and machines.
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level

Effort Effort Effort

Term 1

Semester 1

Semester 2

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 11
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Social science

Overall expectations in social studies: 9-12 years

Students will recognize different aspects of human society, focusing on themselves and others within their own community as well as groups
of people that are distant in time and place. They will extend their understanding of how and why groups are organized within communities,
and how participation within groups involves both rights and responsibilities. They will understand the interdependency of systems and their
function within local and national communities. Students will gain an appreciation of how cultural groups may vary in their customs and
practices but reflect similar purposes. They will deepen their awareness of how people influence, and are influenced by, places in the
environment. They will realize the significance of developing a sense of belonging and stewardship towards the environment, valuing and
caring for it, in the interests of themselves and future generations. Students will consolidate their understanding of time, recognizing how
ideas and actions of people in the past have changed the lives of others, and appreciating how the past is recorded and remembered in
different ways. They will gain an understanding of how and why people manage resources. They will understand the impact of technological
advances on their own lives, on society and on the world, and will reflect on the need to make responsible decisions concerning the use of
Social studies strands: What do we want students to know?
Human systems and The study of how and why people construct organizations and systems; the ways in which people
economic activities connect locally and globally; the distribution of power and authority.
Social organization The study of people, communities, cultures and societies; the ways in which individuals, groups and
and culture societies interact with each other.
Continuity and The study of the relationships between people and events through time; the past, its influences on the
change through time present and its implications for the future; people who have shaped the future through their actions.
The study of the distinctive features that give a place its identity; how people adapt to and alter their
Human and natural
environment; how people experience and represent place; the impact of natural disasters on people
and the built environment.
The interaction between people and the environment; the study of how humans allocate and manage
Resources and the
resources; the positive and negative effects of this management; the impact of scientific and
technological developments on the environment.
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
The student will be able to:
analyze information about past technological advances and societal
assess which aspects of past civilizations have had the most impact on the
present day, using evidence from a variety of sources
predict societal and technological changes in the future 4
Effort Effort Effort

Term 1
Noah has a good understanding of what is a civilisation and understood how it impacted present day
systems and technologies. Noah has been inquiring into wars and looking into how and why they happen.
Semester 1 However, during the exhibition process he has been very distracted and unwilling to look further into his
Comments topic in class. Noah has been able to come up with minimal conclusions and connections. We are now
working on going further and collecting the basic information he needs in order for him to make solid
conclusions which can help develop his understanding of wars and how they impact communities.
Semester 2

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 12
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Personal, Social, Physical Education (PSPE)

Overall expectations in PSPE (Personal, Social and Physical Education

Personal, social and physical education scope and sequence aims to provide information for the whole school community of the
learning that is going on in PSPE. It has been designed in recognition of the fact that learning is a developmental process and that
the phases a learner passes through are not always linear or age related. For this reason, the content is presented in continuums
for each of the three strands of PSPE— identity, active living, and interactions. For each of the strands there is a strand description
and a set of overall expectations. The overall expectations provide a summary of the conceptual understandings and subsequent
learning being developed in each phase within a strand.
Identity Learners understand that the physical changes they will experience at different stages in their lives affect their
evolving identities. They understand that the values, beliefs and norms within society can impact on an individual's
self-concept and self-worth. Learners understand that being emotionally aware helps them to manage
relationships. They recognise and describe how a sense of self-efficacy contributes to human accomplishments
and personal well-being. Learners apply and reflect on strategies that develop resilience and, in particular, help
them to cope with change, challenge and adversity in their lives.
Learning outcomes
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
identify how their attitudes, opinions and beliefs affect the way they act
and how those of others also impact on their actions
Active living Learners understand the interconnectedness of the factors that contribute to a safe and healthy lifestyle, and
set goals and identify strategies that will help develop well-being. They understand the physical, social and
emotional changes associated with puberty. They apply movement skills appropriately, and develop plans to
help refine movements, improve performance and enhance participation in a range of physical contexts.
Interactions Learners understand that they can experience intrinsic satisfaction and personal growth from interactions with
others in formal and informal contexts. They understand the need for developing and nurturing relationships with
others and are able to apply strategies independently to resolve conflict as it arises. They recognise that people
have an interdependent relationship with the environment and other living things and take action to restore and
repair when harm has been done.
Effort Effort Effort

