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999806202 - 11/2017


The Formwork Experts.

Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco

User Information
Instructions for assembly and use (Method statement)
© by Doka GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten

© by Doka GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten

User Information Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco

2 999806202 - 11/2017
User Information Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco

4 Introduction
4 Elementary safety warnings
7 Eurocodes at Doka
8 Doka services
10 Doka framed formwork Frami Xlife
11 Areas of use

13 Wall formwork
14 Instructions for assembly and use (Method
16 The Frami panel in detail
18 Permissible fresh-concrete pressure
20 System grid
22 Inter-panel connections
24 Tie rod system
26 Length adjustment using closures
28 90 degree corners
33 Shaft formwork
36 Acute & obtuse-angled corners
38 Stop-end formwork
42 Wall junctions
45 Window and door openings
46 Inter-panel connections for increased tensile
48 Vertical stacking of panels
54 Plumbing accessories
60 Pouring platforms with single brackets
62 Opposing guard-rail
66 Ladder system
70 Lifting by crane
73 Transporting, stacking and storing

81 General remarks
81 Using as downturned-beam formwork
82 Formwork planning with Tipos-Doka
83 Cleaning and care of your equipment
85 Fall-arrest systems on the structure

87 Component overview

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Introduction User Information Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco

Elementary safety warnings
User target groups Remarks on this booklet
▪ This booklet is aimed at all persons who will be work- ▪ This booklet can also be used as a generic method
ing with the Doka product or system that it describes. statement or incorporated with a site-specific
It contains information on the standard design for method statement.
setting up this system, and on correct, compliant uti- ▪ Many of the illustrations in this booklet show the
lisation of the system. situation during formwork assembly and are
▪ All persons working with the product described therefore not always complete from the safety
herein must be familiar with the contents of this point of view.
booklet and with all the safety instructions it contains. Any safety accessories not shown in these illustra-
▪ Persons who are incapable of reading and under- tions must still be used by the customer, in accord-
standing this booklet, or who can do so only with dif- ance with the applicable rules and regulations.
ficulty, must be instructed and trained by the cus- ▪ Further safety instructions, especially warnings,
tomer. will be found in the individual sections of this
▪ The customer is to ensure that the information mate- booklet!
rials provided by Doka (e.g. User Information book-
lets, Instructions for Assembly and Use, Operating
Instruction manuals, plans etc.) are up to date and Planning
available to all users, and that they have been made
aware of them and have easy access to them at the ▪ Provide safe workplaces for those using the form-
usage location. work (e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled,
▪ In the relevant technical documentation and form- modified or repositioned etc). It must be possible to
work utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace get to and from these workplaces via safe access
safety precautions that are necessary in order to use routes!
the Doka products safely in the usage situations ▪ If you are considering any deviation from the
shown. details and instructions given in this booklet, or
In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance any application which goes beyond those
with national laws, standards and regulations described in the booklet, then revised static cal-
throughout the entire project and to take appropriate culations must be produced for checking, as well
additional or alternative workplace safety precau- as supplementary assembly instructions.
tions where necessary.

Hazard assessment Regulations; industrial safety

▪ All laws, Standards, industrial safety regulations and
▪ The customer is responsible for drawing up, docu- other safety rules applying to the utilisation of our
menting, implementing and continually updating a products in the country and/or region in which you
hazard assessment at every job-site. are operating must be observed at all times.
This booklet serves as the basis for the site-specific
hazard assessment, and for the instructions given to ▪ If a person or object falls against, or into, the side-
users on how to prepare and utilise the system. It guard component and/or any of its accessories, the
does not substitute for these, however. component affected may only continue in use after it
has been inspected and passed by an expert.

4 999806202 - 11/2017
User Information Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco Introduction

