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No. 332-W/NCR/HQ/Engg/ESP/L-section/Circular Date-01.07.2024

Divisional Railway Manager/ PRYJ, JHS & AGC
CMD/RVNL/New Delhi

Sub: Revised Checklist & Guidelines for preparation and submission of Yard Plans for HQ approval.
Ref: This office letter no. 332-W/NCR/HQ/ALD/Pt-IX dated- 26.07.2021
In continuation to the above mentioned letter under reference, the check list for Yard plans has been
updated considering the provision of IRPWM-July 2020, IRSOD (with latest ACS) & various related letters
issued in meantime. Divisions/Construction Organization are advised to prepare and process Yard plans for
approval in accordance with the revised Check list. To reduce the approval time, following points may be adopted
before submitting the plans for HQ approval. All the previous instructions on the subject are superseded.
1. The yard plan shall be prepared carefully in AutoCAD on the basis of earlier approved yard plan or completion
plan complying all items of the revised checklist (Annexure-A).
2. All the yard plans shall be processed only on e-DAS for approval of Division and HQ. Physical plans should
not be processed further.
3. The existing details should be verified from site by concerned SSE/P.Way & Works and ADEN and the
feasibility of proposed work should also be verified by concerned SSE/P.Way & Work and ADEN.
4. No yard plan shall be processed without a checklist (Duly filled & signed by Dy CE( C)/ DEN/Sr. DEN/ –
Field unit and CE( C) /CPM – HQ Unit ) attached with e-DAS attachment.
5. With the introduction of e-DAS for processing and approval of yard plans, it is important to make a system
for naming the “Drawing file” while uploading/Checking online since random nomenclature poses difficulties
in search of drawings. (Refer SN 2(vi) in Annexure-A)
6. As it is not possible to verify given details in plan at HQ, therefore at time of submission of the yard plan to
HQ, division should ensure that in the yard plan, all the existing details i.e. Curve details, Gradient, Bridge
details, LC details, PF details, Land boundary details, FOB details with SOD infringement etc., are checked
& verified. PSR & Infringement table is to be incorporated in every yard plan as per Annexure-B.
This has the approval of CE (P&D).

Encl: i) Revised Checklist for yard plans (annexure-A)

ii) Standard tables for yard plans (annexure-B)

(Harish Kumar)
Dy Chief Engineer/P&D
Copy to:
- Secy to PCE for kind information of PCE please.
- Sr DEN/Co/PRYJ, JHS & AGC for information & necessary action please.
Revised Checklist to be submitted along with Yard plan for HQ approval (Name of station…….)

