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Assignment # 1

Food Regulations and Legislation (FD-408)

Max. Marks: 05
CLO2 : 5
Select a commodity standard or general subject standard adopted/developed by PSQCA that is
relevant to your FYDP and explain in detail the selected standard along with the justification of
how your FYDP is following that standard.
Assignment Rubrics
Assessment Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Organization The information Information is Information is Information is very
04 appears to be organized, but organized with organized with well-
disorganized. paragraphs are not well-constructed constructed
well-constructed. paragraphs. paragraphs and
Quality of Information has little Information clearly Information Information clearly
Content or nothing to do with relates to the main clearly relates to relates to the main
04 the main topic. topic. Points are the main topic. topic. Points are
There is no critical insufficiently Points are made, clearly made.
analysis. developed. Analysis but analysis is Analysis is
is minimal weak. sophisticated
Relevance of One or more topics All topics are All topics are All topics are
content were not addressed. addressed, and most addressed and addressed and all
04 questions answered - most questions questions answered
detail is lacking answered with at with sufficient detail
least minimum and examples.
Grammar & Many grammatical, A few grammatical Almost no No grammatical,
Mechanics spelling, or spelling, or grammatical, spelling or
04 punctuation errors. punctuation errors spelling or punctuation errors.
punctuation errors
Format Fails to follow Meets format and Meets format and Meets all formal and
04 format and assignment assignment assignment
assignment requirements; requirements; requirements and
requirements; generally margins, evidences attention
incorrect margins, correct margins, spacing, and to detail; all
spacing spacing, and indentations are margins, spacing and
and indentation; indentations; essay is correct; essay is indentations are
neatness of neat but neat and correctly correct; essay is neat
essay needs may have some assembled. and correctly
attention. assembly errors. assembled with
Professional look.

Total score (20): __________________________________________________

Remarks: _________________________________________________________
Signature of teacher: __________________________

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