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Our first practice happened on May 14, 2024, and we practice our dance for more than an hour
and I think it is only 50% of the dance we have already practiced since most of the steps are
repeated. We already did our practice since most of the examinations and other activities are
already done at that time.

Day 1 May 28, 2024

We redid everything; we changed our song and dance steps. I like the dance we are practicing
now more than the last one since this dance doesn’t require lots of swaying of the hips, which I
find hard to do because I am not a good dancer. After our exam, we immediately practice our
dance, and we are already halfway through the song. We had so much fun doing the practice
that we didn’t realize that there was only a minute left that needed to be practiced. We go over
and over, practicing the steps so that we can become familiar with the song. We practice without
listening to a song, only counting so that we will know when to start. Then, after the practice, we
had a small meeting and discussed what to wear for the day of the performance, what to bring
for the next practice, like the speaker, and what time the practice would start, which is 7:30 in
the morning. After our small meeting, we ended our practice for that day. We only practice half a
day every morning when we go to school.

Day 2 May 29,2024

The next day, I woke up early, went to school, and arrived at 7:17, but wow, Filipino time! I
waited for my members to arrive, but they mostly arrived at 8:00 o’clock in the morning. We
practice as usual the dance steps, and we already have finished the song; it only needs
polishing. Before we practiced, we made sure that we were complete so that the practice would
go smoothly. We are not complete in today’s practice because one of our members excused
herself because she was busy at their house and another because she said that she already
knew the steps of the dance. Some of the members tried to go home already but were sent
back to school. Since we did not have a speaker, one of our members said that he would bring
the speaker, so we waited for him to arrive before practicing. When he arrived, we already
decided to start our practice. When we tried to connect our phone to the speaker, it didn’t even
open because the speaker that our member brought that he took from his neighbor without even
asking (as per what he said) is not charged, or I think it's already broken. We all laugh it off
since we find it funny. So, in the end, we practiced only using the phone so that we could listen
to the music. After practicing, our leader reminds us of the clothes that we will be wearing to the
performance, and we decide that we will just do it ourselves instead of punishing the person
who is late. (The punishment is that whoever is late will be the one who has to design the
clothes of the other members.) And that’s the end of our practice because there are some
errands our other members have to run.

Day 3 May 30, 2024 (our last practice)

We practice our dance as usual, and our group is kind of gloomy or moody since we just
finished taking the exam in economic development and we already see our scores in our final
exam. Good thing one of our members who brought the speaker yesterday brought another
speaker, and now it is actually working. We did practice, but some had forgotten the steps, so
our leader decided to make us practice in line and in two groups. And while practicing, some of
my groupmates, including me, have to repeat the dance more than five times since it lacks
energy (since I am part of the first line). But we did like 4 rounds of practice since we were just
polishing the dance, and after that, we were already done with our practice. Today’s practice is
actually the longest time we practice; we stop our practice at noon. Reminder again from our
leader, and after that, we pack up and leave the school. We didn’t practice in the afternoon; we
only practiced in the morning, and today me and my group members are complete.
May 28, 2024

May 29, 2024

May 30, 2024

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