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Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development

Institute, Cuttack
Ministry of MSME ,Govt. of India





Sl. No. Item Unit Magnitude

1. Longitude & Latitude

a) Longitude Degree 81o 27’ E to 87o 29’ E
b) Latitude Degree 17o 49’ N to 22o 34’ N
2. Administrative Setup 2016
a) Districts No. 30
b) Subdivisions No. 58
c) Tehsils No. 317
d) CD Blocks No. 314
e) Urban Local Bodies No. 111
f) Gram Panchayats No. 6,209
g) Villages(Inhabited)2011 No. 47,677
h) Total Villages2011 No. 51,313
3. Area Sq.Km. 1,55,707
4. Population(2011 Census)
a) Male Nos. 2,12,12,136
b) Female Nos. 2,07,62,082
c) Total Population Nos. 4,19,74,218
d) Literacy(Total) %ge 72.87
e) Literacy(Male) %ge 81.59
f) Literacy(Female) %ge 64.01
g) Rural Population Nos. 3,49,70,562
Percentage of Rural Population to Total
h) %ge 83.31
i) Urban Population Nos. 70,03,656
Percentage of Urban Population to Total
j) %ge 16.69
k) Density of Population Nos. 270
No. of Females per
l) Sex Ratio 979
1000 Males
5. Workers in Odisha Lakh
a) Total Workers Lakh 175.42
b) Total Main Workers Lakh 107.08
c) Total Marginal Workers %ge 68.34
Proportion of total workers to total
d) %ge 41.79
e) Main workers to total workers %ge 61.00
f) Male workers to male population %ge 56.11
g) Female workers to female population %ge 27.16
h) Cultivators to total workers %ge 23.4
i) Agricultural labourers to total workers %ge 38.4
Workers engaged in House hold Industry
j) %ge 4.5
to total workers
k) Other workers to total workers %ge 33.7
6. State Income 2017-18 (A)
Gross State Domestic Product at constant
a) Rs. inLakh 37899126
b) Growth rate of GSDP at constant prices percentage 10.74
Net State Domestic Product at constant 30290909
c) Rs in Lakh
Per Capita income at constant Prices
d) Rs. In Lakh 67522
7. Agriculture: Land Use Pattern of Odisha(2016-17)
a) Total Geographical Area In ‘000 Hectre 15,571
b) Forest Area In ‘000 Hectre 5,813
c) Misc. Trees and Groves In ‘000 Hectre 342
d) Permanent Pastures In ‘000 Hectre 494
e) Culturable Waste In ‘000 Hectre 375
f) Land put to Non Agriculture use In ‘000 Hectre 1,298
g) Barren and Uncultivable Land In ‘000 Hectre 840
h) Current fallow In ‘000 Hectre 572
i) Other Fallow 229
j) Net Sown Area 5,631
8. Agriculture: Area under Principal Crops(2016-17)
a) Rice In ‘000 Hectre 3,942
b) Total Cereals In ‘000 Hectre 4,077
c) Total Pulses In ‘000 Hectre 775
d) Total Food Grains In ‘000 Hectre 4,852
e) Total Oil Seeds In ‘000 Hectre 137
f) Total Fibres(Kharif) In ‘000 Hectre 140
g) Crops(Sugarcane,potato,tobacco,chilly & In ‘000 Hectre 105
L) Total Cropped Area In ‘000 Hectre 5,234
9. Agriculture: Production of Principal Crops(2016-17)
a) Rice In LakhM.T 97.94
b) Total Cereals In ‘000 M.T 6,033
c) Total Pulses In ‘000 M.T 385
d) Total Food Grains In ‘LakhM.T 109.70
e) Total Oil Seeds In ‘000 M.T 97
f) Total Fibres(Kharif) In ‘000 M.T 366
g) Other Crops In ‘000 M.T 832
h) Grand Total In ‘000 M.T 7,713
i) Normal Rainfall in the State In M.M 1,451.2
j) Actual average rainfall in theState(2016) In M.M 1,283.1
10.a) Forest Area In '000' hect 5,813
b) Forest Area to total area % 37.33
irrigation potential created in the state till
11. In '000' hect. 5591
12. Fertiliser Consumption 2016-17
a) Nitrogen In ‘000 MT 302.43
b) Phosphate In ‘000 MT 130.89
c) Potassium In ‘000 MT 61.02
d) Total Consumption In ‘000 MT 494.35
e) Per Hectre Consumption Kg./Ha. 57.49
f) Total Pesticide Consumption In ‘000 MT 0.93
g) Per Hectre consumption of Pesticide Gms. 115.00
h) Farm Power Consumption KWH/Ha 1.60
13. Horticulture Production 2016-17
a) Total Fruits In ‘000 MT 1479.68
b) Banana In ‘000 MT 466.77
c) Citrus In ‘000 MT 7.11
d) Mango In ‘000 MT 817.91
e) Papaya In ‘000 MT 71.02
f) Pineapple In ‘000 MT 11.55
g) Coconut In ‘000 MT 3424.44
h) Others In '000 MT 105.32
i) Marigold in Qtls 235221
j) Rose in lakh stems 3,584
k) Gladioli In lakh spikes 1,560
l) Tuberose In Qtls 1,2968
14. Total fish production during 2016-17-16 In ‘000 MT 521.28
15. Total Livestock Population ,2012 census Lakh nos. 207.32
Total Production of Minerals
16.a) In Lakh M.Tonne 2609.81
Total Production of Minerals (Value)2016-
b) In Crores of Rs. 41621.4
Installed Capacity of power during 2016 –
17.a) MW 5509.37
Availability of Power from different
b) MW 2,962
18. Length of Railway Routes 2016-17 Kms. 2606.267
19. No. of Railway Station and P.H 2014-15 Kms. 314
20. MSMEs Status in Odisha 2015-16
a) No. ofMSME units Nos. 2,14,087
b) Investment in MSMEs Rs. in Crore 10,585.90
c) Employment Generated Nos. 10,12,220
MSME units filed Udyog Adhaar during
g) Nos. 13,635
Sept.2015 till 28.06.2016
MSMEs Status in Odisha during
2016 -17
a) No. of MSME units set up during 2015-16 Nos.

