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PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication,
of PETRONAS OPUs/Divisions.

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Modifications to the CPI
Example calculation of plate pack
(a) Oil separation
(b) Type of flow between plates
(c) Stability of flow between plates
Relation overweight of oil and depth oil/water
interface in CPI
Diagram Relation Particle size/settling velocity
Main drawings (not to scale)

Corrugated Plate Interceptor:

S 14.040 Construction - General Arrangement

S 14.041 Start-up and operation (text)
S 14.042 Assembly of Details 1 up to 11
S 14.043 Assembly of Details 12 up to 16
S 14.044 Assembly of Details 17 - 18 and 19
S 14.045 Flow Distribution Baffle
S 14.046 General Arrangement one plate assembly
S 14.047 Multiple Bay Arrangement
Appendix 1. Prefabricated steel CPI basins.
Appendix 2. CPI with inlet weir:

S 14.021 Construction, Start-up, Operation

S 14.022 General arrangement (2 bays)
S 14.024 Design principles
Detail drawings
T 960299 Assembly of steel parts (not on scale)
T 960300 Detail weir
T 960301 Detail skimmer
T 960302 Connection flanges for skimmer
T 960303 Trash pan
T 960304 Overflow outlet pipes
T 960305 Trash rack
T 960306 Detail suspension sludge suction pipe
T 960307 Detail hand railing
T 960327 Flow distribution baffle

The basic treatment for de-oiling refinery waste water is done in gravity-type oil interceptors. The
conventional oil interceptor consists of a basin through which the waste water flows so slowly that oil
globules have time to rise to the surface. At the end of the basin, the floating oil is retained by a baffle
and skimmed off.

By subdividing an interceptor basin into longitudinal channels with parallel plates, its separating
capacity can be increased. If for instance the basin is subdivided into ten layers, the maximum path
(raising height) which an oil globule has to travel before reaching a coalescing surface is reduced to
one tenth of the depth of the water in the basin.

An additional advantage is that, at flow velocities such as used in conventional interceptors, there is
laminar flow between the plates. Laminar flow is ideal for gravity-type separation and it cannot be
obtained in the large cross section of conventional interceptors.

Good results have been obtained with the PPI (Parallel Plate Interceptor), which has found wide
application. The separation compartment of the PPI consists of a rectangular basin in which plates are
inserted at an angle of 45° in cross direction and parallel to the horizontal bottom in the longitudinal

Ten years' experience with the PPI has led to the development of the CPI (Corrugated Plate
Interceptor).The latter interceptor is cheaper, it overcomes some operational difficulties experienced
with the PPI and it is better suited for a corrosion or acid proof construction.

This report gives information on the design and operation of the CPI. A set of "to scale" drawings can
be requested from PETRONAS.


Since its introduction some 13 years ago, development of the CPI has continued. Years of experience
and a good feedback from CPI users has resulted in the introduction of a number of modifications, to
the original version of the CPI, which result in simplified construction, operation and maintenance and
thus an improved performance of the CPI.

It should be noted however, that under certain circumstances application of the original version of the
CPI is still valid. The modifications and the motivation for the introduction of these modifications are
described below:

Theoretically speaking the weir is possibly not the most ideal inlet device for a CPI, but it was adopted
since it displays certain advantages:

1. It is a simple way to distribute flow equally over several basins, especially for large batteries
of CPI's, and to allow for further settling of the structure.

2. It prevents accumulated oil from flowing back to the drainage system.

3. The difference in water levels on both sides of the weir is so small that it can be considered to
be semi- submerged weir, thus minimizing dispersion (this compares favorably with normal

Due to changes in operating policies of the CPI, by refineries, it is now possible to introduce
modifications to the CPI inlet. The original policy was to generate a thick oil layer in order to skin off oil
free water (but at the same time accepting some emulsion forming at the oil/water interface and thus
possibly more pollution).

For ease of operation, however, skimming is now carried out on a more frequent basis (thus accepting
water-contaminated oil in the slops system). This change in operating policy has also resulted in a
improvement in effluent quality.
Example calculation of plate pack (outside dimension 1.00 x 1.00 x 1.75 m)

a) Oil separation

Interval of plates: d = 20 mm
Maximum rising height: H = d√2 = 28 mm
Total length of plates in flow direction: Ltotal = 1.50 m
Effective length of plates = Ltotal minus length required
for in and outflow: L eff = 1.25 m
Effective cross section: F = 1.00 x 0.90 = 0.90 m2

Throughput: Q = 30 m3/h (normal load on one plate pack)

Q 30 x 103
Flow velocity: V w = = = 9.26 mm / sec
F 0.9 x 3600
Overflow rate:

h x Vw 28 x 9.26
Vr = = = 0.2 mm/sec which means
L 1500
that oil globules with a rising velocity equal to or more than 0.2 mm/sec are completely

b) Type of flow between plates

Interval of plates: d = 20 mm
Effective cross section: F = 0.9 m2
Throughput: Q = 60 m3/hr (maximum load on one plate pack)

Q 60 x 103
Flow velocity: V w = = = 18.5 mm / sec
F 0.9 x 3600

Area between 2 plates 20 x 1000

Hydraulic Radius = = = 10 mm
Wetted perimeter 2000

Kinematic viscosity at 20° C water temperature:

υ = 1.0 x 10 m2/sec

V. R. 0.0185 x 0.01 x 10 6
Reynolds No. : Re = =
υ 10

180 < 400 which means that at 20° C water temperature there is laminar flow between
the plates at a throughput of 60 m3/h.
Relation: Overheight of oil and depth oil/water interface in CPI

(S w − S o )
∆ho = hw
in which :

∆ ho = overheight of oil above water level at outlet weir

hw = depth of oil/water interface (maximum 70 cm)
Sw = specific density of water
So = specific density of oil

It is noted that under normal conditions, the overflow height of oil above the edge of the
skimmer is less than the overflow height of water above the edge of the outlet weir,
because less oil than water will enter the CPI.

Assuming the overflow heights are the same, then hw max.

will be reached when So = 940 and Sw = 1000

For oils with So > 940, the difference in level of the oil

skimmer and the outlet weir (on drawing 5 cm) can be decreased with the disadvantage that
at the maximum load (60 m3/h per plate pack) over a long period, all oil may be skimmed off
and water may enter the oil sump.

c) Stability of flow between the plates

For stable flow: Froude No. : F = . −5
> 110
R. g
(in which g = acceleration caused by the force of gravity)

∴ V > 10 X R x g = 10 x 0.01 x 9.81 x 10 = 0.981 mm2/sec2

2 -5 -5 6

∴ V > 0.99 mm/sec

0.99 x 0.9 x 3600

∴Q>VXF= = 3.2 m3 / h

Consequently for a plate interval of 20mm, there is stable flow between the plates at a
throughput of more than 3.2 m3/h.

For a plate interval of 39 mm there is stable flow at a throughput of more than 4.5 m3/h.


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