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0. & 37113/A 130/32113/A, 130/41102/A 020 Reg, No. [ First Semester B.B.A.3/B.C.A.3/B.C.A.4 Examination, Nov./Dec. 2018 ai . matoB, Nowe - 0 Basic (Regular) Time : 3 Hours ‘Max. Marks : 80 Rents: goad soy wc mnt roe dacseerbED. . Sa¥onY Sew drteg, chaed ate ate erteoncs 9 OafOLD. 1s eae 8rd), sods soaba, chaser coamad euedsideonr a tans whoa WIND, we eonenon x Se aiyaOg, coworteh, wh, Hos mG asa eeferd haloes IFAD, 15 ome SueRpOod! Rose Mocks abe slond mud how aeseN0, esate ef endo. (5x4=20) 0) teat ceRaboty.” 2) meortcaaD. a) aigiae ex. 9) says, 4) aaa, 2) novice atric, . riers cael roca chacts dayee eB0. 5 0) thay eweounaid on atoosbstoch, 2) agp rorariv woxoead doe, 8) takyarse wore wit 289, 9) eunttes eratroton! abateagitodnn nage nou Bond ode ANG, A) SQoct Sap Borat maxb mae, |. ere sec, wagons, 15 0) eyphajeaoa dod moma ave 2 2) Bremer 3,00 ard one ¥8 7 18) cur ontdiiert anon sdead 2 9) bvocktionatd ctoctes ebateat 7 ‘37113/A 130/32113/A 130/41102/A 020 2) doegid anomsad abated 9 4) soigg state aco cima ya 2 2) sbondgiay mat ab cand ats 9 8) Fe aocs mag.en oda soem 2 €) see sth rocist idea 9 00) doeleaidate py 2d aay etek Bech abedect 2 90) tmeda sch cine 427 0.) wxistoans 2. coerandiieh cine moon 9 O8) Gm emote ache storms cinch 7 8) ay aqoro. 8) Be grt a wh ach cand sits slovostamnct 2 UAT jt 0 CL . 36116/37116/A 160 Reg. No.! 1 Semester B.Com.3/B.B.A. 3 Examination, Nov/Dec. 2018. HINDI (Basic) New (Fresher) Text Book : 1) refi Qwest 3) segaTe ‘Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 | fh gr ed & oe Frere (10x1=10) 1) are offen ned sare ats 2 oF) WER a) saad caer) ee 2) sap ward sere fiddler ram wee ? 3) ome aaa =) ea 3) srerbelt art ot bth fits aon are we 8 2 3) em a) sim =) mm 4) at wre! oe & Sra ae 87 A) AR 3) gs Fg 4) ine 5) Ref gsrener at aa cm sane 1” faa eT? 3) ost a) ‘ay st Aart 8) ‘a! tat 6) deem eee shal ot) wwe a) ft ve) me 7) waerata (ate ge) sat d ? 3) iad a) acta ¥) a 8) “wrrtta fer ad raf” sf cet rat an 87 3) xfs ade 1) ther rand wie 9) Seater mar ant? 3) oR 3) Fare *) aT 10) ‘wits wad gerne! af ear? 3) amie a) Sear =) ae 11) sre angie quer eet sit aad svt eB ) Waatat a) Sere *&) fener PLO. 36L16/3TINGIA 160 CANE A 12) ‘erst ator ats 87 © 8) Bh vaste aah a) fey ree 3) Sera 13) wed A eran sa Gon? . a) 1924 =) 1930, ) 1940 14) ‘Administration’ 1 ft eet a 1) RUE 3) at @) a 1, feat nin oe Be 2x5-10) J) “mer cara wear seriarena TRIES ore ste A gear eeT TT" 2) eee eta n &, fy eta ao ere Tit hea SH ca we | ath a GR ad fe BEY" 3) “at, ws Bizet at MAA oA ae, ate eA a 1” 4) “Soft eat th deer an ee seg ik ie oe 8)” TL, ag dt wet & oe Rey (2x10=20) 1) Fe fee Ahan Arey 2) (aed te ae Fee A neh, sara ea hs ee et a ais 81" eee SIFY 3) ‘set sre sft feared ten! tere 3 fee weer eRe Mera rae Pear B? 4) wb rede ddan & Gen ere Siam TV, Beh ate Reon rire Q2x5=10) 1) tert 2) ster 3) Fetera 4) ae V, ager fafa) (2xt0=20) 1) atoms. wen ine eo ae sien faeafrene % oy, sta. wel a oder & fore faeaferers Sag Har oa wre a ferferm | 2) waren a sae 8 Rare we & fore Soret ee Frew, Wrst HT Ue aera ferfere | 3) Abra rare art, siterctaral aA rcs fin 3 fore a: Perera ferry | A) SR TE aa fer aa a wel rt Ee eet oe Se Ba a oe ferfere | VL. fet dog efi 10 ‘When Nehru died, the question before the country was ‘who’ after Nehru ? Lal Bahadur was ‘there to fill his place, He was elected as the Prime Minister. He boldly faced the problem of Indo-Pakistan in 1965. He wanted these two countries to live as peaceful neighbours. Lal Bahadur was born in poor family. Even as Prime-Minster he was very simple. For his great services he was honoured with ‘Bharat-Ratna’, ialth cfgsoperdoomon chet ated! ag), dadds dead cine ? ald mag onsen ever watclay and. wath sepa ebogrivon ehancmsntiteh, CROCE H CO, emcee AS] odoay ef otse Bod amon, vat sh