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 13
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Physical Education (PE)

Learning outcomes PE
Term 1
Students should be able to:
become water confident and develop core aquatic skills without adult assistance 6
develop and progress water confidence 6
Show the taught skills have learned in sequence and analyse partner performance and provide approptriate
feedback :
breaststroke kick 6
the breaststroke a frog kick/whip kick 6
front crawl 6

Learning outcomes PE
Semester 1
Students should be able to:
show the taught skills learned in sequence, analyse partner performance and provide appropriate feedback. 6
Components of Football through the unit :
dribbling 6
receiving 6
passing 6
shooting 6
Components of Racket games through the unit :
forehand 6
backhand 6
high serve 6
low serve 6

Learning outcomes PE
Semester 2


PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 14
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The arts

Creating Learners show that, as artists, they can influence thinking and behaviour through the arts they create.
They think critically about their learning and recognize that their personal interests, beliefs and values can
inform their creative work. They show an understanding of the relationships between their work and that
of others.
Responding Learners show an understanding that issues, beliefs and values can be explored in arts. They demonstrate
an understanding that there are similarities and differences between different cultures, places and times.
They analyse their own work and identify areas to revise to improve its quality. They use strategies, based
on what they know, to interpret arts and understand the role of arts in our world.

Visual Arts

Responding Learning outcomes

Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
explain the cultural and historical perspectives of an artwork 7 7
understand the role and relevance of visual arts in society 6 6
reflect on the factors that influence personal reactions to artwork 5 6
reflect throughout the creative process to challenge their thinking
and enact new and unusual possibilities
critique and make informed judgments about artworks. 7 7
Creating Learning outcomes
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
become increasingly independent in the realization of the creative
adjust and refine their creative process in response to constructive
identify factors to be considered when displaying an artwork 6
utilize a broad range of ways to make meaning 5 6
select, research and develop an idea or theme for an artwork 6 7
develop an awareness of their personal preferences 6 6
Effort Effort Effort
5 6

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 15
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Arts: Music

Responding Learning outcomes

Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
sing individually and in harmony 5 5
explain the role and relevance of music in their own culture, its uses and
associations through place and time.
interpret and explain the cultural and/or historical perspectives of a musical
4 6
modify their practices and/or compositions based on the audiences’
explore different artistic presentations that are/ were innovative and their
Creating Learning outcomes
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
create music that will be continually refined after being shared with others 6
present, in small groups, innovative musical performances on a selected
incorporate the other arts and available resources in order to broaden their
creative expression
read and write music in traditional and/or non-traditional notation.
Effort Effort Effort
5 6

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 16
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Arts: Drama

Responding Learning outcomes

Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
describe how drama plays an innovative role in communicating ideas within
cultures and societies
understand the role and relevance of drama in their own society through
exposure to a variety of performers and their perspectives
reflect on a variety of dramatic forms to identify new understandings within the
recognize and explore some of the different roles in theatre 5 5
use responses to drama to adapt and improve work, considering the original
5 5
Learning outcomes
Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Learners: Achievement Achievement Achievement
level level level
manipulate a variety of different drama strategies and techniques to create
informed scripts, characterizations and contexts
work to develop each other’s ideas during the creative process 5 5
create and perform a sequential drama that explores a particular issue by
experimenting with different dramatic form
consider the skills and techniques used by a range of drama practitioners in the
5 5
performing arts
show an awareness of audience and adapt performances accordingly 5 5
consider the advice and feedback of others as an essential part of the creative
4 4
explore writing for performance NA
Effort Effort Effort
5 5