Rules applying during all phases of Assembly

the assignment
▪ The equipment/system must be inspected by the
customer before use, to ensure that it is in suitable
▪ The customer must ensure that this product is condition. Steps must be taken to rule out the use of
erected and dismantled, reset and generally used for any components that are damaged, deformed, or
its intended purpose in accordance with the applica- weakened due to wear, corrosion or rot.
ble laws, standards and rules, under the direction
and supervision of suitably skilled persons.
▪ Combining our formwork systems with those of other
manufacturers could be dangerous, risking damage
These persons' mental and physical capacity must
to both health and property. If you intend to combine
not in any way be impaired by alcohol, medicines or
different systems, please contact Doka for advice
▪ Doka products are technical working appliances
which are intended for industrial / commercial use ▪ The equipment/system must be assembled and
only, always in accordance with the respective Doka erected in accordance with the applicable laws,
User Information booklets or other technical docu- Standards and rules by suitably skilled personnel of
mentation authored by Doka. the customer's, having regard to any and all required
safety inspections.
▪ The stability and load-bearing capacity of all compo-
nents and units must be ensured during all phases of ▪ It is not permitted to modify Doka products; any such
modifications constitute a safety risk.
the construction work!
▪ Do not step on or apply strain to cantilevers, clo-
sures, etc. until suitable measures to ensure their Closing the formwork
stability have been correctly implemented (e.g. by
▪ Strict attention to and compliance with the functional ▪ Doka products and systems must be set up so that
instructions, safety instructions and load specifica- all loads acting upon them are safely transferred!
tions are required. Non-compliance can cause acci-
dents and severe injury (risk of fatality) and consid-
erable damage to property.
▪ Sources of fire in the vicinity of the formwork are pro-
hibited. Heating appliances are only allowed if prop- ▪ Do not exceed the permitted fresh-concrete pres-
erly and expertly used, and set up a safe distance sures. Over-high pouring rates overload the form-
away from the formwork. work, cause greater deflection and risk breakage.
▪ The customer must consider all types of weather
conditions on equipment and in connection with the
use or storage of the equipment (e.g. slippery sur-
Stripping out the formwork
faces, risk of slippage, effects of wind, etc.) and must
take steps in good time to safeguard the equipment ▪ Do not strip out the formwork until the concrete has
and the surrounding areas and to protect the work- reached sufficient strength and the person in charge
ers. has given the order for the formwork to be stripped
▪ All connections must be checked at regular intervals out!
to ensure that they are secure and in full working ▪ When stripping out the formwork, never use the
order. crane to break concrete cohesion. Use suitable tools
In particular threaded connections and wedged con- such as timber wedges, special pry-bars or system
nections have to be checked and retightened as nec- features such as Framax stripping corners.
essary in accordance with activity on the jobsite and ▪ When stripping out the formwork, do not endanger
especially after out-of-the-ordinary occurrences (e.g. the stability of any part of the structure, or of any
after a storm). scaffolding, platforms or formwork that is still in
▪ It is strictly forbidden to weld Doka products – in par- place!
ticular anchoring/tying components, suspension
components, connector components and castings
etc. – or otherwise subject them to heating.
Welding causes serious change in the microstruc-
ture of the materials from which these components
are made. This leads to a dramatic drop in the failure
load, representing a very great risk to safety.
It is permissible to cut tie rods to length with metal
cutting discs (introduction of heat at the end of the
rod only), but it is important to ensure that flying
sparks do not heat and thus damage other tie rods.
The only articles which are allowed to be welded are
those for which the Doka literature expressly points
out that welding is permitted.

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Introduction User Information Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco

Transporting, stacking and storing Symbols used

▪ Observe all regulations applying to the handling of The following symbols are used in this booklet:
formwork and scaffolding. In addition, the Doka
slinging means must be used - this is a mandatory DANGER
requirement. Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
▪ Remove any loose parts or fix them in place so that avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
they cannot be dislodged or fall free!
▪ All components must be stored safely, following all
the special Doka instructions given in the relevant WARNING
sections of this booklet!
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious
Maintenance injury.

▪ Only original Doka components may be used as CAUTION

spare parts. Repairs may only be carried out by the
manufacturer or authorised facilities. Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate
The weights as stated are averages for new material; NOTICE
actual weights can differ, depending on material toler- Is used to address practices not related to
ances. Dirt accretions, moisture saturation, etc. can physical injury.
also affect weight.
We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests
of technical progress. Instruction
Indicates that actions need to be taken by
the user.

Indicates that you need to do a sight-check
to make sure that necessary actions have
been carried out.

Points out useful practical tips.

Refers to other documents and materials.

6 999806202 - 11/2017
User Information Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco Introduction

Eurocodes at Doka
In Europe, a uniform series of Standards known as The widely used "Permissible stress design" (compar-
Eurocodes (EC) was developed for the construction ing the actual stresses with the permissible stresses)
field by the end of 2007. These are intended to provide has been superseded by a new safety concept in the
a uniform basis, valid throughout Europe, for product EC.
specifications, tenders and mathematical verification. The EC contrast the actions (loads) with the resistance
The EC are the world's most highly developed Stand- (capacity). The previous safety factor in the permissible
ards in the construction field. stresses is now divided into several partial factors. The
In the Doka Group, the EC are to be used as standard safety level remains the same!
from the end of 2008. They will thus supersede the DIN
norms as the "Doka standard" for product design.

Ed Rd

Ed Design value of effect of actions Rd Design value of the resistance

(E ... effect; d ... design) (R ... resistance; d ... design)
Internal forces from action Fd Design capacity of cross-section
(VEd, NEd, MEd) (VRd, NRd, MRd)
Fd Design value of an action Rk Rk
Steel: Rd = Timber: Rd = kmod ·
Fd = γF · Fk γM γM
(F ... force)
Fk Characteristic value of an action Rk Characteristic value of the resistance
"actual load", service load e.g. moment resistance to yield stress
(k ... characteristic)
e.g. dead weight, live load, concrete pressure,
γF Partial factor for actions γM Partial factor for a material property
(in terms of load; F ... force) (in terms of material; M...material)
e.g. for dead weight, live load, concrete pres- e.g. for steel or timber
sure, wind Values from EN 12812
Values from EN 12812
kmod Modification factor (only for timber – to take
account of the moisture and the duration of load
e.g. for Doka beam H20
Values as given in EN 1995-1-1 and EN 13377

