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Descriptive Analytics
Descriptive Analytics involves the interpretation of historical data to understand what has happened in the
past. This form of analytics provides insights into past performance by summarizing data in a way that
reveals patterns and trends. Techniques used in descriptive analytics include data aggregation, data
mining, and data visualization. The results are often presented in reports, dashboards, and scorecards.

2.Explain the terms and concepts of BI.

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the technologies, applications, and practices for the collection,
integration, analysis, and presentation of business information. The main goal of BI is to support better
business decision-making. Key concepts in BI include:

 Data Warehousing: A central repository for all or significant parts of the data that an enterprise's
various business systems collect.

 Data Mining: The practice of examining large pre-existing databases to generate new information.

 ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): The process of extracting data from various sources,
transforming it to fit operational needs, and loading it into a data warehouse.

 Dashboards: Visual tools that display important data metrics and KPIs (Key Performance
Indicators) in an easily understandable format.

 OLAP (Online Analytical Processing): Tools that allow users to interactively analyze
multidimensional data from multiple perspectives.

 Reporting: The process of organizing data into informational summaries to monitor how different
areas of a business are performing.

3.Briefly explain BI applications.

BI Applications encompass a wide range of tools and techniques used to collect, store, and
analyze business data. These applications help organizations make informed decisions based on
data analysis. Some common BI applications include:

 Reporting Tools: Generate operational and analytical reports for business users.
 Dashboards and Scorecards: Provide at-a-glance views of KPIs and other important
business metrics.

 Data Mining Tools: Analyze large datasets to discover patterns, trends, and relationships.

 Predictive Analytics Tools: Use historical data to make forecasts about future trends.

 OLAP Tools: Allow users to perform complex queries and analyses on multidimensional

4.Identify examples of BI based organizations.

Several organizations are known for their effective use of BI to drive their business strategies.
Examples include:

 Amazon: Uses BI for customer recommendations, inventory management, and logistics

 Netflix: Employs BI to personalize user experience, content recommendations, and
manage content production.
 Walmart: Utilizes BI to manage its supply chain, optimize inventory, and analyze
customer behavior.
 Starbucks: Leverages BI for store placement, product offerings, and personalized
marketing campaigns.

5.Explain the role of Business Intelligence in formulating the corporate strategy of the company.

Business Intelligence (BI) plays a crucial role in formulating corporate strategy by providing
data-driven insights that help leaders make informed decisions. BI helps in:
 Identifying Market Trends: Analyzing market data to understand emerging trends and
 Competitive Analysis: Monitoring competitors' activities and performance to strategize
 Customer Insights: Understanding customer behavior and preferences to tailor products
and services.
 Performance Measurement: Tracking the performance of different business units and
processes to identify areas for improvement.
 Resource Allocation: Optimizing the allocation of resources based on data insights to
maximize efficiency and profitability.
 Risk Management: Identifying potential risks and their impacts to develop mitigation

6.Describe how to design and plan a BI system.

Designing and planning a BI system involves several key steps:

I. Define Objectives: Clearly outline the goals and objectives of the BI system.
II. Identify Key Stakeholders: Engage with all stakeholders to understand their requirements
and expectations.
III. Assess Current Systems: Evaluate existing data sources, systems, and processes.
IV. Develop a Data Strategy: Plan for data integration, storage, and management.
V. Select Tools and Technologies: Choose appropriate BI tools and technologies that align with the
organization's needs.

VI. Design Data Architecture: Develop a robust architecture for data warehousing and data
VII. Create a Roadmap: Develop a phased implementation plan with clear milestones and
VIII. Establish Governance: Implement data governance policies to ensure data quality and

7.Explain the process of implementation of the BI system.

 Requirement Gathering: Collect detailed requirements from business users and stakeholders.
 Data Integration: Use ETL processes to gather data from various sources and integrate it into
a data warehouse.
 Data Cleaning and Transformation: Ensure data quality by cleaning and transforming data as
 BI Tool Deployment: Install and configure the chosen BI tools and platforms.
 Report and Dashboard Development: Create reports, dashboards, and visualizations based on
user requirements.
 User Training: Train business users on how to use the BI tools effectively.
 Testing and Validation: Perform thorough testing to ensure the system works as expected and
meets business needs.
 Go-Live and Monitoring: Launch the BI system and continuously monitor its performance,
making adjustments as necessary.

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