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Favorable geographical position/location for…
To be + number + km/miles far from…
The area of…is…/…covers an area of… (Diện tích)
Has a … climate
To be world famous for…
2. Vocabulary
Heart-shaped islands
Nautical miles : Hải lý
Chain of sandstone mountains: Chuỗi núi sa thạch
Subequatorial monsoon climate: Khí hậu gió mùa cận xích đạo
Fish sauce factory: Xưởng chế biến nước mắm
Nature reserve: Khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên
Flora and fauna
Contemplative thought
Temples and shrines
The place is worth visiting
Unique combination

1. This heart-shaped island is only 62 nautical miles far from Rach Gia and nearly
290 nautical miles far from Laem Chabang.
2.The Tam Dao resort, which is about 65 km far from the center of Hanoi to the
Northwest, is considered an ideal spot for tourists.
3. Tam Dao peak earned the highest ranking in the North in terms of climate.
4. Tam Dao used to be compared with Da Lat, Sapa because of favorable/pleasant
climate throughout the year/all year round.
5. The area of the island is 567 km square.
6. In 2001, the population of the island was about 85000 people.
7. Phu Quoc has subequatorial monsoon climate and two seasons: rainy season
and dry season.
8. The average temperature is 27 degrees Celsius.
9. The climate here is divided into two distinct seasons.
10. The average temperature is from 22 to 25 degrees Celsius.
11. Dry season lasts from May to September.
12. The hottest month is June.
13. This heart-shaped island is only 62 nautical miles far from Rach Gia and nearly
290 nautical miles far from Laem Chabang. The area of the island is 567 km
square, which is around 62 km long and 3 to 28 km wide. In 2001, the population
of the island was about 85000 people.
14. Phu Quoc is called “Island with 99 mountains” because of chains of sandstone
stretching from north to south. The longest chain is Ham Ninh, which is/ with 30
km long along the east bank/shore. The tallest peak is Chua mountain, which is
603 meters tall.
15. Phu Quoc has subequatorial monsoon climate and two seasons: rainy (only
around October) and dry (from November to September of the next year). The
average annual precipitation is 2879 mm and the average temperature is 27
degrees Celsius. You can travel to Phu Quoc all year round, but the best time to
visit is in dry season when the sky is clear and sunny.
16. The Phu Quoc Nature Reserve was founded in 1986 and later expanded to
37000 hectares. This reserve has plenty of abundant/ a diverse range flora and
fauna covering a majority of in the mountains in the North of the island. There are
about 929 kinds of plants, 19 of which newly discovered species and first reported
in Vietnam.
17. The sugar white colored/white sugar beach with surface as shiny as crystal
always makes first-time visitors to Phu Quoc surprised. All beaches here are
considered/regarded as one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam.
18. Phu Quoc, far away from the noisy places of Vietnam, is an ideal secluded
place for those/individuals who like to ponder. There are many temples and
shrines scattering around the island, as well as at the district capital.
19. Sung Hung pagoda, which was built in the early 19th century, is a place worth
visiting with distinctive structure and mysterious statues. Su Muon pagoda,
hidden amidst a lush grove of trees on a hillside, always inspires tourists because
of the unique combination between nature and architecture.
Two rhinos died during the journey due to exposure to sunlight or dehydration.
When + being + done

Give the Earth a break!

“As the Earth heats up, we are on a perilous path. We must change our way of
life, and grow in order to benefit everyone. We require sustainable energy for a
nature-friendly and thriving world.”
This is the way to the future”, said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon in his 2010
appeal for Earth hour.
The cause of this problem is due to human’s overconsumption of energy,
primarily from fossil fuel sources like coal, oil, gas, and increasing emissions of
greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, causing the earth’s temperature to rise.

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