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14 ways to become a Shameless-self


If you don’t talk about your work or service with full energy and full intensity,
who else will?

Once you internalize the fact that selling is serving, things become a lot

Now, let’s understand a few strategies that will help you to become a
shameless self-promoter.

1.) Faith on your product/ service:

Even if faith is a little less, things won’t work.

A lot of people have skill sets, however, faith is missing. Thus they are
unable to promote it aggressively.

Get sold on your product first, before selling it to others.

People might know just 20 to 30% of the benefits and features about your
product, still, they will buy because of the confidence and faith that you
depict on your product/ service.
2.) Slight nudge:

Informing or telling or making people aware without actually pushing them.

How can it be done?

Maybe, get your work or brand name printed on your T-shirts, mugs, pens
and create awareness. It is just a touchpoint, to ensure people get to know
about you.

While having a random discussion, just a mention regarding your work.

3.) Going all in:

Make noise about your offering everywhere, on all social media platforms,
on emails, on text messages, on videos, on live sessions.

Tell people, again and again, do it, do it, do it.

If you are worried as to people might unsubscribe to your emails.

Get these statistics clear-

If 10,000 people unsubscribe to your emails on a daily basis even then it

will take 8 years to just complete the entire population of New Delhi.

All rights reserved by Rahul Bhatnagar. The sale, reuse and sharing of this content is illegal and against the law. Legal action + a
fine of Rs. 10 lakhs will be imposed against anyone found doing so.
First, identify the platforms and later figure out if you’ll be able to use those
platforms or not.

Some people will support you, some will not. That’s fine.

Don’t worry about people. They are anyway going to say something about
you. Prefer to be known after you have done something.

4.) Contests:

You can run contests, giveaways, competitions, quiz, activities.

For example, make a promo video, tell people to write the benefits in
comments and tag 5 people. Best comment wins cash prizes or any prizes.

The best part is 1 comment = 5 people will get to know about you or your

More awareness will be created, thus your leads will increase and once
your post gets 1000 or 2000 comments, run it as an advertisement.
5.) Facebook group:

Irrespective of which niche you are in, a Facebook group has to be there.

It gives a lot of awareness, opportunities and a lot of people get connected.

Ensure that you keep it active, keep doing some activities and it will grow
like anything.

Continuously add more value, add more friends, continuously do some

engaging activities and increase the size of the group.

The name of the group should clearly indicate what they’ll gain.

Write a steady description which tells them their benefit.

Before you’ve 5,000 members, you’ll be able to change the name of your
Facebook group. When you reach about 4,500 members, change the

6.) WhatsApp broadcast lists:

Add all the numbers and send them the details & a message every day -
the essence of being a Shameless self promoter

All rights reserved by Rahul Bhatnagar. The sale, reuse and sharing of this content is illegal and against the law. Legal action + a
fine of Rs. 10 lakhs will be imposed against anyone found doing so.
Let people tell - why do you send links every single day, once they tell it, do
even more.

When people block you, it means you're doing the right thing.

They are at least getting to know about you. At one point in time, they
never knew you.

7.) Going live:

Go live on multiple platforms as many times as you can.

Even if you’ve two people watching, go all in. Because later even the two
people who are watching might have a probability of getting into a buying

It will help you to get rid of apprehensions that you have upon your mind
and boosts your confidence.
8.) Posts:

Write more posts about your work.

While recording a video, write a script later elaborate the same and put it in
the form of a post.

Post it on multiple platforms and this will ensure that you come in front of
people again and again and it will take you ahead.

9.) Reply to the comments:

This can be a game-changer.

Don’t just write the same copy and pasted comment for everyone.

Look at what they have written in the comment and answer accordingly by
replying and they’ll check your profile.

Relevant comments create more awareness.

People feel happy to see a reply.

You’ll additionally come across as an intellectual person.

All rights reserved by Rahul Bhatnagar. The sale, reuse and sharing of this content is illegal and against the law. Legal action + a
fine of Rs. 10 lakhs will be imposed against anyone found doing so.
Whenever you find a negative comment, drop a positive reply and many a
time, they become your fans.

Don’t take negativity seriously, ignore it. If it is feedback, accept it and work
upon it, if the feedback is not relevant, kindly ignore it.

10.) Logo on your videos:

Ensure that your logo is present on all your videos.

People will always remember you, there will be a constant brand recall.

Videos stay on the internet forever, having your logo on them will give you
long-lasting visibility.

If they like your video, they will for sure check more details about you on
the internet.

You can additionally mention your name and contact number.

Adobe Premiere Pro can help you add logo, name and number to your
11.) Reach out to new people:

Don’t be hesitant to reach out to new people.

Most results come only when you talk to new people.

New people = New opportunities = New results.

Only reaching out to known people will not fetch you any significant results.

12.) ABC- Always Be Closing

Put across that opportunity in front of people.

Wherever you are, ensure you are always closing.

Always be in the mode of closing.

Get people closer to what you are selling.

Tell people directly, this is what I have to offer to you, this is how it will help
you, go ahead and make that transaction.

Note, you don’t have to sell. But have to recommend it, just like a doctor.

All rights reserved by Rahul Bhatnagar. The sale, reuse and sharing of this content is illegal and against the law. Legal action + a
fine of Rs. 10 lakhs will be imposed against anyone found doing so.
13.) Follow-ups

Follow-up gets you the results.

Follow-up gets you the money.

Maximum people are so afraid that they don’t even make a second call, but
you got to do it.

One important thing to note here is all follow-ups are not meant to sell.

It is just about getting in front of people time and again.

The only aim is they shouldn’t forget you.

It is rightly said: “Out of sight, out of mind”.

Reach out to people repeatedly.

You need to have the attention of people. Attention is the new currency.

If people get irritated by continuous follow-ups, irritate them even more.

Don’t get offended by what people say. Excuses will always be there, don’t
buy them. Do your work.

It is simple, follow up until they buy from you or block you.

14.) Don’t think, jump in

All the above-mentioned strategies are implemented by me, they work

provided you work.

Take that action towards becoming a shameless self promoter.

Don’t overthink, go all in.

You don’t have to advertise always however, you always need to create
that awareness.

Don’t wait, just start and things will fall into place.

All rights reserved by Rahul Bhatnagar. The sale, reuse and sharing of this content is illegal and against the law. Legal action + a
fine of Rs. 10 lakhs will be imposed against anyone found doing so.
Questions for you
(Please maintain a diary and answer all the questions)

Q1.) Why should you be a shameless self promoter?

Q2.) Do you have faith upon your product/ service?

Q3.) What is your understanding of the slight nudge?

Q4.) What are the 4 methods mentioned you are going to work upon

All rights reserved by Rahul Bhatnagar. The sale, reuse and sharing of this content is illegal and against the law. Legal action + a
fine of Rs. 10 lakhs will be imposed against anyone found doing so.
Q5.) What is your understanding of the ABC?

Q6.) What is the significance of follow-ups?

Q7.) How many times are you going to follow up?

Q8.) Do you have to sell in every follow-up?

All rights reserved by Rahul Bhatnagar. The sale, reuse and sharing of this content is illegal and against the law. Legal action + a
fine of Rs. 10 lakhs will be imposed against anyone found doing so.
Q9.) When are you going to implement the learning?

Q10.) Write your complete follow-up action plan

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