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Portfolio Reflection Papers

Submitted By:
Pajarin, Chester B.
Creating a portfolio about discovering and visiting the rice terraces in the Philippine Cordilleras has
been a rewarding journey. It's more than just capturing the stunning scenery; it's about documenting
the cultural significance and the resilience of the people who built and maintain this breathtaking
landscape. This reflection delves into the significance of such a portfolio and the key elements that
make it compelling.
The initial focus might be the visual beauty. Through photos, you can showcase the
scale and grandeur of the rice terraces. Play with light and perspective to convey the feeling of awe
you experienced standing amidst these cascading fields. But the portfolio shouldn't stop there.
Consider incorporating elements that highlight the cultural importance. Perhaps you can include
images of the Ifugao people in traditional dress, or document the farming practices that have sustained
these terraces for millennia.

Curating a portfolio about the Philippine Cordilleras' rice terraces goes beyond capturing
breathtaking landscapes. It's about delving into the rich cultural tapestry and the enduring
spirit of the Ifugao people.

The rice terraces in the Philippine Cordilleras, particularly the Banaue Rice Terraces, are a UNESCO
WORLD Heritage Site and a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of the Ifugao people who
carved these terraces into the mountainsides over 2,000 years ago. Visiting these terraces is not just
also a deep dive into the rich history and traditions of the indigenous communities that have
maintained them for generations.

 Visual Storytelling: Photos will be the backbone, showcasing the terraces' scale,
intricate design, and the harmonious way they blend with the mountains. Experiment
with light and angles to evoke the awe-inspiring feeling of standing amidst these
ancient wonders.
 Cultural Immersion: The portfolio should extend beyond the picturesque. Include
images of the Ifugao people in traditional attire, their tools, and the intricate irrigation
systems that sustain the terraces.


In creating a portfolio about this experience, it is essential to capture the authenticity ad

beauty of the rice terraces. High-quality photographs that showcase the intricate patterns of
the terraces, the lush greenery, and the surrounding mountains can visually transport the
audience to this unique landscape. Including images of the local farmers tending to the rice
paddies adds a human element and highlights the symbiotic relationship between the people
and the land.

Personal Connection: Reflect on your initial discovery of the rice terraces. Was it a
childhood dream, a recommendation, or a chance encounter? How did your initial
expectations compare to the actual experience?

Engaging with the Culture: Did you have the opportunity to interact with the Ifugao
people? Share stories about their hospitality, traditional practices, or the challenges they face
in preserving this heritage.


Cultural Significance: Research the history of the rice terraces. How long have they existed?
What level of engineering ingenuity and backbreaking labor went into their creation?
Consider the terraces' role in shaping the social fabric and livelihood of the Ifugao

Appreciating Resilience: Reflect on the challenges the rice terraces face, such as
deforestation, climate change, and economic pressures that may entice younger generations
away from traditional farming.


Sharing the Wonder: Your portfolio can be a platform to raise awareness about the rice
terraces. Encourage viewers to learn more about sustainable agriculture and responsible
tourism practices.

Preserving the Legacy: Consider partnering with organizations dedicated to the rice terraces'
conservation. Your portfolio can be a powerful advocacy tool, inspiring others to support
these efforts.

Personal Growth: How did this experience change your perspective on cultural heritage and
sustainable living? Did it spark a desire to learn more about indigenous cultures or
responsible travel?

Portfolio Effectiveness: As you finalize your portfolio, critically evaluate its effectiveness.
Does it successfully blend stunning visuals with insightful cultural narratives? Does it evoke
a sense of awe and inspire viewers to learn more?

Personal Development: Reflect on your own growth throughout this project. Did your
research and interactions with the Ifugao people deepen your understanding and appreciation
for cultural heritage?

Future Actions: How can you leverage this portfolio to continue supporting the rice terraces
and the Ifugao communities? Are there opportunities to exhibit your work, contribute to
educational initiatives, or participate in conservation efforts?

Reflecting on creating a family tree of Balaguer and Pajarin Family Tree


Crafting a portfolio showcasing the Balaguer and Pajarin family tree delves into weaving
together a rich tapestry of heritage.

