Jamela debut script

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Friday, June 05, 2024

Jamela’s 18th Birthday

EMCEE: Good evening to all of us. Welcome to the MAGICAL PARTY of our
charming debutant who is now turning into a fine lady. This is quiet a very
important event in her life and she is very much honored for your presence. Like
Wendy in the movie Peter Pan, no more fairy tale stories every night. She is now a
real lady as she steps onto the much higher level of what we call LIFE. Ladies and
gentlemen, sit back as we groove, jive and enjoy her party for tonight…

EMCEE: But before we go on, it is my great honor to introduce her family.
Without them, her life would be empty and unhappy. Let us all give a big round of
applause to honor all the people whom she truly loved. Sabi nga, marami tayong
mahahanap na kapuso, pero iisa lang ang ating kapamilya.

Entrance of Family
Larry Hernandez - dad
Marlyn Hernandez - mom
Jason, Jasmine, Jerick, Joanna


EMCEE: And now…. guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, let us all stand as we
welcome the debutant as a woman of grandeur, now hot and legal….(escorted by
_________________.).Let’s give a big round of applause for Miss Jamela Rose
Hernandez. She will be ushered in the hall through the songs to be rendered by
Ms. Rose Fabian and Emeliza Gabucayan.

EMCEE: Who is Jamela in the real sense of word? Of course aside from being a
kind and responsible daughter, friend or classmate maybe, there are things that
some people know but not known to others. Let’s find out as we randomly ask
some quirky, trivial and even personal questions to some of our important guests

1. Guests
Possible questions:
 What is your relation to Jamela? How do you find her?
 In one word, how can you describe Jamela?
 What makes Jamela’s day very happy?
 Who is Jamela’s celebrity crush?
 What do you think is Jamela’s strong positive trait?
 What is her favorite food? Why do you think it’s her favorite?
 How are you related to the debutante?
 How did you meet?

2. Family Members

 Why did you name her Jamela?

 What makes her cry when she was a child?
 What age do you want her to get married?
 In one sentence, what do you wish for her?
 How is Jamela as a daughter? As a sister?

EMCEE: To spiritually open the program, may I ask everybody to please stand for
the Lord’s Moment for our guidance and blessings to be led by Pastor Ferdie


EMCEE: How would you like your mom singing for you? For most of us here, we
may not remember the time when our moms would sing for us when we were little.
Tonight is indeed made more special as our debutante’s mother prepared a sonf for
her. Let’s give it up for Mrs. Marlyn Hernandez.


EMCEE: At this juncture, may we ask you (especially the young ones) to lend us
your ears as we call on the debutante’s youth pastor, Ms. Maharlika Alindayu to
give words of wisdom for the youth.


EMCEE: Thank you Ate Lyka for those precious words. We hope that everybody,
not only the youth, listened attentively to those words of encouragement. We shall
now call on Mr. Ronald Fabian for the toast in honor of the debutante.
EMCEE: Thank you Kuya Ronald. Now that we had our share of the drinks, are
we now all ready to eat? … Don’t worry, for we will have our dinner just the same.
May we call on the parents of the debutant to once again welcome our guests and
give us a short life story of Jamela . Once again, let’s give a round of applause to
Kuya Larry and Ate Marlyn Hernandez.

18 Roses
EMCEE: We’re now moving on the ceremonial 18 roses. Jamela’s Circle of 18
gentle bachelors will be offering her roses that symbolize love. Love which Jamela
has for her family and all the people in her life. Each bachelor after giving Jamela a
rose will dance with her for about a minute with the background music dedicated
by each guy to the debutante… let us start with (READ)
(last si Kuya Larry)


EMCEE: Let us now proceed to the most important part of this should we call it
rituals of turning 18? Let us now acknowledge one of the most loved and important
persons in Jamela’s life. This time to dance with her, let’s welcome her father….
Mr. Larry Hernandez . ((In the middle of the father and daughter dance) The father
and daughter dance is probably one of the most loved traditions in any Filipino
debut celebration. This signifies the daughter’s first step to womanhood and the
father’s acceptance of this period in his daughter’s life.)

18 Candles
EMCEE: Where there is great love, there are always wishes. Because birthdays are
always beginnings, new endeavors, with new set of goals, sending birthday
messages and wishes is a tradition where we give high value to family ties and
relationship. With this, the debutante selected 18 of her close friends to be part of
the 18 candles ceremony. These people will giving their short messages, and will
be lighting candles. The 18 candles symbolize the 18 years of her existence and
each one is a visible reminder of how she triumphed over challenges in life. These
18 candles also serve as eternal lamp that brings her optimistic view of the world
she’s about to enter and a guiding light that gives her a sense of direction. Ladies
and gentlemen, the 18 candles starting with, … (Read list)

EMCEE: Sorry for the intrusion in the continuous flow of our celebration but I
would like to announce that we will have our dinner this time. After the dinner, the
family would like to request everybody to please remain for a while for the
continuation of our program. At this moment, I’d like to request everybody to
please stand as we say our prayer before meals to be led by Ptr. Don Urbiztondo.

EMCEE: What is the essence of this celebration without further knowing some of
the important information of our debutant? As we have our dinner, we will also be
playing a video presentation we prepared just for you. You will be surprised about
some of the most undisclosed information and intriguing revelations of Jamela as
gathered by her friends. I know you will love it and will love Jamela too. This will
be followed by video messages of those who did not make it to her party tonight.

18 Treasures
EMCEE: How’s the food? Nabusog ba tayong lahat?Knina we had our 18 roses,
our 18 candles, This time, we’ll present to you the 18 treasures for our debutante.
These are the people close to the heart of our celebrant. As the debutante celebrates
the beginning of womanhood, she will need tools that will help her in the future
encourage her in the present, or give her something fond to look back on. These 1
treasures, friends or family members are tasked to give the debutante special gifts
and explain how they will become inspirations for her. To start with, may we call
on…(See list)

Singing of the Birthday Song and Blowing of Candles

EMCEE: Let me share a good-to-know trivia to everyone on how birthday cakes
and candles came about as a tradition during birthdays. Some believe that the
tradition of birthday candles began in Ancient Greece. Putting candles on a cake
was a special way to pay tribute to the Greek moon goddess, Artemis. They baked
round cakes to symbolize the moon. Candles were added to represent the reflected
moonlight. Today’s tradition of making wishes before blowing out the birthday
candles may have started with that belief. Enough of all those did-you-know trivia
because at this part of the program, our lovely and stunning Jamela will blow the
candles on her birthday cake. And to complete that customary practice, let us all
sing joyfully a song I am very sure everybody is familiar with, the happy birthday
Debutant makes a wish and blows the candles.


 K. Joe / K. Peddie

EMCEE: Tonight’s celebration tells me that the best demonstration of gratitude in

response to a wonderful experience like this one can be contained in an
overwhelming thank you. Maraming salamat po for making us a part of this
memorable occasion. And if there’s one person here tonight who is more than
grateful to see all of you, that would be our beloved celebrant, Jamela. I’m giving
the floor to our dear debutant to give her message for all of us.

Thank you message from Jamela

EMCEE: Again, thank you for having us here to celebrate with all of you. Isang
malakas na “Happy birthday, Jamela! naman diyan. At the count of three…1, 2, 3,

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