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KET Practice Exam 1 Answer Key LISTENING

Part 1 Part 3
1 C
11 B
2 B
12 C
3 A
13 A
4 B
14 B
5 B
15 A

Part 2 Part 4
6 9.15
16 B
7 test
17 A
8 1st / first
18 A
9 library
19 A
10 zoo
20 C

Part 5
21 D
22 E
23 A
24 H
25 C

KET PRACTICE EXAM 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books
KET Practice Exam 1 Scripts LISTENING
There are five parts to the test. You will hear each piece Now look at Part 2.
twice. We will now stop for a moment. For each question, write the correct answer in the gap.
Now, look at the instructions for Part 1. Write one word or a number or a date or a time. Look at
For each question, choose the correct answer. Questions 6-10 now. You have 10 seconds.
Look at Question 1. You will hear some information about a language school.
1 Where does Paul live? Woman: Hello, everyone and welcome to the Northwood
Woman: I hear you’ve moved house, Paul. Language School. First of all, I’d like to give you
Paul: That’s right. My flat was too small so I’m now some information.
living in a small house in the high street. As you know, you are here for a two-week English
Woman: Has it got a big garden? course. Breakfast is at half past eight every day.
Paul: No, it’s got a really small one. Your first class is at nine-fifteen. Lessons finish at
half past one. On Fridays there will be a test. This
Now listen again.
will only be a short test. There are no lessons at
2 What time does the French exam start? the weekend.
Boy: Our French exam’s at ten tomorrow, isn’t it? The dining room is on the first floor. In a cupboard
Girl: No, the history exam’s in the morning. there you can find some magazines. We also
French is at two-thirty. have a library. There are some English books
Boy: So it’ll finish at about four o’clock. there and two computers connected to printers.
Girl: That’s right. Students can use these printers to print out
Now listen again. worksheets for practice.
3 How does the man get to work? We have organised some visits for you. On
Woman: I took the bus to work yesterday and it took Saturday, we will take you to Northwood Toy
ages. Museum. After breakfast on Sunday, you will go
Man: Is that why you were late? to the zoo.
Woman: Yes. You usually walk to the office, don’t you? Now listen again.
Man: That’s right. I don’t like driving, you see, and That is the end of Part 2.
it’s good for me. Now look at Part 3.
Now listen again. For each question, choose the correct answer. Look at
4 What will Joanna do on Sunday? Questions 11-15 now. You have 20 seconds.
Man: We’re having a barbecue on Sunday, You will hear Olga talking to Andrew about taking tennis
Joanna. Would you like to come? lessons.
Joanna: I’d love to, but I’m meeting my sister for Andrew: Hello, Olga! Where are you going?
lunch. I usually cook for her but this week Olga: To the sports centre. I’m taking tennis lessons
we’re going out. there.
Man: Well, you could both eat with us instead of Andrew: Do you mean the Park Sports Centre?
going to a restaurant. Olga: No, the Westhill Sports Centre, by the river.
Joanna: Oh, that’s a good idea. Thanks. Andrew: Do you just go once a week?
Now listen again. Olga: Twice, actually, and when I have more time, I
5 What will the man buy? think I’ll take lessons three times a week.
Woman: I want to make a cake but there aren’t any Andrew: How long does each lesson last?
eggs left. Olga: An hour and a half. We start at two, but I usually
Man: I can go to the shop on the corner and get get there at quarter to. That gives me enough time
some if you want. to get changed.
Woman: That would be great. We need some milk too. Andrew: What’s your tennis coach like?
Man: OK. Olga: Well, she’s a good tennis player, of course, and
Now listen again. she never gets angry when I make silly mistakes.
But the best thing about her is that she’s great at
That is the end of Part 1. explaining what I should do.
Andrew: I suppose you are a better tennis player now.
Olga: Yes, I think so. But I really took up tennis because

I wanted to get more exercise. I don’t mind when

I lose a match.
Andrew: Do you play any other sports? 

KET PRACTICE EXAM 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books
KET Practice Exam 1 Scripts LISTENING
Olga: No. I like watching volleyball though, and 20 You will hear two friends talking about a trip to an
I sometimes go jogging in the park opposite my amusement park. Why is the boy happy with their
house. decision?
Andrew: I often go there for a walk. Tom: The amusement park was amazing. It was a
Now listen again. good idea to go really early.
That is the end of Part 3. Kim: Yes … and you wanted to get up late.
Tom: I know. I wanted a big breakfast before the
Now look at Part 4.
For each question, choose the correct answer. Kim: But you found a great café there.
16 You will hear a conversation between two friends. Tom: I did, right by the new rides! The park was
What does the girl advise the boy to do? practically empty! So we didn’t have to wait for
Steven: So, how’s my pasta sauce, Jill? anything.
Jill: It’s delicious. I usually use more tomatoes, Now listen again.
but your sauce tastes just fine. One thing you
That is the end of Part 4.
should add is olives.
Steven: OK. Is the sauce very salty? Now look at Part 5.
Jill: No, I like it as it is. For each question, choose the correct answer. Look at
Now listen again. Questions 21-25 now. You have 15 seconds.
17 You will hear two friends talking about Brian’s You will hear Tom talking to a friend about the summer.
clothes. What was Brian wearing at the party? Where did each person go?
Sam: Brian, were you wearing your school shirt on Girl: Hi, Tom! Did you have a good summer?
Saturday at the party? Tom: Yes. I went to Paris.
Brian: Of course! I always wear my school shirt at the Girl: Really? Did Steve go with you?
weekend, and my school trainers. Tom: No, he visited his cousin in New York.
Sam: Really? Girl: Lucky Steve! Did Jane go to the USA, too?
Brian: I’m joking, Sam! I know she’s got relatives in Dallas.
Sam: Very funny. Well, it was a white shirt, so it Tom: Yes, she has, but she couldn’t afford the plane
looked similar. Hey, I liked your jeans. Where ticket, so she went camping with some friends just
were they from? outside Bath.
Brian: They were normal trousers, Sam. Maybe you Girl: Ben usually goes camping in the summer.
need to test your vision! Tom: Not this year. He stayed in a hotel in Rome for a
Now listen again. week.
18 You will hear two friends talking about an after- Girl: Great! What about Maria and Helen?
school activity. How does the boy feel about it? Tom: Well, Maria went to Cairo. She asked Helen to go
Maisie: The art club is starting again soon. Do you with her, but Helen decided to visit her parents.
want to register? They used to live in Madrid, but recently they
Phil: Hmmm … I don’t think so. moved to Athens.
Maisie: Really? Last term, the club was amazing, and Girl: Oh, I see.
we learnt how to create great art, but the Tom: What about you? Where did you go?
people weren’t friendly. Girl: Nowhere unfortunately!
Phil: Actually, I met some really nice people there, Now listen again.
but it wasn’t at a convenient time and I always That is the end of Part 5.
missed my bus home.
Now listen again.
19 You will hear two friends talking about a trip.
Where does Danny want to spend the first day?
Danny: We’re flying to Egypt next Tuesday. Have we
got a plan for the first day?
Lisa: Yes, Danny! We’re staying at the hotel and
doing nothing.
Danny: That’s just lazy! The desert isn’t far, but it’s
very hot. Let’s sit by the sea during the day.
During the night, we can go on a star tour in
the desert – it’ll be beautiful.
Now listen again.

KET PRACTICE EXAM 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books

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