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LESSON PLAN – 2.3 + 2.

Explaining changes of state
The water cycle
Duration: 120 minutes
1. Overview:

What students have known Learning outcomes

- Explain the change in volume of water when heating it.
- Explain what happens with the particles when matter changes between
Understand that most water on Earth is not pure and has dissolved substances in
- Correctly read the volume on the measuring cylinder and the temperature on
the thermometer.
- Describe stages of the water cycle.
- Explain the importance of water.
Experimental materials
- Set 1: 3 number-labelled 100 mL beakers containing solutions of: Orange juice (1), tap water (2), dishwashing liquid (3).
- Set 2: 3 number-labelled 100 mL beakers containing solutions of: Vinegar (4), tap water (2), bleach (5).
- Set 3: 5 number-labelled 100 mL beakers containing solutions of: Hydrochloric acid – stomach acid (6), vinegar (4), tap water (2), baking soda (7), bleach (5).
- Other equipment: 14 droppers, 7 empty 100-mL beakers, 2 sets of litmus paper, 2 sets of pH paper.

2. Procedure:

Section Duration Learning activities

1. Preparation 5 minutes - Students are checked on their homework or any other pre-lesson requirements.

- 3 sets of samples (containing at least 1 acid, 1 alkali, 1 neutral substance) are shown to ask students to distinguish.
2. Warm up 10 minutes
 Indicator is one of the best methods to determine acid, alkali and neutral substance.
3. Litmus 20 minutes
- Define the terms indicator and indication  Structure.
- Introduction of litmus, then teacher carries out the test. Students suggest safety precautions, observe and write down
the indications.

 Conclusion.

Problem: How to determine the strength of each acid or alkali?  pH scale and pH paper.

- Students carry out experiments to test the strength of acids and alkalis in set 3 (7 samples).

- Three segments:

+ Do the test & record the results on the experiment report (15 minutes).
4. pH paper 40 minutes
+ Discuss in group (5 minutes).

+ Clean up (5 minutes).

- Students will present their results  Conclusion.


5. Red cabbage Watch the video to answer the questions.

10 minutes

- Without looking at the notebook, students are asked to list all the newly acquired knowledge of the lesson.
6. Revision 25 minutes
- Students complete the worksheets to review what they learn in the lesson.

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