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Web Programming 2 Cloud Programming

Type of Hypervisor
How many types of Hypervisor share present in Cloud Computing
Ans --- 2
Which of the following options exists on the cloud provider's end and is responsible for allocating
the services to be consumed by the customer

1. Hypervisor
2. Memory Manager
3. Process Scheduler
4. Network Stack
Ans --- 1. Hypervisor
Private Cloud
What ensures that multiple consumers of a private cloud can't access each other's data?
1. Self-service
2. Chargeback
3. Secure multi-tenancy
4. Virtualization
Ans – 3
Private Virtual
What do you understand by physical private cloud
1. A physical private cloud is where a firm has the virtual custody of the data center where the cloud
is hosted
2. A physical private cloud is where a firm delegates the physical custody of it's data center
3. A physical private cloud is where a firm has the physical custody of the data center where the
cloud is hosted
4. None of these
Ans --- 3
Private Firms
Which of the following networks doesn't use private cloud?

1. Public
2. Private
3. Protected
4. All of the above
Ans --- 1. Public
As A Service
Which one of the following is not managed by a user in PaaS(Platform as a service)?
2. Storage
3. Data
4. Both 1 and 2
Ans --- 4
SaaS Service Model
Which of the following service is not managed by the service provider in the SaaS service model?
1. OS
2. Networking
3. Servers
4. Deployments
Ans -- 4. Deployments
Values Include
According to Scrum guide Scrum Values include ........
1. Commitment
2. Courage
3. Diversity
4. Openness
Ans -- 1. Commitment, 2. Courage, 4. Openness
App Hosting
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term laaS provide servers for application hosting
1. hybrid
2. Virtual
3. physical
4. All of the above
Ans --- 2. Virtual
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term
laas provide ...... servers for application hosting

1. hybrid
2. virtual
3. physical
4. All of the above
Ans --- 2. Virtual
Of The End-User
In a SaaS model, what does the third-party provider host on behalf of the end-user?

1. The application software

2. The application software and hardware
3. The development environment
4. All the above
Ans – 1. The application software
New Features
What happens when new features are released from a Saas cloud provider?

1. They are incorporated and updated without additional cost.

2. There is associated downtime.
3. The user must pay support and maintenence on their Saas solution.
4. The user receives an email with a request to purchase the new features
Ans --- 1. They are incorporated and updated without additional cost.

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