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Field Study 2

Participate and Assist

After you have written your lesson plan, confer with your Resource
Teacher on how you can participate/assist in delivering instruction in one
of his/her classes. The Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, will
guide you to implement the various steps well.

Complete the given matrix by using Gagne’s Nine Events of

Instruction, once a lesson is assigned to you. Consult your Resource
Teacher if you plans are ready for implementation or your assistance is
needed in any part of the lesson.

Segments of Events of Strategies Learning

Learning Instruction and Activities Resources/Materials
Preparation 1. Gaining Motivation- Video clip From
Attention Singing a YouTube
song and
2. Informing Read the MELCs page 417
Learning Objectives
3. Stimulate Asking PowerPoint
Recall of question- The Presentation/Visual
Prior level of Aid
Learning questions
that I used is
Instruction 4. Present the Readings, Google Meet,
and Practice Content Activities, and Laptop
5. Provide I used I used printed
Learning instruction activity materials for
guides that students my students.

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

And set a
time to
answer the
6. Elicit Individual I used printed
performanc Activity and activity materials for
e Assignment my students
7. Provide I gave my I give my students a
Feedback students Gift
Assessment 8. Assess give my printed activity
and Transfer Performance students materials
based on
their ability
and needs.
9. Enhance Asking PowerPoint
Retention question- I Presentation
allow my
students to
reflect on
what they
have learned
and how they
will use that
knowledge or
those skills
on a daily

Using Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, what did you notice
in the following segments of learning:

 How did the students react to the activities/various elements to

arouse their interest?
The students showed great enthusiasm for the lesson activities.
They actively engaged in class discussions and tasks, leading to a
vibrant and effective execution of the activities involved.

 Were the students focused when you were stating the learning
objectives at the beginning of the lesson?
Upon hearing the learning objectives at the beginning of the lesson,
the students were attentive and concentrated.

 How did the new learnings relate with what they really know?
By conducting an assessment that corresponds to the objectives,
the students' understanding of the new learning will be evaluated

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

based on their responses. The acquired knowledge not only

enhances and builds upon their current understanding but also
plays a vital role in their educational progress.

 Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did
you do?
Yes, in my observations, I noticed that certain students needed
help, especially with slow learner because some students is shy
their own weaknesses, need to help and improve their skills.

 Did the students find difficulty in apply the theories/concepts

learned to real life?
Because due to the relatability of the story and the realization that
genuine happiness is a decision regardless of life's challenges,
students found it easy to apply the theories and concepts they had
learned from it.

 How did your students react to your feedback?

The students' motivation and joy are boosted when they receive
positive feedback or praise from their teacher. Furthermore, I have
observed that they are attentive to the feedback I offer.

 What pieces of evidence can prove that the students has retention
of learning?
I assess my students' understanding by evaluating their ability to
apply the lesson to real-life situations, their accuracy in completing
assignments, and their willingness to share their newfound
knowledge with a parent or friend.


After planning your lesson(s) you may be requested by your

Resource Teacher to deliver the lesson(s). Your Resource Teacher will
use a classroom observation sheet to evaluate the delivery of your
lesson(s) Schools use different tools in rating classroom/online
observations. Below is an example of a classroom observation form/sheet.

Areas of Strength Areas of Improvement

1. Subject Matter The teacher Enhance the capacity
Content demonstrated a to explore the content
Demonstrates depth thorough grasp of the and associated
and breadth of the material, as reflected materials more
subject matter in her responses to the extensively.
students' inquiries.
Shows mastery of
the subject matter
2. Organization of the The teacher was well- The teacher should
lesson prepared with the confirm students'

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

Presents subject required materials for comprehension by

matter sequentially the math lesson, asking questions to
and logically including neatly ensure they are
arranged printouts. grasping the material
States clear learning Her organized being explained.
objectives approach facilitated a
seamless delivery of
Synthesizes main the lesson.

Meets class at
scheduled time

Regularly monitors
classroom on-line
3. Rapport/Interaction The teacher made the The teacher should be
with the Students lesson engaging by aware of the students'
having students sit on strengths and uphold a
Holds interest of the floor around her, relaxed atmosphere
students allowing for closer during all activities.
interaction and a clear
Is respectful, fair and view of the students'
impartial understanding.

Provides immediate The teacher defined

feedback addition to the
students and
Encourages active illustrated the addition
participation sign by forming a
cross with her fingers.
Interacts with She then engaged the
students students by having
them demonstrate the
Shows enthusiasm sign using their fingers
as well.

