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Name of the

S.No sensor Measurements of sensors (B) Application of sensor ()

11 Displacement Measure linear or angular Robotics, automotive suspensíon
Sensors displacement systems, manufacturing processes
2 Vibration Sensors Measure oscillations or vibrations Condition monitoring machinery
diagnostics, earthquake detection
3 Optical Sensors Measure light intensity, distance, Fiber optics, barcode scanners, light
or presence of an object measurement systems
4 Strain Sensors Measure deformation or strain in Structural health monitoring load
materials measurement, material testing
5 Acoustic Sensors Measure sound waves or acoustic UIRerater navigation, medical imaging
signals (ultrasound), noise monitoring
6 LVDT Messure linear displacement Geotechnical applications, aerospace.
industrial automation
(Rss -notes
t Coe terting
2. wind SoY Probe test
3" Schmidt sebourd hammn test (non -destucti ve tesp)
4. Petragaphie analy
5 utrasonic Velocty

b) AUkai asgrsgat sacion .

Petrog Yap hic nalyu CSenai - destrucie tes)
2- ranyl Acetat Fluorescanca mettad
1) hsalth monitayürg Astm for brids in
Guo tethni cal
Tt incude:
. CorES LOn montaring
Stuctual hoatn monitoYLg
x Envihonmuntal senos
Data analyis and managomnt

) Pulimreuy inveatigption naedad befou

upin stbuctun
) visual inspection.
) Non-destuctive testing (NDT)
3) waterial testing
1) structual analyu
nviton muntal Asswsmunt

HùstoyËcal doumunt and cord ovie

Pymen wed tor anti-CorOti on Coating :
The coatings induding wethane, epoy,
neuttal on Byntetie ubbent
Poyvinyl chloide and phenoic eins.
polymnic Chatirgs au appicablu foy anti -toveIon.
ducouee difeenu between Sban and epoy cootd
SCOguln ba:
wd commn only in gounal
3aques {reguent mantenane and have
&hort e span.
*-shorter swie e in CorUOsive envionment
without addiional psuote ctive measwes.
epoy coatad sulban
black uban coth epoy Coat
more esstont to
to to 1too tiy

epozy coating is inoudiby olelicate.

3 xsato damag to cootng dess to couoton

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