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与君共勉,同奋同斗 Simon 口语 2X2

Major or Work
大学: Currently, I am still a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior at University of…, Majoring in…
and specializing in…
高中: Currently, I am still a year X student at…, I haven’t decided my major yet, but I am quite
keen on …area
工作: Currently, I am working at a company called…, which is a kind of…, and my position is…,
specializing in…
选择动机:I chose it simply because:
 I am pretty passionate about…, and my dream is to be a… one day
 The biggest incentive is that I believe that the area of… will be highly demanded/promising
in years ahead, besides, I could find a high-paid job very easily
 Actually it wasn’t my choice, but my parents’, since they were convinced that…
 I plan to follow my…’s footsteps; I might take over the family business, so it is quite
necessary to enrich my knowledge of…
Part one
 第一类题:Illogical questions——Do you like something? 回答策略: A+5W/1H
 Image (What): yes, I am a big fan of a variety of …, including A B C D (名词)
 Lifestyle ( Snapshot ) : Normally speaking, as long as I have spare time/am available (How
often), I’d like to do… (What) with…(Who) at…(Where), I enjoy doing it, simply because I
could…/It could…(Why)
 P2P: besides, boost bonds with…/expand my social circles (relationship 关系)
练习:Music/Movie/Sport/Shopping/Traveling/Reading/TV program/Dancing/Computers
 第二类题:Logical——Do you prefer A or B?/Is…important? 回答策略:启承接反转合
 Core Value: simply/mainly because/Since … (Keep it Simple and Straight)
 Application: By this I mean/For example… (Dream/Major/Hobby/oversea study)
 Assumption: If I choose B, probably I could not…/Without it, how could I … (反证)
练 习 : Cinema or Home; Pool or Ocean; Restaurant or Home; Shop or Online; Driver or
Passenger; Phone call or Text message;
Is … important? Foreign language/Relaxation/Museum
幸福:Happiness is All about Balances among factors we all care and concern about…
 Emotion: Low/Down – cheer me up; Tired- Relax/refresh/recharge myself
Stressful – release my pressure; Bored-kill time/enrich my life; Monotonous- Escape from…
At such a place, I could feel Cozy/Homey/Comfy
句型:I regard/treat…as a way of…; It offers/provides me a chance to…;
 Health: Keep fit; Keep a good shape/Lose weight/Work out/build my body;
 Family/P2P: Boost bonding with…/Enjoy each other’s company/Expand my social circle
 Career: Broaden my horizon/Enrich my life/Extend my limits/Pave my way for…
 Maslow-5: Psychological/Safety/Belonging and Affection/Esteem/Self-Actualization
效率:The advent of…makes our life much easier and handier…
 高效的:Money/Labor/Time/Fuel/Energy-saving; Efficient/Effective/Productive
 低效的:Money/Labor/Time/Fuel/Energy-consuming; Troublesome; Tiring; Exhausting

与君共勉,同奋同斗 Simon 口语 2X2

Part two
开头:Well, the…I want to share with you is called…, which is a kind of… (Specializing in…)
记叙文 :Where: Regarding to location, it is located at…, it only takes me 10 minutes’ walk from

How often/When: Talking about frequency, as long as I am in the mood/need for…, … will be my
first choice
What: When it comes to…, they have a variety of choices, including…
Apart from A, they also serve/provide B C D and things like that.
1. Attributes with multisensory feelings (感官属性法)+P2P
Eyes – environment/decoration/activities/functions/effect/plot/performance
Ears- music/peace/soundtrack
Mouth/Nose- taste/chatting
Heart/Mind-service/price/location/emotion/relationship/sense of…
Hand/leg-sports/playing/hands-on experience/activities
第四问结构:I want to talk about…for some reasons
1 Firstly, I consider that… is pretty… 观点 1
2 By this I mean/For example/Mainly because… 客观 (事实/快照/数字/场景)
So as for me, I could feel … 主观
3 Besides, I am also convinced that ….is rather .. 观点 2
4 同2
5 more importantly, I always believe that … is totally… 观点 3
6 同2
Generally, that’s why I want to talk about…
Food-Original/Tasty/Authentic/delish/Nutritious; Environment-Hygienic; Decoration- Classy;
Service-Hospitable/Speedy; Price-Affordable/Reasonable; Atmosphere-Homey/cozy/comfy;
Location-Handy; Delivery-Free;
2. Story-telling and life experience (讲故事和经历)
讲故事:Well, the story I want to share is called…, which is a kind of… combining elements of….
故事发生的背景: It is the story set in… while….
At the very beginning, it revolves around a …named …, who wants to ….
Afterwards, …met/came across/ran into…by accident, and then they have been through all sorts
of/a series of ups and downs (adventures), including…. / while….during….
Eventually, … did … (achieved../saved…/won the heart of/the comeback of ) by doing sth
Soundtrack-Perfect matching of plot; Performance skill- deeply rooted in my mind;
Lines-classic/impressive; I learnt a story from this movie, which is …
讲经历:Well, the … I want to share with you happened … ago, while I was about to….
At the very beginning, I felt …, since …., meanwhile, I was also …, simply because
Afterwards, I started to realize that…, since…, during/while…, I was…..
Eventually, the moment I was…., I was greatly…
Till today, I harvest … (confidence/pride/courage/persistence)

