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• A meeting is to be arranged in a team where the team would be working to

discuss the work be doing in the coming sprint process is?
Ans : Sprint Planning

• Scrum team must produce following artifacts (select 3 options)

Ans :
Product backlog
Sprint backlog
Product increment

• Scrum team uses the information of scrum team artifacts to make ongoing
decisions. The soundness of these decisions depends on ____
Options :
• Artifact adaptability
• Artifact Transparency (Ans)
• Artifact Agility
• Artifact Format.

4. Agile Principles and practises often successfully applied in initiatives where

• Clear commitment from customer and engaged by empowered SME
• Business need or solution is complex or complicated
• 1 and 2
• None

5. Types of roles in Agile

• Product owner
• Scrum Master
• Product Manager
• Team Member
6. Identify artifact from option not belong to scrum methodology
• Sprint retrospective
• Sprint planning
• Sprint review
• Sprint scrum (Ans)

7. Sprint Backlog ownership lies with ?

Ans :Development Team

Q8. Which of the following is not true about story point in Agile estimation?
a. Story point help drive cross function behaviour
b. Story point estimate decay with time, like ideal day
c. Story point are pure measure of size
d. Estimating story point is typical faster
Ans :
Story point estimate decay with time, like ideal day

Q9. The important attribute of product backlog item are ___

a. description
b. order
c. value
d. estimate
Ans : a c d

Q10. Which technique can be used for estimation in scrum?

a. Planning poker
b. bucket system
c. dot voting
d. All
Ans : All

Q11. Kanban method is set principles of practice for improving manning

a. start with what you have done and what you are planning
b. agree to pursue incremental revolutionary change
c. initially respect current roles resposibilities and job titles
d. encourage acts of leadership at all levels
Ans : Start with what you have done and what you are planning

Q12. Disadvantages of Scrum

Ans : Anyone can see the real working of software and continue to enhance
for iterations

Q14. Correct about WIP in Kanban ?

a. WIP consumes investment capital and delivers no return on the investment until
it is converted into an accepted product
b. WIP hides bottle-necks in processes that slow overall workflow
c. WIP represents risk in the form of potential rework
d. All of the above
Ans : All of the above

Q15. Most imp characteristics of product backlog item that is necessary to classify
it as ready for selection in sprint ?
a. it should be ordered
b. it should be included in sprint backlog
c. it can be completed in one sprint
Ans : c. it can be completed in one sprint

Q16. Not part of scrum master role ?

a. present goal of the sprint and priotise product backlog
b. conduct daily standard meetings
c. resposible for increasing efficiency and productivity
d. none
Ans :
a. present goal of the sprint and priotise product backlog

Q17. Main phases of formal review

Ans: Backlog refinement
sprint planning
daily standup
sprint review
sprint retrospective

Q19. Not an artifact of scrum process?

a. sprint review
b. sprint backlog
c. burndown chart
d. velocity chart
Ans: d. velocity chart

Q20. Which of the following is main difference between system and component
Ans : The component testing is more concerned with the functionalities of
individual s/w components, then overall functionalities where the system
testing examines all the functional and non-functional component of the

Q21. What does x axis and y axis does in burndown chart?

Ans: X indicates time and date, Y indicate efforts

Q22. What is the main difference between walkthrough and inspection in terms of
Ans : A walkthrough is lead by an author, while an inspection is lead by a
trained moderator

Q23. The term used to define that specific task is done?

a. shashimi
b. increament
c. impedement
d. test stubs
Ans : b. increament

Q24. Which is the single most important characteristics of a product backlog item
that is neccessary to classify it as ready for selection in sprint?
Ans: It should be included in sprint backlog
Q1. Which of the following is not managed by a service provider in a SaaS model
Options :
• OS
• Networking
• Servers
• Deployments
Ans : Deployments

Q2. True about PaaS

Options :
• Development lang, application framework other service not
necessary (Ans)
• There are numerous ways provided by PaaS to create it
• Customer can interact with the slow to enter and analyse the data
present in the database.
• Mechanism for service management, such as monitoring work
Ans: Development lang, application framework other service not necessary

Q3. Not managed by PaaS

• Application
• Storage
• Data
• A and B
Ans : Storage

Q4. In a SaaS model what does third party hosts on behalf of the end-user?
Options :
• Application Software
• Application Software and h/w
• Development environment
• All
Ans :
Applcation software

Q5. Benefits of Paas

Options :

Q6. Which of the tools is tightly coupled with PaaS?

Ans : DevOps Tools

Q7. What ensures that multiple consumers of private cloud can’t access each
other's data?
Ans : Secret-multi tenancy

Q8. Cloud services such as disk, networking or memory are ____ to the users
a. Hidden
b. Transparent
c. Unreachable
d. None
Ans : Hidden

Q9. Which of the following options exists on cloud providers end and responsible
for allocating the services to be consumed by the customer?
Ans :
Q10. What do you understand about a physical private cloud ?
Ans : A physical private cloud is where a firm has physical custody of data
center where cloud is hosted

Q11. Which of the following networks doesn’t use private cloud ?

a. public
b. private
c. protected
d. all
Ans : public

Q12. Which is not considered as benefit of PaaS?


Ans : Static

Q14. Cloud services are ___ to the users.