b) Investment in MSMEs Rs. in lakh 303463.98

c) Employment Generated Nos. 1,75221
22. Large & Medium Industries Status in Odisha by end of March 2017
a) No. of Medium &Large Scale Industries Nos. 252
b) Investment Rs. in Lakhs 92,78,694.03
c) Employment Generated Nos. 1,18,329
23. Banking-Commercial Banks as on 31.03.2017
a) Total No of Branches Nos. 5031
b) Deposits Rs. in Cr. 2,51,236.34
c) Total Advance Rs. in Cr. 1,17,720.18
d) C.D Ratio percentage 68.96
e) MSME Advance Rs. in Cr. 27982.21
24. Education(2016-17)
a) Primary School Nos. 36,318
b) Upper Primary School Nos. 23096
c) Secondary School Nos. 9873
Technical Institutions : Govt. Engineering
d) Nos. 6
e) Sanctioned Intake Nos. 3756
f) Private Engineering Colleges Nos 87
g) Sanctioned Intake Nos 42,540
25. Health Facilities(2016-17)
a) Medical College/Dist. Hqr. Hospital Nos. 35
b) Sub Divisional Hospital Nos. 106
c) CHC Nos. 377
d) PHC(New) Nos. 1,266
e) MHU Nos. 199
f) Beds in Hospital Nos. 18373
g) Ayurvedic Hospitals Nos. 624
h) Homoeopathic Hospitals Nos. 565
26. Infrastructure 2016-17
a) National Highways Kms. 4855.70
b) Express Highway Kms. 38.38
c) State Highways Kms. 4,100.63
d) Urban Roads Kms. 18,590.69
e) Rural Roads Kms. 39137.05
f) Major District Roads Kms. 2,816.98
g) Other District Roads Kms. 13453.94
h) Panchayat Samiti Roads Kms. 25,702.51
i) Gram Panchayat Roads Kms. 1,62,476.45
j) Forest Roads Kms. 7,574.90
k) Irrigation Roads Kms. 6,277.00
l) GRIDCO Roads Kms. 88.00
m) Total Roads Kms. 2,54,845.32
27. No. of Post Offices in the State(31.03.17) Nos. 8,175
28. No. of Villages Electrified Nos. 44,279
29. No. of Industrial Estate/Area Nos. 106
30. Gross Area of Industrial Area/Estate Acres 9601.00
31. Export of Goods from Odisha 2015-16(P) Rs. in Crore. 17346.48

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