Comparison of the safety concepts (example)

Permissible stress design EC/DIN concept The "permissible values" communicated in
Doka documents (e.g.: Qpermissible = 70 kN)
Fyield Rk
115.5 [kN] 115.5 [kN] do not correspond to the design values
Rd gM = 1.1 (e.g.: VRd = 105 kN)!
90<105 [kN]
n ~ 1.65 A
➤ Avoid any confusion between the two!
90 [kN] ➤ Our documents will continue to state the per-
missible values.
Fpermissible gF = 1.5 Allowance has been made for the following par-
60<70 [kN]
Factual A tial factors:
60 [kN] γF = 1.5
γM, timber = 1.3
γM, steel = 1.1
kmod = 0.9
In this way, all the design values needed in an
EC design calculation can be ascertained from


the permissible values.

Factual≤ Fpermissible Ed≤ Rd

A Utilisation factor

999806202 - 11/2017 7
Introduction User Information Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco

Doka services
Support in every stage of the project
Doka offers a broad spectrum of services, all with a sin-
gle aim: to help you succeed on the site.
Every project is unique. Nevertheless, there is one
thing that all construction projects have in common –
and that is a basic structure with five stages. We at
Doka know our clients' varying requirements. With our
consulting, planning and other services, we help you
achieve effective implementation of your formwork
assignment using our formwork products – in every one
of these stages.

1 2 3
Project Development Stage Bidding Stage Operations Scheduling Stage

Taking well-founded decisions Optimising the preliminary work Controlled, regular forming oper-
thanks to professional advice and with Doka as an experienced part- ations, for greater efficiency
consulting ner resulting from realistically calculated
formwork concepts

Find precisely the right formwork Draw up potentially winning bids, by Plan cost-effectively right from the
solutions, with the aid of ▪ basing them on realistically calcu- outset, thanks to
▪ help with the bid invitation lated guideline prices ▪ detailed offers
▪ in-depth analysis of the initial sit- ▪ making the right formwork ▪ determination of the commission-
uation choices ing quantities
▪ objective evaluation of the plan- ▪ having an optimum time-calcula- ▪ co-ordination of lead-times and
ning, execution, and time-risks tion basis handover deadlines

8 999806202 - 11/2017
User Information Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco Introduction

The advantages for you

thanks to professional advice and
4 5 ▪ Cost savings and time gains
When we advise and support you
right from the word 'go', we can
Concrete Construction Stage Project Close-out Stage make sure that the right formwork
systems are chosen and then
used as planned. This lets you
achieve optimum utilisation of the
formwork equipment, and effec-
tive forming operations because
your workflows will be correct.

▪ Maximised workplace safety

The advice and support we can
give you in how to use the equip-
ment correctly, and as planned,
leads to greater safety on the job.

▪ Transparency
Because our services and costs
Optimum resource utilisation Seeing things through to a posi- are completely transparent, there
with assistance from the Doka tive conclusion is no need for improvisation dur-
Formwork Experts with professional support ing the project – and no unpleas-
ant surprises at the end of it.

▪ Reduced close-out costs

Workflow optimisation, thanks to Doka Services are a byword for Our professional advice on the
▪ thorough utilisation planning transparency and efficiency here, selection, quality and correct use
▪ internationally experienced pro- offering of the equipment helps you avoid
ject technicians ▪ jointly handled return of rented damage, and minimise wear-and-
▪ appropriate transport logistics formwork tear.
▪ on-site support ▪ professional dismantling
▪ efficient cleaning and recondition-
ing using special equipment

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Introduction User Information Framed formwork Frami Xlife / Frami eco

Doka framed formwork Frami Xlife

Frami Xlife is ideal for fast, cost-saving forming High economy, maximum lifespan
both with and without a crane.
due to the Xlife sheet and galvanised hollow-sec-
Saves time, cuts labour costs tion steel frames
The high product quality
with its system logic, ease of cleaning and low ▪ lowers close-out and rehabilitation costs
form-tie ratio ▪ ensures that the formwork system will have a long
Frami Xlife has several features that make it extremely service life
▪ its Xlife sheet is easier and quicker to clean Simplifies planning and handling
▪ cost-savings from its low form-tie ratio
▪ faster repositioning thanks to the clearly defined grid as the system can be used in so many different
for the shifting units
▪ shorter forming-times, as the system minimises any
filler zones The ingenious Frami Xlife formwork system gives you
▪ huge flexibility, because you can combine panel
heights from 1.20 m to 3.00 m
▪ an efficient way of forming shafts, in conjunction with
the Framax stripping corner I
▪ rapid formwork planning using the professional
Tipos-Doka software
▪ cost savings from reduced commissioning quantities


All the technical data given in this document apply
equally to both Frami Xlife panels and Frami eco pan-

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