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 17
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‫‪Learning outcomes‬‬
‫الثالثي االول‬ ‫السداسي االول‬ ‫السداسي الثانى‬
‫للدراسة‬ ‫للدراسة‬ ‫للدراسة‬
‫مستوى النجاح‬ ‫مستوى النجاح‬ ‫مستوى النجاح‬
‫حفظ القرآن ‪Memorization of the Quran /‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫تجويد القرآن ‪Recitation of the Quran /‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫دين ‪Religion /‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫المجهود‬ ‫المجهود‬ ‫المجهود‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫التعرف على مفهوم "دوري في األرض كخليفة " وصفات الخليفة أنه عابد هلل شاكر هلل يعمر األرض بالخير‪ ،‬وتم التعرف على مفهوم‬
‫العبودية هلل بأوجهه المختلفة والتعرف على اسم هللا الودود وشكره على نعمه وتخطيط هجرة الرسول صلى هللا عليه وسلم للمدينة وتعميره‬
‫الثالثي األول للدراسة‬
‫لألرض بالخير كما تم حفظ وتالوة اآليات األولى من سورة االنفطار‪.‬‬

‫استكمال التعرف على مفهوم "دوري في األرض كخليفة " وصفات الخليفة أنه عابد هلل شاكر هلل يعمر األرض بالخير وتم التعرف على‬
‫قصة سيدنا موسى وصفاته كخليفة وتم التعرف على مكانة الصالة وأهميتها وتصنيفها من حيث األركان والسنن وتم التعرف على السنة‬ ‫تعليقات‬
‫النبوية معناها وأنواعها وعالقتها بالقرآن ودراسة اسم هللا الرؤوف كما تم استكمال سورة االنفطار وبعض وصايا لقمان البنه واستخالص‬ ‫السداسي األول للدراسة‬
‫صفات الخليفة منها والبدء في سورة األعلى‪.‬‬

‫السداسي الثانى للدراسة‬


‫‪Learning outcomes‬‬
‫الثالثي االول‬ ‫السداسي االول‬ ‫السداسي الثانى‬
‫للدراسة‬ ‫للدراسة‬ ‫مستوى للدراسة‬
‫مستوى النجاح‬ ‫مستوى النجاح‬ ‫النجاح‬
‫تطبيق المفاهيم الدينية نف الحياة األجتماعية‬
‫المجهود‬ ‫المجهود‬ ‫المجهود‬

‫الثالثي األول للدراسة‬

‫السداسي األول للدراسة‬

‫السداسي الثانى للدراسة‬

‫)‪PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024‬‬ ‫‪18‬‬
‫‪This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy‬‬
Information Technology

IT Learning outcomes
Term 1
Coding: understanding the concept of programming
Coding: adding and removing a character
Coding: moving the character in four directions (up, down, left & right)
Presentation: customizing ready made templates in PowerPoint

IT Learning outcomes
Semester 1
ICT Theoretical Topics: Understanding how does the internet browser work
Coding: Understanding (Loop, if conditions and values) 5
Digital Poster Design: Applying the concept to meet all 3 types of learners (visuals, listeners and readers) 5
Presentation: Add photos, text and decoration 5
Presentation: Add Design 5
Word Processing: Insert table 5
Word Processing: Format font size and color 5
Word Processing: Add page number 5

IT Learning outcomes
Semester 2


PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 19
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Student’s progress:

Term 1 Excellent progress Very good progress Good progress Need more time
Student’s progress • The student • The student is able • The student has • The student does
understands how to support moved forward in not yet realise how
to support himself/herself to his/her learning to support
himself/herself to move forward in this term, himself/herself
move forward in his/her learning Yet he/she is not move forward in
his/her learning. sometimes. very clear on how his/her learning.
The student has The student has moved to support The student has
moved forward in forward in his/her himself/herself not yet moved
his/her learning learning this term. move forward in forward in this/her
this term. his/her learning. learning this term
Student’s progress

Semester 1 Excellent progress Very good progress Good progress Need more time
Student’s progress

Semester 2 Excellent progress Very good progress Good progress Need more time
Student’s progress

