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Part one

Is advertisement common in your country?
What kinds of advertisements are there?
Which one do you prefer?
How important is advertisement?

Do you know how to ride a bike?
Is riding a bike popular in your country?
Will riding a bike more and more popular in the future?
What are the advantages of riding a bike

What will people do in your country for birthday?
Which birthday is the most important one, the age of 18 or 30?
Do you prefer celebrating your birthday with friends or family members?

Busy time
When is your busy time
What are you normally busy with
What can you do to relax when you are busy

Clothing style
What is your favorite clothing style?
When you were little, who chose the clothing style for you?
Do you prefer buying clothes online or in the store?
Will you emphasize on the brand when you buy clothes?

When did you leave your hometown
What kind of place is your hometown
What do you enjoy most about your hometown

Are you living in an apartment or in a house
What facilities are there?
Is your place a convenient one?
How will you change your current accommodation if you want to

What currently are you doing, are you a student or worker?
Do you like your major?
Is your major popular in your country?
What is your future plan?

What are your main sources of getting news?
Why do people need to know news?
Which one is your preference, domestic news or international news?

Do you like painting?
Why do people like painting?
What benefits can paintings bring for children?

How often do you go to a party?
What kinds of parties do you like more, family parties or parties with friends?
Where do people normally have a party?
What are the advantages of having a party?

Who taught you politeness first?
Under what occasion need people to be polite?
Has the standard of being polite changed?

Do you often visit your relatives?
Do you prefer visiting friends or relatives?
When was your last time visiting relatives?
How important are relatives?

Did you like singing when you were at primary school?
Who is your favorite singer?
Do you think the words of the song is as important as the music?
TV program
What is the most popular TV program in China?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of watching TV?
How has people’s way of watching TV program changed?

Part two


学校规则:Describe a school rule you like or dislike (school uniform)

What is it
when was that
what did the rule talk about
why do you like or dislike it
part 3:
 is it necessary to have a school rule?
 Should students be encouraged to take part in making rules?
 Should company have a rule about working time?

购物街:Describe a shopping street

Where is it
How often do you go there
What kinds of shops are there
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 Do you prefer shopping online or in a store
 Why do some people like buying imported goods?
 Why shopping online is getting popular?


一顿饭或者野餐:Describe a meal or outdoor picnic

Where did you have it
Who did you eat with
What did you do
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at outside?
 Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurants?

特别的一餐:Describe a special food

What is it
Where can you get it
What is it made of
Why is it special
Part 3:
 Do you prefer making food by yourself or buying from outside?
 How has people’s eating habit changed over the past years?
 What differences are there about eating habits between adults and children?

保持健康之道:Describe a way to keep healthy

What is it
How often do you do it
What equipment do you need to do with it
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 How to help children to keep healthy
 Why is fitness club becoming popular in China?

住(house/park/outside place)

喜欢的住房:Describe a house or an apartment, besides yours

What kind of place is it
Where is it
What can you see from this place
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 How important is a building’s appearance
 Should government build more parks or gardens when they do city planning?
 Should old buildings be protected?
 What kinds of housing are favored by Chinese?

工作学习的地方:Describe a place where you used to study or work

When was that
Where was it
What kind of place it was
Why do you want to talk about it
Part 3:
 How could the environment affect one’s working or studying?
 What kind of place is ideal for people to study or work?

近水的地方:Describe a place near water

Where is it
What views can you see?
What activities will people have?
Why do you like it?
Part 3:
 What are the differences between the riverside and the seaside?
 What activities are popular with water?


想去的外国地方:Describe a place in foreign country you want to go

Where is it
When do you want to go
What activities will you do when you go there
Why do you like to go to this place
Part 3:
 What are the differences between the east China and the west China
 Why do people like going to nature for holidays

喜欢的季节或天气:Describe your favorite season or weather

What is it
What is the weather like
What do you like to do during this season
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in the weather which is too cold or
too hot?
 What is the typical weather like in your country?
 How could weather affect people’s life?

有趣的国家:Describe an interesting country

What is it
Where is it
What makes this country interesting
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 What are popular foreign traveling destinations in your country?
 What are the differences of traveling domestically and internationally?

未来计划:Describe your future plan

What is it?
When do you want to realize it?
What do you need to realize it?
Why do you want to talk about it
Part 3:
 How can people make plans?
 What are the differences of making plans between young and the old?
 Why is making plan important?


帮助你学外语的东西:Describe something you use to learn another language

What is it
How often do you use it
How can you use it
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 How important is it to learn a foreign language?
 What are the benefits of studying at overseas?
 What are the drawbacks?
 What is the best way to study a foreign language?