 Visual Representation: Incorporate charts, timelines, or even a family tree

illustration to depict the lineages. Consider incorporating historical photos of
ancestors whenever possible to personalize the presentation.
 Narratives and Anecdotes: Don't just list names and dates. Include short stories,
funny anecdotes, or quotes passed down through generations. These breathe life into
the family tree, making it more than just a collection of facts.


Research Journey: Reflect on the process of gathering information. Did you interview
family members, delve into historical records, or utilize online genealogical resources? Share
the challenges and breakthroughs you encountered during your research.

Connecting with Family: Did this project bring you closer to extended family members you
may not have known well? Share stories about reconnecting with relatives or learning new
things about your own family history.

Shared Legacy: As you compile the family tree, consider the common threads that bind the
Balaguer and Pajarin families together. Are there shared values, traditions, or professions
that have been passed down through the generations?

Cultural Context: Research the historical periods your family lived through. How did
historical events or social movements shape their lives and experiences? Weaving historical
context into the family tree adds depth and understanding.


Preserving Heritage: This portfolio can serve as a valuable record for future generations.
Consider how you can ensure its safekeeping and accessibility for future family members.

 Sharing the Story: Look for opportunities to share your family tree with relatives,
perhaps at family reunions or through online platforms.

Continuing the Research: Is there more to discover? This project might spark your curiosity
to delve deeper into specific branches of the family tree. Outline your plans for further


Content Comprehensiveness: Does your portfolio effectively represent both sides of the
family tree? Is there a balance between factual information and personal stories?

Engagement Factor: Is the presentation visually appealing and easy to navigate? Does it
encourage viewers to explore different branches of the family tree and learn more about the
stories behind the names?

Personal Growth: How has creating this portfolio impacted your understanding of your own
family history? Did it spark an interest in genealogy or family traditions?
Reflecting on Leadership in the New Normal


Developing a portfolio on leadership in the new normal requires a multi-faceted

approach, encompassing the evolving landscape of work and the skills necessary to navigate
it effectively.

 Current Challenges: Highlight the key challenges leaders face in today's world, such
as remote and hybrid workforces, technological disruptions, and ever-changing
economic and social landscapes.
 Essential Skills: Showcase the leadership qualities crucial for success in the new
normal. This could include adaptability, fostering a culture of virtual collaboration,
building trust and psychological safety, and embracing continuous learning.
 Real-World Examples: Consider including case studies of successful leaders who
have thrived in the new normal. Analyze their strategies, communication styles, and
approaches to employee engagement.


 Research Process: Reflect on how you gathered information for your portfolio. Did
you interview current leaders, utilize academic journals, or delve into online
resources? Share any challenges or insights you encountered during your research.
 Personal Connection: Do you have any personal experiences with leadership in the
new normal, either as a leader yourself or as someone observing leadership styles?
Share your observations and how they influenced your understanding of the topic.


 Shifting Paradigms: Consider how leadership styles need to adapt to accommodate

remote and hybrid work models. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these
new models for leaders and employees?
 The Human Touch in a Virtual World: Reflect on the importance of maintaining
strong team dynamics and fostering a sense of community even when physically
separated. Explore strategies for effective virtual communication and building trust
across digital platforms.


 Spreading Knowledge: Develop your portfolio into a resource for aspiring or current
leaders. Consider sharing it online or presenting your findings at workshops or
 Developing Your Skills: Did your research reveal areas where you could improve
your own leadership skills in the new normal? Outline an action plan for self-
development based on your portfolio's insights.
 Advocacy for Change: Does your research highlight areas where organizational
structures or policies need to adapt to better support leadership in the new normal?
Consider how to advocate for these changes within your own organization or industry.


Content Relevance: Does your portfolio accurately reflect the key challenges and essential
skills for leadership in the new normal? Is the balance between theoretical concepts and
practical examples effective?

Engagement and Clarity: Is the information presented in a clear, concise, and engaging
way? Does your portfolio encourage viewers to reflect on their own leadership practices and
consider new approaches?

Personal Development: How has creating this portfolio impacted your understanding of
leadership in the new normal? Did it spark ideas for further research or encourage you to
develop your own leadership skills?

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