SN Items Yard Stick/Requirement Compliance Reason for

(Yes/ No/ deviation, if
NA) any
1. Title and Following details information should be given in the title –
Numbering i. Name of Railway
of yard ii. Name of Division/Construction organization
plan iii. Name of Section
iv. Name of Station
v. Name/Description of work
vi. Details of sanction particulars (LB/PB item No. & sanction
vii. Drawing number of Division/Construction/Organization
viii. Reference Drawing Number
2. Standard i. Whether ‘North point’ has been shown on the top of the
norms drawing?
ii. Whether the plan is prepared with increasing Km. from left to
iii. Whether the name of the adjacent stations with their Kms. on
either end of the yard has been mentioned on the plan?
iv. Whether the direction of movement i.e. UP & DN are marked
in the plan?
v. Whether the yard limit has been shown in the plan?
vi. Whether proper file name in e-DAS i.e. station name, revision
no. (if any), month & year is kept while processing the plan? No
irrelevant name or detail to be added in file name.
3. Scale of Scale 1cm = 10m (1:1000)
4. Chainages i. Whether all chainages of obligatory points (Turnouts, dead end,
FM, LC gate, Bridge, FOB, Gradient post, TPs of curves, Trap
point, PF ends etc. are shown in meters and reckoned from the
center line of station building?
ii. Whether Km. of station building is shown (As shown in updated
system map)?
5. Site Whether certificate of feasibility & site verification given by
verification concerned JE/SSE (P.Way or Work) & ADEN/AXEN/XEN on the
6. Gradients i. Whether the gradient post has been shown at least 2.6 Km
beyond the trailing point on either end of the yard?
ii. Whether gradient is in whole number (not in decimal/fraction)?
iii. Whether gradients shown are practicable and maintainable as
per Good Engineering practices?
iv. Whether Chainages and gradient value shown in plan are same
as per approved L-section?
v. Whether it is ensured that there is no change of gradient within
30 meter of points & X-ings?
vi. Whether it is ensured that there is no change of gradient in the
transition length of curve in yards?
Existing works:
vii. Whether the grade in the yard is 1 in 400 or flatter for existing
viii. If it is steeper than 1 in 400 and up to 1 in 100, for existing
yards, note for condonation of General Manager through
Principal Chief Safety Officer (PCSO) has been
incorporated in the plan. (ACS 2 to IRSOD)
ix. If it is steeper than 1 in 100, for existing yards, note for
condonation of Railway Board through CCRS has been
incorporated in the plan? (ACS 2 to IRSOD)
For New Works & Alteration to Existing works (Chap-II of
x. Whether grades in the yard are 1 in 1200 or flatter for new
work/alteration to existing work?
xi. If not provided grades 1 in 1200 or flatter for new
work/alteration to existing work, reason for deviation from
recommended gradient 1 in 1200 grade should be clearly
mentioned in notes of the plan.
xii. Whether approval of General Manager has been taken for
adopting yard gradient steeper than 1:1200 for new works in
new line projects before finalization of ESP?
xiii. If it is steeper than 1 in 400 and up to 1 in 260, for a new
yard in a new line projects, whether note for CRS
condonation incorporated in the plan?
xiv. If it is steeper than 1 in 260, for a new yard in new line
projects, whether note for Railway Board condonation
through CCRS incorporated in the plan?
7. Platforms i. Details to be shown on plan
a. Type of platform – Passenger/Goods
b. Level of platform - all the new Platforms shall be high level.
c. In case of GC/New line/Doubling platforms should be
connected with FOB/Underpass/End pathway.
d. Length & width of platforms, level of PF and chainages of PF
ii. No platform should be provided on run through lines. (HQ NCR
letter dated 06.08.2021)
iii. For all new lines/GC projects/Doubling projects, High level
platforms should be restricted to the length of the longest
stoppage train. Remaining platform should be proposed as Rail
level to accommodate 26 coach trains. (Rly Brd letter dt
iv. Whether horizontal distance from center of track to face of
passenger/Goods platform coping is as per IRSOD?
v. Whether it is ensured that the passenger platform is provided on
a straight portion and if curve unavoidable, it should be less than
2 degree? (IRSOD Chap:II)
8. Passenger i. Station entry/entries for the passenger should be clearly marked.
