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Task 01.

EAP is a module that focuses on building students’ understanding and use of important skills that
are needed to survive in an academic surrounding where those works are done in English. This
module contains sorts of activities and exercises to improve key areas like writing, listening, and
reading skills related to English academic purposes. During the unit, it created the opportunity to
sharpen several English academic skills, as well as focus on developing skills that differ from
general English.

General English is more used in day-to-day life and social activities. Other than general English,
EAP mostly focuses on the objective of developing the main skills related to academic work.
Both academic and general English contain different vocabularies, phrases, and tones to
emphasize the idea in their respective ways. For example, mail writing in general English differs
from academic mail writing. Usually, Academic mail is more formal while general mail can be
more informal. This is because the tone, voice, purpose, and the idea of the writer could be
different from mail to mail.

In my point of view, the EAP module made a positive impact on developing reading and
listening skills related to academic work. Since reading is a common activity used in academic
life, it was easy to develop as a skill by engaging in pre, while, and post reading strategies
mentioned in the unit. As a result of it, predicting content and understanding the specific
functions of various academic texts became easier. Similarly, listening to the lecturer, podcasts
and TED talks improved my listening ability. Understanding signposts and reference markers
helped me to develop the skill of understanding the different styles of various speakers.

Even though the EAP module is a great unit for developing skills for academic work, I still find
that I need to make some improvements in writing. Since there is more work to be done to
develop my writing skills, I found it more complex, boring, and stressful. However, to increase
my potential in writing I look forward to studying the unit more and more till I get familiar with
it as well as practicing harder to get used to the work that I need to be done without listening to
my feelings.
Ultimately, this EAP module was a helping hand in enhancing key skills like reading, writing,
and listening in academic English. Special vocabulary and styles that are used in academic
English have made it more different when compared to general English. The module was useful
in improving my reading and listening abilities and I still recognize that there needs to be further
refinements in my writing. Despite all the challenges, I am committed to studying and practicing
to strengthen my academic writing ability.

Task 02.

We all are living in a world that upgrades moment by moment. The world is getting filled with
new products from time to time with the development and changes happening in technology and
cultures. People tend to buy these products to feel the experience according to their emotions and
tastes. However, these products keep evolving with new advancements and features to make
people feel like buying the latest version of it when it gets released. Due to this, the urge to fulfill
their requirements through these products has increased. This factor can affect them in both
positive and negative manner.

The main reason why people tend to purchase a new model over a previous model is the benefits
that they get from the new product when compared to the old one. This decision is backed by so
many things like financial, procedural, and psychological factors which make a buyer think of
price, components, and its worth of having. These points are adopted in making a definite
decision to purchase the new version of something rather than using the old one again. As an
example, when someone is more into buying a new PC that is better than the PC that they already
own, they will buy it if the product fits their budget and satisfaction. This is because people
always want to be up-to-date without being outdated and they know that if they miss the chance
to buy a new product, it becomes hard to evolve with technology and trends (Staff, 2004).

However, many people find it as a way of self-improvement. Therefore, according to society,

buying the latest version of a product that already exists symbolizes leveling up, showing off,
and being an up-to-date person. Most people tend to do this as a trend to stop being isolated by
society if they do not follow what society shows as the trend (Sokiente W. Dagogo-Jack and
Mark R. Forehand, 2019).

At the end of the day, buying the latest product has become a usual thing in current society as
new things keep producing day by day. As a result of regular production, this may lead to
overproduction and create more challenges for humans. It is more like a double-edged sword that
you can hold from one side and cut from the other side. When considering the positive impact
that it created on the world, it paved the road of innovation and creativity through regular
advancements in technology.

On the other hand, it acts as a status symbol and as a factor in the evolution of a product. For
example, a brand-new iPhone can have a better camera quality and resolution than the previous
iPhone. If the producers keep advancing and including new features in their products, it can help
in solving problems related to previous products and it can be made more customer-centric
manner to fulfill their requirements.

As every coin has two sides, when people tend to buy the latest products, producers are more
likely to supply products for the demand. In this case, it can cause overproduction in the entire
world and lead to various problems. For example, Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE)
waste is known to be an under-reported but still highly notable global issue due to the regular
production of electronic and electrical items. These EEE wastes cause climatic changes,
environmental hazards, and diseases that lead to bad human health (Ruiz, 2023). Not only E
wastes, fast fashion and its production of textiles rapidly consume more natural resources by
creating a scarcity of natural resources, and consuming a high water footprint causes more water
pollution. Notably, the number of textiles that are recycled is only 1% of the whole number of
textiles produced (European Parliament, 2020). When people are always looking for a brand-new
product, it always creates competition among others, which leads to emotions like greediness,
jealousy, and class division. Because of this people become more heartless to each other to
maintain their status.

Personally, I believe that it is okay to get updated with time to make a difference in where we are
today and where we are in the next 2 to 3 years. You can get updated day by day, by purchasing
the latest module of a certain product, however, it is not the right thing to compare yourself to
other people as you do it. It helps to maintain social respect and build unity. But at the end of the
day, if this leads to the destruction of the environment of living beings, that should be minimized
by taking related actions to prevent it. The world we live in cannot be a place that is full of toxins
both chemically and emotionally.

All in all the decision to buy the latest product of something is usually driven by the impulse for
improvement, social influence, and the desire to innovate. While this encourages progress and
feeds consumer needs, it also gives rise to overproduction and environmental degradation.
Having a balance between these positive and negative impacts is important for sustainable living
and promoting a healthier world for generations to come.


European Parliament, 2020. European Parliament. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 March 2024].
Ruiz, A., 2023. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 March 2024].
Sokiente W. Dagogo-Jack and Mark R. Forehand, 2019. Harward Business Review. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 22 March 2024].
Staff, S. G., 2004. Stanford Business School of Graduate. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 22 March 2024].

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