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Planning Meeting

Goal: Establish a shared understanding of the project goals, roles, and

responsibilities, and develop a preliminary sprint plan.

● Problem Statement

● The education system in Africa faces a number of challenges, including limited

access to quality education, low enrollment rates, poor quality of education,
inadequate teacher training, gender inequality, and the impact of conflict and
● The main areas of concern are access to education, quality of education, and
equity and inclusion.
● The most critical issues for further analysis are access to early childhood
education, transition from primary to secondary education, and skills
● The following areas are prioritized for further analysis: policies and strategies for
improving access to early childhood education, interventions to support students
transitioning from primary to secondary education, and curriculum reform and
teacher training to focus on skills development.

McKinsey Framework
● It consists of five main steps: with 5 why’s
● Define the problem
● Analyze the current state
● Identify root causes
● Develop solutions
● Implement solutions.

Data Visualization Techniques for Education Data

1. Charts and Graphs: Bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and scatter plots are
common visualization techniques that effectively represent quantitative data,
such as enrollment rates, dropout rates, and test scores.
2. Maps: Geographical data can be visualized using maps to show regional
disparities in education access, resources, and outcomes.
3. Infographics: Infographics combine visual elements, text, and data to provide a
comprehensive overview of complex topics, such as education policies, funding
allocation, and student demographics.
4. Interactive Visualizations: Interactive visualizations allow users to explore data
dynamically, filtering, zooming, and manipulating data to gain deeper insights.

Data Sources for Education Visualization ( Legit and


1. Government Data: Ministries of education and national statistical agencies often

collect and publish data on enrollment, attendance, teacher qualifications, and
student performance.
2. International Organizations: Organizations like UNESCO, UNICEF, and the
World Bank provide global education data, including comparisons across
countries and regions.
3. Research Institutions: Universities and research organizations conduct studies
and collect data on specific education topics, such as early childhood education,
literacy, and STEM education.

Assignment of Roles and Responsibilities

Problem Statement Specialist:

● Lead the analysis of the current state of education in Africa.

● Conduct surveys and interviews to gather qualitative data.
● Refine the problem statement based on the analysis.

McKinsey Framework Expert:

● Apply the McKinsey Framework to identify root causes and develop potential
● Analyze data to uncover patterns and trends.
● Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of proposed solutions.

Data Visualization Specialist:

● Create data visualizations to represent key education data.

● Use appropriate visualization techniques to communicate the problem and
solutions effectively.
● Collaborate with team members to ensure accuracy and clarity of visualizations.

Creative Innovator&support

● Explore innovative approaches and technologies to address the identified

● Propose creative solutions that incorporate emerging trends and educational
● Contribute to the development of immersive simulations or interactive
experiences for the presentation.

Video Producer& resercher

● Conduct interviews with team members and education experts.

● Edit and finalize the video presentation, integrating interviews, data
visualizations, and creative elements.
● Ensure a smooth and engaging presentation delivery.

Team Leader:

● Facilitate team discussions and ensure alignment on project goals.

● Coordinate team activities and manage timelines.
● Oversee the final presentation and ensure a successful delivery.

Action Plan

Phase 1: Analyze the Current State of Education in Africa

Phase 2: Identify Root Causes Using the McKinsey

Phase 3: Develop Potential Solutions and Visualize Data

Closing Remarks

Key Considerations:

1. Focus on the big picture: Prioritize tasks that significantly impact the
project's progress.

2. Break down large tasks: Divide complex tasks into smaller, more
manageable ones.

3. Estimate time and resources realistically: Consider team members'

availability and skill sets.

4. Set achievable goals and milestones: Ensure goals are specific,

measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Including potential goals:

3-Resource estimates

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