amenities ii. Whether note regarding provision of Minimum Essential
Amenities (MEA) is mentioned on the plan?
iii. Whether the station is well connected with approach Road?
iv. Whether FOB location, width, reference of standard drawing
and distance of FOB landing from the nearest track shown in
the plan?
v. Whether FOB provided with provision of ramp/lift?
9. Track i. Whether all lines are identified with nomenclature (Line no.1,
Line no. 2 etc.) and their respective CSR length with reference
is marked?
ii. Whether, minimum 750m CSR is available for all the lines,
from FM to FM? If not, the same should be specified with
iii. Whether the take off point of siding is only from the loop line?
iv. Whether center to center distance of parallel track is as per
IRSOD provisions?
v. Whether extra clearance has been provided on curves as per
provisions of IRSOD?
vi. Whether compensation for curvature on gradient has been
mentioned and calculation attached?
vii. Whether 1st loop and passenger negotiating points are provided
with minimum 1 in 12 turnouts?
viii. Whether goods negotiating points are provided with minimum
1 in 8½ curved switches?
ix. Whether the main lines are isolated from loop lines/siding?
x. Whether length of x-over is as calculated from the distance
between the tracks, length of cross over to be shown in the plan?
Supporting calculations should be attached.
xi. Whether Turnouts in running lines over which passenger trains
are received or dispatched are laid with 1 in 12 curved switch or
flatter? (Para 408 (2)(a) of IRPWM)
xii. Whether approval of PCE for using 1 in 8.5 turnout with
curved switch taking off from straight track has been taken
for passenger running lines? (Para 408 (2)(b) of IRPWM)
xiii. No 1 in 8.5 turnout is to be taken out from inside the curve.
xiv. In case of consecutive X-over, SRJ to SRJ distance should be
kept preferably 26 meter or at least 20 meter to prevent BLC
xv. There should not be any Turnout on LC.
xvi. No turnout should be taking off from transition length of
main line curve. If it is unavoidable, Whether CTE
approval has been taken? (Para 410 of IRPWM).
xvii. Provision of Track machine siding should not be less than 300
meter, if proposed.
xviii. Whether Approval of PCE for dismantling of existing
track machine siding in doubling/gauge conversion
projects & non provision of standard track machine siding
(with all requisite facilities) in doubling, Gauge conversion
and New line projects at distance of 10-30 Km has been
taken (Authority: HQ NCR letter dated 21.09.23)?
10. PSR & i. PSR calculation sheet should be attached with the plan.
MSP ii. Max. Permissible Speed should be mentioned on all the yard
lines with their nomenclature.
Example :
Loop line no. 1, CSR-750 mtr (MPS-30 Kmph) DN main
line, CSR-750 mtr (MPS-110 Kmph) UP main line,
CSR-750 mtr (MPS-130 kmph)
Common loop line, CSR-750 mtr (MPS-50 Kmph)
iii. In case of Construction projects-
For New lines - Track geometry should be 160 Kmph.
For GC/Doubling etc. - Minimum MPS should be 130 Kmph
Note - If above is not possible, W h e t h e r the approval
of CAO/C with reasoned speaking order as per Railway Brd.
letter no. 2015/W-I/Genl./Pt. dated 06.12.2018 is enclosed
with the plan?
iv. If PSR is imposed in the yard portion, then the PSR table
should be incorporated in the plan.
11. Isolation i. Whether Isolation is provided for each sidings/Loop lines?
ii. Whether Trap point provided for isolation has opening away
from the important running lines?
iii. Whether Dead end/Over run for isolation and simultaneous
reception are provided (Minimum length – 120 meter)?
iv. All dead ends should carry the wording “Not for stabling”.
v. No trap points to be provided on main lines.
12. Bridges Details to be shown
i. Bridge type and number with span.
ii. Direction of flow of stream.
iii. There should not be any point and crossing on a major bridge.
iv. Major bridges should be in level.
v. Whether note regarding certificate of independency from
dispersion of load on existing bridges from proposed track is
incorporated in plan?
13. Infringe- i. Clearance from center of track to any structure on platform
ment should be as per IRSOD.
ii. Whether note separate block for infringements with details in
tabular form shown in plan?
iii. In case of no infringement, NIL in tabular from shall be shown
and a certificate in notes that “No condonation is required for