adcto deer motciee ad-atadobaenn eavdetocls waht, ever nascleg wt denen eRe, Signa abogrivancayt sid ea nal siddseng. walt ama’ Meckabal ricds, eds “yas dy" Oe rBdsximid, ‘Time : 3 Hours 37123/A 230 Reg.No. [TT] [ I Semester B.B.A.3 Degree Examination, November/December 2018 MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS (Regular) Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1) Write the Sections properly and answer the questions to the oir, 2) Write the question numbers correctly. Y Section D is compulsory. SECTION~A ‘Answer any ten of the following : 1, What is MBO ? What do you mean by delegation of authority ? ‘What is motivation ? Give any two examples for motivation. ‘What is decentralisation ? What do you mean by unity of command ? What is reference checks ? What is decision making ? . What is autocratic style of leadership ? What is esprit de corps ? . What is theory X ? . What is span of control ? . What is selection ? SECTION -B Answer any four of the following : B 44, 15, 16. 17. Explain Maslow’s need Hierarchy theory. Briefly explain principles of direction, What is Recruitment ? Explain the steps in Recruitment process. ‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of planning ? Write short note on : a) Administration and b) Management. . Mention and explain any five principles of organisation. (2x10=20) (4*5=20) PTO. 37123/A.230 TT) SECTION -C Answer any three of the following : (310-30) 19. What is Direction ? Expiain the principles of direction. 20, Explain in detail the nature of management. 21. Whatis departmentation ? Explain the need and importance of departmentation. 22 Explain in detail the process of MBO. 23. What is delegation of authority ? Explain in detail the steps in delegation. SECTION-D (Compulsory) (1x10=10) 24, Super Engineers Ltd., is a company engaged in construction of plants and factories globally. It also take up turn key projects and is among preferred list of many foreign companies. It ‘has multiple organisation structure. The nature of company’s operations compels it to have flexible structures. Presently, the company is planning to reorgenise its structure in view of a ‘major shift, It wants to restrict its area of operation to India, China and South Asia, a) You are required to suggest a suitable structure of departmentation to Super Engineers Lid. b) Justify your answer. CO 37122/A 220 Reg. No. [Semester B.B.A. 3 Degree Examination, Nov/Dec. 2018 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Time : 3 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 80 Instruction: Part—IV compulsory. PART -T 1 Answer any ten questions: (10x2=20) 1) What is utility ? 2) What is Macro Economics ? 3) What is supply ? 4) What is income elasticity of demand ? 5) What is meant by perfect competition ? 6) Explain production function, 71) What is direct consumption ? 8) What are costs ? 9) What is Oligopoly ? 10) What is substitution effect ? 11) State the law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. 12) What is Economies of scale ? PART-I IL Answer any four of the following questions : (4x5=20) 13) What is consumption ? Explain types of consumption with examples. 14) What are the features of market ? 15) Explain the nature of Managerial Economics. 16) What are Business Cycles Discuss their characteristics. 17) Explain the four factors of production. 18) Calculate the price elasticity of demand : ‘Quality Demanded (kg) PLO. 37122/A 220 PART-II IIL, Answer any three questions out of five (Bx10=30) 19) State and explain law of demand with its importances. 20) What is BEP? Calculate BEP in terms of Rupees and units along with mentioning formula for the following data : Sale price per unit : Rs. 24/- ‘Variable cost per unit : Rs. 15/- Annual fixed cost : Rs, 72,000/- 21) What is Managerial Economics ? Explain its relationship with other disciplines ? 