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Management requirements to its sub-tier suppliers.

An unauthorized sub-tier change can also lead to

Nexteer’s supplier being placed on New Business Hold.

The supplier must consider the entire scope and consider key information for the change before a
Supplier Suggestion Change Request (SSCR) is submitted. It’s critical that the supplier notify Nexteer
via an SSCR (see below) as early as possible to allow time for Nexteer to review and approve the
SSCR and supplier PPAP. In some cases, the OEM may have additional requirements and will need to
approve the change and Nexteer will need to obtain a PPAP approval from the OEM.

Examples of key information to be considered include but are not limited to:

• Does the change require an appearance approval from the OEM?

• Will Nexteer be required to submit a PPAP to the OEM for this change?
• What quantity of banked inventory will Nexteer require?
• How is the supply chain going to be affected by this change?

Involving Nexteer early on, will ensure all parties will be able to develop an acceptable timing plan for
the change.

The supplier shall retain approved change requests, for the life of the material per section

Initial shipments of new or revised material will be appropriately labeled with the change level until
notified by Nexteer Production Control, that all superseded materials, have been cleared from the
supply chain.

Nexteer requested changes require timely response to the Buyer. Supplier responses are required
within 10 business days.

Supplier Suggestion Change Requests – Suppliers are responsible to communicate supplier

suggestion change requests (SSCR) with appropriate supporting documentation through the Intelex
Supplier Suggestion Change Request Application, for all Nexteer locations. See link below included in
the Supporting Documentation, Forms or Reference section. Temporary change of process controls

No Nexteer specific requirements for this section

Supporting Documentation, Forms or Reference for Section 8.5:

• The following Documents are located on, Suppliers, Quality Processes:
o Early Production Containment Training
o F1094 – Containment Checklist
• Nexteer Global Packaging and Shipping Manual – Located on, Suppliers, Shipping & Labeling
• Supplier Packaging Information Form – Located on, Suppliers, Shipping & Labeling Processes;
• Global Supplier Container Label Requirements Standards EDIFACT – Located on, Suppliers, Shipping
& Labeling Processes:
• Global Sample and PPAP Label – Located on, Suppliers, Shipping & Labeling Processes:
• Customs and Border Forms Website:
• Reference IATF Clause


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