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LOG Teacher RIO C. FUENTES Learning Area SCIENCE

Teaching Date & Time SEPTEMBER 25-29, 2023 Quarter 1

I. OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate the understanding of different techniques to separate mixtures.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to separate desired materials from common and local products.
C. Learning Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering, sieving and using magnet.
(Write the LC Code)
II. CONTENT Different Techniques of Separating Mixtures
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages MELC in Science 6, Teacher’s MELC in Science 6, Teacher’s MELC in Science 6, Teacher’s MELC in Science 6, Teacher’s MELC in Science 6, Teacher’s
Guide in Science Q1 Guide in Science Q1 Guide in Science Q1 Guide in Science Q1 Guide in Science Q1
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources LAS in Science 6 Q1 W4-W8, LAS in Science 6 Q1 W4-W8, LAS in Science 6 Q1 W4-W8, Printed summative test LAS in Science 6 Q1 W4-W8,
presentation, pictures, real presentation, pictures, real objects presentation, pictures, real objects papers presentation, pictures, real
objects objects
A. Reviewing previous lesson ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT 1. Greetings. 1. Greetings
or presenting the new (Setting the Objective, Process (Setting the Objective, Process Learning, (Setting the Objective, Process Learning) 2. Review of the 2. Statement of
lesson Learning, Reading Integration) Picture Prompt) previous lesson. objective.
B. Establishing a purpose for 1. Greetings. 3. Statement of 3. Statement of
the lesson 1. Greetings. 1. Greetings. 2. Statement of learning instructions for the guidelines in the
2. Statement of learning 2. Statement of learning competency. summative test. conduct of a field trip.
competency. competency. 3. Review of the activity 4. Review of the
3. Reading Drill 3. Review of the previous (Behaviorism) previous lesson
Reading of Science lesson
words: Guide the pupils to recall
- Winnow the different process of
- Winnowing separating mixtures
- Chaff through showing some
- Hull flashcards to them. Let
- Monggo pods them identify each.
4. Review of the lesson
on sedimentation (Essentialism)

C. Presenting (Picture Prompt, Localization, Give the class an overview on the (Localization)
examples/instances of the Integration of Culture) new lesson by presenting it in a
new lesson cartolina strip. Say:
Ask the class to look at the
picture in the presentation (a “Today we will visit a local
person winnowing rice). Ask: water refilling station. We will
- Have you seen see how they process our
this in your home safe and clean drinking
or community? water.”
- What was it

D. Discussing new concepts EXPLORATION EXPLORATION (Field Trip)
and practicing new skills #1 (Collaborative, Localized) (Collaborative, Brainstorming)
1. Go to a water refilling
Activity 1 – Demonstrate the Activity – Separating mixtures station found in the
proper way of winnowing using appropriate method (see community. See
(Group 1 & 2) Teacher’s Guide) how they process
clean drinking water.
Activity 2 – Describe how 1. Group the class into five. 2. Answer the
mixture is separated through 2. Let each group choose one questions in the
winnowing (Group 3 & 4) method of separating mixtures. activity sheet.
3. Let them choose their leader 3. Process the answers
See Teacher’s Guide that will serve as their reporter and of learners.
a secretary that will not
1. Divide the class into down their collaborative ideas. (Reconstructionism)
4 groups. Each 4. Discuss to them first the
group must assign a standards for a group activity.
reporter. 5. As they have chosen their
2. Give each group an method, let them brainstorm on its
activity sheet. importance to our everyday
3. Instruct the class to life.
follow the
instructions. EXPLANATION
4. Supervise during the 1. Let each group publish their
activity. ideas on a sheet of manila paper.
5. Process pupils 2. Start the reporting of their
output. outputs.
3. Let the other group interact after
(Behaviorism, Progressivism) the reporting. They can ask
questions or give some comment if

For better understanding, make

some inputs regarding their
answers by analyzing their outputs.
Furthermore, enumerate some
more importance of separating

E. Discussing new concepts EXPLANATION ELABORATION
and practicing new skills #2 (Discussion/Lecture, Q&A) (Discussion, Q&A)

Discuss the separation Discussion of the importance of

technique through winnowing. separating mixtures in daily life.

(Essentialism) (Essentialism)
F. Developing mastery (leads Supply the blanks with the
to Formative Assessment appropriate letter(s) to make
3) the word complete.
G. Finding practical Select one method of separating
applications of concepts mixtures and give at least one
and skills in daily living importance of it.
H. Making generalizations and What is winnowing? How can
abstractions about the mixtures be separated in (Progressivism)
lesson winnowing? Describe how the
technique winnowing is done
in separating mixture.

I. Evaluating learning Fill in the blanks to make the Cite at least one importance of the 1. Distribute the printed
statement in describing methods of separating mixtures to copies of the
winnowing as a way of our daily lives. summative test.
separating mixtures correct. 2. After the allotted
(Realism) time, check the test.
Winnowing is one _____ the 3. Record the scores.
technique in _____________ 4. Give feedback on the
______________ by using a test item that got the
tool called _______________. least number of
correct response.
5. Recognize the
learners who got at
least 75% correct

J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of the teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared: Reviewed: Checked:


Teacher III Master Teacher 1 Principal II

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