The teacher
exemplified an addition
word problem by
involving two boys and
three girls who came
forward to practice
solving a word

The conversation was

student comments and
questions, fostering
interest and
enthusiasm, and
encouraging active
participation from all

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

4. Teaching methods The teacher displayed I recommend that the
and Strategies different addition teacher consistently
problems on the board provide students with
Utilizes relevant and then led a practice worksheets for
teaching addition exercise practicing addition
methods/strategies involving five students. word problems to
enhance their learning.
Uses learning aids, Subsequently, the
materials, and teacher presented
technology additional addition
problems using a
Employ video to allow students
cooperative/group to explore various
involvement in the problems and their
classroom and solutions.
remote learning
Following the video,
Uses examples that multiple students
are simple, clear, volunteered to practice
precise, and addition problems
appropriate using an interactive
tool where they moved
Stay focused on and around to construct the
meets stated word problems they
learning outcomes were tasked with

Students were quietly

directed back to their
desks, where the
teacher ensured they
understood the
material before
distributing the
5. Presentation of the Speaks in a loud and I believe the teacher
Lesson clear voice. should be skilled in
adjusting her voice
Establishes online Gives specific and engaging in
course or classroom directions. effective conversations
environment within the classroom
conducive to Maintains eye contact setting.
learning when speaking to
Maintains eye
contact Used great techniques
to involved children in
Uses a clear voice, the lesson
strong projection,
proper enunciation

Has a good
command of the

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

Uses language
within the level of
6. Classroom The teacher gained The teacher should
Management the class attention by keep a Bulletin board
saying cues like "focus to ensure ongoing
Begins and end " and students classroom
classes on time responded "time to organization and
focus" management.
Uses time wisely
Students were very
Attends to course well behaved and
interaction teacher did not need to
discipline them to
Demonstrates concentrate and pay
leadership ability; attention.
maintains discipline
and control The teacher used
positive words when
Maintains effective students followed
classroom and e- directions such as
platform "Thank you for
management) following directions"
7. Sensitivity to The teacher displayed The teacher should
Students’ Needs sensitivity towards design activities that
each student by can bridge the gaps
Exhibits sensitivity to honoring their cultures, between those
students’ personal gender diversity, and differences.
culture, gender disabilities.
differences and
disabilities Students who wore
glasses were seated at
Responds the front to ensure
appropriately in a they had a clear view
non-threatening, pro- of the board without
active learning any difficulty

8. Support/Assistance The assignment was The teacher should

to Students group-based, allowing consistently seek input
students to work on from every student to
Assists students with the problems on their guarantee
academic problems worksheets. The comprehensive
teacher then projected learning for all.
Clarifies points in the the problems on the
lessons which are screen to ensure that
not clear to the the students
students completed them
Allots time for
questions/comments Following the problem-
solving activity, she

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

inquired with the

students about how
they would articulate it
in a word problem.
9. Personal The teacher was The teacher should
Competencies dressed in a maintain a neat and
professional manner suitable appearance
Shows self- appropriate for her that is simple yet well-
confidence role. presented.

Maintains The teacher displayed

professional a high level of
distance and confidence in her
professional teaching, employing
appearance various methods to
ensure that her
comprehended the

The teacher made her

lesson enjoyable,
indicating her
engaging teaching
10. Physical Aspects Oversees the physical
of the Classroom attributes of classroom
(light, ventilation,
Oversees the acoustic)
physical attributes of
classroom (light, Checks number of
ventilation, students in attendance

Checks number of
students in

Checks lay-out of
room, distractions, if

Lists any
observations on how
the physical aspects
of the classroom
affected content

Overall impression of teaching effectiveness:

The teacher is excellent, presenting the subject matter clearly and
effectively. She is well-prepared and knowledgeable about the topic. Great
work, sir Jobert B. Escalera! Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperating School under
the supervision of your Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson
do you need to improve?
I believe I need to enhance the activities I provide to my students by
introducing innovative tasks that will genuinely spark their interest in
Write Action Research Prompts
Problems/challenges I encountered in delivering my lessons
The problems I encountered in delivering my lesson is lack of time

I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
By managing my lesson in exact time. And reading some research about
effective strategies in delivering the lesson.

Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these
 Managing the lesson in exact time
 By practicing In lesson delivery.

Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research
on this episode is
“Delivery of the lesson: Strategies to improve the Teacher’s Performance”

To further enrich my knowledge on delivering my instruction whether in the

classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources
which will help me in these activities. (include books, websites, you tube
videos and the like and share these to your peers)
 Effective Lesson Planning Delivery Techniques
 5 Essential Teaching Strategies to Delivery an Effective Lesson
 14 lesson Delivery Techniques Learned from Teaching Veterans

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following characterizes a well-motivated lesson?

A. The class is quite.
B. The students are participative.
C. The teacher explains the lesson well.
D. The students are highly engaged in the activities.

2. In which part of the lesson does the learner give examples to

connect to the broader aspects of life?

A. Presentation
B. Discussion
C. Application
D. Evaluation

3. Why should teachers provide immediate feedback and


A. To be liked and loved by students

B. To motivate students to do more and learn more
C. To get students’ attention
D. For students to get high grades

4. Which of the following principles of learning applies when student’s

age is considered in presenting concepts and ideas in the lessons?

A. Law of readiness
B. Law of exercise
C. Law of effect
D. Law of sensitivity

5. Which part of the lesson is referred to when students give

similarities and differences in the concepts presented?

A. Presentation
B. Discussion
C. Comparison and Abstraction
D. Generalization

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

Work on my Artifacts
Attach pieces of evidence of your delivery of (lesson plans, pictures,
screen shots and the like)
Lesson Plan in EIM
Grade Level 11

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1.Select appropriate electrical tools, equipment, and materials for specific
2.Apply suitable wiring method for the job
3.Install electrical wiring systems using different types of wiring methods:
• Circuit with one bulb controlled by surface or flush type single pole
• Circuit using 3-way switches in two locations
• Combination of lighting and convenience

Learning Content
Principles Of Knob And Tube
Learning Resources
Learning Module in Electrical Installation and Maintenance” pp.

Learning Procedures
A. Daily Routine
a.1. Opening prayer (One of the students will lead the
a.2. Classroom management prayer)
a.3. Checking of the attendance
a.4. Greetings

“Good morning, class!” “Good morning, Sir!”

a.5. Review of the past lesson

“Let’s have a recapitulation about
the lesson that
we’ve tackled yesterday. “

“Can you give some safety “Wear appropriate PPE, Sir!”

precautions in troubleshooting
defective lamp fixtures? Yes____?

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

“Very good!”

“Another? Yes, _____?” “Prepare the necessary tools,

equipment and materials, Sir!”
“Very good!”
B. Motivation
class before we go to the proper
lesson, lets take a look at your
stock knowledge class, get ¼ of ‘’Students prepared’’

-Multiple choice 1-10
Yes sir
“Did you get it class?”

C. Presentation of the Lesson

“Based on the activity that you had, It’s about !”, Principles Of Knob And
what do you think is our topic for Tube, Sir

“Very good! For today, I’ll teach you

how principles of knob and tubing.
“Yes, sir!”
D. Presentation of Objectives
“For this lesson, we have our
objectives that we must achieve.
So, at the end of our lesson, you
should be able to:
1.Select appropriate electrical tools,
equipment, and materials for specific
2.Apply suitable wiring method for the
3.Install electrical wiring systems using
Students listening
different types of wiring methods:
• Circuit with one bulb controlled
by surface or flush type single
pole switch
• Circuit using 3-way switches in
two locations
• Combination of lighting and

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

“Did you get it class?” “Yes, sir!”

d.1. Discussion
“Give example of different types of Circuit with one bulb controlled
wiring methods? Yes, _____?” by surface or flush type single
pole switch, Sir.
Very good..

Very good.. Circuit with one bulb controlled,


Very good..
Circuit using 3-way switches in
All of your answers class is correct.. two locations, sir.

Next I will show the power point


Commercial garages

Students listening

Motion Picture Studious

Hoist ways

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

Hazardous Location

In the open or exposed wiring

method, the wires are visible and
are supported by the knobs.
These knobs may be the split or
solid type.

Students listening

Split knobs are used to support

wires smaller than no.8. Solid
knobs are used to support or
anchor wires as big as no.8 or
bigger. Screws or nails may be
used to fasten the knobs. When a
nail is used, leather washer
should be placed between the
nail head and the insulator to
form cushion and protect the
insulator from breaking.

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 2

Spacing of split knobs and


Students listening

VIII. Evaluation:
Draw wiring diagram, one bulb from two locations by two 3-way switch
using plastic/porcelain knob and tube.

VIIII. Assignment:
study advance about flexible nonmetallic conduit page 151-169.

Learning Episode 11

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