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: TE MU ia mel Ria ee Misael Telholchg 3.23.20 O22r/0™ Question No Exam No Date (Write on both sides of the paper) EP j DONoT warre \ INTHE MARGIN (he ETSY SE ASHES Mee scte Rite Stodly of (shes ea! ‘cena lel Safagu’ Les! ae ak Bp cris PADS are Pokus teria ald Weedad). Tray have Vertebnas oacieama), Woy lepend Primoruly on wetter Jor servi val, growth avcl reproductions Bishes ave Hye mest hwmercus =f ver |wit6 esbim ales of vp feiss $00 Species}. The fem—fivt, uses eae Jor [scomehin snd) Ms lv wespe aoe - Fae fs of babes <_ = je He fre tplan. y ins fev Wloroctes (Penta dachyl limbs): © Seales anc ether dermal armour are typical fetures oy most fxbes » Different Fishes Wwe Varyorp Shapes adi gives ond yes Fenges rem 15mm (eg Py e . dim and about as tons (69 Whale «nd shock [most Fislees ore aes whrbe some | Meni ols eS clown fe rj we evolve teem bie Fishes are Enos - fethove bn ahedaet val melhigg ee yeays a Wagon orig Ee hot Slide jon 077 > SS Question No ONoT WaIre IN THE MARGIN Exam Nona ee (Write on both sides of the paper) EP Fie cannot Brive walhert weter a Rll Hie fries’ vue Junching = feeding, cLapelvun assmuahin , qreuith, raymse te Simul and weproduchin ore depend on Weler .\ Wale, sewes cea sep med fre Plugin, chemi cNa— od Relegicad Heese om Which frrlor survives ch proeemes Lrclicle': t_distelved is nto (:05. ti Asteloed Sale im ee pensbahion (pre bjt plana o v_ Aschorse no} foyic srtelonae Vi Patbocehie crepnsns ite pabaulg ln remifenbom See IN THE| The stinky <4 A falas bes sul owl dsciplicofas (orb horny MABE EAT eL sD Wckogutnl cht cahong ites © Pmetornyjend Mir plelost His Lab Gy Hae interned 2 efernal touche oy bt Ernclogy <= Cemesens with Gab hohavisine Lins wapresbichie) eee ens ay feeding ochre, defeat nnd efnousc | eas che pes pica) Baal geal a apt achivhal ey a reper , , x ENUGU STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Question No ‘Exam No. Date m2 tb (Write on both sides of the paper) EP DO NOT WRITE INTHE MARGIN chemical ist f 7 HEE BL ohiic) | flora a rrel a loon trea POD Bluiheland Lwohe Ractors davelved lew esate lige - 0 Nor ware Economie) [ehHiyology = "Tue lconarns Re U ’ i “ Ny st: Prollachin , monanement and martiboag in. Jol fouls» Sowa: Pilts ave prod taal amd money fe ponds gut ay Peus, cages Colrre Luilnorivt ) NO}enc are) dawleglah Woy Hecsanle i 6 Wie Cor nents Se ~ erreg)s aes. Poltisn anal Conteateas WUnpGaE eHflucnts Jrom Ladories awd Paper Mrdustntes as wellas nmebWedegradable, agrs-dumicl t coon Wetton pollubin cn avers, [keg ond | 2 f neste) woles Galhoreries of Foes rit SRN aRs Slate ae ‘anith Shiidess ete OED ) fectarey a] Fistkes a he Fin fi. —Treaatype Prous 2 a? [locomotion bean oud reverse: mevements. Examples e} fins are “dee eal yy pelvic, fectorD and anal firs: Evade gin tN fa fishes imcbucde : Tepid Billi Clarins pcre? GAD), Comassins aumaltus oe "Codd Bald - Question No Exam No Date (Write on both sides of the paper) EP D0 NOT WAITE INTHE MARGIN Thereore movineand [rel ureliin Pin PORE 1) Phe fh — There posses caleorons outer conf called shell which Hey use jr! prefecthiin axl adepinhon te aameFie Whe e.4. oystens, daorinps, Cro, Crayfish, baln aS Gheli-tish ne pond tin Manne brackish wales and fresh weters « bl Bates ane! ales pub wits another tors road categories based onitber thelatals i Freshwater piss feud ia mviews BK 5 lps al Marine ei ae oc Ce, Seas Bi ond) constal wile cliGeids (Bes Bist, Marella cep aos O) Prediction of ertlodahon 1S Cophwe fisheries — tnvetied itl Pushes cog in the wild. broths nome, bw caphve Evshevies & Ral hunting. ) Colbwre PL aes concerns hshes Produced te bends, VWekevyOirs, yes, Pens and othe, wote- holding Tea hes ita: wWotee enrirmmment is nurirally mentored Fp lsaeied that \ophimim Phycol enmaal condhiins evet j~ Wik Be Ro. Colhuve hn imarine waters & fermds oy oathare . | i Exam No Date (Write on both sides of the paper) EP we t) Anuetic iets —The dizer bes the Protlacts harvested prem He saushe Ssh & te tirget species meant for men Use.» © Copies rwelvied incheole : 2) Fin fale = Corblasinous end bony fsbo 1) frmckie mammals = Whales, seal, cles 2D Costs conn p— Lobsters welnimps, orate d) Molluscs — Clames oysters, oct Peer iF cond d dive ave shall flee i) Aeshic: Habis Ths indude He otek comPonents of He asyisthe ecg namely + Eimnalegy ond oleancgnP Limnclogy —= Pelobwhe components ue A it) The Hurmen Users — Thur ie ie. i. 2 fou CoPrent ©, a pihery which Combats 1 i Cf USES an Wers O} Be yesowubalere we wich Re ocommerncial, fishery | | inland frthreryomd Subs shoves f tae bas | Se Set hea Question No Exam No Date (Write on both sides of the paper) EP DO NOT WRITE INTHE INTHE MARGIN Why de we shidy Fish ML Frees ove impos tomt Port of mart joo? srpply ss i Ram pond Pelluhin, vverRebing oad alterahin Ke aauahe enviroment by mon heave bremendensly afecked proper Pivher ies menayomrent evel corseq iio ie [Sb production 7 fin Fishes thengh a senewolle, and Regt t be unlimited in number, are} nave fowdalventhert lone Wain delicate nian Danas tanto Ce ol Pla cad Al Clee ‘ factors of aquatic ilo —- hy Fished (loyal volenwn asease donher, They ae predalors of meegustte lene bticdilon netted (sr DA Ree nests) of malaAg cause arm rstes Plesmodisom yrridis avd PEA borne Aiscasos, iy) Toe thndly oh Rds Ibe Danneurh dass prelid a bycone! Lae understonding Re more \ Merkh. bebanour op highe Ver kine Ni Ties reeds achimate ts Whe wa euphe stables ematlcs Laskosucts Shu feel, Lt free Phoyiclosy ata ecole fw Phselah at. nebunrel Fiows Question No team NO Said (Write on both sides of the paper) EP 'bO Not WRITE IN THE MARGIN Eepilive pil is Kew hemes: Vin los ere erie of He mest brillicenthy, Coloured ammala henw trey elect idteret Lod + iiosts te sPudly thes neburre. prd habits [iy TehKysesssts ave vewelved vy Gnvironme impact assessrrent a He

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