Excessive Meat-Eating Kills 45,000 Each Year

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Excessive meat-eating 'kills 45,000 each year' - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

08/12/11 00.37

Wednesday 07 December 2011

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Excessive meat-eating 'kills 45,000 each year'


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Lowering meat consumption in the UK would prevent about 45,000 premature deaths a year, according to a new study.

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Organization Oxford University's heart unit analysed the Friends Of The health consequences of a range of diets, Earth concluding that eating meat no more than Oxford University three times a week would prevent 31,000 deaths from heart disease, 9,000 deaths from cancer and 5,000 deaths from strokes each year, saving the NHS 1.2bn.

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Friends of the Earth, which commissioned the research for its Healthy Planet Eating report, published today, said reducing meat consumption would also help slow the rates of climate change and deforestation. Population growth, rising affluence and factory farming have helped to quadruple global meat consumption since 1961, with the average Briton now consuming 125kg of meat a year. According to the report, average intake represents 17 per cent of calories, a third more than the Food Standards Agency's recommendation of 12 per cent. In health terms, red meat is strongly linked with bowel cancer, while meat and dairy products high in saturated fat are causes of obesity and heart disease. Environmentally, South American rainforests are being cleared releasing climate change emissions to grow animal feed and rear cattle for export to Europe.

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Excessive meat-eating 'kills 45,000 each year' - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

08/12/11 00.37

The former Chief Medical Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, has urged the public to eat less meat, saying in a 2010 report: "Our diet is warming the planet. It is also damaging our health." He calculated that cutting consumption by 30 per cent would prevent 18,000 premature deaths a year. Oxford University assessed what would happen if the fall were steeper from the current average of 177g of meat and dairy a day to 70g or 31g, well below the World Health Organisation's recommended 160g. It estimated that 70g a day would prevent 32,352 early deaths a year and 31g eating meat moderately no more than two or three times a week would prevent 45,361 deaths.

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Friends of the Earth complained that the UK tended to have an "all or nothing" attitude towards meat eating, with no commonly accepted term for people who eat meat a few times a week. The scale of waste indicated that meat had become "artificially cheap and plentiful", it said. The group added that ministers should promote a low-meat diet, campaign against waste and change public buying contracts to insist on environmental and welfare standards. The report's publication comes in the run-up to a Commons vote next month on the Sustainable Livestock Bill, tabled by the Labour MP Robert Flello, which would force the Government to introduce an action plan to lessen the environmental impact of livestock farming and reduce meat eating. Dr Mike Rayner, of Oxford University's Department of Public Health, said: "This research demonstrates the clear health benefits of cutting down on meat and dairy in the UK and quantifies this more comprehensively than ever before."

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Craig Bennett, Friends of the Earth policy director, said: "We don't need to go vegetarian to look after ourselves and our planet but we do need to cut down on meat."
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Excessive meat-eating 'kills 45,000 each year' - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

08/12/11 00.37

ok so i am quite confused...i am on a journey to reduce my weight...all the diet plans i viewed had the same norm ie increasing protein and reducing carbs...i lost 38 lbs with this plan....and also just to be sure it didn't affect my health i did some tests my liver function ...kidney function tests all were normal...and also my triglycerides which have also been high throughout, was normal !!!!!!!!! so this is definitely going to be good for my heart won't it ???????
1 year ago Like

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7 December 2011 Go

skylogic Well .... Apart from health and ecology issues Personally .... I find the idea of eating human flesh quite disgusting ! .. But the idea of eating animal flesh only very slightly less so ! Taking the life of any other being to feed on it's flesh is the sign of a very low mentality !
1 year ago 8 Likes Like

moduunn Hey, this is not research, this is assumptions! Friends of the Earth love to hate meat, of course because it kills animals. As for warming the planet - come on....! What could warm the planet more than the enormous grain farms whose produce have to be harvested? If humans ate more meat and less grain; millions of dollars would be saved in health care, there would be higher production and the planet would be saved - since well nourished brains are intelligent!
1 year ago 1 Like Like