Head of Primary Françoise Mokhtar Bencteux


PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 20
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Key used in the PYP Report card to report on Language A and B, Maths, Sciences, Social Science, PSPE, PE, Religion, the

Achievement Achievement descriptor

The student produces high-quality work. Communicates comprehensive understanding of concepts. Consistently
7 demonstrates sophisticated critical and creative thinking. Frequently transfers knowledge and skills with
independence and expertise in a variety of complex classroom and real-world situations.
The student produces very good quality work. Communicates a very good understanding of concepts.
6 Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, frequently with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar
and unfamiliar classroom and real- world situations, often with independence.
The student produces generally very good quality work. Communicates secure understanding of concepts.
5 Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar
classroom and real-world situations and, with support, some unfamiliar real-world situations.
The student produces good-quality work. Communicates basic understanding of most concepts. Often
4 demonstrates basic critical and creative thinking. Uses knowledge and skills with some flexibility in familiar
classroom situations but requires support in unfamiliar situations.
The student produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of many concepts.
3 Begins to demonstrate some basic critical and creative thinking. Use sometimes knowledge and skills, requiring
support even in familiar classroom situations.
The student produces work of limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant gaps in understanding
2 for many concepts. Infrequently demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Has difficulty in using knowledge and
skills, infrequently applying knowledge and skills in familiar classroom situations.
The student produces work of very limited quality. Conveys many significant misunderstandings or lacks
1 understanding of most concepts and contexts. Very rarely demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Rarely using
knowledge or skills in classroom situations.
NA Non Applicable

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 21
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Effort criteria key

These effort grade descriptors describe all subjects. The grade indicated reflects the levels in terms of effort and serve as a guide
for students, parents, and teachers.
Self-management: punctual, arrives to class on time, personally organized, brings necessary materials to class, meets deadlines,
focused, completes work requirements (homework, assignments, tests, etc)
Research and Thinking: active and independent learner, participates in class discussions, asks questions, committed to learning,
Social and Communication: collaboration, working alone or with others on practical work, projects, etc

Achievement Achievement Descriptor

Consistent and constructive participation in classroom activities, meets all ongoing work requirements and works
conscientiously in a wide variety of situations. Always demonstrates punctuality, personal organization, and
active involvement in classes. The student consistently demonstrates co-operation and initiative and always
works to the best of their ability.
Consistent and constructive participation in classroom activities, meets ongoing work requirements and works
effectively in a wide variety of situations. Consistently demonstrates punctuality, personal organization, and
active involvement in classes. The student is cooperative, generally demonstrates initiative and usually works to
the best of their ability.
Consistent and constructive participation in classroom activities, meets ongoing work requirements and works
effectively in a variety of situations. The student frequently demonstrates punctuality, personal organization, and
active involvement in classes. The student is co-operative, occasionally demonstrates initiative and often works
to the best of her/his ability.
Generally, participates constructively in classroom activities, meets ongoing work requirements, and works
4 effectively in normal situations. The student generally demonstrates cooperation, punctuality, personal
organization, and active involvement in classes.
Limited participation in some classroom activities and meeting some work requirements or has clear difficulties
3 in some areas. The student demonstrates some limited capacity for punctuality, personal organization and active
involvement in classes and ongoing work. The student is only able to demonstrate these skills with support.
Limited participation in most classroom activities and meeting most work requirements, or clear difficulties in
2 most areas. The student demonstrates a mostly limited capacity for punctuality, personal organization and active
involvement in classes and ongoing work. The student is only able to demonstrate these skills with support.
1 Minimal participation and personal organization.

