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Project Members:

1. Dran Leynard Gamoso

2. Shanne Marie Cabotaje


Department/Section Involved: BSIT 3A

Type of Application to be developed:

1. Add Tasks
2. Set dates
3. Mark tasks as complete
4. Login/Sign-up registration

What are the steps/processes/procedures that usually take place in the

application to be developed? ( in 3-5 paragraphs) Site sources that would claim your steps and processes.

1. For our project, we start by defining what our to-do list app will do and who it's for. We research other apps like ours
to see what makes them successful. Then, we make a plan that shows the steps we'll take and when we'll finish them.

2. We design how our app will look and work. We sketch out different layouts to see how everything will fit together. We
also choose colors that match the style we want. After that, we create a model of our app that we can click through to
see how it feels to use Figma for prototyping.

3. Once we finished the design we like, we start building the app. We write the code that makes the app do what we
want and how the app looks and feels.

4. After we finish building the initial app, we test it to make sure it works like we planned. We also ask other people to try
it out and tell us what they think so we can make any final changes.

5. The last part should be the Deployment of the application since we are still in the initial output ,We keep an eye on
how it's doing and make updates to improve it based on feedback.

Purpose/Objectives of Application to be developed: (It should be SMART)

1. To develop a user-friendly and intuitive to-do list app that helps individuals efficiently manage their tasks and increase
productivity. This app will allow users to easily create, organize, and prioritize tasks, set reminders, and track progress,
ultimately helping them achieve their goals and improve time management skills
2. Our app addresses the need for an efficient task management tool that is accessible to users ,helping them stay
organized and productive.

3. To create a to-do list app that integrates seamlessly into users' daily routines, helping them stay organized and focused
on their priorities.

List Forms/information that are usually generated from the application to

be developed. Include description/s of the form capture that includes the

code below it.

1. Task List: This form displays a list of tasks entered by the user, showing details such as task name, date and completion
status. The user can view, edit, and mark tasks as complete from this list.

2. Task Deletion Form: This form allows users to delete a task.

3. Task Creation Form: This form allows users to input details for a new task, including task name and due date.

4. Task Edit Form: This form allows users to edit the details of an existing task, including task name and due date.

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