Annie Taylor And how exactly will we feed the animals that we eat? Air? The space used to grow food for the animals can be used to grow food as can the space used to raise the animals.
11 months ago 3 Likes in reply to moduunn Like

jessi4mri Recent studies show that red meat could pose an increase in cancer risk. Some studies have linked consumption of large amounts of red meat with breast cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, lymphoma, bladder cancer and prostate cancer. Furthermore, there is evidence that consumption of beef, pork, lamb, and goat from domesticated animals is a cause of colorectal cancer. Professor Sheila Bingham of the Dunn Human Nutrition Unit attributes this to the haemoglobin and myoglobin molecules which are found in red meat. She suggests these molecules, when ingested trigger a process called nitrosation in the gut which leads to the formation of carcinogens. read more articles on food and nutrition at


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Excessive meat-eating 'kills 45,000 each year' - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

08/12/11 00.37

1 year ago

1 Like


peteritchie According to DEFRA family food survey 2008 UK meat purchased is 1kg per week per person
1 year ago Like

ebaytkmax I eat meat but don't like alot of it ... my other half DOES. I could do without turkey for Christ mas, but other half INSIST we must have! I like a small amount of chicken ..... & a Big Mac !!!
1 year ago Like

The_MadManc Ok, so somebody flagged this following comment and the not so independent, Independent removed it... and ideas why I find it a little strange that the food that fuelled the development and exponential growth of the brain to it's present ability is now the food that is killing us.. Is it the meat ?? - or is it the massive amounts of additives, hormones, antibiotics, pollution and other Mad scientists concoctions that they are making the animals take in order to keep us 'safe' It seems that now a fundamental part of our diet is actually putting us at risk, but i believe it's our input that is causing this. Meat is great, in fact, meat is the best... Ribeye, porterhouse and T-Bone, hmmmmm, delicious stuff. Maybe it is worth the 'premature' departure from this over polluted, over indulged, over populated, over farmed and over lied to existence Save a cow.....eat a vegetarian
1 year ago 9 Likes Like

Matt Sharp "I find it a little strange that the food that fuelled the development and exponential growth of the brain to it's present ability is now the food that is killing us.. " It's not that hard to comprehend. Pre-historically, we would have only eaten meat occasionally, and most people would have been killed off by infectious disease or being eaten by a sabre toothed tiger (or whatever was around in those days) before they had the chance to suffer from things like cancer, heart disease and stroke, which are primarily diseases of old age. Now that we live longer generally, it is these diseases which mostly afflict us.
1 year ago 6 Likes in reply to The_MadManc Like



Pagina 4 di 8

Excessive meat-eating 'kills 45,000 each year' - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

08/12/11 00.37

I would think that proving a pre-historic being died from heart disease, stroke or cancer would be bordering on impossible. So how did you deduce that, by experimental work, crystal ball or Tardis And these diseases are not pirmarily for old age..... just look at the U.S
1 year ago 1 Like in reply to Matt Sharp Like

Matt Sharp "Lowering meat consumption in the UK would prevent about 45,000 premature deaths a year, according to a new study. " If you include animals in that, it's actually hundreds of millions.
1 year ago 14 Likes Like

Matt Sharp "no commonly accepted term for people who eat meat a few times a week" Omnivore.
1 year ago 5 Likes Like

The_MadManc errr. no, that implies a mixed diet, and doesn't imply a few times a week You should change your name to Matt 'not so' Sharp
1 year ago in reply to Matt Sharp 1 Like Like

Happy Herbivore, Lindsay S. Nix a person who eats meat a few times a week *is* eating a mix diet. the term is appropriate. der.
1 year ago in reply to The_MadManc Like 6 Likes

The_MadManc errr...Der... Not at all, eating meat a few times a week does not give the result of a mixed diet.....der
1 year ago in reply to Happy Herbivore Like

Happy Herbivore Omnivores (from Latin: omni all, everything; vorare to devour) are species that eat both


Pagina 5 di 8

Excessive meat-eating 'kills 45,000 each year' - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