Ans :

Q15. Type of Hypervisors ?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Ans : 2 (Baremetal and hosted)

Q16. which of the following option exists on cloud providers and responsible for
allocating service to be consumed by the customer
Ans: Hypervisor

Q17. FaaS full form

Ans : Function as a service
Q18. What happens when new features are released from SaaS cloud provider ?

Q19. PaaS delivers at a typical firms standards and top of the line
Ans: development, framework and tools cloud support

Q20. IaaS provide ___ servers for application hosting.

a. Hybrid
b. Virtual
c. Physical
d. All of the above
Ans: All of the above
Output : 9, 6


Ans : Hi after 1 second


Ans: arr.find(n => n > 32);

Q4. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the browser event loop in
js ?
Ans : To Handle

Q5. Which of the following options are correct for deleting a cookie “day =
Monday” (MSQ)
a. documet.cookie = 'day = ;path=/;expires=Sun, 20 Aug 2000 12:00:00 UTC
b. documet.cookie = 'day = ;path=/;max-age=0';
c. documet.cookie = 'day = ;path=/;max-age = -10';
d. We can delete the cookie explicitely by using a web browser
Ans : documet.cookie = 'day = ;path=/;max-age=0';

Q6. What eventhandler should be used for a user to click on an element from the
option provided ?
Ans : OnClick()

Q7. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the browser event loop in
JS ?
Ans : To handle asynchronous code execution and manage events without
blocking main thread.

var can = document.createElement('canvas'); = "myCanvas";
can.width = 1000;
can.height = 500; = 8; = "absolute"; = "1px solid"
a. The canvas element cannot be created like regular DOM element, hence above
code will not display a canvas
b. the code above will display a canvas
c. the code created in the above code is not inserted into the document body so it
will not be displayed
d. the canvas created will not display since it does not have a
background color

Ans :
the canvas created will not display since it does not have a background color

Q9. Which is wrong primitive data type?

function func() {
regExp r;
a = null
text = undefined
boolean a = true
Ans : boolean / regExp

Q10. There is a html text input field with the id "text", We need to set value to this
field to "game", What is the correct js function to accomplish this ?
Ans: document.getElementById('text').setAttribute('values', 'game')

Q11. Which of the following is used in order to remove the paragraph element?
Ans : $("p").remove();

Q12. Olivia is working with the html code and she is new to DOM manipulation,
suppose she has a line of code that contains a <div> tag, she wants to attach a <h1>
tag which will ____ work?
Ans : .appendchild() / after()

Q13. Keyword used to declare variable

Ans : var, let, const

Q14. Js purpose of eventloop

Ans : To handle asynchronous code execution and manage events without
blocking the main thread

Q15. JS browser events loop timeout usage (setTimeout (callback, 10));

Ans : The eventloop will wait for atleast 10milliseconds before excuting the
callback depending on if the callback is empty

login = false
logout = true
____ code:
Ans : Option A - You have logged out

Q17. In Js a string s = alphabet s.slice(1, 4) will return?

Ans : lph

Q18. Which of the code ?

let var = "Hello";
Ans : Error (SyntaxError)

Q19. You have met some styling changes to specific part of the web page thses
changes are applied and override any style defined sheets text and externalsheet
and internal style tags on the page now if you want to make further style
adjustments to that specific part of the page what type of style must you have used
initial changes ?
Ans: Style inline within HTML Tags

Q20. Which of the following is/are correct snippet in order to fetch the value
entered in username textfield (MSQ)
document.login.uname.value ;
Q21. The browser eventloop consists of multiple phases and microtasks which of
the following statements accurately describes the order of executions during one
iteration of event loop?
Ans: (#a sentence with following sequence)
Handle, Events, MicroTasks, Render

Q22. Appropriate eventhandler for input text

Ans: OnChange()

Q23. You want to allow records to be inserted with a blank emailID filled initially
however you need to ensure that this blank field is automatically populated with a
random email id ending with after insertion___
Ans: Default

Q24. Respones of HTTP requests

200 - Success
404 - Not Found
500 - Server Error
Depends on which type of request the client sends (Get, Post etc.)

p = 12, q = 14
read p
read q

a = 'exps:$p+$q'
echo $a

Ans : 26

Q26. External Text:

Ans : In order to fetch value from external username text field 2.

const array = [16,32,64,128];
for (var i =0; i<array.lenth; i++){
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('Ind_Val: ' + i + ', elem: ' + array[i]);
}, 3000);
Ind_Val : 0, elem : 16
Ind_Val : 1, elem : 32
Ind_Val : 2, elem : 64
Ind_Val : 3, elem : 128

Q28. getSecond( ) - s -> 2

a. 2
b. 10
c. 3
d. 1

Give the following HTML element which answer will update the current colour of
the element with blue
var myDiv = document.getElementById("elem")
a. = "blue"
b. = "blue"
c. = "blue"
d. = "blue"
Ans: = "blue"

<form name = "register">
Enter username<input value = "John" id = "name" name = "username">

const v = "I am here!";
const n =!/i);

a. Here!
b. 6
c. 5
d. I am here
Ans: 5

let sample = {prop1:"hello"};
sample.prop2 = "JS";

a. undefined
b. error
c. {prop1: "hello", prop2: "JS"}
d. {prop1:"hello"}

Ans: {prop1: "hello", prop2: "JS"}

Q33. exception : function myfunctions():

Ans: Reference Error

Q34. let a = b + 3
Ans: Reference Error

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