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Kwabena Adu – Tekyi


Research Project Title: Machine Learning Models Handling The Dynamic And Evolving Nature Of
Cyber Threats And Attacks

Rising concerns pertaining to the dynamic nature of cyber threats and attacks accompanied with
questions of mitigating these attacks, have made is clearer than ever before that anyone in this internet
age is not safe. The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving with new attacks techniques,
vulnerabilities and malware developed by cyber criminals. These attacks can target various aspects of
an organization’s digital infrastructure, including networks, systems, applications and data.

Research topics
To achieve the aim of the research, the following specific questions have been set out:
1. How can machine learning models adapt to the constantly evolving tactics and techniques of
cyber threats?
2. What are the key challenges in developing machine learning-based solutions for dynamic
cyber threat detection?
3. How can machine learning algorithms effectively detect zero-day vulnerabilities and attacks?
4. What role does continuous learning play in enhancing the adaptability of machine learning
models to new threats?
5. How can transfer learning techniques be utilized to leverage knowledge from past threats for
handling new, similar threats?
6. What are the trade-offs between different machine learning algorithms in terms of accuracy
and adaptability to evolving threats?
7. Can ensemble methods improve the robustness and reliability of machine learning-based
intrusion detection systems?
8. How do machine learning models handle the increasing complexity of multi-stage and multi-
vector cyber attacks?
9. What are the ethical considerations in using machine learning for cybersecurity, especially in
the context of evolving threats?
10. How do machine learning models handle the challenge of false positives and false negatives
in dynamic threat environments?
11. What role does explainable AI play in ensuring transparency and trustworthiness in machine
learning-based threat detection?
12. How can machine learning models incorporate real-time threat intelligence feeds to enhance
their effectiveness?
13. What are the best practices for feature selection and engineering in the context of evolving
threat detection?
14. How do adversarial attacks and evasion techniques impact the performance of machine
learning-based intrusion detection systems?
15. What are the potential implications of using machine learning in cybersecurity for privacy and
data protection?

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