02KET Prac Exam 1 Listen

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KET Practice Exam 1 LISTENING

Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 Where does Paul live?


2 What time does the French exam start?


3 How does the man get to work?


KET PRACTICE EXAM 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books
KET Practice Exam 1 LISTENING

4 What will Joanna do on Sunday?


5 What will the man buy?


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KET Practice Exam 1 LISTENING

Part 2
Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a

You will hear some information about a language school.

Northwood Language School

Length of course: 2 weeks

Lessons begin: (6) ........................

Every Friday: (7) a short ........................

Dining room on: (8) ........................ floor

Students can use the printers: (9) in the ........................

Visits to: (10) a toy museum and a ........................

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KET Practice Exam 1 LISTENING

Part 3
Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Olga talking to Andrew about taking tennis lessons.

11 How many tennis lessons does Olga have every week?

A 1
B 2
C 3

12 What time does each lesson begin?

A 1.30 pm
B 1.45 pm
C 2.00 pm

13 Olga’s particularly happy with her tennis coach because she

A explains things well.

B is a good tennis player.
C never makes mistakes.

14 Olga wanted to have tennis lessons to

A be a better tennis player.

B get some exercise.
C win all her tennis matches.

15 What does Olga do in her free time?

A goes jogging
B walks in the park
C plays volleyball

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KET Practice Exam 1 LISTENING

Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear a conversation between two friends.

What does the girl advise the boy to do?
A Use another tomato.
B Add olives.
C Add more salt.

17 You will hear two friends talking about Brian’s clothes.

What was Brian wearing at the party?
A a white shirt
B school trainers
C jeans

18 You will hear two friends talking about an after-school activity.

How does the boy feel about it?
A It helped him to meet people.
B The people were unfriendly.
C It wasn’t in a convenient place.

19 You will hear two friends talking about a trip.

Where does Danny want to spend the first day?
A on a beach
B in a hotel
C in a desert

20 You will hear two friends talking about a trip to an amusement park.
Why is the boy happy with their decision?
A There were many new rides.
B There were places to get food everywhere.
C There weren’t many people there.

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KET Practice Exam 1 LISTENING

Part 5
Questions 21-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Tom talking to a friend about the summer.

Where did each person go?


0 Tom G

People Places

21 Steve A Rome

22 Jane B Dallas

23 Ben C Athens

24 Maria D New York

25 Helen E Bath

F Madrid

G Paris

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KET Practice Exam 1 LISTENING

H Cairo

KET PRACTICE EXAM 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books

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