除 了 手 机 电 脑 必 须 拥 有 的 东 西 : describe something you must have, besides

mobile phone and computer
what is it
how often do you use it
what do you normally use it for
why do you need it
part 3:
 how people’s shopping decision be affected by the media
 why do some people buy something they won’t use

喜欢的照片:Describe your favorite photography you like

What is it
When did you take it
What can you see from it
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 Do you like taking photos?
 Why do people like to invite a professional photographer for family photos?
 Do you prefer sending post cards or taking photos when you travel?

一个理科课程:Describe a science class

What is it
When did you learn it
What did you learn from this class
Why do you like to talk about it
Part 3:
 Is learning science good for children?
 How old should a child start learning science?
 Who is more interested in studying science, boys or girls? Why?

你特别喜欢的网站:Describe a website that you particularly like:

What is it
How often do you use it
What can you do through it
Why do you like to talk about it
part 3:
 What kinds of websites is most popular for young people? Why?
 Do you think there are any advantages for young people playing computer games online?
And the disadvantages?
 Why do you think shopping on the internet is more popular today?
 When you do shopping online, what things do you worry about most?

最近买的电子产品:Describe an electronic device you bought recently

What is it
How much was it
What do you do with it
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 What electronics are there in your home?
 How could electronics improve the quality of life?
 Do you focus on brand or the function more?


花长时间在一起的人:Describe a person you spend long time with

Who the person is
How long do you spend time with each other
What do you normally do together
Why do you want to talk about this person
Part 3:
 How can a person’s behavior be changed?
 What are the drawbacks of spending long time with others?

帮助过的陌生人:Describe a stranger you helped

When did that happen
Where did you meet this stranger
What did you do
Why do you want to talk about it
Part 3:
 How’s neighbors’ relationship changed?
 Why don't some people like helping strangers?

有趣的人:Describe an interesting person

Who the person is
How did you meet this person
What makes this person interesting
Why do you want to talk about it
Part 3:
 What ways are there to make friends?
 Is internet a good way to make friends?
 What is the best way to make good friends?
 Should family interfere with their children making friends?
 Who is more important for influencing one’s personality, friends or parents?

对你国家重要的人:Describe an important person to you country

Who the person is
How did you know this person
What makes this person important
Why do you want to talk about this person
Part 3:
 What kinds of person are important ones?
 What jobs are important in your country?


你被推荐的一本书:describe a book that was recommended

what book is it
who recommended it to you
what does the book talk about
why was this book recommended
part 3
 what books are popular in your country?
 What are the differences between paper book and ebook?
 Will reading become more and more popular in the future?

喜欢的电视节目:Describe your favorite TV program

What is it
How often do you watch it
What does the program talk about
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 What is the popular TV program in your country?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV program?
 What can you learn from watching TV program?

童年时听的故事:describe a story you were told when you were a child

who told you the story
what characters are there in the story
what was told in the story
why you remember it
part 3:
 what are the good ways of learning for children?
 How important is story for children?


一封重要的信:Describe a letter which is important to you

Who wrote it to you
When did you receive it
What did the letter talk about
Why do you want to talk about this
Part 3:
 What are the benefits of writing letters?
 Why don't many people send letters anymore?
 Under which occasions do people still need to send letters?

你花长时间才做的决定:Describe a decision you took long time to make

When was that?
How long did it take to make?
What decision was it?
Why did it take long time to make?
Part 3:
 What factors will people consider when they make decisions?
 Why do some people find making decisions is difficult?

让你最近高兴的事:Describe something made you happy recently

When was it
What happened
What did you feel
Why do you like to talk about it
Part 3:
 What things can make people happy?
 Can money always make people happy?

以前看过的体育赛事:Describe a sport event you watched before

When did you watch
Where did you watch
What happened during the event
Why do you like it
Part 3:
 What kinds competition are there for students?
 Is competition always a good thing?
 What are the drawbacks of competition?

历史事件:Describe a historical event

When was it
Where did it happen
What happened
Why do you like to talk about it?
Part 3:
 What can students learn from history class?
 What ways can people learn history?
 How important is history to people?

一种竞争:Describe a kind of competition

What is it
What kinds of people are in this competition
What will people do in this competition
Why do you like to talk about it
 Do Chinese students emphasize on the sports?
 What are the benefits of doing sports?
 What kinds of rewards should teachers give to students?
 Why is studying in China competitive?

你想为家人举行的聚会:Describe a party you want to hold for your family

When do you want to hold it
Where do you want to hold it
What activities do you want to have
Why do you want to do it
Part 3:
 How could people hold a party?
 What can people get from a party?
 Is having a party popular in your country?

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