22) Explain the features of Monopolistic Competition. 23) Write short note on a) Innovation theory of profit b) Oligopoly. PART-1IV TV. Answer the following question (compulsory) 10 24) The total fixed cost of Shah and Sanghi is Rs. 600/- Prepare a cost schedule relating to TC, TVC, AFC, AVC and AC by using the data given below below Units of output MC (Marginal Cost) NN A 37124/A 240 Reg. No. 1 Semester B.B.A.3 Examination, Noy./Dec. 2018 (Regular) PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING ‘Time: 3 Hours Max, Marks :80 1 Instructions : Part— IV is compulsory. PART -T Answer any ten questions. Each question carries two marks, (10%2=20) a) Define marketing, b) What is need, want and demand ? ©) What do you mean by demographic environment ? d) What is market potential ? ©) What is niche marketing ? 1) What is market targeting ? g) Name 4 P’s of marketing mix. h) Define product. i) What is by-product pricing ? i) Name any 4 elements of promotion mix. k) What is marketing plan ? 1) Expand SWOT and CRM. PART-II Answer any four questions. Each question carries five marks. (4x8-20) Now eeD Explain functions of marketing, Why there is need for market segmentation ? Explain. Distinguish between consumer products and industrial products. Distinguish between Advertising and Sates Promotion. Explain importance of marketing plan, Explain different levels of product. PART — IIL Answer any three questions. Each question carries ten marks, (3x10=30) 8 9. 10, u 12, 3 Explain different approaches of marketing Explain micro environmental factors of marketing environment, Explain different segmentation bases for industrial products Define promotion mix. Explain different tools of promotion mix. Explain contents of marketing plan PART - IV (Compulsory) (10-10) What is new product development ? Explain the process of new product development, 37121/A 210 Reg. No. | 1 Semester B.B.A. 3 Degree Examination, Nov./Dec. 2018 Paper — 1: BASICS OF ACCOUNTANCY (Fresh and Repeater New Syllabus) ‘Time ; 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1) Show calculations whenever necessary. 2) Section - D is compulsory. 3) Simple calculator is allowed, 4) Write the question number correctly. SECTION -A 1. Answer any ten of the following (10x2=20) 1) What is book-keeping ? 2) What is Jounal ? 3) What is Cashbook ? 4) What are Contra Entries ? 5) What is net profit ? 6) What is Ledger ? 7) What is capital ? 8) What is the rule of Nominal Account ? 9) What is Bank Reconciliation Statement ? 10) Who is solvent person ? 11) What is Return inwards ? 12) What is Trading Account ? PTO. 37121/A 210 a 00 YO SECTION -B HL Answer any four of the following - (4*5=20) 13) Explain the different kinds of Accounts. 14) Prepare simple Petty Cashbook : 2017 = Mar.1 Received cheque from chief cashier 100 Mer. 3. Paid for stationary 10 Mar. 8 Purchased postal stamps 5 Mar, 12 Paid for cartage and coolie 8 Mar. 18 Purchased papers and pencils 25 Mar. 20 Paid for taxi hire charges 20 Mar. 24 Paid tips to peons 2 Mar. 27 Paid Vinod as advance 15 Mar. 30. Sent telegrams 4 Mar. 31 Paid for refreshments to customers 6 15) Shri Shyam purchased a machinery costing € 2,00,000 on 1-1-2017. The depreciation is charged at 10% pa, at the end of every yeat. Prepare machinery account for three years under fixed installment method. The year ending is 31“ December. 16) Prepare Personal Account of Mr. Mukund from the following transactions. 2018 z Feb. 1 Bought goods from Mukund 4,000 Feb.6 Paid him on account 2,500 Feb. 12 Returned goods to him 200 Feb. 17 Sold goods to him 800 Feb. 19 Received goods retumed by him 100 Feb. 24 Mukund paid us cash 500 Feb. 28 Paid him cash 200 HG EO 17) Prepare Profit and Loss Account from the following =

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