08/12/11 00.37

plants and animals as their primary food source. If someone is eating meat a few times a week, they are then eating plant foods (fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes (beans), seeds and so forth) the other days, and perhaps eggs and dairy products, too. That's precisely what a mixed diet is, a diet that has a variety of different foods. "Mix" by definition is to combine different things into one thing -- so using multiple, different food sources to be one's diet, is again = a mixed diet. Whether its once a week or once a day, eating a combination of meat and plants makes one an omnivore by definition alone.
1 year ago in reply to The_MadManc 6 Likes Like

The_MadManc why did they remove my comments

1 year ago Like

jolyonwagg1, Politic's right of centre,enjoy econom Friends of the Earth report,so a completely unbiased report then? Mmm this article just reads like another desperate attempt to have the whole nation frog march to the salad counter. No doubt take up yoga and go and hug a tree as well? There is some thing still left in this country of ours and its called 'freedom of choice' though think the green veggie fascists would like to see that taken away?
1 year ago 2 Likes Like

KateVegan Johnson Everyone making snide comments and boasting about how much meat they consume will suffer the consequences later in life. It may be funny now, but when your only 55-years-old and suffering from high blood pressure, heart attack(s), and cancer you may just think back and ask yourself, "why was I so bull headed and ignorant?"
1 year ago 13 Likes Like

Dyala Kinneard


Pagina 6 di 8

Excessive meat-eating 'kills 45,000 each year' - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

08/12/11 00.37

I love meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 year ago Like

Eric Arthur Blair you flirt you

1 year ago 2 Likes in reply to Dyala Kinneard Like

rustle Magdelane "Over-population is indeed our biggest problem" It might be your problem! On the other hand you (and those that "like" you) are part of that problem! If some eat "excessive" quantities of meat then it must be available, so where's the problem?
1 year ago Like

Guest I eat red meat rare, but rarely. I eat plenty of salmon, cod, and lean free range chicken breast. Healthy or not? The article leaves me none the wiser.
1 year ago Like

plumplum Yes.... But meat is so, well, MEAAAATTTYYYYYYYYYYYYUUUUUUUUUMMMMM MMMM!! Sorry, must control self and stop thinking of juicy steak with mushroom and black bean sauce.... (***DROOL**)
1 year ago 2 Likes Like

redbeardtravels "no commonly accepted term for people who eat meat a few times a week" I propose 'vergetarian'
1 year ago 17 Likes Like

Guest 45,000 "premature (meat) deaths"? Let them eat cake, like they did in France when the bread ran out. Seriously, is death becoming illegal these days, what age is premature for death now? when should i aim for? 70? 80? 100? how many years on the zimmer before i can die unprematurely? please don't keep me alive forever, i wanna die a nice timely death, i am eating exactly enough meat and smoking the exact amount of fags to go precisely when my body stops working and my mind is sick of the world, is that premature?
1 year ago 4 Likes Like


Pagina 7 di 8

Excessive meat-eating 'kills 45,000 each year' - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

08/12/11 00.37

JOHNNY LUNAN, AGED 54 , PROFESSI Actually , M-Antoinette said " well , let them eat brioche " , not cake . At least your mind won't be worn out - it will have had very little use at this rate , even if you live to be a centenarian , your body will be a hundred but your brain will still be a toddler !
1 year ago in reply to Guest 1 Like Like

Guest @BOAGUSDOAGLIO1874 - I think you are being a little bit picky and quite rude , a brioche is a kind of bread cake with eggs and butter, so what?
1 year ago in reply to JOHNNY LUNAN Like

dangerous_dan There may be a slight misreporting of facts. It's really only 44990, not 45000. Abattoir-bound livestock transporters run over an average of 10 pedestrians a year. 8 of those pedestrians belong to a Friends of the Earth human road barrier.
1 year ago 3 Likes Like

FulkeHunke It's attitudes that have to be changed, a friend of mine says he doesn't like free range chicken because it tastes too chickeny?
1 year ago 8 Likes Like

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