与君共勉,同奋同斗 Simon 口语 2X2

观点 客观 主观

Knowledgeable He is Mr. Know-all As long as I come across

problems, he will be the first
I turn to for help
Wise He could always explain something Occasionally I would come
difficult and complicated in an easy across some bottlenecks in
and simple way my life, and he is helpful to
give me suggestions.
Kind/warm-hearted …would spare no effort to give He is really a role model for
others a hand, such as… me to learn from.
Charitable He and his… foundation manage to Increasing number of people
help the needy, such as donating is influenced to take part in
money, raising fund for poor kids. the charity organization.
Cool-minded No matter how tough the situation This is incredibly crucial for a
is, he is able to chillax and come up person in the leader’s
a solution position
Patient He has never been mad with others People around him are
impressed by his patience
Sociable/open- able to get along well with all His strong interpersonal
minded types of people communication skill makes
me pretty popular among
Generous He is the type of people who likes His willingness is really
to share with others, not only in a favored and appreciated
material way, but also in many
other ways, such as…
Diligent He is always the first to come to I was often told by him that
classroom and the last to leave. genius is 1% inspiration and
99% perspiration
Persistent It is hard for him to waive(动摇) his It seems that nothing could
mind to achieve his goal. quench( 浇 灭 ) his passion
He believes that “I will persist until I and desire for success inside
succeed” his heart, I like that.
Smart As a quick leaner, he is able to get For the same question, he is
the hang of(获得…的窍门)….in the more likely to have more
shortest time. creative ideas.
Versatile/Talented Apart from being excellent in….,he He is the person I always
is also famous/good at… want to be.
Common Grounds We are both fans of…. When we get together, the
fun never ends.

与君共勉,同奋同斗 Simon 口语 2X2

Amusing He is full of sense of humor, it is a Throughout the trip, I would

treat talking with him never feel bored
accompanied by him.
Optimistic He always has the positive attitude I don't believe that many can
and focus on the brighter side of achieve that given that
the failure situation
Responsible Anyone in this team blows things His sense of responsibility
up ( 搞 砸 了 ) , he is bold to makes himself a reliable and
cover(搞定) it. trustworthy people
Extraordinary He and his classic image ( 经 典 形 People can be easily got
performance skills 象 ) of “…” has left us a lasting involved deeply into the
impression(深刻印象) in mind. movie along with his acting.
电 子 产 品 : laptop ; desktop ; all-in-one machine ; printer ; scanner ; recorder ; smart
观点 客观 主观

Necessity Without it, I couldn't do…. Since I am going to study at

overseas, it is a must-have
gadget(必备的电子设备) for
me to survive on a daily basis.
Multifunctional Besides doing A, I could also do It is an all-in-one device for me
B, C and D
Handy/portable It is thin and light, which can be Especially when I take a trip or
easily put into my pocket studying at overseas, I could carry
it with me easily wherever I go.
Trendy/fashionable The exterior design is cutting- As a fashion-conscious ( 紧 追 潮
edge and catching 流 的 ) person, it is always a
dream to have a…
The price is Normally, the price is about… As a student-class consumer, it
reasonable/affordable on the market suits me pretty well
汽车 compact vehicle, like smart, beetle, mini copper; SUV—Sports Utility Vehicle
观点 客观 主观
A ride instead of It is much easier to get around in I could save time and my labor.
walk a city
Handy Convenient to park and reverse I am a green hand of driving, so
park it is easier to handle
Fashionable The car is adorable with And it has always been a dream
streamline design ( 流 线 形 设 for me to have one.
计), it is young people’s favorite
Eco-friendly Since it consumes less fuel that So it is fuel-saving and money-
any other vehicles saving
Spacious It is suitable for carrying the I am the driver who fancy for
whole family around more leg-room in a car

与君共勉,同奋同斗 Simon 口语 2X2

Safe It could provide me the well- I guess nothing is more

rounded protection, such as air important than being
bags, better shield and strong trustworthy and safe when you
steel. drive a car

Part three

问题:What is the most popular something in your country?
回答策略:well, It depends;
For X, I believe that… is the most popular one for them, such as…, simply because…
Yet for Y, I guess that they tend to choose…, including A B C and D
That's probably because they…

问题:How has … changed recently in your country?
回答策略:regarding to… it has been changing dramatically all over the years.
Generally speaking, people used to …. In a traditional and conventional way, such as..
But now, increasing number of people choose to ….. , including ……… (多想网络和

问题:What are the differences of something between X and Y?
回答策略: Unlike X, some Aspects of Y tends to be more 比较级
 A is…, while sth of B is more likely to be…反义词
 Compared with A, sth of B is less likely to be…
 A is…, while sth of B is….

问题:What are the advantages and disadvantages of something?
回 答 策 略 : Well, … is beneficial/helpful/advantageous/rewarding in a variety of
ways , Firstly, Besides (好处说两点)
Yet, when it comes to the drawbacks, I have to say that…. (坏处讲一点)
问题: Is…always good for…?
回答策略:Yes, …could be a good thing, since it brings… and besides,…
Yet, if people overdo/rely too much on…/lack control of…., the consequence of…
might happen/people’s …might be undermined.

与君共勉,同奋同斗 Simon 口语 2X2

 总分结构: 先定义,再举例
According to definition, ….refers to…, for example,….
 一边倒: 极端证明法
 一分为二: It depends on different situations…

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