any infringement” to be given.
14. Curve i. Whether Curve length with ST, TC, CT, and TS with chainages
ii. Whether in the case of a double line, Track centers at ST, TC,
CT, and TS shown in the plan?
iii. Whether other curve details i.e. Tangent length, Transition
length, Deflection angle, Radius, Degree, Super elevation &
Maximum Speed potential shown in the plan?
iv. Whether in the case of the ‘S’ curve, the straight portion is
marked with its length?
v. Whether PSR is employed then it should be properly explained
with reasons and calculation provided?
vi. Whether for high speed, in group ‘A’ & ‘B’ routes, a straight
with a minimum 50 meter is kept between two transitions of
reverse curves?
vii. Whether the Maximum degree of curve is 10 degrees for BG?
viii. Whether PCE approval taken for laying 1 in 8.5 turnout
taking off from outside of curve due to limitation of room as
per IRPWM Para 408(e)?
ix. Whether approval of PCE as per Para 405(5) of IRPWM in
case of doubling and New lines, if a curve is not possible to be
designed for 160 Kmph for Group-A and 130 Kmph for
Group-B routes has been taken?
x. Whether Approval of PCE/CAO (C) for not providing
transition length for speed potential of 160 kmph for GC
projects/New lines has been taken? (Authority : Rly. Bd. letter
2013/W-I/Genl./0/30 Pt.-II dated 12.05.2017). The maximum
cant of 185 mm as per IRPWM para 404(d) and Cant
deficiency of l00mm may be assumed for providing transition
length for speed potential of 160 kmph.
15. Level i. Whether details of LC i.e. Chainage, LC No., class, manned/
Crossings unmanned, interlocked/non-interlocked, lifting barrier/ gate
leaves, Gate lodge, Prop. RUB etc. mentioned on plan?
ii. Whether in case of skew LC, the skew angle mentioned ?
iii. Whether planning for elimination of LCs by LHS/ ROB/
Closure/ Diversion etc given for GC/Doubling projects?
16. Railway Whether distance and Chainage of Railway land boundary at every
land change point throughout the length of the yard is shown duly
boundary verified at site?
17. Color i. Existing work - Black
Scheme ii. Proposed work - Red
iii. Future Work – Red dotted/Magenta
iv. Work to be dismantled – Green
v. Work to be dismantled (in future phasing)- Orange
vi. Rly. Land boundary – Black chain dotted
18. Standard i. Existing work shown in Black.
Notes ii. Proposed work shown in Red.
iii. Work to be dismantled in Green.
iv. Future Work shown in red dotted.
v. Rly. Land boundary shown in Black chain dotted.
vi. This plan is based on the earlier plan No……/previous approved
No…. or supersede to previous approved plan No…….
vii. All the chainages (Proposed and Existing) are reckoned from
the center line of ……………. Station building.
viii. Before commencement of the work, CRS condonation will
be taken, if required.
ix. It is certified that there is no infringement of IRSOD norms in
the yard plan.
Notes to be incorporated only, which are applicable.
19. Misc. i. Station building with Kms and chainages should be shown in
the plan.
ii. Location of Important & service building should be
20. References i. Plan number of earlier approved plan/existing yard plan should
be mentioned being superseded.
ii. Copy of type plans/RDSO plans, which referred to in the
proposed work of plan.

DEN / Sr. DEN / Dy. CE (C) CE( C)/CPM

Note - All the points of the revised checklist be marked on either Yes or NA (Not applicable).
When the reply is ‘No’, reasons should be given. All pages of check list shall be duly signed
by concerned Sr. DEN/DEN/ Dy. CE/const. (at field level) and CE( C)/CPM (at HQ level)
before submitting the yard plan for HQ approval.

Standard tables (To be incorporated in yard plans)

Table 1- PSR

Sr. No. Line From To Total *PSR proposed Remarks

Nomenclature Chaina Chainag length (Kmph) w.r.t. /Reason
ge es (Km) in maximum for
(Km) meters. sectional speed PSR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

If there is no PSR imposed, this table should be shown as “NIL”.

*This will be with reference to 160 Kmph for new line and 130 Kmph for GC/Doubling.

Table 2- Infringement

Sr. No. Type of From To Total Amount of Standard

infringement Chainage Chainag length infringement dimension
(Km) es (Km) in & IRSOD
meters. Para
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

If there is no infringement, this table should be shown as “NIL”.

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