NA Non Applicable

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 22
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ATL criteria key

This table provides guidance to teachers to assess the development of the students ATL skills and provides guidance to
students to self-assess themselves their ATL skills


Observation Emulation Demonstration Self-regulation

Can watch others Can copy others performance Can demonstrate the skill Can teach others the
performing tasks and of the skill. on demand. skill.
using the skill. Self-regulating

High levels of Medium level of scaffolding Minimal teacher No teacher scaffolding

scaffolding from the needed scaffolding required required
teacher is needed

Students are introduced Students copy others who use Students employ the skill Students can show
to the skill, and can the skill and use the skill with confidently and effectively others how to use the
watch others performing scaffolding and guidance (demonstration) skill and accurately
it (observation) (emulation) assess how effectively
the skill is used (self-

Student’s progress rubric

Term … Excellent progress Very good progress Good progress Need more time
Student’s progress • The student • The student is able • The student has • The student does
understands how to support moved forward in not yet realise how
to support himself/herself to his/her learning to support
himself/herself to move forward in this term, himself/herself
move forward in his/her learning • Yet he/she is not move forward in
his/her learning. sometimes. very clear on how his/her learning.
• The student has • The student has to support • The student has
moved forward in moved forward in himself/herself not yet moved
his/her learning his/her learning move forward in forward in this/her
this term. this term. his/her learning. learning this term

This report is to be read with the PYP Assessment policy.

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 23
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Student’s name: Noah Mostafa Mahmoud Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2

Mostafa Hassan Borai Absenteeism: 1 / 33 Absenteeism: 2 / 60 Absenteeism: / --

Class: PYP8 Yellow Lateness: Lateness: Lateness:

Date of birth: 22/9/2013

Campus : Zayed

Summary of the PYP report Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2

Achievement Effort Achievement Effort Achievement Effort
MATHS 6 6 7 5
PSPE 4 4 5 5
MUSIC 5 5 6 6
DRAMA 5 5 5 5

PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 24
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Summary of the PYP report Term 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
APPROACHES TO LEARNING (ATL) Noah is a thoughtful and analytical student, always Noah has shown some progress this term. However,
approaching tasks with a critical mindset. He consistently he needs to focus on his self-management in order
demonstrates a deep understanding of the topics to develop even more. By enhancing his ability to
covered and is able to connect different concepts organize his time and tasks effectively, Noah can
together, which is truly impressive. He is independent further excel in all areas of their academic and
and takes ownership of his learning. He also quickly personal development. Additionally, he has the
grasps and applies new concepts. Even though Noah is opportunity to enhance his research skills by
capable of completing tasks on time, he sometimes practicing how to gather information from various
struggles with staying organized and managing his time sources and effectively summarize the key points.
efficiently, which can impact his productivity. With a With continued effort and guidance, he can further
little more focus in this area, he has the potential to develop this important academic skill.
become a well-rounded student.
LEARNER PROFILE Noah is a very good communicator. When focused, he is Noah is a diligent student who shines as a thinker
really good at expressing his thoughts and ideas clearly only when fully engaged in class discussions. When
and effectively. Additionally, he is a knowledgeable focused, his thoughtful insights contribute positively
student who usually demonstrates an understanding of to the learning environment, showing his ability to
the concepts taught in class. He has the potential to grasp complex concepts. Noah has the opportunity
become a reflective student by actively seeking feedback to work on being more open-minded by pausing
and using it to continuously improve his work. Noah before responding and fully listening to others'
needs to be more balanced by managing his time wisely perspectives. Additionally, he can improve as a
in the class. Overall, I am confident that with a little communicator by using his words to express himself
attention to these areas of growth, he will continue to before resorting to physical actions. As an inquirer,
thrive academically and personally. Noah could benefit from refining his research skills
by seeking out more diverse sources of information
and digging deeper into his topic.

Student’s progress Term Excellent progress Very good progress Good progress Need more time
T1 
S1 

Head of Primary
Françoise Mokhtar Bencteux
Nota Bene:
• The achievements and efforts are the results of the average of the results of the entire school year.
• All details and comments are collected in the report cards that were issued in Trimester 1, Semester 1 and Semester 2.
PYP Evaluation Report, PYP8 Yellow, Semester 1 (November 2023 to February 2024) 25
This document is to be read with the PYP Assessment Policy

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